UHF-550 Quartett3 Wireless Microphone Set
- Wireless microphone set
- Black
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- 14 day cooling off period
Top features
4-channel UHF wireless microphone set with 2 dynamic handheld microphones and 2 headset microphones
Two handy pocket wireless transmitters with belt clip and LCD display for connecting microphones or instruments
Long battery operating times thanks to energy-efficient construction
Product description
The auna Pro UHF 550 Quartet3 is a versatile stage-ready UHF wireless microphone set that meets the demands of everyday live events.
The set features hand-held microphones and headset microphones, giving exuberant singers and speakers the freedom to move and gesture during their performances. Thanks to UHF technology, the auna Pro UHF 550 Quartet3 wireless microphone system covers extensive areas, expanding the interactive options of the performer. With XLR and 6.3mm jack outputs, the system may be easily integrated into all conventional audio setups. With an energy-efficient construction, the auna Pro UHF 550 Quartet3 ensemble can be used for many hours, therefore making it especially suitable for full-length events.
- Connections receiver: 4 x XLR mic output, 1 x 6.3 mm jack output, 2 x antenna jack
- Connections bodypack transmitter: 1 x 3.5mm mono jack microphone instrument input
- Frequency band: 823-832MHz
- Volume control
- Frequency band buttons
- Mute
- Mode switch
- Power LED
- Status LEDs
- LCD display
- Stand feet
- Threaded rod antennas at the receiver
- Flexible antenna on the bodypack transmitter
- On / Off switch on pocket transmitter and microphone
- Power supply transmitter: 2 x AA battery (included)
- Power hand-held microphone: 2 x AA battery (included)
- Power supply receiver: AC 120-230V, 50/60Hz, DC 13-15V, 1000mA (power supply included)
Dimensions and Technical Details
- Receiver: 39.5 x 5 x 19.5 cm (WxHxD)
- Pocket transmitter: 6.5 x 10 x 2.5 cm (WxHxD)
- Receiver weight: about 1, 4kg
- Pocket transmitter weight: about 80g
What will be delivered?
- 1 x receiver
- 1 x power adapter
- 2 x transmitter
- 2 x handheld microphone
- 2 x headset microphone
- 2 x rod antenna
- 1 x phone cable
- 8 x battery
- 1 x English user manual (other languages: German)
Delivery & shipment
Shipping time: 3 - 5 days
Your order will be delivered to the selected address per order. This address does not have to match the billing address. You can send the orders to your family, friends or office if you are not at home during the day.
Safety and Operating Instructions
Product Safety Information
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
Responsible Person:
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
E-mail address:
No review available for this item.
Devo dire che alla fine mi sono dovuto ricredere, è un ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo.
I have to say that in the end I had to change my mind, it is an excellent quality/price ratio.
Ottimi molto belli facili da utilizzare
Excellent very beautiful easy to use
Dopo una stagione Di lavoro devo dire che sono ottimi. Non hanno mai sganciato. Cambierei gli archetti con qualcosa di qualità,per il resto niente da eccepire.
After a season of work I have to say they are excellent. They have never dropped. I would change the bows with something of quality, for the rest nothing to complain about.
Hab das Produkt zurück geschickt, weil ich andere Anforderungen an das Produkt hatte.
I sent the product back because I had different requirements for the product.
Provato in serata.. ha funzionato alla perfezione.. leggero, pratico. Mi ha proprio soddisfatto
Tried it in the evening.. it worked perfectly.. light, practical. I was really satisfied
ottimo articolo, noi lo utilizziamo in palestra collegato a 2 casse
great item, we use it in the gym connected to 2 speakers
Il prodotto è incredibilmente potente e funziona molto bene sia all'aperto che all'interno risponde molto bene senza rumore e facilissimo da collegare.
The product is incredibly powerful and works very well both outdoors and indoors it responds very well without noise and very easy to connect.
Ça marche parfaitement bien, facile,..
It works perfectly well, easy,..
tutto perfetto
everything perfect
Bei Sprache sind die Kopfbügelmikrofone ohne EQ gut nutzbar, hohe Rückkopplungsfestigkeit und geringes Rauschen fallen auf. Das 4-fach-System ist leicht bedienbar, aus 16 Kanälen werden sowohl am Empfänger als auch am Sender vier ausgewählt, der Pegel eingestellt und fertig! Bei Lautsprecherbeschallung stören weder Rauschen noch Verzerrungen. Wie bei allen Funkanlagen ist zu beachten, dass keine Funkstrecke die Kabelverbindung von Bühne zum Mischpult ersetzten kann, der Empfänger gehört in unmittelbare Nähe zu den Sendern. Die Empfangsstabilität habe ich nicht getestet, weil ich 2 Systeme parallel betreiben wollte. Das erwies sich in der Praxis als nicht stabil, die Sender beeinflussen sich gegenseitig. Auch Kanal 1 am unteren Ende des 832er Bandes und Kanal 16 im oberen Bereich modulieren bei Verwendung von 8 Sendern untereinander. Wahrscheinlich ist eine solche vielkanalige Nutzung den Systemen mit Pilotton aus dem höherpreisigen Gerätebereich vorbehalten. Weil das hier nicht zu erwarten ist, vergebe ich die volle Punktzahl für ein sauberes System. Der Service des Anbieters mit Testmöglichkeit und unkomplizierter Rücknahme hilft ungemein! Wobei man die Rücksendemöglichkeit bei Verwendung von 4 Kanälen kaum in Anspruch nehmen wird!
For speech, the headband microphones can be used without EQ, high feedback resistance and low noise are noticeable. The 4-way system is easy to use, four out of 16 channels are selected on both the receiver and the transmitter, the level is set and that's it! When using loudspeakers, neither noise nor distortions disturb. As with all radio systems, it should be noted that no radio link can replace the cable connection from the stage to the mixer, the receiver is in the immediate vicinity of the transmitter. I didn't test the reception stability because I wanted to run 2 systems in parallel. This turned out to be unstable in practice, the transmitters influence each other. Channel 1 at the lower end of the 832 band and channel 16 in the upper range also modulate each other when using 8 transmitters. Such multi-channel use is probably reserved for systems with a pilot tone from the higher-priced range of devices. Because that is not to be expected here, I award full marks for a clean system. The service of the provider with test possibility and uncomplicated return helps immensely! Whereby one will hardly make use of the return option when using 4 channels!
Das Set drahtloser Mikrofone findet bei mir als Hobby DJ Anwendung. Dafür sind die Geräte mehr als ausreichend. Gute Verständlichkeit, einfache Handhabung, überbrücken locker 30 m im Freien. Das alles zu einem sehr fairen Preis. Wichtig ist auch, dass die Mikros in einem allgemein zugeteilten Frequenzbereich arbeiten, also völlig legal ohne besondere Genehmigung betrieben werden dürfen.
The set of wireless microphones is used by me as a hobby DJ. The devices are more than sufficient for this. Good intelligibility, easy to use, easily bridge 30 m outdoors. All this at a very fair price. It is also important that the microphones work in a generally assigned frequency range, so they can be operated completely legally without special permission.
Arrivato perfetto
Arrived perfect
Die Mikros Funktionieren gut. Bei den Headsets ist zu beachten, dass der Abstand zum Mund einen Großen Einfluss auf den Ton hat. Wir benutzen die Mikros für Gesang. Als Amateur für kleinere Veranstaltungen ist dieses Set mehr als ausreichend. Zu dem Preis vollkommen OK. Feineinstellungen bezüglich der Stimme mache ich anschließend über ein Mischpult.
The mics work fine. When it comes to headsets, it should be noted that the distance from the mouth has a major impact on the sound. We use the mics for vocals. As an amateur for smaller events, this set is more than sufficient. For the price completely OK. I then make fine adjustments to the voice using a mixer.
Die Mikrofone werden in einem größeren Versammlungsraum eingesetzt. Die Reichweite ist für den ca. 150 qm großen Raum sehr gut. Aus allen Ecken kommt das Signal an.
The microphones are used in a larger meeting room. The range is very good for the approx. 150 square meter room. The signal comes from all corners.
En la primera Formación que los hemos utilizado han funcionado muy bien aunque les cambié las diademas por unas mucho más pequeñas y ligeras.
In the first training session we used them, they worked very well, although I changed the headbands for much smaller and lighter ones.
Wir haben uns für diese Microphone von Malone entschieden, um bei Feiern eine gute und kabelfreie Stimmenübertragung zu haben. Die Voreinstellungen machen eine Installation schnell möglich. Die vor eingestellten Kanäle funktionieren einwandfrei, wir konnten bisher noch keiner Interdifferenzen feststellen. Auch das Headsetmikrofon leistet Hervorragende Arbeit und schafft eine Professionelle Handhabung. Die Qualität der Stimmen ist auch ausreichend für Gesangseinlagen. Mit professionellen Tonmischern ist sicherlich ein hoher Standard zu erreichen für Konzerte. Wir sind sehr zufrieden mit diesem Produkt.
We chose these Malone microphones to have a good and cable-free voice transmission at parties. The default settings make installation possible quickly. The preset channels work perfectly, so far we have not been able to determine any inter-differences. The headset microphone also does an excellent job and creates professional handling. The quality of the voices is also sufficient for singing interludes. With professional sound mixers, a high standard can certainly be achieved for concerts. We are very happy with this product.
Produit parfait. Son super, économique en énergie, tout fonctionne parfaitement après pas mal d'utilisations. Je recommande. Merci beaucoup
Perfect product. Great sound, energy efficient, everything works perfectly after a lot of use. I recommend. Thank you very much
schon beim ersten Gebrauch musste die Halterung des Headset nachgeklebt werden ansonsten funktioniert es ganz gut.
The headset holder had to be re-glued the first time it was used, otherwise it works quite well.
Lo compré con un poco de miedo porque no estaba seguro si podría usarlo sin mesa de mezcla pero, por suerte, se puede usar perfectamente conectado a un ordenador mediante el cable jack que trae y un adaptador mini jack para el pc que tuve que comprar por separado. En cuanto al receptor y los micrófonos vienen perfectamente sincronizados cada entrada del receptor para una frecuencia y cada micrófono en una de esas frecuencias de manera que es enchufar, poner las pilas a los micrófonos, encender y poder grabar. Es muy cómodo poder grabar una entrevista para el podcast sentados cómodamente en el sofá con el aire acondicionado mientras se graba todo en el ordenador que se encuentra en la habitación de al lado. Si tienes un proyecto de vídeo o audio (canal de youtube o podcast, por ejemplo) es una compra más que recomendable.
I bought it with a bit of fear because I wasn't sure if I could use it without a mixing desk, but luckily it can be used perfectly connected to a computer using the jack cable that it comes with and a mini jack adapter for the PC that I had to buy separately. As for the receiver and the microphones, each receiver input is perfectly synchronized for a frequency and each microphone for one of those frequencies, so you just plug it in, put the batteries in the microphones, turn it on and you can record. It's very convenient to be able to record an interview for the podcast sitting comfortably on the sofa with the air conditioning on while recording everything on the computer in the next room. If you have a video or audio project (YouTube channel or podcast, for example) it's a highly recommended purchase.
Il prodotto risponde ai requisiti descritti. Facile installazione e utilizzo nonostante le istruzioni siano solo in inglese e tedesco. per questo motivo non metto 5 stelle
The product meets the requirements described. Easy installation and use despite the instructions being only in English and German. For this reason I do not give 5 stars
Certo che Electronic Star non sbaglia un colpo , riguardo all'articolo dei microfoni Malone ad archetto usati per una serata indossati da ballerini ed attori , il funzionemento è stato ultra eccezzionale hanno funzionato alla perfezione per la voci ed il canto di personaggi femminili e maschili , tutte la voci non hanno avuto problemi una serata veramente da 5 stelle . Per chi avesse bisogno di un prodotto del genere è veramente consigliato . A dire il vero uno potrebbe avere dei dubbi ma poi i dubbi spariscono quando il prodotto arriva a questi livelli. Grazie
Of course Electronic Star never misses a beat, regarding the article of the Malone headband microphones used for an evening worn by dancers and actors, the functioning was ultra exceptional they worked perfectly for the voices and singing of female and male characters, all the voices had no problems a truly 5 star evening. For those who need a product of this kind it is truly recommended. To tell the truth one could have doubts but then the doubts disappear when the product reaches these levels. Thanks
Das Headset ist so wie beschrieben . ich benutze es in einem Western Saloon zum Unterrichten von Line Dance und es funktioniert sehr gut
The headset is as described. I use it in a western saloon to teach line dancing and it works very well
Je recherchais des micros casque pour une comedie musicalr surtout pour le chant et je ne suis pas decu tres bon son qui ne sature pas trop Je recommande ce produit
I was looking for headset microphones for a musical comedy, especially for singing, and I'm not disappointed. Very good sound that doesn't saturate too much. I recommend this product.
Ce ne sont pas des micros shures en n'en ont pas la qualité, cependant, pour le prix, l'ensemble est fort correct. Je ne regrette pas pas mon achat. J'ai mis 4 étoiles et pas 5, car les piles livrées, bien qu'emballées, étaient usées.
These are not Shure microphones and do not have the quality, however, for the price, the set is very correct. I do not regret my purchase. I put 4 stars and not 5, because the batteries delivered, although packaged, were worn.
Es un buen producto, calidad y precio. Y han respondido con prontitud ante las anomalias encontradas. Sin lugar a dudas es recomendable.
It is a good product, quality and price. And they have responded promptly to the anomalies found. Without a doubt it is recommendable.
mi è piaciuto questo prodotto. Con la possibilità di utilizzare 4 microfoni wireless, e attacchi per microfoni aggiuntivi col cavo. i microfoni pulce possono passare da un canale all'altro, quelli a gelato invece mi sembrano fissi nei canali 1 e 2. Probabilmente è fattibile acquistare 2 altri microfoni pulce per usarne 4 pulce (ovviamente disattivando i 2 gelato). Il venditore è stato gentilissimo a sostituirmi il prodotto dopo il termine ultimo di resa, per mal funzionamento. Spero che la mia recensione sia stata utile
I liked this product. With the possibility of using 4 wireless microphones, and connections for additional microphones with the cable. The pulce microphones can switch from one channel to another, the ice cream ones instead seem to be fixed in channels 1 and 2. It is probably feasible to buy 2 other pulce microphones to use 4 pulce (obviously deactivating the 2 ice cream ones). The seller was very kind to replace the product after the deadline for returns, due to malfunction. I hope my review was helpful
.... Leistungsverhältnis. Wird genutzt für Versammlungen in einem Gartenlokal über 100m². Installation bzw. Einrichten war einfach, Kanäle waren voreingestellt, Anschluß an die vorhandene Anlage war schnell möglich. Kein rauschen, gute Übertragung, mußte nur am Empfänger und an der Verstärkeranlage etwas nachregeln. Wird als reines Sprechmikrphon genutzt, die Stimmen kommen klar und deutlich. Handling der Mikrophone gut (das alte war schwerer). Verpackung mit dem Koffer sinnvoll, dort kann man die Mikrophone gut und sicher lagern, Empfänger soll bei uns an der Anlage bleiben. Ich denke es war eine gute Entscheidung und für den privaten Bereich oder Vereine ausreichend. Reichweite wurde nicht getestet, aber 20 m waren kein Problem.
.... performance ratio. Used for gatherings in a garden room over 100m². Installation and setup was easy, channels were preset, connection to the existing system was quickly possible. No hissing, good transmission, only had to adjust something on the receiver and the amplifier system. Is used as a pure speech microphone, the voices come out loud and clear. Handling of the microphones is good (the old one was heavier). Packing with the case makes sense, there you can store the microphones well and safely, the receiver should stay with us at the system. I think it was a good decision and sufficient for the private sector or clubs. Range hasn't been tested, but 20m wasn't a problem.
Considerato il costo di un microfono wireless delle marche blasonate non pretendo certo di avere nelle mani dei microfoni eccellenti. Allora, partiamo dall'aspetto esteriore, che nel caso dei microfoni non sono bellissimi, mentre il sistema ricevente ha dei display ben visibili e esteticamente gradevoli. nel complesso i materiali sono buoni nel suo insieme. Parte audio: per quanto riguarda il parlato in interni sono ottimi e puliti nel suono; i bassi sono un po più accentuati. Per quanto riguarda il canto per un uso professionale, li sconsiglio. Le batterie non hanno una lunga durata. potrebbero durare qualche ora ma meglio sempre avere una o due coppie di batterie cariche da sostituire. I microfoni ad archetto sono validi forse un po scomodi per via della loro grandezza. Il setup dell'intero sistema è davvero elementare, e si ha la possibilità di scegliere diverse frequenze per ogni canale. Ci sono quattro uscite indipendenti per ogni canale, completamente regolabili per le mandate al mixer. Led frontali indicano che il microfono è connesso. Antenne avvitate e orientabili sono robuste e hanno un aspetto molto professionale. Considerando il rapporto qualità prezzo è un ottimo prodotto, va bene per conferenze, chiese, sale per l'intrattenimento. Anche il karaoke o il canto vanno bene ma senza pretese, a patto che ci sia un mixer per gestire i microfoni.
Considering the cost of a wireless microphone from a well-known brand, I certainly don't expect to have excellent microphones in my hands. So, let's start with the external appearance, which in the case of microphones are not very beautiful, while the receiving system has clearly visible and aesthetically pleasing displays. Overall, the materials are good as a whole. Audio part: for indoor speech, they are excellent and clean in sound; the bass is a little more accentuated. For singing for professional use, I don't recommend them. The batteries don't have a long life. They could last a few hours but it's always better to have one or two pairs of charged batteries to replace. Headband microphones are valid, perhaps a little uncomfortable due to their size. The setup of the entire system is really basic, and you have the possibility of choosing different frequencies for each channel. There are four independent outputs for each channel, fully adjustable for the sends to the mixer. Front LEDs indicate that the microphone is connected. Screwed and orientable antennas are sturdy and have a very professional appearance. Considering the quality/price ratio it is an excellent product, it is good for conferences, churches, entertainment rooms. Even karaoke or singing are good but without pretensions, as long as there is a mixer to manage the microphones.
Ware kam zügig an und war auch mit den angegebenen Mhz Freqenzen ausgestattet. In der Bedienungsanleitung waren jedoch jene Frequenzen angegeben die auch noch zufünftig kostenlos nutzbar sind. Ein kleiner Nachteil ist das Plastikgehäuse an den Sendern. Beim Batterie wechsel ist Vorsicht geboten, das Batteriefach kann sonst abbrechen.
Goods arrived quickly and were also equipped with the specified Mhz frequencies. In the operating instructions, however, those frequencies were specified that can also be used free of charge in the future. A small disadvantage is the plastic housing on the transmitters. Care must be taken when changing the battery, otherwise the battery compartment may break off.
Li ho acquistati per uso all'interno di un teatro con circa 200 posti a sedere, dove si tengono oltre alle rappresentazioni teatrali, anche assemblee, convegni e proiezioni cinematografiche. Fino ad ora hanno svolto egregiamente la loro funzione senza problemi di perdita di segnale o rumori di fondo e con una buonissima qualità dell'audio, anche quando il radiomicrofono viene portato nelle ultime file del teatro. I microfoni ad archetto sono abbastanza comodi e si possono sistemare con precisione sulla testa della persona. Li consiglio caldamente.
I purchased them for use in a theater with about 200 seats, where in addition to theater performances, there are also assemblies, conferences and film screenings. Up to now they have performed their function very well without problems of signal loss or background noise and with very good audio quality, even when the radio microphone is brought to the last rows of the theater. The headband microphones are quite comfortable and can be positioned precisely on the person's head. I highly recommend them.
Angesteckt und läuft. Klang bei sprache und gesang gut. Rückkopplung nur bei extremer lautstärke. Ein stern abzug weil die lautstärke regler am empfänger auf der rückseite!? angebracht sind.
Plugged in and running. Sounded good when speaking and singing. Feedback only at extreme volume. One star deduction because the volume control on the receiver is on the back!? are attached.
Rein funktional und technisch ist die Kombination – den Preis bedenkend – völlig ok. Das Mikro muss man nur im sehr genauen Abstand zum Mund einbiegen, hängt total von Lautstärke des Sprechens und akustischen Gesamtverhältnissen ab. Problem lässt sich aber mit ein wenig Geduld gut in den Griff bekommen.
From a purely functional and technical point of view, the combination is completely ok, considering the price. You only have to bend the microphone at a very precise distance from your mouth, it depends entirely on the volume of speech and the overall acoustic conditions. However, with a little patience, the problem can be solved.
Wir haben das Set als UHF-450 Duo mit zwei Kopfbügel-Mikros gekauft und bislang an vier Tagen fast durchgehend auf einer Messe genutzt. Wir sind insgesamt mit der gebotenen Qualität sehr zufrieden! Die Paßform der Kopfbügel-Mikros ist sehr gut, sie sind superleicht und bereits nach wenigen Minuten hat man sie vergessen. Die Tonübertragung ist ebenfalls hervorragend, die Reichweite ist sehr gut. Auf der Messe war das kein Problem, da Sender und Empfänger nah beieinander waren, Störungen durch Mobiltelefone hatten wir keine. Im Gebäude haben wir zu Testzwecken eine Strecke von ca 30m mit Wänden dazwischen ebenfalls locker überbrücken können. Im Freien dürfte damit problemlos mehr möglich sein. Was uns lediglich negativ aufgefallen ist: der Pop-Schutz der Mikros ist unzureichend. Wir haben daher die Mikrofone etwas weiter vom Mund weggedreht und dafür den Ton weiter aufgemacht. So war das dann kein Problem mehr. Von uns: eindeutige Kaufempfehlung!
We bought the set as a UHF-450 duo with two headband microphones and have used it almost continuously for four days at a trade fair. Overall, we are very satisfied with the quality offered! The headband microphones fit very well, they are super light and after just a few minutes you forget about them. The sound transmission is also excellent, the range is very good. That wasn't a problem at the trade fair because the transmitter and receiver were close together and we didn't have any interference from mobile phones. For test purposes, we were also able to easily bridge a distance of approx. 30m in the building with walls in between. It should be possible to do more outdoors without any problems. What we only noticed negatively: the pop protection of the microphones is insufficient. We therefore turned the microphones a little further away from the mouth and opened up the sound more. So that was no longer a problem. From us: clear purchase recommendation!
Facile à installer et à utiliser. Fonctionne à merveille dans notre théâtre. J'en suis tellement content que j'en ai commandé un deuxième.
Easy to install and use. Works wonderfully in our theater. I'm so happy with it I ordered a second one.
Übertragungsqualität und Reichweite gut. Kein Rauschen Pfeifen - nix stört. Die mitgelieferten Batterien waren nach ca. 1h leer. Daher nur 4 Sterne.
Transmission quality and range good. No hissing whistles - nothing disturbs. The supplied batteries were empty after about 1 hour. Therefore only 4 stars.
ich mache es kurz - Diese Mikros erweitern eine Anlage eines Faschinsgvereines: - Ohne die mitgelieferte Anleitung zu installieren. - Guter Tragekomfort der Headsets. - Gute Reichweite (es ist jetzt noch nicht bei vielen Personen innerhalb der Funkstrecke getestet worden) - schönes Klangbild bei Mann und Frau Wir werden uns weitere Geräte dieser Marke kaufen, wenn die älteren Mikrophone den Geist aufgeben.
I'll make it short - These microphones expand a system of a carnival club: - Without installing the supplied instructions. - Good wearing comfort of the headsets. - good range (it has not yet been tested on many people within the radio link) - nice sound pattern for men and women We will buy more devices from this brand when the older microphones give up the ghost.
Die Headsets sind sicher nicht unbedingt für Gesang geeignet, oder nur im Notfall, aber für Theatervorführung, wie bei uns, sind sie als „Starter Set“ voll OK. Hatten über eine Fläche von ca. 144 m² (12*12m) keine Abbrüche. Batterien haben den Abend auch gehalten.
The headsets are certainly not necessarily suitable for singing, or only in an emergency, but for theater performances, like ours, they are completely OK as a "starter set". Had no demolitions over an area of approx. 144 m² (12*12m). Batteries lasted the evening too.