Myon Cross Crosstrainer

Myon Cross Crosstrainer
- Cross trainer
- Black
Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear
Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty189,99 €
- Ready for delivery In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays.
- Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
- Ready to ship in 24 hours
- 14 day cooling off period
Top features
Ideal resistance level: resistance with a total of 8 levels
Magnetic brake system: MagResist function with a high-quality flywheel
Perfectly connected: SmartCardio Studio with tablet holder and Kinomap app
Product description
The Klarfit Myon Cross crosstrainer is an ergonomic home exercise machine designed to boost your body's performance and get your cardiovascular system back on track.
As a true crosstrainer, the device offers joint-gentle full-body workouts for the arms, legs, buttocks and shoulders. An integrated training computer enables goal-oriented and performance-oriented training: Thetime, speed, calorie consumption and distance are also displayed on the LCD display so that you always have the opportunity to get an accurate assessment of your physical fitness. A heart rate monitor, which is integrated into the comfortable handles, provides the training computer with live data on the pulse rate and thus allows efficient performance control.
The low entrypoint provides high comfort, while the large, non-slip treads provide stability. The feet of the crosstrainer are provided with floor-protecting plastic caps to protect the surface underneath from damage.
This is how fitness is really fun: the Klarfit Myon Cross crosstrainer combines all the important components of portable sports equipment for a productive and yet gentle training experience.
- Easy, comfortable getting on
- Non-slip plastic tread
- Floor-protecting plastic caps
- Metal frame construction with powder coating
Dimensions and Technical Details
- Dimensions: 66 x 151.5 x 85 cm (WxHxD)
- Weight: approx. 22.7 kg
What will be delivered?
- 1 x crosstrainer as an assembly kit
- 1 x tool
- Operating instructions in English (further languages: German, French, Spanish, Italian)
Delivery & shipment
Shipping time: 3 - 5 days
Your order will be delivered to the selected address per order. This address does not have to match the billing address. You can send the orders to your family, friends or office if you are not at home during the day.
Safety and Operating Instructions
Product Safety Information
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
Responsible Person:
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
E-mail address:
No review available for this item.
Non mi sono trovata comoda, l'ho restituito e sono molto soddisfatta del rapporto con Amazon e del venditore. grazie mille
I didn't find it comfortable, I returned it and I'm very satisfied with the relationship with Amazon and the seller. thank you very much
Fa il suo dovere
It does its duty
Macchinario semplice, senza alcun abbellimento. È stato semplice montarlo perché intuitivo e ben descritto dall’azienda, ogni pacchetto ha le indicazioni di montaggio. L’unico passaggio in cui ho dovuto chiedere aiuto, è stato nel collegare i cavetti che regolano l’intensità del movimento che si andrà a fare con l’ellittica. Consiglio di collegarli correttamente, altrimenti si avrà un solo rapporto di marcia ed è quello più faticoso, almeno nel mio caso….. Eventualmente esistono dei tutorial su internet. È leggera e le rotelle la rendono comoda negli spostamenti. Sono piuttosto soddisfatta dell’acquisto
Simple machine, without any embellishments. It was easy to assemble because it is intuitive and well described by the company, each package has assembly instructions. The only step in which I had to ask for help was in connecting the cables that regulate the intensity of the movement that will be done with the elliptical. I recommend connecting them correctly, otherwise you will have only one gear ratio and it is the most tiring, at least in my case... Eventually there are some tutorials on the internet. It is light and the wheels make it easy to move. I am quite satisfied with the purchase
Taille minimum, prix normal. Simple à installer. RAS
Minimum size, normal price. Easy to install. RAS
Le produit multimédia n'a pas pu être chargé. Vélo de bonne qualité, parfait pour les amateurs, le service client est irréprochable, merci à vous !
The multimedia product could not be loaded. Good quality bike, perfect for enthusiasts, customer service is impeccable, thank you!
Non vi fate intimorire dalla moltitudine di scatole e viti quando arriva, è tutto numerato e quindi piuttosto facile da montare. X alcune cose meglio essere in 2. È stabile e robusta e fa il suo dovere. Io l'ho presa bianca e con lo sconto quindi rapporto qualità prezzo ottimo. Consiglio a chi si vuole rimettere un po' in forma senza fare acrobazie.
Don't be intimidated by the multitude of boxes and screws when it arrives, everything is numbered and therefore quite easy to assemble. For some things it is better to be in 2. It is stable and sturdy and does its job. I got it white and with the discount so excellent value for money. I recommend it to those who want to get back in shape a bit without doing acrobatics.
Faccio tanti complimenti al venditore, facile da montare era proprio quello che cercavo super soddisfatta, consiglio a chi come me deve perdere peso e vuole un attrezzo pratico e che mette in movimento tutto il corpo. Sono circa 10 gg non ho avuto nessun problema movimento fluido sono 1,60 e la falcata è ottima, dimensioni perfette per chi non ha molto spazio, perfetta per allenarsi a casa e secondo me ottimo qualità prezzo, consiglio.
I give many compliments to the seller, easy to assemble it was exactly what I was looking for super satisfied, I recommend it to those like me who have to lose weight and want a practical tool that gets the whole body moving. It's been about 10 days I haven't had any problems fluid movement I'm 1.60 and the stride is excellent, perfect size for those who don't have much space, perfect for training at home and in my opinion excellent quality price, I recommend it.
Tout ce que j'attendais pour me remetre en forme et perdre klkes kilos. Lol Mais pour instant doucement car je n'ai vraiment pas l'habitude de ce. genre de vélo, c'est la 1ere fois. Mais ça va le faire. Reste la motivation Go lol....
Everything I was waiting for to get back in shape and lose a few pounds. Lol But for now, slowly because I'm really not used to this kind of bike, it's the first time. But it'll do. All that's left is motivation Go lol....
Très bien pour faire du sport, tous les muscles travail.
Very good for doing sports, all the muscles work.
Sconsigliata . Il movimento non è fluido e al momento della distensione della gamba da uno strappo al polpaccio.
Not recommended. The movement is not fluid and when the leg is extended it causes a tear in the calf.
Ellittica arrivata in pochi giorni (6 giorni dopo averla acquistata), molto prima della data prestabilita. Venditore disponibilissimo. Tutte le parti sono arrivate ben protette; nessun pezzo mancante e/o guasto. Non ho mai provato a montare oggetti, ma vedendo le istruzioni molto dettagliate, ho voluto provare e molte parti sono riuscita a montarle da sola, ma in alcuni passi invece, ho dovuto chiedere aiuto (ad esempio per collegare lo spinotto del cavo di tensionamento e nel mentre tenere il montante anteriore). Dopo averla montata, ho voluto provarla e pur non avendola ancora usata moltissimo, sono rimasta colpita e soddisfatta dell'acquisto.
Elliptical arrived in a few days (6 days after purchasing it), well before the scheduled date. Very helpful seller. All parts arrived well protected; no missing and/or damaged pieces. I have never tried to assemble objects, but seeing the very detailed instructions, I wanted to try and I managed to assemble many parts by myself, but in some steps instead, I had to ask for help (for example to connect the tension cable plug and in the meantime hold the front upright). After assembling it, I wanted to try it and even though I have not used it much yet, I was impressed and satisfied with the purchase.
J'en suis satisfait position idéale via les poignée horizontale et sa petite hauteur. Facile à monter même seul et peu encombrant. Max.100kg.
I am satisfied with it, ideal position via the horizontal handle and its low height. Easy to assemble even alone and space-saving. Max.100kg.
ilk başlarda gıcırdıyordu ama vidalarını biraz fazla sıkınca gıcırdama sorunu çözüldü.
It squeaked at first, but tightening the screws a little too much fixed the squeaking problem.
All in all a nice machine. Easy to follow assembly instructions. Delivered a day earlier! Good price and easy to use. I do about 20 minutes a day - doctors orders! The down side - it has developed a squeak! This could be due to poor lubrication but have not investigated yet. I would recommend this product.
All in all a nice machine. Easy to follow assembly instructions. Delivered a day earlier! Good price and easy to use. I do about 20 minutes a day - doctors orders! The down side - it has developed a squeak! This could be due to poor lubrication but have not investigated yet. I would recommend this product.
Zulieferung rasch in einwandfreier Kartonage. Anleitung zum Zusammenbau klar, verständlich. Zu 80% allein leicht möglich, gelegentlich muss durch Aufheben des Gerätes eine Unterstützung nötig. Ergebnis: zufriedenstellender Anblick. Leistung in kurzer Frist der Benützung sehr zufriedenstellend!
Delivered quickly in perfect cardboard packaging. Assembly instructions clear and understandable. 80% easily possible alone, occasionally support is required by lifting the device. Result: satisfactory sight. Performance in a short period of use very satisfactory!
Come primo approccio alle ellittiche va benissimo. Costa poco e fa il suo egregiamente. Dopo mesi usata quasi tutti i giorni posso dire che fa il suo. La cambierò con una più robusta solo se dovesse avere dei problemi. Qualche piccolo cigolio lo fa ogni tanto, ma per 200 euro... va pure troppo bene.
As a first approach to ellipticals it's great. It's cheap and does its job very well. After months of using it almost every day I can say it does its job. I'll change it for a more robust one only if it has problems. It makes a few small creaks every now and then, but for 200 euros... it's even too good.
Le prix pour un essai de ce genre de produit.
The price for a trial of this kind of product.
Il prodotto è un buon compromesso tra qualità e prezzo. Raccomando soltanto di lubrificare per bene tutti i perni e le boccole prima del montaggio per evitare cigolii e usura precoce. Ma ATTENZIONE: usare solo GRASSO AL SILICONE! infatti nelle parti soggette ad attrito ci sono delle boccole in plastica e se ci mettete grasso normale le parti in plastica si disfano. Altro particolare: i tappi che poggiano a terra nella parte posteriore si possono ruotare e sono eccentrici con tante faccette piane, così potete mettere perfettamente in piano l'ellittica. Ho letto che molti si lamentano che traballa ma forse non si sono mai accorti di questo modo di risolvere il problema. Non do cinque stelle perchè poteva essere un po' più accurata, ma per il prezzo direi che va più che bene.
The product is a good compromise between quality and price. I only recommend lubricating all the pins and bushings well before assembly to avoid squeaks and early wear. But BEWARE: use only SILICONE GREASE! in fact in the parts subject to friction there are plastic bushings and if you put normal grease on them the plastic parts come apart. Another detail: the caps that rest on the ground in the rear part can be rotated and are eccentric with many flat faces, so you can put the elliptical perfectly flat. I read that many complain that it wobbles but perhaps they have never noticed this way of solving the problem. I don't give five stars because it could have been a little more accurate, but for the price I would say it's more than good.
Ho deciso di acquistarla per fare un po' di movimento in casa e che mi permetta di usare parte basse ed alta del corpo. La consegna è arrivata puntuale ed imballato non era particolarmente ingombrante. Il montaggio non è così semplice come indicato, soprattutto la parte della resistenza noi non siamo stati in grado di metterla giusta, tant'è che non riesco a regolarla. È comodo il display che indica il tempo, la distanza, la velocità, le calorie e pure le pulsazioni. Si può tenere in memoria, se no, come faccio io azzero sempre tutto così tenere sempre sotto controllo il tempo. È comoda da spostare perché ha due rotelle davanti ed inclinandola si posta facilmente. Mi sento di consigliarla per chi vuole fare del movimento e fare resistenza. Il rapporto qualità prezzo direi che va bene, visto che cmq mi sembra abbastanza solida.
I decided to buy it to do some exercise at home and that allows me to use the lower and upper part of the body. The delivery arrived on time and the package was not particularly bulky. The assembly is not as simple as indicated, especially the resistance part we were not able to put it right, so much so that I can not adjust it. The display that indicates the time, distance, speed, calories and even the heart rate is convenient. You can keep it in memory, otherwise, as I do I always reset everything so I always keep track of the time. It is easy to move because it has two wheels on the front and by tilting it it is easily positioned. I would recommend it for those who want to do some exercise and do resistance. The quality/price ratio I would say is good, since in any case it seems quite solid to me.
Ho acquistato questa cyclette ellittica per poter fare un pò di movimento convinta dalle ottime recensioni e dal prezzo accettabile. Consegna strepitosa: arrivata dopo 18 ore dall'ordine, il corriere Amazon è stato carinissimo e gentile, perchè mi ha consegnato la pesante scatola (20 kg) direttamente sulla porta di casa al primo piano (altrimenti avrei avuto serie difficoltà a fare tutto da sola). Scatolone integro, all'interno tutti i pazzi erano perfettamente imballati e sigillati. Ho seguito il manuale delle istruzioni in italiano, molto dettagliato, ogni vite ha il suo numero e relativa chiave, quindi è abbastanza facile da montare (dipende poi dall'esperienza personale in materia). Ho trovato un pezzo difettoso, ma l'assistenza di Amazon è stata velocissima: non potendo risolvermi il problema, mi ha chiesto se volevo fare il reso o contattare il fornitore. Ho contattato il fornitore inviando comunicazione scritta. Mi ha risposto il giorno dopo dicendo di avermi spedito il ricambio che mi serviva. E' arrivato in 5 giorni, senza ulteriori costi da parte mia. Quindi ho completato il comtaggio della cyclette e l'ho provata. Tutto ok, è stabile, anche se inizialmente cigolava un pò (ma ho risolto il problema tirando bene tutte le viti). Che dire? Sono molto soddisfatta di questo acquisto e della assistenza ricevuta sia da Amazon che dal fornitore.
English: I bought this elliptical bike to get some exercise, convinced by the excellent reviews and the acceptable price. Amazing delivery: arrived 18 hours after ordering, the Amazon courier was very nice and kind, because he delivered the heavy box (20 kg) directly to my front door on the first floor (otherwise I would have had serious difficulties doing everything by myself). The box was intact, inside all the crazy things were perfectly packed and sealed. I followed the instruction manual in Italian, very detailed, each screw has its number and relative key, so it is quite easy to assemble (it then depends on personal experience in the matter). I found a defective part, but Amazon's assistance was very fast: unable to solve the problem, they asked me if I wanted to return it or contact the supplier. I contacted the supplier by sending a written communication. They replied the next day saying they had sent me the spare part I needed. It arrived in 5 days, without further costs on my part. So I completed the bike setup and tried it. Everything is ok, it is stable, even if it creaked a bit at first (but I solved the problem by tightening all the screws). What can I say? I am very satisfied with this purchase and with the assistance received from both Amazon and the supplier.
Le montage est facile, les vis et écrous sont déjà triés pour chaque étape. Les clés sont fournies il n'y a pas besoin d'ajouter du matériel. Seul bémol j'ai reçu une des branches tordues, j'ai du la redresser avec une pince Le vélo ne fait pas de bruit, il ne prend pas beaucoup de place, il est très fonctionnel Les 2 poignées qui captent les pulsations sont situées un peu basses pour moi mais sinon il est très bien.
The assembly is easy, the screws and nuts are already sorted for each step. The keys are provided, there is no need to add material. The only downside is that I received one of the branches bent, I had to straighten it with pliers. The bike does not make any noise, it does not take up much space, it is very functional. The 2 handles that capture the pulsations are located a little low for me but otherwise it is very good.
An sich kein schlechtes Gerät. Großen Leuten (bin 178) würde ich von abraten. Man kommt mit den Beinen dauernd vorne gegen die Stangen und holt sich dadurch blaue Flecken. Das Einstellen des Schwierigkeitgrades ist auch eher ein Witz. Wenn man lange genug dreht, kommt man ans Ziel. Die Digitalanzeige funktioniert.
Not a bad device per se. I would advise against tall people (I'm 178). You keep hitting the bars with your legs in front and you get bruises as a result. Setting the difficulty level is also more of a joke. If you spin long enough, you'll get there. The digital display works.
Das Gerät sieht super aus! Aufbau war machbar. Leider quitscht das Gerät bereits nach der zweiten Nutzung. Super schade, es ist sehr laut und will gar nicht Wissen wie es sich nach 1 Monat anhören wird...
The device looks great! Construction was doable. Unfortunately, the device squeaks after the second use. It's a shame, it's very loud and I don't even want to know how it will sound after 1 month...
Sehr gute Aufbauanleitung, schnelle Lieferung, hält was es verspricht, kleines Mango: am Rahmen lässt sich eine Schraube nicht rein drehen, gibt aber keine Einschränkungen bei der Stabilität.
Very good assembly instructions, fast delivery, does what it promises, little mango: a screw on the frame cannot be screwed in, but there are no restrictions on stability.
Top zufrieden Sehr gute Aufbauanleitung, schnelle Lieferung, hält was es verspricht, kleines Mango: am Rahmen lässt sich eine Schraube nicht rein drehen, gibt aber keine Einschränkungen bei der Stabilität.
Extremely satisfied. Very good assembly instructions, fast delivery, does what it promises. Small problem: one of the screws on the frame cannot be screwed in, but this does not affect stability.
Acquistato dopo aver letto alcune recensioni e verificato il miglior rapporto prezzo/qualità. Il prodotto è compatto, leggero, dimensioni contenute per cui non occupa spazio eccessivamente diventando un elemento di arredo della stanza poco ingombrante. La sua struttura leggera e la presenza di ruote su una delle due gambe rendono necessario trovare una solizione di appoggio solida e che eviti il movimento mentre lo si utilizza. Per persone di altezza maggiore a 1,80mt risulterebbe piccolo e poco utile nell'utilizzazione. Mi sento di consigliarlo per il rapporto prezzo/qualità e perchè completo come tipo di attrezzo permettendo di sollecitare complessivamente diverse parti del corpo. Credo che se si ha una corporatura massicccia e muscolarmente sviluppata raggiungendo un peso corporeo superiore a 89/90 kg non credo sia da usare perchè strutturalmente non sicuro.
Purchased after reading some reviews and checking the best price/quality ratio. The product is compact, lightweight, small in size so it does not take up excessive space becoming a space-saving piece of furniture in the room. Its lightweight structure and the presence of wheels on one of the two legs make it necessary to find a solid support solution that prevents movement while using it. For people taller than 1.80m it would be small and not very useful in use. I would recommend it for the price/quality ratio and because it is complete as a type of tool allowing you to stress different parts of the body. I believe that if you have a massive and muscularly developed build reaching a body weight greater than 89/90 kg I do not think it should be used because it is structurally unsafe.
It work Good
It work Good
L'imballaggio non è un gran ché, solo una scatola di cartone, che visto il peso dell'oggetto, non ha retto al viaggio dalla Germania. Comunque tutto intero all'interno. La banda di vernice blu decorativa non era ben applicata, in alcune parti mancante, in altre già venuta via a scaglie. Le scritte non sono serigrafate, ma semplici adesivi, alla prima pulizia con panno umido hanno cominciato a staccarsi. Un pedale sembrava un po' piegato, ho dovuto faticare per farlo entrare nella sua sede. Va bene per un prodotto non professionale, però è abbastanza piccolo (se non mi concentro sul movimento, batto le ginocchia), la resistenza è poca (la tengo fissa al massimo), gli elettrodi sono solo sul manubrio fisso (basso e scomodo da usare per chi è alto 180cm), il volano è abbastanza peso, meglio di altre da casa che ho provato, ma devi andare sempre con un certo ritmo, perché quando rallenti il movimento comincia a perdere fluidità. Non fa rumore anche dopo diversi mesi, che è la cosa più importante, ed è abbastanza stabile. Alla fine, è ok per il prezzo.
The packaging is not great, just a cardboard box, which given the weight of the object, did not survive the trip from Germany. However, everything inside was intact. The decorative blue paint band was not well applied, missing in some parts, in others already flaked off. The writings are not silkscreened, but simple stickers, at the first cleaning with a damp cloth they started to peel off. A pedal seemed a bit bent, I had to struggle to get it to fit into its seat. It is fine for a non-professional product, but it is quite small (if I do not concentrate on the movement, I hit my knees), the resistance is low (I keep it fixed at the maximum), the electrodes are only on the fixed handlebar (low and uncomfortable to use for those who are 180cm tall), the flywheel is quite heavy, better than other home bikes I have tried, but you always have to go at a certain pace, because when you slow down the movement it begins to lose fluidity. It does not make noise even after several months, which is the most important thing, and it is quite stable. Ultimately, it's ok for the price.
I really like the quality and make of this crosstrainer. It's pretty small so it fits nicely in a room and does not take a lot of space. But it's also not too small. I am 170 cm and have no problem operating it, and my knees don't bump into the body (some reviewers said that was a problem for them. They must be giants). The computer is pretty basic but does its job. It also connects to the Kinomap app, but has no real-time syncing. Contact with the seller was smooth, even though it took a long time to reply to my query initially. They apologised and mentioned they had technical problems with their system so I hope it's a one off. But when they did reply, communication was very easy. Overall, I'm really satisfied with the price-performance of the Klarfit Myon
I really like the quality and make of this crosstrainer. It's pretty small so it fits nicely in a room and does not take a lot of space. But it's also not too small. I am 170 cm and have no problem operating it, and my knees don't bump into the body (some reviewers said that was a problem for them. They must be giants). The computer is pretty basic but does its job. It also connects to the Kinomap app, but has no real-time syncing. Contact with the seller was smooth, even though it took a long time to reply to my query initially. They apologised and mentioned they had technical problems with their system so I hope it's a one off. But when they did reply, communication was very easy. Overall, I'm really satisfied with the price-performance of the Klarfit Myon
Great little machine I really like the quality and make of this crosstrainer. It's pretty small so it fits nicely in a room and does not take a lot of space. But it's also not too small. I am 170 cm and have no problem operating it, and my knees don't bump into the body (some reviewers said that was a problem for them. They must be giants). The computer is pretty basic but does its job. It also connects to the Kinomap app, but has no real-time syncing. Contact with the seller was smooth, even though it took a long time to reply to my query initially. They apologised and mentioned they had technical problems with their system so I hope it's a one off. But when they did reply, communication was very easy. Overall, I'm really satisfied with the price-performance of the Klarfit Myon
Great little machine I really like the quality and make of this crosstrainer. It's pretty small so it fits nicely in a room and does not take a lot of space. But it's also not too small. I am 170 cm and have no problem operating it, and my knees don't bump into the body (some reviewers said that was a problem for them. They must be giants). The computer is pretty basic but does its job. It also connects to the Kinomap app, but has no real-time syncing. Contact with the seller was smooth, even though it took a long time to reply to my query initially. They apologised and mentioned they had technical problems with their system so I hope it's a one off. But when they did reply, communication was very easy. Overall, I'm really satisfied with the price-performance of the Klarfit Myon
1 ora per montarla, mezz’ora per capire come mai non era in squadra. A parte questo le istruzioni sono piuttosto chiare, ci vuole un po’ di forza per metterla insieme, ma ci sono riuscita da sola. Il passo è un po’ corto a mio avviso, ma visto il prezzo direi che è un ottimo attrezzo
1 hour to assemble it, half an hour to figure out why it wasn't square. Other than that the instructions are pretty clear, it takes a bit of strength to put it together, but I managed it myself. The step is a bit short in my opinion, but considering the price I'd say it's a great tool
Il pacco è arrivato con giorni in anticipo, ben sigillato e integro. Al suo interno tutte le componenti che permettono il montaggio dell'attrezzo, incluse le chiavi e le viti di riserva in caso di smarrimento. È presente, inoltre, il libricino delle istruzioni, scritto in diverse lingue inclusa quella italiana. Facile ed intuitivo da leggere; basta partire e concludere seguendo i diversi step e utilizzare le viti che hanno il numero corrispondente a quello indicato tra le parentesi. Così facendo l'ellittica sarà molto facile da montare. Personalmente non ho trovato sorprese durante il suo montaggio e pertanto ho potuto utilizzarla già dal primo giorno. Devo dire che fa assolutamente il suo lavoro, la pedalata è fluida ed è possibile impostare la resistenza mediante una mapola. Durante la pedalata, sul display compare il conteggio della calorie, del tempo, dei km percorsi e se appoggi le mani sui sensori dei manubri è possibile tenere monitorato anche il battito cardiaco. Il display, per poter farlo funzionare, occorre inserire le pile (già in dotazione) e iniziare semplicemente con la pedalata. Svantaggi: durante la pedalata ho notato che, se fossi stata un po' più alta, avrei potuto toccare con le ginocchia sui manubri, inoltre anteriormente sembra essere poco stabile, mi spiego meglio; muovendo le braccia e le gambe durante la pedalata, sembra come se l'attrezzo balli un po', ho provato a stringere tutte le viti al massimo e il 'problema' continua ad esserci, quindi non so se è una caratteristica di tutte le ellittiche di questa tipologia o solo della mia. Ultimo svantaggio: il display non è touch, quindi non è possibile, durante la pedalata, toccare la voce a te interessata per vedere la tua attività, però ogni 30 sec si aggiorna in automatico e vengono mostrate, una per volta, tutte le voci (km, kcal, tempo, ecc...) Vantaggi: facile spostamento dell'attrezzo grazie a due rotelline presenti anteriormente, ottimo rapporto qualità/prezzo, uso casalingo, non ingombrante, attività fisica assicurata. Concludo con un' opinione personale: l'attrezzo è assolutamente adatto per chi sta iniziando ad allenarsi dentro le proprie mura domestiche, compie il suo lavoro e per il prezzo speso io mi ritengo assolutamente soddisfatta.
The package arrived days early, well sealed and intact. Inside it are all the components that allow the assembly of the tool, including the keys and spare screws in case of loss. There is also the instruction booklet, written in several languages including Italian. Easy and intuitive to read; just start and finish following the different steps and use the screws that have the number corresponding to the one indicated in brackets. By doing so, the elliptical will be very easy to assemble. Personally, I did not find any surprises during its assembly and therefore I was able to use it from the first day. I must say that it absolutely does its job, the pedaling is smooth and it is possible to set the resistance using a knob. While pedaling, the display shows the calorie count, the time, the km traveled and if you place your hands on the handlebar sensors you can also monitor your heart rate. To make the display work, you need to insert the batteries (already supplied) and simply start pedaling. Disadvantages: while pedaling I noticed that, if I had been a little taller, I could have touched the handlebars with my knees, also the front seems to be a little unstable, let me explain; moving the arms and legs while pedaling, it seems as if the tool dances a little, I tried to tighten all the screws to the maximum and the 'problem' continues to be there, so I don't know if it is a characteristic of all ellipticals of this type or just mine. Last disadvantage: the display is not touch, so it is not possible, while pedaling, to touch the item you are interested in to see your activity, but every 30 seconds it updates automatically and all the items are shown, one at a time (km, kcal, time, etc...) Advantages: easy movement of the tool thanks to two wheels on the front, excellent quality/price ratio, home use, not bulky, physical activity guaranteed. I conclude with a personal opinion: the tool is absolutely suitable for those who are starting to train within their own four walls, it does its job and for the price spent I consider myself absolutely satisfied.
Ho acquistato questa ellittica dopo aver valutato tante altre proposte. Devo dire che il prodotto relativamente al rapporto qualità prezzo è veramente ben costruito. Arrivato nei tempi corretti all'interno della confezione si presenta ben imballato. Sono presenti le istruzioni anche in lingua italiana ma la cosa che mi ha lasciato stupito è che tutti i pezzi per il montaggio sono sigillati ed etichettati per ogni singolo passo di montaggio. Questo è veramente utile per l'assemblaggio. Materiali ben fatti e dimensioni giuste anche per me che sono alto 190 cm. L'unico difetto è che devo mettere uno spessore di pochi millimetri sotto il piede di appoggio anteriore destro per renderla stabile. Per il resto un ottimo acquisto.
I purchased this elliptical after evaluating many other proposals. I must say that the product, relative to the quality/price ratio, is really well built. Arrived in the right time, inside the package it is well packaged. There are instructions also in Italian but the thing that amazed me is that all the pieces for assembly are sealed and labeled for each individual assembly step. This is really useful for assembly. Well-made materials and the right size even for me who am 190 cm tall. The only flaw is that I have to put a spacer of a few millimeters under the right front support foot to make it stable. For the rest, an excellent purchase.
L'imballo è arrivato in ottime condizioni utilissimo per chi vuole mantenersi in forma senza impegno, il prodotto è di buona qualità e non complicato da montare se si ha un po' di dimestichezza,aiuto fornito anche dal manuale scritto in italiano. Non confondere con prodotti di alta qualità e di ben altri costi. Non ingombrante se avete una casa piccola e facile da spostare grazie alle ruote presenti sulla parte anteriore. Unica pecca secondo il mio avviso,è la falcata che risulta un po' troppo corta,ma l'avevo messo in conto dato che ho deciso di acquistare un attrezzo dal costo permissivo che mi permettesse di usarlo a tempo perso senza troppo impegno. Ho scelto questa ellittica per le recensioni positive e per il peso del volano (cosa non da poco) dichiarato di 12kg. Per adesso sono contento e soddisfatto
The packaging arrived in excellent condition, very useful for those who want to keep fit without commitment, the product is of good quality and not complicated to assemble if you have a little familiarity, help also provided by the manual written in Italian. Do not confuse with high quality products and much higher costs. Not bulky if you have a small house and easy to move thanks to the wheels on the front. The only flaw in my opinion is the stride that is a little too short, but I had taken this into account since I decided to buy a tool with a permissive cost that would allow me to use it in my spare time without too much commitment. I chose this elliptical for the positive reviews and for the weight of the flywheel (no small thing) declared as 12kg. For now I am happy and satisfied
L'articolo mi è piaciuto per la sua linea poco ingombrante. La cosa che non riesco ancora a capire è il modo in cui si aumenta o diminuisce la resistenza della falcata, giro la manopola su + e - ma non avverto nessun cambiamento. Non so è stato un errore nel montaggio, anche se abbiamo seguito alla lettere le indicazioni del manuale, oppure è un difetto.
I liked the article for its compact design. The thing I still can't understand is how to increase or decrease the resistance of the stride, I turn the knob to + and - but I don't feel any change. I don't know if it was a mistake in assembly, even if we followed the instructions in the manual to the letter, or it's a defect.
Here comes the hot stepper Der Stepper ist top. Lieferung erfolgte pünktlich und der Zusammenbau ist mit 2 Personen recht einfach erledigt. Das Gerät erfüllt exakt den beschriebenen Zweck bei einem guten Preis- Leistungsverhältnis.
Here comes the hot stepper The stepper is great. Delivery was on time and assembly is quite easy with two people. The device fulfills exactly the purpose described and offers good value for money.
Der Stepper ist top. Lieferung erfolgte pünktlich und der Zusammenbau ist mit 2 Personen recht einfach erledigt. Das Gerät erfüllt exakt den beschriebenen Zweck bei einem guten Preis- Leistungsverhältnis.
The stepper is great. It was delivered on time and it was easy to assemble with 2 people. The device fulfills exactly the purpose described with a good price-performance ratio.
Insgesamt mochte ich diese Maschine. Mir gefiel, dass sie kleiner als die meisten elliptischen Maschinen war. Ich habe nicht viel Platz für Trainingsgeräte, also ist kleiner besser für mich.
Overall I liked this machine. I liked that it was smaller than most elliptical machines. I don't have a lot of space for exercise equipment, so smaller is better for me.
Und täglich oder in diesem Fall jährlich grüßt das Murmeltier. Gute Vorsätte fürs neue Jahr wie immer. Deswegen habe ich mich entschieden diesen Cross Trainer für zu Hause zu kaufen. Keine Ausreden mehr. Deswegen habe ich ihn schon aufgebaut. Man muss schon sagen der Aufbau hat etwas länger als nur 10 min gedauert aber dafür macht dieses Fitnessgerät einen stabilen Eindruck. Kein Billigscheiss und deshalb von mir erstmal 5 Sterne. Im Januar kann ich sicherlich noch ein paar Details erläutern....!
And every day, or in this case every year, the groundhog says hello. Happy New Years as always. That's why I decided to buy this cross trainer for the home. No more excuses. That's why I built it up. It has to be said that the assembly took a little longer than just 10 minutes, but this fitness device makes a stable impression. Not cheap shit and that's why I give it 5 stars. I'm sure I'll be able to explain a few more details in January...!
Mi sono decisa! Integriamo del movimento alla mia dieta… e speriamo che questa sia la volta giusta!!! La mia ellittica è arrivata con un paio di giorni di ritardo rispetto alla data stabilita, che mi è stato puntualmente anticipato tramite e-mail da Amazon. La confezione è piuttosto ingombrante e pesante, ma d'altronde non stiamo acquistando un “peso piuma”! Una volta aperta la confezione, al suo interno troviamo tutti i pezzi molto ben imballati e protetti da sacchettini di plastica e protezioni varie. Ammetto di aver chiesto aiuto a mio marito per far prima, ma ad ogni modo anche una donna armata di pazienza, può riuscire tranquillamente a montarla. Appena l’ho provata, ho notato con mia enorme soddisfazione che il macchinario non cigola, a differenza di altri modelli visti e provati personalmente da Decatlon o di cui ho letto le recensioni qui su Amazon. Ammetto che la ricerca per trovare l’attrezzo giusto sia di dimensione, di caratteristiche che di prezzo, è stata ardua! Abituata a quello che usavo in palestra, avevo comunque paura di acquistare una, come si dice “ciofeca”. Invece ho azzeccato in pieno la mia scelta. Il crosstrainer Klarfit Myon Cross è un attrezzo adatto per eseguire i propri esercizi in casa, è ergonomico e non occupa particolare spazio. Personalmente lo trovo molto comodo per offrire un allenamento abbastanza completo per tutto il corpo: braccia, gambe, glutei e spalle. Ha inoltre un coputerino con display integrato che consente di monitorare il tempo, la velocità, le calorie e la distanza. Attraverso i sensori presenti sui manubri, è inoltre possibile tenere sotto controllo il valore del proprio battito cardiaco. Ho trovato altresì comodissimo, il poggia telefono o tablet presente sul computerino, possiamo così ascoltare la nostra musica in estrema comodità. La nostra ellittica può essere collegata inoltre all’applicazione Kinomap, che riproduce paesaggi durante il vostro allenamento. I gradini sono ampi e antiscivolo, assicurano un appoggio stabile. E’ possibile regolare l’intensità deI vostro allenamento attraverso la manopola posizionata davanti a voi. Il peso massimo dell'utente è di 100 kg. Le istruzioni sono disegnate e non in italiano… diciamo che in qualche modo ci si arrangia! Dimensioni: 66 x 151,5 x 85 cm (LxAxP) Peso: circa 22,7 kg
I've made up my mind! Let's integrate some exercise into my diet... and let's hope this is the right time!!! My elliptical arrived a couple of days late compared to the established date, which was promptly anticipated to me via email by Amazon. The package is rather bulky and heavy, but on the other hand we are not buying a "featherweight"! Once the package is opened, inside we find all the pieces very well packaged and protected by plastic bags and various protections. I admit that I asked my husband for help to make it quicker, but in any case even a woman armed with patience can easily manage to assemble it. As soon as I tried it, I noticed with great satisfaction that the machine does not creak, unlike other models seen and personally tested by Decathlon or whose reviews I have read here on Amazon. I admit that the search to find the right tool in terms of size, features and price was arduous! Used to what I used in the gym, I was still afraid of buying a, as they say, "crap". Instead, I made a perfect choice. The Klarfit Myon Cross cross trainer is a tool suitable for doing your exercises at home, it is ergonomic and does not take up much space. Personally, I find it very comfortable to offer a fairly complete workout for the whole body: arms, legs, glutes and shoulders. It also has a computer with an integrated display that allows you to monitor time, speed, calories and distance. Through the sensors on the handlebars, you can also keep track of your heart rate. I also found the phone or tablet holder on the computer very comfortable, so we can listen to our music in extreme comfort. Our elliptical can also be connected to the Kinomap application, which reproduces landscapes during your workout. The steps are wide and non-slip, ensuring stable support. You can adjust the intensity of your workout through the knob positioned in front of you. The maximum user weight is 100 kg. The instructions are drawn and not in Italian... let's say that somehow we manage! Dimensions: 66 x 151.5 x 85 cm (WxHxD) Weight: about 22.7 kg
Ho acquistato questa Cyclette Ellittica, per una mia amica, perché ne aveva bisogno per mettersi un po’ in forma per l’estate . Appena ricevuta ne è rimasta veramente colpita da questo prodotto, dopo averla montata e provata, ha notato che il design è molto bello, molto robusta e poco ingombrante. È dotata di chiave a brugola per il montaggio, con molta calma e semplicità si riesce in mezz’ora ad averla a disposizione, è molto stabile come struttura, ottima da utilizzare per 30/45 minuti di allenamento al giorno. È realizzata con ottimi materiali, ben rifinita e se sfruttata bene si ottengono degli ottimi risultati. Ha una funzionalità eccezionale, il computer di allenamento, ti permette di tenere sempre controllato il battito del cuore e gli sforzi. Che dire, al momento la mia amica è veramente molto soddisfatta, ottimo rapporto qualità/prezzo, quindi la consiglio
I bought this Elliptical Exercise Bike for a friend of mine because she needed it to get in shape for the summer. As soon as she received it, she was really impressed by this product, after having assembled and tried it, she noticed that the design is very nice, very sturdy and not bulky. It comes with an Allen key for assembly, with a lot of calm and simplicity you can have it available in half an hour, it is very stable as a structure, excellent to use for 30/45 minutes of training a day. It is made with excellent materials, well finished and if used well you get excellent results. It has an exceptional functionality, the training computer, allows you to always keep your heart rate and efforts under control. What can I say, at the moment my friend is really very satisfied, excellent quality/price ratio, so I recommend it