[Returns: -10%] Cycloony Mini BIke

[Returns: -10%] Cycloony Mini BIke

111,99 € (incl. VAT)
  • Mini BIke
  • Black
Product number: 52026400
Cycloony Mini BIke
111,99 € (incl. VAT)
Also available in other conditions
  • Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    105,99 €
  • 123,99 €
  • Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
  • Shipping time: 4 - 6 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period

Condition - like new, with minor signs of wear

Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty

Top features

  • Portable exercise bike, suitable for installation under desks or in the living room

  • Motor operation, no looking required

  • 12 speed levels and training times individually selectable

Product description

The Cycloony MiniBike from Klarfit is the ideal fitness machine for those who want to do something good for their bodies during sedentary activities or for those who have limited space. Your leg and arm muscles can easily work out almost of their own accord, no matter if you are at home or at work. With the motor running, no looking is necessary, nor do you need to concentrate on the exercises. Once set in motion, the pedals turn at a constant speed, automatically taking your arms and legs along for the ride. The regular movements not only improve muscle and stamina, they are also ideal for gently training the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems.

The portable unit may be moved easily to any location thanks to its 4.6-kg weight, and it fits comfortably under your desk or in front of the TV in the living room. With minute-by-minute training sessions, adjustable by 5 minutes up, as well as a speed selectable between 12 individual speed stages, the Cyloony is the ideal training bicycle for short breaks throughout the day as well for longer training sequences.

Use the motorised minibike sitting or lying down to train different muscle groups of the legs, or place it on a table to exercise the arm muscles. A forward or reverse rotation may be selected in order to achieve an optimal result with different targeted movements. With the motor running, the Cycloony from Klarfit is the ideal movement trainer: simply set a suitable speed, and the automatic pedal rotation will ensure targeted and uniform movement of the limbs. Velcro straps on the pedals make sure that the feet or hands find an optimal grip and will not slip off during operation.

The device is controlled by the connected wired remote control. Via six clearly labeled buttons, the rotation speed may be increased or decreased, the chosen direction of rotation may be selected and the training time can be set. Press the ‘mode’ button to move the display of the LCD control display to show either the remaining training time, the virtual distance, the selected speed and the calories burned by the exercise session.

Please note that the unit is delivered partially assembled. With the included tool kit, even those who are not technically skilled can assemble the device and make it ready for use within 5-10 minutes.

Available colours: black/orange, white/blue.


  • Selectable forward or reverse motion
  • Training sessions per minutes  adjustable up by 5 minutes
  • Pedals with velcro strap for ideal fit
  • Calorie display
  • Distance display
  • Use when sitting or reclining
  • Maximum load: 120 kg
  • On / off switch on the front panel
  • Power consumption: 70 W
  • Power supply: 220-240 V / 50-60 Hz
  • Delivered partially assembled
Product number: 52026400

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • 41 x 30 x 48cm (WxHxD)
  • Weight: about 4.6kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x device
  • 2 x pedals
  • 2 x stand feet
  • 1 x tool and screw set
  • 1 x English user manual (other languages: German)

Delivery & shipment

Low stock - order quickly!

Shipping time: 4 - 6 days

Your order will be delivered to the selected address per order. This address does not have to match the billing address. You can send the orders to your family, friends or office if you are not at home during the day.

Safety and Operating Instructions

Download user manual

Product Safety Information

Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin

Responsible Person:
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin

E-mail address:

Customer reviews
77 Ratings

No review available for this item.


a distanza di tempo scrivo questa recensione. Mia madre che ha difficoltà a deambulare, usa la mini bike per tenersi in movimento: ottimo prodotto

after some time I am writing this review. My mother who has difficulty walking, uses the mini bike to keep moving: excellent product


Prodotto buono che corrisponde alle aspettative ma non eccezionale dato che scivola sul pavimento durante l'esercizio.

Good product that meets expectations but not exceptional as it slips on the floor during exercise.


E' comoda da spostare. E' piacevole da usare. Io la uso per stare in forma.

It's convenient to move. It's pleasant to use. I use it to stay fit.


Ottima per qualità prezzo

Excellent for quality/price





Grande comodità specialmente x persone che non possono caminare o sforzare troppo il cuore, complimenti ha chi l’ha inventata

Great convenience especially for people who can't walk or strain their heart too much, compliments to whoever invented it


Comprata per mia suocera che fa poco movimento, il prodotto funziona, molto resistente.

Bought for my mother-in-law who doesn't exercise much, the product works, very durable.


Buon prodotto ma per una persona in carrozzina non va’ bene, e’scomodo da usare.

Good product but for a person in a wheelchair it is not good, it is uncomfortable to use.


Tres bonne qualité de conception. Très beau disagne.12 vitesse donc peut être utilisé pour des jeunes comme pour les personnes âgés. Peut être utilisé pour la retucquation.tres solide que des qualité en somme

Very good quality design. Very nice disagne.12 speed so can be used for young people as well as for the elderly. Can be used for retucquation.very solid that quality in short


Aurait mérité 5 étoiles si les pieds étaient plus larges avec patins anti-dérapants.

Would have deserved 5 stars if the feet were wider with non-slip pads.


Lo tuve que devolver, era para mis padres que no lo pudieron usar

I had to return it, it was for my parents who couldn't use it.


Me gusta su precio, el montaje y de momento lo bien que funciona, una pega para personas con minusvalia el acople de los pies. Lo utilizo sobre todo para mover las piernas hacia atrás y muy bien

I like its price, the assembly and how well it works so far. One drawback for disabled people is the coupling of the feet. I use it mainly to move my legs backwards and it works very well.


Incómoda por qué no los contactos con el suelo son de plástico y deberían de ser de goma por lo que hay que pararla pues se desplaza constante mente!

Uncomfortable because the contacts with the ground are not made of plastic and should be made of rubber, so you have to stop it because it moves constantly!


aber leider ist das Anlegen der Pedale nicht ganz einfach. Die Pedale dreht sich wenn man den Klettverschluß schließen will. Zur richtigen Benutzung braucht man eine zusätzliche Person die die Pedale anlegt wenn man/frau nicht mehr so gelenkig ist. Schade - die regelmäßige Benutzung hält sich in Grenzen.

but unfortunately putting on the pedals is not that easy. The pedals rotate when you want to close the Velcro. For correct use you need an additional person to put on the pedals when you are no longer so flexible. Too bad - regular use is limited.


Es wird immer noch benutzt, als Unterstützung nach einer ️OP. Man möchte doch wieder etwas fitter werden…

It's still used as a backup after a ️OP. You want to get fitter again...


Die wirklich schnelle Zusendung! Es wird immer noch benutzt, als Unterstützung nach einer ️OP. Man möchte doch wieder etwas fitter werden…

The delivery was really quick! It is still being used as support after an operation. You want to get a bit fitter again...


Efficace pour l,arthrose du genoux et facile à utilisé même pour les bras

Effective for knee osteoarthritis and easy to use even for the arms


Für meinen aktuellen gesundheitlichen Zustand genau passend. Macht sogar richtig Spaß, bis auf die gelegentliche Arbeitsverweigerung. Dann kommt eben AEG, also Ausschalten, Einschalten, geht wieder. Zu leicht ist er auch, muß also noch schwerer gemacht werden. Die Pedale sind nicht zu gebrauchen, da meine Füße immer herausrutschen und die Auflagefläche viel zu klein ist. Ich habe jetzt meine Clickis dran und die Fahrradschuhe an. So geht's.

Exactly right for my current state of health. It's actually really fun, except for the occasional refusal to work. Then comes AEG, meaning switch off, switch on, go again. It's also too light, so it needs to be made even heavier. The pedals are useless because my feet keep slipping out and the contact surface is much too small. I now have my clickis on and my cycling shoes on. That's how it's done.


Verpackung und Lieferung wann okay benutze das Karfit ist jetzt zwei Wochen täglich. Leider läuft es nicht ganz rund das ist mir unangenehm und es geht zurück

Packaging and delivery when okay use the Karfit is now two weeks daily. Unfortunately, things aren't running smoothly, which makes me uncomfortable and it's going back


un buon articolo

a good article


Sehr gutes Gerät. Ich bin vor Kurzem an der Hüfte operiert und für mich ist dieses Gerät wie geschaffen. Bitte nicht mit Reha Ergo-Therapie Gerät zu verwechseln, das hier ist Strom betrieben.

Very good device. I recently had hip surgery and this device is perfect for me. Please do not confuse it with the rehab ergo therapy device, this one is powered by electricity.


Pedalentretter Klarfit Cycloony Sehr gutes Gerät. Ich bin vor Kurzem an der Hüfte operiert und für mich ist dieses Gerät wie geschaffen. Bitte nicht mit Reha Ergo-Therapie Gerät zu verwechseln, das hier ist Strom betrieben.

Pedal Entretter Klarfit Cycloony Very good device. I recently had hip surgery and this device is perfect for me. Please do not confuse it with the rehab ergotherapy device, this one is powered by electricity.


Interesante para hacer un ejercicio sedentario y bueno para la salud.

Interesting for doing a sedentary exercise that is good for your health.


Por su diseño no se puede transportar con una sola mano, yo le pondría algún tipo de asa. Gracias.

Due to its design, it cannot be carried with one hand, so I would add some kind of handle. Thanks.


Lo compré para mi suegro, para que hiciera algo de ejercicio, la verdad es que esta muy contento con el y lo utiliza mucho. Si es cierto que lo tienes que apoyar contra algo para que no se deslice. Pero es lo único un poco negativo. Por lo demás fantástico.

I bought this for my father-in-law, so he could get some exercise. He is very happy with it and uses it a lot. It is true that you have to lean it against something so it doesn't slide. But that's the only negative thing. Otherwise, it's fantastic.


Lo compré para mi madre .

I bought it for my mother.


Esmuy facil de montar ,las explicaciones son correctas, debería apoyarse sobre unas ventosas para que no resbale.

It is very easy to assemble, the explanations are correct, it should be supported by suction cups so that it does not slip.


Se supone que viene de Alemania lo cual es sinónimo de calidad o eso espero,lo único que me molesta un poco es el ninguneo permanente hacia la lengua española es cuanto menos curioso que no vengan las instrucciones en español

It is supposed to come from Germany, which is synonymous with quality, or so I hope. The only thing that bothers me a little is the constant disregard for the Spanish language. It is, to say the least, curious that the instructions do not come in Spanish.


El pedalier es para una persona mayor. Resultó fácil de montar siguiendo bien las indicaciones. Las piezas no dejan de ser de plástico y hay que tener cuidado con no apretar más de la cuenta. A la hora de realizar ejercicio, es cómodo de usar. Y dentro de todas las ofertas, el producto tiene buena relación calidad-precio

The pedal exerciser is for an older person. It was easy to assemble by following the instructions carefully. The parts are made of plastic and you have to be careful not to over-tighten them. When exercising, it is comfortable to use. And within all the offers, the product has a good quality-price ratio.


Me ha gustado, es comodo, facil de montar y lo uso cada dia. No estoy consiguiendo lo que queria, pero no es por el producto, es por mi propio cuerpo. El cable podria ser mas largo y a mi me gustaria que tuviera mando sin cable, pero es cuestion de précio, como todo.

I liked it, it's comfortable, easy to assemble and I use it every day. I'm not getting what I wanted, but it's not because of the product, it's because of my own body. The cable could be longer and I would like it to have a wireless remote control, but it's a question of price, like everything else.


Das Minifahrrad an sich ist nicht schlecht, nur die Handhabung hat mich nicht überzeugt. Wenn man ihn für die Beine nutzen will muss man etliche Stühle durchprobieren und dann mit viel Kissen arbeiten, bis man eine Höhe und einen Neigungswinkel gefunden hat, der passt und nicht zusätzlich belastet. Bei der Nutzung mit den Armen ist es genau das Gleiche. Ist der Tisch zu nieder gibt es tierische Rückenschmerzen, ist er zu hoch, tun die Schultern weh. Alles in allem ist mir das zu kompliziert und hat mich nicht überzeugt.

The mini bike itself is not bad, only the handling did not convince me. If you want to use it for your legs, you have to try a number of chairs and then work with lots of cushions until you find a height and angle of inclination that fits and doesn't add extra strain. It's exactly the same when using it with your arms. If the table is too low, there is animal back pain, if it is too high, your shoulders hurt. All in all, it's too complicated for me and didn't convince me.


Das Gerät ist Super, verarbeitung Top

The device is super, processing top


Articolo buono, l'ho regalato a mio papà che ha problemi con il ginocchio. Pedalata assistita, telecomando comodo e intuitivo. Unica pecca le istruzioni che non sono in italiano

Good item, I gave it to my dad who has problems with his knee. Assisted pedaling, comfortable and intuitive remote control. The only flaw is the instructions that are not in Italian


Buon prodotto, conforme alla descrizione ma non è stabile durante la pedalata.

Good product, as described but not stable when pedaling.


Perfetta per che ha avuto problemi di movimento per via di ictus. L unica pecca che non rimane fissa al pavimento.

Perfect for those who have had movement problems due to stroke. The only flaw is that it does not stay fixed to the floor.


Muy buena opción para personas mayores con movilidad reducida. Por este precio no hay nada mejor. Aconsejo comprar una alfombrilla porque resbala un poco.

A very good option for elderly people with reduced mobility. For this price, there is nothing better. I recommend buying a mat because it is a bit slippery.


Es war alles ok.

Everything was fine.


ottimo prodotto, anche se andrebbe corredato di un piccolo tappetino "antiscivolo"

excellent product, although it should be accompanied by a small "non-slip" mat


Fernbedienung zu kurz

Remote control too short


L'ho acquistato per far fare un po' di esercizio a una persona che ha subito un ictus. Consente al paziente di pedalare nonostante una emiplegia. Bisogna avere l'accortezza di porre l'apparecchio su un tappeto antiscivolo perché non si muova. Unico piccolo difetto, le cinghie di fissaggio dei piedi, a velcro, non hanno una gran tenuta.

I bought it to give a person who had a stroke some exercise. It allows the patient to pedal despite having hemiplegia. You have to be careful to place the device on a non-slip mat so it doesn't move. The only small flaw is that the Velcro foot straps don't hold very well.


La mini bike funziona bene e risponde alle mie aspettative. A fronte di un disguido con il corriere il venditore è intervenuto risolvendo prontamente il problema. Soddisfatta

The mini bike works well and meets my expectations. In the face of a misunderstanding with the courier, the seller intervened and promptly resolved the problem. Satisfied


Il prodotto corrisponde a quanto descritto nelle specifiche. Nota dolente è che non resta fermo a terra e occorre un tappetino o fermarlo conto un mobile o una parte. Inoltre mi aspettato che fosse possibile mettere una resistenza graduale per simulare una salita e fare più sforzo invece ha solo le 12 velocità preimpostate .

The product corresponds to what is described in the specifications. The only sore point is that it does not remain stationary on the ground and requires a mat or to stop it against a piece of furniture or a part. I also expected that it would be possible to put a gradual resistance to simulate a climb and make more effort instead it only has the 12 preset speeds.


Precio calidad bueno cómodo así muevo algo la pierna no está nada mal pero buena calidad la Consejos el que no puedo hacer deporte al aire libre que la compré mucha gracia OK

Price quality good comfortable so I can move my leg a bit it's not bad at all but good quality advice I can't do outdoor sports so I bought it thank you very much OK


Das Gerät selber ist sehr gut. Nur ist es sehr schwer im sitzen das Gerät zu treten weil es ständig wegrutscht. Bessere Stadfestigkeit wäre von großenm Vorteil. Noch was stört mich sehr das das Gerät im Betrieb ständdig piepst

The device itself is very good. Only it is very difficult to kick the device while sitting because it constantly slips away. Better city stability would be a great advantage. Another thing that bothers me a lot is that the device beeps constantly during operation


The th read of the controller is short

The th read of the controller is short


Ansich nicht schlecht bietet aber zu wenig Herausforderungen geht viel zu leicht auch im schwersten Modus für die Leistung viel zu teuer hab es nach Knie Prothese gekauft war aber selbst gleich nach reha Aufenthalt keine wirkliche Hilfe nur sinnloses Gestammel ohne Anforderung Würde es nicht mehr kaufen Ein einfaches billigeres währe warscheinlich intensiver gewesen.

Not bad in itself but offers too few challenges is much too easy even in the most difficult mode for the performance much too expensive bought it after knee prosthesis was but even immediately after rehab stay no real help just pointless stammering without requirement Wouldn't buy it again A simple one cheaper would probably have been more intense.


Ich habe das Gerät für meine Tochter gekauft, sie ist schwer behindert und kann selbstständig nichts machen. Mit diesem Gerät kann sie üben und macht sie Spaß. Das Gerät hat ein Motor eingebaut und durch die Fernbedienung verschiedene Geschwindigkeiten nutzen.

I bought the device for my daughter, she is severely disabled and cannot do anything on her own. With this device she can practice and have fun. The device has a built-in motor and can be used at different speeds with the remote control.


Muy buen artículo pero hay algunos defectos: 1) los pies no son antideslizantes y tuve que comprar una alfombra de ducha para estabilizar la bicicleta en el suelo de baldosas de mi sala de estar. 2) si los pies fueran rectos, sería posible calzar la bicicleta contra una pared, por ejemplo, mientras que con sus pies ovalados se interpone en el camino y se mueve todo el tiempo. Aparte de estas críticas no tengo nada que reprochar. Atentamente: J. Dambrine Traducción realizada con la versión gratuita del traductor www.DeepL.com/Translator

Very good article but there are some flaws: 1) the feet are not anti-slip and I had to buy a shower mat to stabilize the bike on the tiled floor of my living room. 2) if the feet were straight, it would be possible to wedge the bike against a wall for example, whereas with its oval feet it gets in the way and moves all the time. Apart from these criticisms I have nothing to complain about. Kind regards: J. Dambrine Translation done with the free version of the translator www.DeepL.com/Translator


Prodotto buono ma con un difetto sull’asse sx pedaliera, 1. (Filettatura asse sx inclinato non permettendo a quella del pedale Il finecorsa frontale. Filettatura rifatta dal meccanico. 2 Allaccio con strappo troppo corto X inserimento piede con calzatura.

Good product but with a defect on the left pedal axis, 1. (Left axis thread tilted not allowing that of the pedal to the front limit switch. Thread redone by the mechanic. 2. Strap fastening too short for inserting foot with shoe.


La ho acquistata per far fare movimento a mia madre ultra novantenne che ha le gambe rigide. Diciamo che il motore non è potentissimo, perl'utilizzo che ne faccio, ma è costruita bene, con materiali robusti.

I bought it to give exercise to my mother who is over ninety and has stiff legs. Let's say that the engine is not very powerful, for the use I make of it, but it is well built, with sturdy materials.


Das Gerät könnte einen etwas stabileren Stand haben. Die Bedienung ist einfach.

The device could have been a little more stable. Operation is easy.


E' un prodotto molto funzionale e facile. Adatto per le persone con problemi di movimento. Lo consiglio specialmente per le persone anziane. Ha solo qualche problema di stabilità su pavimenti lisci che però si può risolvere con un tappeto sotto l'attrezzo.

It is a very functional and easy product. Suitable for people with movement problems. I recommend it especially for the elderly. It only has some stability problems on smooth floors that can be solved with a carpet under the equipment.


Erfüllt die Erwartungen.

Meets expectations.


Leider fehlt die Montageanleitung. Ansonsten verlief der erste Test zu meiner Zufriedenheit. Die Standfestigkeit könnte verbessert werden.

Unfortunately the assembly instructions are missing. Otherwise, the first test went to my satisfaction. The stability could be improved.


top absolut zufrieden

top absolutely satisfied


Si usa in poltrona o seduti su una sedia. E' facile da usare, e anche se la pulsantiera appare intuitiva, per qualche motivo non c'è sempre corrispondenza tra comando-pulsante e azione desiderata. L'ho scelto dopo lunga cernita su differenti modelli. E' silenzioso, si adatta al ritmo dell'utente senza forzare la pedalata. E' l'ideale per mia madre che sta facendo riabilitazione dopo l'operazione al femore, rotto, con inserimento di protesi. E' stato raccomandato dal fisioterapista.

It is used in an armchair or sitting on a chair. It is easy to use, and although the button panel appears intuitive, for some reason there is not always a correspondence between the command-button and the desired action. I chose it after a long selection of different models. It is silent, it adapts to the user's pace without forcing the pedaling. It is ideal for my mother who is doing rehabilitation after the operation on her broken femur, with the insertion of a prosthesis. It was recommended by the physiotherapist.


Solicité este pedaleador para una persona mayor con movilidad pero con problemas de circulación. La verdad es que es muy cómodo. El que lleve motor la anima a pedalear. Las velocidades también hacen que pueda progresar y asi mejorar su movilidad. El cable del mando es un poco corto. Quizás algo inalámbrico hubiese sido mejor. El pedaleador se usa apoyado contra un mueble, de modo que no puede moverse hacia delante, y le he puesto además una alfombrilla antideslizante. No me imagino muy bien cómo usarlo sentado en un sofá ya que la fuerza del pedaleo lo desplazaría hacia adelante, pues pesa muy poquito. El tamaño es perfecto y se le busca sitio muy fácilmente. Tampoco me imagino que pueda servir para mover las piernas o brazos de una persona sin movilidad ya que el motor no es tan potente. En general contentos con él durante las tres semanas que llevamos usándolo. Volvería a comprarlo.

I ordered this pedal exerciser for an elderly person with mobility but circulation problems. It is really comfortable. The fact that it has a motor encourages her to pedal. The speeds also allow her to progress and thus improve her mobility. The cable for the control is a little short. Perhaps something wireless would have been better. The pedal exerciser is used leaning against a piece of furniture, so it cannot move forward, and I have also put a non-slip mat on it. I can't imagine how to use it sitting on a sofa as the force of pedalling would move it forward, as it weighs very little. The size is perfect and it is very easy to find a place for it. I also can't imagine that it could be used to move the legs or arms of a person with no mobility as the motor is not so powerful. In general we are happy with it during the three weeks we have been using it. I would buy it again.


Klarheit cyclony mini ergomettee Muss den das Miny Bike noch testen

Clarity cyclony mini ergomettee Must still test the Mini Bike


Salvo que se desliza por el suelo al pedalear (No hubiera costado nada ponerle unoa tacos de goma), es muy completo (se puede fijar la velocidad y el tiempo), y el mando a distancia es muy útil sobre todo para personas mayores. Hasta ahora ha funcionado sin ningun problema.Lo he comprado para un familiar con problemas de circulación en una pierna y movilidad reducida. Recomendable.

Except that it slides on the floor when pedaling (it wouldn't have cost anything to put a rubber cleat on it), it is very complete (you can set the speed and time), and the remote control is very useful, especially for older people. So far it has worked without any problems. I bought it for a family member with circulation problems in one leg and reduced mobility. Recommended.


El mando responsable del funcionamiento se ha apagado y no hay forma de encenderlo. Por tanto es imposible pedalear y utilizar el producto. Sólo busco un servicio técnico pues entiendo que cuando se compra un aparato siempre debe haber un servicio técnico que repare los problemas que surjan. indiquen si tienen si no denunciaré esta situación en Amazon y en redes sociales.

The control responsible for operation has turned off and there is no way to turn it on. Therefore it is impossible to pedal and use the product. I am only looking for a technical service because I understand that when you buy a device there should always be a technical service that repairs any problems that arise. Please indicate if you have one, otherwise I will report this situation on Amazon and on social networks.


PREMESSA: acquisto effettuato per persona anziana con difficoltà di movimento. Non ho fatto alcun tipo di test anche vagamente sportivo. RECENSIONE: ottimo apparecchio. Anche chi è di bassa statura può utilizzarlo con successo. Il motore incorporato aiuta a mantenere il ritmo e induce un movimento delle gambe che può essere un'ottima ginnastica passiva, "ottima" inteso col pensiero alla circolazione da aiutare. Include timer per programmare l'attività ed utilissimo telecomando via cavo. Consiglio: in certe situazioni, può essere utile reggere l'apparecchio coi piedi per evitare che scivolando si allontani dalla persona che lo usa.

PREMISE: Purchased for an elderly person with difficulty moving. I have not done any type of test, even vaguely sporty. REVIEW: Excellent device. Even those who are short can use it successfully. The built-in motor helps to maintain rhythm and induces a movement of the legs that can be an excellent passive gymnastics, "excellent" meaning with the thought of the circulation to be helped. Includes a timer to program the activity and a very useful wired remote control. Tip: in certain situations, it can be useful to hold the device with your feet to prevent it from slipping and moving away from the person using it.


Es una bicicleta de muy buen material y funciona estupendamente. Tal y como especifica, tiene 12 niveles de velocidad y tiempos de entrenamiento ajustables de forma individual, y el mando es de lo más cómodo para controlarla. Es de fácil llevar y se puede guardar en cualquier sitio. Muy buena compra!!!

It is a bike made of very good material and works great. As specified, it has 12 speed levels and individually adjustable training times, and the remote control is very comfortable to control. It is easy to carry and can be stored anywhere. A very good purchase!!!


Buen aparato lo uso para niño con parapléjico para fortalecer las piernas. Cumple su cometido pero los pedales de serie no van bien para pedalear tienen poca base y he adaptado unos especiales. Lástima no tenga patas regulables en altura y una plataforma para regular el ángulo de inclinación para usarlo tumbado.

Good device. I use it for a paraplegic child to strengthen his legs. It does its job, but the standard pedals are not good for pedaling. They have a small base and I have adapted special ones. It is a pity that it does not have adjustable height legs and a platform to regulate the angle of inclination for use lying down.


Keine gute Bedienungsanleitung Das Gerät hätte zwar 5 Sterne verdient bekommt von mir aber nur 4Sterne da ich die Bedienungsanleitung mieserabel finde. Das Gerät hat 5 Programme es steht nirgens was diese 5 Programme bewirken.. Zum Beispiel Länge der Laufzeit und Schnelligkeit.

No good operating instructions The device would have deserved 5 stars but I'm only giving it 4 stars because I think the operating instructions are awful. The device has 5 programs but it doesn't say anywhere what these 5 programs do. For example, length of running time and speed.


Das Gerät hätte zwar 5 Sterne verdient bekommt von mir aber nur 4Sterne da ich die Bedienungsanleitung mieserabel finde. Das Gerät hat 5 Programme es steht nirgens was diese 5 Programme bewirken.. Zum Beispiel Länge der Laufzeit und Schnelligkeit.

The device would have deserved 5 stars but only 4 stars from me because I find the operating instructions lousy. The device has 5 programs, nowhere does it say what these 5 programs do. For example, length of runtime and speed.


Funciona muy bien,muy fácil de montar y en conjunto buen producto. La ayuda a las piernas se nota el motor,se nota la aceleración del mismo,en todo momento va saltando la información de distancia y calorías,la marcha en que lo tienes. No resbala si lo tienes a una distancia correcta,que levante bien la pierna. Lo recomiendo a todo el mundo que por el motivo que sea quiera mover las piernas, necesite activar la circulación; Personas de oficinas y que puedan estar cinco minutos en la bicicleta,pues lo pueden hacer hasta tomando café y tenerla debajo la mesa. Y muy aconsejado para personas con enfermedad que tenga reducida la movilidad.

It works very well, very easy to assemble and overall a good product. The help to the legs is noticeable from the motor, you notice the acceleration of the same, at all times the information of distance and calories is displayed, the gear you have it in. It does not slip if you have it at a correct distance, it lifts the leg well. I recommend it to everyone who for whatever reason wants to move their legs, needs to activate circulation; Office people who can spend five minutes on the bike, well, they can do it even while drinking coffee and having it under the table. And highly recommended for people with illnesses that have reduced mobility.


Impeccable pour ma situation mes jambes reprennent de la vigueur et facilite la marche . Très bon produit , solide et fiable .

Impeccable for my situation, my legs are regaining strength and walking is easier. Very good product, solid and reliable.


C'est un appareil excellent pour remuscler les jambes, lors d'un repos prolonge dû à une maladie, nous en sommes satisfaitsr

It is an excellent device for strengthening the legs, during prolonged rest due to illness, we are satisfied with it.


conforme à sa description ce mini vélo est très bien , léger mais solide , pas encombrant et surtout très agréable à utiliser et ce sans aucun effort >> Je recommande

conforms to its description this mini bike is very good, light but solid, not bulky and above all very pleasant to use and this without any effort >> I recommend


Brauchbar! Das Minibike tut das, was von ihm zu erwarten ist, und wirkt alles in allem stabil. Die Montage bietet keine besonderen Probleme. Das Anschlußkabel für die Fernbedienung ist allerdings deutlich zu kurz geraten, der Hauptschalter ist einigermaßen mickrig, und die Fußhalterungen für die Pedale sind wohl eher für kleine "asiatische Füße" konzipiert.

Useful! The minibike does what is expected of it and seems stable overall. Assembly does not pose any particular problems. However, the connection cable for the remote control is much too short, the main switch is quite puny and the foot holders for the pedals are probably designed for small "Asian feet".


Appareil très utile et pas encombrant. Peut être manipulé sans difficulté aucune et permet surtout de suivre les progrès réalisés

Very useful and not bulky device. Can be handled without any difficulty and above all allows you to monitor the progress made.


Hallo Amazon Team Alles okay, kann weiterempfohlen werden. Das Gerät ist wirklich gut, leise und gut zu bedienen. Es erfüllt auf jedenfall seinen Zweck, der Preis ist auch okay.

Hello Amazon Team Everything is OK, can be recommended. The device is really good, quiet and easy to use. It definitely serves its purpose, the price is also OK.


Mi è appena arrivata questa mini bike e debbo dire di essere rimasto molto soddisfatto dal risultato ottenuto. A differenza delle normali cyclette funziona a corrente, la pedalata avviene sia manualmente che attraverso il computer interno. La cyclette si presenta con un mini computer situato nella parte frontale da dove è possibile : Regolare la velocità di andatura Scegliere le modalità disponibili Visualizzare su un mini display valori come le calorie bruciate, la velocità raggiunta, il tempo e cosi via dicendo Nella confezione ho trovato: La mini cyclette Un cartone in polistirolo con i pedali e piedi Una bustina con le viti ed una piccola chiave inglese Prima di connettere la presa di corrente in dotazione e quindi iniziare a pedalare, bisogna montare piedi e pedali attraverso le viti e lo strumento presente nella confezione. Dopo aver fatto questo, basterà premere il tasto power per accendere il display, posizionare i piedi, scegliere la modalità e iniziare a bruciare grassi comodamente seduti dal divano o poltrona. Se siete alla ricerca di una comoda cyclette che non occupi spazio in casa e che sia efficiente, adatta a coloro che non possono fare attività sportiva o sono sedentari, allora questo è il prodotto che fa al caso vostro.

This mini bike has just arrived and I must say that I was very satisfied with the result. Unlike normal exercise bikes, it works on current, pedaling takes place both manually and through the internal computer. The exercise bike comes with a mini computer located on the front from where it is possible to: Adjust the speed of the ride Choose the available modes View values such as the calories burned, the speed reached, the time and so on on a mini display In the package I have found: The mini exercise bike A polystyrene cardboard with the pedals and feet A bag with the screws and a small wrench present in the package. After doing this, just press the power button to turn on the display, position your feet, choose the mode and start burning fat while sitting comfortably on the sofa or armchair. If you are looking for a comfortable exercise bike that does not take up space in the house and is efficient, suitable for those who cannot do sports or are sedentary, then this is the product for you.


Attention : malgré son allure élégante et sportive, cet appareil n'est pas réellement conçu pour les accros de salle de gym, mais plutôt pour des personnes âgées ou en rééducation souhaitant améliorer la circulation des jambes et des bras. L'appareil, qui pèse 5.5kg, peut s'utiliser au sol ou bien posé sur une table. Prévoir de se trouver à 1m50 d'une prise électrique car il faudra le brancher afin d'alimenter le moteur. Celui-ci ne sert d'ailleurs pas à opposer une résistance au pédalage mais à le faciliter, 12 vitesses permettant d'augmenter graduellement la rotation des pédales. Un écran permet de connaître le nombre de kilomètres (virtuels) parcourus ainsi que les calories (réelles) brûlées. Les pédales sont confortables et l'appareil est stable, ce qui permet de l'oublier tout en l'utilisant. En somme, il s'agit d'un outil que je recommanderais sans hésiter à toute personne souhaitant faire un peu d'exercice pour se remettre en forme sans risque ni fatigue.

Warning: despite its elegant and sporty appearance, this device is not really designed for gym addicts, but rather for elderly people or people in rehabilitation wishing to improve circulation in the legs and arms. The device, which weighs 5.5 kg, can be used on the floor or placed on a table. Plan to be 1.50 m from an electrical outlet because it will need to be plugged in to power the motor. The latter is not used to oppose resistance to pedaling but to facilitate it, 12 speeds allowing you to gradually increase the rotation of the pedals. A screen allows you to know the number of (virtual) kilometers traveled as well as the (real) calories burned. The pedals are comfortable and the device is stable, which allows you to forget about it while using it. In short, this is a tool that I would recommend without hesitation to anyone wishing to do a little exercise to get back in shape without risk or fatigue.


Une notice un peu plus complète aurait été la bienvenue mais après avoir tâtonné quelques minutes, l'utilisation devient assez facile. Pour le monter, il y a juste 4 boulons à viser. Les deux outils nécessaires sont fournis. L'installation s'est faite très vite. 5 minutes et le mini bike était opérationnel. L'amplitude des jambes en pédalant est trop grande pour être mis sous un bureau mais en regardant un film ou lisant un livre dans un fauteuil ou canapé c'est très bien. J'arrive à me plonger dans un livre tout en pédalant. En jonglant avec les 5 modes, la vitesse et le sens de rotation il y a de quoi bien faire travailler les cuisses et mollets. A utiliser sur une fauteuil fixe et non sur roulette sinon ill recule au fur et à mesure des exercices. Dommage qu'il ne soit pas possible d'augmenter la résistance lorsque l'on pédale pour faire des exercices plus intensifs. Mais c'était précisé dans la description "Fonctionne avec moteur, pas de pédalage". Donc une fois les pieds dans les étriers, il pédale automatiquement d'où la possibilité de faire autre chose en même temps. Si mon commentaire vous a aidé ou plu, n'hésitez pas à cliquer sur "oui", en dessous.

A slightly more complete manual would have been welcome but after fumbling around for a few minutes, it becomes quite easy to use. To assemble it, there are just 4 bolts to screw. The two necessary tools are provided. Installation was very quick. 5 minutes and the mini bike was operational. The amplitude of the legs while pedaling is too great to be put under a desk but while watching a film or reading a book in an armchair or sofa it is very good. I can immerse myself in a book while pedaling. By juggling with the 5 modes, the speed and the direction of rotation there is enough to work the thighs and calves well. To be used on a fixed armchair and not on wheels otherwise it moves backwards as the exercises progress. Too bad it is not possible to increase the resistance when pedaling to do more intensive exercises. But it was specified in the description "Works with motor, no pedaling". So once the feet are in the stirrups, it pedals automatically, hence the possibility of doing something else at the same time. If my comment helped you or pleased you, do not hesitate to click on "yes", below.


Bewegungstrainer Gute Ausstattung für den Preiss .Die Bedienung ist leicht und Praktisch. Die Pedalen sind von der Auftritt Fläche etwas klein sowie die Fußverschlüsse und das macht es etwas schwierig ältere Damen mit viel Wasser in den Beinen halt zu finden. Für normale Füße total ok!

Exercise trainer Good features for the price. It is easy to use and practical. The pedals are a bit small in terms of the tread area, as are the foot fasteners, and that makes it a bit difficult for older ladies with a lot of water in their legs to find their footing. Totally OK for normal feet!


Praktischer, handlicher Arm- & Beintrainer Man muss nur noch die Pedale einschrauben und die Querstreben (zum stabilisieren) festschrauben, dann kann man los legen. Die Anleitung ist in Deutsch und Englisch. Das Gerät aber eigentlich selbst erklärend. Die Übungen kann man in verschiedenen „Lagen“ ausführen. Im sitzen (bequem vom Sofa oder „ordentlich“ von einem Stuhl aus) oder sogar liegend. Die Fernbedienung hat ein gekringeltes Kabel und ist damit etwas kurz um sie z.B. bequem neben sich zu legen. Man kann sie nur in der Hand halten (sonst flutscht sie zurück) oder vor sich legen. Im liegen ist der Pedal-Bodenabstand für Großfußens etwas knapp – etwa 11 cm. Ich kann mit Schuhgröße 38 noch auf Zehenspitzen fahren, ansonsten müsste ich den Fuß weiter rein stecken, sonst schleift meine Ferse ständig über den Boden. Hier fährt/trippelt/trainiert man (seine Beine oder/und Arme) nicht mit/gegen Widerstand, sondern hat gleich eine vorgegebene Geschwindigkeit, in der sich die Pedale bewegen (vorwärts oder rückwärts möglich) - mogeln gibt’s hier also nicht ;o). Einstellbar von 1 (etwa 1 Umdrehung pro 2 Sekunden) – 12 (etwa 4 Umdrehungen pro Sekunde). Ziemlich leise. Wie das tpyische Schwunggeräusch von Steppern halt auch, nur eben um die Hälfte leiser. Am Gerät selbst ist ein Ein-/Ausschalter für Stand-By oder Ganz-Aus.

Practical, handy arm and leg trainer. All you have to do is screw in the pedals and tighten the cross braces (for stabilization), then you're ready to go. The instructions are in German and English. The device is really self-explanatory though. The exercises can be done in different "positions". Sitting down (comfortably from the sofa or "properly" from a chair) or even lying down. The remote control has a curled cable and is therefore a bit short to lay comfortably next to you, for example. You can only hold it in your hand (otherwise it slides back) or lay it in front of you. When lying down, the distance between the pedals and the floor is a bit tight for people with large feet - around 11 cm. I can still ride on tiptoes with shoe size 38, otherwise I would have to put my foot further in or my heel would constantly drag on the floor. Here you don't ride/trip/train (your legs and/or arms) with/against resistance, but have a set speed at which the pedals move (forwards or backwards possible) - so there's no cheating here ;o). Adjustable from 1 (about 1 revolution per 2 seconds) - 12 (about 4 revolutions per second). Pretty quiet. Just like the typical swinging noise of steppers, only half as quiet. There's an on/off switch on the device itself for standby or completely off.