Workout Hero Weight Bench

Workout Hero Weight Bench
- Weight bench
- Black
Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear
Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty129,99 €
- Ready for delivery In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays.
- Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
- Ready to ship in 24 hours
- 14 day cooling off period
Top features
Training bench for barbell training and a range of other exercises
Two arm curlers, leg curler and barbell rack
Barbell rack
Product description
The Klarfit weight bench is the ideal solution for training the core muscle groups. A main focus of the bench is its barbell rack that, with its height adjustable back rest, guarantees a consistently individual and exhausting session. The added arm curler allows for optimal training of arm and back muscles with the simplest of means. An additional leg curler is the ideal way to perfect your leg and stomach muscles. The two comfortable, padded surfaces offer just the right amount of resistance. The surface is made out of PVC leather and is very easy to clean, durable and dries quickly. Please note that the bench comes shipped as an assembly kit and should take around 30 minutes to put together. Please note the bench is supplied without weights.
- Sturdy, stable steel frame
- Padded, easy to clean/dry PVC leather surface
- 3-way adjustable backrest
- Skin-friendly, high-density plastic surface padding - 3.5cm radius
Dimensions and Technical Details
- Surface: 125 x 110cm (W x D)
- Barbell rack height: 108cm
- Long section: 74 x 24cm (W x D)
- Short section: 25 x 25cm (W x D)
- Adjustable angle - long section: 3-way, 10 - 60°
- 3-way adjustable leg curler
- Padding thickness: 4cm
- Weight: 24kg
What will be delivered?
- Weight bench (assembly kit)
Delivery & shipment
Shipping time: 3 - 5 days
Your order will be delivered to the selected address per order. This address does not have to match the billing address. You can send the orders to your family, friends or office if you are not at home during the day.
Safety and Operating Instructions
Product Safety Information
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
Responsible Person:
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
E-mail address:
Molto buona e robusta fa il suo lavoro
Very good and sturdy, does its job
Great value perfect for home use
Great value perfect for home use
Good value for money but not the best if you are heavy.
Good value for money but not the best if you are heavy.
So far so good happy with my purchase.
So far so good happy with my purchase.
Bonjour, j’ai acheté le banc Klar fit , le produit et comme la description il est arrivé sans aucun problème, sauf pour le livraison ( UPS ) qui malheureusement ne peux pas être effectué la livraison dans les week-ends… un petit problème c’est le manuel d'assemblage , il ne pas beaucoup explicatif..2h pour mettre en fin ..
Hello, I bought the Klar fit bench, the product and as the description it arrived without any problem, except for the delivery (UPS) which unfortunately cannot be made the delivery on weekends… a small problem is the assembly manual, it is not very explanatory..2 hours to finish..
Ottimo prodotto funzionale, venditore disponibile e cortese, pronto a rispondere e soddisfare le esigenze dei suoi clienti. La panca poi è divertente e facile da usare. Ci prendi gusto e i risultati si vedono!
Excellent functional product, helpful and courteous seller, ready to answer and satisfy the needs of his customers. The bench is fun and easy to use. You get a taste for it and the results are visible!
La solidité de l’assise pour le leg extension est naze, elle a cassé à 50kg. Heureusement je suis chaudronnier donc j’ai fais un assise en fer. Mais a part ça franchement c’est top surtout avec la poulie.
The strength of the seat for the leg extension is crap, it broke at 50kg. Luckily I'm a boilermaker so I made a seat out of iron. But apart from that it's really great, especially with the pulley.
Ottimo poi dipende dalla grandezza del corpo
Excellent, then it depends on the size of the body
Il venditore mi ha risolto un problema con l'articolo in maniera efficiente. Raccomandabile.
The seller solved my problem with the item efficiently. Recommended.
Perfetta per allenarsi funziona tutto peccato che un po' stretta x il bilanciere e non è regolabile in altezza
Perfect for training, everything works, shame that it's a bit narrow for the barbell and it's not adjustable in height
Prezzo ottimo Va bene x allenamento casa
Great price. Good for home training.
La panca è arrivata con un giorno di anticipo . Il pacco era ben confezionato e sigillato. All'interno ogni singolo pezzo era chiuso in delle altre buste . Le istruzioni sono state altrettanto semplici e intuibili per il montaggio ( io per aiutarmi ho diviso le viti i bulloni e il resto per altezza ed è stato molto veloce così ).vengo da un'altra panca che avevo ormai da 13 anni e che ho sostituito con questa perché dopo averne viste di tutti i tipi ,questa mi è sembrata più affidabile e performante. La seduta risulta essere leggermente più larga rispetto a quella di prima cosa molto comoda. DO 4 STELLE , solo ed esclusivamente perché purtroppo mancavano i due perni e le relative rondelle per gli agganci dei bracci laterali ed il venditore non mi ha mai risposto per risolvere il problema ,altrimenti sarebbe stato un 5 pieno.
The bench arrived a day early. The package was well packaged and sealed. Inside each individual piece was closed in other bags. The instructions were equally simple and intuitive for assembly (to help myself I divided the screws, bolts and the rest by height and it was very quick like that). I come from another bench that I had for 13 years now and that I replaced with this one because after having seen all types, this one seemed more reliable and performing. The seat is slightly wider than the first one, very comfortable. I give 4 stars, only and exclusively because unfortunately the two pins and the relative washers for the side arm attachments were missing and the seller never replied to me to resolve the problem, otherwise it would have been a full 5.
Per ora tutto ok. Aggiornerò la recensione dopo qualche mese di utilizzo per verificare se almeno nell'utilizzo soddisfa le esigenze, valutando praticità, agibilità quando in opera e sensazione di sicurezza che offre la panca.
So far so good. I will update the review after a few months of use to see if at least in use it meets the needs, evaluating practicality, usability when in use and the feeling of safety that the bench offers.
Prodotto di ottima qualità,per cento euro sono quasi incredulo.fatta bene,rifinita egregiamente,solida stabile,facile da base del bilanciere va montata verso le esterno non come da foto,la rende più stabile e bilanciata,perfetta.
Excellent quality product, for a hundred euros I am almost incredulous. Well made, excellently finished, solid, stable, easy to assemble. The base of the barbell must be mounted towards the outside, not as shown in the photo, it makes it more stable and balanced, perfect.
Preislich günstige Hantelbank, Für Home Training geeignet, nicht vergleichbar mit Fitness Studio Geräten.
Inexpensive weight bench, suitable for home training, not comparable to fitness studio equipment.
Panca completa a dei suoi limiti per ripartire nello sport va bene ma a livello agonistico no però sono contenta per il mio allenamento va bene devo ancora capire come fare il leg curl per i glutei
Full bench press has its limits to restart in sport is fine but at a competitive level no however I'm happy with my training is fine I still have to understand how to do the leg curl for the glutes
Ia panca è molto ben costruita, con molti accessori per numerosi esercizi. Ottimo.
The bench is very well built, with many accessories for numerous exercises. Excellent.
Facile à monter bonne qualité prix mon mari est très
Easy to assemble good quality price my husband is very
Le banc est très bien mais si je peut faire une remarque je dirais que le repose barre est un petit peut trop bas aussi non très bon banc et bien complet merci
The bench is very good but if I can make a remark I would say that the bar rest is a little too low also not very good bench and very complete thank you
Si vous lisez bien la notice, vous arriverez très facilement à monter ce banc de musculation, ensuite je trouve que par rapport aux machines chez décathlon qui vont jusqu’à 300€ celle-ci n’est vraiment pas cher, puis étant donné que je détenais déjà des poids acheter à décathlon j’ai pu les utiliser sur cette machine. En bref, ce produit est excellent en rapport qualité-prix et, si vous hésitez encore, foncez et acheter le. Avis honnête d’un acheteur Amazon.
If you read the instructions carefully, you will be able to assemble this weight bench very easily, then I find that compared to the machines at Decathlon which go up to €300 this one is really not expensive, then given that I already had weights bought at Decathlon I was able to use them on this machine. In short, this product is excellent in terms of quality-price ratio and, if you are still hesitant, go ahead and buy it. Honest review from an Amazon buyer.
Superbe produit. C'est très stable et l'on peu aisément se muscler chez soi.. Recommande à 100000%.
Great product. It's very stable and you can easily build muscle at home.. 100000% recommended.
Montage facile, le matériel semble solide et Utilisation conforme.
Easy assembly, the material seems solid and is in accordance with the instructions.
Pour faire un peu d'exercice à la maison, il me fallait du matériel. Et plus particulièrement un banc de musculation. En même temps, je n'ai pas beaucoup de place dans mon 30 m2 et je ne voulais pas mettre un prix excessif la dedans. Ici, on à un produit qui correspond bien à mes attentes. On peut le replier vers le haut pour gagner de la place, il est facile à monter et permet d'effectuer plusieurs exercices pour pectoraux et jambes. On peut même incliner le dossier. Le seul problème, c'est qu'il faut faire attention pendant le montage car maintenant, l'une des "barre" servant a effectuer l'exercice papillon frotte. L'écrou touche la barre horizontale quand on remonte cette partie ce qui "bloque" le mouvement et c'est problématique pour ceux qui veulent faire les papillons avec ces "guides". Heureusement, je préfère les effectuer sans, ne voyant pas l'utilité de cette partie la. En effet, faire sans permet de descendre plus bas et de monter plus haut, bref, de faire l'exercice correctement. Si comme moi, vous n'utilisez pas cette partie la, pour le reste, il n'y a pas de problème grave. Bon, pour ce prix la, il ne fallait pas non plus s'attendre à avoir une rolls royce. C'est un bon produit pour le prix.
To do some exercise at home, I needed equipment. And more specifically a weight bench. At the same time, I don't have much space in my 30 m2 and I didn't want to put an excessive price on it. Here, we have a product that meets my expectations. It can be folded upwards to save space, it is easy to assemble and allows you to perform several exercises for the pectorals and legs. You can even tilt the backrest. The only problem is that you have to be careful during assembly because now, one of the "bars" used to perform the butterfly exercise rubs. The nut touches the horizontal bar when you raise this part which "blocks" the movement and it is problematic for those who want to do the butterflies with these "guides". Fortunately, I prefer to do them without, not seeing the use of this part. Indeed, doing it without allows you to go lower and go higher, in short, to do the exercise correctly. If like me, you don't use this part, for the rest, there is no serious problem. Well, for this price, you shouldn't expect to have a Rolls Royce either. It's a good product for the price.
Très polyvalent ! Prend un peu de temps à monter mais est très complet ! Je ne met pas 5 étoiles car il fait beaucoup de bruit au niveau des emboîtements
Very versatile! Takes a little time to assemble but is very complete! I don't give it 5 stars because it makes a lot of noise when it fits together
Produit solide relativement simple a monter ...solide ,seul bémol manque un peu d espace pour prendre la barre plus large et tete trop prêt de la barre quant on incline le banc..a déconseillé au grand.
Solid product, relatively easy to assemble...solid, the only downside is that it lacks a little space to take the wider bar and the head is too close to the bar when you tilt the bench...not recommended for tall people.
le banc est arrivé bien emballé, le montage nécessite deux personnes, il est stable et semble solide, l'épaisseur des coussins est très appréciable, et l'utilisation ne pose aucun problème, je recommande cet achat.
The bench arrived well packaged, assembly requires two people, it is stable and seems solid, the thickness of the cushions is very appreciable, and use does not pose any problem, I recommend this purchase.
Bon produit
Good product
Assolutamente consigliata. Comprata per un amico, ne è rimasto entusiato. Di pttima qualità e molto resistente, si trova molto bene.
Absolutely recommended. Bought for a friend, he was thrilled. Excellent quality and very durable, it is very well received.
banc de muscu obtenu pour remuscler mon corps après accouchement, il est complet car il permet le travail de tous les muscles.Parfait pour les abdominaux, mais également les bras, les cuisses, les dorsaux.Il est très confortable, car les zones de coussins sont bien rembourrées.Montage facile et assez rapide ( environ 40 minutes seule) et le tout parait bien solide. La notice ne donne pas d'exemples d'exercices, c'est un petit plus qui serait apprécié, mais on trouve des idées très facilement sur internet.
weight bench obtained to remuscle my body after childbirth, it is complete because it allows the work of all the muscles. Perfect for the abdominals, but also the arms, the thighs, the dorsals. It is very comfortable, because the cushion areas are well padded.Easy and fairly quick assembly (about 40 minutes alone) and everything seems very solid. The manual does not give examples of exercises, it's a little extra that would be appreciated, but ideas can be found very easily on the internet.
Banc de très bonne qualité pour son prix. Juste une chose qui me dérange c'est le jeu qu'il y a sur les parties fixé sur les coté ainsi que la partie pour les jambes devant.(mais ça n'ai pas un gros problème à mon gout ).
Very good quality bench for its price. Just one thing that bothers me is the play that there is on the parts fixed on the sides as well as the part for the legs in front. (but it's not a big problem in my opinion).
Attrezzi e accessori per il fitness se ne trovano di ogni tipo d di ogni prezzo, qui, su amazon o anche su altri portali e-commerce. Stessa cosa per quanto riguarda marca e quindi produttori di tali prodotti. Questa è l'unica caratteristica peró che accomuna questo genere di prodotti con questa panca klarfit, che esordìsce con un prezzo di circa 100 euro ma ha dalla sua la qualità, la resistenza e la facilità di montaggio. Chi acquista più in generale questo genere di articoli, e nello specifico si trova ad acquistare questa panca attrezzata è sicuramente un'utente dalle poche pretese, che non vuole spendere un capitale ma allo stesso tempo desidera ritrovarsi in casa, o nella propria palestra ""fai da te"" un prodotto solido in grado di svolgere più che egregiamente il proprio lavoro. Infatti questa panca vi consente di metter su massa muscolare, non solo sulla parte alta del petto ma anche sulle gambe e addome. Un prodotto pensato non non solo per gli uomini, ma anche per le donne in quanto, come vedremo nel corso di questa recensione si potranno svolgere anche esercizi per tonificare glutei e cosce. Io personalmente ho sempre sognato ricreare una piccola Palestrina tutta mia in garage, o meglio ancora se avete una stanza da dedicare a tale attività. Ringrazio per questo electronic-star che mi ha inviato questo prodotto in cambio di una recensione giusta e in nessun modo influenzata dall'azienda. Quello che riceverete a casa è un bel paccone lungo e sottile ma, ovviamente, dal peso importante in quanto all'interno giustamente troveremo i vari componenti che andranno a comporre la nostra panca attrezzata. In particolare modo ho apprezzato da subito lo schienale e il sediolino che risultano essere imbottiti al punto giusto ed offrono un notevole comfort durante l'allenamento. Il montaggio, che a primo occhio può sembrare difficoltoso è più complesso del previsto, invece è molto semplice. Basta avere un pizzico di pazienza, una mezz'ora di tempo libero e seguire attentamente il libretto di istruzioni incluso nella confezione. Vite dopo vite, bullone dopo bullone, vi ritroverete ad aver montato la vostra panca in meno che non si dica. L'unico consiglio che posso darvi per quanto riguarda il montaggio è munirvi, prima di iniziare, di una chiave a cricchetto per e velocizzare e rendere più agibile il lavoro, in quanto vi ritroverete qualche volta a dover avvitar viti e bulloni posti in posizioni scomode, o come nel caso del sellino, posti al di sotto della struttura. Ogni pezzo della struttura è completamente in alluminio per garantire una buona stabilità complessiva e per aumentare la resistenza in fase di allenamento. Nella confezione non sono inclusi pesi, dischi e bilancieri, che andranno quindi acquistati separatamente. In conclusione non ho trovato difetti di sorta o punti deboli. Se poi consideriamo che l'intera panca potrà essere ripiegata su se stessa allora diventa un attrezzo da avere assolutamente, in quanto risulta comodo conservarla recuperando spazio in camera o in garage appunto. Il prezzo è in linea con gli altri prodotti simili che si trovano in vendita, ma soprattutto rispecchia la qualità complessiva del prodotto, Che come abbiamo imparato, varia con il variare del prezzo.
Fitness equipment and accessories can be found of all kinds at all prices, here, on amazon or even on other e-commerce portals. The same goes for brands and therefore manufacturers of these products. However, this is the only characteristic that this kind of product has in common with this klarfit bench, which starts with a price of around 100 euros but has quality, resistance and ease of assembly on its side. Anyone who buys this type of item more generally, and specifically finds himself buying this equipped bench, is certainly a user with few demands, who does not want to spend a fortune but at the same time wants to find himself at home, or in his own gym "" do it yourself"" a solid product capable of doing its job more than excellently. In fact, this bench allows you to build muscle mass, not only on the upper chest but also on the legs and abdomen. A product designed not only for men, but also for women since, as we will see in the course of this review, it is also possible to carry out exercises to tone the buttocks and thighs. I personally have always dreamed of recreating my own little Palestrina in the garage, or even better if you have a room to dedicate to this activity. I thank this electronic-star who sent me this product in exchange for a fair review and in no way influenced by the company. What you will receive at home is a nice long and thin pack but, obviously, with an important weight as inside we will rightly find the various components that will make up our equipped bench. In particular, I immediately appreciated the backrest and the seat which are padded to the right point and offer considerable comfort during training. The assembly, which at first glance may seem difficult is more complex than expected, but it is very simple. All you need is a pinch of patience, half an hour of free time and carefully follow the instruction booklet included in the package. Screw by screw, bolt by bolt, you'll have your bench assembled in no time at all. The only advice I can give you regarding assembly is to equip yourself, before starting, with a ratchet wrench to speed up and make the work more accessible, as you will sometimes find yourself having to screw in screws and bolts placed in awkward positions , or as in the case of the seat, placed under the structure. Each piece of the structure is completely made of aluminum to ensure good overall stability and to increase resistance during training. The package does not include weights, discs and barbells, which must therefore be purchased separately. In conclusion, I have not found any defects or weaknesses. If we then consider that the entire bench can be folded back on itself then it becomes an absolutely must-have tool, as it is convenient to store it by recovering space in the room or garage. The price is in line with other similar products that are on sale, but above all it reflects the overall quality of the product, which, as we have learned, varies with the price.
L’estate ci vuole in forma smagliante e quindi questa panca è davvero la soluzione a tutti i nostri problemi. Pancia piatta? Gambe muscolose? Braccia e Spalle in forma? Volevo una panca completa e che avesse il manubrio. Che potesse raddrizzarmi le spalle, irrobustirmi le braccia e le gambe ed ecco qui la soluzione: KLARFIT PANCA FITNESS CON PORTA BILANCIERE. E’ una panca robusta e ben salda al pavimento. Ha una portata massima di 160 Kg, è davvero simile a molte panche che troviamo in palestra. Un prodotto professionale a prezzo davvero ottimo. Ha un lungo porta bilanciere e grazie allo schienale regolabile, permette un allineamento completo e adatto a chiunque voglia farne uso. I manubri delle gambe (Leg Curler) sono ottimi per modellare la muscolatura addominale e di tutte le gambe. Io di solito quando faccio gli esercizi, metto sulla panca un asciugamano per il sudore, ma si potrebbe fare a meno visto che la pelle con cui è rivestita, è facilmente lavabile. KLARFIT PANCA FITNESS CON PORTA BILANCIERE vi arriva a casa in meno di quattro giorni lavorativi circa, ben imballata. E’ facilmente montabile, io in tre quarti d’ora sono riuscito a montarla e farci pure i primi esercizi muscolari. Ciò che però va sottolineato è che l’attrezzo non è fornito di bilancieri e pesi, ovviamente quelli vanno presi a parte. Klarstein offre varie soluzioni. Davvero un ottimo prodotto. Posso dirmi soddisfatto e soprattutto felice di questa scelta. Ve la consiglio.
Summer takes us in great shape and therefore this bench is really the solution to all our problems. Flat stomach? Muscular legs? Arms and shoulders fit? I wanted a full bench press and one that had dumbbells. That he could straighten my shoulders, strengthen my arms and legs and here was the solution: KLARFIT FITNESS BENCH WITH BARBELL HOLDER. It is a sturdy bench and firmly fixed to the floor. It has a maximum capacity of 160 kg, it is really similar to many benches that we find in the gym. A professional product at a really good price. It has a long barbell holder and thanks to the adjustable backrest, it allows complete alignment and is suitable for anyone who wants to use it. The leg dumbbells (Leg Curler) are excellent for shaping the abdominal and leg muscles. When I do the exercises, I usually put a sweat towel on the bench, but it could be done without since the leather with which it is covered is easily washable. KLARFIT FITNESS BENCH WITH BARBELL HOLDER arrives at your home in less than four working days, well packaged. It is easy to mount, in three quarters of an hour I was able to mount it and do the first muscle exercises. However, what must be emphasized is that the tool is not equipped with barbells and weights, obviously those must be taken separately. Klarstein offers various solutions. Really a great product. I can say I am satisfied and above all happy with this choice. I recommend it.
Delivered before stated.easy to put together took me 40 min max.happy with bench...home gym time
Delivered before stated.easy to put together took me 40 min max.happy with bench...home gym time
Dopo una settimana di prova ho potuto valutare questo prodotto dando un giudizio per ogni fase : FASE SPEDIZIONE: Sono rimasto molto sorpreso dalla spedizione,consegna davvero veloce (al terzo giorno lavorativo mi è arrivato il pacco) e inoltre ho potuto monitorare tutti gli spostamenti del prodotto, l'unico aspetto negativo è che il pacco che rivestiva il prodotto era leggermente logoro, ma nulla di che. *Voto -fase spedizione- (da 1 a 5) do 5 FASE MONTAGGIO: La fase montaggio è stata un po deludente... Prima di montare ho controllato se tutti i componenti erano contenuti nel pacco. Nel montare il prodotto ho avuto un po di difficoltà per alcune imperfezioni, infatti ho sempre riscontrato il problema nell'inserire la chiave di sicurezza ( per il sistema di apertura e chiusura della panca),i fori non essendo perfettamente allineati mi creano difficoltà nell'inserire la chiave con semplicità, ma dopo svariati tentativi riesco nell'impresa. *Voto -fase montaggio- (da 1 a 5) do 2,6 FASE UTILIZZO: Il prodotto risulta essere molto resistente e comodo. Ho provato a fare panca piana con un carico di circa 60 kg e non ho avvertito segnali di cedimento. L'unico aspetto negativo sono i manubri laterali … Sono davvero inutili, inoltre danno leggermente fastidio quando svolgo alcuni esercizi con il bilanciere . Per il resto tutti i componenti svolgono perfettamente la propria finzione. *voto – fase utilizzo- (da 1 a 5) do 4,5 CONCLUSIONE: Con quello che ho pagato devo dire che sono QUASI soddisfatto. Se non fosse stato per il problema dei manubri laterali e del problema del chiavino (per aprire e chiudere), avrei potuto dare anche 5. In conclusione do un voto complessivo (da 1 a 5) pari a 4 stelle.
After a week of testing I was able to evaluate this product by giving a rating for each phase: SHIPPING PHASE: I was very surprised by the shipping, really fast delivery (the package arrived on the third working day) and I was also able to monitor all the movements of the product, the only negative aspect is that the package that covered the product was slightly worn, but nothing major. * Rating - shipping phase - (from 1 to 5) I give 5 ASSEMBLY PHASE: The assembly phase was a bit disappointing ... Before assembling I checked if all the components were contained in the package. When assembling the product I had a bit of difficulty due to some imperfections, in fact I always had the problem inserting the safety key (for the opening and closing system of the bench), the holes not being perfectly aligned create difficulties for me in inserting the key easily, but after several attempts I manage the feat. * Rating - assembly phase - (from 1 to 5) I give 2.6 USE PHASE: The product is very resistant and comfortable. I tried to do flat bench with a load of about 60 kg and I did not feel any signs of failure. The only negative aspect are the side dumbbells ... They are really useless, also they are slightly annoying when I do some exercises with the barbell. For the rest all the components do their job perfectly. *rating - use phase - (from 1 to 5) I give 4.5 CONCLUSION: With what I paid I have to say that I am ALMOST satisfied. If it were not for the problem of the side dumbbells and the problem of the key (to open and close), I could have given even 5. In conclusion I give an overall rating (from 1 to 5) equal to 4 stars.
banc de travail musculaire : bon produit, facile à monter... on peut aussi travailler les abdos même s'il n'est pas conçu pour... le petit plus aurait été un petit manuel d'exercices. site electronic star : très sérieux et rapidité de livraison... je conseille ce site autour de moi.
muscle work bench: good product, easy to assemble... you can also work the abs even if it is not designed for... the little extra would have been a small exercise manual. electronic star site: very serious and fast delivery... I recommend this site around me.
Attrezzo polifunzionale, semplice nel montaggio, ottimo per tonificare i muscoli interessati. Risponde in maniera esauriente alle mie aspettative. Confortevole e poco ingombrante
Multifunctional tool, easy to assemble, excellent for toning the muscles involved. It fully meets my expectations. Comfortable and space-saving
Estoy pensando en comprarme un banco de estos y me gustaría saber la opinion de alguien que lo haya comprado. ¿Es robusto y resistente?, ¿pandea o se mueve al hacer ejercicios?¿Va bien para 3-4 sesiones a la semana?
I am thinking of buying one of these benches and I would like to know the opinion of someone who has bought it. Is it sturdy and resistant? Does it sag or move when you exercise? Is it good for 3-4 sessions a week?
La qualità e robustezza della panca sono eccellenti. Molto utile e pratica
The quality and sturdiness of the bench are excellent. Very useful and practical
In all a good sturdy bench perfect for beginners and at a good price. The only real fault I can give for it is that the instructions are hard to follow and allot of guess work is required.
In all a good sturdy bench perfect for beginners and at a good price. The only real fault I can give for it is that the instructions are hard to follow and allot of guess work is required.
Diese Hantelbank ist für meine Zwecke einfach ideal. Ich benutze sie jeden 2. Tag und um ""meine Zwecke"" noch einmal näher zu erläutern: Ich verwende sie häufig für leichtes bis intensives Armtraining. Ich habe mir die Hantelbank eigentlich nur für das Armtraining gekauft, doch sie ist auch super für das Beintraining und sogar für den Bauch geeignet, wenn mann die Beine unter das vordere Polster klemmt, kann man super Sit-Ups machen. Fazit: Sie ist ein super Trainingsgerät, das jedem Anfänger gerecht sein sollte. Ich würde sie jederzeit wieder kaufen.
This weight bench is just ideal for my purposes. I use them every other day and to explain "my purposes" in more detail: I often use them for light to intensive arm training. I actually only bought the weight bench for arm training, but it is also great for leg training and even for the stomach, if you clamp your legs under the front pad, you can do great sit-ups. Conclusion: It is a great training device that should suit every beginner. I would buy them again anytime.
panca molto funzionale...prezzo accessibile.
very functional bench ... affordable price.
Tiene todo lo que necesito y a muy buen precio
It has everything I need and at a very good price
Envio impecable, 5 dias, todas las herramientas incluidas..perfector!!!
Impeccable delivery, 5 days, all the tools included...perfect!!!