Bar Lerina Balley Bar mobile
- Ballet bar
- Black
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- Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
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- 14 day cooling off period
Top features
Mobile balley bar for dancing and fitness training at home, in the studio or outdoors
Free-standing construction, no wall mounting required
Infinitely height adjustable between 70 and 113 cm
Product description
Fit and graceful: the Klarfit Bar Lerina ballet bar allows you to dance or for pilates training at any time: at home, in the studio or even in the park.
In shape with dance and ballet: the Klarfit bar Lerina ballet bar makes it possible. Whether it is practicing posture or ballet figures or performing pilates exercises for legs, abdomen, back and legs - versatile training possibilities are guaranteed. Mobile and free-standing, with the 110-cm-long bar you can practice virtually anywhere: in just a few steps, it can be dismantled into transportable parts and rebuilt at the desired location. The training pole is infinitely height adjustable between 70 and 113 cm, so that the right height is quickly set for every training requirement. The pole diameter of 38 mm guarantees a good grip during exercising. The mobile balley bar is extremely robust and sturdy, made of steel tubing and equipped with a resilient powder or chrome coating. The 80 cm wide bow feet ensures a safe stand without tilting during training.
The whole world of ballet combined with the possibilities of modern fitness training: the Klarfit Bar Lerina ballet bar helps everyone to acchieve their dream shape.
Available variants: black, pink (article 10031409)
- Ideal for dance training or stretching and pilates exercises for strengthening legs, abdomen, back and buttocks
- Simple assembly or disassembly in just a few steps
- Robust: entirely made of steel
- Pole with special coating in wooden optics and haptics
- Lower part powder coated and upper part chromium-plated
- Stable stand with 79 cm wide bow feet
- Anti-slip rubber pads
- Mobile due to low weight
Dimensions and Technical Details
- Dimensions (min. height): about 79 x 70 x 110 cm (WxHxD)
- Dimensions (max. height): about 79 x 113 x 110 cm (WxHxD)
- Weight: about 5 kg
What will be delivered?
- 1 x ballet bar
- Operating instructions in English (other languages: English)
Delivery & shipment
Shipping time: 3 - 5 days
Your order will be delivered to the selected address per order. This address does not have to match the billing address. You can send the orders to your family, friends or office if you are not at home during the day.
Safety and Operating Instructions
Product Safety Information
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
Responsible Person:
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
E-mail address:
No review available for this item.
Really nice ballet barre for adults or kids. Sturdy enough for ballet exercises at home. Not too big perfect for home. Measurements are correct and all pieces arrived. I mounted it myself without help. Just follow the guide. It also has plenty of heights so you can adjust it to your preference. Delivery took about a week. Hope this helps.
Really nice ballet barre for adults or kids. Sturdy enough for ballet exercises at home. Not too big perfect for home. Measurements are correct and all pieces arrived. I mounted it myself without help. Just follow the guide. It also has plenty of heights so you can adjust it to your preference. Delivery took about a week. Hope this helps.
Producto bien creado y robusto. Cumple bien su función. Lo único a comentar es que la barra NO es de madera y viene en dos piezas que se unen por la mitad con un pistón. A considerar por quien busque una única pieza y sobre todo de madera.
Well-designed and robust product. It does its job well. The only thing to mention is that the bar is NOT made of wood and comes in two pieces that are joined in the middle with a piston. To be considered by those looking for a single piece, especially made of wood.
Bonne qualité.
Good quality.
Está bastante bien, solo le faltaría un poco más de estabilidad
It's pretty good, it just needs a little more stability.
Impossibile caricare il contenuto multimediale. Sono chinesiologa e l'ho acquistata per le mie lezioni di Barre. Purtroppo, come potete notare, la sbarra risulta poco stabile, nonostante i piedi siano così grandi. Ho fatto delle prova a caso per testarla. Diciamo che come rapporto qualità/prezzo non va benissimo.. abbasserei il prezzo sicuramente intorno ai 70€ massimo 80€. Per un principiante la sconsiglio, ma se sai usare la sbarra come me va benissimo. Fa comunque il suo lavoro, il design è molto bello e simile alle sbarre che ho già nella mia sala. La consiglio, anche perché non si trova di meglio , almeno qui su Amazon. In ogni caso non vedo l'ora di fare lezione
Unable to load media. I am a kinesiologist and I bought it for my Barre classes. Unfortunately, as you can see, the barre is not very stable, even though the feet are so big. I did some random tests to test it. Let's say that as a quality/price ratio it is not very good.. I would definitely lower the price to around €70 maximum €80. For a beginner I do not recommend it, but if you know how to use the barre like me it is great. It still does its job, the design is very nice and similar to the barres I already have in my room. I recommend it, also because you can't find anything better, at least here on Amazon. In any case I can't wait to take a class
Preis-Leistung top Die Stange passt für einfache Ballettübungen zu Hause. Allerdings ist sie ein wenig wackelig, aber sie ist nun mal nicht an der Wand montiert. Da kann man einen solchen Halt wie an der Wand auch nicht erwarten. Für den Preis ist sie aber vergleichsweise unschlagbar.
Great value for money The barre is suitable for simple ballet exercises at home. It is a little wobbly, but then again it is not mounted on the wall. You can't expect the same level of support as on the wall. But for the price it is comparatively unbeatable.
Barre de danse qui correspond à la description a condition de bien lire la description; chose que j'aurai dû faire avec plus d'attention car la barre est en métal et non en bois.
Dance bar that matches the description provided you read the description carefully; something I should have done more carefully because the bar is made of metal and not wood.
Très bien pour s'exercer à la barre classique chez soi ou pour tout autre exercice
Very good for practicing the classic barre at home or for any other exercise
Solide Belle finition
Solid Nice finish
Solide Stabil und leicht aufzubauen; Lieferung kam fix
Solid, stable and easy to assemble; delivery was quick
Impossibile caricare il contenuto multimediale. Il prodotto è ottimo è robusto è adatto a una bambina di età tra i sette e i dodici /tredici anni. Allego video del prodotto assemblato correttamente( chi ha scritto che si è rotto lo ha assemblato al contrario) È arrivato in tempo per Natale complimenti al venditore. Ottimo feedback del venditore immediato, c'era un piccolo ritardo sul palco, che comunque è arrivato in tempo. Ho acquistato la versione bianco lucido, è molto elegante. Facilmente smontabile. Top 5 stelle
Unable to load media. The product is excellent, it is sturdy and suitable for a child between the ages of seven and twelve/thirteen. I attach a video of the product assembled correctly (whoever wrote that it broke assembled it backwards) It arrived in time for Christmas, compliments to the seller. Excellent feedback from the immediate seller, there was a small delay on the stage, which however arrived on time. I purchased the glossy white version, it is very elegant. Easily disassembled. Top 5 stars
Ottima fattura e funzionalità
Excellent workmanship and functionality
Ballett Sehr gute , einfache Ballettstange zum Trainieren. Gut aufzubauen und zu verstauen! Schönes Design. Stabilität ist okay. Preis - Leistungsverhältnis super! Für Profis besonders geeignet.
Ballet Very good, simple ballet barre for training. Easy to set up and store! Nice design. Stability is okay. Great price-performance ratio! Particularly suitable for professionals.
Barre achetée il y a plusieurs années maintenant, je me permet d'en faire le commentaire avec recul. La barre est jolie, et ne prend pas une place excessive (installée dans un studio étudiant). Cependant, elle n'est pas très stable. Donc, pour un jeune danseur ou une jeune danseuse qui a besoin de se cramponner, il vaut mieux lester les pieds (ou fixer une barre murale). Pareil pour la pratique des pointes : si vous ne faites pas de pointes au milieu, n'en faite pas sur cette barre, vous pourriez sincèrement vous blesser (et de toute façon, si vous débutez, éviter de faire des pointes sans votre enseignant). Bon point : je suis danseuse poids lourd, et je peux faire des pieds à la barre, elle est solide. Bien-sûr, il ne faut ''s'écrouler'' sur la barre, comme toujours. J'ai pus déménager avec, le montage/démontage est vraiment facile. En bref : pour vous entraîner à la maison, sans pointes, pour les intermédiaires, elle est vraiment bien, surtout au vu du prix.
Barre purchased several years ago now, I allow myself to comment on it with hindsight. The barre is pretty, and does not take up excessive space (installed in a student studio). However, it is not very stable. So, for a young dancer who needs to hold on, it is better to weight the feet (or fix a wall bar). The same goes for pointe practice: if you do not do pointes in the middle, do not do them on this bar, you could sincerely injure yourself (and in any case, if you are a beginner, avoid doing pointes without your teacher). Good point: I am a heavyweight dancer, and I can do feet on the barre, it is solid. Of course, you must not "collapse" on the bar, as always. I was able to move with it, the assembly/disassembly is really easy. In short: to train at home, without pointes, for intermediates, it is really good, especially considering the price.
Mi sono avvicinata a questo sport per cui avevo necessità di un supporto, che non fosse fisso ma mobile. Questa barra é stabile al punto giusto, regolabile in altezza (sono alta 175 ed é ottima), molto pratica e poco ingombrante. La consiglio vivamente.
I approached this sport because I needed a support that was not fixed but mobile. This bar is stable at the right point, adjustable in height (I'm 175 tall and it's excellent), very practical and not bulky. I highly recommend it.
Le montage de la barre est simple et rapide, la notice est claire. Après un essai, je peux dire que la barre est solide, à voir dans le temps avec un usage régulier. J’enlève un étoile car la barre bouge un peu et pour la livraison hors délai ( commande fait le 6 avril et reçu le 20 avril ). Mais je suis satisfaite de mon achat et je peux recommander le produit.
The assembly of the bar is simple and quick, the instructions are clear. After a test, I can say that the bar is solid, to be seen over time with regular use. I remove a star because the bar moves a little and for the late delivery (order made on April 6 and received on April 20). But I am satisfied with my purchase and I can recommend the product.
Imballaggio perfetto, tempi rispettati, facile da montare con istruzioni semplici ad accessori ferramenta precisi. La sbarra non è di legno, ma si impugna bene e l’altezza si regola senza problemi. La stabilità è buona ma non inamovibile per una persona adulta di un certo peso. Per questo 4 stelle e non 5. Peró il rapporto qualità prezzo è ottimo.
Perfect packaging, deadlines respected, easy to assemble with simple instructions and precise hardware accessories. The bar is not made of wood, but it grips well and the height can be adjusted without problems. The stability is good but not immovable for an adult of a certain weight. For this 4 stars and not 5. However, the quality-price ratio is excellent.
La barre se monte sans trop de difficulté, elle est légère donc facile à transporter mais elle tient bien en place. Idéale, donc, pour les danseurs et danseuses qui souhaitent répéter à domicile. Elle ne se replie pas, donc il faut prévoir un peu de place mais cela reste un achat dont je suis satisfaite.
The bar is assembled without too much difficulty, it is light so easy to transport but it holds well in place. Ideal, therefore, for dancers who wish to rehearse at home. It does not fold, so you have to allow a little space but it remains a purchase that I am satisfied with.
Buon prodotto, stabile, varie altezze, un po' ingombrante, ma è normale, xo' facile da montare e da smontare quando nn serve, entra anche nell armadio. Lo consiglio
Good product, stable, various heights, a little bulky, but that's normal, but easy to assemble and disassemble when not needed, it also fits in the closet. I recommend it
Buon prodotto per attività amatoriale. Non estremamente solida ma fa il suo dovere in rapporto al prezzo.
Good product for amateur activity. Not extremely solid but does its job for the price.
L ho comprata per mia figlia e ha soddisfatto le mie aspettative
I bought it for my daughter and it met my expectations
Sbarra ottima da usare in casa
Great bar to use at home
Monté en moins de 10 minutes ! Très joli design, livraison rapide. Merci!
Assembled in less than 10 minutes! Very nice design, fast delivery. Thank you!
Tout est parfait simple à monter, de bonnes qualités esthétiques et de finitions. Ma fille est ravie. Place aux entraînements.
Everything is perfect, easy to assemble, good aesthetic qualities and finishes. My daughter is delighted. Time for training.
Perfekt Hier habe ich die perfekte Ballettstange für zu Hause gefunden: stabil, standfest, leicht genug und gut zu verstauen. Ich nutze sie selbst und sie ist auch für Erwachsene (bei meinen 64 kg) auf jeden Fall ausreichend stabil, wenn man sich nicht daran festkrallt sondern sie lediglich als Unterstützung benötigt. Ich kann auch für Dehnungen mein Bein darauf ablegen. Ideal
Perfect I found the perfect ballet barre for home here: stable, sturdy, light enough and easy to store. I use it myself and it is also stable enough for adults (at my 64 kg) if you don't cling to it but just need it for support. I can also rest my leg on it for stretching. Ideal
Vero come le recensioni, non molto forte e un po 'caro, ma abbastanza buono per la pratica normale, inutile per i pigri, quindi lo uso per asciugare i vestiti ora
True as the reviews, not very strong and a bit expensive, but good enough for normal practice, useless for lazy people, so I use it to dry clothes now
J’ai acheté pour ma fille de 9 ans. Elle mesure 140cm. La taille est bonne comme on peut ajuster l’hauteur. Mais c’est pas très stable au niveau de barre. Le barre ne serre pas complètement. Donc il ne faut pas que ma fille pose son poids sur ce barre. Mais ça fonctionne pour s’entraîner au barre.
I bought for my 9 year old daughter. She is 140cm tall. The size is good as you can adjust the height. But it is not very stable at the bar level. The bar does not tighten completely. So my daughter should not put her weight on this bar. But it works for training on the bar.
Regalato a mia moglie che ne ha apprezzato la praticità e il poco ingombro.
Gave it to my wife who appreciated its practicality and small size.
Die Lieferung kam sehr schnell. Der Aufbau war sehr einfach, etwas wackelig ist die Stange da die Schrauben sich nicht so festziehen lassen aber für die Anschaffungskosten ok und nicht mehr zu erwarten. Für meine Zwecke als Dehnstange und dabei platzsparend föllig ausreichend.
The delivery came very quickly. The construction was very simple, the rod is a bit wobbly because the screws cannot be tightened that much, but for the acquisition costs it is ok and no longer to be expected. For my purposes as a stretching bar and space-saving enough.
Preis-Leistungsverhältnis stimmt- Die Lieferung kam sehr schnell. Der Aufbau war sehr einfach, etwas wackelig ist die Stange da die Schrauben sich nicht so festziehen lassen aber für die Anschaffungskosten ok und nicht mehr zu erwarten. Für meine Zwecke als Dehnstange und dabei platzsparend föllig ausreichend.
The price-performance ratio is good - the delivery was very quick. The assembly was very easy, the bar is a bit wobbly because the screws cannot be tightened very well but for the purchase price it is OK and you can't expect more. It is completely sufficient for my purposes as an expansion bar and saves space.
questo mi serviva e questa rispondeva al 100% a ciò che cercavo. bello, stabile e facile da montare, a parte uno buco a cui non è stato fatto il filetto per la vite, ma capisco che possa succedere. consigliato.
this is what I needed and this was 100% what I was looking for. beautiful, stable and easy to assemble, apart from one hole that was not threaded for the screw, but I understand that it can happen. recommended.
Gute, haltbare Ausführung, nicht ganz kippsicher.
Good, durable design, not quite tip-proof.
Gute, haltbare Ausführung, nicht kippsicher Gute, haltbare Ausführung, nicht ganz kippsicher.
Good, durable construction, not tip-proof. Good, durable construction, not completely tip-proof.
Meine Enkelin ist von dem Gerät begeistert
My granddaughter loves the device
Ich wollte schon ewig eine Ballettstange, die sich gut verstauen lässt und natürlich nicht nach ein paar Übungen zusammenbricht. Ich kann sehr gut Übungen an der Stange durchführen und auch mein Bein ohne Probleme auf der Stange ablegen. Sie ist natürlich nicht dafür da, sich dran zu hängen und das würde ich auch nicht empfehlen. Aber für typische Übungen an der Stange wirklich super! Ein einrastsystem wäre natürlich super gewesen, damit die Stangen gleich hoch gespannt werden. Aber mit Wasserwaage (die es bereits auf dem Handy gibt) auch sehr gut machbar!
I've always wanted a ballet barre that packs away easily and of course doesn't break down after a few exercises. I can do exercises on the bar very well and also put my leg down on the bar without any problems. Of course, it's not meant to be hung on to, and I wouldn't recommend it either. But really great for typical exercises on the bar! Of course, a snap-in system would have been great so that the poles could be stretched at the same height. But with a spirit level (which is already available on the mobile phone) it can also be done very well!
Très bonne barre de danse si on l'utilise pour une hauteur fixe, sinon les marques de serrages successifs à des hauteurs différentes abîmeront les montants. Barre très stable et sécurisante.
Very good ballet barre if used for a fixed height, otherwise the marks of successive tightening at different heights will damage the uprights. Very stable and secure bar.
leider etwas wackelig, zum Verstellen braucht man eine Wasserwage, damit die Stange gerade gestellt wird, es gibt leider keine vorgefertigten Löcher um die Stange zu verstellen.
unfortunately a bit shaky, you need a water level to adjust the rod so that it is straight, unfortunately there are no pre-made holes to adjust the rod.
Ottima sbarra, molto stabile per poter consentire ai bimbi di esercitarsi e poi una ditta molto gentile, cortese e velocissimi nelle risposte alle domande da me fatte. Super consigliato!!!
Excellent bar, very stable to allow children to practice and then a very kind, courteous and very quick company in responding to the questions I asked. Highly recommended!!!
La barre est au top pour un appartement. Elle se monte très facilement Mais je la trouve un peu instable par moment et ma fille qui l’utilise trouve aussi. Toutefois elle l’adore et l’utile régulièrement pour ses entraînement
The bar is great for an apartment. It is very easy to assemble. But I find it a little unstable at times and my daughter who uses it also finds it. However, she loves it and uses it regularly for her training.
Die Ballettstange erinnert mich an meinen Ballettunterricht vor Jahrzehnten. Um kleine wirksame Übungen für die Fitness zu machen, gefiel mir diese "Hilfestellung"sehr gut.
The ballet barre reminds me of my ballet lessons decades ago. I liked this "help" very much to do small effective exercises for fitness.
Envoi rapide, bien emballé, produit facile à installer, bonne barre de danse d'appoint pour s'entraîner chez soi, bon rapport qualité prix
Fast shipping, well packaged, easy to install product, good additional dance bar for practicing at home, good value for money
I am really happy with this ballet barre. Super easy to assemble. The painting finish is really good (I bought the white one). It is a bit unstable, but for the price I couldn’t ask for more. It really serves its purpose. Don’t know yet about the durability (it’s only been more than 1month), but so far nothing to complain!
I am really happy with this ballet barre. Super easy to assemble. The painting finish is really good (I bought the white one). It is a bit unstable, but for the price I couldn’t ask for more. It really serves its purpose. Don’t know yet about the durability (it’s only been more than 1month), but so far nothing to complain!
Lässt sich nicht gut arretieren. Beim arretieren drehen sich die Füsse
Doesn't lock well. When locked, the feet turn
Barre de danse accessible et plutôt stable (je mesure 1m71). Se monte/démonte assez facilement. Elle reste moins qualitative que des barres professionnelles mais est aussi beaucoup moins chère ! Bon rapport qualité prix
Accessible and fairly stable dance bar (I'm 1m71 tall). It can be assembled/disassembled fairly easily. It is still less qualitative than professional bars but is also much less expensive! Good value for money
très bon produit rapport qualité/prix
very good product quality/price ratio
Bonjour, Très bon rapport qualité / prix pour une utilisation à la maison en cours particulier, et pour des répétitions en visio également. Ayant un petit appartement de 30 m carré, j'ai pu disposer cette barre dans ma chambre en m'en servant de "penderie", que je débarrassais pour mes cours particuliers. Elle est facilement réglage en hauteur ce qui est très appréciable. Pas besoin de tournevis pour la régler en hauteur, je peux changer la hauteur à la main durant le cours. Elle a une bonne stabilité, même si les parfois se tournent légèrement lors du déplacement de la barre d'une pièce à l'autre, mais je les repositionne après. J'en suis vraiment satisfaite vu le prix, et le côté bois est agréable côté déco.
Hello, Very good value for money for use at home in private lessons, and for rehearsals in video as well. Having a small apartment of 30 m2, I was able to place this bar in my room by using it as a "wardrobe", which I cleared out for my private lessons. It is easily adjustable in height, which is very appreciable. No need for a screwdriver to adjust its height, I can change the height by hand during the lesson. It has good stability, even if the sometimes turn slightly when moving the bar from one room to another, but I reposition them afterwards. I am really satisfied with it considering the price, and the wood side is pleasant in terms of decoration.
Ok für kleine Kinder. Leider rutsch die Stange gern mal runter. Ausschließlich zum Training geeignet. Kleine Kinder sollten nicht versuchen daran zu "turnen".
Ok for little kids. Unfortunately, the bar tends to slip down. Only suitable for training. Small children should not try to "gymnastics" on it.
Für meine Tochter 3j. Ist es ok, aber für größere ist es denke ich zu instabil.
For my 3 year old daughter. It's ok, but I think it's too unstable for larger ones.
Die Stange ist sehr wackelig und instabil. Ich habe mehr erwartet. Ich verwende sie für Ballett. Und da kommt kein Gewicht drauf, trotzdem wackelt sie schon nach einer Woche sehr stark.
The pole is very wobbly and unstable. I expected more. I use them for ballet. And there's no weight on it, but it's still wobbling a lot after just a week.
Esteticamente molto bella, pratica xchè si può richiudere, non pesante e facile da spostare Poco stabile Venditore preciso, prezzo alto
Aesthetically very nice, practical because it can be folded, not heavy and easy to move. Not very stable. Accurate seller, high price.
La barre est facilement démontable donc facile à ranger si besoin. C'est bien qu'elle soit réglable en hauteur. Très satisfaite de ce produit
The bar is easily dismantled so easy to store if needed. It's good that it is adjustable in height. Very satisfied with this product
Les pieds tournent un peu et les patins de protections s'en vont mais globalement contente
The feet turn a little and the protective pads come off but overall happy.
Sehr schöne und praktische Ballettstange. Für den Preis ist sie absolut zu empfehlen. Sie steht recht stabil, eine volle Stabilität kann nur mit Stahlfüßen gewährleistet werden, was für den Heimgebrauch ungeeignet ist. Die Stange selbst ist nicht aus Holz, sondern aus Metall, sodass sie sich auch nicht durchbiegen kann. Ich würde sie definitiv weiterempfehlen und bin sehr zufrieden.
Very beautiful and practical ballet barre. For the price it is absolutely recommended. It is quite stable, full stability can only be guaranteed with steel feet, which is unsuitable for home use. The pole itself isn't made out of wood, it's made out of metal, so it can't bend either. I would definitely recommend her and am very satisfied.
Tolle Ballettstange für zuhause Sehr schöne und praktische Ballettstange. Für den Preis ist sie absolut zu empfehlen. Sie steht recht stabil, eine volle Stabilität kann nur mit Stahlfüßen gewährleistet werden, was für den Heimgebrauch ungeeignet ist. Die Stange selbst ist nicht aus Holz, sondern aus Metall, sodass sie sich auch nicht durchbiegen kann. Ich würde sie definitiv weiterempfehlen und bin sehr zufrieden.
Great ballet barre for home Very nice and practical ballet barre. For the price, it is highly recommended. It is quite stable, but full stability can only be guaranteed with steel feet, which is unsuitable for home use. The barre itself is not made of wood, but of metal, so it cannot bend. I would definitely recommend it and am very satisfied.
Ho acquistato questa sbarra per mio figlio undicenne quando è iniziato il lockdown, per aiutarlo nelle videolezioni che hanno presto sostituito le sue lezioni alla scuola di danza. La sbarra è di ottima qualità. E’ semplice da montare. La stabilità è buona anche se migliorabile: le gambe sono poco pesanti e quindi la sbarra tende a scivolare quando sono in corso gli esercizi. Sarebbe utilissimo avere una sorta di livella per accertarsi che la sbarra sia dritta, e quindi che le altezze a destra e a sinistra siano uguali.
I bought this barre for my eleven-year-old son when the lockdown began, to help him with the video lessons that soon replaced his lessons at the dance school. The barre is of excellent quality. It is easy to assemble. The stability is good although it could be improved: the legs are not very heavy and therefore the barre tends to slip when the exercises are in progress. It would be very useful to have a sort of level to make sure that the barre is straight, and therefore that the heights on the right and left are the same.
L'unica cosa che non mi è piaciuto che non è perfettamente stabile.
The only thing I didn't like is that it's not perfectly stable.
Arrivato in una settimana dalla Germania. Prezzo un po' elevato, considerate le altre versioni.
Arrived in a week from Germany. Price a bit high, considering the other versions.
Ho comprato questa sbarra per la mia piccola di 10 anni che oramai è avviata alla danza. Il montaggio è semplice praticamente si riesce a mani nude, la qualità è buona, anche se non è eccezionale (ad esempio i gommini sotto le staffe non sembrano essere dotati di questo collante eccezionale). La sbarra non è enorme, ma nemmeno piccolissima, ergo va bene specialmente per mia figlia che alla fine è minuta. Ha un buon grado di regolabilità, forse la barra stessa è un po' leggerina visto che è in metallo rivestito di plastica che lo fa sembrare legno. In generale per l'uso limitato che se ne deve fare è un buon prodotto.
I bought this barre for my 10 year old daughter who is now starting to dance. The assembly is simple, you can practically do it with your bare hands, the quality is good, even if it is not exceptional (for example the rubber pads under the brackets do not seem to be equipped with this exceptional glue). The barre is not huge, but not very small either, ergo it is good especially for my daughter who is petite. It has a good degree of adjustability, perhaps the bar itself is a little light since it is made of metal covered in plastic that makes it look like wood. Overall for the limited use that is intended to be made of it it is a good product.
La barre de danse est pratique et facile à monter. Elle est un instable pour un adulte et ne s’apprête pas pour tous les exercices de danse classique.
The ballet bar is practical and easy to assemble. It is unstable for an adult and is not suitable for all classical dance exercises.
Es hat ein schönes Entwurf , ist leicht zu bewegen ,nun ist nicht so stabile , aber für den Preis , es long sich !!!
It has nice design, easy to move, well not so stable, but for the price, it's long!!!
Ich hatte nicht allzu viel erwartet, bin aber sehr positiv überrascht- die beiliegende Aufbauanleitung ist bebildert und leicht verständlich, der Aufbau einfach- die Qualität der einzelnen Bestandteile ist gut, die Stange fasst sich (obwohl sie nicht aus Holz ist) recht angenehm an. Ich nehme mit kurzen Unterbechungen seit 35 Jahren Ballettunterricht, benötige also keine Stange zum `Festhalten', habe aber extra einen Belastungstest durchgeführt und ich kann mich problemlos auf die Stage stützen und wie an einem Reck komplett vom Boden abdrücken, mein Bein auf die Stange legen und ins Plie gehen, mich über das Bein legen etc. ohne dass die Konstruktion wackelt ( bei einem Gewicht von 50 Kg). Klare Kaufempfehlung!
I wasn't expecting too much, but I'm very pleasantly surprised - the enclosed assembly instructions are illustrated and easy to understand, the assembly is simple - the quality of the individual components is good, the pole is quite comfortable to touch (although it's not made of wood). I've been taking ballet lessons with short breaks for 35 years, so I don't need a bar to 'hold on to', but I did an extra stress test and I can easily lean on the stage and push off the floor like on a horizontal bar, put my leg on the bar and go into the plie, lay over my leg etc. without the construction wobbling (at a weight of 50 kg). Clear purchase recommendation!
Positiv überrascht Ich hatte nicht allzu viel erwartet, bin aber sehr positiv überrascht- die beiliegende Aufbauanleitung ist bebildert und leicht verständlich, der Aufbau einfach- die Qualität der einzelnen Bestandteile ist gut, die Stange fasst sich (obwohl sie nicht aus Holz ist) recht angenehm an. Ich nehme mit kurzen Unterbechungen seit 35 Jahren Ballettunterricht, benötige also keine Stange zum `Festhalten', habe aber extra einen Belastungstest durchgeführt und ich kann mich problemlos auf die Stage stützen und wie an einem Reck komplett vom Boden abdrücken, mein Bein auf die Stange legen und ins Plie gehen, mich über das Bein legen etc. ohne dass die Konstruktion wackelt ( bei einem Gewicht von 50 Kg). Klare Kaufempfehlung!
Pleasantly surprised I didn't expect too much, but I was very pleasantly surprised - the assembly instructions included are illustrated and easy to understand, the assembly is simple - the quality of the individual components is good, the bar is quite pleasant to hold (even though it is not made of wood). I have been taking ballet lessons for 35 years with short breaks, so I don't need a bar to hold on to, but I did a special stress test and I can easily lean on the stage and push off the floor like on a horizontal bar, put my leg on the bar and go into a plie, lay over the leg, etc. without the construction wobbling (with a weight of 50 kg). Clearly recommend buying it!
Prodotto perfettamente onesto per qualita' e prezzo. Ho regalato questa sbarra per danza classica a mia nipote per l'occasione del suo saggio. E' stata felicissima e lo usa regolarmente. Ottimo se non si vogliono fare i buchi al muro per barre fisse. Adattissimo per bambine danzatrici e attrezzo abbastanza stabile e funzionale. Lo consiglio vivamente per chi vuole fare un regalo originale .
Perfectly honest product for quality and price. I gave this ballet barre to my niece for her recital. She was very happy and uses it regularly. Excellent if you don't want to make holes in the wall for fixed bars. Very suitable for little dancers and a fairly stable and functional tool. I highly recommend it for anyone looking to make an original gift.
schnelle Abwiklung Schnelle Lieferung , unkomplizierte Neulieferung da ein Teil nicht in Ordnung war. Sehr zu empfehlen , die Stange ist stabiel und meine Tochter benutzt diese Täglich.
Fast processing. Fast delivery, uncomplicated replacement as a part was not working properly. Highly recommended, the pole is stable and my daughter uses it every day.
Schnelle Lieferung , unkomplizierte Neulieferung da ein Teil nicht in Ordnung war. Sehr zu empfehlen , die Stange ist stabiel und meine Tochter benutzt diese Täglich.
Fast delivery, uncomplicated new delivery because a part was not in order. Highly recommended, the pole is stable and my daughter uses it every day.
I am an adult ballet beginner and would like to take the dance a bit more serious after 3 years. Therefore I bought this barre mainly because of its price. Other stand alone barres cost at least 150 Euro. Pros: 1. The Barre looks good and elegant. 2. It is easy to assemble. 3. It is relatively cheap. (~50 Euro) Cons: Stability ( the whole package of the Barre is expectedly light and can be easily carried around, and the handrail on top is actually two connected rails, therefore, I am not confident that it can hold my weight ). As a result, I still use it frequently to stretch my legs or exercise my pliés, but I turn to my couch to stretch my feet, which usually requires the barre to be steady. Conclusion: the price/ performance ratio is not bad if one is on a budget. But I am likely to buy a more traditional/steady Barre in a year or two. Hence the rating.
I am an adult ballet beginner and would like to take the dance a bit more serious after 3 years. Therefore I bought this barre mainly because of its price. Other stand alone barres cost at least 150 Euro. Pros: 1. The Barre looks good and elegant. 2. It is easy to assemble. 3. It is relatively cheap. (~50 Euro) Cons: Stability ( the whole package of the Barre is expectedly light and can be easily carried around, and the handrail on top is actually two connected rails, therefore, I am not confident that it can hold my weight ). As a result, I still use it frequently to stretch my legs or exercise my pliés, but I turn to my couch to stretch my feet, which usually requires the barre to be steady. Conclusion: the price/ performance ratio is not bad if one is on a budget. But I am likely to buy a more traditional/steady Barre in a year or two. Hence the rating.
Für den Preis super Da der Preis wirklich sehr gering ist, ist das Produkt als sehr gut zu bewerten. Bei intensivem Gebrauch müssen allerdings die Verbindungen öfter nachgezogen werden.
Great for the price. Since the price is really very low, the product can be rated as very good. However, with intensive use, the connections have to be tightened more often.
Le produit est fidèle à la description qui en est faite sur le site. Je pense que cette barre est tout à fait adaptée à des enfants. En revanche avec l'âge, le manque de stabilité risque d'être la cause de petits bobos mal venus...
The product is faithful to the description given on the site. I think that this bar is quite suitable for children. On the other hand, with age, the lack of stability risks being the cause of small unwelcome injuries...
La sbarra è pratica per un lavoro domestico. Considerando i prezzi di quelle professionali è davvero un affare per chi non ha tante pretese! Tuttavia qualche nota negativa c'è: 1) l'altezza è difficile da regolare in quanto mancano i fori per fissare la sbarra perfettamente dritta all'altezza che si desidera. Il rischio è di montarla storta e compromettere la tenuta e durata della sbarra. Per risolvere il problema ho dovuto segnare col pennarello indelebile delle tacche ogni tot centimetri in entrambi i pali di sostegno, e regolare la sbarra dritta pareggiando questi simboli; 2) Per il motivo appena scritto è impossibile montarla da soli; 3) I piedi sono molto ingombranti; 4) Essendo poco larga può creare problemi a chi ha le gambe molto lunghe, perché andrebbe a sbattere con i piedi sugli archi stabilizzatori; 5) Quella acquistata da me tende ad oscillare (anche se poco) come se i pezzi non si incastrassero perfettamente; 6) Bisogna prestare molta attenzione quando la si sposta a causa dei piedi antiscivolo; 7) Essendo in metallo se la mano suda è fastidioso. Tutto sommato è abbastanza stabile, anche se diversi esercizi non li ho ancora testati e non so quindi se è in grado di reggere bene. Per correggersi servirebbe uno specchio. Consigliata a chi ha spazio e deve semplicemente affinare i risultati.
The bar is practical for home work. Considering the prices of professional ones, it is really a bargain for those who do not have many demands! However, there are some negative notes: 1) the height is difficult to adjust because there are no holes to fix the bar perfectly straight at the height you want. The risk is to assemble it crooked and compromise the hold and durability of the bar. To solve the problem I had to mark with a permanent marker notches every so many centimeters on both support poles, and adjust the straight bar by matching these symbols; 2) For the reason just written, it is impossible to assemble it by yourself; 3) The feet are very bulky; 4) Since it is not very wide, it can create problems for those with very long legs, because they would hit their feet on the stabilizing arches; 5) The one I bought tends to swing (even if only a little) as if the pieces did not fit together perfectly; 6) You have to be very careful when moving it because of the non-slip feet; 7) Since it is made of metal, if your hand sweats it is annoying. Overall it is quite stable, although I have not yet tested several exercises and therefore I do not know if it can hold up well. To correct yourself you would need a mirror. Recommended for those who have space and simply need to refine the results.
La barre est légère, pour les arabesques il faut se placer devant quand on mesure plus 170. Elle est facilement montable et démontable. Je mesure 173 et elle me convient parfaitement. Sa légèreté m'oblige a respecter la discipline classique, ca n est pas un appui sur le quel on met tout son poids mais un bon Ortho guide. Elle est pourtant solide et bien conçue pour un prix très abordable. MERCI JEAN
The bar is light, for arabesques you have to stand in front when you are over 170. It is easy to assemble and disassemble. I am 173 and it suits me perfectly. Its lightness forces me to respect the classic discipline, it is not a support on which you put all your weight but a good Ortho guide. However, it is solid and well designed for a very affordable price. THANK YOU JEAN