[Returns: -35%] Ultimate Gym 5000 Fitness Station

1.947,99 € (incl. VAT)
  • Fitness Station
Product number: 53030177
Ultimate Gym 5000 Fitness Station
1.947,99 € (incl. VAT)
  • Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
  • Shipping time: 9 - 11 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period
  • Free delivery, no minimum order

Condition - acceptable, with signs of wear

Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear

Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty

Top features

  • Multifunctional home gym for more than 50 different exercises

  • Weight adjustment in small steps via socket pins

  • Sturdy tubular frame

Product description

The Ultimate Gym 5000 from Klarfit is a multifunctional strength training station for your daily training needs, allowing a joint-friendly execution of exercises.

The sturdy padded metal frame allows for more than 50 different exercises for a holistic training of the entire body. Thus, the device provides many options for workouts in your home gym. Smooth-running cables ensure smooth movement with optimised power transmission.

From the middle seat, you can access the butterfly module, which may also be used as a bench press as well as for a chest and shoulder workout. The leg extension device trains the front leg muscles, while the wide upper drawbar is for training the biceps, triceps, lats and back.

The cable pull is suitable for bicep, tricep and back exercises while standing, and a seated rowing workout is available for shoulders, back and arms, or even leg pulling exercises if the included leg strap is attached. The leg curl device trains the back of the leg and the glutes.

On the right side, an oblique crunch bench is available for abdominal exercises, as well as a support module for leg lifting exercises and continuous supporting exercises. The ground support system on the left side is optimal for different pushup variations.

The backrest and seat cushions have an easy-to-clean leatherette cover, and therefore may be easily wiped clean with a towel after your workout.


  • Devices which may be used for butterfly, bench press, arm-over-head pull, arm-behind-head pull, rowing, leg curl, double leg curl, bench crunch, pushups, arm presses, knee pulls, leg pulls, standing biceps, standing triceps, various dumbbell exercises and much more
  • 9 weight plates weighing 4.5 kg each and a main weight with 3.5 kg (maximum weight: approx 44 kg)
  • Pulleys: steel cables with plastic sheathing
Product number: 53030177

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • About 235 x 214 x 165 cm (WxHxD)
  • Weight: about 124.5 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x multipart scaffolding
  • 12 x pulley wheels
  • 3 x steel ropes
  • 1 x main weight plate
  • 9 x lower weight plates
  • 7 x various body cushions
  • 8 x various handles
  • 12 x various bar pads
  • 1 x leg loop
  • 2 x dumbbells
  • 1 x multipart assembly kit
  • 1 x English user manual (other languages: German)

Delivery & shipment

Low stock - order quickly!

Shipping time: 9 - 11 days

Customer reviews
9 Ratings

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Stabilität: 2 von 5 Funktion: 4 von 5 Aufbau: 1 von 5, benötigt eigenes Werkzeug, ggfs. Einen Stahlbohrer Qualität: 2 von 5, da viele Teile gebraucht aussahen, sonst gut Die Aufbauanleitung ist nicht zu gebrauchen. Schlechte bis gar keine Beschreibungen und sofern welche da sind, werden einfach dieselben Bezeichnungen für mehrere verschiedene Schrauben genutzt. Kommt man dann voran, stellt man fest, dass diverse Teile insgesamt fehlen oder wie bei mir, einfach einen Fabrikationsfehler haben und somit nicht an die vorgefertigten Positionen festgeschraubt werden können. Ohne eigenes Werkzeug kommt man auch nicht voran. Auf Anfrage für den Ersatz der benötigten Teile wurde zwar schnell geantwortet aber da wurde verlangt, dass Gerät wieder zurückzuschicken. Da stand nach 6h aufbauen dass Gerät bereits, wenn auch nicht 100% funktionstüchtig. Also keine Option... anderweitig kann man mit keine Teile ersetzen.

Stability: 2 out of 5 Function: 4 out of 5 Assembly: 1 out of 5, requires your own tools, if necessary a steel drill Quality: 2 out of 5, as many parts looked used, otherwise good The assembly instructions are useless. Poor or no descriptions at all and if there are any, the same designations are simply used for several different screws. If you then make progress, you realize that various parts are missing altogether or, like me, simply have a manufacturing defect and therefore cannot be screwed to the prefabricated positions. You can't get anywhere without your own tools. The request for the replacement of the required parts was answered quickly, but the device was requested to be sent back. After 6 hours the device was already set up, even if it wasn't 100% functional. So not an option... otherwise you can't replace any parts with it.


Erster Eindruck

First impression


Zum aufrüsten für ein Studio Zuhause um in den nächsten 10 Lockdowns trainieren zu können, auf jeden fall ausreichend. Es sind mir zwei Beschädigungen beim Gerät aufgefallen, aber ob das ab Lager oder über den Transportweg passiert ist, kann ich nicht sagen. Aber über den freundlichen Kundenservice wurde mir schnell geholfen und es wurde eine Lösung gefunden.

To upgrade for a studio at home to be able to train in the next 10 lockdowns, definitely enough. I noticed two cases of damage to the device, but I can't say whether this happened from the warehouse or during transport. But the friendly customer service helped me quickly and a solution was found.


Das Produkt ist super,zu zweit in nur 2 Stunden zusammen zu bauen. Das einzige was nicht so geklappt hat war die Lieferung die Post hat lange damit rum gespielt(dem Verkäufer trifft dabei aber keine Schuld) ansonsten war alles einwandfrei. Schnell Rückmeldung bei Fragen und schnelle Hilfe. Danke

The product is great, two people can put it together in just 2 hours. The only thing that didn't work out was the delivery, the post office played around with it for a long time (but the seller is not to blame) otherwise everything was perfect. Quick response to questions and quick help. Thanks


Ich hab mich entschieden zusammen mit meinem Mann jetzt in der Kälteren Jahreszeit aber auch wieder unter dem Jahr was für unsere Fitness und Kondition zu machen. Mein Mann schwört da auf Krafttraining . Da es aber unheimlich ins Geld geht wenn man im Fitnessclub ist haben wir uns entschieden uns im Keller einen eigenen Fitnessraum anzulegen. 'Hierfür nehme ich gerade ein Laufband unter die Lupe und mein Schatz und ich zusammen diese Kraftstation. Die Kraftsstaion kam in insgesamt fünf einzelnen Paketen zu uns. Gott sei dank denn die zusammengebaute Station hat ein Gewicht von über 134 Kilogramm. Dennoch muß ich sagen sind auch die einzelnen Pakete ganz schön schwer zu tragen vor allem weil man bei uns zum Hauseingang einen Berg hochlaufen muß. Da der Paketbote das dann natürlich nicht hochgetragen hat habe ich da schon mit den ersten Fitness Übungen mit meinem Schatz angefangen. Das Zusammenbauen bei uns hat knappe 3 Stunden und 15 Minuten gedauert bis alles nochmal überprüft war und wir die Bedienungsanleitung studiert hatten. Die Gewichte von über 50 kg die mit dabei sind sind ganz schön schwer als Frau zu stemmen aber mit Hilfe von meinem Schatz schaffe ich das auch mit links. Die Polsterungen die aus Gummi sind lassen sich super reinigen und abwischen mit einem feuchten Tuch. Mit der fertig zusammengebauten Ultimativ Gym Station lassen sich sehr viele Übungen machen egal ob für Rücken oder einzelne Muskelpartien wie Bi oder Trizeps alles lässt sich hier super trainieren. Wobei die 'Gewichte unterstützend helfen. Übungen die man hier ausführen kann werden in der Anleitung beschrieben sind aber auch über das Internet gut zu finden. Wo man sich Anregungen holen kann. Wichtig ist niemals unaufgewärmt an solche Geräte zu gehen denn das kann schnell zu Verletzungen wie Muskelrissen oder Überdehnungen führen die sehr schmerzhaft sind. Bauch und Beine lassen sich dank der mitgelieferten Schlaufe auch trainieren und auch Liegestütze mit machen. Das Training hier kann ganz schön anstrengend sein aber ich merke das meine Kondition langsam wieder kommt und ich mich auch schon viel fitter fühle. Mein Schatz ist seit dem täglich mindestens ein bis zwei Stunden am trainieren. Ich hoffe das aus ihm aber kein Arnold Schwarzenegger wird. Ich mag zwar Muskeln aber alles soll natürlich bleiben und nicht so gekünselt wirken. Meine Erwartungen wurden echt übertroffen den für diesen unschlagbaren Preis bekommt man so was tolles und vielfältig einsetzbares nirgendwo

I have decided together with my husband to do something for our fitness and condition in the colder season but also during the year. My husband swears by strength training. But since it is incredibly expensive when you are in the fitness club, we decided to create our own fitness room in the basement. 'For this I am currently examining a treadmill and my darling and I together this multi-gym. The power station came to us in a total of five individual packages. Thank goodness because the assembled station weighs over 134 kilograms. Nevertheless, I have to say that the individual packages are quite difficult to carry, especially because you have to walk up a hill to get to the house. Since the courier didn't carry it up, of course, I started doing the first fitness exercises with my sweetheart. The assembly took us almost 3 hours and 15 minutes until everything was checked again and we had studied the operating instructions. The weights of over 50 kg that are included are quite difficult for a woman to lift, but with the help of my darling I can do it with my left hand. The rubber upholstery is super easy to clean and wipe with a damp cloth. With the fully assembled Ultimate Gym Station, you can do a lot of exercises, whether for the back or individual muscle groups such as bi or triceps, everything can be trained very well here. Whereby the 'weights help supportively. Exercises that can be performed here are described in the instructions but are also easy to find on the Internet. Where to get suggestions. It is important never to go to such devices without warming up, because this can quickly lead to injuries such as muscle tears or overstretching, which are very painful. Abdomen and legs can also be trained thanks to the supplied strap and push-ups can also be done. The training here can be pretty exhausting, but I notice that my condition is slowly coming back and I already feel much fitter. Since then, my darling has been training for at least one to two hours a day. I hope that he doesn't become an Arnold Schwarzenegger. I like muscles but everything should remain natural and not look so artificial. My expectations were really exceeded for this unbeatable price you get something so great and versatile nowhere else


Mein Sohn hat beruflich bedingt nicht immer Zeit, regelmäßig ein Fitness-Studio aufzusuchen. So hatte er schon lange mit dem Gedanken gespielt, sich ein eigenes Fitness-Gerät zuzulegen, mit dem man vielseitig zuhause trainieren könnte. Das Klarfit Ultimate-Gym-5000 schien hierfür geeignet zu sein. Nach der Bestellung kam dann irgendwann ein Schreiben von Hermes, dass die Zustellung in den nächsten Tagen erfolgen würde. Klar, dass so ein großes Gerät nicht von heute auf morgen geliefert werden würde. Als der nette Herr dann eintraf staunten wir nicht schlecht, in wievielen Kartons die ganzen Teile verpackt waren. Wie gut, dass das Haus direkt an der Straße liegt und die Zufahrt bis zur Garage erfolgen konnte. Der Aufbau an sich war schon sehr mühseelig: die vielen Einzelteile brachten ihn fast zum Verzweifeln und einige Schrauben mußten erst gesucht werden (waren unter Hantelbank usw. versteckt. Nach gut 3 Stunden stand das Ganze dann endlich. Hier war es vielleicht hilfreich, dass er vor Jahren schon einmal ein ähnliches Gerät bei einem Freund aufbaute. Er ist bisher mit seinem neuen Trainingsgerät sehr zufrieden. Alles funktioniert, wobei es machmal etwas ""quietscht"". Die Gummipolsterungen sind gut und ausreichend und können mit einem feuchten Lappen gereinigt werden. Zum Gerät werden auch Gewichte von insgesamt 58,5 kg mitgeliefert, so dass vor allem Ungeübte sofort mit dem Training beginnen können. Diese können individuell angepasst und per Bolzen dann gesichert werden. Auch dabei: 2 Hanteln mit je 1,5 kg - für den Anfang reichen die (oder man drückt sie der Frau in die Hand)... Laut Hersteller sind bis zu 50 verschiedene Übungen möglich und wenn man sich damit schon etwas auskennt, weiß man auch, wie und wo man diese findet. Ansonsten findet man einige Übungen und wichtige Hinweise in der Anleitung - wie z.B. Dehn- und Aufwärmübungen Die Krafttraining-Station lässt Übungen für Bizeps, Trizeps und Rückentraining im Stehen zu sowie Rudertraining (für Schultern, Rücken und Arme) und auch die Beine können durch die zum Lieferumfang gehörende Beinschlaufe per Ziehübungen trainiert werden. Rechts befindet sich eine schräge Crunchbank für Bauchübungen, ein Stütz-Modul für Beinhebeübungen und für hängende Stützübungen. Unten befindet sich dann noch eine Stützvorrichtung für verschiedene Liegestützenvariationen - wenn das nicht ausreicht...

Due to his job, my son doesn't always have time to go to the gym regularly. For a long time he had toyed with the idea of getting his own piece of fitness equipment with which one could train in a variety of ways at home. The Klarfit Ultimate Gym 5000 seemed to be suitable for this. After the order, a letter from Hermes came at some point that the delivery would take place in the next few days. It goes without saying that such a large device would not be delivered overnight. When the nice gentleman arrived, we were amazed at how many boxes all the parts were packed in. It's a good thing that the house is right on the street and the driveway could go all the way to the garage. The assembly itself was very laborious: the many individual parts almost brought him to despair and some screws had to be found first (hidden under the weight bench etc.). After a good 3 hours the whole thing was finally up. Here it was perhaps helpful that he installed a similar piece of equipment at a friend's house years ago. So far he has been very satisfied with his new training device. Everything works, although it sometimes "squeaks". The rubber padding is good and sufficient and can be cleaned with a damp cloth. Weights totaling 58.5 kg are also supplied with the device, so that inexperienced people in particular can start training straight away.These can be individually adjusted and then secured with bolts.Also included: 2 dumbbells, each weighing 1.5 kg - for the In the beginning they are enough (or you press them into the woman's hand)... According to the manufacturer, up to 50 different exercises are possible and if you are already familiar with them, w you also know how and where to find them. Otherwise you will find some exercises and important information in the instructions - such as stretching and warm-up exercises The included leg loop can be trained with pulling exercises. On the right is an incline crunch bench for abdominal exercises, a support module for leg raises and hanging support exercises. At the bottom there is a support device for different push-up variations - if that's not enough...


Sono abbastanza soddisfatto della qualità dei materiali e della fattura di questa home gym. Permette di svolgere diversi esercizi e la dotazione di pesi a disposizione ( 58.5 kg), considerando anche il fattore attrito, è adatta secondo me anche per bodybuilders di alto livello. Per avere comunque una palestra per il body building davvero completa è sempre necessario integrare con la classica panca con bilanciere( per svolgere anche squat e stacco da terra), una serie di manubri e la sbarra per le trazioni. Questa home gym è stabile e robusta con cavi e leve di buona fattura. E’ sempre bene porla su un pavimento ben livellato altrimenti( come nel mio caso) traballa un po’, ma questo non ne pregiudica in nessun modo la fruizione. Ho trovato al momento un solo difetto: considerate le dimensioni della seduta, l’esercizio per i quadricipiti( leg extension) riesce ad eseguirlo bene solo chi è alto meno 1.7 m circa, altrimenti non si riescono a distendere bene le gambe. Un vero peccato… comunque tutti gli altri esercizi si possono eseguire bene anche se si è alti più di 1.7 m circa. Davvero ottimi per esempio gli esercizi per pettorali, dorsali e tricipiti. In circa 2 metri quadrati si ha a disposizione una piccola palestra per gli amanti del body building o per chi vuole solo tonificare il proprio corpo per restare in forma o a fini riabilitativi dopo un infortunio o per migliorare le proprie prestazioni nei più svariati sport. C’è da considerare comunque che è necessario avere più di 2 metri quadrati a disposizione per poter sfruttare bene questa attrezzatura. Per esempio per l’ esercizio del vogatore ci si deve sedere sul pavimento per tirare i cavi, oppure, una volta indossata una cavigliera, è necessario avere dello spazio per gli slanci delle gambe ( per tonificare i glutei). Per recuperare un po’ di spazio sul lato sinistro si possono rimuovere, secondo me, gli appoggi per fare le flessioni sulle braccia, che possono essere fatte bene con dei semplici appoggi per push ups, senza occupare spazio. Per ridurre un po’ i costi sarebbe stato meglio non fornire del tutto questi appoggi per le flessioni perché si finisce per pagare qualcosa che non si usa. Andare in palestra spesso richiede un bel po’ di tempo a disposizione, senza contare i costi abbastanza elevati dell’abbonamento mensile. Il problema principale con apparecchiature di home fitness di questo tipo è avere lo spazio a disposizione, dopo di che, sempre che rimangano le motivazioni per utilizzarle, permettono di potersi allenare comodamente a casa propria, negli spazi di tempo a disposizione, con un notevole risparmio anche dei costi, visto che il costo iniziale tende ad ammortizzarsi in breve tempo, specialmente se viene utilizzata da più componenti di una stessa famiglia. E’ vero che molti esercizi possono svolgersi anche solo a corpo libero, con i pesi però si può avere una maggiore gradualità nell’allenamento ed una migliore focalizzazione su specifici gruppi muscolari. Ovviamente niente vieta di svolgere anche esercizi a corpo libero o di natura più strettamente aerobica( corsa, nuoto, ciclismo, ginnastica aerobica, etc) Con questa home gym, per quanto riguarda gli esercizi di tipo più strettamente aerobico c’è da tenere in considerazione che si può usare anche come un vogatore ( anche se in tal caso le gambe rimangono ferme a differenza di un vogatore tradizionale). E’ davvero versatile, e con un po’ di fantasia si possono escogitare diverse varianti, anche solo per esempio cambiando impugnatura, inclinazione, etc . Permette di allenare tutto il corpo con la caratteristica però di focalizzarsi sempre su pochi gruppi muscolari per volta a seconda dell’esercizio svolto. Senza esagerazione, secondo me bastano anche solo pochi minuti al giorno per ottenere una soddisfacente forma fisica! Davvero un valido e divertente ausilio per essere stimolati in tal senso. Rapporto prezzo/prestazioni davvero interessante( circa 500 euro Novembre 2016). Il montaggio comunque

I am quite satisfied with the quality of materials and workmanship of this home gym. It allows you to perform various exercises and the weights available (58.5 kg), also considering the friction factor, are also suitable for high-level bodybuilders in my opinion. In any case, to have a truly complete bodybuilding gym, it is always necessary to integrate a set of dumbbells and a pull-up bar with the classic barbell bench (to also perform squats and deadlifts). This home gym is stable and sturdy with well-made cables and levers. It's always good to place it on a well-leveled floor otherwise (as in my case) it wobbles a bit, but this doesn't affect its enjoyment in any way. At the moment I have found only one defect: considering the size of the session, the exercise for the quadriceps (leg extension) can only be performed well by those who are less than 1.7 m tall, otherwise they cannot stretch their legs well. A real pity ... however all the other exercises can be performed well even if you are taller than about 1.7 m. For example, the exercises for the pectorals, back and triceps are really excellent. In about 2 square meters there is a small gym available for body building enthusiasts or for those who just want to tone up their body to stay fit or for rehabilitation purposes after an injury or to improve their performance in the most varied sports. However, it must be considered that it is necessary to have more than 2 square meters available in order to make good use of this equipment. For example, for the rowing exercise you have to sit on the floor to pull the cables, or, once you have worn an anklet, you need to have space for the leg swings (to tone your buttocks). To regain some space on the left side, in my opinion, the supports for doing push-ups can be removed, which can be done well with simple supports for push-ups, without taking up space. To reduce costs a bit, it would have been better not to provide these push-up supports at all because you end up paying for something you don't use. Going to the gym often requires quite a bit of time available, not to mention the fairly high costs of the monthly membership. The main problem with home fitness equipment of this type is having the space available, after which, as long as there are reasons for using them, they allow you to train comfortably at home, in the space of time available, with considerable savings also costs, given that the initial cost tends to pay for itself in a short time, especially if it is used by several members of the same family. It is true that many exercises can also be performed only with the body free, but with weights you can have a greater gradualness in training and a better focus on specific muscle groups. Obviously, nothing prevents you from carrying out bodyweight exercises or exercises of a more strictly aerobic nature (running, swimming, cycling, aerobics, etc.) With this home gym, as far as strictly aerobic exercises are concerned, you have to take into consideration which can also be used as a rowing machine (although in this case the legs remain stationary unlike a traditional rowing machine). It's really versatile, and with a little imagination you can come up with different variations, even just for example by changing the grip, angle, etc. It allows you to train the whole body with the characteristic, however, of always focusing on a few muscle groups at a time depending on the exercise performed. Without exaggeration, in my opinion, even just a few minutes a day are enough to get in satisfactory physical shape! Really a valid and fun aid to be stimulated in this sense. Really interesting price/performance ratio (about 500 euros November 2016). The montage anyway


Superbe station de musculation très complète. Tout d'abord la livraison : aucun problème, livré sur palette dans mon allée. Le tout est lourd (près de 150kg) mais c'est séparé en plusieurs colis avec le poids bien réparti. Aucun problème pour les amener à l'intérieur. Les cartons sont renforcés sur les angles et sanglés, aucun problème à signaler là dessus. Pour le montage : pensez à demander la notice en français au vendeur si vous n'êtes pas familier avec l'anglais, la notice de base est uniquement en allemand et anglais. Néanmoins les dessins sont explicites et permettent de le monter sans soucis avec la légende. L'ensemble est fixé solidement avec des boulons anti desserrage, c’est de la bonne qualité. A l'utilisation j'en suis très content, les supports sont confortables, les bras et jambes bien protégés par les mousses. Cette station permet de faire de nombreux exercices différents et de muscler plusieurs parties du corps. J'ai l'impression d'avoir une salle de sport dans mon garage ! Le système de poulies fonctionne très bien, les poids sont simmples à adapter. Ce qui m'a manqué : il n'y a pas les outils nécessaire au montage, je trouve ça dommage au vu du prix de l'appareil, deux clefs supplémentaires pour aider au montage n'était pas de trop. Au final si vous n'avez pas l'outillage vous ne pourrez pas le monter. Je trouve qu'il manque également un petit livret avec les exercices possibles. Il est annoncé plus de 50 exercices possibles avec la machine mais encore faut il les connaitre pour bien les réaliser. Bon après ca se trouve sur internet mais j'aurais préféré en livret fourni avec. Enfin faite attention au volume, il fait plus de 2 mètres de haut et 2,3 m de large !

Superb very complete weight station. First delivery: no problem, delivered on a pallet to my driveway. Everything is heavy (nearly 150kg) but it is separated into several packages with the weight well distributed. No problem bringing them inside. The boxes are reinforced on the corners and strapped, no problem to report on that. For assembly: remember to ask the seller for the instructions in French if you are not familiar with English, the basic instructions are only in German and English. Nevertheless, the drawings are explicit and allow it to be mounted without worries with the legend. The assembly is firmly fixed with anti-loosening bolts, it is of good quality. In use I am very happy with it, the supports are comfortable, the arms and legs well protected by the foams. This station allows you to do many different exercises and to strengthen several parts of the body. I feel like I have a gym in my garage! The pulley system works very well, the weights are simple to adapt. What I missed: there are no tools necessary for assembly, I find it a shame given the price of the device, two additional keys to help with assembly were not too much. In the end if you do not have the tools you will not be able to mount it. I find that it also lacks a small booklet with the possible exercises. It is announced more than 50 possible exercises with the machine but still it is necessary to know them to carry out them well. Good after that is on the internet but I would have preferred in the booklet provided with it. Finally pay attention to the volume, it is more than 2 meters high and 2.3 m wide!


très beau banc de musculation, pour faire travailler toutes les zones du corps comme dans une salle de sport. L'ensemble pèse 145 kg environ, il est solide et stable, mon mari l'a monté dans l'après midi tout seul, il faut un peu de place disponible pour l'utiliser de manière optimisé. les dossiers et assises sont confortables, facile a nettoyer d'un coup d'éponge. Le banc est livré avec des poids 1 de 4.5 kg et et 9 plaques de 6 kg chacune, et 2 haltères de 1.5 kg, avec cet appareil vous allez faire plus de 50 exercices différents, pour faire travailler, les bras, le dos, les abdos, la taille, le thorax les épaules, les jambes, etc, tirer, pousser, soulever, d'une simple goupille vous enlevez ou mettez un élément en place. vous pourrez travailler debout, assis, allongé, faire des pompes etc. mon mari et mon fils en font tous les jours, je fais les abdos sur le banc incliné, et l'appareil au dessus du banc incliné on prend appuie sur les avant bras et on lève les jambes, par contre l'élément papillon il va falloir que j'y travaille car je n'arrive pas a les approcher, (manque de force) mais ça va venir avec de l'entrainement. c'est super d'avoir ce genre d'appareil chez soi, quand on habite en pleine campagne loin de tout, et ça revient moins cher qu'un abonnement en salle car vous en faites quand vous voulez et autant que vous voulez sans bouger de chez vous !

very nice weight bench, to work all areas of the body like in a gym. The set weighs around 145 kg, it is solid and stable, my husband assembled it in the afternoon on his own, it takes a little space to use it in an optimized way. the backrests and seats are comfortable, easy to clean with a sponge. The bench comes with 1 weights of 4.5 kg and 9 plates of 6 kg each, and 2 dumbbells of 1.5 kg, with this device you will do more than 50 different exercises, to work, arms, back, abs, waist, chest, shoulders, legs, etc., pull, push, lift, with a simple pin you remove or put an element in place. you can work standing, sitting, lying down, doing push-ups etc. my husband and my son do it every day, I do the abs on the inclined bench, and the device above the inclined bench we take support on the forearms and we raise the legs, on the other hand the butterfly element it goes I have to work on it because I can't approach them (lack of strength) but it will come with practice. it's great to have this kind of device at home, when you live in the countryside far from everything, and it's cheaper than an indoor subscription because you can do it when you want and as much as you want without moving from your place !