[Returns: -15%] Timeter Sport Timer

108,99 € (incl. VAT)
  • Sport Timer
  • Black
Product number: 52029390
Timeter Sport Timer
108,99 € (incl. VAT)
  • Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
  • Shipping time: 4 - 6 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period
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Condition - like new, with minor signs of wear

Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty

Top features

  • Digital sports watch with 4 red 10 cm-large LED luminous numbers

  • 3 preprogrammed modes: stopwatch, Tabata timer, Fight Gone Bad

  • Individually programmable training times with 14 memories

Product description

With the Timeter, Capital Sports provides a practical and visually appealing sports timer that keeps your workout in time: whether you sculpt your body with Tabata, cross-training or circuit training. With the Timeter, you aren’t just supporting your training, you can also clearly see the current time in 12- or 24-hour mode.

For sports timekeeping, the Timeter presents a variety of functions. Pre-programmed features include a Tabata mode in which the sport timer features eight intervals with a 20-second training phase alternating with 10-second breaks in training. Its four 10cm-large illuminated digits show the passage of time, while two beeps mark the start and end of each phase acoustically. Also available is the well-known ‘fight gone bad’ function from Cross-Training. The training clock counts down 17 minutes, alternating between 5-minute workout and 1-minute rest periods. Again, the sports timer indicates and announces the time and phase changes with beeps. Naturally, the Timeter from Capital Sports also features a standard stopwatch function, as is required for various athletic disciplines. So as not to neglect any individual needs, the sports timer may be freely programmed. The count-up or countdown times are adjustable, in which the Timeter either counts up to the set time or down to zero from a set time. With a simple touch of a button, the times on one of 14 speed-dial keys can be stored so as to be permanently available. In addition, you can program your own training intervals. Here you are given the choice of the number of practice rounds, which always include a training phase (P1) and a resting phase (P2). Both phases may be programmed with desired times and set differently for each round. Just like in the pre-programmed modes, beeps announce the respective changes in training phase. These settings may be stored on a speed dial memory.

All functions of the Capital Sports sport timer are controlled via the supplied remote control, so that the Timeter can be easily started or stopped and switched between programmed moments even in large sports halls and gyms without consuming time. The training timer is cased in a robust metal housing, the front side of which is completely dedicated to the display of the four large digital numbers in red LEDs. The device can be set in place as well as mounted on the wall, so as to be visible to everyone.


  • Beeps for phase change
  • Time display in 12 or 24 hour mode
  • Programmable number of laps
  • Programmable exercise and rest
  • 10 seconds preparation timer before the program starts
  • Suitable for wall mounting
  • On / off switch to remote control
  • Power supply: 100-240V ~ / 50-60Hz
  • Power remote control: 2x 1.5V AAA battery (not included)
Product number: 52029390

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions: 45 x 5 x 16cm (WxHxD)
  • Power cable length: 3m
  • Weight: about 1.5kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x device
  • 1 x remote control
  • 1 x power cable
  • 1 x English user manual (other languages: German)

Delivery & shipment

Low stock - order quickly!

Shipping time: 4 - 6 days

Customer reviews
18 Ratings

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Artikel wie beschrieben. Sieht super aus und passt zur Einrichtung des Fitnessraums.

Item as described. Looks great and matches the decor of the gym.


Die Uhr selbst ist sehr gut. Haben wir bei uns beim Boxring. Allerdings war schnell die Fernbedienung defekt. Da kann man nix mit der Uhr anstellen. Auf Nachfrage wurde sofort eine neue Fernbedienung kostenfrei geliefert. Dafür schon mal ein Pluspunkt. Die Uhr ist laut und zuverlässig.

The watch itself is very good. We have it with us at the boxing ring. However, the remote control quickly became defective. There's nothing you can do with the clock. Upon request, a new remote control was immediately delivered free of charge. A plus point for that. The clock is loud and reliable.


Qualität top. Ton könnte bissl lauter sein.

top quality. Sound could be a bit louder.


Die Uhr ist super lesbar und hat einen lauten Signalton! Dank der verschiedenen Funktionen und der praktischen Fernbedingung ist das Training einfach und schnell zu organisieren! Definitiv eine Kaufempfehlung!!!

The watch is super legible and has a loud beep! Thanks to the various functions and the practical remote control, the training is easy and quick to organize! Definitely a buy recommendation!!!


Mein Mann ist Boxtrainer und brauchte dieses Teil für den Sport. Er ist begeistert und es hilft ungemein.

My husband is a boxing trainer and needed this part for the sport. He loves it and it helps immensely.


Der timer ist super. Was zu verbessern sind die Druckpunkt in der Fernbedienung. Aber ist OK. Y

The timer is great. What to improve are the pressure point in the remote control. But it's OK. Y


Hab den Timer seit mehreren Monaten im Einsatz. Hat alle Funktionen, die man braucht. Programmieren der Intervalle geht schnell, ebenso Timer up oder down. Uhrzeit muss man nicht jedesmal neu einstellen, wenn man den Timer vom Strom trennt. Kabel ist auch recht lang. Im Vergleich zu dem teuren Modell aus dem Sportstudio steht dieser hier in nichts nach Alles in allem solide für den Preis

I've been using the timer for a few months. Has all the features you need. Programming the intervals is quick, as is the timer up or down. You don't have to reset the time every time you disconnect the timer from the power supply. Cable is also quite long. Compared to the expensive model from the sports studio, this one is in no way inferior All in all solid for the price


Preis / Leistung ist hier voll und ganz in Ordnung. Die Bedienung ist sehr einfach und schnell zu machen. Macht was es soll... Zeit und Timer anzeigen...

Price / performance is completely fine here. Operation is very easy and quick to do. Does what it should... show time and timer...


Funktioniert Super!! Sind sehr zufrieden

Works perfectly!! Are very satisfied


Die Medien konnten nicht geladen werden. Hab die Uhr meinen Mann zu Weihnachten geschenkt und er ist sehr sehr zufrieden. Lieferung war schneller als gedacht und die Einstellung war einfach und sehr gut beschrieben... Und wie ihr beim Video hören könnt... Auch bei lauter Musik hört man das piepsen. Nur zum empfehlen

The media could not be loaded. I gave the watch to my husband for Christmas and he is very happy with it. Delivery was faster than expected and the adjustment was easy and very well described... And as you can hear in the video... You can hear the beeping even with loud music. Only to recommend


Die Uhr läuft nun seit mehreren Wochen in unserer Kampfsporthalle. Sie eignet sich super um Kampfzeiten oder Übungszeiten zu programmieren. Der Trainer spart sich dann den lästigen Blick auf die Uhr, da diese bei Ablauf per Signalton das Ende der Zeit bekannt gibt.

The clock has been running in our martial arts hall for several weeks now. It is great for programming fight times or practice times. The trainer then saves the bothersome look at the clock, as this announces the end of the time with a signal tone.


Uhr entspricht der Beschreibung, Große Ziffern, einfache Handhabung bzw. Bedienung.

Watch corresponds to the description, large numbers, easy to use and operate.


Sehr hilfreich für unsere Meisterschaft und einfach zu bedienen Die Benutzer waren sehr zufrieden Empfehlenswert von allen, die es genutzt haben

Very useful for our championship and easy to use Users have been very satisfied Recommended by all who have used it


Brauchte eine günstige Alternative zu den zuweilen völlig überteuerten Uhren in TV-Studios. Setze die Uhr ausschließlich im Non-Sport-Bereich ein, somit sind die ganzen Intervall-Funktionen mit Alarmhinweis überflüssig. Aber die praktischen Schnelltasten auf einer ordentlichen Fernbedienung sind super und absolut ausreichend. Eingesetzt wird die Uhr als Contdown-Zähler im TV-Studio während der Produktion und bei Schulungen von TV-Moderatoren. Bedienung war nur die ersten 5 Minuten etwas frickelig - danach ging es intuitiv und schnell bis zum gewünschten Ergebnis. Uhrzeit und Programmierung bleibt auch nach dem Stecker-Ziehen erhalten. (1 Stunde getestet und dann weggepackt) Etwas albern ist die Tatsache, dass der Fernbedienung keine Batterien beiliegen. Hat man aber in der Regel zu Hause. Ferner wurde die Uhr unversiegelt im Originalkarton per DPD (in meinem Einzugsgebiet nach Hermes die Katastrophen-Zusteller schlechthin) verschickt. Man hätte sie ohne Weiteres öffnen können, ohne dass man es bemerken würde. Dafür gibt es ein Sternchen Abzug.

Needed a cheap alternative to the sometimes overpriced clocks in TV studios. Only use the watch in the non-sports area, so all the interval functions with alarms are superfluous. But the practical hot keys on a decent remote control are great and absolutely sufficient. The clock is used as a countdown counter in the TV studio during production and when training TV presenters. Operation was only a bit fiddly for the first 5 minutes - after that it went intuitively and quickly to the desired result. The time and programming are retained even after the plug is pulled. (Tested for 1 hour and then packed away) The fact that the remote control doesn't come with batteries is a bit silly. But you usually have it at home. Furthermore, the watch was sent unsealed in the original box by DPD (in my catchment area, after Hermes, the disaster deliverer par excellence). You could easily have opened them without noticing. There is a star deduction for that.


Wird in unserem Studio fast täglich eingesetzt. Wir timen damit unsere Intervall Sessions oder nutzen die countdown Funktion um die Dauer der Sessions festzulegen. Und wenn sie nicht gebraucht wird ist es eine gut ablesbare Uhr.

Used almost every day in our studio. We use it to time our interval sessions or use the countdown function to set the duration of the sessions. And when not in use, it's an easy-to-read watch.


Die Anzeige ist wirklich groß und gut zu lesen. Die programmierten Funktionen sind sinnvoll, schade ist, dass diese in der Dauer der Intervalle nicht geändert werden können. Zusätzlich Timerfunktionen lassen sich leicht programmieren. Die Piep-Töne sind sehr laut, schade ist, dass diese nicht in der Lautstärke reguliert werden können. Leider hat der Timer beim "Ticken" als normale Uhr keine Sekundenanzeige, dies würde für viele Sportübungen schon ausreichen....

The ad is really big and easy to read. The programmed functions make sense, it is a pity that these cannot be changed during the intervals. Additional timer functions can be easily programmed. The beep tones are very loud, it is a pity that the volume cannot be adjusted. Unfortunately, the timer does not have a seconds display when "ticking" as a normal clock, this would be sufficient for many sports exercises....


Tabata auf dem Handy ist okay... Die Uhr hingegen GENIAL... Wer also sein Training maximieren möchte und in einer Gruppe gut trainieren will, der sollte sich so eine Uhr zulegen! Etwas CrossFit *BOX* Feeling für daheim. Ein Akkupack wäre toll, um die Uhr auch mitnehmen zu können... Danke

Tabata on the phone is okay... The watch, on the other hand, is AWESOME... So if you want to maximize your training and train well in a group, you should get a watch like this! Some CrossFit *BOX* feeling for at home. A battery pack would be great to take the watch with you too... Thanks


Capital Sports Timeter è uno splendido cronometro/orologio da parete con quattro cifre di grandi dimensioni e segnale acustico, gestibile da remoto con telecomando. Nasce come cronometro per attività sportive (nello specifico: allenamento Tabata, allenamento CrossFit, fitness e arti marziali) ma è molto bello anche come oggetto di arredamento, ovvero semplice orologio da parete. Il Timeter è più grande di quanto dichiarato nelle specifiche (ovvero: dimensioni 45 x 5 x 16 cm). Misura infatti circa 58 cm di larghezza per 19 cm di altezza, con una profondità di circa 6 cm. Il cavo di alimentazione, completo di alimentatore e spina europea, è opportunamente lungo 3 metri, così da poter installare l'orologio in alto senza necessità di prolunghe. Il Timeter ha sul retro due fori con cui è possibile appenderlo alla parete. La regolazione dell'ora è semplice e avviene tramite il tasto EDIT e le cifre sul telecomando. L'orario è visualizzabile nei formati 24h e 12h (nel secondo modo senza però l'aggiunta di AM o PM). Il telecomando funziona con due batterie AAA non incluse con la consegna. L'utilizzo come cronometro viene attivato dal tasto cronometro sul telecomando. Avvio e stop sono comandati dal tasto OK, mentre è possibile inserire un countdown di 10 secondi che preceda l'avvio del programma selezionato. La precisione è al centesimo di secondo. Il cronometro può funzionare nelle due modalità UP e DOWN, selezionabili da telecomando. In modalità UP parte da 00:00. In modalità DOWN si seleziona il tempo di partenza tramite telecomando. I programmi preprogrammati sono il Tabata (tasto TBT sul telecomando), Fight Gone Bad (FGB sul telecomando) e Interval Timer. Il programma Tabata consiste di 8 round, con 20 secondi di workout intenso seguiti da 10 secondi di riposo. Il workout termina con un beep, il riposo con due beep. Si avvia da telecomando col tasto TBT. Il programma Fight Gone Bad consiste di 3 round: 5 minuti di workout seguiti da 1 minuto di riposo. Un beep segnala l'inizio del workout e due beep l'inizio del riposo. Si avvia da telecomando col tasto FGB. Il programma Interval Timer serve per un massimo di 99 round di workout seguiti da riposo. I due tempi (esercizio e riposo) sono programmabili da telecomando con il tasto INT. Dopo aver pressato INT il display mostra XX XX. Con EDIT si inserisce prima il numero di round (1-99), quindi i due tempi di esercizio e riposo. Con UP/DOWN si stabilisce se il cronometro funzionerà in modalità di tempo crescente o decrescente. Una volta avviato il programma, il workout termina con un beep, il riposo con due beep. L'orologio ha cinque modi di luminosità, ma è possibile anche spegnerlo da telecomando. Ovviamente mantiene l'orario anche se spento. Il consumo è davvero irrisorio: circa 1W con la luminosità più bassa, circa 3W a luminosità alta. Il beep è molto forte, ma può essere silenziato da telecomando.

Capital Sports Timeter is a splendid stopwatch/wall clock with four large digits and acoustic signal, manageable remotely with a remote control. It was born as a stopwatch for sports activities (specifically: Tabata training, CrossFit training, fitness and martial arts) but it is also very beautiful as a piece of furniture, that is, a simple wall clock. The Timeter is larger than stated in the specifications (ie: dimensions 45 x 5 x 16 cm). In fact, it measures approximately 58 cm wide by 19 cm high, with a depth of approximately 6 cm. The power cord, complete with power supply and European plug, is suitably 3 meters long, so as to be able to install the clock at the top without the need for extension cords. The Timeter has two holes on the back with which it is possible to hang it on the wall. Setting the time is simple and is done via the EDIT key and the digits on the remote control. The time can be displayed in 24h and 12h formats (in the second way, however, without adding AM or PM). The remote control works with two AAA batteries which are not included in the delivery. Use as a stopwatch is activated by the stopwatch button on the remote control. Start and stop are controlled by the OK key, while it is possible to insert a 10-second countdown that precedes the start of the selected program. Accuracy is to the hundredth of a second. The stopwatch can work in the two UP and DOWN modes, which can be selected from the remote control. In UP mode it starts from 00:00. In DOWN mode, the start time is selected using the remote control. The pre-programmed programs are Tabata (TBT key on remote), Fight Gone Bad (FGB on remote) and Interval Timer. The Tabata program consists of 8 rounds, with 20 seconds of intense workout followed by 10 seconds of rest. The workout ends with a beep, rest with two beeps. It starts from the remote control with the TBT key. The Fight Gone Bad program consists of 3 rounds: 5 minutes of workout followed by 1 minute of rest. One beep signals the start of the workout and two beeps the start of rest. It starts from the remote control with the FGB key. The Interval Timer program is for up to 99 rounds of workouts followed by rest. The two times (exercise and rest) can be programmed from the remote control with the INT key. After pressing INT the display shows XX XX. With EDIT, the number of rounds (1-99) is entered first, then the two times of exercise and rest. With UP/DOWN you establish whether the stopwatch will work in increasing or decreasing time mode. Once the program has started, the workout ends with a beep, rest with two beeps. The clock has five brightness modes, but you can also turn it off by remote control. Of course, it keeps the time even when turned off. Consumption is really negligible: about 1W with the lowest brightness, about 3W at high brightness. The beep is very loud, but can be silenced by remote control.