Schneeflöckchen Ice Cream Maker

Schneeflöckchen Ice Cream Maker
- Ice cream machine
- White
Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear
Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty149,99 €
- Ready for delivery In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays.
- Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
- Ready to ship in 24 hours
- 14 day cooling off period
Top features
Versatile: uncomplicated ice cream maker for cold treats like ice cream, milkshakes, smoothies or jellies
No pre-cooling necessary: fresh ice cream in 1-2 hours without pre-cooling the container or the ingredients
Correct portions: thermo container for up to 700 ml ice cream (0.3 litre capacity for ingredients)
Product description
Finally time for ice cream! Delicious ice cream at any time! With the Klarstein Schneeflöckchen ice cream maker, delicious ice cream and juice specialties such as fruit and soft ice cream, milkshakes, smoothies and jellies can be created in no time. Completely independently of the season, food lovers small and big can get their money's worth.
"Homemade ice cream with delicious ingredients without pre-cooling or disturbing noises."
The Klarstein Schneeflöckchen is a true turbo ice cream machine, which can freeze up to 700 ml of delicious creamy ice cream made of selected ingredients in its thermal container within 1-2 hours. This ensures the perfect refreshment on hot days and great fun at children's birthdays - as well as the good feeling that you always know that only the best ingredients find their way into the ice cream. This makes it very easy to cater to personal taste preferences and any restrictions on foods, such as lactose intolerance or allergies.
"Enjoy variety."
In addition to the preparation of ice cream, the Klarstein Schneeflöckchen ice cream maker can also conjure delicious milkshakes, smoothies or jellies. The ice cream machine accomplishes all of this with a very economical power consumption of only 90 watts.
“Just a few steps to an ice-cold sensation."
The operation of the ice cream maker is simple and carried out using an intuitive, top-side button control section. With the help of two buttons and a digital display, one of six fully automatic programs can be selected. During operation, the remaining time is displayed. For serving the finished ice cream and for decorating, an ice cream scoop is available.
- Easy operation via two buttons and digital display
- 6 selectable, fully automatic programs
- Remaining working time display during operation
- Safety cap in the lid
- Anti-slip rubber feet for a safe stance
- Space-saving dimensions
- Recipes in the manual
- On / off switch on the control panel
- Includes ice tray, spatula and five measuring spoons in different sizes
- Power supply: 220-240 V ~ | 50/60 Hz
Dimensions and Technical Details
- Dimensions (machine): 18.5 x 23.8 x 26.5 cm (WxHxD)
- Dimensions (thermal tank): 8.5 x 8.5 cm (HxØ)
- Weight (device): about 2.55 kg
What will be delivered?
- 1 x device
- 1 x cover with drive
- 1 x stirring rod
- 1 x ice cream scoop
- 5 x measuring spoons (various sizes)
- 1 x spatula
- 1 x power supply
- English language manual (additional languages: German, Italian, French, Spanish)
Delivery & shipment
Shipping time: 3 - 5 days
Your order will be delivered to the selected address per order. This address does not have to match the billing address. You can send the orders to your family, friends or office if you are not at home during the day.
Safety and Operating Instructions
Product Safety Information
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
Responsible Person:
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
E-mail address:
No review available for this item.
Brilliant product, so easy to use and ice cream within an hour - perfect.
Brilliant product, so easy to use and ice cream within an hour - perfect.
Adoro il gelato, e la gelatiera è uno dei miei strumenti preferiti in cucina. Questa mi ha molto soddisfatta.
I love ice cream, and an ice cream maker is one of my favorite kitchen tools. I was very pleased with this one.
Lo ho comprato per fare un regalo. É stato subito usato ed il gelato é molto buono. La quantità é giusta per 2 persone. Lo consiglio!
I bought it as a gift. It was used immediately and the ice cream is very good. The quantity is right for 2 people. I recommend it!
Behälter könnte etwas größer sein ansonsten gutes Produkt
Container could be a bit bigger otherwise good product
macht gutes Eis und Frozen Joghurt,leicht zu bedienen und perfect für Single-Haushalt.
makes good ice cream and frozen yoghurt, easy to use and perfect for a single household.
Prodotto ottimo poco ingombrante e fa un buon gelato....unico lato negativo cestello piccolo che permette di fare un gelato per Massimo 4persone
Excellent product, small size and makes good ice cream....only negative side is the small basket which allows you to make ice cream for a maximum of 4 people
Making ice-cream
Making ice-cream
Piccola, funzionale e pratica nell'utilizzo. Consente di fare due porzioni di gelato in circa 45 minuti. Poche ricette ma reperibili su internet. E poi sfogo alla fantasia segue di le regole basilari.
Small, functional and practical to use. Allows you to make two portions of ice cream in about 45 minutes. Few recipes but available on the internet. And then unleash your imagination following the basic rules.
Die Maschine entsprach nicht meiner Vorstellung, hatte kleine Mängel. Der Rückversand lief reibungslos und schnell.
The machine did not meet my expectations, had small defects. The return shipment went smoothly and quickly.
All my items are presents, therefore I cannot give you feedback until January. What I can state is that all deliveries have been good.
All my items are presents, therefore I cannot give you feedback until January. What I can state is that all deliveries have been good.
Ich bin voll zufrieden. Das selbst gemachte eis aus Joghurt mit pürierten Früchten schmeckt mega. Echt top.
I am fully satisfied. The homemade ice cream made from yoghurt with pureed fruit tastes great. Really great.
Das Gerät ist super.
The device is great.
La gelatiera è arrivata inmaniera tempestiva anche in tempo di covid, veloce,di piccole dimensioni per cui si mette bene anche in piccoli spazi...l'unica cosa che mi è dispiaciuta è che pensavo ci fossero più ricette dentro il libretto
The ice cream maker arrived promptly even in the time of covid, fast, small in size so it fits well even in small spaces... the only thing I was sorry about was that I thought there were more recipes in the booklet
La macchina è compattissima, ha un motore sul retro per la refrigerazione, ed uno sopra al coperchio che muove le palle, quest'ultimo di potenza adeguata per cui le palle non si blocca mai (problema che avevamo con la vecchia gelatiera). Il corpo motore è solidale al secchiello, ed essendo un unico blocco bisogna fare una certa attenzione nella pulizia, e lavare il cestello senza che l'acqua arrivi al motore. La dose prodotta è sufficiente a riempire 2 coppetta, per cui noi che siamo in 4 la facciamo andare due volte per avere un quantitativo sufficiente, che in termini di tempo significa quasi 4 ore.
The machine is very compact, it has a motor on the back for refrigeration, and one above the lid that moves the balls, the latter of adequate power so that the balls never get stuck (a problem we had with the old ice cream maker). The motor body is integral with the bucket, and being a single block you have to be careful when cleaning, and wash the basket without letting the water reach the motor. The dose produced is enough to fill 2 cups, so we who are 4 let it run twice to have a sufficient quantity, which in terms of time means almost 4 hours.
Sehr gute Maschine zum kleinen Preis. Hat uns im Sommer so manchen Tag versüßt. Der Eisbereiter kühlt selbst, so dass man vorher keinen Behälter ins TK-Fach einfrieren muss. Das war für den Kauf ausschlaggebend. Das Gerät arbeitet leise und macht am Ende des Programms akustisch aufmerksam. Die Füllmenge ist für zwei Personen ausreichend.
Very good machine at a low price. Has sweetened many a day in the summer for us. The ice maker cools itself, so you don't have to freeze a container in the freezer beforehand. That was the deciding factor in the purchase. The device works quietly and draws attention acoustically at the end of the program. The capacity is sufficient for two people.
Super kleine Eismaschine. In 1 Stunde herrliches Eis. Und so klein, man kann sie wirklich in der Küche stehen lassen, sie nimmt so wenig Platz weg.
Super little ice machine. Great ice cream in 1 hour. And so small, you can really leave it in the kitchen, it takes up so little space.
Ho preparato tre gelati, la mia esperienza con altre macchine mi ha dato la possibilità di produrre un buon prodotto. Perchè la macchina renda al meglio è necessario preparare il composto con gli ingredienti desiderati, il mio consiglio è di usare i segunti prodotti: 150 ml latte di soia o latte di mucca, 50 ml di yogurt di soia o yogurt al naturale, 100 ml di gusto (per esempio frutta frullata) 70 gr zucchero, un cucchiaino di farina di semi di carrube. Aggiungere i seguenti ingredienti in un contenitore: latte, zucchero e la farina di semi di carrube, mescolare con un frullatore a immersione, cucinare mescolando fino ad ottenere un composto denso e omogeneo, lasciare raffreddare. Frullare la frutta con frullatore a immersione, eliminare eventuali semi, aggiungere la frutta al composto preparato in precedenza, frullare e mettere in freezer 30 minuti, nel frattempo accendere la macchina per il gelato prog. 2, lasciare in funzione per 30 minuti chiusa ma senza paletta. Spegnere la macchina, inserire il composto, accendere prog. 2, per circa un'ora. Buon gelato a tutti. :)
I have prepared three ice creams, my experience with other machines has given me the opportunity to produce a good product. For the machine to work at its best, it is necessary to prepare the mixture with the desired ingredients, my advice is to use the following products: 150 ml soy milk or cow's milk, 50 ml soy yogurt or natural yogurt, 100 ml of flavor (for example blended fruit) 70 g sugar, a teaspoon of carob seed flour. Add the following ingredients to a container: milk, sugar and carob seed flour, mix with a hand blender, cook stirring until the mixture is thick and smooth, leave to cool. Blend the fruit with a hand blender, remove any seeds, add the fruit to the mixture prepared previously, blend and put in the freezer for 30 minutes, in the meantime turn on the ice cream machine prog. 2, leave it running for 30 minutes closed but without the paddle. Turn off the machine, insert the mixture, turn on prog. 2, for about an hour. Happy ice cream to everyone. :)
Wenn man sich mit 5 Kugeln pro Run zufrieden gibt, ist man hier gut aufgehoben. Gleich nah der Lieferung habe ich drei unterschiedliche Eismischunegn gemacht: Stracciatellaeis, veganes Schokoeis und ein Zironensorbet - alles perfekt cremig und super im Geschmack. Dazu braucht es ca 50min bis 80min (Sorbet). Der Vorteil der kleinen Portionen ist, dass man schneller variieren kann oder man schiebt noch einen Run nach. Aufgehoben wird die Eiscreme im Gefrierfach. Stellt man sie ca 30 min wieder in normale Kühlfach, so wir das Eis wieder cremig. Die Geräuschentwicklung ist nicht störend; die Verarbeitung ist sehr gut. Vernünftiger Zubehör ist auch dabei. Die unerschiedlichen Menuepunkte sind allerdings wenig effektiv. Besser ist es, die Zeiten einmal selbst zu ermitteln. Falls das Eis zu fest wird, stellt die Machine erfreulicherweise den Betrieb ein. Da bei der Maschine eine Peltierkühlung zum Einsatz kommt, wird es bauartbedingt kein trennbares Eisgefäss geben - aber die Reinigung stellt kein Problem dar. Hatte früher eine Maschine mit passiver Kühlung (Gefäss muss 24 h in Gefrierfach), die allerdings immer ein matschiges Eis produzierte. Von Kompressormaschinen habe ich erst einmal Abstand genommen, nicht nur was Preis und Gewicht anbetrifft, sondern auch deshalb, weil ich noch nicht weis, wie lange meine Eisliebe vorhält.
If you are satisfied with 5 balls per run, you are in good hands here. Immediately after the delivery I made three different ice cream mixes: stracciatella ice cream, vegan chocolate ice cream and a lemon sorbet - all perfectly creamy and great in taste. This takes about 50 to 80 minutes (sorbet). The advantage of the small portions is that you can vary more quickly or you can add another run. The ice cream is kept in the freezer. If you put them back in the normal fridge for about 30 minutes, the ice cream becomes creamy again. The noise development is not disturbing; The workmanship is very good. Useful accessories are also included. However, the different menu items are not very effective. It is better to determine the times yourself. Fortunately, if the ice gets too hard, the machine will stop working. Since the machine uses Peltier cooling, there will be no separable ice bucket due to the design - but cleaning is not a problem. I used to have a machine with passive cooling (the bucket has to be in the freezer for 24 hours), but it always produced muddy ice. I refrained from compressor machines for the time being, not only in terms of price and weight, but also because I don't know how long my love for ice cream will last.
Ich habe meine Eismaschine heute bekommen gleich ausprobiert und schokoeis gemacht hat gar nicht lange gedauert 50 Minuten und das Eis war fertig! Ist auch überhaupt nicht laut das gute dabei da kommt aus dem hinteren Teil Luft raus da es heute sehr warm war war es für mich angenehm denn jetzt kommst da kommt kalte Luft raus hat ich gleich ein Lüfter gehabt zum kühlen also Abkühlen für mich ich weiß es alles albern aber ich finde das Toll hat wirklich nicht lange gedauert vielen Dank
I got my ice cream machine today and tried it out right away and made chocolate ice cream it didn't take long at all 50 minutes and the ice cream was ready! It's not loud at all, which is good because air comes out of the back part because it was very warm today, it was pleasant for me because now cold air comes out, I immediately had a fan to cool me down, I know it all silly but I think the great thing really didn't take long, thank you very much
Für das kleine Eis in der Woche super, auch nicht laut. Da ist die Ablufthaube am Herd wesentlich lauter. Schnelle Lieferung, einfache Montage, immer wieder gene
Great for a little ice cream during the week, not loud either. The exhaust hood on the stove is much louder. Fast delivery, easy assembly, always gene
Also, wer eine Maschine sucht, die selbstständig kühlt und kleine Portionen Eis herstellt, der ist hier genau richtig! Softeis in 30-45 Minuten. Einfach einfüllen und Knopf drücken. Maschine macht den Rest. Für 2 Personen, 300-400 ml Eis.
So if you're looking for a machine that cools independently and makes small portions of ice cream, you've come to the right place! Soft ice cream in 30-45 minutes. Just fill in and press the button. Machine does the rest. For 2 people, 300-400 ml ice cream.
Die Maschine funktioniert hervorragend. Ich ärgere mich allerdings über mich selbst, dass ich die kleine Ausgabe gewählt habe. Das zubereitete Eis reicht für zwei bis drei Personen, ich würde allerdings gerne dann noch was einfrieren. Aber da kann die Maschine nix für. Leicht zu reinigen und die Bedienung ist selbsterklärend
The machine works great. However, I am annoyed with myself for choosing the small edition. The prepared ice cream is enough for two to three people, but I would like to freeze something afterwards. But the machine can do nothing for that. Easy to clean and operation is self-explanatory
Was soll ich sagen.... einfache Bedienung, geräuscharm, einfach super. Mir war wichtig das ich nicht erst einen halben Tag lang einen Behälter vorkühlen muss um Eis zu machen. Ein bisschen bedenken hatte ich wegen der Reinigung, da man den Behälter nicht rausnehmen kann. Aber durch den " Handgriff" auf der Rückseite lässt sich das Gerät super mit einer Hand halten und mit der anderen Reinigen. Die Füllmenge fällt zwar etwas kleiner als ich dachte, aber für 2 Personen reichts:) Ich würde die Maschiene wieder kaufen.
What can I say.... simple operation, low noise, just great. It was important to me that I didn't have to pre-cool a container for half a day to make ice cream. I was a bit worried about cleaning, because you can't take out the container. But thanks to the "handle" on the back, the device can be held with one hand and cleaned with the other. The filling quantity is a bit smaller than I thought, but it's enough for 2 people :) I would buy the machine again.
Tolle Eismaschine, für 3 Personen völlig ausreichend. Ich finde die Maschine nicht zu laut und mit maximal 2 Stunden zum Eisbereiten kann ich gut leben. Dafür schmeckt uns das Eis was wir bisher gemacht haben sehr gut. Würde ich jederzeit wieder kaufen.
Great ice machine, perfectly adequate for 3 people. I don't find the machine too loud and I can live with a maximum of 2 hours for making ice cream. The ice cream we have made so far tastes very good. I would buy again anytime.
Leider nur 4 Sterne. Die Beschrieftungen auf dem Gerät sind in chinesischen Buchstaben. Das Eis wird hart, wenn man sich auf den Menüpunkt verläßt. Ich muss mir aufschreiben bzw. den Timer stellen, wann ich das Gerät ausschalten muss um ein gutes Eis zu bekommen. Das Arbeitsgeräusch ist angenehm leise und die Kühlleistung ist ebenfalls (fast zu) gut. Alles in Allem für diesen Preis ein durchaus annehmbares Gerät zur Eiszubereitung für maximal 2 Personen.
Unfortunately only 4 stars. The labels on the device are in Chinese characters. The ice gets hard when you rely on the menu item. I have to write down or set the timer when I have to switch off the device to get a good ice cream. The operating noise is pleasantly quiet and the cooling performance is also (almost too) good. All in all, for this price, it is a thoroughly acceptable device for making ice cream for a maximum of 2 people.
This machine is a niche product. It makes 300 ml (about half a pint ) of ice cream, without needing a freezer, and it's light and compact. To make some ice cream you just pour in your mixture and switch on. The machine is light because It has no compressor; instead, it works by the Peltier effect. Your ice cream is ready in about 2 hours. It "pings" to tell you so. It doesn't have a removable bucket. To clean it, you just wash it out with soapy water. After use it's easily stored on a shelf; its footprint is smaller than my 12" laptop computer's. Half a pint of ice cream may not sound like much, but it's probably enough for 4 (maybe even 6) adults. I'm not giving it the full 5 stars because, although it's reasonably quiet, it certainly isn't "whisper quiet". It has a pair of fans and they make a definite hiss. Also, the rotating paddle on my specimen gives out a little groan. Even so, it's a definite improvement on my old Magimix ice cream maker. No longer do I have to remember to put it in the freezer overnight -- supposing there's any room.
This machine is a niche product. It makes 300 ml (about half a pint ) of ice cream, without needing a freezer, and it's light and compact. To make some ice cream you just pour in your mixture and switch on. The machine is light because It has no compressor; instead, it works by the Peltier effect. Your ice cream is ready in about 2 hours. It "pings" to tell you so. It doesn't have a removable bucket. To clean it, you just wash it out with soapy water. After use it's easily stored on a shelf; its footprint is smaller than my 12" laptop computer's. Half a pint of ice cream may not sound like much, but it's probably enough for 4 (maybe even 6) adults. I'm not giving it the full 5 stars because, although it's reasonably quiet, it certainly isn't "whisper quiet". It has a pair of fans and they make a definite hiss. Also, the rotating paddle on my specimen gives out a little groan. Even so, it's a definite improvement on my old Magimix ice cream maker. No longer do I have to remember to put it in the freezer overnight -- supposing there's any room.
Die Eismaschine funktioniert bisher (dreimal verwendet) einwandfrei. Ein wenig laut, aber man kann sie ja in ein anderes Zimmer stellen. Nach 1-2 Stunden ist das Eis fertig und schmeckt sehr gut. Meine Tochter ist mit ihrer neuen Eismaschine sehr zufrieden.
The ice cream machine has worked flawlessly so far (used three times). A little noisy, but you can put them in another room. After 1-2 hours the ice cream is ready and tastes very good. My daughter is very happy with her new ice cream maker.