Beforce Compression Shirt

Beforce Compression Shirt

23,99 € (incl. VAT)
  • Compression shirt
  • Black
Product number: 10028718
Beforce Compression Shirt
23,99 € (incl. VAT)
Also available in other conditions
  • Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    21,99 €
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  • Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period

Top features

  • Compression-shirt for men with medium compression level

  • Fit combines muscular strength and reduced muscle vibration

  • Dehydr8 technology: keeps moisture away, allowing optimal regulation of body temperature

Product description

With the Beforce compression apparel, CAPITAL SPORTS have created a garment that provides an ideal combination of support and comfort during exercise.

The Beforce training shirt for men is made from breathable jersey fabric with an average level of compression. This reduces muscle vibration and stress, and improves the overall muscle coordination during training. The CAPITAL SPORTS Dehydr8 technology keeps your body temperature at the ideal level and keeps moisture away from the body - ideal conditions for perfect performance. Mesh segments in the underarm and neck area as well as the upper body sides ensure pleasant ventilation, while the extended neck facilitates breathing. The reinforcements on the elbows are adapted to the increased loads during fitness training, ensuring a long life for the training shirt.*Please note that this article can't be exchanged due to hygienic reasons.

Available sizes: S, M, L, XL.


  • Reinforced elbow adapted to increased loads during exercising
  • Jersey material: 80% nylon, 20% Elastan
  • Mesh fabric: 85% polyester, 15% Elastan
  • Suitable for machine wash at 30 ° C
  • Iron at low temperatures
  • Unsuitable for machine drying
  • Size: L
  • Colour: black
Product number: 10028718

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Size: L
  • Weight: about 180g

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x training shirt
  • Please note that the item does not come with a user manual

Delivery & shipment

Ready for delivery

Shipping time: 3 - 5 days

Your order will be delivered to the selected address per order. This address does not have to match the billing address. You can send the orders to your family, friends or office if you are not at home during the day.

Safety and Operating Instructions

Product Safety Information

Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin

Responsible Person:
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin

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Customer reviews
8 Ratings

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Größe und Passform: Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass der Anbieter die Größen nicht einheitlich angibt. Wer M bestellt, bekommt L geliefert, bei Bestellung von L bekommt man XL usw. Man bekommt also immer eine Größe höher bestellt. Ich selber bin etwas über 180cm und 85kg athletisch. Da es einen Tick kleiner ausfällt, wie es bei solchen Shirts nunmal oft so ist, habe ich L bestellt, obwohl meine Shirtgröße eher M ist. Mit XL als Ergebnis war ich dann zunächst geschockt, es geht aber noch knapp klar. Es passt, liegt aber nicht durchweg eng an. Nochmal bestellen werde ich es vermutlich eine Größe kleiner, damit es auch der Beschreibung "Kompressionsshirt" entspricht und eng genug anliegt. Im Endeffekt, meine Einschätzung: Mit um die 80kg bis hin zu knapp 85kg würde ich auf jeden Fall M bestellen (und somit L bekommen, wie gesagt). Mit nur 75kg vermutlich besser schon eine Stufe runtergehen und S bestellen, alle über 85kg sollten eher L bestellen. Qualität: Ich wasche es bei 40 Grad ganz normal mit anderer Kleidung. Dabei lief das Shirt nicht ein und nahm keinen Schaden. Zunächst muss es aber gut gewaschen werden, da es so chemisch riecht, als sei es einem radioaktiven Endlager entsprungen, in das toxischer Abfall abgeleitet wurde. Dieser Geruch ist nach dem ersten Waschgang aber restlos entfernt und es bleibt ein solides, sauberes, gutes Shirt. Auf der Haut wirkt es fast schon kühlend. Man kann durch das Shirt gut schwitzen, ohne dass es gleich nass wird oder es sich darunter heiß anfühlt. Die Feuchtigkeit wird sehr gut nach außen getragen. Ich benutze es primär beim "Grappling", also Griffkampfsportarten wie Ringen, Judo, Jiujitsu. Es wird also auf's Extremste strapaziert. Macht dem Shirt gar nichts. Keine Risse oder Schäden. Im Endeffekt also verdammt gute Qualität! Warum 5 Sterne trotz Gestank und Größenverwirrung? Na unter'm Strich bleibt ein richtig gutes Produkt und gerade zu dem Preis ist es wirklich zu empfehlen. Bloß die Sache mit der Größe beachten und einmal gut waschen. Dann macht man nichts falsch.

Sizing and Fit: It is important to note that the supplier does not provide sizing consistently. If you order M, you get L, if you order L you get XL, etc. So you always get one size larger. I myself am a little over 180cm and 85kg athletic. Since it is a bit smaller, as is often the case with such shirts, I ordered an L, although my shirt size is more like an M. I was shocked at first with XL as a result, but it's still just about clear. It fits, but isn't consistently tight. I will probably order one size smaller again so that it also corresponds to the description "compression shirt" and fits snugly enough. In the end, my assessment: With around 80kg to almost 85kg, I would definitely order M (and thus get L, as I said). With only 75kg it is probably better to go down a notch and order an S, everyone over 85kg should rather order an L. Quality: I wash it at 40 degrees as normal with other clothes. The shirt did not shrink and was not damaged. First, however, it must be washed well, as it smells so chemically as if it had sprung from a radioactive repository into which toxic waste was discharged. However, this smell is completely gone after the first wash and it remains a solid, clean, good shirt. It almost has a cooling effect on the skin. You can sweat well through the shirt without it getting wet right away or feeling hot underneath. Moisture is carried to the outside very well. I use it primarily for "grappling", i.e. grip martial arts such as wrestling, judo, jiujitsu. So it's being pushed to the extreme. Doesn't do anything to the shirt. No cracks or damage. In the end, so damn good quality! Why 5 stars despite the stench and size confusion? Well, the bottom line is that it's a really good product and I really recommend it, especially at this price. Just pay attention to the size thing and wash it well once. Then you don't do anything wrong.


Je cours une fois par semaine et cet ensemble (haut et bas) m'a bien protégé avec l'automne qui arrive et les températures qui descendent rapidement.Ce que j'apprécie particulièrement dans ce haut:- Sous les aisselles un tissu mesh permet de transpirer sans mouiller. Ainsi, à l'arrêt plus de sensation de mouillé et de froid. Ce mesh se retrouve autour du cou à l'avant et à l'arrière.- Le renforcement au niveau des coudes est là mais se fait facilement oublier. Ce haut est très confortable.- Ce haut ne comprime pas trop et il s'ajuste parfaitement sans être trop serré. Il glisse bien sur la peau.Je recommande cet article de qualité, les coutures sont plates et ne se sentent pas.

I run once a week and this set (top and bottom) has protected me well with the coming fall and the rapidly dropping temperatures. What I particularly like about this top:- Mesh fabric under the armpits allows to sweat without getting wet. Thus, when stationary, there is no longer any feeling of wetness and cold. This mesh is found around the neck at the front and at the back. - The reinforcement at the elbows is there but is easily forgotten. This top is very comfortable.- This top does not compress too much and it fits perfectly without being too tight. It glides well on the skin. I recommend this quality item, the seams are flat and do not feel.


Prodotto di qualità, esteticamente e di ottimo materiale. La shirt si presenta in un tessuto elasticizzato adatto da indossare durante i propri allenamenti. Sulla parte riservata ai gomiti presenta uno strato maggiore di colore piu scuro. Ottimo lo stato dopo il lavaggio, non presenta segni di cedimento. Ottima la compressione, utile per massaggiare il corpo durante lo sforzo fisico.

Quality product, aesthetically and of excellent material. The shirt comes in a stretch fabric suitable for wearing during your workouts. On the part reserved for the elbows it has a greater layer of darker color. Excellent condition after washing, shows no signs of sagging. Excellent compression, useful for massaging the body during physical effort.


Ancora una volta Elektronik-Star ha immesso sul mercato un prodotto davvero fantastico ad un prezzo eccezionale! Questa magnifica t-shirt è infatti realizzata con uno speciale tessuto in grado di comprimere le fibra muscolari in modo variabile, favorendo la circolazione di sangue e quindi l’ossigenazione dei tessuti. Praticamente è come avere i muscoli massaggiati costantemente (con le dovute proporzioni, ovviamente). Inoltre, la t-shirt a compressione ha una funzione di supporto strutturale notevole: migliora la postura e la rende più facile e meno faticosa. Il fatto che la t-shirt sia aderente non significa che non faccia respirare la pelle...anzi! I filati usati per questo capo sono frutto di un’accurata ricerca tecnologica, sono di qualità elevata, favoriscono la traspirazione e sono trattati per non emettere cattivo odore. Per mantenere la qualità del capo e le sue performance è fondamentale risciacquarlo sempre dopo l’utilizzo e lavarlo sempre in acqua fredda senza l’aggiunta di additivi (come l’ammorbidente) che possano danneggiare lo Spandex contenuto nel capo.

Once again Elektronik-Star has brought to the market a truly fantastic product at a great price! This magnificent t-shirt is in fact made with a special fabric capable of compressing the muscle fibers in a variable way, promoting blood circulation and therefore tissue oxygenation. It's basically like having your muscles massaged constantly (with due proportions, of course). Furthermore, the compression t-shirt has a remarkable structural support function: it improves posture and makes it easier and less tiring. The fact that the t-shirt is snug doesn't mean it doesn't let your skin breathe... on the contrary! The yarns used for this garment are the result of careful technological research, are of high quality, promote perspiration and are treated so as not to emit bad odours. To maintain the quality of the garment and its performance, it is essential to always rinse it after use and always wash it in cold water without adding additives (such as fabric softener) that could damage the Spandex contained in the garment.


Hält sehr gut warm und fühlt sich gut an der Haut an als ob man es nicht tragen würde :1)

Keeps you warm very well and feels good on the skin as if you were not wearing it :1)


La prima cosa che si nota indossando questi capi tecnici della Capital Sports è l’estrema morbidezza ed il comfort del tessuto, al tatto ha quasi la consistenza della seta. I filati impiegati sono sicuramente il frutto di un’accurata ricerca tecnologica. Sono state ottenute delle fibbre estremamente leggere, resistenti, elastiche, traspiranti e antiodoranti. Il peso della T-shirt è di soli 190 gr per la taglia M, praticamente non si avverte, è come avere una seconda pelle! Tiene al caldo durante l’attività sportiva soprattutto perché il corpo rimane sempre asciutto e non si ha quella spiacevole sensazione di sudore sulla pelle. Nell’etichetta è riportato… Jersey: 80% Nylon, 20% Spandex mesh: 85% Polyester, 15% Spandex. Per mesh credo che si intenda il tessuto a rete che è presente sotto le ascelle e intorno al collo che migliora ancora di più la traspirazione e rafforza la zona sotto le ascelle che è soggetta a più sfregamenti. Le cuciture piatte sono davvero accurate e non creano irritazioni da sfregamento. Credo proprio che sia stato applicato un trattamento antiodore che fa sì che venga limitato il fenomeno di decomposizione batterica del sudore, che ha luogo sulla superficie cutanea. Questa t-shirt della Capital Sports ha un livello di compressione di livello medio ed adatta a mio parere soprattutto per le attività indoor o outdoor in condizioni di clima mite. Infatti è dotata di una scollatura maggiorata che da un lato facilita i movimenti, ma dall’altro non è adatta per esempio per il ciclismo, in quanto fa entrare troppa aria. Ovviamente può essere usata anche solo come capo intimo, per esempio sotto la tuta. Ho apprezzato particolarmente il rinforzo e la compressione rafforzata al livello dei gomiti. Gli indumenti a compressione, specialmente le calze a compressione graduata, sono usati ormai da diversi anni in particolare dalle donne che soffrono di vene varicose. Dall’ambito più strettamente medico questi indumenti sono poi passati, per gli evidenti vantaggi che procurano, anche all’ambito sportivo ed ormai hanno raggiunto un’ampia diffusione. Personalmente ormai non vado più a correre senza le mie calze( o gambali) a compressione graduata. Ormai non posso più farne a meno! Da quando li uso( anche in estate!!!) i polpacci mi fanno molto meno male dopo l’allenamento. Con gli indumenti a compressione i vantaggi si hanno sia prima dell’attività sportiva che durante e dopo, nella fase di recupero. Innanzitutto c’è da dire che questo tipi di indumenti presenta in genere un comfort molo elevato, nonostante sia necessariamente abbastanza aderente, in quanto non ci sono strofinamenti durante il movimento e quindi irritazioni. La compressione sostiene i muscoli,favorisce il ritorno venoso, esercita un micro massaggio che favorisce la circolazione con conseguente migliore ossigenazione dei tessuti e riscaldamento degli stessi. La migliore ossigenazione migliora ovviamente la prestazione in quanto riduce il dispendio energetico e la frequenza cardiaca media. Le vibrazioni dei muscoli sono ridotte durante il movimento e quindi si riducono i microtraumi favorendo il recupero in caso di stati infiammatori di piccola entità. Questo tipi di indumenti tecnici sono particolarmente indicati anche dagli sportivi che devono seguire il noto protocollo R.I.C.E. ( rest, ice, compression, elevation) in caso di recupero da piccoli infortuni di carattere traumatico che non richiedono nessun tipo di intervento medico ( farmaci o interventi chirurgici). La compressione è graduata perché non è costante, ma tende a decrescere partendo dal basso verso l’alto. In questo modo si favorisce come ho già detto il ritorno venoso al cuore e si migliora la circolazione. Proprio per questo motivo questi capi tecnici in realtà possono essere indossati anche se non si pratica sport e risultano particolarmente utili quando si è costretti all’immobilità in caso di infortuni, lavori sedentari o lunghi viaggi. Viene ridotto il rischio di trombosi e il gonfiore

The first thing you notice when wearing these Capital Sports technical garments is the extreme softness and comfort of the fabric, it almost has the consistency of silk to the touch. The yarns used are certainly the result of careful technological research. Extremely light, resistant, elastic, transpiring and anti-odour fibers have been obtained. The weight of the T-shirt is only 190 g for size M, you practically don't feel it, it's like having a second skin! It keeps you warm during sports especially because the body always stays dry and you don't have that unpleasant sensation of sweat on the skin. The label states… Jersey: 80% Nylon, 20% Spandex mesh: 85% Polyester, 15% Spandex. By mesh I believe he means the mesh fabric that is featured under the armpits and around the neck which improves breathability even more and strengthens the underarm area which is prone to more chafing. The flat seams are really accurate and do not create irritation from rubbing. I really believe that an anti-odour treatment has been applied which limits the phenomenon of bacterial decomposition of sweat, which takes place on the skin surface. This Capital Sports t-shirt has a medium level of compression and is suitable in my opinion especially for indoor or outdoor activities in mild weather conditions. In fact, it has an increased neckline which on the one hand facilitates movement, but on the other it is not suitable for cycling, for example, as it lets in too much air. Obviously it can also be used only as an undergarment, for example under a suit. I particularly appreciated the reinforcement and the reinforced compression at the elbow level. Compression garments, especially graduated compression stockings, have been used for several years now, especially by women suffering from varicose veins. From the more strictly medical field these garments then passed, due to the obvious advantages they provide, also to the sports field and have now reached a wide diffusion. Personally, I no longer go running without my graduated compression stockings (or leggings). I can't do without it anymore! Since I've been using them (even in the summer!!!) my calves hurt a lot less after training. With compression garments the advantages are obtained both before sporting activity and during and after, in the recovery phase. First of all, it must be said that this type of clothing generally has a very high level of comfort, even though it is necessarily close-fitting, as there is no rubbing during movement and therefore no irritation. The compression supports the muscles, promotes venous return, exercises a micro massage that promotes circulation with consequent better oxygenation of the tissues and warming them. Better oxygenation obviously improves performance as it reduces energy expenditure and average heart rate. The vibrations of the muscles are reduced during movement and therefore microtraumas are reduced, favoring recovery in the event of minor inflammatory states. This type of technical clothing is also particularly suitable for athletes who must follow the well-known RICE protocol (rest, ice, compression, elevation) in the event of recovery from minor traumatic injuries that do not require any type of medical intervention (drugs or surgery ). The compression is graduated because it is not constant, but tends to decrease starting from the bottom up. In this way, as I have already said, venous return to the heart is promoted and circulation is improved. Precisely for this reason these technical garments can actually be worn even if you don't play sports and are particularly useful when you are forced to immobility in the event of accidents, sedentary jobs or long journeys. The risk of thrombosis and swelling is reduced


Pour la course à pied sis des températures plus fraîches, ce haut de compression Capital Sports est bien agréable. Porté avec le pantalon de la même marque, il compresse sans gêner en taille XL pour 183 cm. Des empiècements renforcent les coudes et un tissu mesh ajouré allège l'encolure pour de meilleurs mouvements. Avec la compression, l'essentiel est que les coutures du vêtement se fassent totalement oublier. C'est ici le cas et on se sent maintenu sans être trop serré (peut-être aussi avec la taille XL un poil grande dans mon cas). Partir courir avec ces vêtements procure une sensation agréable grâce à leur effet coupe-vent près du corps et au fait de sentir nos muscles bien enserrés. Enfin, lavé plusieurs fois, mais pas passé au sèche-linge, le haut n'a pas bougé.

For running in cooler temperatures, this Capital Sports compression top is very pleasant. Worn with the pants of the same brand, it compresses without hindering in size XL for 183 cm. Inserts reinforce the elbows and an openwork mesh fabric lightens the neckline for better movements. With compression, the main thing is that the seams of the garment are completely forgotten. This is the case here and we feel supported without being too tight (perhaps also with the size XL a bit big in my case). Going for a run with these clothes gives a pleasant sensation thanks to their windproof effect close to the body and the fact of feeling our muscles well enclosed. Finally, washed several times, but not put in the dryer, the top has not moved.


Non è la solita maglietta per fare allenamento o da mettere sotto alla maglietta del completino quando fa troppo freddo. E' dotata della tecnologia Dehydr8 che serve a regolare la temperatura del corpo e grazie alla perfetta aderenza al corpo è in grado di supportare il fisico durante le varie attività sportive. Inoltre, essendo realizzata secondo uno schema a matrice, favorisce la respirazione ed offre un'ottima ventilazione. Infine, il rafforzamento sotto gomiti si adatta alla maggiore pressione esercitata durante l'allenamento e permette di mantenere intatta la maglia. In definitiva, consiglio vivamente questo prodotto!

It's not the usual t-shirt for training or to wear under a t-shirt when it's too cold. It is equipped with Dehydr8 technology which serves to regulate body temperature and thanks to the perfect adherence to the body it is able to support the body during various sports activities. Furthermore, being made according to a matrix pattern, it facilitates breathing and offers excellent ventilation. Finally, the reinforcement under the elbows adapts to the greater pressure exerted during training and allows the jersey to be kept intact. Ultimately, I highly recommend this product!