[Returns: -15%] Myon Cycle Exercise Bike

[Returns: -15%] Myon Cycle Exercise Bike

256,99 € (incl. VAT)
Product number: 53032970
Myon Cycle Exercise Bike
256,99 € (incl. VAT)
Also available in other conditions
  • Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
  • Shipping time: 4 - 6 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period

Condition - acceptable, with signs of wear

Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear

Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty

Top features

  • Ideal resistance level: resistance with a total of 8 levels

  • Magnetic brake system: MagResist function with a high-quality flywheel

  • Perfectly connected: SmartCardio Studio with tablet holder and Kinomap app


  • Materials: steel, hard plastic
  • 12 kg flywheel
  • Belt drive
  • Tablet holder
  • Adjustable saddle height
  • Transport wheels for easy movement
Product number: 53032970

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions: approx. 60 x 118 x 94 cm (WxHxD)
  • Weight: approx. 18 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x exercise bike
  • 1 x tool
  • Operating instructions in English (further languages: German, Spanish, French, Italian)

Delivery & shipment

Low stock - order quickly!

Shipping time: 4 - 6 days

Your order will be delivered to the selected address per order. This address does not have to match the billing address. You can send the orders to your family, friends or office if you are not at home during the day.

Safety and Operating Instructions

Download user manual

Product Safety Information

Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin

Responsible Person:
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin

E-mail address:

Customer reviews
52 Ratings

No review available for this item.


Preis-Leistung i.O. Gut durchdachte Konstruktion, Nutzerkomfort i.O., superschnelle Lieferung

Price-performance ratio OK Well thought-out construction, user comfort OK, super fast delivery


Ciclette compatta e leggera ma allo stesso tempo molto robusta. Facilissima da montare e mettere in funzione. Il controllo della resistenza è manuale ma molto preciso e facilemente regolabile. Dotata di ruotine che rendono lo spostamento in casa molto semplice e comodo. Le ruotine sono in plastica e non danneggiano parquet o pavimenti delicati. Acquistata per poter fare movimento nelle giornate fredde o piovose si è rivelata un'ottima compagna di allenamento.

Compact and lightweight but at the same time very sturdy exercise bike. Very easy to assemble and start up. The resistance control is manual but very precise and easily adjustable. Equipped with wheels that make moving around the house very simple and comfortable. The wheels are made of plastic and do not damage parquet or delicate floors. Purchased to be able to exercise on cold or rainy days, it has proven to be an excellent training companion.


Abbastanza basica come cyclette,ma considerando cosa c'è in giro la reputo valida per allenamenti non esagerati,in quanto fa il suo dovere.Considerando il prezzo è già tanto.

Pretty basic as an exercise bike, but considering what's out there I think it's good for non-excessive workouts, as it does its job. Considering the price, that's already a lot.


Ho acquistato questo articolo per mia madre che ha problemi alle ginocchia e devo dire che da quando la usa il dolore è stato mitigato sensibilmente.

I bought this item for my mother who has knee problems and I must say that since she has been using it the pain has been significantly reduced.


L'ho presa per mia madre, affinché facesse un po' di esercizio fisico, consigliata dal fiosterapista per rinforzare le ginocchia. Devo dire che è stato un ottimo acquisto! Quindi, se non avete bisogno di una cyclette super-tecnologica e se la comprate per persone di una certa età che hanno bisogno di fare movimento, direi che questa cyclette ha un ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo. La trovo bella resistente. Montarla è stato facile, nel complesso. Consigliata!

I bought it for my mother, so she could do some exercise, recommended by the physiotherapist to strengthen her knees. I have to say it was a great purchase! So, if you don't need a super-technological exercise bike and if you buy it for people of a certain age who need to exercise, I would say that this exercise bike has an excellent quality/price ratio. I find it very durable. Assembling it was easy, overall. Recommended!


Facile da montare, nella confezione c'è tutto l'occorrente più un bullone di scorta. Comoda da spostare grazie alle ruote poste anteriormente, robusta, pedalata liscia e silenzionsa..consegnata 10gg prima. Insomma... soddisfattissima!

Easy to assemble, the package contains everything you need plus a spare bolt. Easy to move thanks to the wheels on the front, sturdy, smooth and silent pedaling.. delivered 10 days early. In short... very satisfied!


il volano secondo me non corrisponde a quanto dichiarato ma comunque il prezzo della cyclette è quello giusto per quel prodotto

In my opinion the flywheel does not correspond to what is declared but in any case the price of the exercise bike is the right one for that product


Come primo acquisto di una cyclette devo dire che il prodotto è ottimo imballaggio a prova di bomba la cyclette è ben stabile durante l uso il montaggio è abbastanza facile rapporto qualità pezzo ottimo.

As a first time purchase of an exercise bike I have to say that the product is excellent, the packaging is bomb-proof, the exercise bike is very stable during use, assembly is quite easy, excellent value for money.


Nel complesso sono soddisfatto. Quello che ho trovato un po' scomoda è la sella. Vorrei sapere sela sella si possa cambiare.. In definitiva sono contento. La consiglierei . Dimenticavo molto silenziosa.

Overall I am satisfied. What I found a little uncomfortable is the saddle. I would like to know if the saddle can be changed.. Ultimately I am happy. I would recommend it. I forgot very quiet.


Silenziosissima, bella, estremamente funzionale è arrivata a destinazione un giorno prima del previsto, molto ben imballata. Usarla è proprio un piacere per la pedalata fluida e scorrevole. Sono passati 10 giorni dall’arrivo e dopo averla usata 30 minuti al giorno posso dirmi estremamente soddisfatto dall’acquisto. Il computerino funziona bene e offre in successione i dati del tempo di utilizzo, la velocità, la distanza percorsa, le calorie consumate e i battiti del cuore se si tengono le mani poggiate sui sensori sul manubrio. Semplice ma efficace il sistema di sostegno del cellulare o del tablet. Altrettanto semplici e sicure le fasce in gomma sui pedali. Una precisazione: nella descrizione nella pagina web viene detto che c’è un sistema di regolazione della resistenza a 8 livelli, come se sulla manopola ci fossero numeri da uno a otto a indicare i differenti livelli di resistenza. In realtà sulla manopola c’è solo una indicazione con i segni più e meno e questa ruota in senso orario o antiorario in maniera continua. Questo costituisce un problema? Sì se si considera che le vendite online richiedono che descrizione e fotografie corrispondano esattamente ai prodotti che arriveranno all’acquirente. La risposta è No se consideriamo, come è successo a me, che la regolazione continua della resistenza quasi quasi è meglio. Infatti io, usando l'applicazione Kinomap che scrive pendenze e dislivelli sia con numeri che con grafici sul video del percorso, vedo quando e di che livello sono le pendenze sul percorso e ho imparato a regolare, mi sembra, con sufficiente credibilità, la resistenza sul volano. Un appunto: il libretto delle istruzioni ha disegni veramente piccoli e alcuni di dubbia interpretazione; il venditore dovrebbe offrire ingrandimenti dei passaggi che potrebbero rivelarsi i più ostici e che per me sono stati il collegamento del cavetto che regola la resistenza e gli spinotti davvero minuscoli e delicati che collegano i sensori al computerino. Detto questo consiglio questo prodotto per il suo design, l’efficienza, la robustezza, la credibilità nell’uso che finora si è rivelato particolarmente piacevole

Very quiet, beautiful, extremely functional, it arrived at its destination a day earlier than expected, very well packaged. Using it is a real pleasure for the smooth and flowing pedaling. It's been 10 days since it arrived and after using it 30 minutes a day I can say I'm extremely satisfied with the purchase. The computer works well and offers in succession the data of the time of use, speed, distance traveled, calories burned and heartbeats if you keep your hands resting on the sensors on the handlebars. The system for holding your cell phone or tablet is simple but effective. The rubber bands on the pedals are equally simple and safe. A clarification: in the description on the web page it says that there is an 8-level resistance adjustment system, as if there were numbers from one to eight on the knob to indicate the different levels of resistance. In reality, on the knob there is only one indication with the plus and minus signs and this rotates clockwise or anticlockwise continuously. Is this a problem? Yes, if you consider that online sales require that the description and photographs correspond exactly to the products that will arrive to the buyer. The answer is No if we consider, as happened to me, that the continuous regulation of the resistance is almost better. In fact, using the Kinomap application that writes slopes and differences in level both with numbers and with graphs on the video of the route, I see when and what level the slopes are on the route and I have learned to adjust, it seems to me, with sufficient credibility, the resistance on the flywheel. A note: the instruction booklet has really small drawings and some of dubious interpretation; the seller should offer enlargements of the steps that could prove to be the most difficult and which for me were the connection of the cable that regulates the resistance and the really tiny and delicate pins that connect the sensors to the computer. Having said that, I recommend this product for its design, efficiency, robustness, credibility in use which so far has proved particularly pleasant


ilk başlarda gıcırdıyordu ama vidalarını biraz fazla sıkınca gıcırdama sorunu çözüldü.

It squeaked at first, but tightening the screws a little too much fixed the squeaking problem.


Franchement à ce prix là on ne peut pas trouver mieux, excellent vélo et plutôt costaud. Côté design il est élégant, et mes amis me disent qu'il a vraiment le look d'un vélo de salle de sport. Vraiment satisfait de cet achat qui vas me permettre d'entretenir mon corps de rêve Seul bémol ce sont les 8 niveaux pas évident à définir donc qui reste très aléatoire (d'où 4 étoiles et pas 5) Mais sans hésitation je vous conseille ce vélo d'appartement .

Frankly at this price you can't find better, excellent bike and rather sturdy. Design-wise it is elegant, and my friends tell me that it really has the look of a gym bike. Really satisfied with this purchase which will allow me to maintain my dream body. The only downside is the 8 levels which are not easy to define so they remain very random (hence 4 stars and not 5) But without hesitation I recommend this exercise bike.


Zulieferung rasch in einwandfreier Kartonage. Anleitung zum Zusammenbau klar, verständlich. Zu 80% allein leicht möglich, gelegentlich muss durch Aufheben des Gerätes eine Unterstützung nötig. Ergebnis: zufriedenstellender Anblick. Leistung in kurzer Frist der Benützung sehr zufriedenstellend!

Delivered quickly in perfect cardboard packaging. Assembly instructions clear and understandable. 80% easily possible alone, occasionally support is required by lifting the device. Result: satisfactory sight. Performance in a short period of use very satisfactory!


Avevo scelto questo prodotto per le recensioni riguardanti il rumore della pedalata e devo dire che l'aspettativa è stata coerente con la pratica. Bello anche il colore (grigio) , facile l'utilizzo, qualche bestemmia durante il montaggio ma può starci, soldi ben spesi

I chose this product because of the reviews regarding the noise of the pedaling and I have to say that the expectation was consistent with the practice. The color is also nice (gray), easy to use, some swearing during assembly but it can happen, money well spent


La ciclette da come potete vedere dalle foto la base è arrivata aperta. Il montaggio è stato abbastanza facile. Per ora il prezzo è adeguato alla struttura, vedremo quanto dura. Per quanto riguarda la consegna chi l'ha consegnata erano scansafatiche erano pure venuti in due, ho fatto la consegna al piano, invece me l'hanno messa sul marciapiede e sono letteralmente scappati. L'ho dovuta portare su da sola, e non era leggera per i problemi di schiena che ho

The exercise bike, as you can see from the photos, the base arrived open. Assembly was quite easy. For now the price is adequate for the structure, we'll see how long it lasts. As for the delivery, the people who delivered it were slackers, they even came in two, I made the delivery to the floor, instead they put it on the sidewalk and literally ran away. I had to carry it up by myself, and it wasn't light due to the back problems I have


An sich kein schlechtes Gerät. Großen Leuten (bin 178) würde ich von abraten. Man kommt mit den Beinen dauernd vorne gegen die Stangen und holt sich dadurch blaue Flecken. Das Einstellen des Schwierigkeitgrades ist auch eher ein Witz. Wenn man lange genug dreht, kommt man ans Ziel. Die Digitalanzeige funktioniert.

Not a bad device per se. I would advise against tall people (I'm 178). You keep hitting the bars with your legs in front and you get bruises as a result. Setting the difficulty level is also more of a joke. If you spin long enough, you'll get there. The digital display works.


Da premettere ,il ritardo nella spedizione di 2 giorni,ma onore al venditore ,che dopo una mia mail ,scusandosi del ritardo mi hanno rimborsato del 10% del valore della bici,davvero nota di merito ,molto seri. Veniamo alla cyclette,montaggio in 30 minuti,bella robusta,volano iper silenzioso e fluidità ottima della pedalata grazie ai 12kg dello stesso,non ho ancora provato la app kinomap ,anche se penso che per sfruttarla ci sia bisogno di fare l abbonamento,nel complesso per 130€ volano da 12kg non si trova nulla in giro ,rapporto/qualità da 10

First of all, the delay in shipping of 2 days, but credit to the seller, who after my email, apologizing for the delay refunded me 10% of the value of the bike, really a note of merit, very serious. Let's come to the exercise bike, assembly in 30 minutes, beautiful sturdy, super silent flywheel and excellent fluidity of pedaling thanks to the 12kg of the same, I have not yet tried the kinomap app, even if I think that to use it you need to take out a subscription, overall for € 130 12kg flywheel you can't find anything around, 10/10 quality/ratio


Buscaba una bici con el "cuadro" bajo para mis padres. Cumple perfectamente. Se ajusta el sillín a distintas alturas y funciona perfectamente. Lo único montar y conectar la parte del manillar fue un poco laborioso (también porque uno de los cables está en el manillar contrario al que debería estar...)

I was looking for a bike with a low "frame" for my parents. It works perfectly. The saddle can be adjusted to different heights and works perfectly. The only thing was assembling and connecting the handlebar part was a bit of a chore (also because one of the cables is on the handlebar opposite to where it should be...)


lo uso spesso display intuitivo

I use it often intuitive display


Das Gerät sieht super aus! Aufbau war machbar. Leider quitscht das Gerät bereits nach der zweiten Nutzung. Super schade, es ist sehr laut und will gar nicht Wissen wie es sich nach 1 Monat anhören wird...

The device looks great! Construction was doable. Unfortunately, the device squeaks after the second use. It's a shame, it's very loud and I don't even want to know how it will sound after 1 month...


Il prezzo, intorno a € 150, è ottimo visti prodotti simili con quel peso del volano; anzi, dopo che ho acquistato è sceso di altri €20, quasi un ulteriore ribasso di 15% per la cyclette di colore nero, chissà era uno degli ultimi pezzi. Produttore tedesco, dopo una decina di giorni mantiene una robustezza sufficiente, la macchina lavora abbastanza bene per il suo prezzo e per un uso domestico, è silenziosa, ha un computer con i parametri di base di cui però non sono ancora riuscito a valutarne la precisione. Ed ha un volano piuttosto pesante, che a quel prezzo è quasi impossibile trovare sul mercato. Spero che con l'uso mantenga la robustezza nel tempo. Voto vicino al 4

The price, around € 150, is excellent considering similar products with that flywheel weight; in fact, after I bought it it dropped by another € 20, almost a further 15% reduction for the black exercise bike, who knows it was one of the last pieces. German manufacturer, after about ten days it maintains sufficient robustness, the machine works quite well for its price and for home use, it is silent, it has a computer with basic parameters but I have not yet been able to evaluate the precision. And it has a rather heavy flywheel, which at that price is almost impossible to find on the market. I hope that with use it maintains its robustness over time. Score close to 4


Sehr gute Aufbauanleitung, schnelle Lieferung, hält was es verspricht, kleines Mango: am Rahmen lässt sich eine Schraube nicht rein drehen, gibt aber keine Einschränkungen bei der Stabilität.

Very good assembly instructions, fast delivery, does what it promises, little mango: a screw on the frame cannot be screwed in, but there are no restrictions on stability.





I really like the quality and make of this crosstrainer. It's pretty small so it fits nicely in a room and does not take a lot of space. But it's also not too small. I am 170 cm and have no problem operating it, and my knees don't bump into the body (some reviewers said that was a problem for them. They must be giants). The computer is pretty basic but does its job. It also connects to the Kinomap app, but has no real-time syncing. Contact with the seller was smooth, even though it took a long time to reply to my query initially. They apologised and mentioned they had technical problems with their system so I hope it's a one off. But when they did reply, communication was very easy. Overall, I'm really satisfied with the price-performance of the Klarfit Myon

I really like the quality and make of this crosstrainer. It's pretty small so it fits nicely in a room and does not take a lot of space. But it's also not too small. I am 170 cm and have no problem operating it, and my knees don't bump into the body (some reviewers said that was a problem for them. They must be giants). The computer is pretty basic but does its job. It also connects to the Kinomap app, but has no real-time syncing. Contact with the seller was smooth, even though it took a long time to reply to my query initially. They apologised and mentioned they had technical problems with their system so I hope it's a one off. But when they did reply, communication was very easy. Overall, I'm really satisfied with the price-performance of the Klarfit Myon


Calidad precio fabuloso Llevamos usando la bicicleta una semana tres personas una hora cada uno al día y muy bien. De Amazon lo de siempre: servicio rápido y eficaz Muy contento con la compra

Fabulous value for money. We have been using the bike for a week, three people, one hour each a day, and it has been going very well. From Amazon, the same as always: fast and efficient service. Very happy with the purchase.


Perfecta para hacer bicicleta en casa.

Perfect for cycling at home.


perfecta y fuerte

perfect and strong


Buena calidad precio,es empresa alemana con lo cual la calidad es buena,además tiene certificado. Viene en una caja ,al principio te asustas pero sigues las instrucciones y en 20 o en 40 minutos la montas,según lo manitas que seas pero ya digo no hay dificultad en montarla,solo hay que seguir los pasos 1,2,3,4(step) Contento con la compra

Good value for money, it is a German company, so the quality is good, and it also has a certificate. It comes in a box, at first you get scared but you follow the instructions and in 20 or 40 minutes you assemble it, depending on how handy you are, but as I said, there is no difficulty in assembling it, you just have to follow steps 1,2,3,4 (step) Happy with the purchase


Ottima cyclette, robusta, stabile, silenziosa, un rapporto qualità/prezzo dei migliori a mio parere. Si monta abbastanza facilmente in poco più di un’ora, ma qualche immagine più grande e più chiara faciliterebbe le operazioni, con risparmio di tempo e fatica. Ottimo anche l’ imballaggio, ben graduata l’intensità di sforzo. Da considerare che il manubrio è abbastanza distante dal sellino e non consente la posizione eretta, bisogna stare leggermente piegati in avanti e, in caso di persone anziane e di bassa statura, questo può essere un problema, soprattutto per la schiena.

Excellent exercise bike, sturdy, stable, silent, one of the best quality/price ratios in my opinion. It is assembled quite easily in just over an hour, but some larger and clearer images would make the operations easier, saving time and effort. The packaging is also excellent, the intensity of effort is well graduated. It should be considered that the handlebars are quite far from the saddle and do not allow an upright position, you have to be slightly bent forward and, in the case of elderly and short people, this can be a problem, especially for the back.


Buon rapporto qualità prezzo. La montata mia figlia in mezzora . Per un allenamento medio va benissimo. È abbastanza silenziosa e la pedalata morbida. L'unica pecca è che per aumentare la resistenza si deve andare a occhio girando una manovella che non riporta il grado di resistenza .

Good value for money. My daughter assembled it in half an hour. For an average workout it's fine. It's quite silent and the pedaling is soft. The only flaw is that to increase the resistance you have to go by eye by turning a crank that doesn't show the level of resistance.


La ciclette è molto bella e compatta. A questo prezzo è l’unica con un volano dal peso giusto per l’attività fisica (12 kg). Si può utilizzare con l’app Kinomap per simulare un percorso o una sfida con altri membri della Community (attenzione, la ciclette non si collega via Bluetooth allo smartphone e l’app utilizza la fotocamera dello smartphone). Anche se l’imballaggio era abbastanza ben curato, la ciclette è arrivata comunque con qualche graffio e con un copricavo mancante. Tuttavia, visto che il prodotto era perfettamente funzionante, il venditore si è subito messo a disposizione e mi ha offerto un rimborso parziale del prezzo pagato. In definitiva mi ritengo soddisfatto dell’acquisto.

The bike is very nice and compact. At this price it is the only one with a flywheel of the right weight for physical activity (12 kg). It can be used with the Kinomap app to simulate a route or a challenge with other members of the Community (be careful, the bike does not connect via Bluetooth to the smartphone and the app uses the smartphone camera). Even though the packaging was quite well taken care of, the bike still arrived with some scratches and a missing cable cover. However, since the product was in perfect working order, the seller immediately made himself available and offered me a partial refund of the price paid. Ultimately I am satisfied with the purchase.


Der Stepper ist top. Lieferung erfolgte pünktlich und der Zusammenbau ist mit 2 Personen recht einfach erledigt. Das Gerät erfüllt exakt den beschriebenen Zweck bei einem guten Preis- Leistungsverhältnis.

The stepper is great. It was delivered on time and it was easy to assemble with 2 people. The device fulfills exactly the purpose described with a good price-performance ratio.


La cyclette è robusta molto silenziosa e va bene anche per persone alte, ha solo un problema, il manubrio non è regolabile ed è un po' troppo lontano dalla sella, quindi se si deve alzare abbastanza la sella si sta in una posizione per me un po' troppo obliqua..per il resto è molto funzionale e anche bella esteticamente.

The exercise bike is sturdy, very quiet and is also good for tall people, it has only one problem, the handlebars are not adjustable and are a little too far from the saddle, so if you have to raise the saddle enough you are in a position that is a little too oblique for me... otherwise it is very functional and also aesthetically beautiful.


Premettendo che e' solo qualche giorno che l' ho acquistata... e quindi non so per quanto tempo puo' durare questa pedalata fluida ,silenziosa ,ma se rimanesse sempre cosi',e' un ottimo prodotto. Rapporto qualita' prezzo eccezionale ,spedizione in tempo.

First of all, I bought it only a few days ago... so I don't know how long this smooth, silent ride will last, but if it stays like this, it's an excellent product. Exceptional value for money, shipping on time.


La bici llegó en su caja bien protegida. Es de fácil montaje . Los tornillos ya van al sitio. Es cuca, compacta y los materiales de buena calidad. El disco también es bueno . Mido 1'80 y aquí solo se trata de subir o bajar el sillín. Por el precio mucho mejor que una plegable. Recomendable 100% . Llegó en una semanita...

The bike arrived in its well-protected box. It is easy to assemble. The screws are already in place. It is cute, compact and the materials are of good quality. The disc is also good. I am 1'80 and here it is only a matter of raising or lowering the saddle. For the price it is much better than a folding one. 100% recommended. It arrived in a week...


Buena bicicleta que sirve también para spinning. El disco de inercia está bien al tener 12 kg de resistencia, no es muy alto pero lo justo para para que notes resistencia. Le falta un botellero pero por lo demás precio-calidad muy bien

Good bike that also works for spinning. The flywheel is good, having 12 kg of resistance, it is not very high but just enough so that you feel the resistance. It lacks a bottle rack but otherwise the price-quality ratio is very good.


Está genial. Relación calidad-precio muy buena.

It's great. Very good value for money.


La noto un poco bajita, la parte del manillar, para la altura que tengo 1,80

I notice it is a little low, the handlebar part, for my height of 1.80


La bicicleta. Nada. Para ejercitar el tren superior.

The bicycle. Nothing. To exercise the upper body.


Tenia una idea prejuzgada que dado el peso de su plato (12 KLgs ) seria muy pesada para mi recuperacion , es suave muy buena la regulacion de esfuerzo den fuerza ...

I had a preconceived notion that given the weight of the plate (12 kg) it would be too heavy for my recovery. It is smooth and has very good regulation of effort and force...


Esta muy bien, casi no pesa y es cómoda. Lo único que cuando la trajeron la caja está rota y asomaba una pieza.

It's very good, it's almost light and comfortable. The only thing is that when they brought it, the box was broken and a piece was sticking out.


La cyclette è robusta e silenziosa, il computerino funziona. Qualche piccola difficoltà nel montarla, ma forse perché non avevo mai montato una cyclette in vita mia. Uniche pecche sono che l'applicazione Kinomap non me la rileva, ma per fortuna si può utilizzare ugualmente con la fotocamera e poi mi si slaccia spesso il cinturino blocca piede.

The bike is sturdy and silent, the computer works. I had a little difficulty assembling it, but maybe because I had never assembled an exercise bike in my life. The only flaws are that the Kinomap application does not detect it, but fortunately it can be used with the camera and then the foot strap often comes undone.


Buena bicicleta por ese precio. Una horita más o menos de montaje. El envío muy bien.

Good bike for the price. About an hour to assemble. Delivery was very good.


Relación calidad-precio estupenda. Bastante robusta y estable (soporta bien mis 80 kg sentado) y el asiento no resulta incómodo. Además es apta para altos (mido 1,87m y con el sillín al máximo me sirve). Me llegó rápido y el montaje se hace en 1 hora máximo. Muy satisfecho. Buscaba una bici barata para sudar en casa y por 199 euros tengo todo lo que esperaba: bastante cómoda y el display muestra tiempo, velocidad, distancia, calorías y pulsaciones. La recomiendo sin duda

Great value for money. Quite sturdy and stable (it supports my 80 kg sitting well) and the seat is not uncomfortable. It is also suitable for tall people (I am 1.87m tall and with the saddle at its maximum it works for me). It arrived quickly and the assembly takes 1 hour maximum. Very satisfied. I was looking for a cheap bike to sweat at home and for 199 euros I have everything I expected: quite comfortable and the display shows time, speed, distance, calories and heart rate. I recommend it without a doubt.


Todo perfecto

Everything is perfect


La entrega perfecta, dentro del plazo indicado. Referente a la bicicleta el montaje fué fácil. En cuanto a su uso es correcto sin anomalías, lo estamos usando tanto mi marido como yo. No le pongo 5 estrellas porque nos hubiese gustado que las instrucciones para el uso no fuesen tan escuetas ya que dudamos de los datos que aparecen en pantalla, ¿que significan exactamente?. Por lo demás cumple con lo que se espera.

Perfect delivery, within the indicated time. Regarding the bike, assembly was easy. As for its use, it is correct without any anomalies, both my husband and I are using it. I do not give it 5 stars because we would have liked the instructions for use to be less brief, since we doubt the data that appear on the screen, what do they mean exactly? For the rest, it meets expectations.


La bicicleta va muy bien. Se puede ajustar la resistencia y tiene una pantalla donde te mida kcal quemadas, km, tiempo y tasa cardíaca. La única pega que le pongo es que pesa un poco y que el sillín es un poco duro.

The bike is very good. You can adjust the resistance and it has a screen that measures calories burned, kilometers, time and heart rate. The only drawback I have is that it is a bit heavy and the seat is a bit hard.


Un diez todo

A ten all


Fácil de montar. Apta para personas grandes. Resistente.

Easy to assemble. Suitable for large people. Durable.


Insgesamt mochte ich diese Maschine. Mir gefiel, dass sie kleiner als die meisten elliptischen Maschinen war. Ich habe nicht viel Platz für Trainingsgeräte, also ist kleiner besser für mich.

Overall I liked this machine. I liked that it was smaller than most elliptical machines. I don't have a lot of space for exercise equipment, so smaller is better for me.


Und täglich oder in diesem Fall jährlich grüßt das Murmeltier. Gute Vorsätte fürs neue Jahr wie immer. Deswegen habe ich mich entschieden diesen Cross Trainer für zu Hause zu kaufen. Keine Ausreden mehr. Deswegen habe ich ihn schon aufgebaut. Man muss schon sagen der Aufbau hat etwas länger als nur 10 min gedauert aber dafür macht dieses Fitnessgerät einen stabilen Eindruck. Kein Billigscheiss und deshalb von mir erstmal 5 Sterne. Im Januar kann ich sicherlich noch ein paar Details erläutern....!

And every day, or in this case every year, the groundhog says hello. Happy New Years as always. That's why I decided to buy this cross trainer for the home. No more excuses. That's why I built it up. It has to be said that the assembly took a little longer than just 10 minutes, but this fitness device makes a stable impression. Not cheap shit and that's why I give it 5 stars. I'm sure I'll be able to explain a few more details in January...!


Compré el producto para mi madre mayor que ha estado buscando aparatos de ejercicios que pueda usar para realizar ejercicios relativamente ligeros. Consideré comprar una máquina para correr o una bicicleta, pero en lugar de eso decidí usar esta máquina de Klarfit. Es un entrenador cruzado y es bastante compacto y el tamaño perfecto para mi madre, que mide 155 cm. Al mismo tiempo, you mido 180 cm y también puedo usarlo cómodamente, especialmente porque la altura es ajustable. Sin embargo, no soy un gran entusiasta del ejercicio físico, así que solo puedo comentar sobre este producto desde la perspectiva de un lego. Todo lo que puedo decir es que no es difícil de configurar (me tomó poco menos de una hora), y operarlo es bastante simple. Podría recomendar esto a cualquiera que busque una máquina de ejercicios relativamente barata pero efectiva para mantenerse activos.

I bought the product for my elderly mother who has been looking for fitness equipment that she can use to perform relatively light exercises. I considered buying a treadmill or a bike, but decided to go with this machine from Klarfit instead. It is a cross trainer and is quite compact and the perfect size for my mother who is 155cm tall. At the same time, I am 180cm tall and can comfortably use it as well, especially since the height is adjustable. However, I am not a huge fitness enthusiast so I can only comment on this product from a layman’s perspective. All I can say is that it is not difficult to set up (it took me just under an hour), and operating it is quite simple. I would recommend this to anyone looking for a relatively cheap but effective exercise machine to keep them active.