Taste Volcano Tartar's Hat Grill

Taste Volcano Tartar's Hat Grill
- Raclette grill
- Black
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Top features
Electric 2-in-1 tabletop grill: Tatar's hat and raclette grill in one
Grilling fun for up to 6 people
Tartar's hat with 20 hooks for individual grilling
Product description
When the Great Khan calls for food, the hungry Golden Horde gather around the Klarstein Taste Volcano Tartar's hat and raclette grill. At the glowing grill using the 8 small pans, the desire for meat, cheese and vegetables is satisfied here.
The Klarstein Taste Volcano 2-in-1 tabletop grill with its anti-stick Tartar's hat creates true eruptions of flavor. Whether with meat, fish, seafood or vegetables, up to 6 hungry warriors can get their money's worth and put on the hooks all the food they wish to eat. While things are sizzling on the cone, more delicacies are simmering in their own juices in the wide brim. Time to pull out some bread and dunk it into the delicious juices. If you want a change of pace, push one of the 6 raclette pans into the hot oven of the Klarstein Taste Volcano raclette grill. Here, the 1500 W heat cheerfully boils and turns cheese into a delicious, creamy specialty with a golden crust. Naturally, you can still create a range of tastes and combine it with meat, vegetables, and even fruits. The imagination is only limited by the available ingredients.
When the Golden Horde comes for a feast, the Klarstein Taste Volcano Tartar's hat and raclette grill has a lot to offer. Whether with meat, fish, vegetables or cheese, everyone will find their treat!
- On/off switch via power controller
- All-round grill for even grilling on all sides
- Fun with 3 functions: grilling, cooking and grilling
- Anti-stick pans and grill
- Rim as a grease trap and for cooking vegetables, meat or fish
- Tartar's hat removable for easy cleaning
- Power supply: 220-240 V~ / 50-60 Hz
Dimensions and Technical Details
- Dimensions: approx. 35 x 30 cm (ØxH)
- Weight: approx. 2 kg
What will be delivered?
- 1 x tabletop grill
- 6 x small pan
- User manual in English (other languages: German, French, Spanish, Italian)
Delivery & shipment
Your order will be delivered to the selected address per order. This address does not have to match the billing address. You can send the orders to your family, friends or office if you are not at home during the day.
Safety and Operating Instructions
Product Safety Information
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
Responsible Person:
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
E-mail address:

No review available for this item.
Très pratique
Very practical
alors le concept est sympa et convivial, le format peu pratique( pour le rangement) et assez cpliqué à nettoyer. En nettoyant les poelons je me suis ouvert un doigt aujourd hui car il sont tous tres tranchants a un endroit!!! franchement c est dangereux, je ne comprends pas.. bref sinon le produit est tres bien( je ferai attention la prochaine fois)
so the concept is nice and user-friendly, the format is not very practical (for storage) and quite complicated to clean. While cleaning the pans I cut my finger open today because they are all very sharp in one place!!! frankly it's dangerous, I don't understand.. in short otherwise the product is very good (I'll be careful next time)
Pour des repas en famille ou entre amis, cet appareil est vraiment top et ça change des raclettes ou autres fondues. Le gros gros bémol de cet appareil est le nettoyage du « chapeau » une vraie galère malgré que je l’ai laissé tremper une nuit. Dans les descriptifs, on parle d’anti-adhésif… dans la réalité et après un seul usage, c’est de l’anti-adhésif, très très adhésif ! Et très difficile à nettoyer
For meals with family or friends, this device is really great and it's a change from raclettes or other fondues. The big big downside of this device is cleaning the "hat" a real pain even though I left it to soak overnight. In the descriptions, we talk about non-stick... in reality and after a single use, it's non-stick, very very sticky! And very difficult to clean
Appareil original qui plaît à tout le monde. Ca change de l'appareil à pierrade. Chauffe très bien. Je recommande.
Original device that everyone likes. It's a change from the stone grill. Heats very well. I recommend it.
Leider bleibt das Fleisch nicht so hängen
Unfortunately, the meat doesn't stick that way
Die Medien konnten nicht geladen werden. Dieses Ding ist einfach genial !!!!! 100%-ige Kaufempfehlung !!!
The media could not be loaded. This thing is just awesome!!!!! 100% buy recommendation !!!
schnelle Lieferung, gerne wieder
fast delivery, gladly again
Lo compré para regalárselo a mis suegros y les ha encantado, lo han probado y calienta rápido. Es genial para una comida o cena diferente y divertida
I bought it to give to my in-laws and they loved it, they tried it and it heats up quickly. It's great for a different and fun lunch or dinner.
Wärmeleistung lässt zu wünschen!
Heat output leaves a lot to be desired!
Ein toller Raclette Grill der etwas anderen Art. Fleisch und Gemüse leicht in der Rinne mit heißer Brühe vorgaren. Dann anbraten. Wird saftig und zart. Super! 1 Stern Abzug, da die Heizspirale bei mir nicht richtig in der Fassung war. Konnte ich aber hineindrücken.
A great raclette grill of a different kind. Lightly pre-cook meat and vegetables in the trough with hot broth. Then fry. Becomes juicy and tender. Excellent! 1 star deducted because the heating coil was not properly installed on me. But I was able to push it in.
Très bon rapport qualité-prix. Très satisfait
Very good value for money. Very satisfied
Molto funzionale e comodo
Very functional and comfortable
Gerne wieder
Gladly again
Hat im Winter gute Dienste geleistet, mal was anderes
Has served well in winter, something different
alles suppi!!! bin sehr zufrieden! wir haben mit erfolg unsere mutter verar...t (reingelegt) war ne super überraschung zu weihnachten silvester! vor gebrauch einmal spülmaschine und komplett heißlaufen lassen, um die schutzöle (lagerung) verdampfen zu lassen. danach auch komplett geruchsneutral!
everything suppi!!! I am very pleased! we successfully fooled our mother (tricked) it was a great surprise for Christmas New Year's Eve! before use, run the dishwasher once and let it heat up completely to allow the protective oils (storage) to evaporate. afterwards also completely odorless!
Schöne Ider fast perfekt umgesetzt.. Eine Platte über der Heizspirale fehlt mir...
Beautiful Ider implemented almost perfectly.. I'm missing a plate over the heating coil...
Die Seiten vom Hut werden nicht richtig heiß, es dauert recht lange bis das Fleisch gar ist. Dafür wird die Krempe sehr heiß, für Fonduekäse leider nicht geeignet.
The sides of the hat don't get really hot, it takes a long time for the meat to cook. The brim gets very hot, unfortunately not suitable for fondue cheese.
Eine willkommene Abwechslung Die Leistung ist wirklich akzeptabel und es macht Spaß, mit dem Gerät zu brutzeln und zu schlemmen. Zu beachten ist aber, dass das Gerät beim Einsatz ziemlich spritzt. Es sollte also eine entsprechende Unterlage vorhanden sein, um im Nachhinein eine böse Überraschung auf der 'guten' Tischdecke zu vermeiden. Absolute Kaufempfehlung!
A welcome change. The performance is really acceptable and it's fun to sizzle and feast with the device. It should be noted, however, that the device splashes quite a bit when it is used. There should therefore be an appropriate underlay to avoid a nasty surprise on the 'good' tablecloth afterwards. Absolute purchase recommendation!
Perfekt, sehr heiß, sehr lecker. Eine ganz neue Erfahrung, wir machen immer Raclette zu Silvester, diesmal halt mit diesem Gerät... Cool ist, dass nebenbei noch n Süppchen geköchelt wird, bei uns at es Pilz-Brokkoli-Zwiebel - Lauch Sahne Suppe. Ein paar mal sind die Hähnchenbruststückchen von zwar angefallen und in die Suppe geplumpst, aber alles in allem eine sehr leckere Angelegenheit. Zum Gerät selbst: sehr schnell, sehr heiß. Der Abstand ist etwas klein zwischen den Pfännchen und dem Heizstab drüber, aber geht. Der Hut wird sehr sehr heiß, bisl eingeölt hat alles prima gepasst... Sehr empfehlenswert.
Perfect, very hot, very tasty. A whole new experience, we always make raclette on New Year's Eve, this time with this device... It's cool that a little soup is also being simmered, we have mushroom-broccoli-onion-leek cream soup. A few times the pieces of chicken breast came up and fell into the soup, but all in all it was a very tasty affair. As for the device itself: very fast, very hot. The distance between the pans and the heating element is a bit small, but it works. The hat gets very, very hot, until it was oiled everything fitted perfectly... Highly recommended.
Hält, was es verspricht ! Eine super Kombination aus Raclette und Fondue ! Die Wanne ist ausreichend hoch, die Verarbeitung ist klasse ! Das Produkt kann uneingeschränkt empfohlen werden !!
Keeps what it promises! A great combination of raclette and fondue! The tub is sufficiently high, the workmanship is great! The product can be recommended without reservation !!
Appareil très utile pour passer des soirées conviviales. Dommage qu'il n'y ait pas de livre de recettes, mais avec un peu d'imagination on peut faire des bouillons délicieux.
Very useful device for spending friendly evenings. Too bad there is no recipe book, but with a little imagination you can make delicious broths.
Nous l avons utilisé pour 2 versions différentes. La première avec un bouillon de légumes et volaille, de la viande et des beignets de pomme de terre. La seconde avec un bouillon de légumes, poisson blanc, saumon, crevettes et noix de Saint Jacques. Un regal Toute la famille a adoré Un nouvel atout qui change de la fondue.
We used it for 2 different versions. The first with a vegetable and poultry broth, meat and potato fritters. The second with a vegetable broth, white fish, salmon, shrimp and scallops. A treat The whole family loved it A new asset that changes from fondue.
Étant 5 à la maison avec 3 enfants, il y en a pour tous les goûts et donc tout le monde est content Fromage pour les uns, viandes pour d'autres cuites de différentes manières et petits légumes dans le bouillon pour accompagnement.
Being 5 at home with 3 children, there is something for everyone and so everyone is happy. Cheese for some, meat for others cooked in different ways and small vegetables in the broth for accompaniment.
Tartarenhut super, fürs Raclette ein wenig beengt, da Trapez-förmige, flache Pfännchen. Ansonsten steht einem gemütlichen Abend nichts im Weg. Der Ring außen rum mit Gemüse- oder Fleischbrühe gefüllt ist hervorragend fürs kochen von Fleisch, Champignons, Gemüse, etc... ähnlich Fondue... also eigentlich 3in1
Great tartar hat, a little cramped for raclette because of the trapezoidal, flat pans. Otherwise, nothing stands in the way of a cozy evening. The ring is filled with vegetable or meat broth on the outside and is excellent for cooking meat, mushrooms, vegetables, etc... similar to fondue... actually 3in1
c'est un appareil que je recherchai depuis un bon moment. j'avais eu l'occasion de tester un modèle similaire mais au gaz dans un restaurant dans la Savoie et j'avais trouvé ça génial ici c'est un appareil électrique mais le résultat est identique . vraiment génial et fonctionne à la perfection , il faut juste attendre un peu plus longtemps que l'appareil soit bien chaud
This is a device that I have been looking for for a while. I had the opportunity to test a similar model but with gas in a restaurant in Savoie and I found it great here it is an electric device but the result is identical. Really great and works perfectly, you just have to wait a little longer for the device to be hot
Megaaa! Wir sind begeistert. Es macht viel Spaß in gemütlicher Runde sich was zu brutzeln. Den Sud, der durch den abtropfenden Saft entsteht, kann man wie Suppe Löffeln oder mit Brot tunken. Wer das nicht mag der ißt unten drunter was aus der Pfanne. Für jeden was dabei. Top
Megaaa! We are excited. It's a lot of fun to sizzle something in a relaxed atmosphere. The broth created by the dripping juice can be scooped out like soup or dunk in bread. If you don't like that, you can eat something from the pan underneath. Something for everyone. Top
Bonne article mais pas stable il manque deux tampons d’appui ce qui rend l’ap Instable donc un peu dangereux
Good article but not stable, two support pads are missing which makes the AP unstable and therefore a little dangerous
Super appareil ! Conviviale et originale. Peu de personne connaisse le chapeau. Cuir sa viande ou son poisson sur les picots, fricassées de légumes ou riz dans la cuve. Et dans les appareils à raclette : ratatouille et un œuf au plat ! Chauffe très bien.
Great device! User-friendly and original. Few people know about the hat. Cook your meat or fish on the spikes, vegetable fricassee or rice in the tank. And in raclette machines: ratatouille and a fried egg! Heats very well.
Top de la cuisine fusion savoyo-coréenne, mix entre la raclette savoyarde et le barbecue coréen. Il faut couper ses viandes et légumes de sorte à les disposer et planter sur les pics du chapeau. Thermostat réglable. Manque les spatules pour les poêlons à raclette.
Top of the Savoy-Korean fusion cuisine, a mix between Savoyard raclette and Korean barbecue. You have to cut your meats and vegetables so as to arrange them and plant them on the peaks of the hat. Adjustable thermostat. Missing spatulas for the raclette pans.
L'ho acquistato perchè volevo cucinare il formaggio fuso e con questa raclette si riesce con facilità. Il prezzo rispetto alla concorrenza è molto vantaggioso. Inoltre con gli amici fa la sua grande scena!
I bought it because I wanted to cook melted cheese and with this raclette it is easy to do. The price compared to the competition is very advantageous. In addition with friends it makes a great scene!
Ce produit est super on peut le faire des grillades et en même temps de La Fontaine chinois ce produit est 2 en 1
This product is great, you can grill it and at the same time make Chinese La Fontaine, this product is 2 in 1
Particolare tipo di raclette che permette di fare anche la fonduta. Fa un figurone al centro tavola. È un tipo di cucina molto particolare. Un poco complessa la pulizia
A particular type of raclette that also allows you to make fondue. It looks great at the center of the table. It is a very particular type of cuisine. Cleaning is a little complex
A la recherche d'un appareil à raclette, j'ai acheté celui ci car c'est un produit 2 en 1, raclette et grill façon volcan, esthétiquement il en jette, dans l'attente de l'utiliser cet hiver entre amis!!
Looking for a raclette machine, I bought this one because it is a 2 in 1 product, raclette and volcano-style grill, aesthetically it is impressive, looking forward to using it this winter with friends!!
Fan invétérée de la raclette mais pas seulement, j'adore aussi la fondu Vietnamienne voila pourquoi j'ai choisi ce produit. Il me permet de faire ma raclette habituelle, je fait grillé mes légumes mais grace au chapeau je peux mettre un petit bouillon et faire une fondu Viêt, les legumes dans le bouillon les poissons sur le cône, c'est assez sympa. J'adore le fait d'avoir un produit pour plusieurs utilités.
Inveterate fan of raclette but not only, I also love Vietnamese fondue that's why I chose this product. It allows me to make my usual raclette, I grill my vegetables but thanks to the hat I can put a little broth and make a Vietnamese fondue, the vegetables in the broth the fish on the cone, it's quite nice. I love having a product for several uses.
Die Verarbeitung des Gerätes ist gut. Dran gibt es nichts zu deuteln. Aber irgendwie ist das nicht so toll, wie wir es erwartet hatten. Das Fleisch, die Pilze wurden auf die Haken am "Hut" gespießt. Das Fleisch wurde nur braun, wenn man es so lange hängen lässt, bis es staubtrocken ist. Einzig die Rinne für die Brühe ist prima. Ok, man muss sehr oft die Flüssigkeit auffüllen. Aber dann kann ich mein Gemüse auch gleich in Brühe kochen. Der Raclette.Grill an sich funktioniert anstandslos und prima. Wir wollten eine Alternative zum Raclette, daher der "Tatarenhut". Wir haben ihn behalten, werden ihn auch sicherlich nochmals nutzen, aber der Brüller ist es nicht.
The processing of the device is good. There is nothing to explain. But somehow it's not as great as we expected. The meat, mushrooms were skewered on the hooks on the "hat". The meat only turned brown if you left it hanging until it was bone dry. Only the channel for the broth is great. Ok, you have to top up the liquid very often. But then I can also cook my vegetables in broth right away. The Raclette.Grill itself works perfectly and great. We wanted an alternative to raclette, hence the "Tatar hat". We kept it and will certainly use it again, but it's not the screamer.
Très satisfaite du produit arrivé très rapidement très convivial ,taille satisfaisante et facile d'entretien car bien antiadhésif Une raclette pierrade qui change et originale j'adore le concept
Very satisfied with the product, arrived very quickly, very user-friendly, satisfactory size and easy to maintain because it is very non-stick. A raclette pierrade that is different and original, I love the concept.
Super appareil, il aurait été encore mieux si la résistance monterait dans le chapeau pour un meilleure répartition de la chaleur
Great device, it would have been even better if the resistance would go up in the hat for better heat distribution
Wir hatten zu dritt jede Menge Spaß damit. Auch unser Kleiner mit 6 Jahren kam gut zu recht! Würde es aber nur für maximal 4 Leute empfehlen, da nicht genug Platz am Hut selber ist. Der Hut wird schnell warm und die Suppe köchelte leicht vor sich hin. Schade finde ich, dass die Fondueschale sehr schmal ist und deswegen die Gäbelchen immer wieder in die Suppe fallen. Deswegen 1 Stern abzug! Die Reinigung ging bei mir problemlos: Über Nacht eingeweicht und am nächsten Tag ab in die Spülmaschine!
The three of us had a lot of fun with it. Even our little one at the age of 6 got along well! But would only recommend it for a maximum of 4 people as there is not enough space at the hut itself. The hat warms up quickly and the soup simmered gently. I think it's a shame that the fondue bowl is very narrow and that's why the forks keep falling into the soup. Therefore 1 star deduction! I had no problems cleaning it: soaked it overnight and put it in the dishwasher the next day!
Der Artikel war wie beschrieben. Der Versand schnell und sicher und der Kontakt zum Händler einwandfrei. Kann ich daher nur weiterempfehlen! Ich habe das Produkt als kostenfreies Rezensionsexemplar erhalten und mir diesen Vulkano extra für Party´s bestellt, es war eine sehr gute Entscheidung. Mein erster Eindruck zu dem Gerät fällt positiv auf. Der Vulkano ist Grill, Pfanne und Raclette in einem und hat eine sehr gute Größe für den Tisch und gute Erreichbarkeit für alle. Beim Vulkano sind 6 Pfännchen im Lieferumfang inbegriffen, die Haken eignen sich gut, um Fleisch, und Gemüse anzubringen, desweiteren wird der Vulkano mit einer Brühe aufgegossen. Das Gerät ist gut verarbeitet und heizt schnell auf. Gleichmäßige Hitzeverteilung…Die Pfännchen sind groß und einfach praktisch, er wird sehr schnell heiß und macht optisch einen guten Eindruck. Einfache Handhabung und unkompliziert in der Nutzung. Auch die Endreinigung geht leicht von der Hand und ist einfach zu reinigen.Ein Raclette welches ausreichend groß ist und qualitativ hochwertig verarbeitet wurde Ich kann den Vulkano ruhigen Gewissens weiter empfehlen, Grill, Pfanne und Raclette in einem. Perfekt für schöne gemütliche Abende mit Familie und Freunden. Das perfekte Geschenk für jeden Haushalt. Ich empfehle sie gern weiter bei einem guten Preisleistungsverhältnis und gebe gern volle Punktzahl. Alle waren total begeistert vom Essen.
The item was as described. The shipping was fast and safe and the contact with the dealer was perfect. I can therefore only recommend it! I received the product as a free review copy and ordered this Vulkano especially for parties, it was a very good decision. My first impression of the device is positive. The Vulkano is a grill, pan and raclette in one and has a very good size for the table and is easy to reach for everyone. The Vulkano comes with 6 pans, the hooks are good for attaching meat and vegetables, and the Vulkano is poured with broth. The device is well made and heats up quickly. Even heat distribution... The pans are large and simply practical, it heats up very quickly and makes a good visual impression. Easy to handle and uncomplicated to use. The final cleaning is also easy to do and is easy to clean. A raclette that is big enough and has a high quality finish I can recommend the Vulkano with a clear conscience, grill, pan and raclette in one. Perfect for nice cozy evenings with family and friends. The perfect gift for every household. I would be happy to recommend them to others if they offer good value for money, and I'm happy to give them full marks. Everyone was absolutely delighted with the food.
Hallo zusammen, da braucht man kein Raclette mehr es zischte und rauchte wir hatten unsere Freude daran. Die Form von den Raclette schälchen finde ich nicht so gut die gehen etwas spitz zu also nich viereckig wie üblich, die Hitze entwicklung finde ich perfekt vorsicht wenn ich eine Scheibe Brot Röstet in den Raclette schälchen könnte schnell Schwarz werden also immer wieder ein blick drauf werfen, Am Tatarenhut sind ja die Haken dran an diese kann man dann Fleischstückchen auf spießen aber diese Stücke sollte nicht zu groß sein, also von diesem Teil bin ich überzeugt viele werden vermutlich sein Raclette und Fleischfondues Geräte verschenken den diese braucht man nicht mehr.
Hello everyone, you don't need raclette anymore, it hissed and smoked, we enjoyed it. I don't think the shape of the raclette bowls is that good, they are a bit pointed, so not square as usual, I find the heat development perfect, be careful if I roast a slice of bread in the raclette bowl, it could quickly turn black, so keep looking at it , The Tatar hat has the hooks on which you can then skewer pieces of meat, but these pieces should not be too big, so I am convinced that many will probably give away their raclette and meat fondue devices as these are no longer needed.
Trouve pas ce genre d'appareil dans notre région. J'ai commandé deux appareils dont un pour offrir. Super appareil pour 4 personnes pas plus. Fonctionne très bien
Can't find this kind of device in our area. I ordered two devices, one as a gift. Great device for 4 people, no more. Works very well
Qualitativ gute Verarbeitung. Sofort Einsartzbereit. Wird schnell heiß. Gewünschte Temperatur schnell mittels Schalter veränderbar. Leider ist die Brüh-Auffang-Schale zu klein. Zu schmal zu flach. Hier wünschte ich mehr Platz zum Garen. Wenn etwas hereinfällt, bekommt mann es nur schwer wieder raus. Dann ist der Behälter so flach, dass bei hoher Temperatur, welches der Grill-Schornstein ja benötigt, die Brühe schnell verkocht und man häufig am Nachgießen ist. Super wäre es auch, wenn die Rinne so groß wäre, dass man kleinen Siebe benutzen könnte. (Gibt es einzeln für andere Fondue-Sets zu bestellen). Zum einen um parallel zu garen oder aber auch nur, um verloren gegangene Sachen raus zu fischen. Raclette ist unnötig. Haben wir nicht benutzt. Für uns ist dies ein völlig anderes Highlight. Ein Gerät ohne diese Pfännchen aber mit größerer Saftrinne würde dieses Event besser unterstreichen. Ansonsten super Spaß für die ganze Familie. Das Gerät steht sicher. Für 4 Personen ausreichend. Da wir 7 Personen waren, habe ich das mit einen Gar-Fondue ergänzt. Läßt sich hinterher super und schnell reinigen! Tolles Metall! Sieht wieder aus wie Neu.
Good quality processing. Immediately ready for use. Gets hot fast. Desired temperature can be changed quickly using a switch. Unfortunately, the brewing collection bowl is too small. Too narrow too flat. I wish there was more room to cook here. When something falls in, it's hard to get it out. Then the container is so flat that at the high temperature, which the grill chimney needs, the broth boils away quickly and you often have to refill it. It would also be great if the channel were so big that you could use small screens. (Can be ordered separately for other fondue sets). On the one hand to cook in parallel or just to fish out lost things. Raclette is unnecessary. We didn't use it. For us, this is a completely different highlight. A device without these pans but with a larger juice channel would emphasize this event better. Otherwise great fun for the whole family. The device is secure. Sufficient for 4 people. Since we were 7 people, I added a cooked fondue. Cleans up quickly and easily afterwards! Great metal! Looks like new again.
Erst mal vorweg, ich habe absolut nichts am Gerät selber auszusetzen. Allerdings habe ich das Teil bestellt weil ganz klar eine fehlerhafte Beschreibung hier bei Amazon und auch bei Klarstein selber angegeben war. Inzwischen ist es zum grössten Teil hier angepasst worden und nach einem Telefonat mit Klarstein werden sie wohl auch ihre Webseite anpassen. Angegeben wurde das dieses Gerät für 8 Personen ist und in Wirklichkeit ist es nur für 6 Personen. Und die Holzspatel fehlten ganz in meiner Bestellung. Mir wurde sehr wohl angeboten das Teil zurückzunehmen was aber für mich ein zusätzlicher Verlust bedeutet da ich in Luxemburg lebe und mir das Paket habe weiterleiten. Alternativ bekomme ich 5 Euro Rückerstattung was ich angenommen habe um meinen Verlust so gering wie möglich zu halten. Ich hätte ein zweites Gerät genommen mit einem entsprechenden höheren Rabatt was aber so dann nicht möglich war. Ich wurde nur auf den heutigen Black Friday Rabatt auf der Klarsteinwebseite hingewiesen wenn ich dort kaufe. Wie gesagt das Gerät an sich stelle ich nicht in Frage aber ich finde es absolut nicht in Ordnung dass ein Kunde durch einen Fehler in der Beschreibung der wirklich hier auf Amazon und zusätzlich auf der Webseite von Klarstein besteht, in die Irre geführt wird! Zumindest hat Klarstein versprochen dass es auch auf deren Webseite berichtigt wird und nach mir wird dann wohl niemand mehr das gleiche Problem haben.. Ich werde es unter dumm gelaufen verbuchen möchte aber hier darauf aufmerksam machen dass ich es absolut nicht in Ordnung finde. Ich kann das Ganze natürlich auch belegen auch wenn hier jetzt schon die Beschreibung angepasst wurde. Ich hab die Email mit der Kaufbestätigung und natürlich auch Screenshots von der Webseite wo die falschen Produktdetails ganz klar erkenntlich sind auch wenn das hier jetzt schon geändert wurde.
First of all, I have absolutely nothing to complain about about the device itself. However, I ordered the part because there was clearly an incorrect description here on Amazon and also on Klarstein itself. In the meantime, most of it has been adjusted here and after a phone call to Klarstein, they will probably also adjust their website. This unit is advertised for 8 people, but in reality it is only for 6 people. And the wooden spatulas were completely missing from my order. I was very well offered to take the part back, which means an additional loss for me because I live in Luxembourg and have the package forwarded to me. Alternatively, I get a refund of 5 euros, which I accepted to keep my loss as low as possible. I would have taken a second device with a correspondingly higher discount, but that wasn't possible. I was only informed about today's Black Friday discount on the Klarstein website when I buy there. As I said, I don't question the device itself, but I think it's absolutely not okay that a customer is misled by an error in the description that really exists here on Amazon and also on the Klarstein website! At least Klarstein has promised that it will also be corrected on their website and after me no one will have the same problem again. Of course, I can also prove the whole thing, even if the description has already been adjusted here. I have the email with the purchase confirmation and of course also screenshots from the website where the incorrect product details are clearly visible, even if this has already been changed here.
Cercate qualcosa di speciale per invitare i vostri amici a cena e stupirli con una cena alternativa, questo prodotto fa proprio per voi. Unboxing: Il prodotto arriva confezionato in un cartone che al suo interno contiene: 1 Piastra con relativa griglia a cono 8 Pentoline per raclette 8 Spatole di legno 1 Manuale di istruzioni Costruzione e materiali: La Piastra è costruita con materiali abbastanza pregiati, la base della piastra è fatta in plastica, sul fronte è presente un termostato che permette di regolare la temperatura a cui si vuole utilizzare, la resistenza è veramente molto veloce a scaldarsi grazie anche alla potenza massima di 1500 w, se impostata la potenza al massimo raggiunge la temperatura molto velocemente, anche le vaschette per la raclettre sono di ottima qualità predisposte anche di una maniglia anti scottatura. Anche il cilindro che funge da piastra è di ottima qualità la superficie è ricoperta con l'anti aderente per evitare che la carne si attacchi, sono presenti 20 ganci nei quali si possono appoggiare i pezzi di cibo per favorirne la cottura. Utilizzo: E' veramente molto facile utilizzare questa piastra, vi basterà attaccare la spina e impostare il tramite il termostato la potenza desiderata, si accenderà una luce che vi indicherà che la resistenza è in funzione. Ci sono 2 possibile modi per utilizzare la piastra: 1) Come griglia appoggiando i pezzi di carne, verdura ecc... sulla superficie del cono che si andrà a scaldare, in questo modo l'effetto sarà come quello di una bellissima grigliata, grazie a questa piastra la potrete farà anche in casa. 2) Come raclette una bellissima invenzione francese che consiste nel mangiare il formaggio fuso, all'interno della confezione sono presenti 6 vassoi nei quali si andranno a porre i pezzi di formaggio che grazie all'elevatissima potenza della resistenza si andranno a fondere subito e potranno essere gustati caldi e accompagnati magari da una fetta di pane. Conclusione: Credo che questa griglia/raclette sia veramente un ottimo prodotto costruito bene, facile e rapido da utilizzare. Un ottimo modo per mangiare sia la carne che il formaggio, l'ho usata diverse volte in compagnia ed oltre ad aver mangiato bene è stato proprio divertente, consiglio assolutamente di acquistare questo prodotto Allego un video e un po' di foto
Are you looking for something special to invite your friends to dinner and surprise them with an alternative dinner, this product is right for you. Unboxing: The product arrives packaged in a carton which contains: 1 Griddle with relative cone grill 8 Raclette pans 8 Wooden spatulas 1 Instruction manual Construction and materials: The Griddle is built with fairly fine materials, the base of the plate is made of plastic, on the front there is a thermostat that allows you to adjust the temperature at which you want to use it, the resistance is really very quick to heat up thanks also to the maximum power of 1500 w, if set to the maximum power it reaches the temperature very quickly, even the raclettre trays are of excellent quality and are also equipped with an anti-scald handle. Even the cylinder that acts as a plate is of excellent quality, the surface is covered with a non-stick coating to prevent the meat from sticking, there are 20 hooks in which pieces of food can be placed to facilitate cooking. Usage: It is really very easy to use this plate, just plug it in and set the desired power via the thermostat, a light will come on which will indicate that the resistance is working. There are 2 possible ways to use the plate: 1) As a grill by placing the pieces of meat, vegetables, etc... on the surface of the cone that will be heated, in this way the effect will be like that of a beautiful barbecue, thanks you can also make this plate at home. 2) As raclette, a beautiful French invention which consists in eating melted cheese, inside the package there are 6 trays in which you will place the pieces of cheese which, thanks to the very high power of the resistance, will melt immediately and can be enjoyed hot and perhaps accompanied by a slice of bread. Conclusion: I think this grill/raclette is really an excellent product, well built, easy and quick to use. An excellent way to eat both meat and cheese, I have used it several times in company and in addition to having eaten well it was really fun, I absolutely recommend buying this product. I am attaching a video and a few photos
Con questo prodotto 2 in 1 trasformerete (senza alcuno sforzo per cucinare) una classica cena in una serata divertente, mangiando lentamente e discutendo con gli amici con le pietanze che saranno sempre calde! *** DESCRIZIONE *** Il prodotto viene consegnato in una scatola bianca, al suo interno troviamo: - La Piastra - Il Cappello Tartaro - Il manuale d’istruzioni multilingua (compreso l’Italiano) - 6 padelline - 6 spatoline di legno Nella parte inferiore della piastra c’è l’ingresso per il cavo di alimentazione, 4 piedini di gomma che impediscono lo scivolamento e servono anche a dare lo spessore necessario alla dissipazione del calore che avviene tramite diversi “buchi”. La spina è di tipo schuko quindi avremo bisogno di un classico adattatore se vogliamo usarla nelle prese di corrente italiane. Nella parte laterale è presente l’unico comando della piastra, ovvero una manopola da ruotare con gli indicatori MIN e MAX, al suo fianco c’è un led che serve semplicemente a mostrare se la piastra è accesa o spenta. Nella parte superiore troviamo la vera e propria resistenza che diventerà incandescente una volta accesa, sollevata da 3 supporti che servono anche a sostenere il coperchio. Sotto la resistenza c’è il ripiano dove si andranno a posare le padelline, già delineato in modo da non poter sbagliare. Il Cappello Tartaro è antiaderente e presenta diversi ganci appuntiti lungo il fianco, necessari a infilzare le pietanze da grigliare. Le padelline sono anch’esse antiaderenti ed hanno un piccolo manico gommato per evitare di scottarci durante l’utilizzo. Le spatoline di legno sono abbastanza semplici, leggere e sottili. *** MATERIALI *** La piastra appare da subito solida e robusta, la resistenza riscaldante è spessa e uniformemente distribuita lungo la piastra, infatti garantisce una potenza massima di ben 1500W. Il cappello tartaro e le padelline sono realizzate in metallo di ottima qualità, lo si intuisce già al primo impatto grazie al loro peso. Sono inoltre rivestite di un materiale antiaderente che oltre a garantire una cottura perfetta, permette di pulirle con facilità. *** UTILIZZO *** La piastra è semplicissima da utilizzare, basta collegare la spina e ruotare la manopola fino alla potenza desiderata. Al primo utilizzo, però, è consigliato di accenderla per circa 15 minuti alla massima potenza senza alcuna pietanza, in modo tale da rimuovere gli odori e i residui di produzione. La particolarità di questo oggetto è che permette 2 diversi tipi di cottura, entrambi adatti ad una cena in compagnia che intrattiene e sorprende gli ospiti: - Raclette. La parte bassa della piastra è pensata per sciogliere il formaggio dentro le padelline. Ce ne sono 6 in dotazione, quindi possono mangiare contemporaneamente fino a 6 persone con una padellina a testa. Basterà tagliare il formaggio (solitamente si utilizza appunto il formaggio Raclette, ma potete scegliere quello che più preferite), posizionarlo nella padellina e adagiarlo sull’apposito ripiano. A seconda della potenza selezionata il formaggio andrà a sciogliersi, a quel punto, aiutandosi con la spatolina di legno verrà fatto scivolare sul piatto. - Cappello Tartaro. Sul cappello si possono grigliare vari alimenti (verdure, carne tagliata sottile, ecc…) andandoli ad infilzare nei numerosi ganci appuntiti oppure si possono cuocere altre pietanze nella parte bassa a forma di ciotola. Basterà riempirla con del brodo e si potranno immergere le nostre pietanze che si cuoceranno in modo lento. *** SPEDIZIONE E IMBALLAGGIO *** Il prodotto è stato imballato in modo ottimale, proteggendolo da eventuali urti che possono capitare durante il trasporto. Il venditore ha coperto la scatola mostrata in foto con una ulteriore scatola di cartone che impedisce di vederne il contenuto. Viene spedito dalla Germania tramite corriere UPS e la consegna è stata molto rapida, parecchi giorni prima della data massima dichiarata al momento dell’acquisto. *** RIEPILOGO *** Il prodotto
With this 2 in 1 product you will transform (without any effort to cook) a classic dinner into a fun evening, eating slowly and discussing with friends over dishes that will always be hot! *** DESCRIPTION *** The product is delivered in a white box, inside we find: - The plate - The Tartar hat - The multilingual instruction manual (including Italian) - 6 pans - 6 wooden spatulas In the lower part of the plate there is the input for the power cable, 4 rubber feet that prevent slipping and also serve to give the necessary thickness for heat dissipation which occurs through different "holes". The plug is of the schuko type so we will need a classic adapter if we want to use it in Italian power sockets. On the side there is the only control of the plate, that is a knob to be turned with the MIN and MAX indicators, next to it there is a LED which simply serves to show if the plate is on or off. In the upper part we find the real resistance which will become incandescent once lit, raised by 3 supports which also serve to support the lid. Under the resistance there is the shelf where the pans will be placed, already outlined so as not to be able to make mistakes. The Cappello Tartaro is non-stick and has several pointed hooks along the side, necessary to pierce the dishes to be grilled. The pans are also non-stick and have a small rubberized handle to avoid burning ourselves during use. The wooden spatulas are quite simple, light and thin. *** MATERIALS *** The plate immediately appears solid and robust, the heating resistance is thick and uniformly distributed along the plate, in fact it guarantees a maximum power of 1500W. The tartar hat and the pans are made of excellent quality metal, which can be perceived at first glance thanks to their weight. They are also coated with a non-stick material which, in addition to guaranteeing perfect cooking, allows them to be cleaned easily. *** USE *** The plate is very simple to use, just connect the plug and turn the knob to the desired power. On first use, however, it is recommended to turn it on for about 15 minutes at maximum power without any dishes, in order to remove odors and production residues. The peculiarity of this object is that it allows 2 different types of cooking, both suitable for a dinner in company that entertains and surprises guests: - Raclette. The lower part of the plate is designed to melt the cheese inside the pans. There are 6 supplied, so up to 6 people can eat at the same time with one pan each. Just cut the cheese (usually Raclette cheese is used, but you can choose the one you prefer), place it in the pan and place it on the appropriate shelf. Depending on the power selected, the cheese will melt, at which point, with the help of the wooden spatula, it will be slid onto the plate. - Tartar hat. Various foods can be grilled on the hat (vegetables, thinly sliced meat, etc...) by sticking them into the numerous pointed hooks or other dishes can be cooked in the bowl-shaped lower part. Just fill it with broth and you can dip our dishes that will cook slowly. *** SHIPPING AND PACKING *** The product was packed in an optimal way, protecting it from any shocks that may occur during transport. The seller has covered the box shown in the photo with an additional cardboard box which prevents the contents from being seen. It is shipped from Germany via UPS courier and the delivery was very fast, several days before the maximum date declared at the time of purchase. *** SUMMARY *** The product