Sixish Ab Trainer
- Ab trainer
- Orange
Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear
Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty92,99 €Original price: 102,99 €
- Ready for delivery In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays.
- Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
- Ready to ship in 24 hours
- 14 day cooling off period
Top features
Sixpack ab trainer for a defined core
Trains middle and lower abs, biceps, triceps, back and shoulders
Space-saving fitness device for at-home use
Product description
Get you six pack! The CAPITAL SPORTS Sixish Core ab trainer will get your upper body in shape. Train you abs, back, shoulders, legs, biceps and triceps wherever you want, whenever you want. Whether in the studio, at home or in a home gym, you can always find a place for the Sixish Core. Various curlers offer beginners and professionals a wide range of exercise options to raise their training to a new level.
Thanks to the flexible plugs, you can customize the CAPITAL SPORTS Sixish Core body trainer to meet your individual needs and training requirements in no time. Now nothing will stand in the way of your six pack.
Available colors: black/orange, black (item 10030265)
- Stable & robust: powder-coated steel
- Elastic pull cables
- Pivoting back rest
- Plug-in fuses for the adjusting to an individual's height
- Numerous training possiblity via various positions and configurations
- Schock-absorbing upholstery for comfortable and safe training
- Seat surface made of aritificial leather for easy cleaning
Dimensions and Technical Details
- Standing dimensions: approx. 55 x 93 x 120 cm (WxHxL)
- Weight: approx. 9.7 kg
What will be delivered?
- 1 x core trainer (incl. mounting materials)
- User manual in english(other languages: German )
Delivery & shipment
Shipping time: 3 - 5 days
Your order will be delivered to the selected address per order. This address does not have to match the billing address. You can send the orders to your family, friends or office if you are not at home during the day.
Safety and Operating Instructions
Product Safety Information
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
Responsible Person:
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
E-mail address:
No review available for this item.
Légère et fonction parfaitement comme décrit.
Lightweight and works perfectly as described.
Très bon appareil pour travailler les abdominaux.
Very good device for working the abs.
Super Bauchttrainer Super Bauchttrainer macht echt Spaß und bringt bestimmt auch was wenn man Täglich seine Übungen macht. Leicht aufzubauen ist er auch.
Super abdominal trainer Super abdominal trainer is really fun and definitely helps if you do the exercises every day. It is also easy to assemble.
El banco de musculación Sixish Core de CAPITAL SPORTS es una opción interesante para aquellos que buscan un banco de entrenamiento versátil y completo. El diseño cuenta con múltiples posiciones que permiten realizar una gran variedad de ejercicios, desde abdominales hasta curls de bíceps. Sin embargo, debo decir que mi experiencia con este producto ha sido un poco irregular. Aunque la calidad del material y la construcción del banco son buenas, me resulta un tanto inestable la unión entre el soporte de los pies y donde uno se sienta. Al ser una persona de mayor estatura y peso, siento que no puedo aprovechar bien la parte que traba los pies para hacer el abdominal, ya que se mueve con facilidad. Creo que debería estar reforzado para brindar mayor estabilidad. Por otro lado, el banco cuenta con un acolchado cómodo y suave, que hace que los ejercicios sean más agradables de realizar. Además, incluye cintas de tracción elásticas que pueden usarse para una variedad de ejercicios adicionales. En resumen, si estás buscando un banco de entrenamiento con múltiples posiciones y un diseño versátil, el Sixish Core de CAPITAL SPORTS podría ser una buena opción. Sin embargo, si eres una persona de mayor estatura y peso, debes tener en cuenta que la parte que traba los pies podría ser inestable y no adecuada para ti.
The CAPITAL SPORTS Sixish Core Weight Bench is an interesting option for those looking for a versatile and well-rounded workout bench. The design features multiple positions that allow for a variety of exercises, from sit-ups to bicep curls. However, I must say that my experience with this product has been a bit uneven. While the quality of the material and construction of the bench are good, I find the connection between the foot support and where you sit to be a bit unstable. Being a taller and heavier person, I feel that I can't really use the part that locks the feet to do the sit-up, as it moves easily. I think it should be reinforced to provide more stability. On the other hand, the bench features comfortable and soft padding, which makes the exercises more enjoyable to perform. In addition, it includes elastic pull-up straps that can be used for a variety of additional exercises. In short, if you're looking for a workout bench with multiple positions and a versatile design, the CAPITAL SPORTS Sixish Core could be a good choice. However, if you are a taller and heavier person, you should keep in mind that the part that locks your feet may be unstable and not suitable for you.
Era o que eu queria para trabalhar o meu corpo....
It was what I wanted to work my body....
sehr gutes Training zu teuer
very good training too expensive
gute Qualität sehr gutes Training zu teuer
good quality very good training too expensive
Il est facile à monter maintenant faut juste si mettre
It is easy to assemble now you just have to put it
Pour l'instant pas de problème
No problem so far
Me gusta mucho
I like it a lot
En general todo bien
In general everything is fine
Fácil de montar y muy cómodo para hacer los ejercicios
Easy to assemble and very comfortable to do the exercises
En general me gusto tido
Overall I liked everything
Un poco complicado el montaje porque las instrucciones vienen en inglés y las imágenes se ven fatal pero al final lo pude montar
The assembly was a bit complicated because the instructions are in English and the images look terrible, but in the end I was able to assemble it.
Inizialmente ero tentato di assegnare una stella a questa panca addominali.Arrivata con package insufficiente, con pezzi mancanti all'interno e non funzionante.In pratica la barra portante non si infilava nel suo supporto rendendo cosi impossibile il montaggio.Dopo qualche scambio di mail pero sia con Amazon che con l'Azienda che la vendeva, si sono attivati e me ne hanno reinviata un altra (anch'essa purtroppo con dei pezzi mancanti) però funzionante.Do quattro stelle al servizio clienti e all'help desk del venditore (tedesco) veramente efficiente e disponibile.La panca è comunque un buon prodotto, facile da usare e abbastanza compatta (sta in un angolo del soggiorno) , con le sue molle facilita l'esecuzione degli addominali.Menzione anche al servizio clienti Amazon, quando ci sono problemi è sempre il top !!
Initially I was tempted to give one star to this abdominal bench. It arrived with insufficient packaging, with missing pieces inside and not working. In practice the load-bearing bar did not fit into its support, making assembly impossible. After a few exchanges of emails with both Amazon and the company that sold it, they took action and sent me another one (also unfortunately with missing pieces) but working. I give four stars to the customer service and the help desk of the seller (German) who is truly efficient and helpful. The bench is still a good product, easy to use and quite compact (it fits in a corner of the living room), with its springs it makes it easier to do abdominal exercises. Also a mention to Amazon customer service, when there are problems it is always the best!!
Utile in famiglia
Useful in the family
Super Gerät! Das Body-Trainer kam schnell und absolut sicher und stabil verpackt. Wurde auch direkt zusammen gebaut, schnell und einfach. Bauch, Po, Rücken und Schulter werden sehr gut trainiert. Das Gerät ist für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene gleichermaßen geeignet. Bisher also sehr zufrieden. Werde nun täglich mein Workout mit diesem Gerät absolvieren. Preis - Leistung total empfehlenswert!
Great device! The body trainer arrived quickly and was packaged absolutely safely and sturdily. It was also assembled straight away, quickly and easily. It trains the stomach, bottom, back and shoulders very well. The device is suitable for beginners and advanced users alike. So far, very satisfied. I will now do my daily workout with this device. Price-performance ratio highly recommended!
Das Body-Trainer kam schnell und absolut sicher und stabil verpackt. Wurde auch direkt zusammen gebaut, schnell und einfach. Bauch, Po, Rücken und Schulter werden sehr gut trainiert. Das Gerät ist für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene gleichermaßen geeignet. Bisher also sehr zufrieden. Werde nun täglich mein Workout mit diesem Gerät absolvieren. Preis - Leistung total empfehlenswert!
The body trainer arrived quickly and was packaged absolutely securely and sturdily. Was also assembled directly, quick and easy. Stomach, bottom, back and shoulders are trained very well. The device is equally suitable for beginners and advanced users. So very satisfied so far. I will now do my daily workout with this device. Value for money totally recommendable!
Non ho trovato particolari difficoltà a montarla. La sto utilizzando da quando il corriere l'ha recapitata e la trovo utilissima per il mio benessere: ho già perso peso e non avverto più un fastidioso dolore che sentivo alla schiena.
I didn't find it particularly difficult to assemble it. I've been using it since the courier delivered it and I find it very useful for my well-being: I've already lost weight and I no longer feel the annoying pain that I used to feel in my back.
Parliamoci chiaro la prova costume non l'ho superata nemmeno quest'anno e anche se vado lo stesso al mare mi piacerebbe essere un po' più tonica e per vedere se un altr'anno potrò essere anche io in tiro è meglio mettersi in marcia già da adesso. La panca all'arrivo è perfettamente imballata e devo dire con una cura estrema tutto risulta sigillata in maniera quasi maniacale. Le dimensione aperto sono circa 55 x 93 x 120 cm mentre il peso è di circa 9,7 kg. Ovviamente ho delegato il montaggio all'ingegnere di casa, non sia mai faccio danno. Comunque ho notato non essere molto difficile anche se le figure e la spiegazione lasciano un pochino a desiderare. Sono compresi dei nastri in fune elastica per gli esercizi con le braccia, la seduta è imbottita e ruotabile, inoltre può essere personalizzato in base al peso con i perni presenti in esso. La seduta è facilmente pulibile ed è in finta pelle. Direi che ci sono diverse possibilità di allenarsi grazie alle diverse posizioni del curl. Nonostante la corretta alimentazione che seguo da più mesi ho capito che devo coadiuvarla a qualcosa che mi tonifichi un po', quali gli addominali o degli esercizi per le gambe, in maniera tale da sentirmi più leggera soprattutto quando voglio fare delle lunghe camminate, rimettersi in forma costa tanti sacrifici ma i risultati ripagano. Un addome più tonico permette di ottenere una figura più snella e tonica, oltre a prevenire la lombalgia, e migliorare allo stesso tempo equilibrio e postura. E proprio della postura volevo parlare visto che la panchetta in questione ci permette di tenere un buon movimento senza sforzarci troppo e avere dolori di schiena il giorno dopo. Possono essere svolti diversi esercizi, ma tutti mirati a rendere più tonico il ventre, gambe e braccia se vogliamo fare altre tipologie di esercizi tipo body building per intenderci, bisognerà aggiungere altri accessori in casa. Per me è perfetta così anche perchè non ho il problema ad andare in palestra e posso comodamente fare il tutto in casa, aiutandomi con i tutorial presenti in tanti video. Può essere facilmente ripiegata e quindi andare dietro una porta o sotto il letto, una volta finito gli esercizi troverà sicura mente la sua collocazione. Una cosa che ho adorato sono i cuscinetti presenti perchè nel mentre che faccio gli addominali mi sento massaggiare delicatamente la schiena, certo non abusate fatene 15 minuti al giorno e poi andate ad aumentare se ve la sentite. L'attrezzo è stabile e robusto ed è realizzato in acciaio rivestito a polveri. Le parti dove andrete ad appoggiare il vostro corpo ed anche le maniglie sono protette da morbide cilindri imbottiti per favorire una sicura protezione alla nostra colonna vertebrale. Lo schienale è composto da 3 cilindri che sorreggono la schiena e due piccoli con gomma ergonomica per la testa e collo. Dispone anche di supporti per le gambe per le funzioni di leg extension, così posso eseguire esercizi anche con gambe e cosce. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_cxvQs_FjI
Let's face it, I didn't pass the swimsuit test this year either and even if I go to the beach anyway I'd like to be a little more toned and to see if I can be in shape another year it's better to get going already from now. Upon arrival, the bench is perfectly packed and I must say with extreme care everything is sealed in an almost obsessive way. The open dimensions are approximately 55 x 93 x 120 cm while the weight is approximately 9.7 kg. Obviously I delegated the assembly to the engineer of the house, I never do damage. However I noticed that it is not very difficult even if the figures and the explanation leave a little to be desired. Elastic rope ribbons are included for arm exercises, the seat is padded and rotatable, it can also be customized according to the weight with the pins present in it. The seat is easy to clean and is in imitation leather. I would say that there are different possibilities to train thanks to the different positions of the curl. Despite the correct diet that I have been following for several months, I understood that I have to help her with something that tones me up a bit, such as abdominal exercises or leg exercises, in such a way as to feel lighter especially when I want to take long walks, recover form costs many sacrifices but the results pay off. A more toned abdomen allows you to obtain a slimmer and more toned figure, as well as prevent low back pain, and improve balance and posture at the same time. And I wanted to talk about posture since the bench in question allows us to keep a good movement without straining too much and having back pain the next day. Different exercises can be performed, but all aimed at making the belly, legs and arms more toned. If we want to do other types of body building exercises, so to speak, we will need to add other accessories at home. For me it's perfect like this also because I don't have the problem going to the gym and I can easily do everything at home, helping myself with the tutorials in many videos. It can be easily folded and therefore go behind a door or under the bed, once the exercises are finished it will surely find its place. One thing I loved are the bearings because while I'm doing my abs I feel my back being gently massaged, certainly don't abuse it, do it for 15 minutes a day and then increase if you feel like it. The tool is stable and robust and is made of powder-coated steel. The parts where you will go to support your body and also the handles are protected by soft padded cylinders to promote safe protection for our spine. The backrest is made up of 3 cylinders that support the back and two small ones with ergonomic rubber for the head and neck. It also has leg supports for leg extension functions, so I can perform exercises with legs and thighs as well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_cxvQs_FjI
Die Lieferung erfolgte zügig und die Ware kam unbeschädigt bei mir an. Im Lieferumfang waren 1 Anleitung und diverse Teile zum Eigenaufbau des Sportgerätes. Zum Training kann ich allerdings nur Sportkleidung empfehlen. Ich habe zwar die Bilder in meiner Jeans gemacht, aber zum Training habe ich bequemere Kleidung an. Das Sportgerät ist zu zweit recht schnell aufgebaut. Die schriftliche Aufbauanleitung ist nicht so gut geeignet finde ich, da aber die Bilder dazu aussagekräftig sind, ging es doch ganz gut voran mit dem Aufbau. Wir brauchten, bis alle Einzelteile verbaut waren, ca. 15 Minuten, einschließlich Bilder machen. Die Stellmaße sind ca. 55 x 93 x 120 cm (BxHxL). Es ist ein Heimtrainer der auch noch durch seine Farben schwarz/orange sehr modern aussieht. Durch sein geringes Gewicht von ca. 9,7 Kg und den Kunststoffschonern an den Beinen, kann man das Gerät problemlos auch woanders hinziehen, indem man das Vorderteil anhebt. Das Sportgerät ist für fast alle Partien des Körpers geeignet. Vor allem aber ist es sehr rückenschonend, was auch bei Menschen mit leichten Handicaps angewendet werden kann. Hier wird nicht mit Gewichten gearbeitet, sondern mit dem eigenen Körper. So kann man selber bestimmen, wie weit man gehen möchte und kann durch leichte Übungen den Schweregrad selber erhöhen. Man kann das Gerät auf die bestimmten Körpergrößen der Personen einstellen, indem man einfach die passende Arretierstange versetzt oder für die Zeit der Anwendung entfernt. Man hat einen Bauchtrainer für einen definierten Oberkörper in diesem Gerät und trainiert somit die mittlere und untere Bauchmuskelpartie. Für den Bizeps, dem Trizeps und den Schultern ist auch angenehmes Training möglich. Ich finde diese rückenschonende Trainingsmöglichkeit, durch das Oberteil, was mit dem Rücken mit geht, nach vorne- oder hinten, auch für Anfänger optimal. Da das Bauchmuskeltraining hier besonders im Trainingsrahmen steht, wird der Rücken automatisch mittrainiert. Die Bauchmuskulatur stützt die Wirbelsäule von Innen. Die gepolsterten Rollen am Rückenteil drehen sich bei der Bewegung mit und massieren somit auch gleichzeitig die Rückenpartien. In der Mitte ist die Wirbelsäule ausgespart und somit gibt es keine Verletzungen oder unnütze Schmerzen. Auch der Kopf ist abgestützt und somit auch der Nacken entspannt. Auch die vorderen Beinteile sind gut gepolstert und die beiden Handgriffe. Zudem gibt es noch Federn die montiert werden um Wiederstand zu erlangen und Gummizüge für die Beine und Arme. Wie man damit trainiert bleibt einem selbst überlassen da es mehrere Möglichkeiten gibt, auch verschiedene Schwierigkeitsgrade. Der Sitz in der Mitte dreht sich um 360 Grad, was ich sehr praktisch finde wenn man das Gerät verlassen möchte. Man kann damit aber auch leichte Drehübungen machen im Sitzen. Er ist auch gut abwischbar. Das Gerät finde ich nicht unbedingt platzsparend, wie beschreiben, aber man kann es auch als Sitzmöglichkeit benutzen und von daher hat es noch einen praktischen Aspekt. Was ich aber ganz besonders an diesem Heimtrainer finde ist, dass sich das Rückenteil nach hinten biegen lässt. Damit kann man nicht nur den Rücken massieren und gleichzeitig die Bauchmuskeln trainieren, sondern auch entspannen wenn man ruhig liegen bleibt. Ich habe erst einmal selber einige Übungen gemacht, die mir eingefallen ist, da ich mal einen Fernsehbericht darüber gesehen habe. Aber es fallen mir auch immer wieder neuere Übungen ein. Leider war keine Trainingsanleitung dabei, aber da kann man im Internet selber nachschauen. Wenn man unsicher ist, kann man den Anbieter kontaktieren und nachfragen ob es so was gibt. Wenn man Schmerzen bekommt nach Übungen, sollte man damit aufhören und den Arzt oder Physiotherapeuten zu Rate ziehen. Hier ist ein tolles Video wie man das Gerät anwendet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVb6CI770KI Ich empfehle das Sportgerät gerne weiter und finde das Preisleistungsverhältnis in Ordnung. Ich gebe gern volle Punktzahl da es das
The delivery was quick and the goods arrived undamaged. The scope of delivery included 1 manual and various parts for assembling the sports equipment yourself. For training, however, I can only recommend sportswear. I took the pictures in my jeans, but I wear more comfortable clothes for training. The sports equipment is set up very quickly by two people. I don't think the written assembly instructions are very suitable, but since the pictures are meaningful, assembly went quite well. It took us about 15 minutes to install all the individual parts, including taking pictures. The dimensions are approx. 55 x 93 x 120 cm (WxHxL). It is an exercise bike that also looks very modern thanks to its black/orange colors. Due to its low weight of approx. 9.7 kg and the plastic protectors on the legs, you can easily move the device somewhere else by lifting the front part. The sports equipment is suitable for almost all parts of the body. Above all, it is very easy on the back, which can also be used by people with slight handicaps. Here you don't work with weights, but with your own body. So you can decide for yourself how far you want to go and you can increase the level of difficulty yourself with light exercises. One can adjust the device to the specific body sizes of individuals by simply moving the appropriate locking bar or removing it for the time of use. You have an abdominal trainer for a defined upper body in this device and thus train the middle and lower abdominal muscles. Comfortable training is also possible for the biceps, triceps and shoulders. I find this back-friendly training option, through the upper part, which goes with the back, forwards or backwards, also ideal for beginners. Since abdominal muscle training is part of the training framework here, the back is automatically trained as well. The abdominal muscles support the spine from the inside. The padded rollers on the back rotate with the movement and thus massage the back at the same time. The spine is left out in the middle, so there are no injuries or unnecessary pain. The head is also supported and thus the neck is relaxed. The front leg parts are also well padded and the two handles. There are also springs that are mounted to gain resistance and elastic bands for the legs and arms. How you train with it is up to you, as there are several options and different levels of difficulty. The seat in the middle rotates 360 degrees, which I find very useful when you want to get off the device. You can also use it to do light turning exercises while sitting. It is also easy to wipe off. I don't necessarily find the device space-saving, as described, but you can also use it as a seat and therefore it has a practical aspect. But what I particularly like about this exercise bike is that the back part can be bent backwards. Not only can you massage your back and train your abdominal muscles at the same time, you can also relax when you lie still. First of all, I did some exercises myself, which came to my mind because I once saw a TV report about them. But I keep coming up with new exercises. Unfortunately, no training instructions were included, but you can look it up yourself on the Internet. If you are unsure, you can contact the provider and ask if there is such a thing. If you experience pain after exercise, you should stop and consult your doctor or physical therapist. Here is a great video on how to use the device. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVb6CI770KI I would be happy to recommend the sports equipment and find the price-performance ratio okay. I like to give full marks because there is that
Nett anzusehen und die Fantasie anregend In der Hoffnung, bald stählerne Bachmuckies zu haben, war ich sehr froh, als mir das Gerät kostenlos zum Testen zur Verfügung gestellt wurde. Der Aufbau war trotz sehr dunkler Bilder in der Anleitung innerhalb von 30 Minuten alleine geschafft. Außer einem Bestandteil wurde alles ausreichend erklärt, den Rest muss man sich ziemlich zusammenreimen (es handelt sich hierbei um die Zugbänder mit Handgriffen). Ein Teil (ein kleiner Bolzen) war nicht so, wie in der Anleitung beschrieben, aber das ist nicht weiter schlimm. Für diese beiden Punkte schon mal ein halber Stern Abzug. Die Breite kann man individuell in mehreren Stufen einstellen und erste Beinhebeübungen zeigen auch einen recht kräftigen Widerstand. Hierbei muss man wirklich auf eine gute Einstellung achten, die an den Körper angepasst ist, sonst tun recht schnell die Schienbeine oder andere Körperteile weh. Eine Anleitung zu Übungen gibt es leider nicht. Für mich ein großes Manko und ebenfalls einen halben Stern Abzug. Man muss seine Fantasie spielen lassen, um die möglichen Übungen auszuführen. Es lässt sich einiges einstellen am Gerät; die Kopfstütze, die Rückenlehne, die Gesamtlänge und es gbt viele Rollen und 2 Zugbänder... Ein paar Tipps wären echt hilfreich! So wird es wohl einige Zeit dauern, bis man wirklich über die Effektivität des Gerätes urteilen kann, allerdings habe ich schon ein paar Abs versucht und das hat recht gut funktioniert durch den federnden Rückenteil. Preis/Leistung für mich dennoch ganz ok, denn das Gerät ist recht solide verarbeitet und sieht gut aus.
Nice to look at and stimulates the imagination Hoping to soon have steel muscles, I was very happy when the device was made available to me free of charge to test. Despite the very dark pictures in the instructions, I managed to put it together myself within 30 minutes. Apart from one component, everything was explained sufficiently, the rest you have to pretty much figure out (these are the pull straps with handles). One part (a small bolt) was not as described in the instructions, but that's not a big deal. Half a star deducted for these two points. The width can be individually adjusted in several stages and the first leg lifting exercises also show quite strong resistance. You really have to make sure that the setting is good and adapted to your body, otherwise your shins or other parts of your body will quickly hurt. Unfortunately, there are no instructions for exercises. For me, this is a big drawback and also half a star deducted. You have to use your imagination to carry out the possible exercises. There are a lot of adjustments on the device; the headrest, the backrest, the overall length and there are lots of rollers and 2 pull straps... A few tips would be really helpful! So it will probably take some time before you can really judge the effectiveness of the device, but I have already tried a few abs and it worked quite well thanks to the springy backrest. Price/performance is still OK for me, because the device is quite solidly made and looks good.
In der Hoffnung, bald stählerne Bachmuckies zu haben, war ich sehr froh, als mir das Gerät kostenlos zum Testen zur Verfügung gestellt wurde. Der Aufbau war trotz sehr dunkler Bilder in der Anleitung innerhalb von 30 Minuten alleine geschafft. Außer einem Bestandteil wurde alles ausreichend erklärt, den Rest muss man sich ziemlich zusammenreimen (es handelt sich hierbei um die Zugbänder mit Handgriffen). Ein Teil (ein kleiner Bolzen) war nicht so, wie in der Anleitung beschrieben, aber das ist nicht weiter schlimm. Für diese beiden Punkte schon mal ein halber Stern Abzug. Die Breite kann man individuell in mehreren Stufen einstellen und erste Beinhebeübungen zeigen auch einen recht kräftigen Widerstand. Hierbei muss man wirklich auf eine gute Einstellung achten, die an den Körper angepasst ist, sonst tun recht schnell die Schienbeine oder andere Körperteile weh. Eine Anleitung zu Übungen gibt es leider nicht. Für mich ein großes Manko und ebenfalls einen halben Stern Abzug. Man muss seine Fantasie spielen lassen, um die möglichen Übungen auszuführen. Es lässt sich einiges einstellen am Gerät; die Kopfstütze, die Rückenlehne, die Gesamtlänge und es gbt viele Rollen und 2 Zugbänder... Ein paar Tipps wären echt hilfreich! So wird es wohl einige Zeit dauern, bis man wirklich über die Effektivität des Gerätes urteilen kann, allerdings habe ich schon ein paar Abs versucht und das hat recht gut funktioniert durch den federnden Rückenteil. Preis/Leistung für mich dennoch ganz ok, denn das Gerät ist recht solide verarbeitet und sieht gut aus.
Hoping to have steel Bachmuckies soon, I was very happy when the device was made available to me for testing free of charge. Despite the very dark pictures in the instructions, the assembly was done on my own within 30 minutes. Except for one component, everything was sufficiently explained, the rest you have to pretty much rhyme together (these are the drawstrings with handles). One part (a small bolt) was not as described in the instructions, but that's not a big deal. Half a star deduction for these two points. The width can be adjusted individually in several steps and the first leg lifting exercises also show a fairly strong resistance. Here you really have to pay attention to a good setting that is adapted to the body, otherwise your shins or other body parts will hurt quite quickly. Unfortunately, there are no instructions for exercises. For me a big shortcoming and also half a star deduction. You have to use your imagination to perform the possible exercises. A lot can be adjusted on the device; the headrest, the backrest, the overall length and there are many wheels and 2 drawstrings... A few tips would be really helpful! So it will probably take some time before you can really judge the effectiveness of the device, but I've already tried a few abs and it worked quite well due to the springy back part. Price/performance ratio is still ok for me, because the device is quite solidly processed and looks good.
Sempre di corsa e con poco tempo per praticare sport assorti nel lavoro o negli impegni giornalieri. Questo prodotto è ottimo per effettuare a casa tanti semplici esercizi che consentiranno di ridefinire e tonificare la muscolatura. Il prodotto è realizzato con materiali solidi ed è rivestito con inserti in spugna che sorreggono la schiena e le gambe durante i vari esercizi e non creano alcun problema o abrasione. La struttura portante è in alluminio e il prodotto è molto resistente. Il montaggio è stato molto facile ed immediato e anche montato non occupa assolutamente molto spazio tanto da poterlo tenere sempre montato e subito pronto per essere utilizzato. L’attrezzo risulta veramente silenzioso durante l’utilizzo (cosa da non poco conto) e poi è veramente leggero e facile da trasportare. Completamente regolabile, permette una serie quasi infinita di esercizi. Lo schienale si piega fino a toccare terra facendo lavorare a pieno tutti i muscoli. Il sedile girevole permette di utilizzare lo schienale come appoggio per le gambe creando i presupposti per ulteriori esercizi e non solo per gli addominali. Un attrezzo veramente versatile che se usato con costanza porterà sicuramente molti benefici.
Always on the run and with little time to practice sports engrossed in work or daily commitments. This product is excellent for performing many simple exercises at home that will allow you to redefine and tone your muscles. The product is made with solid materials and is covered with sponge inserts that support the back and legs during the various exercises and do not create any problems or abrasions. The supporting structure is made of aluminum and the product is very resistant. The assembly was very easy and immediate and even assembled it absolutely does not take up much space so as to be able to always keep it assembled and immediately ready to be used. The tool is really silent during use (something of no small importance) and then it is really light and easy to carry. Fully adjustable, it allows for an almost infinite range of exercises. The backrest folds down until it touches the ground, making all the muscles work fully. The swivel seat allows you to use the backrest as a support for the legs, creating the conditions for further exercises and not just for the abs. A truly versatile tool that if used consistently will certainly bring many benefits.
Ognuno di noi sogna di avere addominali scolpiti e un fisico sempre in forma. La pancetta (che per alcuni sarà anche sexy, ma sembra più che altro una giustificazione), è la prima cosa da buttare giù in vista dell’ estate e della famigerata prova costume. Ma quali sono gli strumenti più adatti per ritrovare la forma senza troppi sacrifici, e quali i giusti esercizi per gli addominali? Uno dei migliori, a parte controllare la nostra alimentazione, è l’ utilizzo di una buona panca per addominali. Come molto sportivi sanno, per raggiungere in fretta certi risultati e soprattutto per riuscire a mantenerli nel tempo, è essenziale tenere conto di due fattori insostituibili: una sana e corretta alimentazione e una vita attiva, in cui poter trovare il tempo di praticare sport. Il consiglio che tutti dovrebbero seguire è di non tralasciare nessuno dei due aspetti. Una sana alimentazione, che eviti cibi troppo grassi e prediliga frutta e verdura senza però rinunciare a niente è alla base di una buona salute. Questo vale per tutti i muscoli, ma in particolare se ci riferiamo alla ginnastica per addominali. Lo sport, infatti, ci aiuta a non accumulare calorie in eccesso che con il tempo si trasformerebbero in pancette, cuscinetti e via dicendo… Diffidate di quelle diete che promettono di farvi ritornare in forma in una o due settimane: abbinare la giusta dose di sport e di esercizi è fondamentale per scolpire bene il vostro fisico e soprattutto per prolungare i risultati. A proposito del movimento fisico, per migliorare gli addominali un ottimo aiuto può esserci dato dalle famose panche per ginnastica per addominali. Ma vediamo esattamente di che si tratta e se le panche riescono davvero a farci ottenere dei risultati per il nostro benessere. Eseguire gli esercizi di ginnastica per addominali senza il supporto di un attrezzo è particolarmente pesante, e a volte si rischia di effettuare in modo scorretto l’ esercizio, con danni per la nostra schiena e non solo. Le panche per la ginnastica per addominali, invece, cercano di ovviare a tale problema garantendoci la giusta postura durante tutta l’ esecuzione del movimento e alleviando di gran lunga lo sforzo e la fatica. L’ avvento della panca per ginnastica per addominali ha rivoluzionato totalmente il mondo del fitness. Questo tipo di attrezzo viene creato ed utilizzato per allenare i muscoli addominali, per ottenere il massimo dei risultati nella maniera più comoda e corretta possibile. Tra le panche per addominali più vendute questa è sicuramente la più versatile. Permette, infatti, di allenare tantissimi altri muscoli del corpo e non a caso viene venduta a un prezzo decisamente superiore rispetto alla media. Se siete alla ricerca di un attrezzo versatile e siete pieni di buona volontà, però, alla lunga potrebbe rivelarsi una scelta assolutamente vantaggiosa. Lo schienale può essere mantenuto fisso per allenare braccia, pettorali e spalle, o inclinato per lavorare sui diversi tipi di addominali ed eseguire un po’ di stretching. Grazie alle maniglie imbottite, inoltre, è possibile effettuare comodamente le flessioni, mentre il poggiapiedi mobile permette di eseguire esercizi per le gambe. In questo modo si potrà eseguire un programma di allenamento completo che andrà a toccare tutti i principali gruppi muscolari. Nonostante la complessità dello strumento, molti utenti si sono dichiarati più che soddisfatti per la semplicità di montaggio (che non richiede l’uso di attrezzi) e di utilizzo. Una volta visionate le caratteristiche principali del nuovo prodotto in esame, ti invitiamo a mettere ordine nella tua mente attraverso il seguente confronto tra pro e contro, per non limitarti alla ricerca del prodotto più economico. Pro Multifunzionale: Adatta non solo per gli addominali ma ad altri tipi di esercizi per lavorare i pettorali, le spalle, le gambe. Avrai più attrezzi in uno e questo non può che rallegrare gli spiriti più competitivi e volenterosi. Cuscinetti ruotanti: Faticare si,
Each of us dreams of having sculpted abs and an always fit physique. The bacon (which for some may even be sexy, but seems more like a justification), is the first thing to throw down in view of the summer and the infamous swimsuit test. But which are the most suitable tools to get back in shape without too many sacrifices, and which are the right exercises for the abs? One of the best, apart from controlling our nutrition, is using a good sit-up bench. As many sportsmen know, to quickly achieve certain results and above all to be able to maintain them over time, it is essential to take into account two irreplaceable factors: a healthy and correct diet and an active life, in which you can find time to play sports. The advice that everyone should follow is not to overlook either aspect. A healthy diet, which avoids foods that are too fatty and prefers fruit and vegetables without giving up anything, is the foundation of good health. This applies to all muscles, but especially if we are referring to abs gymnastics. In fact, sport helps us not to accumulate excess calories which over time would turn into bellies, bearings and so on... Be wary of those diets that promise to get you back in shape in one or two weeks: combine the right amount of sport and exercises is essential to sculpt your body well and above all to prolong the results. Speaking of physical movement, to improve the abs an excellent help can be given to us by the famous gymnastic benches for abs. But let's see exactly what it is and if the benches really manage to make us get results for our well-being. Performing gymnastic exercises for the abs without the support of a machine is particularly heavy, and sometimes there is the risk of performing the exercise incorrectly, with damage to our back and beyond. The benches for abdominal gymnastics, on the other hand, try to remedy this problem by guaranteeing us the right posture throughout the execution of the movement and greatly relieving effort and fatigue. The advent of the Abdominal Exercise Bench has totally revolutionized the world of fitness. This type of tool is created and used to train the abdominal muscles, to obtain maximum results in the most comfortable and correct way possible. Among the best-selling abdominal benches this is certainly the most versatile. In fact, it allows you to train many other muscles of the body and it is no coincidence that it is sold at a much higher price than the average. If you are looking for a versatile tool and you are full of good will, however, in the long run it could prove to be an absolutely advantageous choice. The backrest can be kept fixed to train the arms, pectorals and shoulders, or tilted to work on the different types of abs and perform some stretching. Furthermore, thanks to the padded handles, it is possible to carry out push-ups comfortably, while the mobile footrest allows you to perform leg exercises. In this way you can perform a complete training program that will touch all the main muscle groups. Despite the complexity of the instrument, many users have declared themselves more than satisfied with the simplicity of assembly (which does not require the use of tools) and use. Once you have seen the main features of the new product under consideration, we invite you to put your mind in order through the following comparison of pros and cons, so as not to limit yourself to the search for the cheapest product. Multifunctional Pro: Suitable not only for abs but for other types of exercises to work the pectorals, shoulders, legs. You will have multiple tools in one and this can only cheer up the most competitive and willing spirits. Slewing bearings: Toil yes,
* Schade ist vor allem die Tatsache, dass ein mittlerweile renommierter Sportgeräte-Hersteller wie Capital Sports noch immer nicht in der Lage ist, vernünftige Anleitungen inkl. brauchbarer Trainingseinführungen zu bieten. Genau in diesen beiden Bereichen besteht exorbitanter Nachholbedarf, denn anders kann ich es mir kaum erklären, wieso man auf die Idee kommt, grauenhafte schwarz/weiße Aufbau-Fotos mit kaum nennenswerter Aussagekraft in das lieblose Beiheft zu diesem Bauchtrainer zu donnern und den ggf. laienhaften Endverbraucher vor ein Konstrukt zu stellen, das er ohne Hilfestellung nur schwer, ggf. auch gar nicht, vernünftig bedienen kann. Natürlich steht es jedem Nutzer frei, sich in einschlägigen Video-Portalen von den Möglichkeiten eines Gerätes dieser Art und Weise zu unterrichten, aber etwas mehr Nachhaltigkeit und Aufmerksamkeit von Herstellerseite wäre wahrlich wünschenswert. Immerhin - qualitativ bleibt deutlich weniger Raum für ernsthafte Kritik. Innerhalb von ca. 20 Minuten ist der Aufbau erledigt, er besteht aber auch nicht aus vielmehr, als aus dem einfachen Verschrauben weniger Elemente und aus dem Anbringen einiger Fußraster, Polster und Seilzüge bzw. Federn. Nennenswerte Verarbeitungsfehler finden sich keine, d.h. die Pulverbeschichtung der einzelnen Metallteile ist fehlerfrei, die Schweißnähte sitzen ordentlich und die Übergänge und Löcher an Schraubverbindungen und Co. passen gut auf- bzw. ineinander. Dem grundsätzlich ausziehbaren Grundgerüst sei Dank, können sowohl ich (187cm), als auch meine Frau (165cm) problemlos am Capitol Sports trainieren, lediglich die eingebauten Seilzüge für Butterfly und Co. dürften Männern deutlich zu leichtgängig sein, womit ein Umstieg auf Hanteln eigentlich unumgänglich erscheint. Fazit: Ein solider Trainingspartner für körperbetontes Einzeltraining. Entsprechendes Know-How beim Nutzer vorausgesetzt. * Dieser Artikel wurde mir vom Hersteller als Testmuster zur Verfügung gestellt. Dies hat keinen Einfluss auf das Resultat meiner Bewertung.
* It is particularly unfortunate that a well-known sports equipment manufacturer such as Capital Sports is still not able to offer sensible instructions including useful training introductions. It is precisely in these two areas that there is an exorbitant need to catch up, because otherwise I can hardly explain why one comes up with the idea of thundering horrible black and white construction photos with hardly any meaningfulness worth mentioning in the loveless supplement to this abdominal trainer and the possibly amateurish ones To put the end user in front of a construct that he can only use with difficulty, if not at all, reasonably without help. Of course, every user is free to inform themselves about the possibilities of a device of this kind in relevant video portals, but a little more sustainability and attention from the manufacturer would really be desirable. At least - qualitatively there is much less room for serious criticism. The assembly is completed within approx. 20 minutes, but it does not consist of much more than simply screwing together a few elements and attaching a few footrests, cushions and cables or springs. There are no processing errors worth mentioning, ie the powder coating of the individual metal parts is flawless, the weld seams are neat and the transitions and holes on screw connections and the like fit well together. Thanks to the basically extendable basic structure, both I (187cm) and my wife (165cm) can train on the Capitol Sports without any problems, only the built-in cables for butterfly and Co. are probably too easy for men, which means that a switch to dumbbells is actually unavoidable appears. Conclusion: A solid training partner for body-focused individual training. Appropriate know-how provided by the user. * This item was provided to me by the manufacturer as a test sample. This has no influence on the result of my rating.
Ich liebe meinen Sixpack so sehr, dass ich ihn mit einer Schutzschicht aus Fett vor den Gefahren der Umwelt beschütze. * Schade ist vor allem die Tatsache, dass ein mittlerweile renommierter Sportgeräte-Hersteller wie Capital Sports noch immer nicht in der Lage ist, vernünftige Anleitungen inkl. brauchbarer Trainingseinführungen zu bieten. Genau in diesen beiden Bereichen besteht exorbitanter Nachholbedarf, denn anders kann ich es mir kaum erklären, wieso man auf die Idee kommt, grauenhafte schwarz/weiße Aufbau-Fotos mit kaum nennenswerter Aussagekraft in das lieblose Beiheft zu diesem Bauchtrainer zu donnern und den ggf. laienhaften Endverbraucher vor ein Konstrukt zu stellen, das er ohne Hilfestellung nur schwer, ggf. auch gar nicht, vernünftig bedienen kann. Natürlich steht es jedem Nutzer frei, sich in einschlägigen Video-Portalen von den Möglichkeiten eines Gerätes dieser Art und Weise zu unterrichten, aber etwas mehr Nachhaltigkeit und Aufmerksamkeit von Herstellerseite wäre wahrlich wünschenswert. Immerhin - qualitativ bleibt deutlich weniger Raum für ernsthafte Kritik. Innerhalb von ca. 20 Minuten ist der Aufbau erledigt, er besteht aber auch nicht aus vielmehr, als aus dem einfachen Verschrauben weniger Elemente und aus dem Anbringen einiger Fußraster, Polster und Seilzüge bzw. Federn. Nennenswerte Verarbeitungsfehler finden sich keine, d.h. die Pulverbeschichtung der einzelnen Metallteile ist fehlerfrei, die Schweißnähte sitzen ordentlich und die Übergänge und Löcher an Schraubverbindungen und Co. passen gut auf- bzw. ineinander. Dem grundsätzlich ausziehbaren Grundgerüst sei Dank, können sowohl ich (187cm), als auch meine Frau (165cm) problemlos am Capitol Sports trainieren, lediglich die eingebauten Seilzüge für Butterfly und Co. dürften Männern deutlich zu leichtgängig sein, womit ein Umstieg auf Hanteln eigentlich unumgänglich erscheint. Fazit: Ein solider Trainingspartner für körperbetontes Einzeltraining. Entsprechendes Know-How beim Nutzer vorausgesetzt. * Dieser Artikel wurde mir vom Hersteller als Testmuster zur Verfügung gestellt. Dies hat keinen Einfluss auf das Resultat meiner Bewertung.
I love my six-pack so much that I protect it from the dangers of the environment with a protective layer of fat. * It is a real shame that a now renowned sports equipment manufacturer such as Capital Sports is still not able to offer sensible instructions including useful training introductions. There is a huge need to catch up in these two areas, because otherwise I can hardly explain why someone would come up with the idea of shoving horrific black and white assembly photos with hardly any meaningful information into the loveless booklet for this abdominal trainer and presenting the possibly layman end user with a construct that he can only use with difficulty, or perhaps not at all, properly without assistance. Of course, every user is free to learn about the possibilities of a device of this type on relevant video portals, but a little more sustainability and attention from the manufacturer would really be desirable. At least - in terms of quality, there is much less room for serious criticism. The assembly takes around 20 minutes, but it doesn't involve much more than simply screwing together a few elements and attaching a few footrests, cushions and cables or springs. There are no manufacturing defects worth mentioning, i.e. the powder coating of the individual metal parts is flawless, the welds are neat and the transitions and holes on screw connections etc. fit well on top of each other. Thanks to the extendable base frame, both I (187cm) and my wife (165cm) can train on the Capitol Sports without any problems, but the built-in cables for butterfly and co. are probably much too easy for men, which means that switching to dumbbells seems unavoidable. Conclusion: A solid training partner for body-focused individual training. Provided the user has the necessary know-how. * This article was provided to me by the manufacturer as a test sample. This has no influence on the result of my evaluation.