[Returns: -10%] ShirtButler Automatic Shirt Dryer

59,99 €
Original price: 74,99 €
(incl. VAT)
Product number: 52032909
ShirtButler Automatic Shirt Dryer
59,99 €
Original price: 74,99 €
(incl. VAT)
  • Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
  • Shipping time: 4 - 6 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period

Condition - like new, with minor signs of wear

Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty

Top features

  • 2-in-1 system: automatic shirt-dryer and shirt-ironer in one

  • Powerful and reliable: thanks to a safety heater with an output of 850 watts

  • Multi-size function: suitable for all clothing sizes from S to L


  • Power 850 watts
  • Timer: 0-180 min.
  • Max. temperature: 65 ° C
  • Material: oxford nylon
  • LED indicator light
  • Hot and cold air
  • Maximum weight: 10 kg
  • Power supply: 220-240 V ~ 50/60 Hz
Product number: 52032909

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions (in operation): approx. 110 x 115 x 35 cm (WxHxD)
  • Weight: approx. 1.9 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x shirt dryer
  • 1 x instruction manual (English, German, French, Spanish, Italian)

Delivery & shipment

Low stock - order quickly!

Shipping time: 4 - 6 days

Customer reviews
32 Ratings

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Facile da usare e veloce..non stira solo camice ma anche felpe maglioncini etc..️

Easy to use and fast..it doesn't just iron shirts but also sweatshirts, sweaters etc..️


Qualità e prezzo al top

Top quality and price


Io ho scelto questo modello perché assorbe 800w, e si può scegliere di usare solo la ventola, a freddo e nelle belle giornate stira col calore del sole. Asciuga bene tutta la camicia a seconda del tipo di tessuto, in12/15 minuti, (non come un ferro da stiro) i polsini rimangono leggermente umidi ma comunque stirati, io per asciugare meglio il colletto metto un elastico per fare aderire meglio al sacco. Peccato non si possano regolare le taglie con delle zip.

I chose this model because it absorbs 800w, and you can choose to use only the fan, cold and on nice days you can iron with the heat of the sun. It dries the whole shirt well depending on the type of fabric, in 12/15 minutes, (not like an iron) the cuffs remain slightly damp but still ironed, to dry the collar better I put an elastic band to make it adhere better to the bag. Too bad you can't adjust the sizes with zips.


Dopo quasi un anno di impiego posso solo dire che è andato benissimo. Peccato per l’assistenza inesistente.

After almost a year of use I can only say that it worked very well. Too bad about the non-existent assistance.


Es ist mir zu laut und nicht so gebügelt wie ich es erhofft habe.

It's too loud for me and not as ironed as I had hoped.


Molto funzionale . Fa il suo

Very functional. It does its job.


parlare di stiratura ,forse è un pò esagerato ,nel senso classico della parola, posso solo dire che io che sono costretta a stirare anche 14 15 camicie a settimana ,per me questo ageggio è una manna dal cielo ,dopo ,se proprio c'è qualche ritocco ,non è cosa grave ,piuttosto che stare a fare una faticaccia con questo caldo poi io lo consiglio e non ne posso più fare a meno ,lo trovo un valido aiuto ,poi questo in particolare ha un buon rapporto qualità ,prezzo ,è fatto bene ,non è la solita cineseria insomma

talking about ironing, maybe it's a bit exaggerated, in the classic sense of the word, I can only say that I who am forced to iron even 14 15 shirts a week, for me this gadget is a godsend, afterwards, if there is some touch-up, it's not a serious thing, rather than having to do a lot of hard work in this heat then I recommend it and I can't do without it anymore, I find it a valid help, then this one in particular has a good quality/price ratio, it's well made, it's not the usual Chinese stuff in short


montato velocemente con istruzioni molto chiare, funziona bene, l'ho provato con due camicie e una maglietta consiglio di usare indumenti non proprio bagnati ma almeno umidi, ho notato che con camicie asciutte il risultato non è soddisfacente, quindi tenete a portata di mano uno spruzzino con acqua.

assembled quickly with very clear instructions, works well, I tried it with two shirts and a t-shirt, I recommend using clothes that are not exactly wet but at least damp, I noticed that with dry shirts the result is not satisfactory, so keep a spray bottle with water handy.


Se odi stirare compralo !!! Funziona meravigliosamente !!! Regalato al mio ragazzo e devo dire apprezzato

If you hate ironing buy this!!! Works wonderfully!!! Gave to my boyfriend and I must say he appreciated it


Prodotto molto valido con le camicie non in cotone si riesci a stirare ed ad avere un ottimo risultato anche se le camicie sono già asciutte, mentre per quelle in cotone e consigliabile averle quanto meno umide

Very good product with non-cotton shirts you can iron and get an excellent result even if the shirts are already dry, while for cotton ones it is advisable to have them at least damp


Der Geräuschpegel ist völlig in Ordnung. Was mir nicht gefallen hat,dass selbst bei einem T-Shirt in Größe M der untere Rand ca. 7 cm "verknittert" bleibt, also gar nicht vom Gerät erfasst wird. Deswegen geht das Gerät auch Retour. Versand war sehr zügig. Aufbau einfach.

The noise level is perfectly fine. What I didn't like is that even with a size M T-shirt, the lower edge remains "crumpled" by approx. 7 cm, i.e. it is not recorded by the device at all. That's why the device is being returned. Shipping was very quick. construction easy.


Bin sehr Überrascht wie Leise das Gerät ist. Absolut Top. Mango ist das der Ballon zu kein ist. Bei Menden ist L werden die Unteren 3 - 5 cm nicht mehr schön geglättet/gebügelt Das kannte ich von meinem Vorgänger den clean..... ! nicht. Das ist schade. Sind 2 Punkte Abzug

I am very surprised at how quiet the device is. Absolutely great. Mango is that the balloon is too no. When Menden is L, the lower 3 - 5 cm are no longer smoothed/ironed nicely. I knew that from my predecessor the clean..... ! not. This is a pity. Are 2 points deducted


Aufbau relativ schnell und einfach. Aber die Wärmestrahlung und -Leistung ist mangelhaft.

Set up relatively quick and easy. But the heat radiation and performance is poor.


Für alle, die täglich Hemden / Blusen anziehen und nicht gern Bügeln, ist das eine tolle Erfindung. es ist mittlerweile das 2 Gerät, das im Einsatz ist. das Erste Gerät mit 1800 W hat sich selber vernichtet. mit 865 W ist das Gerät nicht ganz so stark, macht aber was es soll. Die Hemden werden langsamer getrocknet, aber dafür nicht so heiß..... Ich bin sehr zufrieden, denn ich muss nicht bügeln..

This is a great invention for anyone who puts on shirts/blouses every day and doesn't like ironing. it is now the 2nd device in use. the first device with 1800 W destroyed itself. With 865 W, the device is not quite as powerful, but does what it is supposed to do. The shirts are dried more slowly but not as hot... I'm very satisfied because I don't have to iron...


Ottimo prodotto. Per le misure molto grandi.....tipo xxl.....la stiratura in fondo alla maglia o camicia non è proprio perfetta.

Great product. For very large sizes.....like xxl.....the ironing at the bottom of the shirt or blouse is not exactly perfect.


Bon produit efficace

Good effective product


Leider nicht so sehr meine Erwartungen erfüllt, er sehr laut ist. Ebenso wird der untere Bereich der Kleidung nicht mit gebügelt, was sehr ärgerlich ist. Wenn das für jemanden kein Problem ist, dann ist es für den Kaufpreis OK.

Unfortunately not so much met my expectations, he is very noisy. Likewise, the lower part of the clothing is not ironed, which is very annoying. If that's not a problem for someone, then for the purchase price it's OK.


arrivato veloce, asciuga abbastanza e stira abbastanza bene e velocemente, certo non sarà mai come con il ferro, soprattutto colletto e polsini, ma è un valido aiuto.

arrived quickly, dries well enough and irons well enough and quickly, of course it will never be like with the iron, especially the collar and cuffs, but it is a valid help.


Comodo,pratico, rumoroso..

Comfortable, practical, noisy...


Asciuga e stira in tempi accettabili. Soprattutto se le camicie sono bagnate.

Dry and iron in acceptable times. Especially if the shirts are wet.





Bin sehr zufrieden.Muss meine Hemden selber bügeln,da ich jetzt leider "Witwer" geworden bin.

I'm very satisfied. I have to iron my shirts myself because I'm now a widower.


bon produit

good product


Das Gerät entspricht absolut meinen Erwartungen, ich kann es empfehlen und würde es wieder kaufen.

The device absolutely meets my expectations, I can recommend it and would buy it again.





Elettrodomestico che non deve mancare

Appliance that must not be missing


Funziona, rispetto a stiratrici verticali, che non consiglio, avendone già provato, questo aggeggio, nel suo piccolo funziona. Basta avere l'accortezza di mettere camicie umide, e in circa 30 minuti sono stirate, diciamo all'80% rispetto al ferro, ma cmq valide per essere in ufficio in ordine.....

It works, compared to vertical irons, which I do not recommend, having already tried them, this gadget, in its small way, works. Just be careful to put damp shirts, and in about 30 minutes they are ironed, let's say 80% compared to the iron, but still valid for being in order in the office.....


So ist das Gerät nicht schlecht. Nachbügeln wird erforderlich sein bei der Knopfleiste und den unteren 10cm vom Hemd. Kann sein daß das Hemd zu lange ist. Eventuell funktioniert es bei kürzeren Hemden besser. Mein Mann ist fast 1,90 groß. Lautstärke finde ich nicht störend.

So the device is not bad. Re-ironing will be required on the button placket and the bottom 10cm of the shirt. The shirt may be too long. It may work better with shorter shirts. My husband is almost 1.90 tall. I don't find the volume disturbing.


Mein Freund ist sehr zufrieden mit dem Hemdbügler. Er spart sich damit viel Zeit, da der ShirtButler das frisch gewaschene Hemd nicht nur super glatt bügelt sondern auch gleich trocknet. Einfach in der Bedienung, insgesamt ein nützliches Gerät.

My boyfriend is very happy with the shirt press. This saves a lot of time, as the ShirtButler not only irons the freshly washed shirt super smooth, but also dries it straight away. Easy to use, overall a useful device.


Das Gerät ist gut, ich hab nur eins zu bemängeln ... der luftsack ist viel zu klein da ich sehrviel Hemden in einer etwas größeren Größe habe ich musste also meinen alten größeren luftsack über den anderen ziehen... leider

The device is good, I only have one thing to complain about... the air bag is much too small because I have a lot of shirts in a slightly larger size, so I had to pull my old, larger air bag over the other... unfortunately


Premessa: odio stirare le camicie ma purtroppo devo indossarle tutti i giorni. Poichè odio appunto stirare cercavo una soluzione per ottimizzare i tempi. Devo dire che con questo prodotto mi sto trovando molto bene. All'inzio ci vuole un po' di pratica per capire bene come posizionare la camicia e fissarla bene ma poi si risparmia un sacco di tempo. I risultati sono buoni e si ha una camicia stirata e asciugata in poco tempo. Sono molto soddisfatto e finamente posso fare altro invece di impazzire con il ferro da stiro.

Premise: I hate ironing shirts but unfortunately I have to wear them every day. Since I hate ironing I was looking for a solution to optimize time. I have to say that I am really happy with this product. At first it takes a bit of practice to understand how to position the shirt and fix it well but then you save a lot of time. The results are good and you have an ironed and dried shirt in a short time. I am very satisfied and finally I can do something else instead of going crazy with the iron.


Ottima idea! E' un prodotto innovativo, che richiede però spazio per agire. Permetto il controllo della temperatura e la cosa che davvero rimane utile è il poter "abbandonare" la camicia li mentre si fa altro. In questo caso non conta la quantità, ma l'ottimizzazione del tempo.

Great idea! It's an innovative product, but it requires space to work. I allow temperature control and the thing that is really useful is being able to "abandon" the shirt there while you do something else. In this case, it's not the quantity that counts, but the optimization of time.