[Returns: -10%] Multidesk Height-adjustable desk

[Returns: -10%] Multidesk Height-adjustable desk
- Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
- Shipping time: 4 - 6 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
- Ready to ship in 24 hours
- 14 day cooling off period
Condition - like new, with minor signs of wear
Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
Top features
Simple elegance: the height-adjustable desk blends into a variety of ambiences
Simple mechanism: retractable hand crank for adjusting the table height
Load capacity: maximum load capacity of 70 kg
- Max. load capacity: 70 kg
- Folding crank disappears under the table top
- Height-adjustable feet to compensate for uneven floors
- Tabletop sold separately
- Material of frame: steel
Dimensions and Technical Details
- Dimensions (lowest position): approx. 100 x 73 x 70 cm (WxHxD)
- Weight: about 18 kg
What will be delivered?
- 1 x table frame (mounting kit)
- User manual in English (further languages: German)
Delivery & shipment
Shipping time: 4 - 6 days
Your order will be delivered to the selected address per order. This address does not have to match the billing address. You can send the orders to your family, friends or office if you are not at home during the day.
Safety and Operating Instructions
Product Safety Information
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
Responsible Person:
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
E-mail address:
No review available for this item.
Apres plusieurs mois d'utilisation, tres satisfait du produit. Le reglage en hauteur se fait tres bien.
After several months of use, very satisfied with the product. The height adjustment is very good.
Arrivé plus tôt que prévu, facile à monter et à l’air bien résistant
Arrived earlier than expected, easy to assemble and looks very sturdy
Idéal pour transformer mon ancien Bureau dont j'ai récupéré le plateau en bois. Le mécanisme et les matériaux sont de très bonne qualité. Vraiment solide ! L'utilisation de la manivelle peut faire bouger l'ensemble mais rien de bien méchant. Pour ma part c'est excellent
Ideal for transforming my old desk from which I recovered the wooden top. The mechanism and materials are of very good quality. Really solid! Using the crank can make the whole thing move but nothing too bad. For my part it's excellent
Il prezzo giusto sarebbe sotto i 110 ma va bene lo stesso
The right price would be under 110 but that's fine anyway
Facile da montare, robusto come può esserlo un prodotto Tedesco. Unica pecca le istruzioni solo in tedesco e in inglese, comunque molto chiari i vari passaggi
Easy to assemble, sturdy as a German product can be. The only flaw is that the instructions are only in German and English, but the various steps are very clear.
Comptable de métier j’ai besoin de bouger un peu et ce bureau me permet d’être moins sédentaire J’adore et avec le plus de la manivelle qui se cache sur le bureau
As an accountant by trade, I need to move around a bit and this desk allows me to be less sedentary. I love it and with the added bonus of the crank that is hidden on the desk.
Comprei de presente para o meu marido, ele amou! Veio tudo certinho, a mesa é pesada e de boa qualidade. Aproveitamos o tampão que já tínhamos em nossa casa para por sobre a estrutura da mesa.
I bought it as a gift for my husband, he loved it! Everything came in perfect condition, the table is heavy and of good quality. We used the stopper we already had at home to put on top of the table structure.
Facile à monter, mécanisme nickel sans aucun jeu, supporte aisément le poids limite recommandé tant que le plan de travail utilisé est assez épais
Easy to assemble, perfect mechanism with no play, easily supports the recommended weight limit as long as the worktop used is thick enough
Le produit multimédia n'a pas pu être chargé. Super article. Je m'en suis servi pour fabriquer une table basse qui se relève pour repas devant la tv. Très compliqué mais fesable. Beau système. Très solide et stable. Table de 40cm à 75 cm maintenant. Peut être juste un petit doute sur la longévité de la poignée .
The multimedia product could not be loaded. Great article. I used it to make a coffee table that can be raised for meals in front of the TV. Very complicated but doable. Beautiful system. Very solid and stable. Table from 40cm to 75cm now. Maybe just a little doubt about the longevity of the handle.
Gros avantages de ce bureau : Vous pouvez nous seulement le régler en hauteur pour travailler assis ou debout, mais aussi en largeur (au montage). De plus, si vous fabriquez vous-même le plateau, vous obtenez un bureau sur mesure pour un coût bien plus faible qu'un bureau vendu avec plateau. J'ai acheté et fait couper une planche standard de 250x40 cm (qui coûtait 40 €) dans un magasin de bricolage, et j'ai ainsi créé moi-même un plateau aux dimensions que je voulais (110 x 80 cm) en accolant les 2 morceaux de planche. Notez que si vous travaillez comme moi avec un grand écran (27"), un plateau de 80 cm de profondeur est bien plus confortable que 60 cm pour ne pas être le nez collé à l'écran. Or, il est très difficile de trouver des bureaux tout faits de cette profondeur... Le mécanisme de montée / descente du plateau par manivelle me semble solide. J'espère qu'il le restera dans la durée.
Big advantages of this desk: You can not only adjust it in height to work sitting or standing, but also in width (during assembly). In addition, if you make the top yourself, you get a custom-made desk for a much lower cost than a desk sold with a top. I bought and had a standard 250x40 cm board cut (which cost €40) in a DIY store, and I thus created a top myself in the dimensions I wanted (110 x 80 cm) by joining the 2 pieces of board. Note that if you work like me with a large screen (27"), a 80 cm deep top is much more comfortable than 60 cm so as not to be stuck to the screen. However, it is very difficult to find ready-made desks of this depth... The mechanism for raising / lowering the top by crank seems solid to me. I hope it will remain so over time.
Encontré esta mesa (el tablón ya lo tenía) de casualidad, y hasta ahora estoy muy contento. La uso porque trabajo desde casa y pasaba mucho tiempo sentado. Es recomendable tener también una alfombra antifatiga.
I found this table (I already had the board) by chance, and so far I'm very happy with it. I use it because I work from home and spend a lot of time sitting. It's advisable to also have an anti-fatigue mat.
Bien conçu, répond parfaitement à l'usage et qualité indiscutable. Peut être un peu cher, c'est le bon de 20% qui m'a décidé. Je ne regrette pas mon achat
Well designed, perfectly meets the use and indisputable quality. Maybe a little expensive, it was the 20% voucher that decided me. I do not regret my purchase
Llevo ya unos meses trabajando con esta mesa y realmente cumple su función. Es estable, cómoda para modificar la altura y robusta. Lo que más me ha gustado, es la estabilidad que tiene la mesa.
I've been working with this table for a few months now and it really does its job. It's stable, easy to adjust the height and sturdy. What I liked most is the stability of the table.
produit de tres bonne facture , j'ai pourtant un plateau de 160x80 de chez gauthier qui du fait du poids a fait ceder les fixation des montant lateraux ( pourtant en agglo 30mm aussi ! ) ..bref si j'avais su j'aurai mis ces pieds de bureau il y a longtemps . Stable , solide ( la manivelle fait bien le taff mais perso je ne modifie pas la hauteur tous les 4 matins ) et facile a installer ..que demander de plus ? ...ben p'tet le prix ( surtout avec moteur electrique ) mais bon au moins ce n'est pas pres de partir à la poubelle ..et il est probable que ce truc me survive !
very well made product, I have a 160x80 top from Gauthier which due to the weight made the side upright fixings give way (even though it is also made of 30mm chipboard!) .. in short if I had known I would have put these desk legs in a long time ago. Stable, solid (the crank does the job well but personally I don't change the height every 4 mornings) and easy to install .. what more could you ask for? ... well maybe the price (especially with an electric motor) but hey at least it's not about to go in the trash .. and it's likely that this thing will outlive me!
Der Bewertung von "RB" ist nichts mehr hinzuzufügen. Das Gestell ist sehr stabil (Platte ist 160 x 70 x 3,2 cm, Eiche) und auch hier wackelt es nicht. Aufbau hat super geklappt, leider schien mein Schreibtisch vorher dermaßen überfrachtet gewesen zu sein, dass ich die 100 kg Belastungsgrenze geknackt hatte. Soweit abgeräumt, dass es nun noch 95 kg sind und es läuft wie am Schnürchen :). Keine Sekunde bereut den Kauf, vor allem ist das Gestell so niedrig zu stellen, wie sonst nur noch teurere. Mindesthöhe 62 cm (plus Tischplatte) passt auch zu jedem Sitzball und Kniestuhl.
Nothing more to add to the rating of "RB". The frame is very stable (plate is 160 x 70 x 3.2 cm, oak) and it doesn't wobble here either. The assembly worked great, unfortunately my desk seemed to have been so overloaded beforehand that I had cracked the 100 kg load limit. Cleared so far that it's now 95 kg and it's running like clockwork :). You don't regret the purchase for a second, above all the frame is to be placed as low as otherwise only more expensive ones. Minimum height 62 cm (plus table top) also fits any ball seat and kneeling chair.
Semplice da montare, a parte il dover avere un avvitatore per fissare la scrivania al pannello, e ho dovuto prendere delle viti/rondelle extra per montare il pannello chiaramente, non ricordo in realtà se ce ne fossero già incluse. Sono riuscito a mettere un buon pannello 80 x 150 che è ben spazioso. Probabilmente si può anche un po' più grande ma per me va benissimo. Non penso possa reggere un peso immenso, motivo per cui non ci salirei sopra e evito di appoggiarmici, ma complessivamente è robusta, il problema probabilmente è che ha alla fine 2 gambe e quindi anche se è stabile oscilla leggermente avanti e indietro se si spinge verso il basso con le mani. Per lavorare (al pc o scrivere o simili) non è un problema. Secondo me regge anche se ci si sale nei punti giusti in prossimità delle barre (anche se il carico massimo era attorno ai 70kg mi pare da libretto), ma non la ritengo solidissima da quel punto di vista. Questa è l'unica nota negativa che mi viene in mente, ma penso che ci stia considerando che deve potersi alzare e abbassare quindi il meccanismo deve poter reggere un certo peso e la fascia di prezzo penso sia comunque relativamente bassa, quindi mi sembra più una considerazione da fare che una nota negativa. La uso da qualche mese ormai, mi trovo molto bene ad alzarla e abbassarla, temevo che la manovella fosse scomoda ma è molto leggera e abbastanza veloce alzarla e abbassarla, e si può ritrarre e chiudere completamente sotto, anche se non lo faccio mai perché essendo a lato non mi dà fastidio neanche se aperta, al massimo la spingo ma non la chiudo su sé stessa. Non posso fare un riscontro con una con motorino elettrico perché non ne ho ma complessivamente per circa 100 euro meno, da quel che vedevo nei prezzi (150 vs 250+ circa al mio momento dell'acquisto), è validissimo e possibilmente anche meglio dato che è un pezzo in meno che si può rompere.
Easy to assemble, apart from having to have a screwdriver to fix the desk to the panel, and I had to get some extra screws/washers to mount the panel obviously, I don't actually remember if there were any included. I managed to put a good 80 x 150 panel which is quite spacious. It could probably be a little bigger but that's fine for me. I don't think it can hold a huge weight, which is why I wouldn't stand on it and I avoid leaning on it, but overall it's sturdy, the problem is probably that it has 2 legs at the end and so even if it's stable it sways slightly back and forth if you push down with your hands. For working (on the PC or writing or similar) it's not a problem. In my opinion it also holds if you stand on it in the right places near the bars (even if the maximum load was around 70kg I think from the manual), but I don't think it's very solid from that point of view. This is the only negative note that comes to mind, but I think it is taking into account that it must be able to raise and lower so the mechanism must be able to support a certain weight and the price range I think is still relatively low, so it seems more like a consideration to make than a negative note. I have been using it for a few months now, I find it very good to raise and lower it, I was afraid that the crank would be uncomfortable but it is very light and quite fast to raise and lower, and it can be retracted and closed completely underneath, even if I never do it because being on the side it does not bother me even when open, at most I push it but I do not close it on itself. I cannot make a comparison with one with an electric motor because I do not have one but overall for about 100 euros less, from what I saw in the prices (150 vs 250+ approximately at the time of purchase), it is very good and possibly even better given that it is one less piece that can break.
für 165.00 EUR gut. Qualitativ hochwertige Verarbeitung, ... da gibt's wirklich gar nicht zu mäkeln. auch sehr robuste Ausführung. Die maximale Höhe reicht auch für 2 m Menschen. sehr sympathisch die Handkurbel, sprich Möglichkeit den Tisch manuell in der Höhe zu verstellen. Genau danach habe ich gesucht! (die Modelle mit elektrischer Verstellung / Motor sind doch ziemlich anfällig. Und mir bringt es nichts, wenn ich dann aller 1 ... 2 Jahre einen neuen Tisch brauche, weil Elektromotor, -teile nur so lange durchhalten). Einziges kleines Manko: Wenn man den Tisch (sehr) hocheinstellt - so wie es große Menschen eben brauchen -, wird er doch etwas .. n klein bisschen .. wacklig. Ich kann damit leben, ..
good for 165.00 EUR. High-quality workmanship, ... there's really nothing to complain about. also very robust design. The maximum height is also enough for 2 m people. the hand crank is very nice, i.e. the possibility to adjust the height of the table manually. That's exactly what I was looking for! (The models with electric adjustment / motor are quite vulnerable. And it doesn't help me if I then need a new table every 1 ... 2 years because electric motor parts only last that long). The only small drawback: If you set the table (very) high - as tall people need it - it becomes a bit .. a little bit .. wobbly. I can live with it, ..
Soddisfatto dell'acquisto
Satisfied with the purchase
Ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo, stabile e resistente
Excellent value for money, stable and resistant
Arrivato diversi giorni prima del previsto. Facile da montare, istruzioni chiare, ma soprattutto robusto. Fa il suo lavoro ed è proprio quello che mi aspettavo e cecavo. Volutamente hop scelto il manuale invece dei modelli elettrici, perchè influenzato dalle recensioni lette, che si sono rivelate esatte, oltre che utili.
Arrived several days earlier than expected. Easy to assemble, clear instructions, but above all sturdy. Does its job and is exactly what I expected and was looking for. I deliberately chose the manual instead of the electric models, because I was influenced by the reviews I read, which turned out to be accurate, as well as useful.
Ich hatte den Schreibtisch Mitte Dezember bei einem anderen Onlinehändler bestellt und nach 10 Tagen war er noch immer nicht da. Nach mehrfacher Rückfrage und starken E-Mail Verkehr kam der Tisch am 23.12. bei mir an. Ich baute ihn zwischen den Jahren auf, was grundsätzlich keine großen Kenntnisse voraussetzt. Es ist alles gut erklärt und man kann es auf jeden Fall auch alleine schaffen. Lediglich beim Anbringen der Kurbel, sollte man vorher testen, dass man nicht mit der Tischplatte kollidiert, da leider keine Maße in der Aufbauanleitung zu finden sind.
I ordered the desk from another online retailer in mid-December and after 10 days it still hadn't arrived. After multiple queries and heavy email traffic, the table arrived on December 23rd. at me. I built it up over the years, which basically doesn't require much knowledge. Everything is well explained and you can definitely do it on your own. Only when attaching the crank should you test beforehand that you do not collide with the table top, since unfortunately no dimensions can be found in the assembly instructions.
Solide, lourd, stable et pratique. j y ai mis un grand plateau en chene. Attention au montage à l envers: penser à ce qu il sera à l endroit.
Solid, heavy, stable and practical. I put a large oak tray on it. Be careful when assembling it upside down: think about what it will be like right side up.
sono rimasto stupito dalla solidità e concretezza del prodotto, lo si comprendeva già solo aprendo lo scatolone di imballaggio, funziona perfettamente, ho impiegato un quarto d'ora per montarla, incredibilmente soddisfatto.
I was amazed by the solidity and concreteness of the product, you could understand it just by opening the packaging box, it works perfectly, it took me a quarter of an hour to assemble it, incredibly satisfied.
Me gustaria que hubieran más colores, para adaptarlos mejor a los colores de las habitaciones, la vamos a usar como escritorio de una adolescente
I would like there to be more colors, to better match the colors of the rooms, we are going to use it as a desk for a teenager
Ottimo prodotto Bello e comodo
Great product Beautiful and comfortable
Se monte facilement, c'est robuste et bonne stabilité. Très contente de l'achat. Notice en français à télécharger.
Easy to assemble, it is robust and has good stability. Very happy with the purchase. Instructions in French to download.
Ich brauchte einen neuen Schreibtisch und wollte dann gleich einen, den ich in der Höhe verstellen kann, da ich bereits einige Bandscheibenvorfälle hatte und immer mal wieder Stehen arbeiten möchte. Die Frage war dann: Elektrisch oder manuell? Nach schlechten Erfahrungen mit elektrischen Rollläden und Garagentoren, war die Entscheidung leicht und es wurde ein manuelles Modell, nämlich dieses hier. Ein wenig Angst vor dem Aufbau hatte ich schon, aber das war umsonst. Die Anleitung ist zwar sehr kurz, aber völlig ausreichend. Zum Zusammenbau des Gestells ist alles dabei (Schrauben und Inbus), sodass man hierfür nichts extra braucht. M.E. geht der Zusammenbau auch alleine, allerdings ist es zu zweit leichter, gerade beim Umdrehen. Für das Anschrauben der Tischplatte (nicht enthalten - kann also jede beliebige ausgesucht werden) braucht man, wenn man die beiliegenden Schrauben verwendet, einen Kreuzschlitzschraubendreher. Das wars dann aber schon. Wir haben zu zweit für den Zusammenbau des ganzen Tisches mit Platte keine halbe Stunde gebraucht. Das ging alles also sehr sehr flott und einfach. Der Tisch steht sauber und die Hubanlage funktioniert einwandfrei. Für unter 200 Euro erhält man hier ein richtig stabiles Gestell. Wir sind begeistert und geben gerne 5 Sterne! TOP!!!
I needed a new desk and immediately wanted one that I could adjust in height, as I had already had a few herniated discs and always wanted to work standing up again. The question then was: electric or manual? After bad experiences with electric roller shutters and garage doors, the decision was easy and it became a manual model, namely this one. I was a little scared before setting it up, but that was for nothing. The instructions are very short, but perfectly adequate. Everything you need to assemble the frame is included (screws and Allen key), so you don't need anything extra for this. ME can also assemble it alone, but it's easier with two people, especially when turning it over. To screw on the table top (not included - so you can choose any of your own) you need a Phillips screwdriver if you use the enclosed screws. But that's it. It took the two of us less than half an hour to assemble the whole table with the top. So it all went very quickly and easily. The table is clean and the lifting system works perfectly. For less than 200 euros you get a really stable frame. We are thrilled and happy to give 5 stars! TOP!!!
Gestell ohne Tischplatte. Sehr gute Verarbeitung. Montage am Besten mit gutem Werkzeug. Ca. 30-40 min für den Zusammenbau. Bin sehr zufrieden. Sehr gutes Preis/Leistungsverhältnis.
Frame without table top. Very good workmanship. Installation is best done with good tools. Approx. 30-40 min for assembly. I am very pleased. Very good value for money.
Arrivato con scatola un po sciupata ma il prodotto è valido e robusto
Arrived with a slightly damaged box but the product is valid and robust
Las buenas es que es regulable en altura, y lo materiales son robustos y duraderos. Las malas es que lo tienes que montar, y el sistema para subir y bajar deja mucho que desear. Pero en mi caso lo queria para una mesa de despacho, que no subo y bajo demasiado, y cumple su función. Pero si lo que quieres es subir y bajar constantemente, este no es tu producto.
The good news is that it is height adjustable, and the materials are robust and durable. The bad news is that you have to assemble it, and the system for raising and lowering it leaves a lot to be desired. But in my case I wanted it for an office desk, which I don't go up and down too much, and it does its job. But if what you want is to go up and down constantly, this is not your product.
top - sehr stabil, ausgefahren mit 1,5m x 0,75cm Tischplatte wackelt da garnichts - maximal hoch (höher als ich es mit 1,90m Körpergröße je bräuchte) - maximal tief (sogar meine Kinder u10 könnten dran arbeiten) - einfache Montage - Kabelführung inklusive - Steuerung stört sich nicht an Strom-Abschaltungen über Mehrfachstecker mit Schalter - wichtig: Anleitung lesen, weil sonst vermutet man einen Fehler, wenn das Gerät im Standby ist..... - Frau freut sich über die "Erinnerungsfunktion zum Höhenwechsel"
top - very stable, extended with 1.5m x 0.75cm tabletop doesn't wobble at all - maximum high (higher than I would ever need with a height of 1.90m) - maximum low (even my children under 10 could work on it) - easy assembly - Cable routing included - control does not interfere with power cuts via multiple plugs with switches - important: read the instructions, otherwise you will suspect an error when the device is on standby..... - women will be happy about the "reminder function to change altitude"
Voilà un peu plus d’un an que j’ai installé ce bureau réglable en hauteur manuellement, et clairement, je ne regrette pas du tout mon achat, bien au contraire ! Car il me sert tous les jours, et est toujours aussi stable, depuis le temps que je m’en sers ! Perso, j’y est mis mon PC de bureau dessus (avec clavier, écran, et lampe de bureau), pour travailler en hauteur, quotidiennement, et à mon aise ;) Mais ce que je trouve de vraiment génial avec cette version manuelle, c’est qu’on a le meilleur compromis entre un bureau de hauteur fixe, et un bureau motorisé électrique. Car le réglage s’effectue ici à la main, sans moteur électrique coûteux. Ainsi, on peut avoir un bureau réglable en hauteur pour pas trop cher, tout en ayant quelque chose de robuste, et de qualité. Au niveau de la tenue dans le temps d’ailleurs, j’en suis extrêmement satisfait aussi. Car depuis que je l’ai mis en place, il n’a pas pris de jeu. Qui plus est, le dernier réglage que j’ai effectué n’a pas bougé d’un millimètre, depuis tout ce temps. Je conserve donc la hauteur idéale que j’ai pu trouver pour travailler, à présent (d’où l’inutilité selon moi d’avoir un moteur électrique, car une fois qu’on a trouvé sa hauteur de « confort », on n’a plus vraiment besoin d’y toucher). En bref, je vous recommande vraiment ce bureau réglable manuellement en hauteur, car il permet d’être non seulement à l’aise pour travailler, mais en plus de faire des économies, en se passant de moteur électrique supplémentaire, et coûteux !
It's been a little over a year since I installed this manually height-adjustable desk, and clearly, I don't regret my purchase at all, quite the contrary! Because I use it every day, and it's still as stable as ever, since I've been using it for so long! Personally, I put my desktop PC on it (with keyboard, screen, and desk lamp), to work at height, daily, and at my ease ;) But what I find really great about this manual version is that we have the best compromise between a fixed height desk and an electric motorized desk. Because the adjustment is done here by hand, without an expensive electric motor. So, you can have a height-adjustable desk for not too much money, while having something robust and of quality. In terms of durability, I'm extremely satisfied with it too. Because since I put it in place, it has not taken any play. What's more, the last adjustment I made has not moved a millimeter, in all this time. So I keep the ideal height that I was able to find to work, now (hence the uselessness in my opinion of having an electric motor, because once you have found your "comfort" height, you don't really need to touch it anymore). In short, I really recommend this manually height-adjustable desk, because it allows you not only to be comfortable to work, but also to save money, by doing without an additional, and expensive, electric motor!
Great value for money and also very stable with all accessories and desk! Recommended
Great value for money and also very stable with all accessories and desk! Recommended
Macht einen qualitativ hochwertigen und haltbaren Eindruck. Leicht zusammenbauen und sehr stabil. Steuerung sehr präzise. Bin super zufrieden!
Makes a high quality and durable impression. Easy to assemble and very stable. Control very precise. I'm super satisfied!
Super Gestell.
Super frame.
Das Schreibtischgestell macht insgesamt einen guten Eindruck und ist gut verarbeitet und sauber und sicher verpackt angekommen. Zu bemängeln habe ich jedoch das die Konstruktion insgesamt etwas wackelig ist und das Herunterkurbeln des Tisches sehr schwer geht. Das Hinaufkurbeln ist dagegen kein Problem und leichtgängig.
The desk frame makes a good impression overall and is well made and arrived clean and securely packaged. However, I have to complain that the construction is a bit wobbly overall and it is very difficult to crank down the table. Cranking up, on the other hand, is no problem and runs smoothly.
Ottima funzionalità per lunghe ore al PC
Great functionality for long hours at the PC
Für diesen Preis, SUPER. Nur die AUFBAUAnleitung ist Überabeitungsfähig. Das scheint mir aber "leider ein Trend" zu sein. Habe hier noch wenig Gute in den Fingern gehabt. Da könnt Ihr euch ALLE bei "Vasagle" eine Scheibe abschneiden !! TiP ;)
For this price, SUPER. Only the CONSTRUCTION instructions can be revised. That seems to me to be "unfortunately a trend". Haven't gotten my hands on a lot of good ones here. You can ALL learn a lesson from "Vasagle" !! Tip ;)
Wenn man den ganzen Tag im Büro sitzt hat man früher oder später Rücken Probleme. Dann macht man sich gedanken was man macht, und kommt auf die Idee einen Stehschreibtisch zu kaufen. So auch bei mir. Gesagt getan, das Paket kam wie gewohnt sehr schnell an. Achtung, es ist nicht gerade leicht, wer also nicht der stärkste ist, ist gut daran bedacht sich eine zweite Person sowohl zum tragen als auch zum Aufbau zu nehmen. Der Aufbau geht schnell und unkompliziert. Auch Ohne Anleitung ist eigentlich alles Selbst erklärend. Steht der Tisch kann man ihn auch ohne weiteres Hoch und runter fahren. Das ist auch nach längerem Testen richtig gut und entlastet den Rücken auf jedenfall sehr. Leider ist der Tisch nicht zu 100% Fest. Das heißt meine Tischplatte wackelt minimal wenn ich fest in die Tasten haue. Das ist etwas nervig, kommt jedoch auf den Monitor etc. an ob man es überhaupt merkt. Man sollte es jedoch im Hinterkopf behalten. Ansonsten ist das Preis Leistungs Verhältnis gut und man kann ihn ohne bedenken kaufen.
If you sit in the office all day, sooner or later you will have back problems. Then you think about what you are doing and come up with the idea of buying a standing desk. Same with me. No sooner said than done, the package arrived very quickly as usual. Warning, it's not exactly easy, so if you're not the strongest, it's a good idea to have a second person both to carry and set it up. The construction is quick and uncomplicated. Even without instructions, everything is actually self-explanatory. If the table is standing, you can easily move it up and down. This is really good even after a long test and relieves the back a lot in any case. Unfortunately the table is not 100% solid. That means my tabletop wobbles minimally when I hit the keys hard. This is a bit annoying, but it depends on the monitor etc. whether you even notice it. However, it should be kept in mind. Otherwise, the price-performance ratio is good and you can buy it without hesitation.
La struttura è davvero solida ed il montaggio semplicissimo.
The structure is really solid and assembly is very simple.
El producto que cumple con las normas funciona maravillosamente bien.
The product that complies with the standards works wonderfully well.
Tiene un axcabado muy bueno, se monta muy facilmente. Echaba de menos alguna medida que os facilito: Soporte para tablero 57cm, es decir la tabla que pongas encima debería tener 58 o 60 cm como mínimo. Que se pueda regular en altura está muy bien para cambios posturales durante las horas de trabajo Muy recomendable.
It has a very good finish and is very easy to assemble. I missed some measurements, which I will provide you with: Support for 57cm board, that is, the board you put on top should be at least 58 or 60 cm. The fact that it can be adjusted in height is very good for postural changes during working hours. Highly recommended.
Ich bin begeistert. Einfache Montage, gute Anleitung, stabiles Gestell. Tolles Preis-/Leistungsverhältnis!
I'm excited. Easy assembly, good instructions, stable frame. Great value for money!
Das Gestell kam sehr gut verpackt. Es ist sehr gut und schnell aufzubauen. Preis-Leistung ist super.
The frame came very well packaged. It is very easy and quick to set up. Value for money is great.
Ottimo prodotto! Utilizzato per la tastiera (pesa più di 20 kg.) senza piano scrivania. Fatto molto bene, stabile e professionale. E anche semplice da assemblare. Se non dovete spesso cambiare le altezze questa versione manuale va benissimo! Struttura e’ molto solida e verniciata con cura per questo va non solo negli ambienti professionali ma anche in casa di design
Great product! Used for the keyboard (weighs more than 20 kg.) without a desk top. Very well made, stable and professional. And also easy to assemble. If you don't have to change the heights often this manual version is perfect! The structure is very solid and painted with care for this reason it goes not only in professional environments but also in design homes
Ottima qualità dei materiali, facile da montare, spedizione perfetta, consigliatissima
Excellent quality of materials, easy to assemble, perfect shipping, highly recommended
Der Schreibtisch kam schnell und sehr gut verpackt. Der Teile sind sehr schwer und stabil und ich konnte sie gut alleine zusammenbauen. Auch der Aufbau der Kurbel hat auf Anhieb geklappt. Lediglich zum drehen des Schreibtisches am Ende benötigte ich Hilfe. Ein Akkuschrauber ist beim Aufbau zu empfehlen. Der Schreibtisch wirkt hochwertig und das Design gefällt mir. Das Hoch und Runterkurbeln ist leicht (der Tisch wackelt dabei etwas, aber nicht stark). Ich kann den Tisch nur empfehlen :)
The desk arrived quickly and was packaged very well. The parts are very heavy and stable and I was able to assemble them easily by myself. The construction of the crank also worked right away. I only needed help to turn the desk at the end. A cordless screwdriver is recommended for assembly. The desk looks high quality and I like the design. Cranking up and down is easy (the table wobbles a bit, but not too much). I can only recommend the table :)
Buen producto
Good product
Ich habe einen stabilen, billigen Steh-/ Sitzschreibtisch gesucht. Mit der Möglichkeit selbst eine Vollholzplatte zu installieren. Die Verarbeitung ist großteils gut, vereinzelt können z. B. Gewindebohrungen nicht perfekt passen (was aber in dieser Preisklasse jedem Käufer klar sein sollte). Die Konstruktion ist definitiv, vor allem für diesen Preis sehr solide und stabil. Das betrifft vor allem auch die Hebemechanik. Wer kein Problem mit der Muskelkraftfunktion hat, findet hier einen guten Schreibtisch. Wer allerdings eine elektrische Verstellung sucht, muss auf ein anderes Produkt zurückgreifen, was aber auch zu einem Vielfachen des Preises führt.
I was looking for a sturdy, cheap sit/stand desk. With the possibility to install a solid wood panel yourself. The workmanship is mostly good, e.g. B. Threaded holes do not fit perfectly (which should be clear to every buyer in this price range). The construction is definitely very solid and stable, especially for this price. This applies above all to the lifting mechanism. If you don't have a problem with the muscle power function, you will find a good desk here. However, if you are looking for an electrical adjustment, you have to use another product, which also leads to a multiple of the price.
Buena base de mesa en general, el montaje es mas maña que fuerza , los materiales se notan de calidad, es solo la base, el tablero hay que comprarlo aparte. La mejor mesa calidad/precio que he visto de este tipo.
Good table base in general, assembly is more skill than strength, the materials are of quality, it is only the base, the board has to be purchased separately. The best quality/price table I have seen of this type.
Comprata da Elektronik-star-it (azienda tedesca) , però controllando prima le recensioni date al venditore , (perché temevo che il prodotto potesse subire danni dovuti al trasporto) per tutelarmi nel caso mi fosse servito supporto , assistenza o reso. Invece è andato tutto perfetto , ordinata domenica sera (18 aprile) , mi è giunta di lunedì , 7 giorni dopo , dalla Germania (nel frattempo avevo mandato mail cercando rassicurazioni che il prodotto fosse molto ben imballato e cosi mi era stato confermato). Il pacco è giunto integro , il prodotto dentro era imballato perfettamente , da far commuovere per quanto fosse ben avvolto e impacchettato(vedi foto) , nuovo senza un graffio. Pagato 229,99 eu più 14,99 eu di spese di spedizione (che fastidio…..). Materiali robusti , ben disegnata e ben progettata , la struttura la montate con calma il 20 min e non vi servono attrezzi , solo una brugola inclusa nella confezione. Altri 30 min per il pianale (si compra a parte , il piano di lavoro , di legno del colore che volete ) ma le viti sono già incluse , se il pianale è meno di 2 cm di spessore è meglio se vi comprate una decina di rondelle da 2/3 mm di spessore altrimenti le viti son cosi lunghe che rischiate di trapassare il piano di lavoro. Io ho preso il modello a manovella (bianco) per non aver l’ennesimo cavo sparso per casa , son super contento e lo consiglio , lo ricomprerei , ma onestamente mi sento di consigliarvi quello elettrico che sicuramente non vi deluderà (li ho provati seppur di altre marche e di qualità inferiore) se non avete problemi con la gestione dei cavi elettrici .
Bought from Elektronik-star-it (a German company), but first checking the reviews given to the seller (because I feared that the product could be damaged during transport) to protect myself in case I needed support, assistance or a return. Instead everything went perfectly, ordered on Sunday evening (April 18), it arrived on Monday, 7 days later, from Germany (in the meantime I had sent an email seeking reassurance that the product was very well packaged and this was confirmed to me). The package arrived intact, the product inside was perfectly packaged, touching for how well it was wrapped and packaged (see photo), new without a scratch. Paid 229.99 eu plus 14.99 eu for shipping costs (how annoying…..). Sturdy materials, well designed and well planned, you can assemble the structure calmly in 20 minutes and you don't need any tools, only an Allen key included in the package. Another 30 minutes for the worktop (you can buy the worktop separately, in wood of the color you want) but the screws are already included, if the worktop is less than 2 cm thick it is better if you buy a dozen washers 2/3 mm thick otherwise the screws are so long that you risk going through the worktop. I took the crank model (white) so as not to have yet another cable scattered around the house, I am super happy and I recommend it, I would buy it again, but honestly I feel like recommending the electric one which certainly will not disappoint you (I have tried them even if they are from other brands and of lower quality) if you do not have problems with the management of electric cables.
Sono molto soddisfatto. La scrivania mi sembra solida, robusta e i materiali di qualità
I am very satisfied. The desk seems solid, sturdy and made of quality materials.
ottimo prodotto
great product
Es una mesa amplia regulable en sus dimensiones para usarla de formas distintas. Tiene un fondo de acero que hace que soporte bastante peso y sea estable. El primer uso es para usarla de amplio escritorio tanto sentada como de pie. Soy más dinámica y no me paralizo con una postura que luego me de dolores. Me permite variar mis posiciones y que no me provoque contracturas si estoy mucho rato trabajando. La instrucción necesita de un destornillador eléctrico para quitar los tornillos de la base y que permite extender la altura de las patas. Además estas se pueden poner de distinta altura si tienes un desnivel en alguna zona del suelo. Una vez puesta la manivela se puede subir o bajar el tablero que se compra aparte.
It is a wide table that can be adjusted in size to be used in different ways. It has a steel base that makes it support a lot of weight and is stable. The first use is to use it as a large desk, both sitting and standing. I am more dynamic and I don't get paralyzed by a posture that later causes me pain. It allows me to vary my positions and not cause contractures if I am working for a long time. The instruction requires an electric screwdriver to remove the screws from the base and to extend the height of the legs. In addition, these can be set at different heights if you have an uneven area in the floor. Once the crank is in place, the table top can be raised or lowered, which is purchased separately.