[Returns: -15%] BSX-12A PA Speaker

96,99 €
Original price: 137,99 €
(incl. VAT)
  • PA Speaker
  • Black
Product number: 53021708
BSX-12A PA Speaker
96,99 €
Original price: 137,99 €
(incl. VAT)
Also available in other conditions
  • Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    110,99 €
    Original price: 137,99 €
  • Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
  • Shipping time: 4 - 6 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period

Condition - acceptable, with signs of wear

Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear

Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty

Top features

  • Pair of black 2-way speakers with 30cm (12") woofer and 80 watts RMS power

  • USB port and SD slot for music playback from USB flash drives, MP3 players, and SD memory cards

  • Microphone section with two jack inputs, separate volume controls and echo effect

Product description

The OneConcept BSX-12A speaker set consists of an active and a passive component, which together provide rich sound, versatile connectivity and a portable design with a focus on Karaoke applications. With 80 watts of RMS power, linear tweeters and a powerful 30cm (12") woofer, the OneConcept BSX-12A master-slave speaker system produces a dynamic sound with clear highs and a punchy bass. The bass reflex design provides additional emphasis. Via the OneConcept BSX-12A speaker set's front USB and SD ports, MP3 files can be played directly from the appropriate media. Via the RCA line input jack and auxiliary input boxes, the speakers may be connected to wired audio devices such as smartphones, CD players or laptops. The karaoke section, which features two microphone jack inputs with dedicated volume controls and echo effect, makes singing and voice-based events easy. The OneConcept BSX-12A speaker system is easy to transport thanks to its relatively lightweight yet rugged bass reflex enclosure as well as its convenient carrying handles on top of the boxes. The speakers can fit easily even in smaller car boots. An edge protection made of metal and a speaker cover protect the boxes from possible damage during transport.


  • Connections: 1 x USB port, 1 x microSD memory card slot, 2 x 6.3 mm jack microphone input, 1 x 3.5mm jack AUX input, 1 x stereo RCA line input, 1 x set of speaker terminals (per box)
  • 2-band equaliser for sound adjustment
  • MP3-operating section
  • Speaker protection grille
  • Stands
  • Power LED
  • Power button on the rear side
  • Power supply: AC 230V, 50Hz
Product number: 53021708

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • 36 x 63.5 x 30cm (WxHxD)
  • Active box weight: 9.7kg
  • Passive box weight: 8.4kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x active box
  • 1 x passive box
  • 1 x speaker cable
  • 1 x English user manual (other languages​​: German)

Delivery & shipment

Low stock - order quickly!

Shipping time: 4 - 6 days

Your order will be delivered to the selected address per order. This address does not have to match the billing address. You can send the orders to your family, friends or office if you are not at home during the day.

Safety and Operating Instructions

Product Safety Information

Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin

Responsible Person:
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin

E-mail address:

Customer reviews
2 Ratings

No review available for this item.


Conoscevo la marca OneConcept, anche se l’esperienza di un frullino acquistato in un centro commerciale non mi aveva entusiasmato per via delle plastiche. Tuttavia ho pensato che il problema non sussistesse con delle casse, anche perché cercavo qualcosa di grazioso da regalare al centro aggregativo parrocchiale del mio quartiere, dato che spesso fanno feste per le i bambini e le famiglie e devono affittare la strumentazione, pur non avendo alcuna sovvenzione. Visto che salvano dalla strada un bel po’ di ragazzini che altrimenti farebbero una brutta fine, mi è sembrato il minimo poter contribuire con un piccolo pensiero. In particolare, a parte le casse passive, cercavo qualcosa che potesse aiutare col karaoke. Quindi ingresso microfoni e lettore da memoria esterna. E credo di averle trovate. Arrivano in due grosse scatole pesanti circa dieci kg l’una, una contenente la cassa master (quella attiva, con interruttore, manopole e porte per memorie esterne) e l’altra la cassa passiva (che si collega alla prima con i cavi in dotazione). Ognuna di esse è alta circa 86 cm (x 31,5 cm x 26 cm), quindi tenetene conto se pensate siano piccoline! Le ho provate subito collegando una pendrive con degli MP3 dentro e ha cominciato a riprodurli in modo egregio, anche se con i bassi un po’ esagerati. E’ bastato agire sulla manopola corretta per abbassarli e, anche se avevo soltanto una casa attiva (l’altra non l’avevo ancora collegata) il suono era sufficientemente potente già al 20% del volume. Ovviamente quando ho collegato la seconda, mi bastava una cassa di fronte e una chitarra elettrica per iniziare a fare come Brian May al Live Aid. Le successive prove le svolte inserendo una scheda di memoria e collegando un microfono con jack da 6,3mm (se ne possono inserire due contemporaneamente). Stesso buon risultato, basta agire sulle manopole per trovare un corretto equilibrio. Lo stesso dicasi per l’ingresso AUX e quello stereo RCA. Insomma, il comparto acustico non solo è completo (manca giusto il bluetooth) ma è in linea con la fascia di prezzo, risultando eccellente per l’utilizzatore medio (come nel mio caso). Ho apprezzato molto la linea della casse: non tanto l’aspetto estetico, visto che difficilmente casse del genere verrebbero usate in un ufficio serioso, quanto per le possibilità di trasporto al di là del peso. Le maniglie laterali sono comodissime, mentre i vertici sono rinforzati in metallo. Non è provvista di telecomando (altri prodotti simili ce l’hanno, ma direi che è abbastanza inutile), il manuale è solo in inglese e tedesco ma il funzionamento è così elementare che non se ne sente la mancanza. Del resto, difficilmente una persona che non sa utilizzare un equalizzatore acquista un set di casse così potente, preferendone magari una singola e dal prezzo inferiore. Per meno di 70 euro a cassa direi che ne vale la pena e sono contento di averle scelte. Hanno fatto felice una piccola comunità e, di riflesso, anche me. Vedrò poi la resa in un grande ambiente a Natale, così da avere maggior informazioni da poter condividere in questa recensione.

I was familiar with the OneConcept brand, although the experience of a whisk bought in a shopping center had not impressed me because of the plastics. However, I thought that the problem didn't exist with speakers, also because I was looking for something nice to give to the parish community center in my neighborhood, given that they often have parties for children and families and have to rent equipment, even though they don't have any grant. Since they save quite a few kids from the street who would otherwise end up badly, it seemed to me the least to be able to contribute with a little thought. In particular, aside from passive speakers, I was looking for something that would help with karaoke. Then microphone input and reader from external memory. And I think I have found them. They arrive in two large boxes weighing about ten kg each, one containing the master speaker (the active one, with switch, knobs and ports for external memories) and the other the passive speaker (which connects to the first one with the supplied cables ). Each one is approximately 86cm tall (x 31.5cm x 26cm), so bear that in mind if you think they're tiny! I immediately tried them by connecting a pendrive with some MP3s inside and it started playing them very well, even if the bass was a bit exaggerated. It was enough to act on the correct knob to lower them and, even if I only had one house active (the other one I hadn't connected yet) the sound was powerful enough already at 20% volume. Obviously when I connected the second one, a crate in front of me and an electric guitar was enough to start doing like Brian May at Live Aid. Subsequent tests are carried out by inserting a memory card and connecting a microphone with a 6.3mm jack (two can be inserted at the same time). Same good result, just turn the knobs to find the correct balance. The same goes for the AUX input and stereo RCA input. In short, the acoustic sector is not only complete (the bluetooth is just missing) but it is in line with the price range, making it excellent for the average user (as in my case). I really appreciated the line of cases: not so much the aesthetic aspect, given that cases like this would hardly be used in a serious office, but for the transport possibilities beyond the weight. The side handles are very comfortable, while the tops are reinforced in metal. It doesn't come with a remote control (other similar products have it, but I'd say it's pretty useless), the manual is only in English and German but the operation is so elementary that you don't miss it. After all, it is difficult for a person who does not know how to use an equalizer to buy such a powerful set of speakers, perhaps preferring a single one with a lower price. For less than 70 euros per case I'd say they're worth it and I'm glad I chose them. They made a small community happy and, by extension, me too. I will then see the performance in a large environment at Christmas, so that I have more information to share in this review.


Vi scrivo questa recensione perché ho ricevuto qualche giorno addietro queste fantastiche casse altoparlanti comprate qui su Amazon da Elektronik-Star. Solitamente leggo molte recensioni su Amazon ma sono dell’opinione che più dettagliati si cerca di essere, maggiore aiuto possono ricevere coloro i quali sono interessati al prodotto che io ho già preso e quindi testato. Iniziamo dalla spedizione arrivata ovviamente puntuale in due pacchi separati che contenevano le due casse. Nella scatole ho trovato: un manuale di istruzioni in tedesco (ma tanto non vi servirà poiché i comandi sono semplicissimi), le casse altoparlanti e un cavetto per collegarle tra loro di due metri circa. Le casse sono belle d’aspetto e anche discretamente rifinite. Non pesano molto e sono facilmente trasportabili grazie ai manici laterali. Esteticamente fanno la loro figura! La sezione per i comandi è chiara e semplice! Ci sono due entrate per i microfoni con le rispettive manopole per regolarle (m.echo ed m.vol) le comodissime entrate USB e MicroSD (con rispettivi pulsanti per gestire le canzoni), l’entrata AUX comoda per attaccare rapidamente smartphone, tablet ecc., ed infine le manopole di volume e bassi. Cercavo delle casse così per metterle ai lati del mio letto e devo dire che ci stanno benissimo!   Dopo questa piccola introduzione andiamo più nel dettaglio tecnico del dispositivo: Coppia di altoparlanti a due vie neri con TRE subwoofer da 20cm (8"") e 1400 Watt di potenza con alimentazione AC 230V a 50Hz, interruttore on/off nella parte posteriore e power LED.  La mia esperienza: Ho preso questo articolo perché sono una amante della musica e mi serviva amplificare il suono del mio fantastico giradischi allora ho pensato che queste casse facessero al caso mio! Devo ammettere che il suono riprodotto è perfetto! Neanche io mi aspettavo una tale qualità audio! Nessun fastidioso fruscio o eco. Ho testato le casse con diverse tipologie di canzoni che vanno dal rock al rap e vi posso assicurare che anche i bassi mi hanno soddisfatto! Il volume delle casse è abbastanza alto, per quel che mi riguarda perfetto visto che comunque sono in un condominio con altre persone e non potrei tenerlo eccessivamente alto. Perfetto quindi per un uso casalingo! La cosa migliore quindi? Qualità audio ottima!  In conclusione posso dirvi che il rapporto qualità prezzo di queste casse è accattivante! La qualità delle stesse e le soddisfazioni che mi stanno dando sono davvero buone. Spero di essere stato abbastanza esauriente riguardo la mia personale esperienza sul prodotto e di avervi potuto descrivere il dispositivo togliendovi, nel caso ci fossero, tutti i dubbi che avevate. Buon acquisto!

I am writing this review because a few days ago I received these fantastic speaker boxes bought here on Amazon from Elektronik-Star. I usually read many reviews on Amazon but I am of the opinion that the more detailed one tries to be, the more help those who are interested in the product that I have already taken and therefore tested can receive. Let's start with the shipment, which obviously arrived on time in two separate packages that contained the two crates. In the boxes I found: an instruction manual in German (but you won't need it anyway since the controls are very simple), the speaker boxes and a cable to connect them to each other of about two meters. The cases are beautiful in appearance and also discreetly finished. They do not weigh much and are easily transportable thanks to the side handles. Aesthetically they look great! The command section is clear and simple! There are two inputs for the microphones with the respective knobs to adjust them (m.echo and m.vol) the very comfortable USB and MicroSD inputs (with respective buttons to manage the songs), the AUX input convenient for quickly attaching smartphones, tablets, etc. ., and finally the volume and bass knobs. I was looking for boxes like this to put them on the sides of my bed and I must say they look great! After this small introduction let's go into more technical detail of the device: Pair of black two-way loudspeakers with THREE 20cm (8"") subwoofers and 1400 Watts of power with AC 230V at 50Hz power supply, on/off switch on the back and power LEDs. My experience: I bought this article because I am a music lover and I needed to amplify the sound of my fantastic turntable so I thought these speakers were right for me! I have to admit that the reproduced sound is perfect! I didn't expect such audio quality either! No annoying hiss or echoes. I tested the speakers with different types of songs ranging from rock to rap and I can assure you that even the bass satisfied me! The volume of the speakers is quite high, as far as I'm concerned, perfect since I'm in a condominium with other people anyway and I couldn't keep it too high. So perfect for home use! The best thing then? Great sound quality! In conclusion I can tell you that the value for money of these speakers is captivating! The quality of them and the satisfaction they are giving me are really good. I hope I have been exhaustive enough regarding my personal experience with the product and that I have been able to describe the device to you by removing, if there were any, all the doubts you had. Good purchase!