Tyro S1 Pull-up Bar

40,99 € (incl. VAT)
  • Pull-up bar
  • Black
  • 11 cm
Product number: 10004617
Tyro S1 Pull-up Bar
40,99 € (incl. VAT)
  • Ready for delivery In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays.
  • Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period
  • Free delivery, no minimum order

Top features

  • Ultra-sturdy steel frame

  • Two elements for different muscle groups

  • Front with plastic handle and non-slip grip

Product description

The CAPITAL SPORTSis a classic pull-up bar that's perfect for a quick home workout! This sports device allows for an uncomplicated, inexpensive, and highly efficient workout for your chest, back, shoulder, neck and arms. For mounting to the wall the chin up bar comes with heavy-duty dowels. They bring a high stability to the construction and are made for challenging tasks. This type of dowel is used where normal plastic dowels won't get the job done. Please note that the unit is shipped as an assembly kit. Mounting hardware is included with your delivery.


  • Supplied with mounting hardware
  • Load capacity: up to 350kg
Product number: 10004617

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Width: 101cm
  • Depth: 51cm
  • Tube diameter: 2.5 cm
  • Surface mount point: 10 x 19.5 cm
  • Distance between inner chin-up handles: 51.5cm
  • Weight: 4.1 kg

What will be delivered?

  • Device including mounting hardware

Delivery & shipment

Ready for delivery

Shipping time: 3 - 5 days

Customer reviews
50 Ratings

Excellent value for money and great quality when compared to other similar products by other companies. Extremely impressed with the build quality and finish.


Stange soweit okay nur wie der Vorredner schon gesagt hat Baumarkt Ankerbolzen sind von Vorteil Gewicht 105 Kg Ansonsten hält alles und macht einen Wertigen Eindruck

Rod so far okay, just like the previous speaker has already said hardware store anchor bolts are an advantage Weight 105 kg Otherwise everything holds and makes a valuable impression


Passt perfekt ist wie auf dem Bild abgebildet. Schnelle Lieferung

Fits perfectly as shown in the picture. Fast delivery


Bei den Preis kann man eigentlich nicht meckern, aber nichts desto trotz: Die beigefügten "Schwerlastdübel" konnte ich teils mit der Hand verbiegen. Deshalb habe ich mir im Baumarkt Ankerbolzen gekauft, mit denen wir auf dem Bau arbeiten (8 Stk.= knapp 12,00€). Problem: in 2 Jahren werde uch die abflexen müssen, aber egal. POSITIV: Die Stange selbst wurde zwar grob zusammen geschweißt, aber hält mich (2m groß und 91kg aus. Und meinen Trainingspartner:110kg auch.) Für den Preis ganz ok. Aber verwendet nicht die original Dübel: Taiwan Müll!!!

You can't really complain about the price, but nonetheless: I was able to bend some of the "heavy-duty dowels" included with my hand. That's why I bought anchor bolts in the hardware store, which we use on the construction site (8 pieces = almost €12.00). Problem: in 2 years they will also have to be modified, but it doesn't matter. POSITIVE: The bar itself was roughly welded together, but it can hold me (2m tall and 91kg. And my training partner: 110kg too.) Quite ok for the price. But don't use the original dowels: Taiwan garbage!!!


Das Ding ist gut nur die Montage Anleitung für die Dübel und Schrauben hatte ich nicht entcrypten können bin aber selber dann dahinter gekommen

The thing is good, I just couldn't decrypt the installation instructions for the dowels and screws, but I figured it out myself


Das Gerät ist perfekt. Allerdings sind die beigefügten Dübel ein Witz. Es kommen also noch einmal Kosten für 8 Schrauben/Dübel hinzu. Würde es aber trotzdem wieder kaufen.

The device is perfect. However, the included dowels are a joke. So there are additional costs for 8 screws/dowels. But would still buy it again.


Preis und Leistung stimmen. Die Klimmzugstangen sind einfach anzubringen und funktionieren einwandfrei. Das Anbringen erfordert ein bisschen Fingerspitzengefühl, aber man bekommt Übung.

Price and performance are right. The pull-up bars are easy to attach and work perfectly. Attaching it takes a bit of finesse, but you'll get practice.


L'articolo é di discreta qualità, capace di fare il lavoro per cui é nato. Come detto dalla recensione di Silvia, quello che avrei apprezzato anch'io, le manopole in spugna anche sulla presa larga, che non costa niente e Vi avrebbe permesso di prendere le 5 stelle Nel complesso il prodotto mi soddisfa Grazie

The article is of moderate quality, capable of doing the job for which it was born. As mentioned in Silvia's review, what I would have appreciated too, the sponge knobs even on the wide grip, which costs nothing and would have allowed you to get 5 stars Overall, the product satisfies me Thank you


L'articolo é di discreta qualità, capace di fare il lavoro per cui é nato. Come detto dalla recensione di Silvia, quello che avrei apprezzato anch'io, le manopole in spugna anche sulla presa larga, che non costa niente e Vi avrebbe permesso di prendere le 5 stelle Nel complesso il prodotto mi soddisfa Grazie

The article is of moderate quality, capable of doing the job for which it was born. As mentioned in Silvia's review, what I would have appreciated too, the sponge knobs even on the wide grip, which costs nothing and would have allowed you to get 5 stars Overall, the product satisfies me Thank you


L'articolo é di discreta qualità, capace di fare il lavoro per cui é nato. Come detto dalla recensione di Silvia, quello che avrei apprezzato anch'io, le manopole in spugna anche sulla presa larga, che non costa niente e Vi avrebbe permesso di prendere le 5 stelle Nel complesso il prodotto mi soddisfa Grazie

The article is of moderate quality, capable of doing the job for which it was born. As mentioned in Silvia's review, what I would have appreciated too, the sponge knobs even on the wide grip, which costs nothing and would have allowed you to get 5 stars Overall, the product satisfies me Thank you


L'articolo é di discreta qualità, capace di fare il lavoro per cui é nato. Come detto dalla recensione di Silvia, quello che avrei apprezzato anch'io, le manopole in spugna anche sulla presa larga, che non costa niente e Vi avrebbe permesso di prendere le 5 stelle Nel complesso il prodotto mi soddisfa Grazie

The article is of moderate quality, capable of doing the job for which it was born. As mentioned in Silvia's review, what I would have appreciated too, the sponge knobs even on the wide grip, which costs nothing and would have allowed you to get 5 stars Overall, the product satisfies me Thank you


L'articolo é di discreta qualità, capace di fare il lavoro per cui é nato. Come detto dalla recensione di Silvia, quello che avrei apprezzato anch'io, le manopole in spugna anche sulla presa larga, che non costa niente e Vi avrebbe permesso di prendere le 5 stelle Nel complesso il prodotto mi soddisfa Grazie

The article is of moderate quality, capable of doing the job for which it was born. As mentioned in Silvia's review, what I would have appreciated too, the sponge knobs even on the wide grip, which costs nothing and would have allowed you to get 5 stars Overall, the product satisfies me Thank you


Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit der Stange. Habe sie seit einigen Monaten in Gebrauch und sie hält, was sie verspricht. Preis-Leistung stimmt für mich.

I am very happy with the pole. I've been using it for a few months and it does what it promises. Value for money is right for me.


Schlecht verschweisst. Sieht ansonsten ganz ordentlich aus. Ob es auf lange Sicht seinen Zweck erfüllt wird sich sehen lasse. Sieht nicht schlecht aus.

Poorly welded. Otherwise looks pretty neat. Whether it will serve its purpose in the long run remains to be seen. Does not look bad.


Habe die Stange nun seit einigen Monaten im Gebrauch. Kann mich nicht beklagen. Nach leichten Schwierigkeiten beim Anbau wackelt nichts und ich fühle mich sicher beim Training. Für den Preis absolut zu empfehlen.

Have been using the pole for a few months now. I can not complain. After a bit of difficulty growing, nothing wobbles and I feel confident in my training. Absolutely recommended for the price.


Hab einen Stern abgezogen wegen den mitgelieferten Dübel und Schrauben... Habe diese gegen Fischer dübel ausgetauscht und das ganze hängt bombensicher an der Wand... Verarbeitung ist ok, und scheint stabil zu sein...

I deducted a star because of the supplied dowels and screws... I exchanged these for Fischer dowels and the whole thing hangs bomb-proof on the wall... Processing is ok and seems stable...


In questi tempi in cui frenesia e stress sembrano governare le nostre vite, è facile finire per trascurare il benessere del proprio corpo. Le sbarre per trazioni ci permettono di allenare numerose zone del fisico per renderlo tonico e salutare. Il prodotto arriva ben confezionato in una scatola abbastanza grande. Ogni pezzo è imbustato per garantire sicurezza nel trasporto. All’interno della confezione c’è tutto il necessario per montare e fissare il prodotto anche se consiglio di scegliere dei fisher nuovi in base a dove posizionerete l’attrezzo (muro di tuci, blocchetti di cemento, laterizio portante ecc). Il montaggio è facile ed avviene tramite bulloni da inserire nei vari fori. Le rifiniture sono soddisfacenti. Le impugnature sono abbastanza buone (anche se avrei preferito una buona impugnatura in spugna per migliorare il confort) e il prodotto è robusto e resistente.

In these times where hectic and stress seem to rule our lives, it's easy to end up neglecting the well-being of your body. Traction bars allow us to train numerous areas of the body to make it toned and healthy. The product arrives well packaged in a good sized box. Each piece is packed to ensure safe transport. Inside the package there is everything needed to assemble and fix the product even if I recommend choosing new fishers based on where you will place the tool (tuci wall, concrete blocks, load-bearing brick, etc.). Assembly is easy and takes place using bolts to be inserted in the various holes. The finishes are satisfactory. The handles are quite good (although I would have preferred a good sponge grip to improve comfort) and the product is robust and resistant.


Habe die Klimmzugstange versehentlich an meine alte Adresse gesendet (bin vor ein paar Wochen umgezogen) als das Paket dort durch niemanden angenommen wurde ging es zurück. Die Versendefirma lieferte nach einer kurzen Mailkorrespondenz die Stange ohne entstehende Kosten für mich an meine neue Adresse. Als ich dann das Paket entgegennahm stellte ich fest, dass das Befestigungsmaterial völlig unbrauchbar war. Die Dübel waren zu kurz für die Schrauben und zogen sich aus der Wand heraus auf leichtes Ziehen an der Stangen ( alle 8 Schrauben angezogen). Ich hab mir dann neue Schrauben und Dübel besorgt, aufgrund des Vorbildlichen Services 4 Sterne

Accidentally sent the pull-up bar to my old address (I moved a few weeks ago) when the package was not accepted by anyone there, it went back. After a short email correspondence, the shipping company delivered the rod to my new address at no cost to me. When I received the package, I found that the fastening material was completely useless. The dowels were too short for the screws and pulled out of the wall with a slight pull on the rods (all 8 screws tightened). I then got new screws and dowels, 4 stars because of the exemplary service


Die Stange ist für den Preis ok. Macht aber keinen sehr stabilen und wertigen Eindruck, mich hat sie aber bisher mit 120kg Problemlos gehalten. Nachteil: Die mitgelieferten Schwerlast Dübel kann man vergessen, billigste China Ware

The rod is ok for the price. Doesn't make a very stable and valuable impression, but it has held me up to 120kg without any problems. Disadvantage: You can forget the heavy-duty dowels supplied, cheapest China goods


Mio figlio ama la palestra da quando era piccolo ma causa impegni lavoro non ha più tempo da recarsi in palestra e così ha creato una mini palestra in mansarda per esercitarsi ogni tanto in modo facile ed efficace. Tra gli attrezzi che preferisce c'è la barra per trazioni con cui esegue esercizi mirati per la schiena, bicipiti e tant'altro e aspetto più importante , gli fa bruciare le calorie ed elimina la pancia dovuta alla vita sedentaria. La barra trazioni è ideale per allenarsi in tutta sicurezza a casa. Design moderno, realizzata in robusto telaio in acciaio, due impugnature per diversi punti di appoggio, maniglie gommate antiscivolo, superficie scanalata per un'ottima tenuta, montaggio a parete, capacità di carico massima di 350 kg, montaggio e installazione facile e veloce. Uno degli attrezzi indispensabili per chi si allena a corpo libero e non solo in modo semplice ed efficace in grado di farti mettere massa e forza nella parte superiore del tronco, ed un utilissimo e casalingo strumento atto a tale scopo. Disponibile su amazon e arrivata in breve tempo a casa, la barra per trazioni in acciaio cromato con montaggio a parete, permette di avere un fisico allenato e dorsali sviluppati eseguendo miriadi di esercizi con le trazioni alla sbarra. Adatta per eseguire in tutta sicurezza esercizi multiarticolari per eccellenza per il dorso e per il potenziamento di bicipiti, tricipiti, dorsali, spalle e addominali. Uno degli esercizi principali per mettere massa e forza nella parte superiore del tronco ed un utilissimo e casalingo strumento atto a tale scopo. Descrizione La barra ha la struttura in acciaio color grigio con le impugnature protette da gomma antiscivolo. Peso 4, 1 kg Dimensione 101 x 51 cm rispettivamente larghezza e profondità Diametro del tubo di 3,3 cm Distanza impugnatura a martello 51,5 cm Supporta una capacità di carico fino a 350 kg. Montaggio Facile montarla a parete con il kit materiale per il montaggio in dotazione, basta scegliere una parete molto robusta che supporti il carico del corpo durante l'allenamento. Fissarlo alla parete tramiti i supporti robusti dotati di grossi fori adatti ad assicurare un montaggio sicuro anche su pareti massicce. L'aspetto più importante della barra è la giusta distanza dalla parete che permette ogni tipo di esercizio sia mettendosi frontalmente che di schiena. La barra orizzontale non ha la classica forma diritta ma arcuata e smussata per una migliore presa delle impugnature in gomma antiscivolo che hanno diversi punti di appoggio e la superficie scanalata per un'ottima tenuta. Consegna: 1 asta kit per il montaggio istruzioni di montaggio della barra per trazioni Allenarsi con la barra per trazioni è l'esercizio perfetto per sviluppare e aumentate molti muscoli , in primis la schiena, i dorsali, i bicipiti, il trapezio e l'addome. Eliminare la pancia, ottenere una bella schiena a forma di ""V"", migliorare il fisico e la performance, sono solo alcuni dei benefici degli esercizi multiarticolari che si ottengono usando questa favolosa sbarra.

My son has loved the gym since he was little but due to work commitments he no longer has time to go to the gym and so he has created a mini gym in the attic to exercise every so often in an easy and effective way. Among the tools he prefers is the traction bar with which he performs targeted exercises for the back, biceps and much more and more importantly, it burns calories and eliminates the belly due to a sedentary life. The pull-up bar is ideal for training safely at home. Modern design, made of sturdy steel frame, two handles for different support points, non-slip rubberized handles, grooved surface for excellent grip, wall mounting, maximum load capacity of 350 kg, quick and easy assembly and installation. One of the indispensable tools for those who train freely and not only in a simple and effective way able to make you put mass and strength in the upper part of the trunk, and a very useful and homemade tool for this purpose. Available on amazon and arrived at home in a short time, the wall-mounted chromed steel pull-up bar allows you to have a trained physique and developed backbones by performing myriads of exercises with pull-ups on the bar. Suitable for safely performing multi-joint exercises par excellence for the back and for strengthening the biceps, triceps, back, shoulders and abs. One of the main exercises to put mass and strength in the upper part of the trunk and a very useful and homemade tool for this purpose. Description The bar has a gray colored steel structure with handles protected by non-slip rubber. Weight 4.1 kg Dimension 101 x 51 cm width and depth respectively Pipe diameter of 3.3 cm Hammer grip distance 51.5 cm Supports a load capacity of up to 350 kg. Mounting Easy to mount on the wall with the supplied mounting material kit, just choose a very sturdy wall that supports the load of the body during training. Fix it to the wall using the sturdy supports equipped with large holes to ensure secure mounting even on solid walls. The most important aspect of the bar is the right distance from the wall which allows any type of exercise both from the front and from the back. The horizontal bar does not have the classic straight shape but arched and rounded for a better grip of the non-slip rubber handles which have different support points and a grooved surface for excellent grip. Delivery: 1 rod assembly kit pull-up bar assembly instructions Training with the pull-up bar is the perfect exercise for developing and building up many muscles, especially the back, lats, biceps, trapezius and abs . Getting rid of the belly, getting a nice "V" shaped back, improving physique and performance, are just some of the benefits of multi-joint exercises that you get using this fabulous barre.


Klarfit zidna šipka za zgibove je odličan proizvod za sve koji se žele dovesti u formu.Porizvod je vrijedan novca , kvalitetan je i čvrst.Ugradnja je jednostavna. Preporučujem svima.

The Klarfit wall bar for pull-ups is an excellent product for anyone who wants to get in shape. The product is worth the money, it is high-quality and sturdy. Installation is simple. I recommend it to everyone.


Molto buono, comodissimo per svolgere gli esercizi in casa. Il diametro della barra è adatto a qualsiasi dimensioni della mano, il problema di grip può essere risolto con del nastro adesivo avvolto attorno all'impugnatura..

Very good, very comfortable to carry out the exercises at home. The diameter of the bar is suitable for any hand size, the grip problem can be solved with tape wrapped around the handle.


Appareil de traction musculaire de super qualité, comparable, à ceux que l'on trouve dans les centres de Fitness, montage facile, cheville béton de qualité, j'ai apprécié la pose facile et surtout l'envoi gratuit

Super quality muscle traction device, comparable to those found in fitness centers, easy assembly, quality concrete ankle, I appreciated the easy installation and above all the free shipping


Habe Sie montiert und los ging das Training. Sie ist optisch gut anzusehen und bietet mehrere Übumgs-Möglichkeiten. Zwar ist an der unteren Stange kein extra Grip, doch lässt sie sich gut greifen. Die mitgeliferten Dübel scheinen einen Elefanten zu halten ;)

I mounted it and the training started. It is visually good to look at and offers several exercise options. Although there is no extra grip on the lower bar, it is easy to grip. The supplied dowels seem to be holding an elephant ;)


hasznos, stabil és jól mutat a lakásban. Jól használható és nem foglal sok helyet. Jó lenne ha más színekben is lehetne kapni.

useful, stable and looks good in the apartment. It is easy to use and does not take up much space. It would be nice if you could get it in other colors.


commandé et fixé de suite !! Bonne finition matériel de bonne qualité je l'utilise pour les traction ( 69kg) ainssi que pour la fixation de mon TRX et ca ne bouge pas un poil !! Au top !!

ordered and fixed immediately!! Good finish good quality material I use it for traction (69kg) as well as for fixing my TRX and it does not move a bit !! In the top !!


Alles dabei, was zur kinderleichten Montage benötigt wird. Hängt bombenfest an der Wand und für den Preis ist auch die Qualität 1A.

Everything you need for easy installation is included. Hangs securely on the wall and for the price the quality is also 1A.


Vynikajúca hrazda za perfektnu cenu. Pevná ,vydrží aj moju veľkú váhu 95kg celkovo odporúčam .                                                                                 

An excellent trapeze at a perfect price. Strong, it can withstand my heavy weight of 95 kg, overall I recommend it.


llevo 2 semanas con el esta muy bien por ahora no a dado problemas. Lo único que tardo un poco mas,  2 días. 

I've been with him for 2 weeks, he's very good so far, he hasn't given any problems. The only thing that took a little longer, 2 days.


Die Schwerlastdübel sind für den A****, zu mindestens bei Betonwänden. Ansonsten Könnte auch die Verarbeitung sauberer sein, z.B. kann nach dem schweißen die Reste entfernt werden. Ansonsten kann ich noch nicht viel mehr sagen.

The heavy-duty dowels are for the A****, at least for concrete walls. Otherwise, the processing could also be cleaner, for example, the remains can be removed after welding. Other than that I can't say much more.


Die Qualität der Klimmzugstange ist völlig in Ordnung. Die Schwerlastdübel sind, wie im Internet zu erfahren, nur für Betonwände wirklich geeignet, bei normalen Wänden ist die Stabilität nicht sicher. Mein Sohn kann sich also gut dranhängen. Ich selbst wage es lieber nicht.

The quality of the pull-up bar is absolutely fine. As can be seen on the internet, the heavy-duty dowels are only really suitable for concrete walls, with normal walls the stability is not certain. So my son can hang on to it. I'd rather not dare myself.


Die Löcher für die Querstange waren ncht synchron gebohrt, so dass ich mich mit der Feile etwas behelfen mußte. Für den Preis darf man aber wohl auch keine Perfektion erwarten...

The holes for the crossbar weren't drilled synchronously, so I had to use a file to help myself. Don't expect perfection for the price...


Oggetto come da descrizione. Se saldato a un muro di cemento armato è il TOP! Regge benissimo! L' unica pecca forse è, per chi ha le mani piccoline, il diametro della sbarra, un po' grande, e sarebbe stato molto bello se l' acciaio fosse ricoperto dalla ""plastica"" antiscivolo presente sulle maniglie che escono in orizzontale. Si riescono comunque a fare gli esercizi BENISSIMO! Veramente soddisfatto! Consiglio l' acquisto

Item as per description. If welded to a reinforced concrete wall it is the TOP! Holds up great! Perhaps the only flaw is, for those with small hands, the diameter of the bar, a bit large, and it would have been very nice if the steel was covered by the non-slip ""plastic"" on the handles that come out horizontally. You can still do the exercises GREAT! Really satisfied! I recommend the purchase


Penso que o produto e bastante bom o material e forte e resistente, e a barra serve perfeitamente o proposito que tinha para ela portanto estou extremamente satisfeito tanto na medida da entrega como na medida da qualidade e credibilidade da marca. optima relaçao qualidade preço que bate qualquer outra no mercado, sem margem para duvidas

I think the product is quite good, the material is strong and resistant, and the bar perfectly serves the purpose I had for it, so I am extremely satisfied both in terms of delivery and in terms of the quality and credibility of the brand. excellent price-quality ratio that beats any other on the market, without any doubt


Bei uns hebt diese Klimmzugstange mit den mitgelieferten Schrauben und Dübeln astrein. 80 kg sind hier absolut möglich (schwerer ist bei uns leider niemand). Die Qualität ist für die Heimaktivitäten absolut ausreichend. Positiv wäre, wenn die Stange selber auch noch gepolstert wäre.

With us, this pull-up bar lifts perfectly with the supplied screws and dowels. 80 kg are absolutely possible here (unfortunately nobody is heavier with us). The quality is absolutely sufficient for home activities. It would be positive if the bar itself was also padded.


Arrivata nei tempi preventivati, ottimo impacchettamento. La barra sembra solida e ben costruita. E' quella che ho trovato online a prezzo migliore. Se proprio dovessi trovare un difetto, istruzioni un po' striminzite (ma non ci vuole una laurea in ingegneria per montarla) e mancanza di un chiavino esagonale per imbullonare (io avevo a disposizione quello di una panca Domyos). Suggerisco l'acquisto

Arrived on time, excellent packaging. The bar feels solid and well built. It's the one I found online at the best price. If I really had to find fault, the instructions were skimpy (but you don't need an engineering degree to assemble it) and the lack of a hexagonal key for bolting (I had the one from a Domyos bench available). I recommend the purchase


Prodotto ottimale e funzionale,arrivato con 3 giorni di anticipo,sito affidabile al 100% sono contentissimo del mio acquisto lo consiglio a tutti!

Optimal and functional product, arrived 3 days in advance, 100% reliable site I am very happy with my purchase I recommend it to everyone!


L'unica accortezza e quella di verificare bene la vostra qualità del muro per il fissaggio. Personalmente, ho usato il tassello chimico, ed ho ancorato la barra anche al soffito. Forse ho esagerato, ma il mattone forato del mio stabile, non mi dava garanzie. Saluti

The only precaution is to check your quality of the wall for fixing. Personally, I used the chemical plug, and I also anchored the bar to the ceiling. Maybe I exaggerated, but the perforated brick of my building gave me no guarantees. Greetings


La barra es solida y de tamaño adecuado para la realizacion de todo tipo de dominadas.Es necesario una pared solida y maña para ponerla correctamente.Totalmente recomendable.

The bar is solid and the right size for doing all kinds of pull-ups. You need a solid wall and skill to put it on correctly. Totally recommendable.


Mi sembra molto valido , la presentazione dell'articolo è oiù che buona

It seems very valid to me, the presentation of the article is more than good


Mas que una opinión es una consulta. La idea es colocar la barra en el patio, puede estar en el exterior o se acabara oxidando y dañando el material?Gracias!

More than an opinion is a query. The idea is to place the bar in the patio, can it be outside or will it end up rusting and damaging the material? Thank you!


Arrivato in meno tempo della media, di solido acciaio e facile montaggio, busta con tasselli (da 10) e viti incluse. Non marchiato Klarfit ma decisamente soddisfacente per materiali e solidità. Per il prezzo, straconsigliato.

Arrived in less time than the average, solid steel and easy assembly, envelope with plugs (of 10) and screws included. Not branded Klarfit but definitely satisfactory for materials and solidity. For the price, highly recommended.


Yo la tengo puesta desde hace un mes aprox. y por ahora no se mueve ni un milimetro, se nota bastante segura. Lleva 8 tornillos a la pared, que son bastantes. También cuenta tu maña para ponerla y supongo que el tipo de pared, pero lo que es la barra es sólida y resistente.

I've had it on for about a month. And for now it doesn't move an inch, it feels pretty safe. Take 8 screws to the wall, which is quite a lot. It also counts your skill to put it and I suppose that the type of wall, but what is the bar is solid and resistant.


Arrivato oggi, non è marchiato Klar fit come nella foto, per il resto è uguale, sembra robusto. Ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo. Confermo la pochezza dei tasselli, ma fanno il loro lavoro.

Arrived today, it is not marked Klar fit as in the photo, otherwise it is the same, it seems robust. Excellent value for money. I confirm the paucity of the plugs, but they do their job.


Estoy a la espera de recibir este artículo y me gustaría saber si la instalación es lo suficientemente sólida y segura.Gracias!

I am waiting to receive this article and I would like to know if the installation is solid and secure enough. Thank you!


Muy buena barra de dominadas, resistente y cómoda

Very good pull-up bar, resistant and comfortable


Barra muy solida y completa, que te permitirá realizar de forma cómoda ejercicios de pectorales, espalda y brazos

Very solid and complete bar, which will allow you to comfortably perform pectoral, back and arm exercises


très bonne machine pour développer muscle

great machine for building muscle


Ottimo attrezzo, molto resistente praticissimo per la palestra in casa! Magari i tasselli non sono proprio adatti ma il prezzo ne vale davvero la pena!

Excellent tool, very resistant and very practical for the home gym! Maybe the plugs are not really suitable but the price is really worth it!


Ideal für zwischendurch!

Ideal for in between!