[Returns: -10%] SMWBA15 PA Active Subwoofer

[Returns: -10%] SMWBA15 PA Active Subwoofer

376,99 € (incl. VAT)
  • PA Active Subwoofer
  • Black
Product number: 52022863
SMWBA15 PA Active Subwoofer
376,99 € (incl. VAT)
Also available in other conditions
  • Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
  • Shipping time: 4 - 6 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period

Condition - like new, with minor signs of wear

Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty

Top features

  • Active PA subwoofer with 38cm (15 ") woofer

  • Mic section with separate volume controls and echo effect

  • 2-band EQ for perfect sound adjustment

Product description

The Skytec SMWBA15 is a stage-ready active speaker ready for professional use, with a high level of performance and excellent sound quality.

Once the performance limit is reached, the cabinets resonate with a substantial 600W power. The high and low frequencies may be adjusted over a 2-band equaliser, and the PA can be further adjusted with separate volume controls for microphone, subwoofer, and master volume.

Professional connections with jack, RCA, and PA terminals connects the woofer with larger technical environments.

Via the 35mm standard flange, the Skytec speaker may be strategically placed on a stand or act as part of a 2-level stack.

Set-up and take down is done easily by hand thanks to the side bar handles. The heavy, robust MDF enclosure with felt cover and metal edges protects the active box against the physical stresses of touring. 


  • Connections: 1 x 6.3mm jack microphone input, 1 x 6.3mm jack line input, 1 x stereo RCA AUX input, 1 x stereo RCA line output, 2 x PA satellite speaker output
  • Power: max. 600W (300W output, 2x 150w full range amplifier)
  • Frequency range: 20Hz - 20kHz
  • Impedance: 8 ohms
  • Master volume control
  • Sub volume control
  • Rubber stand feet
  • Power supply: AC 230V, 50Hz
Product number: 52022863

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • 52 x 45 x 42cm (WxHxD)
  • Weight: about 27kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x device
  • 1 x English user manual  (other languages: German)

Delivery & shipment

Low stock - order quickly!

Shipping time: 4 - 6 days

Your order will be delivered to the selected address per order. This address does not have to match the billing address. You can send the orders to your family, friends or office if you are not at home during the day.

Safety and Operating Instructions

Product Safety Information

Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin

Responsible Person:
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin

E-mail address:

Customer reviews
6 Ratings

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Eigentlich guter Subwoofer zum (verhältnismäßig) schmalen Taler. Macht ordentlich Bass. Ich nutze ihn fürs Heimkino, dank dem Chinch Anschluss funktioniert das auch super! Aber leider war auch mein Gerät nicht von Skytec sonder von Vonyx. Mir persönlich stört das nicht. Wer nach einem Subwoofer mit guten Preisleistungsverhältnis sucht ist hier genau richtig!

Actually a good subwoofer for a (relatively) small dollar. Makes decent bass. I use it for home cinema, thanks to the chinch connection it also works great! But unfortunately my device was not from Skytec but from Vonyx. I personally don't mind. If you are looking for a subwoofer with a good price-performance ratio, you have come to the right place!


Also zum Anfang ich bin Hobby dj und des geil hat sich somit seit drei Monaten auf unzähligen feiern schon bewährt gemacht......ich weiß es gibt 10000000 mal besseres aber für dieses Geld unschlagbar.......drückt schön....böllert saubere Töne.....bin zufrieden....absolute Empfehlung

Well, to begin with, I'm a hobby dj and the cool has proven itself over the past three months at countless celebrations...I know there are 10,000,000 times better but for this money it's unbeatable....squeeze you. ...booms clean tones.....I'm satisfied....absolute recommendation


Für die Preisklasse ist er sehr gut. Er wird in einem Karton geliefert der ausreichend mit Styropor gepolstert ist. Das einzig Negative ist dass das Gitter klappert doch dies kann man beheben in dem man unter der Membrane, dort ist ein kleiner Holz schutzt der verhindern soll das wenn das Gitter eingedrückt ist das dieses auf die Membrane drückt, eine kleine Schraube hinein dreht. Zu dem anschließen von Satelieten Lautsprecher kann ich nichts sagen da ich ihn mit meiner Passiven Anlage verbunden haben. Natürlich solltet ihr kein Abrisskomando erwarten aber er macht für die Klasse recht gute Bässe.

For the price range it is very good. It is delivered in a box that is sufficiently padded with styrofoam. The only negative is that the grille rattles, but this can be fixed by turning a small screw under the membrane, there is a small piece of wood that should prevent the grille from pressing on the membrane if it is dented. I can't say anything about connecting satellite speakers because I connected them to my passive system. Of course you shouldn't expect a demolition squad, but he makes pretty good basses for the class.


Pri rozbalení ma prekvapila váha, subwoofer váži až 25kg, čo je prekvapivo dosť veľa na Skytec. Prvé dojmy boli super, profesionálny design, žiadne blikajúce farebné LED-ky, ani žiadne svietiace Skytec biele logá na repráku a podobné blbosti. Keď som ho prvý krát zapojil a veľmi profesionálne pustil hudbu z mobilu, tak zvuk ktorý išiel zo subwooferu bol príjemný na počúvanie, žiadne uhuhlané basy proste dobré ""warm"" basy. Keďže zvedavosť mi nedala, rozobral som ho a pozrel som sa na vnútorné súčiastky a hlavne basový driver. Predná mriežka je prichytená 13-timi šróbami, a basák ani neviem koľkatími. Keď som odskrutkoval aj driver tak bol tiež prekvapivo ťažký na skytec. Vo vnútri som zistil že pre subwoofer sú 2 oddelené zosiľňovače a pre stereo výstup ne satelity je jeden, asi nejaký TDA72 dačo :D , ale vec ktorá ma naozaj prekvapila bola samostatná pasívna výhybka priskrutkovaná na stene ozvučnice. Neviem prečo ale v ozvučnici bol nejaký bordel, prach, kúsky dreva. To som povysával, a ešte som odrezal zbytočné kúsky koberca ktoré boli v ozvučnici. Driver ( basák ) hrá prekvapivo dobre. No, a teraz ku sound testu. Keď tomu pridáte viac ako 60% tak sa vám začnú triasť skrine, a lustre ( naozaj :D ) No, pripojil som ku nemu ešte jeden LEWITZ PS112A, a hralo to vcelku pekne, subwoofer je počuť lepšie až keď sa od neho oddialiťe aspoň o 10m, takže ozvučí to vcelku veľkú miestnosť. Pred jeho kúpu som rozmýšľal o subwoofri Skytec SMWA15, ale to je totálny šrot oproti tomuto :D , má síce nastavenie fázy a nastavenie Hz, ale váži o polovicu menej ako tento ( čo o niečom svedčí ) , a je tam použitý oveľa horší basák ako v tomto SMWBA15. Celkové hodnotenie: Klady + Pekný design + Dobrý ""warm"" zvuk + Spracovanie + Výstup na 2 pasívne fullrange satelity s nastaviteľným EQ +Super cena Zápory - Nemá signalizačnú LED že je v prevádzke - Po rozbalení máte po celej izbe polystyrén grin – emotikon - Prídete o dobré vzťahy so susedmi grin – emotikon grin – emotikon Záver : Za túto cenu nieje lepšia voľba, exituje podobný subwoofer a to Ibiza Sub15A, ale tie sa dosť často odpaľujú sú horšie spracované. Takže tento subwoofer rozhodne odporúčam :) .

When unpacking, I was surprised by the weight, the subwoofer weighs up to 25 kg, which is surprisingly quite a lot for a Skytec. The first impressions were great, professional design, no flashing colored LEDs, no flashing Skytec white logos on the speaker and similar nonsense. When I plugged it in for the first time and played music from my mobile phone in a very professional manner, the sound coming from the subwoofer was pleasant to listen to, no muffled bass, just good "warm" bass. Since my curiosity didn't work, I took it apart and looked at the internal parts and especially the bass driver. The front grill is attached with 13 screws, and the bass with I don't even know how many. When I unscrewed the driver, it was also surprisingly heavy for the skytec. Inside, I found out that there are 2 separate amplifiers for the subwoofer and one for the stereo output, not the satellites, probably some TDA72 something :D, but the thing that really surprised me was a separate passive crossover screwed on the wall of the sound box. I don't know why, but there was some mess, dust, pieces of wood in the sound box. I vacuumed it, and I also cut off the unnecessary pieces of carpet that were in the sound box. Driver (bass player) plays surprisingly well. Well, and now to the sound test. If you add more than 60%, your cabinets and chandeliers will start to shake (really :D) Well, I connected another LEWITZ PS112A to it, and it played quite nicely, the subwoofer can only be heard better when you move away from it at least 10 m, so it will sound a fairly large room. Before buying it, I was thinking about the Skytec SMWA15 subwoofer, but it's a total waste compared to this one :D, it does have phase adjustment and Hz adjustment, but it weighs half as much as this one (which proves something), and a much worse bass is used there than in this SMWBA15. Overall evaluation: Pros + Nice design + Good "warm" sound + Processing + Output for 2 passive full-range satellites with adjustable EQ + Great price Cons - It does not have an LED indicating that it is in operation - After unpacking, you have polystyrene grin - emoticon all over the room - You will lose good relations with your neighbors grin - emoticon grin - emoticon Conclusion: At this price, there is no better choice, there is a similar subwoofer, the Ibiza Sub15A, but they often blow up and are worse processed. So I definitely recommend this subwoofer :).


Non mi aspettavo di essere esattamente come descritto dal venditore .., basso e un amplificatore apprezzato. Lo raccomando con la fiducia!!!! ottimo prodotto

I didn't expect it to be exactly as described by the seller.., bass and an appreciated amp. I recommend it with confidence!!!! great product


Preis/Leistung: „sehr gut“ „... Selbst bei 30 Hertz konnte das Messlabor noch 113 Dezibel ermitteln ... Zumal auch die Bedienung dank sinnvoller Features und Fernbedienung ausgesprochen einfach von der Hand geht. ... Tatsächlich: Es gibt gerade im Bereich der Filmmusik ein Leben unterhalb 30 Hertz. Und der nuVero verfügt über den Tiefgang und die Präzision, um diesen Bereich erlebbar zu machen.“

Price/performance: "very good" "... Even at 30 Hertz, the measuring laboratory was still able to determine 113 decibels... Especially since operation is also extremely easy thanks to useful features and remote control. ... In fact: there is life below 30 Hertz, especially in the field of film music. And the nuVero has the depth and precision to make this area tangible.”