Trajector Exercise Bike

190,99 € (incl. VAT)
Included in this price is a contribution to recycling costs of 0.58 EUR
  • health conscious
  • 100 kg
  • Endurance training
Product number: 10030431
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Top features

  • Ergonomic X-Bike for conditioning, fat burning and joint mobilizing

  • 1.4 kg oscillation weight with an 8-level adjustable resistance for individual performance adjustment

  • Computer for displaying time, speed, distance, calorie consumption and total distance

Product description

The CAPITAL SPORT Trajektor X-bike offers you the possibility to have a gentle, yet effective workout, which can increase your stamina. It is easy to climb onto because of its design. The extra-wide saddle can be adjusted to 7 different positions to fit individual leg length. Additional support is provided by the backrest and two handles. Due to the modified center of gravity, the back is spared - even during long training sessions.

The Trajektor X-bike offers 8 difference resistance levels, depending on the training goal and performance

The easy-to use computer of the CAPITAL SPORTS X-bike provides you with an overview of your performance. The elapsed training time, the speed, distance as well as the calorie consumption are listed. If the pulse sensors are used, the current pulse reading is also displayed. This way, you will always train in the right pulse range and thus achieve your training goal faster and in a healthy way.

When the training is finished, the CAPITAL SPORTS Trajector X-bike can be collapses and stored for the next training session. Wheels simplify the cleaning up. 

The X-bike is supplied as an assembly kit, and the assembly takes about 30 minutes.

Available colors: black / turquoise, silver / black (article 10030432)


  • Extra-wide saddle for comfortable seating
  • Height-adjustable saddle of 4 levels
  • Backrest and handles on the saddle to relieve the back and for stable seating
  • Lower entry for easy mounting
  • Maximum load: 100 kg
Product number: 10030431

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions: 95 x 124 x 54 cm (WxHxD)
  • Folded dimensions: 50 x 136 x 54 cm (WxHxD)
  • Display size: 7.5 x 4 cm
  • Weight: approx. 23 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x device as an assembly set
  • Operation manual in English (other languages: German)

Delivery & shipment

This item is not in stock and must be reordered.
Customer reviews
17 Ratings

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Es ist einfach das Gerät zusammen zu bauen. Die Handhabung sehr gut, leiser lauf und ein gutes Sitzgefühl

It is easy to assemble the device. The handling is very good, quiet running and a good sitting feeling


alles ok

everything OK


Sehr zufrieden

Very satisfied


Qualität und Bearbeitung bestens. Leider der falscher model geliefert daher nur 3 Sterne?

Quality and processing excellent. Unfortunately the wrong model was delivered, so only 3 stars?


Der Ergometer wurde schnell geliefert und ist leicht zusammenzubauen. Leider ist der Schraubknauf zum Zusammenklappen beim Transport gebrochen und es konnte mir weder Amazon noch der Verkäufer einen Ersatzknauf besorgen. Das ist ärgerlich (darum 3 Sterne). Ansonsten ist das Gerät wie beschrieben und für meinen Bedarf ausreichend. Besonders angenehm ist das Aufsteigen, der Sitz und die Rückenlehne. Ob die Anzeigen richtig funktionieren kann ich nicht sagen, da ich sie nicht brauche.

The ergometer was delivered quickly and is easy to assemble. Unfortunately, the screw knob for folding it broke during transport and neither Amazon nor the seller could get me a replacement knob. This is annoying (that's why 3 stars). Otherwise the device is as described and sufficient for my needs. Climbing on, the seat and the backrest are particularly pleasant. I can't say if the ads work properly because I don't need them.


Ein sehr schönes X-Bike! Läuft sehr leise! Schnelle Lieferung und leicht zusammen zu bauen!

A very nice X bike! Runs very quiet! Fast delivery and easy to assemble!


Gute und schnelle Anlieferung, sehr gute Beschreibung. Ein stabiles Gerät das kaum hörbar ist, ich bin sehr Zufrieden!

Good and fast delivery, very good description. A stable device that is hardly audible, I am very satisfied!


Einfacher Aufbau und Inbetriebnahme. Alles in Ordnung.

Simple assembly and commissioning. Everything OK.


Schön leise, angenehm zu Fahre Einfache Bedienung. Würde ich sofort wieder Kaufen.

Nice and quiet, pleasant to drive. Simple operation. I would buy it again right away.


Für diesen Preis bekommt man wirklich ein super Produkt. Tut was es soll.

For this price you really get a great product. Does what it's supposed to.


Das Produkt kam schnell zu mir , war schnell und Einfach zusammen zubauen . Und es Funktioniert ganz einfach so wie es soll. Bin sehr zufrieden

The product came to me quickly, was quick and easy to put together. And it just works as it should. I am very pleased


Lieferung wie angekündigt, super. Einfache Montage schnell aufgebaut. Einziges Manko es ist keine Bedienungsanleitung für den Ergometer vorhanden.

Delivery as announced, great. Easy assembly quickly set up. The only drawback is that there are no operating instructions for the ergometer.


Ich habe den Capital Sports bei amazon bestellt und war mit der Anlieferung sehr zufrieden. Die Aufbauanleitung ist klar strukturiert und hat keine Probleme gemacht. Es ist ein stabiles Gerät mit Lendenstütze. Die zusätzlichen Griffe am Sattel sind eine gute Unterstützung beim freihändigen Treten. Nur beim Aufsteigen stört die Grifflänge etwas. Deshalb habe ich den linken Griff etwas eingekürzt. Die Schwungmasse läuft sehr leise. Besonders hervorheben möchte ich den Trainings-Computer mit seiner Einknopfbedienung. Die Anzeige ist groß und gut ablesbar. Die Funktionen sind wie üblich. Die Abschaltautomatik ist sehr gut. Deshalb halten die Batterien sehr lange und müssen nicht wie bei manchen Geräte oft gewechselt werden.

I ordered the Capital Sports from amazon and was very satisfied with the delivery. The assembly instructions are clearly structured and did not cause any problems. It is a stable device with lumbar support. The additional handles on the saddle are a good support for hands-free pedaling. The grip length is only a bit annoying when climbing up. So I shortened the left handle a bit. The flywheel runs very quietly. I would particularly like to highlight the training computer with its one-button operation. The display is large and easy to read. The functions are as usual. The auto shut off is very good. The batteries therefore last a very long time and do not have to be changed as often as with some devices.


===Lieferumfang=== *Trajector X-Bike *Montage und Bedienungsanleitung ===Test=== Der Winter naht und man wird immer fauler um ins Fitness Studio zu gehen, was bleibt einem da übrig außer sich Fitness Geräte nach Hause zu holen. Das Trajector X-Bike ist so ein Gerät das sich perfekt für zu Hause eignet, denn es lässt sich mit ein paar Handgriffen platzsparend zusammenklappen. Die Verarbeitung ist insgesamt sehr gut und es macht einen stabilen Eindruck. Der zusammenbau hat mich etwa 30 Minuten gekostet, Notfallwerkzeug war im Lieferumfang enthalten, sowie auch 2 AAA Batterien für den Computer. Der Sitz und die Rückenlehne sind gut gepolstert so das es zur einer Entlastung der Rückenmuskulatur führt, seitlich sind auch Griffe an denen man sich fest halten kann um nicht immer die Hände am Lenkrad zu halten. Am Lenkrad befindet sich auch der Pulsmesser. Das einzige was mich stört ist der Auf und Abstieg vom Gerät, ich bleibe ständig an den seitlich Griffen vom sitzt hängen und das nervt manchmal wenn man es vergisst. ===Positives=== *Gute Verarbeitung *Stabile Ausführung *Pulsmessung *Platzsparend zusammenklappbar *Rückenlehne für entspanntes sitzen ===Negatives=== *Auf und Abstieg vom Gerät ===Fazit=== Wäre das manchmal nervige auf und absteigen vom Gerät nicht, wäre es Perfekt, das heißt aber nicht das der Heimtrainer schlecht ist. Dank der Rückenlehne und dem Design sowie der einfachen Bedienung gefällt es mir trotzdem ziemlich gut, und kann es deswegen auch Empfehlen. ###Solltet ihr irgendwelche Fragen haben könnt ihr sie gerne in den Kommentaren stellen, ich werde versuchen diese schnellstmöglich zu beantworten###

===Scope of delivery=== *Trajector X-Bike *Assembly and operating instructions ===Test=== Winter is approaching and one is becoming more and more lazy to go to the gym, what else is there to do but take fitness equipment home fetch. The Trajector X-Bike is such a device that is perfect for the home because it can be folded up to save space in just a few simple steps. Overall, the workmanship is very good and it makes a stable impression. It took me about 30 minutes to assemble, emergency tools were included, as well as 2 AAA batteries for the computer. The seat and the backrest are well padded so that it relieves the back muscles, there are also handles on the side that you can hold on to so that you don't always have to keep your hands on the steering wheel. The heart rate monitor is also on the steering wheel. The only thing that bothers me is the ascent and descent from the device, I keep getting stuck on the side handles from the seat and that's annoying sometimes if you forget it. ===Positives=== * Good workmanship * Sturdy design * Pulse measurement * Folds up to save space * Backrest for relaxed sitting === Negatives === * Getting on and off the device === Conclusion === It would sometimes be annoying to get on and off not from the device, it would be perfect, but that doesn't mean that the exercise bike is bad. Thanks to the backrest and the design as well as the simple operation, I still like it quite a lot and can therefore recommend it. ###If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments, I will try to answer them as soon as possible###


Das Fitnessbike kommt gut verpackt hier an. Beim Auspacken sollte man immer in die Styroporteile gucken, da auch darin oft Kleinteile gesteckt werden. Der Aufbau geht sehr zügig, die Anleitung ist gut verständlich geschrieben und bebildert. Alle Teile haben Nummern, so dass man auch weiß, welches Teil wohin gehört.Was mir jedoch nicht so gut gefiel sind die Kunststoffgewinde unter dem Sitz. Hier muß man vorsichtig die Muttern draufschrauben, damit nichts kaputt geht. Ist es zusammengebaut, kann man den Sitz 7fach in der Höhe verstellen, die Lehne ist sozusagen fest und verstellt sich nur im Zusammenhang mit der Sitzfläche. Man kann sich unter dem Sitz an den Haltestangen festhalten oder vorne, wobei am Lenker die Pulsmesser integriert sind. Das Display und die Ziffern sind groß gehalten, so dass man die Daten gut ablesen kann. Einstellen kann man Strecke, Zeit, Geschwindigkeit, Kalorien sowie den Puls. Im Modus Scan werden die Daten abwechselnd gezeigt, bei ODO wird die gesamt-gefahrene Distanz angezeigt. Der Widerstand des Bikes wird an einem Drehrad eingestellt (1 - 8). Das Bike hat hinten kleine Dreh-Rollen, um es auch auf die Seite zu schieben. Um es platzsparend zu verstauen kann man es zusammenklappen. Man sitzt auf dem Capital Sports Trajector X-Bike sehr bequem. Das Schwungrad an sich ist sehr ruhig und rund, nichts schleift oder eckt irgendwie an. Gut finde ich hierbei, dass hier kein Kabel gelegt werden muss und so das Bike überall aufgestellt werden kann.

The fitness bike arrives well packaged. When unpacking, you should always look into the styrofoam parts, as small parts are often put in there as well. The assembly is very quick, the instructions are written and illustrated in a way that is easy to understand. All parts have numbers, so that you know which part goes where. What I didn't like so much, however, are the plastic threads under the seat. Here you have to screw the nuts on carefully so that nothing breaks. Once it is assembled, the seat can be adjusted 7 times in height, the backrest is fixed, so to speak, and can only be adjusted in connection with the seat. You can hold on to the handrails under the seat or in front, with the heart rate monitors integrated on the handlebars. The display and the digits are large so that the data can be read easily. You can set distance, time, speed, calories and heart rate. In scan mode, the data is shown alternately, in ODO the total distance driven is displayed. The resistance of the bike is set on a rotary wheel (1 - 8). The bike has small rotating wheels at the back to push it to the side. It can be folded up to save space. You sit very comfortably on the Capital Sports Trajector X-Bike. The flywheel itself is very quiet and round, nothing rubs or rubs in any way. I think it's good that no cable has to be laid here and the bike can be set up anywhere.


On retrouve donc dans l'emballage l'ensemble des pièces nécessaires à l'assemblage accompagné d'un manuel en Anglais mais rassurez-vous le montage est très rapide et simple. En synthèse, ce vélo d'appartement présente 2 modes d'exercices : ► L'un dans la position traditionnelle du cycliste . ► L'autre, (celle que je préfère) en position bien plus confortable pour le dos avec un maintient au niveau des lombaires grâce au dossier. L'ordinateur de bord (qui fonctionne avec 2 piles) est assez basique mais affichera l'ensemble des informations nécessaires comme la vitesse, la durée d'exercice, les calories brûlées (il s'agit d'une simple estimation), votre rythme cardiaque, etc. Vous aurez possibilité de régler la dureté de l'exercice grâce à une molette qui vous permettra de choisir parmi 8 niveaux de difficultés. Vous pourrez également régler la hauteur du siège selon 3 positions. Vous aurez possibilité de ranger / plier le vélo afin que ce dernier ne prenne qu'un minimum de place le tout en moins de 20 secondes. Les avantages (+) : ► Très confortable au niveau de l'assise, ► Le siège avec maintient pour le dos change radicalement ma vision du vélo d’appartement, ► Facilité de rangement et place nécéssaire, Les inconvénients (-) : ► Un écran couleur avec plus d'informations aurait été un plus,

We therefore find in the packaging all the parts necessary for assembly accompanied by a manual in English but rest assured the assembly is very quick and simple. In summary, this exercise bike has 2 exercise modes: ► One in the traditional position of the cyclist. ► The other, (the one I prefer) in a much more comfortable position for the back with support for the lower back thanks to the backrest. The on-board computer (which works with 2 batteries) is quite basic but will display all the necessary information such as speed, exercise duration, calories burned (this is a simple estimate), your pace heart, etc. You will be able to adjust the hardness of the exercise using a knob that will allow you to choose from 8 levels of difficulty. You can also adjust the seat height in 3 positions. You will be able to store / fold the bike so that it takes up minimal space, all in less than 20 seconds. The advantages (+): ► Very comfortable at the level of the seat, ► The seat with back support radically changes my vision of the exercise bike, ► Ease of storage and space required, The disadvantages (-): ► A color screen with more information would have been a plus,


La Cyclette Trajector viene consegnata ben imballata in uno scatolone molto grande e pesante. Oltre alle varie parti da assemblare sono presenti viti, rondelle e tutta l’attrezzatura necessaria per tirare i bulloni e montare in modo corretto e sicuro la cyclette, oltre al libretto delle istruzioni in lingua inglese e tedesca. Ma non temete: le illustrazioni sono talmente chiare che non si corre il rischio di sbagliare, tanto che ho provveduto personalmente e da sola all’assemblaggio, operazione che richiede una mezz’ora. Questo attrezzo ginnico differisce dalle cyclette “classiche” in qualche dettaglio: qui troviamo un morbido schienale che ci aiuta a mantenere la corretta postura durante la pedalata, inoltre si ha il supporto laterale per le mani che aiuta a tenere la schiena eretta. Ma passiamo alle caratteristiche tecniche: - Controllo della frequenza cardiaca. Di norma si hanno a disposizione bracciali magnetici che monitorizzano il battito mediante sensori da applicare sui polsi, in questo caso basta semplicemente impugnare il manubrio anteriore facendo attenzione a tenere le mani sulle placche metalliche. Nessun cavetto, bracciale o elemento esterno che potrebbe andare perso o danneggiato. - Calcolo delle calorie consumate. Impostando questa funzione sul display, durante la pedalata vengono calcolate le calorie consumate durante la fase di allenamento. Funzione utile per chi deve tenere sotto controllo le calorie ingerite e quelle consumate. - Calcolo del tempo. Si attiva un timer che tiene conto dei minuti e secondi spesi durante l’allenamento. - Calcolo della distanza. Il computer rileva la distanza percorsa durante l’allenamento, quindi se volessimo pedalare per 5 Km siamo sicuri di averli coperti. E’ possibile regolare l’altezza del sellino, ampio e molto morbido, e l’intensità dello sforzo ha 8 livelli differenti. Il volano è di 14 Kg e la cyclette è in grado di sostenere un massimo di 100 Kg. Il computer è alimentato da batterie ed è dotato di cavo per essere collegato al volano. La cyclette Trajector di Capital Sports è molto robusta ma leggera, richiudibile, stabile sul pavimento grazie ai piedini antiscivolo. Inoltre si assembla e si smonta con facilità in poco tempo, tanto che l’assemblaggio l’ho fatto da sola in breve tempo. Sono molto soddisfatta di questa scelta, la mia famiglia può concedersi il lusso di fare del sano sport comodamente in casa, con la libertà di impostare l’allenamento preferito e di scegliere l’orario più comodo per usare la cyclette. Bella e dalle molte utili funzioni.

The Trajector exercise bike is delivered well packed in a very large and heavy box. In addition to the various parts to be assembled, there are screws, washers and all the necessary equipment to pull the bolts and assemble the exercise bike correctly and safely, as well as the instruction booklet in English and German. But don't worry: the illustrations are so clear that you don't run the risk of making a mistake, so much so that I did the assembly myself, an operation that takes half an hour. This exerciser differs from "classic" exercise bikes in some details: here we find a soft backrest that helps us maintain the correct posture while pedalling, and there is also lateral support for the hands that helps keep the back upright. But let's move on to the technical characteristics: - Heart rate control. Normally there are magnetic bracelets available that monitor the heartbeat using sensors to be applied to the wrists, in this case it is sufficient to simply grip the front handlebar, being careful to keep the hands on the metal plates. No cables, bracelets or external elements that could be lost or damaged. - Calculation of calories consumed. By setting this function on the display, the calories consumed during the training phase are calculated during pedalling. Useful function for those who need to monitor the calories ingested and those consumed. - Time calculation. A timer is activated which takes into account the minutes and seconds spent during training. - Distance calculation. The computer detects the distance traveled during training, so if we wanted to pedal 5 km we are sure we covered them. It is possible to adjust the height of the saddle, wide and very soft, and the intensity of the effort has 8 different levels. The flywheel is 14 kg and the exercise bike is able to support a maximum of 100 kg. The computer is powered by batteries and is equipped with a cable to be connected to the flywheel. The Capital Sports Trajector exercise bike is very sturdy but light, foldable, stable on the floor thanks to the non-slip feet. It also assembles and disassembles easily in a short time, so much so that I did the assembly by myself in a short time. I am very satisfied with this choice, my family can enjoy the luxury of doing healthy sport comfortably at home, with the freedom to set up their favorite workout and to choose the most convenient time to use the exercise bike. Beautiful and with many useful functions.