Ruggedor Wrist Bandages

20,99 €
Original price: 27,99 €
(incl. VAT)
  • Wrist bandages
  • Red
Product number: 10029498
Ruggedor Wrist Bandages
20,99 €
Original price: 27,99 €
(incl. VAT)
  • Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
  • Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period

Top features

  • Elastic wrist wraps for stabilising the wrist during bodybuilding

  • Prevents pain and the development of tendonitis

  • Universal fit: 50 cm long, 7.5 cm wide bandage for men and women

Product description

Protect yourself! If you are suffering unnecessary pain during bench presses and weightlifting, the CAPITAL SPORTS Ruggedor wrist bandages are for you. The wrist straps made of 80% polyethylene and 20% elastane wrap easily around your wrists and attach to the 10 cm-long, integrated Velcro. The 7.5 cm-wide elastic bandage safely stabilises your wrists. This prevents pain during training as well as lengthy tendonitis.

Thanks to its length of 50 cm, the CAPITAL SPORTS Ruggedor wrist bandages fit any arms easily - whether male or female, pro or beginner. A handy thumb loop prevents slipping of the bandage. The material is air- and moisture-permeable, so that it is comfortable to wear even during long, sweaty workouts.


  • Material: 80% polyethylene, 20% spandex
  • Washing: 30 ° C, hand wash
  • Air and moisture-permeable material for comfortable fit even during long training sessions
  • Thumb loop for a secure fit of the bandage without slipping
  • Also suitable for protecting the wrists during frequent transport of large weights outside of training
  • Colour: black with red stripes
  • Supplied in pairs
Product number: 10029498

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions (one bandage): 7.5 x 0.1 x 50 cm (WxHxD)
  • Thumb loop: about 6.5 x 1.5 cm (L x W)
  • Velcro: about 10 x 2.5 cm (L x W)
  • Weight (one bandage): about 30g

What will be delivered?

  • 2 x wrist bandages
  • Delivery without user manual

Delivery & shipment

Low stock - order quickly!

Shipping time: 3 - 5 days

Customer reviews
3 Ratings

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Un accessoire assez simple et qui fait bien son travail : Maintenir fermement les poignets pour aider à soulever les barres et éviter les douleurs de poignets.Les couleurs noires et rouge sont parfaite, c'est ce que j'aime porter en général pour le sport.On peut choisir de serrer fort ou légèrement car les bandes de force sont élastiques. Elles ne bougent pas et pour ma part ne tournent pas et d'adaptent à tous les poignets. A voir avec le temps si le cratch de serrage ne se découd pas mais pour l'instant c'est parfait. Chose juste différente par rapport aux autres poignets de forces que j'ai eu par le passé, elles ne sont pas symétrique, ce qui signifie que sur la main droite je les mets en tournant autour du poignet vers la gauche et sur la main gauche, je les tourne par dessus le poignet également vers la gauche. Habituellement, il y a un coté droit et un coté gauche mais là ce n'est pas le cas, mais ce n'est pas gênant.

A fairly simple accessory that does its job well: Firmly hold the wrists to help lift the bars and avoid wrist pain. The black and red colors are perfect, this is what I generally like to wear for sport .You can choose to tighten hard or lightly because the force bands are elastic. They do not move and for my part do not turn and adapt to all wrists. To do with time if the tightening cratch does not unstitch but for the moment it is perfect. Just different from other strength cuffs I've had in the past, they are not symmetrical, which means on the right hand I put them by twisting around the wrist to the left and on the left hand, I turn them over the wrist also to the left. Usually there is a right side and a left side but this is not the case, but it does not matter.


All'arrivo sono rimasta contenta del fatto che fossero due e non una, non avevo capito. Utili per quello che ne devo fare io mantengono i polsi fermi per esercitarsi con pesi da fitness. Evitano infatti dolore e tensioni dovute al sollevamento. La misura è 50 cm di lunghezza e 7,5 cm di larghezza. Le usiamo sia io che mio marito si adattano ai vostri polsi grazie alla chiusura a velcro lunga 10 cm. Si riesce ad evitare il problema del tunnel carpale per chi non lo sapesse: Il Tunnel Carpale è una struttura stretta, un ‘tunnel’ nel polso. Il fondo e i lati di questo tunnel sono formati dalle ossa del polso (carpo). I sintomi più comuni della sindrome del tunnel carpale sono: Intorpidimento, formicolio e dolore nella mano e delle dita (in particolare delle prime tre dita, il pollice, l'indice e il medio, mai il mignolo, più frequenti di notte che di giorno. Il materiale di cui è composta è 80 % Polietilene, 20 % Elastan io la lavo a mano per evitare che si rovini e con prodotti molto attenti alla pelle visto che deve stare a stretto contatto con la mia. Può essere usata per lunghe sessione di fitness e allenamenti e non risente dell'usura. dimenticavo di re che all'esterno della benda, c'è un anello che andrà ad agganciare il pollice per tenere tutto in maniera ferma. Mio marito la usa anche per il lavoro, visto che ogni giorno deve sollevare pesi in continuazione, riescono a diminuire il dolore dell'affaticamento del braccio dovuto a questi sforzi eccessivi. Belli da vedersi hanno un bel design che va dalla fascia interamente nera decorata con strisce rosse.

Upon arrival I was happy that there were two and not one, I had not understood. Useful for what I have to do with them they keep the wrists still for exercising with fitness weights. In fact, they avoid pain and tension due to lifting. The size is 50cm long and 7.5cm wide. Both my husband and I use them, they adapt to your wrists thanks to the 10 cm long Velcro closure. You manage to avoid the carpal tunnel problem for the uninitiated: The Carpal Tunnel is a narrow structure, a 'tunnel' in the wrist. The bottom and sides of this tunnel are formed by the wrist (carpal) bones. The most common symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome are: Numbness, tingling and pain in the hand and fingers (especially the first three fingers, the thumb, index and middle fingers, never the little finger, more frequent at night than during the day The material of which it is composed is 80% Polyethylene, 20% Elastane I wash it by hand to prevent it from getting damaged and with products that are very careful with the skin since it must be in close contact with mine. It can be used for long sessions of fitness and workouts and is not affected by wear. I forgot to mention that on the outside of the bandage, there is a ring that will hook the thumb to keep everything in place. My husband also uses it for work, since every day he has to lift weights all the time, they manage to decrease the pain of arm fatigue due to these excessive efforts.Beautiful to look at, they have a nice design that goes from the entirely black band decorated with red stripes.


Lavaggio: consigliato a 30 °C, a mano, io lo faccio nella lavatrice ma con lo strappo chiuso altrimenti vi rovinate i vestititi Sinceramente pensavo che si tratta solo di una fascia invece è una coppia, ottimo. La lunghezza è di circa mezzo metro, la fascia da una parte ,dove va fissata al pollice ha una striscia della imbottitura un po' rigida , da un altra parte a la chiusura a strappo, la parte sulla fascia è lunga circa 10 cm. A cosa serve : Patologie traumatiche: Tendiniti – Borsiti In fase di riabilitazione o per prevenzione di lesioni muscolari e/o infiammazioni articolari e tendinee. DISTORSIONI INSTABILITA’ ARTICOLARE ARTROSI Durante la pratica di attività sportive. Davvero ottima nel praticare esercizi per proteggere i tendini e muscoli dalle infiammazioni e traumi dovuti agli eccessivi sforzi, oppure quando siamo già siamo stati colpiti da essi. Molto facile da indossare , basta infilare il pollice nel occhiello della striscia e poi fare il bendaggio e chiudere con lo strappo semplicemente appoggiando la chiusura su un altra parte. Mi trovo molto bene , la uso anche sul lavoro , soffro di tunnel carpale , il medico mi ha detto che va benissimo , e riesco usarla anche per la tendinite sul braccio fra il gomito e polso dovuta all'intrappolamento del nervo ulnare nascondendo il pezzo che va attaccato al dito. In questo caso l'unico inconveniente è che si rovina un po' la striscia rossa/nera sulla fascia ma la sua destinazione è per il polso , è solo il mio esperimento ma funziona comunque anche così sotto il gomito. Avvertenza :  Non stringete  la fascia troppo, può essere pericoloso, dal momento che è elastica per non interrompere il flusso sanguigno, basta tirarla davvero solo poco perchè fa quello che deve fare. 

Washing: recommended at 30 °C, by hand, I do it in the washing machine but with the tear closed otherwise you'll ruin your clothes. I honestly thought it was just a band instead it's a pair, excellent. The length is about half a meter, the band on one side, where it is fixed to the thumb, has a slightly stiff padding strip, on the other side a velcro closure, the part on the band is about 10 cm long. What it is for: Traumatic pathologies: Tendinitis – Bursitis In the rehabilitation phase or for the prevention of muscle injuries and/or joint and tendon inflammation. Sprains JOINT INSTABILITY ARTHROSIS During the practice of sporting activities. Really excellent in practicing exercises to protect tendons and muscles from inflammation and trauma due to excessive efforts, or when we have already been affected by them. Very easy to put on, just put your thumb in the eyelet of the strip and then make the bandage and close with the tear simply by placing the closure on another part. I find it very good, I also use it at work, I suffer from carpal tunnel, the doctor told me it's perfectly fine, and I can also use it for tendonitis on my arm between the elbow and wrist due to ulnar nerve entrapment by hiding the piece that is attached to the finger. In this case the only drawback is that the red/black stripe on the band is damaged a bit but its destination is for the wrist, it's just my experiment but it still works even like this below the elbow. Warning : Do not tighten the band too much, it can be dangerous, since it is elastic so as not to interrupt the blood flow, just pull it just a little because it does what it is supposed to do.