[Returns: -10%] MisterCook Hotplate

[Returns: -10%] MisterCook Hotplate

60,99 € (incl. VAT)
Product number: 52033281
MisterCook Hotplate
60,99 € (incl. VAT)
  • Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
  • Shipping time: 4 - 6 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period

Condition - like new, with minor signs of wear

Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty

Top features

  • 1 cooking zone: space-saving infrared hotplate

  • EcoThermal technology: energy-saving use from residual heat

  • SenseControl with touch control section:for intuitive operation


  • Timer from 1 minute to 3 hours
  • Child safety lock
  • Overheating and overvoltage protection
  • Automatic switch-off
  • For flat pots & pans made of metal, glass or ceramic
Product number: 52033281

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions: approx. 29.5 x 8 x 37 cm (WxHxD)
  • Hob diameter: approx. 19 cm (Ø)
  • Cable length: approx. 110 cm
  • Weight: approx. 2.2 kg
  • Power: 2000 watts
  • Power supply: 220-240 V~ | 50/60 Hz

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x hotplate
  • Multilingual user manual

Delivery & shipment

Low stock - order quickly!

Shipping time: 4 - 6 days

Your order will be delivered to the selected address per order. This address does not have to match the billing address. You can send the orders to your family, friends or office if you are not at home during the day.

Safety and Operating Instructions

Download user manual

Product Safety Information

Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin

Responsible Person:
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin

E-mail address:

Customer reviews
35 Ratings

No review available for this item.


Leggera, piano stabile, funzionale e potente. L'ho preferita all'induzione elettromagnetica per due motivi: uno "personale" su cui non sto a discutere, il secondo che si possono utilizzare anche stoviglie in vetro, coccio e alluminio. Comoda la regolazione della T a 90° per determinate preparazioni. Si incastra alla perfezione sopra alle griglie del mio piano cottura a gas; unica pecca, ha una ventola di raffreddamento che ovviamente fa un po' rumore, ma sotto alla cappa di aspirazione accesa non ci si fa' più caso.

Lightweight, stable, functional and powerful. I preferred it to electromagnetic induction for two reasons: one "personal" that I will not argue about, the second that you can also use glass, earthenware and aluminum dishes. The 90° T adjustment is convenient for certain preparations. It fits perfectly on top of the grills of my gas hob; the only flaw, it has a cooling fan that obviously makes a bit of noise, but under the hood turned on you no longer notice it.


Ottimo prodotto e venditore professionale. Il corriere non mi ha consegnato il piano di cottura anche se sosteneva di averlo lasciato ad un vicino. (Forse ad un suo parente haha) la ditta dopo alcuni chiarimenti me ne ha inviato un altro. Consigliato.

Great product and professional seller. The courier did not deliver the hob to me even though he claimed to have left it with a neighbor. (Maybe a relative of his haha) the company after some clarifications sent me another one. Recommended.


Efficace mais bruyant

Efficient but noisy


Ho provato molti fornelli di questa tecnologia e finalmente ho trovato il modello che non funziona in modalità ON/OFF ma regola davvero la potenza dei Watt in base alle esigenze. Questa modalità è utile sia per il tipo di cottura sia per regolare il consumo contemporaneo di più elettrodomestici. I 2000 w max sono sufficienti per cucinare tutti i tipi di pietanze, si riesce a rosolare tutto per bene. Il rumore della ventola di raffreddamento è accettabile ed è risultato inferiore a modelli simili provati fin'ora. Super consigliata

I have tried many cookers of this technology and finally I found the model that does not work in ON/OFF mode but really regulates the power of the Watts according to the needs. This mode is useful both for the type of cooking and to regulate the simultaneous consumption of multiple appliances. The 2000 w max are sufficient to cook all types of dishes, you can brown everything well. The noise of the cooling fan is acceptable and was lower than similar models tested so far. Highly recommended


Wenn man 2 Töpfe benutzt dauert es eine Ewigkeit bis das Essen fertig ist

If you use 2 pots, it takes forever for the food to be ready


Die Kochplatte ist prima, ich bin sehr zufrieden. Wird schnell heiß und ist gut regulierbar. Eine Kleinigkeit die besser sein könnte ist der Sensor-Touch-Bereich, da hätte ich mir ein anderes Material gewünscht, damit der Topf auch beiseite geschoben werden kann. Die kurzzeitige Lüftung ist schon gut hörbar, aber erträglich, insgesamt ist die Kochplatte gut.

The hot plate is great, I am very satisfied. Gets hot quickly and is easy to regulate. A little thing that could be better is the sensor touch area, I would have liked a different material so that the pot can also be pushed aside. The short-term ventilation is already audible, but bearable, overall the hotplate is good.


Alles wurde nach meinen Wünschen erfüllt.

Everything was fulfilled according to my wishes.


I was looking for a cooking feld as my standard induction herd is not serving purpose. Most of cooking feld have temp control and auto stop after certain time and temp which was rate limiting step. With this I get deisred temp for long time without any problem.

I was looking for a cooking feld as my standard induction herd is not serving purpose. Most of cooking feld have temp control and auto stop after certain time and temp which was rate limiting step. With this I get deisred temp for long time without any problem.


Impeccable étant Hiper-Electro-Sencible C'est tout à fait ce que je souhaitais c'est à dire 0 Giga-Hertz = O émission d'ondes électromagnétiques ! Au TOP. ! Technologie à suivre et à adopter

Impeccable being Hiper-Electro-Sensible This is exactly what I wanted, that is to say 0 Giga-Hertz = 0 emission of electromagnetic waves! At the TOP. ! Technology to follow and adopt


scalda molto in fretta, regolazioni facili ed intuitive,è rumoroso forse un po' troppo...dopo 2 utilizzi credo si sia graffiato il vetro, oppure era difettoso, a breve la sentenza

heats up very quickly, easy and intuitive settings, it is noisy, perhaps a little too much... after 2 uses I think the glass was scratched, or it was defective, verdict coming soon


das teil schaut super aus, ist leicht, heizt super und ist megagünstig vom preis her. also prinzipiell bin ich damit urglücklich! ABER: die bedienung ist sehr schlecht. die sensortasten funktionieren extrem schlecht. oft muss man eine taste mehr als zehn mal drücken, bis sie endlich ein mal reagiert. das ist supernervig. ausserdem hat die verpackung den eindruck gemacht, als ob das ding schon mal von einem kunden ausgepackt und zurückgesendet wurde. wahrscheinlich hat sich der auch über die tasten beschwert. und jetzt bin ich der trottel, der das ding bereits benutzt hat und nicht mehr zurückgeben kann...

The part looks great, is light, heats up great and is super cheap in price. So basically I'm really happy with it! BUT: the service is very bad. the sensor buttons work extremely poorly. you often have to press a key more than ten times before it finally responds. that's super annoying. In addition, the packaging gave the impression that the thing had already been unpacked and sent back by a customer. He probably complained about the keys too. And now I'm the idiot who has already used this thing and can't return it...


Alles okay

Everything okay


Wir haben die KLARSTEIN MISTER COOK DUO INFRAROT KOCHPLATTE im Mai diesen Jahres für unser Wochenendgrundstück bestellt.Haben uns für die Firma KLARSTEIN entschieden da wir von dieser schon eine Infrarot Heizung haben. Die beiliegende Anleitung ist veständlich geschrieben,die Platten sind schnell auf gewünschte Temperatur, wodurch das kochen rucki zucki geht.An die Touchtasten muss man sich ein wenig gewöhnen. Preis Leistung vollkommen inordnung, deswegen gibt es 5 Sterne.

We ordered the KLARSTEIN MISTER COOK DUO INFRARED HOT PLATE for our weekend property in May of this year. We chose KLARSTEIN because we already have an infrared heater from them. The enclosed instructions are clearly written, the plates are quickly at the desired temperature, which makes cooking quick and easy. You have to get used to the touch keys a bit. Value for money is ok, that's why it gets 5 stars.


Die Platte funktioniert gut und tut ihren Zweck. Jedoch gefällt mir die Bedienung nicht zu 100%. Man kann die beiden kochfelder separat anschalten und auch die Wattzahl ändern. Man kann sie jedoch nicht wieder separat abschalten. Entweder man schaltet die gesamte Platte aus und startet ein Feld erneut oder man lässt beide Felder weiter laufen.

The panel works well and does its job. However, I don't like the service 100%. You can switch on the two hobs separately and also change the wattage. However, you cannot turn them off separately. Either you turn off the entire disk and start a field again, or you let both fields continue to run.


Gutes Gerät. Der Lüfter könnt leiser sein, aber alles in allem, für den Preis. TOP

good device. The fan could be quieter, but overall, for the price. TOP


Seit 14 Tagen hat diese Kochplatte fehl funktion . Schaltet sich immer in kurzen abständen ein und aus . Was mach ich jetzt. Garantie ???

This hotplate has been malfunctioning for 14 days. Turns on and off at short intervals. What do I do now. Guarantee ???


Si può fare diverse regolazioni di potenza fino a 2000W , per accendere ha dei tasti a sfioramento che non sempre funziona al primo colpo.

It can be adjusted in different power settings up to 2000W. To turn it on it has touch-sensitive buttons which do not always work first time.


Ich benütze diese 2 bestellten Kochplatten für das Ausbraten von Gerichten um nicht den Gestank von Frietiertem in der Küche zu haben und dafür sind diese Kochplatten perfekt geeignet! Wobei ich belasse diese nicht im Freien, sondern räume diese nach Gebrauch weg > sowie vom Hersteller empfohlen!

I use these 2 ordered hotplates for frying dishes so as not to have the stench of fried food in the kitchen and these hotplates are perfect for that! I don't leave them outside, but put them away after use > as recommended by the manufacturer!


Die Platte ist sehr schön, aber ich war etwas unangenehm überrascht, dass die Platte eine Lüftung hat, die den Kochvorgang von daher schon mal lauter ist. Leider nicht stufenlos, aber sie ist im Großen und Ganzen in Ordnung, man muss halt lernen, damit zu kochen, entweder mit den Watt- oder Temperaturangaben.

The plate is very nice, but I was a bit unpleasantly surprised that the plate has a fan, which means that the cooking process is noisy. Unfortunately not stepless, but overall it's okay, you just have to learn to cook with it, either with the wattage or temperature specifications.


Das Bedienelement reagiert nur mit Verzögerung. Der Lüfter ist ziemlich laut und läuft lange nach. Abgesehen davon war und ist dieses Gerät zuverlässig und optisch ansprechend gestaltet.

The control element only reacts with a delay. The fan is quite loud and runs for a long time. Apart from that, this device was and is designed to be reliable and visually appealing.


Un peu bruyante mais fonctionne très bien et très légère on peut l'emporter en déplacement ou vacances

A little noisy but works very well and is very light, you can take it on trips or on vacation.





Ottimo prodotto

Great product


Das wichtigste für uns war, das wir zwei große Pfannen oder Töpfe zusammen ohne Probleme schnell und sicher auf dem Kochfeld erhitzen können. Das ist dem Hersteller hier neben dem sehr ansprechenden Design gelungen. Die Sicherheit wird durch eine Belüftung des Gerätes während dem Kochen gewährleistet. Design, Leistung und Sicherheit wurden bei diesem tragbaren Kocher sehr gut kombiniert!

The most important thing for us was that we could heat two large pans or pots together quickly and safely on the hob without any problems. The manufacturer has succeeded here in addition to the very attractive design. Safety is ensured by ventilating the device during cooking. Design, performance and safety have been combined very well in this portable stove!


Ich mache es kurz und knapp! Sieht gut aus ist wunderbar verarbeietet riecht und stinkt nicht. Es ist laut.... unglaublich laut.... die steuerung klobig und die Drück reaktion sehr billig und langsam. Es ist ein toutch System aber es ist ein sehr primitives und brauch lange zu reagieren. Hatte für das Geld wirklich mehr erwartet.

I'll keep it short and sweet! Looks good is wonderfully processed smells and does not stink. It's loud... incredibly loud... the controls are clunky and the press response is very cheap and slow. It's a touch system, but it's a very primitive one and takes a long time to react. Really expected more for the money.


Das Produkt kam gut verpackt an, wie gewöhnlich. Da unsere Küche derzeit einer Renovierung zum Opfer gefallen ist, brauchten wir eine Kochmöglichkeit auf kleinem Raum. Das Gerät ist kompakt gehalten. Hat 2 24 cm Ceran Kochfelder, die getrennt voneinander schaltbar sind. Da ich ein Bedienungsanleitungsmuffel bin, habe ich mir das Studium eben dieser gespart und trotzdem das Gerät zum Kochen und Braten benutzen können. Das Gerät ist mit einem Lüfter ausgestattet, der hörbar im Hintergrund arbeitet um die entstehende Wärme abzuleiten. Angenehmer Nebeneffekt ist das schnelle Abkühlen der Felder nach Auschalten des Gerätes (Bitte beachten! Der Lüfter läuft dann noch nach. Also sollte die Stromzufuhr nicht unterbrochen werden!) Alles in Allem sind wir sehr zufrieden mit dem Gerät. Ich hätte mir zwar ein 24er und ein 28er Kochfeld gewünscht, aber das wurde nicht angeboten und soll jetzt auch nicht bewertet werden.

The product arrived well packaged as usual. Since our kitchen is currently being renovated, we needed a cooking facility in a small space. The device is kept compact. Has 2 24 cm ceramic hobs that can be switched separately from each other. Since I hate operating instructions, I saved myself from studying them and could still use the device for cooking and frying. The device is equipped with a fan that works audibly in the background to dissipate the heat generated. A pleasant side effect is that the fields cool down quickly after the device is switched off (please note! The fan then continues to run. So the power supply should not be interrupted!) All in all, we are very satisfied with the device. I would have liked a 24 and a 28 hob, but that wasn't offered and I'm not going to rate it now.


soddisfatto funziona bene un ottimo prodotto costo giusto va bene anche per padelle grandi speriamo in una lunga vita.

satisfied it works well an excellent product fair price also good for large pans we hope for a long life.


Facile da usare e utile con timer spegnimento

Easy to use and useful with sleep timer


Arrivato nei tempi prestabiliti con spedizione prime (a carico del venditore), è una piastra con due piani di cottura a raggi infrarossi. A livello estetico è molto bello e si adatta facilmente alla mia cucina di stile classico (nonostante abbia un aspetto molto moderno). Si pulisce facilmente con un panno essendo il piano cottura completamente liscio. Ognuno dei due piani cottura ha un suo pannello di controllo con un display e con tasti che permettono di accenderlo/spegnerlo, di impostare la temperatura (da 90 gradi a 650 gradi) oppure in base alla potenza che passa da 200 a 2000W, di impostare un timer e di "bloccarlo" affinchè non sia facilmente accessibile dai bambini. Funziona ad energia elettrica e il consumo non è esagerato se si pensa alla velocità di riscaldamento velocissima. Pur avendo ogni piano cottura che può arrivare ad una potenza di 2000W, non è possibile superare insieme i 3000W ed ha un metodo intelligente per regolare la potenza dei due piani cottura laddove entrambi insieme superino i 3000W. Il funzionamento è semplicissimo. Si accende con il tasto di accensione ON/OFF e poi in base al piano cottura da utilizzare si usa il stato "menù" per impostare la potenza e, se si vuole, il tasto timer (da un minuto a 3 ore) per lo spegnimento automatico. Una funzionalità molto utile è quella che la casa costruttrice chiama "EcoThermal" e cioè la possibilità di lasciare i pasti cucinati sul piano cottura e di farli rimanere riscaldati con il calore residuo del dopo cottura. Sono molto contenta dell'acquisto che ad un prezzo veramente basso mi ha permesso di avere un piano cottura molto efficiente.

English: Arrived on time with prime shipping (paid by the seller), it is a plate with two infrared cooking surfaces. Aesthetically it is very beautiful and easily adapts to my classic style kitchen (even though it has a very modern look). It is easy to clean with a cloth as the cooking surface is completely smooth. Each of the two cooking surfaces has its own control panel with a display and buttons that allow you to turn it on/off, set the temperature (from 90 degrees to 650 degrees) or based on the power that goes from 200 to 2000W, set a timer and "lock" it so that it is not easily accessible by children. It works with electricity and consumption is not excessive if you consider the very fast heating speed. Even though each cooking surface can reach a power of 2000W, it is not possible to exceed 3000W together and it has an intelligent method to regulate the power of the two cooking surfaces where both together exceed 3000W. Operation is very simple. It is turned on with the ON/OFF button and then depending on the hob to be used, the "menu" status is used to set the power and, if desired, the timer button (from one minute to 3 hours) for automatic shutdown. A very useful feature is what the manufacturer calls "EcoThermal" and that is the possibility of leaving cooked meals on the hob and keeping them warm with the residual heat from after cooking. I am very happy with the purchase which at a really low price allowed me to have a very efficient hob.


Il prodotto è veramente bello esteticamente. E' una piastra completamente color nero lucido (quando spento) che da l'idea di un oggetto di alta tecnologia. Funziona perfettamente. Porta ad ebollizione l'acqua in poco tempo. Va usato con pentole di fondo ferroso. La pulizia è agevole: basta una passata di panno! Lo consiglio a tutti. Io lo userò per creare un angolo cottura secondario e forse per portarlo in viaggio in luoghi dove non si ha a disposizione il piano di cottura a gas

The product is really beautiful aesthetically. It is a completely glossy black plate (when turned off) that gives the idea of a high-tech object. It works perfectly. It brings water to the boil in a short time. It should be used with ferrous bottom pans. Cleaning is easy: just wipe with a cloth! I recommend it to everyone. I will use it to create a secondary cooking area and perhaps to take it on a trip to places where there is no gas hob available


Ich habe mir die Kochplatte zum Übergang gekauft und bin bisher sehr zufrieden. Die Bedienung über Sense Control ist super einfach. Die Kochplatten lassen sich leicht reinigen und die Platten werden schnell warm. Das Abkühlen dauert ein wenig, stört jedoch nicht weiter. Optisch gefällt es uns sehr gut, schaut modern aus. Positiv ist auch die integrierte Abschaltautomatik. Bisher sind wir zufrieden mit dem Produkt, ich hoffe die bleibt auch auf lange Sicht so.

I bought the hotplate for the transition and am very satisfied so far. Operation via Sense Control is super easy. The hotplates are easy to clean and the plates heat up quickly. It takes a little while to cool down, but that doesn't bother you. We like the look of it very much, it looks modern. The integrated automatic switch-off is also positive. So far we are satisfied with the product, I hope it stays that way in the long run.


das Gerät ist bei uns gelegentlich in der Gartenhütte im Einsatz, um in geselliger Runde kleinere Gerichte lokal zuzubereiten, oder Getränke warm zu halten. Demnach haben wir hier auch keinen gleichwertigen Ersatz für unser Küchenherd erwartet (wollten eine praktische, portable Lösung haben, um ortsungebunden ein Kochfeld nutzen zu können). Bei uns positiv (+), wie auch negativ (-) aufgefallen: + einfaches Bedienfeld mit Timerfunktion (für Einstellen der Kochzeit) + Kindersicherung über Funktion „Sperre“ vorhanden + robuste Ausführung des Gehäuses (Hartplastik) + mit 3,8 kg nicht zu schwer, um das Gerät mitzunehmen + Heizleistung einer Kochplatte lässt sich stufenweise von 200-2000W ändern. Alternativ lässt sich die Temperatur stufenweise von 90-650°C einstellen. - Beide Kochfelder haben insgesamt 3000W Heizleistung (wenn nur ein Kochfeld aktiv, stehen max. 2000W zur Verfügung. Mehr wäre natürlich noch besser). +- Kochfelder lassen sich leicht reinigen (Vorteil von Glasoberfläche). Hiersollte man trotzdem mit deutlich weniger Wasser auf Putzschwamm arbeiten, da sonst über Abluftöffnung oder Bedienfeld Wasser ins Gerätinnere eindringen kann (Kurzschlussgefahr). - Abluftlüfter bei uns deutlich hörbar. Für länger zu kochende Gerichte auf voller Leistung, wäre das Geräusch schon störend. Insgesamt sind wir mit dem Gerät zufrieden.

The device is occasionally used in our garden shed to prepare small meals locally in a convivial atmosphere or to keep drinks warm. Accordingly, we did not expect an equivalent replacement for our kitchen stove (we wanted a practical, portable solution to be able to use a hob anywhere). We noticed positively (+) as well as negatively (-): + simple control panel with timer function (for setting the cooking time) + child safety device via "lock" function available + robust design of the housing (hard plastic) + with 3.8 kg not too heavy to take the device with you + heat output of a hotplate can be changed in stages from 200-2000W. Alternatively, the temperature can be set in stages from 90-650°C. - Both hobs have a total of 3000W heat output (if only one hob is active, a maximum of 2000W is available. More would of course be even better). +- Hobs are easy to clean (advantage of glass surface). Here you should still work with significantly less water on a cleaning sponge, otherwise water can penetrate the interior of the device via the exhaust air opening or control panel (risk of short circuit). - Exhaust fan clearly audible with us. For dishes to be cooked at full power for longer, the noise would be annoying. Overall we are satisfied with the device.


Die Kochplatte von Klarstein vereint viele praktische Funktionen und war daher unsere erste Wahl. Die Kochplatte hat 2 Kochzonen und kann per Touchscreen eingestellt werden. Ein Infrarot-Kochfeld unterscheidet sich von einer Induktions- / oder Gasplatte. Die Platte besteht aus Glaskeramik und das Feld wird über die Temperatur und Watt eingestellt. Infrarotplatten sind sehr energiesparend. Der MisterCook verfügt auch noch über eine Restwärmespeicherung - EcoThermal genannt. Ein weiterer - für mich sehr wichtiger Punkt - ist die Kindersicherung. Die Platte kann per Touch gesperrt werden, die Funktion ähnelt der einer Waschmaschine! Zur Inbetriebnahme muss lediglich der Stecker eingesteckt werden, es gibt einen Signalton und schon kann man gewünschte Temperatur und Watt einstellen. Dies erfordert gerade bei den Anfängen eine große Unsicherheit, da ich nicht genau wusste, wie heiß denn nun genug oder eben nicht ist. Die Bedienungsanleitung gibt hier aber wegweisende Hinweise. Schon nach kurzer Zeit kann ich effektiv mit der Platte draußen kochen, einzig der Menü Punkt und ich sind keine guten Freunde. Er reagiert sehr schwerfällig und man darf wirklich nichts am Finger haben. Was gerade beim Kochen nicht immer gewährleistet ist. Trotzdem konnte ich schnell mein Gemüse anbraten und richtig regulieren. Die Platten werden wie herkömmliche Herdplatten genauso schnell warm.

The Klarstein hotplate combines many practical functions and was therefore our first choice. The hotplate has 2 cooking zones and can be adjusted via touchscreen. An infrared cooktop differs from an induction / or gas plate. The plate is made of glass ceramic and the field is adjusted via temperature and watts. Infrared panels are very energy efficient. The MisterCook also has residual heat storage - called EcoThermal. Another - for me very important point - is the child safety. The plate can be locked by touch, the function is similar to that of a washing machine! To start up, you only have to plug in the plug, there is a signal tone and you can set the desired temperature and wattage. This requires a great deal of uncertainty, especially at the beginning, because I didn't know exactly how hot it was or wasn't enough. However, the operating instructions provide groundbreaking information. After a short time I can effectively cook outside with the plate, only the menu item and I are not good friends. He reacts very sluggishly and you really shouldn't have anything on your finger. Which is not always guaranteed, especially when cooking. Nevertheless, I was able to fry my vegetables quickly and regulate them properly. The plates heat up just as quickly as conventional stovetops.


Le bouton de la minuterie ne fonctionnait vraiment pas et ne continuait pas à allumer la torche. J'ai donc travaillé dur pour réparer l'appareil et fonctionne maintenant très bien.

The timer button really wasn't working and wouldn't keep turning the torch on. So I worked hard to fix the unit and now it works great.


semplice e funzionale, manca una spia per la segnalazione del raggiungimento della temperatura impostata. prodotto valido!

simple and functional, it lacks a light to indicate when the set temperature has been reached. valid product!