DX1200 PA Amplifier

DX1200 PA Amplifier

207,99 € (incl. VAT)
Included in this price is a contribution to recycling costs of 0.00 EUR
  • PA amplifier
  • Black
Product number: 10021666
DX1200 PA Amplifier
207,99 € (incl. VAT)
Also available in other conditions
  • Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    166,99 €
  • Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
  • Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period

Top features

  • PA amplifier with 1200 watts maximum power (2 x 600W at 4Ohms, 2 x 4000W at 8 ohms, 1200W Bridge-power at 8 ohms)

  • Suitable on 48cm (19") rack installation - 2 rack units

  • Bridgeable - 2/1- channel operation

Product description

The Malone DX1200is a powerful PA amplifier that gives your audio signal the power required whenworking with a large audience. The amp is fed with sound through two RCA inputjacks and two 6.3 mm audio inputs. The connection to the speakers is made byfeeding the audio signal either through the two NL4 outputs, the two 6.3 mmjacks or the screw terminals, making the DX1200 a versatile amp for a varietyof locations and connection situations.

Every audio channel is equipped with the ordinary 600 watts.The output power of each channel can be easily configured using the two handyfront panel knobs. The amplifier can be operated in so-called bridge mode withonly one channel as an alternative to the two-channel stereo mode. Changing betweenthe two variants is easily done with a switch back and forth. The performanceof this one channel is doubled accordingly and pushes the audio signal to thespeakers with a powerful 1200 watts. Sonically, we should not be afraid to pushthe performance of the amplifier because even at the highest levels, the DX1200produces a very clean sound.

For the case of internal ground loops and hum the circuit ofthe device can be very easily separated from the crowd with the Ground LiftSwitch. The casing of the DX1200 offers a clean design that accuratelyrepresents the force of the booster. It is made entirely of metal and is easilyloadable on a 48cm (19") rack installation.


  • Inputs: 2 x 6.3mm jack, 2 x RCA
  • Outputs: 2 x NL4, 2 x 6.3mm jack, 2 x screw terminal
  • Two large, ergonomic knobs for easy adjustment to thedesired level
  • Ground/lift switch
  • Resilient metal housing
  • Channel by channel adjustable volume
  • LED indication for clipping and backup
  • Frequency range: 10Hz to 20kHz
  • Damping factor:> 250
  • S/N Ratio:> 90dB
  • Slew Rate: 30V/uSec
  • Input sensitivity: 0.77 V
  • Input impedance: 20k ohms
  • Total harmonic distortion: <0.1%
  • Supply voltage:
  • Power button
  • Power supply: 220V/50Hz
Product number: 10021666

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • 48.2 x 8.8 x 31.4 cm (WxHxD)
  • Weight: about 9 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x device
  • English manual (other languages​​: German)

Delivery & shipment

Low stock - order quickly!

Shipping time: 3 - 5 days

Your order will be delivered to the selected address per order. This address does not have to match the billing address. You can send the orders to your family, friends or office if you are not at home during the day.

Safety and Operating Instructions

Download user manual

Product Safety Information

Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin

Responsible Person:
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin

E-mail address:

Customer reviews
38 Ratings

No review available for this item.


Fait son TAF comme dit dans la description peus poussé le son sans problem il tiens sans chaufffer et sans grésillement .

Does its job as stated in the description, can turn up the sound without any problem, it holds up without heating or crackling.


Super bien

Very good


Commande arrivé rapidement article de qualité rien à dire juste parfait

Order arrived quickly, quality item, nothing to say, just perfect


Thanks...all sorted

Thanks...all sorted


Fonctionne parfaitement avec deux enceintes 800 watt 8 homes très satisfait

Works perfectly with two 800 watt 8 homes speakers very satisfied


gute qualität, schnelle lieferung, top!

good quality, fast delivery, great!


Ampli très puissant Installe dans mon jardin Livraison rapide , et je suis un vrai client Amazon Depuis peu,reçu à Aubagne en avril 2021 Trop content du résultat et du prix ️️️

Very powerful amplifier Installed in my garden Fast delivery, and I am a real Amazon customer Recently, received in Aubagne in April 2021 Very happy with the result and the price ️️️


Leider ist der verbaute Lüfter sehr laut, ein Betrieb ist in leiser Umgebung nicht möglich. Aber nach dem Austausch gegen 2 Stück sehr leisen Lüftern (Umbauanleitung ist im Internet zu finden) ein Topp Gerät...

Unfortunately, the built-in fan is very loud, and operation in a quiet environment is not possible. But after replacing it with 2 very quiet fans (conversion instructions can be found on the Internet) a top device...


Ampli sono efficace. Multiplicité des Connectiques pratiques. Rendu sonore impeccable. Rapport qualité/ prix très intéressant. On entend le ventilo faire son job, et ca reste supportable.

Effective sound amplifier. Multiplicity of practical connections. Impeccable sound reproduction. Very interesting quality/price ratio. We can hear the fan doing its job, and it remains bearable.


Die Lüftungsschlitze auf der Oberseite sind nicht durchdacht so lassen sie sich schlecht im Rack betreiben wenn man ruhig schlafen können will. Leistung ... ja kann ich nicht beantworten da die bestellten Lautsprecher Schrott waren und einer den Geist aufgab. Die angegebene Leistung wird sie nicht haben , aber das Design und der Klang waren für mich ok, was nettes für zuhause aber wer es zuverlässig will sollte sich was von Thomann besorgen gute Sets die ordentlich Spaß machen. z.b. von The Box

The ventilation slots on the top are not well thought out, so they are difficult to use in the rack if you want to be able to sleep peacefully. Performance ... I can't answer yes because the speakers ordered were scrap and one gave up the ghost. It won't have the specified performance, but the design and the sound were ok for me, which is nice for at home, but if you want it to be reliable, you should get some good sets from Thomann that are a lot of fun. e.g. from The Box


Der Lüfter ist sehr laut und leider nicht temperaturgesteuert. Ansonsten sauberer Klang.

The fan is very loud and unfortunately not temperature-controlled. Otherwise clean sound.


preis-leistungsverhältnis top und der Tohn ist super macht zu dem genug lehrm um die Nachbarn verrückt zu machen und für alle die sich nicht so gut mit der tehmatick auskennen die Bedienung ist kinderleicht

Price-performance ratio is great and the sound is great, enough to make the neighbors crazy and for those who are not so familiar with the tehmatick the operation is very easy


Preis-Leistung ist unglaublich. Nutze den Verstärker in einem Raum mit ca. 70 qm - absolut faszinierend mit welcher Leistung dieser Verstärker den Raum ausfüllt. Klar für eine Wohnung absolut ungeeignet - man braucht da schon ein ganzes Stück Abstand zu seinem Nachbarn :-). Ja der Lüfter ist laut - so ein Verstärker ist sicherlich nichts fürs Wohnzimmer - da gibt es ruhigere Lösungen. Wenn man mit dem Verstärker das macht wofür er gedacht ist (laut Musik hören), dann hört man den Lüfter auch nicht. :-).

Value for money is incredible. Use the amplifier in a room with approx. 70 square meters - absolutely fascinating with what power this amplifier fills the room. Absolutely unsuitable for an apartment - you need quite a bit of distance to your neighbors :-). Yes, the fan is loud - such an amplifier is certainly not for the living room - there are quieter solutions. If you use the amplifier to do what it is intended for (listening to loud music), you will not hear the fan either. :-).


das Ding macht seien zweck , keine Probleme , seit dem kauf

the thing makes its purpose, no problems since the purchase


tres bien dans l ensemble

very good overall


Très bien






Die perfekte endstufe für meine high End Boxen.allerdings habe ich Kabel bis in den Keller gelegt.damit das lüftergeräusch den Klang der Lautsprecher nicht stört.auch bei kleinen Lautstärken .besonders geeignete endstufe für leistungshungrige High End HIFi Boxen

The perfect power amplifier for my high-end speakers. However, I have laid cables down to the basement. So that the fan noise does not disturb the sound of the loudspeakers


Die perfekte Endstufe für leistunghungrrige Lautsprecher

The perfect power amplifier for power-hungry loudspeakers


Bei diesem Preis kann man keinen Fehler machen. Ich habe bereits 3 Sportveranstaltungen mit 4 PA Boxen den Verstärker im Betrieb gehabt. Er hat dies mühelos geschafft und da war noch viel Luft nach oben, also die Lautstäkeregelung maximal auf 40% gestellt. Das ganze Stadion habe ich damit beschallt. Der Lüfter ist zwar &#34;relativ&#34; laut, aber im Betrieb überhaupt kein Problem. Also bisher alles so wie ich mir das vorgestellt habe.

At this price you can't go wrong. I have already had the amplifier in operation at 3 sporting events with 4 PA boxes. He managed this effortlessly and there was still a lot of room for improvement, so the volume control was set to a maximum of 40%. I covered the whole stadium with it. The fan is "relatively" loud, but not a problem at all during operation. So far everything is as I imagined it.


Benutze das Gerät nicht nur für Feste, sondern auch für meine Musiker-Bassanlage. Allerdings sind die Lüfter etwas laut, sollte man nach Ablauf der Garantie-Zeit austauschen. Daß an ein paar Euro vom Hersteller gespart wird, ist unverständlich.

I use the device not only for parties, but also for my musician's bass system. However, the fans are a bit noisy and should be replaced after the warranty period has expired. It is incomprehensible that the manufacturer saves a few euros.


Hallo. Wahre angekommen wie beschrieben fehlt nur eine rechnung sonnst alles ok

Hello. Arrived true as described, only one invoice is missing, otherwise everything is ok





Très bon rapport qualité prix.

Very good value for money.


fonctionne nickel avec 2 enceintes de 1000w

works perfectly with 2 1000w speakers


Entweder das Gerät hat eine erheblich geringere Leistung als angegeben oder meine bisherige 700W Enstufe hat eine erheblich höhere. Jedenfalls war kaum ein Ton zu hören. ( Saalgröße 300 Personen.

Either the device has a significantly lower output than stated or my previous 700W amplifier has a significantly higher one. In any case, there was hardly a sound to be heard. ( Room size 300 people.


Der Verstärker Bringt seit fast drei Jahren eine gute Leistung an meine 300 Watt Lautsprecher . Für den Preis bekommt man eine gute Leistung Für größere Boxen (400 Watt - ~ ) würde ich ihn nich benutzen ansonsten bin ich sehr zufrieden

The amp has been performing well on my 300 watt speakers for almost three years. You get good performance for the price. I wouldn't use it for larger speakers (400 watts - ~ ) otherwise I'm very satisfied


ampli correct fonctionne très bien même après plusieurs essais

correct amp works very well even after several tries


Habe die Anlage als Hobby DJ ca. 1 Mal im Monat im Einsatz. Hier erfüllt sie ihren Zweck voll und ganz. Dafür also super geeignet!

I use the system as a hobby DJ about once a month. Here it fully serves its purpose. So great for that!


Für kleines Geld eine gute Endstufe, für meinen Kursraum Top. Hat genug Power, sauberer Klang. Was will man mehr. 5 Sterne

A good power amplifier for little money, great for my classroom. Has enough power, clean sound. What more do you want. 5 Stars


Klasse verarbeiteter Verstärker. Bin positiv überrascht, zusammen mit meinem Soundsystem KAMINARI SIDOX | 46 cm (18&#34;) / 30 cm (12&#34;) | 1000W / 1900W ein klasse Sounderlebnis!

Class processed amplifier. Am positively surprised, together with my sound system KAMINARI SIDOX | 46cm (18") / 30cm (12") | 1000W / 1900W a great sound experience!


PA läuft reibungslos...dass bei dem Wat Power auch ein laufender Lüfter nicht stört...versteht sich doch von ganz alleine...kann diese Kommentare nicht nachvollziehen...oder habt Ihr euch den PA für eure Heimische Schrankwand geholt.... Ja bei Flüsterleisen Tönen.....ist der Lüfter natürlich zu hören.....aber doch nicht bei 2x 1000 Wat....

PA runs smoothly...that with the Wat Power a running fan doesn't bother you...it goes without saying...can't understand these comments...or did you get the PA for your home wall unit... .. Yes with whisper-quiet sounds.....of course the fan can be heard.....but not at 2x 1000 watts....


Ich habe die Rezensionen gelesen und wusste: 1. Die Lautstärke des Lüfters IST laut. 2. Vielleicht kommen da nicht die 2x1400Watt an 4 Ohm raus die ich brauche. Da dieser Verstärker ja doch gute Rezensionen hat habe ich ihn bestellt. Am Nächsten Tag um 14 Uhr war er gut verpackt und Funktionsfähig da. Ich verwende den MALONE DX800 für 2 Pioneer ts-w311d4. Die 2 1400 Watt Boxen kommen an ihre grenzen wenn man die Regler aufdreht. Die Anschlüsse sind so wie auf dem Bild dargestellt vorhanden. Es liegt eine Ordentliche Produktbeschreibung bei in der man auf Dinge hingewiesen wird, die man beachten sollte. (Z.B. Den Brückenmodus ausschalten wenn man 2 Boxen anschließen möchte!) Der Brückenmodus funktioniert tadellos und die Funktion zum beseitigen von Statischen Brummgeräuschen funktioniert auch so wie es vorgesehen ist. Alles in allem kein minuspunkt. Eine Kaufempfehlung an alle, die mit dem Verstärker Hallen oder Räume beschallen wollen. Für das Heimkino usw NICHT geeignet wegen des lauten Kühlsystems. Wenn was kaputt geht oder sonstwas dann bearbeite ich meine Rezension.

I read the reviews and I knew: 1. The fan volume IS loud. 2. Maybe the 2x1400Watt at 4 ohms that I need won't come out. I ordered this amp because it had good reviews. The next day at 2 p.m. it was well packed and functional. I use the MALONE DX800 for 2 Pioneer ts-w311d4. The 2 1400 watt boxes reach their limits when you turn up the controls. The connections are as shown in the picture. A proper product description is included, which points out things that should be considered. (E.g. switch off the bridge mode if you want to connect 2 boxes!) The bridge mode works perfectly and the function to eliminate static hum also works as intended. All in all not a minus point. A purchase recommendation for anyone who wants to use the amplifier to fill halls or rooms with sound. NOT suitable for home theater etc because of the noisy cooling system. If something breaks or something, I'll edit my review.


Un ottimo affare questo Malone DX3000, soldi spesi davvero bene, sono rimasto davvero soddisfatto della potenza di questo amplificatore che include numerose funzioni tra cui quella di usare a ponte i due canali per generare ben 3000W su un unico canale su 8 Ohm, le modalità di output sono molteplici, ovviamente io consiglio si usare i connettori speakon per una questione di praticità e sicurezza. - Questo amplificatore è dotato di dispositivo di protezione che mette in blocco il funzionamento dell'impianto se ci dovessero essere problemi o surriscaldamenti in grado di danneggiare il sistema. Il led power ci avvisa che l'amplificatore è in funzione, consiglio di tenere il volume dei canali sempre a 3/4 per non surriscaldare l'amplificatore durante lunghe ore di lavoro. I due led che ci avvisano quando l'amplificatore sta andando in clipping, quindi dovremo abbassare il volume (non spaventatevi se questi si accendono per brevi frazioni di secondo, bisogna abbassare il volume solamente quando restano accesi per più tempo). - Volevo spendere alcune parole per quelli che dicono che questi amplificatori non funzionano a dovere, il segnale di input deve essere preso da una sorgente adeguata, dico questo perchè se utilizziamo un cellulare o un normale MP3 l'amplificatore amplificherà un piccolo segnale restituendo un output non adeguato, mentre se viene collegato ad un CDJ o un Mixer le prestazioni generali dello stesso saranno raddoppiate. - Il sistema di raffreddamento funziona magnificamente, infatti sono presenti ben DUE ventole per tenerlo freddo, durante il test l'ho tenuto per molto tempo con il volume dei due canali quasi al massimo e non ho riscontrato alcun riscaldamento. - Durante il test ho utilizzato il canale di destra per la riproduzione dei medi/alti e quello di sinistra per i bassi (utilizzando un equalizzatore su ogni canale), infatti ho voluto testare questo amplificatore con due altoparlanti che riproducessero una frequenza di suoni differente e devo dire che si è comportato ottimamente in entrambi i canali, suono pulito e potente. Se volete un impianto di qualità, con possibilità di espansione, questo amplificatore fa al caso vostro, la facilità di installazione è pazzesca se utilizzate i connettori Speakon, io per esempio li ho costruiti da solo (su internet sono disponibili foto degli schemi di collegamento), utilizzando un cavo 2 X 2,5 di spessore per evitare surriscaldamenti e aumentare la sicurezza. Un prodotto dalla qualità-prezzo fantastica, vi terrò aggiornati su come si comporta questo amplificatore nel tempo.

An excellent deal this Malone DX3000, money really well spent, I was really satisfied with the power of this amplifier which includes numerous functions including that of using the two channels in bridge to generate 3000W on a single channel on 8 Ohm, the outputs are multiple, obviously I recommend using the speakon connectors for a matter of practicality and safety. - This amplifier is equipped with a protection device which blocks system operation should there be problems or overheating which could damage the system. The power LED warns us that the amplifier is working, I recommend always keeping the volume of the channels at 3/4 so as not to overheat the amplifier during long hours of work. The two LEDs that warn us when the amplifier is clipping, so we will have to lower the volume (don't be scared if these light up for short fractions of a second, you have to lower the volume only when they stay on for longer). - I wanted to say a few words for those who say that these amplifiers do not work properly, the input signal must be taken from a suitable source, I say this because if we use a mobile phone or a normal MP3 the amplifier will amplify a small signal returning an output not adequate, while if it is connected to a CDJ or a Mixer the general performance of the same will be doubled. - The cooling system works beautifully, in fact there are TWO fans to keep it cold, during the test I kept it for a long time with the volume of the two channels almost at maximum and I didn't find any heating. - During the test I used the right channel for mid/high reproduction and the left one for bass (using an equalizer on each channel), in fact I wanted to test this amplifier with two loudspeakers reproducing a different sound frequency and I must say that it performed excellently in both channels, clean and powerful sound. If you want a quality system, with the possibility of expansion, this amplifier is right for you, the ease of installation is crazy if you use the Speakon connectors, for example I built them myself (photos of the connection diagrams are available on the internet) , using 2 X 2.5 thick wire to prevent overheating and increase safety. A fantastic value for money product, I will keep you posted on how this amp performs over time.


Produto de excelente qualidade e preço muito acessivel, e de referir qua o atendimento da empresa é muito bom e rapido

Excellent quality product and very affordable price, and it should be noted that the company's service is very good and fast


Also die Subs hatten im Vergleich mit einer Crown 450 CSL deutlich weniger Power. Für die Sats reicht es aber ich schätze das maximal 2x 350 &#39;Watt dahinterstecken.

So the subs had significantly less power compared to a Crown 450 CSL. It's enough for the sats, but I guess there's a maximum of 2x 350 watts behind it.


Calidad precio muy buena lo recomiendo comprar ya que su potencia es grande y tira bien de dos buenos altavoces de 1500 vatios sin apenas distorsion

Very good price quality I recommend buying it since its power is great and it pulls well from two good 1500 watt speakers with hardly any distortion


Leichte und kompakte Endstufe mit Power! Einziges Manko sind die Lüftergeräusche. Nicht für das Wohnzimmer geeignet. Ansonsten sehr zu empfehlen.

Light and compact power amplifier with power! The only drawback is the fan noise. Not suitable for the living room. Otherwise highly recommended.