Groundcracker Medicine Ball

Groundcracker Medicine Ball
- Medicine ball
- Black
- Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
- Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
- Ready to ship in 24 hours
- 14 day cooling off period
Top features
Robust weight ball for many different Functional Fitness exercises
Resistant outer skin made of rubber
Flexible filling of sand and iron
Product description
The CAPITAL SPORTS Groundcracker Slamball is the ultimate weight ball for your functional fitness workout! Its extremely resistant outer skin is made of thick rubber, making it a match for any challenge. The filling of sand and iron ensures the necessary weight and prevents any rebound through its flexibility. The structured rough surface ensures an optimal grip in all exercises - whether you want to throw or lift the Groundcracker.
CAPITAL SPORTS offers the Groundcracker Slamball in various weights so that you can always find the right ball for your level of performance, whether you are just getting into muscle training or you are a longtime professional looking for a new challenge. The perfect training partner!
Available sizes: 12kg, 4kg (item 10028994), 6kg (item 10028995), 8kg (item 10028996), 10kg (item 10028997), 15kg (item 10028999), 18kg (item 10029000 ), 20kg (item 10029001), 25kg (item 10029002).
- Structured surface for optimal grip
- Washable and weatherproof - suitable for indoors and outdoors
- Weight: 12kg
- Colour: black
Dimensions and Technical Details
- Diameter: 22cm
- Weight: 12kg
What will be delivered?
- 1 x slamball
- Delivery does not include a user manual
Delivery & shipment
Shipping time: 3 - 5 days
Your order will be delivered to the selected address per order. This address does not have to match the billing address. You can send the orders to your family, friends or office if you are not at home during the day.
Safety and Operating Instructions
Product Safety Information
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
Responsible Person:
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
E-mail address:
No review available for this item.
Cela doit faire ma 5 eme séance,produit top, tiens bien sa forme,je l’utilise sur un terrain synthétique pas sur du béton.
This must be my 5th session, great product, holds its shape well, I use it on synthetic ground not on concrete.
Bon produit, semble très résistant à l'usure. Ca glisse un peu avec la transpiration mais ce n'est pas une savonnette non plus, pas d'inquiétude !
Good product, seems very wear resistant. It slips a little with sweat but it's not a bar of soap either, don't worry!
Rien a dire de négatif , comme dans la description et de qualité égale a d'autre bien plus couteuses
Nothing negative to say, as in the description and of equal quality to others much more expensive.
Conforme à mes attentes, la masse interne est libre donc a manier avec précaution pour ne pas ma perdre (12kg).
As expected, the internal mass is free so handle with care so as not to lose it (12kg).
Da ich trotz anhaltendem Lockdown nicht auf ein umfangreiches Fitnesstraining verzichten möchte, habe ich mir einen 10kg Slamball zugelegt. Dieser Slamball ist preislich auf jeden Fall empfehlenswert, jedoch muss ich leider manchen Rezessionen zustimmen, was die Griffigkeit angeht. Der Slamball könnte durchaus etwas griffiger sein, denn mit schwitzigen Händen könnte der Slamball nicht selten aus den Händen gleiten. Trotzdem bin ich mit dem Ball zufrieden und bislang macht er auch einen robusten Eindruck. Das bisherige Training hat ihm nicht zugesetzt. Alles in allem eine gute Investition, auch im Vergleich zu deutlich teureren Slamballs. Die Rezessionen, die einen Slamball mit einem Medizinball vergleichen oder bemängeln, dass der Ball nicht komplett gefüllt sei, kann ich sowieso nicht Ernst nehmen ! Wer den Unterschied zwischen Slamballs und Medizinbällen nicht kennt, sollte sich vor einem Kauf zuerst imformieren.
Since I don't want to miss out on extensive fitness training despite the ongoing lockdown, I bought a 10kg slam ball. In terms of price, this slam ball is definitely recommended, but unfortunately I have to agree with some recessions when it comes to grip. The slam ball could definitely be a bit more grippy, because with sweaty hands the slam ball could often slip out of your hands. Nevertheless, I am satisfied with the ball and so far it makes a robust impression. The previous training didn't bother him. All in all a good investment, even compared to much more expensive slamballs. I can't take the recessions that compare a slam ball to a medicine ball or that the ball isn't completely filled anyway ! If you don't know the difference between slamballs and medicine balls, you should do some research before making a purchase.
Hat bereits einige slam- und throw-workouts hinter sich, und sieht noch aus wie neu.
Has done a few slam and throw workouts and still looks brand new.
Super rapport qualité / prix et excellent cadeau d'anniversaire pour sportifs !
Great value for money and a great birthday gift for athletes!
Bin zu frieden , könnte etwas griffiger sein
I'm satisfied, could be a bit more grippy
Le produit semble robuste, bonne prise en main. Parfaitg en tant que lest ou slamball.
The product seems sturdy, good grip. Perfect as a weight or slamball.
Wer nicht ins Studio kann oder will und weiß, was er mit dem Ball anfangen kann, macht damit nichts falsch. Der Ball riecht nicht unangenehm und entspricht voll und ganz meinen Erwartungen. Klare Kauf Empfehlung
If you can't or don't want to go to the studio and know what you can do with the ball, you won't go wrong. The ball does not smell unpleasant and fully meets my expectations. Clear purchase recommendation
Ce qu'il fallait bonne qualité ...
What was needed good quality...
Positiv:Außenhülle stabil.Versandkostenfrei.Gewicht 4kg passt. Ball besitzt ein Ventil-zum abprallen Luft hineinpumpen. Negativ:Ball besitzt ein Ventil.HabeLuft abgelassen-Ball war eingedellt-sehr gut mit einer Hand (Affengriff) zu fassen-Ball bleibt jetzt liegen. Tip: So wenig Luft rein pumpen,daß er gerade so rund wird.Springt nun nicht mehr und rollt nur wenig weiter!
Positive: Outer shell stable. Free shipping. Weight 4kg fits. Ball has a valve to bounce air pump in. Negative: the ball has a valve. I let the air out - the ball was dented - very easy to grasp with one hand (monkey grip) - the ball now stays where it is. Tip: Pump in so little air that it just becomes so round. It no longer jumps and only rolls a little further!
je l'utilise régulièrement pour mes entrainements ou pour echauffement de crossfit et je peux vous dire que c diablement efficace. parfait en tout point, robuste, grip nickel, je le recommande
I use it regularly for my training or for crossfit warm-ups and I can tell you that it's devilishly effective. Perfect in every way, robust, nickel grip, I recommend it
J'ai acheté le 25kg, pas pour les débutants. Très bon rapport qualité prix. Livraison rapide, délai inférieur à celui prévu. Produit de qualité solide. Je recommande sans hésiter.
I bought the 25kg, not for beginners. Very good value for money. Fast delivery, less than expected. Solid quality product. I recommend without hesitation.
Prodotto eccellente, lo ritengo uno dei migliori attrezzi per il fitness casalingo della mia collezione. Con la palla medica si possono svolgere un’infinità di esercizi di potenziamento o riabilitazione… Questo modello della Capital Sports è davvero particolare e si differenzia dalle classiche palle mediche con superfice dura e peso bilanciato che presentano un rimbalzo più o meno accentuato. Innanzitutto presenta una certa elasticità se soggetta a pressione, ma una volta fatta cadere a terra non ha praticamente nessun rimbalzo. La caratteristica più importante, secondo me, è che presenta un’accentuata instabilità che la rende molto più difficile da maneggiare rispetto alle palle mediche classiche. Questo effetto è dovuto al fatto che all’interno la palla non è completamente zavorrata e piena, ma è gonfiata d’aria e in parte di sabbia che si muove liberamente all’interno. In un certo senso è come se fosse molto più pesante rispetto al suo peso effettivo, ma in realtà la difficoltà maggiore rispetto alle palle mediche tradizionali, è che si muove in modo non del tutto prevedibile, per cui bisogna applicare delle forze compensatorie che rendono più efficace e divertente l’esercizio che si va a svolgere. La superficie esterna presenta un’ottimo grip. Spero solo che non si sgonfi con il tempo e si possa eventualmente rigonfiare. Per il momento sono davvero soddisfatto di questo attrezzo.
Excellent product, I consider it one of the best home fitness tools in my collection. With the medicine ball you can perform an infinite number of strengthening or rehabilitation exercises ... This model from Capital Sports is truly special and differs from the classic medicine balls with a hard surface and balanced weight which have a more or less accentuated rebound. First of all, it has a certain elasticity when subjected to pressure, but once dropped on the ground it has practically no rebound. The most important feature, in my opinion, is that it has a marked instability that makes it much more difficult to handle than classic medicine balls. This effect is due to the fact that the ball is not completely ballasted and filled inside, but is inflated with air and partly with sand that moves freely inside. In a certain sense it is as if it were much heavier than its actual weight, but in reality the greatest difficulty with respect to traditional medicine balls is that it moves in a not entirely predictable way, for which it is necessary to apply compensatory forces which make it more the exercise that you are going to perform is effective and fun. The external surface has an excellent grip. I just hope it doesn't go flat over time and eventually re-inflate. So far I'm really happy with this tool.
Voilà une SlamBall Groundcracker de 18 kilos, c'est une balle lestée en caoutchouc utilisable pour de multiples exercices de sports. # SPECIFICITE DU PRODUIT : - Poids choisi : 18kg (elle est remplie avec un mélange de sable et de métal.) - Elle a un revêtement en caoutchouc épais extrêmement résistant aux chocs, revêtement en relief afin d'avoir une meilleur préhension. - Elle est utilisable en intérieur comme en extérieur. Elle est lavable facilement (eau savonneuse) #UTILISATION : - Personnellement je m'en sers principalement pour travailler les abdominaux en faisant des exercices de lever et de déplacement de poids sur les cotés du corps (tout en étant allongé sur les fesses). Une quantité d'exercice sont disponible pour cette balle, mais ce n'est pas évident de les décrire sans un petit schéma, donc je ne rentrerais pas dans des explications plus poussées, une recherche rapide sur le net devrait vous aiguiller sans soucis. Je m'en sers aussi pour de l'épauler jeter (sur du sable). - Ce qui est important de prendre en compte avant l'achat, c'est de bien choisir le poids de la balle, chaque poids est adapté à un exercice précis et à une corpulence précise, 25 kg ne correspond évidemment pas à quelqu'un qui n'aura pas l'habitude de lever des poids, et 15 kg ne suffira peut être pas pour certaines personnes pour effectuer certains exercices, il est donc primordial de bien choisir le poids de sa balle. #CONCLUSION : > Excellente qualité de fabrication, rien à redire, le caoutchouc a vraiment l'air résistant et je pense qu'il faudra quelle prenne de sacrée choc avant quelle se perce ou se détériore. > Pour les amoureux du sport, c'est un très bon complément d'exercice,
Here is a 18 kilo SlamBall Groundcracker, it is a weighted rubber ball that can be used for multiple sports exercises. # PRODUCT SPECIFICITY: - Chosen weight: 18kg (it is filled with a mixture of sand and metal.) - It has a thick rubber coating that is extremely shock-resistant, with a raised coating for a better grip. - It can be used indoors and outdoors. It is easily washable (soapy water) # USE: - Personally, I use it mainly to work the abs by doing lifting and weight shifting exercises on the sides of the body (while lying on my buttocks). A number of exercises are available for this ball, but it is not easy to describe them without a small diagram, so I will not go into more detailed explanations, a quick search on the net should guide you without any worries. I also use it to shoulder throw (on sand). - What is important to consider before purchasing is to choose the weight of the ball carefully, each weight is adapted to a specific exercise and a specific body type, 25 kg obviously does not correspond to someone who is not used to lifting weights, and 15 kg may not be enough for some people to perform certain exercises, it is therefore essential to choose the weight of your ball carefully. #CONCLUSION: > Excellent manufacturing quality, nothing to complain about, the rubber really seems resistant and I think it will have to take a lot of shock before it punctures or deteriorates. > For sports lovers, it is a very good exercise supplement,