Delaware refrigerator

Delaware refrigerator
- Fridge / freezer
- Silver Metallic
Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear
Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty190,99 € -
Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear
Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty201,99 €
- Ready for delivery In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays.
- Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
- Ready to ship in 24 hours
- 14 day cooling off period
Top features
Compact: space-saving refrigerator
75 litre volume: plenty of space for food
Quench your thirst: large cup holder in the door
Product description
The efficient and modern Klarstein Delaware Refrigerator is the perfect place to store fresh food in small households such as dorm rooms, single flats or garden sheds! Despite its compact dimensions, the Klarstein Delaware refrigerator is big on storage space: 75 litres of usable capacity offer plenty of room for a wide range of foods. Especially convenient: the generous 4-litre freezer compartment for supplies and frozen food.
An asset for any small household: the compact but stylish Klarstein Delaware refrigerator!
- Control: thermostat
- Energy efficiency class: E
- Operating noise: 39 dB max.
- Built-in appliance: no
- Compression cooling
- Capacity (litres): 75
- Number of shelves: 2
- Shelf insert material: grid shelf
- Door hinge: right (exchangeable)
- Compartments for cans and bottles in the door
- top 4-litre freezer compartment
- 5-stage temperature selection
- Ideal ambient temperature: 16 to 38 °
- Height-adjustable feet
- Refrigerant: R600a
Dimensions and Technical Details
- Dimensions: approx. 47 x 70 x 44.5 cm (WxHxD)
- Interior dimensions: approx. 40.5 x 60 x 36 cm (WxHxD)
- Dimensions bottom compartment: approx. 40.5 x 18.5 x 20 cm (WxHxD)
- Dimensions drinks compartment: approx. 36 x 23/41 x 10.5 cm (WxHxD)
- Dimensions of small door compartment: approx. 17 x 17 x 7 cm (WxHxD)
- Dimensions large door compartment: approx. 36 x 13.5 x 6.5 cm (WxHxD)
- Weight: approx. 18 kg
What will be delivered?
- 1 x refrigerator
- 1 x grid shelf large
- 1 x grid shelf small
- Multilingual user manual
Delivery & shipment
Shipping time: 3 - 5 days
Your order will be delivered to the selected address per order. This address does not have to match the billing address. You can send the orders to your family, friends or office if you are not at home during the day.
Safety and Operating Instructions
Product Safety Information
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
Responsible Person:
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
E-mail address:
No review available for this item.
Great value for money works well
Great value for money works well
La nevera está muy bonita, calidad-precio bastante bien.Doy 4 estrellas no por la calidad del producto, es por la descripción del mismo, no trae luz Led para ver dentro de la nevera, esa es la única pega.Llego en el tiempo estimado, embalaje muy bien, el chico que lo trajo muy amable.Realmente recomiendo la compra.
The fridge is very nice, quality-price ratio is quite good. I give it 4 stars not for the quality of the product, but for the description of it. It does not have an LED light to see inside the fridge, that is the only drawback. It arrived in the estimated time, very good packaging, the guy who brought it was very kind. I really recommend the purchase.
We needed small fridgeLooks nice a bit light weight inside but good value
We needed small fridgeLooks nice a bit light weight inside but good value
War tatsächlich der einzige Kühlschrank mit genau den Maßen, die ich brauchte. Und dann auchnoch in schwarz. Wunderbar!War schnell hier, aufgestellt, und läuft!Alles top!
It was actually the only refrigerator with exactly the dimensions I needed. And in black too. Wonderful! It arrived quickly, was set up, and is working! Everything is great!
il frigo è arrivato prima del previsto, sono stato fortunato c'è solo una piccola ammaccatura di poco conto devo ringraziare il venditore è stato molto gentile nel chiarirmi alcuni dettagli. molto soddisfatto grazie.
the fridge arrived earlier than expected, I was lucky there is only a small dent of little importance I have to thank the seller he was very kind in clarifying some details for me. very satisfied thank you.
Merece cinco estrellas, pero el nuestro llegó con una pequeña abolladura en la parte trasera y una abolladura más grande en la parte superior. Esto se debió al embalaje mínimo sin espuma adicional, pero el servicio al cliente fue amable y rápido en encontrar una solución satisfactoria.
It deserves five stars, but ours arrived with a small dent on the back and a larger dent on the top. This was due to minimal packaging without extra foam, but customer service was friendly and quick to find a satisfactory solution.
piccolo ma ci sta tutto il necessario per un frigorifero da ufficio
small but it holds everything you need for an office refrigerator
La nevera era justo lo que buscaba para un hueco pequeño en la barbacoa. Llegó en perfectas condiciones en el tiempo estipulado. El único punto negativo es que no tiene luz en el interior.
The fridge was just what I was looking for for a small space in the barbecue. It arrived in perfect condition on time. The only negative point is that it has no light inside.
Ho scelto questo piccolo frigo per una sostituzione su un Camper. Avevo paura che arrivasse con bozzi e graffi, come avevo sentito in alcune recensioni. Ho contattato il servizio clienti per avere maggiori informazioni e mi hanno assicurato che l'imballo era accurato. Devo dire che andrebbe ulteriormente maggiorato, soprattutto la parte con il polistirolo. Sul frigo... perfetto, è una bomba. Raffredda benissimo, veramente tanto. Inoltre per il mio uso, cioè il Camper anche in viaggio con Bluetti, funziona benissimo. Disposizione Interna sufficiente. Consigliato.
I chose this small fridge for a replacement on a Camper. I was afraid that it would arrive with dents and scratches, as I had heard in some reviews. I contacted customer service for more information and they assured me that the packaging was accurate. I must say that it should be further increased, especially the part with the polystyrene. On the fridge... perfect, it's a bomb. It cools very well, really a lot. Also for my use, that is the Camper even when traveling with Bluetti, it works very well. Sufficient internal layout. Recommended.
El producto llego ligeramente golpeado en la parte inferior. Totalmente funcional y sin defectos estéticos al coincidir el golpe en la parte trasera inferior. El vendedor nos hizo un reembolso parcial
The product arrived slightly damaged at the bottom. Fully functional and without aesthetic defects as the dent coincided with the lower rear part. The seller gave us a partial refund.
valido prodotto
valid product
Perfetto per le mie esigenze
Perfect for my needs
Cumple con las expectativas
Meets expectations
Ottimo serietà innanzitutto e professionalità
Excellent seriousness first of all and professionalism
Il frigo per ora funziona perfettamente, raffresca e fa pochissimo rumore, unica nota Il venditore dovrebbe confezionarlo con più cura e più protezione aggiungendo del polistirolo oltre al cartone d'imballo semplice
The fridge is working perfectly for now, it cools and makes very little noise, only note: The seller should package it with more care and more protection by adding polystyrene in addition to the simple packaging cardboard.
Me ha llegado un poco abollado pero he llegado a un acuerdo rápidamente con el fabricante, El frigo corresponde a lo que pone en su anuncio, a mí me ha gustado,
It arrived a little dented but I quickly reached an agreement with the manufacturer. The fridge corresponds to what is stated in its advertisement, I liked it.
Design e silenziosità sono le doti principali , si adatta benissimo all utilizzo per cui e’ stato acquistato. Come frigorifero a supporto della zona bar di casa.
Design and silence are the main qualities, it adapts very well to the use for which it was purchased. As a refrigerator to support the home bar area.
Nevera muy practica y de excelente calidad. Tiene acabados de buena calidad y funciona perfectamente.
Very practical and excellent quality refrigerator. It has good quality finishes and works perfectly.
il frigo è elegante e funziona molto bene, il venditore è professionale e puntuale nell' assistenza
the fridge is elegant and works very well, the seller is professional and punctual in assistance
Non rumoroso ,L'unica pecca è che non ha luce interna .
Not noisy, the only flaw is that it has no internal light.
Es lo que yo buscaba, perfecto en medidas, enfria muy bien poco ruido y bonito.Tan solo ponerle un pero y es que el embalaje del producto es muy debil, deberia llevar protecciones en todas las aristas para que no sufra el producto en el trayecto
It's what I was looking for, perfect in size, cools very well, little noise and is pretty. The only thing I have to say is that the packaging of the product is very weak, it should have protection on all the edges so that the product doesn't suffer during the journey.
E arrivato. Con spigolo destro basso colpito.
And here it is. With the low right corner hit.
Es perfecto para el espacio pequeño que tenía. Enfría y congela bien. es lo que buscaba
It's perfect for the small space I had. It cools and freezes well. It's what I was looking for.
Prodotto buono e soddiafacente
Good and satisfying product
Il frigo e arrivato con una indentazione nello sportello che si apre. Grandezza circa 10c. Per questo vorrei un rimborso parziale
The fridge arrived with a dent in the door that opens. Size about 10c. For this I would like a partial refund
Espacio bien racionalizado. Poco consumo, aunque con el tiempo quizá ideen una nevera que congele de verdad con el mismo gasto energético que ésta. El espacio de congelador sólo conserva unos días, no congela.
Well rationalised space. Low consumption, although in time they may come up with a fridge that really freezes with the same energy consumption as this one. The freezer space only conserves for a few days, it does not freeze.
Buon rapporto qualità prezzo
Good value for money
Llego en perfectas condiciones. Esta muy bien de tamaño y enfría muy bien. Recomiendo su compra
It arrived in perfect condition. It is a good size and cools very well. I recommend buying it.
Prodotto ottimo peccato per la confezione fatta dall’azienda davvero scandalosa. Il frigo come successo ad altri arriva ammaccato. Problema di klarstein non di Amazon
Excellent product, shame about the packaging made by the company, truly scandalous. The fridge, like happened to others, arrives dented. Klarstein problem, not Amazon
Es perfecta y no hace nadaaaa de ruido la tengo en el minimo y enfria muy bien.. Una muy buena compra y bajo consumo eléctrico
It is perfect and does not make any noise. I have it on minimum and it cools very well. A very good purchase and low electricity consumption.
Perfecta, compacta y no hace nada de ruido y si además consume poco , no se puede pedir mas
Perfect, compact and doesn't make any noise and if it also consumes little, you can't ask for more.
Bello , fatto bene. Peccato che è arrivato con tre ammaccature sul rivestimento esterno. Dovendo incassarlo in un vano le ammaccature non si vedono e ho preferito tenerlo.
Beautiful, well made. Too bad it arrived with three dents on the external covering. Having to fit it in a compartment the dents are not visible and I preferred to keep it.
El mejor frigorífico para una camper, no consume casi nada y enfría bien
The best refrigerator for a camper, it consumes almost nothing and cools well
Llego muy abollada, enfría super bien y es muy silenciosa, apenas se oye. Pero la descambiaré por otra en mejor estado.
It arrived very dented, it cools super well and is very quiet, you can barely hear it. But I will exchange it for another one in better condition.
Me gusta podría ser que mida 70 centímetros de alto. Y fuera el congelador más grande.por si le da la. Idea de fabricar más grande. Por lo demás genial. Enfría bien
I like it, it could be 70 centimeters high. And it would be the largest freezer, just in case you get the idea of making it bigger. Otherwise, it's great. It cools well.
La nevera es perfecta, enfría muy bien. El ruido es mínimo. No tiene luz interior, pero tampoco es algo que importe. La única pega fue que debido a que el embalaje en muy fino la nevera vino golpeada en una esquina, pero no afe ta ni a la estética ni al funcionamiento. Producto muy recomendable.
The fridge is perfect, it cools very well. The noise is minimal. It doesn't have an interior light, but that's not a big deal. The only drawback was that because the packaging is very thin, the fridge came damaged in one corner, but it doesn't affect the aesthetics or the operation. Highly recommended product.
El frigorífico es muy bonito en diseño, enfría muy bien, hace poco ruido parece que esta desconectado, lo malo que vino golpeado por tres sitios distintos y contacte con el vendedor, me abonaron un reembolso parcial.
The refrigerator has a very nice design, it cools very well, it makes little noise and seems to be disconnected, the bad thing is that it came hit in three different places and I contacted the seller, they gave me a partial refund.
Es genial, enfría mucho y viene súper bien, en la puerta las latas las botella de 2l
It's great, it cools a lot and it comes super well, at the door the cans and 2l bottles
Molto buono e potente
Very good and powerful
No hace nada de ruido, ni se siente. Enfría super bien. Relación calidad precio excelente!!
It doesn't make any noise, nor can you feel it. It cools super well. Excellent value for money!!
Muy buena nevera, es lo que necesitaba. Hace muy poco ruido y funciona de maravilla. Caben incluso botellas de 2 litros y si subes la potencia incluso llega a granizar la bebida. Muy contento con la compra, todo correcto y tal y como se indica en la foto
Very good fridge, it's what I needed. It makes very little noise and works wonderfully. It even holds 2-litre bottles and if you turn up the power it can even make ice cubes. Very happy with the purchase, everything is correct and just as shown in the photo.
Ottimo prodotto, inserito ad incasso in chalet in montagna. Silenzioso e bel design
Great product, built-in in a mountain chalet. Silent and nice design
Dimensioni veramente piccole del vano surgelati. Consegna in ritardo. Per il resto ottimo prodotto
Really small size of the frozen compartment. Late delivery. Otherwise excellent product
Bel frigo, compatto, poco rumoroso e adatto ad un ufficio. Dividendo la spesa in 6, è venuto veramente poco. Inoltre ha anche una zona freezer. La dimensione standard ci ha permesso di inserirlo al posto del vecchio frigo ormai non funzionante
Nice fridge, compact, not very noisy and suitable for an office. Splitting the expense in 6, it came out really cheap. It also has a freezer area. The standard size allowed us to insert it in place of the old fridge that no longer worked