Mr. Black Frost Ice Maker

Mr. Black Frost Ice Maker
- Ice cube machine
- Black
Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear
Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty196,99 € -
Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear
Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty185,99 €
- Ready for delivery In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays.
- Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
- Ready to ship in 24 hours
- 14 day cooling off period
Top features
Ice cube machine with 3.3-litre water tank and 150 watts of power
Quiet high-performance compressor with low noise level
Absolutely tasteless plastic lining and pump system
Product description
The Klarstein Mr. Black Frost is an ice-cube machine that produces enough ice to cater for small- and medium-sized events.
This kitchen and counter-friendly sized device produces about 9 ice cubes in just 13 minutes, which accumulates within 24 hours to about 15 kilograms of ice.
The powerful 150 watt unit operates with relatively little noise, so as not to disturb conversations at the bar or party.
Technical operation of the Klarstein Mr. Black Frost ice machine is simple with the easy-to-understand 4-button panel, allowing you to select between three different ice cube sizes with the press of a button. A transparent window on top of the device clearly shows the remaining amount of ice in the machine.
The workmanship of the Klarstein ice cube maker has an inner lining and a pumping system that are naturally odourless and tasteless.
- Production time: about 6-15 min. depending on the size
- Production volume: about 15 kg per day
- 3 selectable ice cube sizes: small, medium, large
- Adjustable timer from 0.5 to 19.5 hours
- Blue backlit LCD display
- Easy-to-use 4-button operation section
- Time display
- Lid with viewing window
- Water level indicator
- Water drain
- Coolant: R134a / 75g
- Anti-slip feet
- Power supply: AC 220-240V, 50Hz
Dimensions and Technical Details
- 30 x 38 x 37cm (WxHxD)
- Cable length: 2m
- Weight: 11kg
What will be delivered?
- 1 x device
- 1 x scoop
- 1 x English user manual (other languages: German)
Delivery & shipment
Shipping time: 3 - 5 days
Your order will be delivered to the selected address per order. This address does not have to match the billing address. You can send the orders to your family, friends or office if you are not at home during the day.
Safety and Operating Instructions
Product Safety Information
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
Responsible Person:
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
E-mail address:
No review available for this item.
Ho regalato questa macchina per il ghiaccio a mio suocero anni fa. Nonostante il continuo utilizzo è sempre perfetta, come nuova!
I gave this ice maker to my father-in-law years ago. Despite constant use it is still perfect, like new!
Prodotto da raccomandare ottimo
Excellent product to recommend
Semplicemente fantastico ️
Simply amazing ️
Bonjour, il manque une alarme sonore quand le réceptacle à glaçons est plein ou quand il n'y a plus d'eau dans le réservoir.
Hello, there is no audible alarm when the ice container is full or when there is no more water in the tank.
E utile bisogna accenderla molto prima per produrre. Unica pecha è che primi si sciolgono velocemente.
And it is useful to turn it on well in advance to produce. The only problem is that the first ones melt quickly.
Molto buona
Very good
ottimo prodotto inviato rapidamente con ottimo rapporto qualità/costo
excellent product sent quickly with excellent quality/cost ratio
Ottimo prodotto veloce nella produzione
Great product fast in production
Comprato per un regalo lo abbiamo provato subito e ha funzionato perfettamente, in pochi minuti ha prodotto i ghiaccioli ! Sembra efficiente
Bought as a gift, we tried it immediately and it worked perfectly, in a few minutes it produced ice lollies! It seems efficient
Ottimo prodotto
Great product
Secondo modello acquistato. Sempre molto funzionale
Second model purchased. Always very functional
Ne avevo comprato uno che uso al mare due anni fa e ora l'ho ripreso per la mia casa a Roma. Funziona perfettamente e ne sono veramente soddisfatto. naturalmente e' per un uso "familiare" non certo per un ricevimento con vari ospiti. Noi o lasciamo sempre acceso e a queste condizioni la produzione di ghiaccio è sufficiente, ci limitiamo a controllare che ci sia sempre acqua nel serbatoio, in caso contrario l'apparecchio si spegne automaticamente e anche il ghiaccio già prodotto dopo un po' si scioglie. Quindi nei limiti dell'uso familiare per la mia esperienza è un ottimo prodotto
I bought one that I use at the seaside two years ago and now I have bought it again for my house in Rome. It works perfectly and I am really satisfied with it. Of course it is for "family" use, certainly not for a reception with various guests. We always leave it on and under these conditions the ice production is sufficient, we just check that there is always water in the tank, otherwise the appliance switches off automatically and even the ice already produced melts after a while. So within the limits of family use, in my experience it is an excellent product
Ottimo prodotto, macchina leggermente rumorosa ma sono molto contenta sia per i quantitativi di produzione che per la sua praticità e robustezza. Abbastanza ingombrante, come del resto tutte le macchine del ghiaccio
Excellent product, slightly noisy machine but I am very happy with both the quantities produced and its practicality and robustness. Quite bulky, like all ice machines.
Los hielos son pequeños en comparación con los de máquinas grandes o los de compra. Pero para ser portátil y hacer 2 o 3 bolsas a la semana es suficiente. Funciona muy bien, estoy satisfecha con la compra.
The ice cubes are small compared to those in large machines or those you buy in stores. But it is enough to be portable and make 2 or 3 bags a week. It works very well, I am satisfied with the purchase.
Realmente es lo que el fabricante anuncia, ni más ni menos; su uso familiar es el adecuado. Proporciona en unos 6 minutos la primera tanda de cubitos de hielo; a partir de ahí es un no parar, hasta que uno quiere. El sistema de programación es fácil usar, y muy útil cuando se estima cuando vas a requerir la utilización de los mismos. Además, el poder seleccionar el tamaño de los cubitos hace que la máquina sea más versátil; ya que te permite conseguir diferentes tipos de cubitos de hilos, los cuales pueden ser utilizados no sólo para el refrigerio de las bebidas. Desde luego, en mi familia se terminó el no tener hilo o tener que salir corriendo al súper para comprarlo….
It is exactly what the manufacturer claims, no more, no less; it is suitable for family use. It provides the first batch of ice cubes in about 6 minutes; from then on it is non-stop, until you want it. The programming system is easy to use, and very useful when estimating when you will need to use them. In addition, being able to select the size of the ice cubes makes the machine more versatile; since it allows you to get different types of ice cubes, which can be used not only for cooling drinks. Of course, in my family, not having ice cubes or having to run to the supermarket to buy them is over…
Très belle et facile de mise en route
Very nice and easy to get started with
Funciona muy bien
It works very well
Impossibile caricare il contenuto multimediale. La macchina è grande come un forno per pane in cassetta non esiste rumore se non una piccola ventolina. È pulita e precisa. Non produce calore si rabbocca facilmente. I cubetti sono cavi e di 3 dimensioni
Unable to load media. The machine is as big as a sandwich oven, there is no noise except for a small fan. It is clean and precise. It does not produce heat, it is easy to refill. The cubes are hollow and of 3 sizes
Un peu bruyante, mais seulement lorsque les glaçons sont formés et qu ils tombent dans le récipient adapté pour !
A little noisy, but only when the ice cubes are formed and fall into the container suitable for it!
Pratica, semplice da usare, esteticamente lineare e adattabile ad ogni ambiente. Buon rapporto qualità prezzo.
Practical, easy to use, aesthetically linear and adaptable to any environment. Good value for money.
Pas déçu juste un peu imposante sur le plan de travail mais bon elle fonctionne très bien. Satisfait de cette machine à glaçons.
Not disappointed, just a little imposing on the worktop but hey it works very well. Satisfied with this ice maker.
Bueno estas maquinas son lentas y los cubitos pequeños. Pero funciona bien. O esto o profesional. Pará mí uso esta bien. Envio y funcionamiento bien.
Well, these machines are slow and the cubes are small. But it works well. Either this or a professional one. For my use it is fine. Shipping and operation are good.
Très bonnes machines à glacons
Very good ice makers
Muy buena máquina. Muy silenciosa y rápida haciendo los cubitos. La única pega es que los cubitos son pequeños pero produce tantos, que realmente no importa. Muy recomendable. Actualización 23/02/2022: La compré en Agosto de 2019. Duró hasta diciembre de 2020, momento en que dejó de funcionar. Contacté con el vendedor y me mandó una maquina nueva en marzo de 2021 que ha estado funcionando hasta hace un par de días. No veo normal que no dure ni un año. A la espera de que me den una solución.
Very good machine. Very quiet and fast making ice cubes. The only drawback is that the ice cubes are small but it produces so many that it doesn't really matter. Highly recommended. Update 02/23/2022: I bought it in August 2019. It lasted until December 2020, at which point it stopped working. I contacted the seller and they sent me a new machine in March 2021 that has been working until a couple of days ago. I don't think it's normal that it doesn't last even a year. Waiting for a solution.
fabrication de glaçons gros modèle. au début ce sont les petits modèles qui sortent, ensuite quelque moyens, et finalement les gros que j'ai choisis. faciles à retirer dans leur bac. simple et efficace
making large model ice cubes. at first the small models come out, then some medium ones, and finally the large ones that I chose. easy to remove in their tray. simple and effective
Importante: lasciarlo fermo mezza giornata prima di metterlo in funzione così il liquido refrigerante si distribuisce all'interno della macchina dopo il trasporto con il corriere. Si aggiunge l'acqua, si accende e fa ghiaccio. I cubetti (cavi) più grossi sono la metà di quelli che danno al bar. Non so se dipenda dall'acqua, ma a me fa un ghiaccio opaco. Per qualche spriz va bene. Quando si devono fare due mojito si deve svuotare tutta la vasca.
Important: leave it to stand for half a day before starting it so that the refrigerant liquid is distributed inside the machine after transport by courier. Add water, turn it on and it makes ice. The largest (hollow) cubes are half the size of those given at the bar. I don't know if it depends on the water, but it makes opaque ice for me. It's fine for a few spritzes. When you have to make two mojitos you have to empty the entire tub.
Il ghiaccio quando è nella vaschetta dentro alla macchina pronto non rimane bello asciutto e quando lo metto nel contenitore nel freezer si attaccano tutti. A parte questo mi son già fatto più di 100 kg di ghiaccio in una settimana... ;P granite a rudo raga...
The ice when it is in the tray inside the machine ready does not stay nice and dry and when I put it in the container in the freezer they all stick together. Apart from this I have already made more than 100 kg of ice in a week... ;P granita a rudo guys...
Acquistato non senza qualche timore sono abbastanza soddisfatto credo che il modo migliore (secondo me l unico) di usare questa macchina sia produrre abbastanza ghiaccio da conservare in appositi contenitori nel freezer pronto per l utilizzo io in circa 24 ho riempito due scatole che avevo appositamente acquistato quando saranno utilizzate ricomincerò il processo Non penso si possa usare la macchina al momento della necessità
Purchased not without some fear, I am quite satisfied, I believe that the best way (in my opinion the only one) to use this machine is to produce enough ice to store in special containers in the freezer ready for use, in about 24 hours I filled two boxes that I had specifically purchased, when they are used I will start the process again, I do not think you can use the machine when needed
funciona bien. Hace mucho hielo es un poco ruidoso.
works fine. Makes a lot of ice, just a little noisy.
Direi completamente soddisfatto.. prezzo, consegna, prodotto e soprattutto velocità.. non fa proprio i kg dichiarati, ma ne fa comunque tanti.. consigliato..
I would say completely satisfied.. price, delivery, product and above all speed.. it doesn't quite make the declared kg, but it still makes a lot.. recommended..
L'articolo è arrivato rotto purtroppo, perde olio e perde pezzi interni. Ho avviato il reso, ricomprerò l'articolo successivamente, sperando che il prossimo non sia rotto. Aggiornamento Cambiato, e funziona molto bene. Oltre a questo disguido lo consiglio
The item arrived broken unfortunately, it leaks oil and loses internal parts. I started the return, I will buy the item again later, hoping that the next one is not broken. Update Changed, and it works very well. Apart from this inconvenience I recommend it
Une machine à glaçons très pratique et utile pour les soirées entre copains La fabrication des glaçons n'est pas instantanée mais rapide quand même, j'en fabrique d'avance pour mettre au congélateur. Son bruit est acceptable.
A very practical and useful ice maker for evenings with friends. The production of ice cubes is not instantaneous but still quick, I make some in advance to put in the freezer. Its noise is acceptable.
Estoy encantado con la máquina de hielo llevo con ella todo el verano a pleno rendimiento y va de lujo para una familia de 4 o 6 personas es lo ideal no tenemos carencia de hielo el mantenimiento de limpieza es facilísimo os la recomiendo no hace ruido el acabado es muy bueno ocupa poco espacio os la recomiendo merece la pena estoy encantado con ella
I am delighted with the ice machine. I have had it all summer at full capacity and it works great for a family of 4 or 6 people. It is ideal. We do not have a shortage of ice. Cleaning and maintenance is very easy. I recommend it. It does not make noise. The finish is very good. It takes up little space. I recommend it. It is worth it. I am delighted with it.
Superbe machine qui fonctionne parfaitement. Prevoir 10/15mn pour les premiers glaçons. Ils fondent rapidement car la machine est en cours de congelation. Attendre 1h pour avoir des glaçons de bar correct. En 3h le bac est plein et les mojitos / ty punch n'ont qu'à bien se tenir....bien evidemment à consommer avec modération (mais il vient jamais à la maison )
Superb machine that works perfectly. Allow 10/15 minutes for the first ice cubes. They melt quickly because the machine is freezing. Wait 1 hour to have decent bar ice cubes. In 3 hours the bin is full and the mojitos / ty punches had better watch out....obviously to be consumed in moderation (but he never comes to the house)
facilissima da usare e molto intuitiva. ci verso acqua fredda (frigo) e produce ghiaccio ad intervalli regolari. sono soddisfatto della produzione...ottimo. Se mi serve molto ghiaccio lo accendo il giorno prima ed ogni 2 ore lo svuoto, travaso il ghiaccio in sacchi che accumulo in congelatore e quando devo far festa ho tranquillamente 20kg di ghiaccio da parte pronto per la bacinella. Scarica circa 9 cubetti ogni 5 minuti a regime. lo consiglio per chi non ha neccessita' di una produzione super, per uso domestico va benissimo e non fa nemmeno troppo rumore.
very easy to use and very intuitive. I pour cold water (fridge) and it produces ice at regular intervals. I am satisfied with the production... excellent. If I need a lot of ice I turn it on the day before and every 2 hours I empty it, I transfer the ice into bags that I store in the freezer and when I have to party I easily have 20kg of ice aside ready for the basin. It discharges about 9 cubes every 5 minutes at full capacity. I recommend it for those who do not need a super production, for home use it is fine and does not even make too much noise.