Kraftwerk Smart 12K Air Conditioner

904,99 € (incl. VAT)
Included in this price is a contribution to recycling costs of 8.33 EUR
  • Mobile air conditioner
  • White
Product number: 10034664
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  • Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    723,99 €
    Original price: 904,99 €
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  • 14 day cooling off period

Top features

  • Smart home: Conveniently controlled via the Klarstein app, fully compatible with Alexa

Product description

Full power for cool temperatures: enjoy perfect freshness in every room with the Klarstein Kraftwerk Smart 12K air conditioner!

The Klarstein Kraftwerk Smart 12K air conditioner provides the perfect summer feel-good climate in living or working rooms with a size of 35 to 59 m². The powerful air conditioner with ventilation in 3 power levels and dehumidifier cools interiors to a pleasant temperature between 18 and 32 °C on hot days. With a working noise of only 50 dB min. and the night mode, the appliance lets you slumber peacefully even on hot nights. With the Klarstein app, you can operate the Kraftwerk Smart 12K super conveniently from your smartphone, while the top-side control panel allows for easy manual control and the remote control for extra convenience. The air conditioner has a number of additional functions, such as the baby mode with reduced operating noise, the drying mode or the up to 24-hour timer. Status LEDs clearly show which function selection has been made.

With the Klarstein Kraftwerk Smart 12K air conditioner, you can keep a cool head at all times, even on hot days.


  • functional air conditioner
  • Compression cooling
  • Cooling capacity: 12,000 BTU (3.4 kW)
  • Adjustable fan speed: low / medium / high
  • Temperature adjustable by degrees between 18 and 32 °C
  • Possibility of app control via WiFi and Klarstein app
  • Turbine type air outlet
  • Effective area: approx. 35 - 59 m²
  • Max. air flow rate fan: 410 m³/h
  • Dehumidification capacity: 23 l/h
  • Noise level: 50 dB min. / 65 dB max.
  • Programmable timer up to 24 h in 1 h steps
  • Possible to connect a permanent drainage system (drain hose included)
  • On/off switch on the unit or on the remote control
  • Rated power consumption: 1308 watts
  • Refrigerant: R290
  • Power supply remote control: 1 x CR2032 battery (button cell not included in delivery)
  • Power supply: 220 - 240 V~ | 50 Hz
Product number: 10034664

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions: approx. 35.5 x 82.2 x 38 cm (WxHxD)
  • Max. length exhaust air pipe: approx. 150 x 15 cm (LxØ)
  • Weight: approx. 27 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x air conditioner
  • 1 x remote control
  • 1 x window sealing set for bottom-hung windows
  • 1 x exhaust air hose incl. connectors
  • 1 x water drain hose
  • Multilingual user manual

Delivery & shipment

This item is not in stock and must be reordered.

Your order will be delivered to the selected address per order. This address does not have to match the billing address. You can send the orders to your family, friends or office if you are not at home during the day.

Safety and Operating Instructions

Download user manual

Product Safety Information

Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin

Responsible Person:
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin

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Customer reviews
52 Ratings

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C’est le plus puissant que j’ai trouvé dans mon budget.C’est un peu juste pour refroidir une pièce de 40m²...

This is the most powerful I found in my budget. It's a bit tight to cool a 40m² room...


BonjourJ’ai acheté ce climatiseur, augurant une canicule 2024, mais il n’y a pas eu de vague de grosse chaleur. Je l’ai tout de même testé et il fonctionne parfaitement. Un peu bruyant comme tous les climatiseurs mobiles. Je vais profiter de cette période froide pour réaliser une vraie évacuation extérieure. A mon avis, le bruit sera bien moins important, et la climatisation beaucoup plus efficace.

HelloI bought this air conditioner, predicting a heatwave in 2024, but there was no major heat wave. I still tested it and it works perfectly. A little noisy like all mobile air conditioners. I will take advantage of this cold period to carry out a real external evacuation. In my opinion, the noise will be much less, and the air conditioning much more efficient.


Cette clim est géniale. Rien de négatif sur ce produit. Les gens ce plaignent du bruit mais en même temp une clim qui fait pas de bruit c'est pas une clim c'est un ventilateur c'est tout. Pour une pièce de 60m2 en canicule Cette clim est très efficace.

This air conditioner is great. Nothing negative about this product. People complain about the noise but at the same time an air conditioner that makes no noise is not an air conditioner it is a fan that's all. For a 60m2 room in a heatwave this air conditioner is very efficient.


Kühlt den Raum in Sekunden Die Klimaanlage ist riesig und nimmt viel Platz ein. Der Abluftschlauch ist etwas zu kurz und die Klebeklettstreifen für die Fenster kleben schlecht. Die Klimaanlage selbst ist nicht schlecht gebaut, jedoch relativ laut beim Betrieb. Ich habe sie für einen 25qm großen Raum gekauft, was aufjedenfall falsch war. Das Zimmer ist in wenigen Minuten bis Sekunden abgekühlt, also eher für größere Räume zu gebrauchen.

Cools the room in seconds The air conditioning system is huge and takes up a lot of space. The exhaust hose is a bit too short and the Velcro strips for the windows don't stick well. The air conditioning system itself isn't badly built, but it's relatively loud when in use. I bought it for a 25 square meter room, which was definitely wrong. The room cooled down in a few minutes to seconds, so it's more suitable for larger rooms.


Schönes Design, aber die Farbe irritiert Schönes Gerät, allerdings ist der bestellte Farbton Anthrazit eher ein Dunkelgrün. Muss man mögen!!! Gerät ist inhaltlich und für den Rückversand eher schwierig. Die Kühlleistung konnte noch nicht geprüft werden. Steuerung über App und WLAN / Bluetooth funktioniert aber einwandfrei.

Nice design, but the color is confusing. Nice device, but the anthracite color I ordered is more of a dark green. You have to like it!!! The device is rather difficult to return in terms of content. The cooling performance has not yet been tested. Control via app and WiFi/Bluetooth works perfectly, though.


Absolut zufrieden Ich bin mit der mobilen Klimaanlage absolut zufrieden. Zunächst war ich vom hohen Lärmpegel (selbst gemessen 73 dB) enttäuscht. Dann habe ich den Schlauch für die Abwärme ganz fest in die Fassung gedreht und die Anlage auf eine Dämpfungsmatte (gibt es bei Amazon oder im Baumarkt für 10 EUR) gestellt. Der Lärmpegel sank daraufhin auf ca. 58 dB und die Kühlleistung ist gefühlt auch besser. Insgesamt bin ich sehr zufrieden.

Absolutely satisfied I am absolutely satisfied with the mobile air conditioning system. At first I was disappointed by the high noise level (measured myself at 73 dB). Then I screwed the hose for the waste heat very tightly into the socket and placed the system on a dampening mat (available from Amazon or at hardware stores for 10 EUR). The noise level then dropped to around 58 dB and the cooling performance also feels better. Overall I am very satisfied.


Tolles Produkt! Ein sehr ansprechendes Design. Tolles Handling durch Fernbedienung und App. Die Sommer im DG werden endlich erträglicher. :-) Die Lautstärke ist bei entsprechender Hitze hinnehmbar.

Great product! A very attractive design. Great handling with the remote control and app. The summers in the attic are finally more bearable. :-) The volume is acceptable when it is hot enough.


Gerät ist gut! Haben noch 2 bestellt, aber woanders, besseres Angebot!! Paketdienst war nicht gut! Dauerte zu lang!

Device is good! We ordered 2 more, but from somewhere else, better offer!! Parcel service was not good! Took too long!


Baisse la température de 4 degrés lors des canicules de l'été dernier (expo sud et ouest) ! Je recommande

Lowered the temperature by 4 degrees during the heatwaves of last summer (southern and western exposure)! I recommend


J'attends des journées de canicule pour donner un avis autorisé. J'ai juste testé le niveau sonore du compresseur. Il est tout à fait acceptable...

I'm waiting for hot days to give an authoritative opinion. I just tested the noise level of the compressor. It is quite acceptable...


Formschön und akzeptable Lautstärke Zur weiteren Funktion kann ich noch nicht viel sagen, da die Temperaturen noch nicht dementsprechend sind. - lediglich ein Probelauf verlief erfolgreich. NUR ZUM VERSAND: Ob es ratsam und sinnvoll ist solch ein Gerät mit DHL zu verschicken stelle ich hier stark in Frage. Hätte ich das vorher geahnt, wäre ich anders vorgegangen. Es ging grade nochmal gut mit einer stark beschädigten Verpackung, wo jedoch der Inhalt unversehrt war.

Beautifully designed and acceptable volume. I can't say much about the rest of the functionality yet, as the temperatures aren't up to scratch yet - only a test run was successful. ONLY ABOUT SHIPPING: I seriously question whether it is advisable and sensible to send a device like this with DHL. If I had known this beforehand, I would have done things differently. It was just about OK despite the packaging being badly damaged, although the contents were intact.


Cela a été une surprise de voir à quel point l'appareil est silencieux. Lorsque je l'ai connecté, les touches de température n'ont pas fonctionné, mais en suivant les instructions, j'ai réinitialisé la machine et tout a commencé à fonctionner correctement. Il refroidit très vite et le bruit est quasiment nul par rapport aux autres appareils que j'ai vu. J'ai lu que certaines personnes ont des problèmes de connexion à Internet. Si le mode automatique ne fonctionne pas, vous devez l'essayer manuellement et cela fonctionne.

It was a surprise how quiet the unit is. When I plugged it in, the temperature buttons didn't work, but following the instructions, I reset the machine and everything started working fine. It cools very quickly and the noise is almost zero compared to other units I've seen. I've read that some people have problems connecting to the internet. If the automatic mode doesn't work, you have to try it manually and it works.


Utilisé pour climatiser une chambre mais fait un retour car l'appareil émet un sifflement qui nous gênait

Used to air condition a room but returned because the device made a whistling noise that bothered us


j ai tout essayer ( 2.4 ghz) mais impossible d associer le climatiseur avec mon portable. A part cela je suis satisfait.

I tried everything (2.4 GHz) but it was impossible to pair the air conditioner with my laptop. Apart from that I am satisfied.


Ayant profité d’une promo un peu hors saison (avril), je me suis lancé et après déballage et test, cette clim semble très satisfaisante, super design, connectée (super utile pr lancer à distance !), j’ai presque hâte de la prochaine canicule dès juin ? (Paris). Je mettrai à jour peut être en usage pdt une canicule !

Having taken advantage of a slightly off-season promo (April), I got started and after unpacking and testing, this air conditioning seems very satisfactory, super design, connected (super useful for launching remotely!), I almost can't wait for the next heatwave in June? (Paris). I'll update maybe in use during a heatwave!


Die macht was sie machen muss Es gibt nicht viel zu erzählen. Das Fenster gut abdichten und mit einem Tacker das Klettklebeband fest machen. es hält nicht sehr gut. Das Fenster am besten fixieren, oder mit dem Tacker das Band am Rahmen fast machen. Es kühlt mein Zimmer unterm Dach einwandfrei. Ich kann wieder im Sommer bei 40 Grad gut schlafen. mit der Zeit gewöhnt man sich an das Geräusch, wenn die Temperatur in Ordnung ist. Ist wie neben einer Waschmaschine schlafen ohne Schleudergang. Es geht wunderbar.

It does what it has to do. There's not much to say. Seal the window well and use a stapler to attach the Velcro tape. It doesn't hold very well. It's best to fix the window in place, or use a stapler to fasten the tape to the frame. It cools my room in the attic perfectly. I can sleep well again in the summer at 40 degrees. Over time you get used to the noise if the temperature is OK. It's like sleeping next to a washing machine without the spin cycle. It works wonderfully.


Kühlt sehr gut, aber auch sehr laut. App ist naja Das Gerät kühlt sehr gut, ist aber auch extrem laut. Die Fernbedienung hat leider keine Batterie dabei. Die Fensterabdichtung anbringen ist nervig aber notwendig. Die App lässt sich meines Wissens nach leider nicht mit Google Home integrieren, und man muss sich jedes mal neu verbinden (3 Sekunden warten) wenn man die App öffnet. Das ist kein Problem wenn man die Anlage anschaltet, aber ich finde während sie an ist sollte man sich nicht immer neu verbinden müssen wenn man nur kurz was einstellen will. Insgesamt für den Sommer extrem hilfreich und ein Lebensretter in warmen Wohnungen, wenn man den Lärm aushalten kann.

Cools very well, but also very loud. App is okay The device cools very well, but is also extremely loud. Unfortunately, the remote control doesn't come with a battery. Attaching the window seal is annoying but necessary. As far as I know, the app unfortunately cannot be integrated with Google Home, and you have to reconnect every time (wait 3 seconds) you open the app. This isn't a problem when you switch the system on, but I don't think you should have to reconnect every time you want to quickly adjust something while it's on. Overall, extremely helpful for the summer and a lifesaver in warm apartments if you can stand the noise.


Solo una pega hace un poco de ruido pero es normal en un aire de gran capacidad de enfriamiento. Calidad precio excelente lo recomiendo

Only one drawback is that it makes a bit of noise, but that is normal for an air conditioner with a high cooling capacity. Excellent value for money, I recommend it.


Funktioniert super, aber etwas laut und hoher Stromverbrauch Ich habe dieses Gerät für das Büro gekauft, da es hier im Sommer sehr warm werden kann. Schnelle und unkomplizierte Lieferung. Gerät ist sehr schwer aber durch die Rollen gut beweglich. Kühlleistung ist hervorragend, der Raum wird sehr schnell abgekühlt. Leider ist das Gerät etwas laut, was bei den meisten aber mal so ist, dabei schlafen könnte man nicht. Was einem noch auffällt ist der hohe Stromverbrauch, da wir hier durch eine APP ( wir haben Solarstrom auf dem Dach), immer den aktuellen Verbrauch im Haushalt und die aktuelle Energieerzeugungsmenge von den Solarzellen sehen ( Südseitendach). Sobald man dieses Gerät anstellt, sieht man schlagartig wie der Energieverbrauch ansteigt und zwar soviel, das selbst bei voller Sonneneinstrahlung gerade so der erzeugte Solarstrom ausreicht. Gerät zieht ansonsten auch Strom aus dem normalen Netz, was ja schnell teuer werden kann. Ansonsten super Kühleffekt. Wem der Stromverbrauch egal ist und die Lautstärke hat hier die perfekte mobile Klimaanlage von Klarstein. Kühlleistung ist top.

Works great, but a bit loud and uses a lot of power I bought this device for the office because it can get very hot here in the summer. Fast and uncomplicated delivery. The device is very heavy but easy to move thanks to the wheels. The cooling performance is excellent, the room is cooled down very quickly. Unfortunately the device is a bit loud, but that's the case for most people, you couldn't sleep with it. What is also noticeable is the high power consumption, because we can always see the current consumption in the household and the current amount of energy generated by the solar cells (south-facing roof) using an app (we have solar power on the roof). As soon as you turn this device on, you can suddenly see how the energy consumption increases, so much that even in full sunlight the solar power generated is just enough. The device also draws power from the normal grid, which can quickly become expensive. Otherwise the cooling effect is great. If you don't care about power consumption and the noise level, this is the perfect mobile air conditioner from Klarstein. The cooling performance is top notch.


Bon produit qui remplit ses promesses, bien entendu pour ceux qui pensent avoir l'équivalent d'un vrai climatiseur vous serez déçu, mais en période de forte chaleur, c'est un vrai bonheur de l'avoir. Fait du bruit clairement mais respecte, comme indiqué les +/- 50/55db ce qui n'est pas si mal pour ce genre d'engins. Côté fraîcheur, dans mon bureau de 14 m² et dans mon salon de 35m² j'arrive à avoir une température de 26/27 sans trop tirer (programmée à 24 h) même quand il fait 38 à l’extérieur. Côté prix conso, au tarif à l'heure où j'écris le message, le prix revient à environ 20/30 centimes par heure en la configurant sur une température entre 23 et 24 en général. Donc clairement ce n'est pas donné mais pour ma part, ça vaut le coup comparé à ne pas pouvoir travailler de la journée... Le mode auto est bien, il permet de réduire le coût de consommation pour une température toujours pas mal. Le mode nuit selon moi n'a pas vraiment d'intérêt, il ne fait pas moins de bruit. La partie connectée fonctionne bien, mais je n'en ai pas l'utilité. Quoi qu'il en soit, choisissez cette solution que si vous ne pouvez vraiment pas installer de vrais climatiseurs chez vous, vous serez perdants à tous les niveaux. À oui et n'oubliez pas de bien calfeutrer vos fenêtres ou portes, pour ma part je n'utilise pas celui fourni avec qui est trop contraignant. Pensez à liker si vous avez trouvé cela utile :)

Good product that fulfills its promises, of course for those who think they have the equivalent of a real air conditioner you will be disappointed, but in periods of high heat, it is a real pleasure to have it. Clearly makes noise but respects, as indicated, the +/- 50/55db which is not so bad for this type of machine. On the cool side, in my 14 m² office and in my 35 m² living room I manage to have a temperature of 26/27 without drawing too much (programmed at 24 h) even when it is 38 outside. On the consumption price side, at the rate at the time I write the message, the price comes to about 20/30 cents per hour by setting it to a temperature between 23 and 24 in general. So clearly it's not cheap but for me, it's worth it compared to not being able to work during the day... The auto mode is good, it allows you to reduce the cost of consumption for a temperature that's still pretty good. The night mode in my opinion is not really interesting, it doesn't make less noise. The connected part works well, but I don't need it. In any case, choose this solution only if you really can't install real air conditioners at home, you will lose out on all levels. Oh yes and don't forget to seal your windows or doors well, for my part I don't use the one provided with it which is too restrictive. Remember to like if you found this useful :)


Es una compra buena

It's a good buy


Excellent climatiseur. Aucun souci de fonctionnement ou de reconnaissance via l’application karlstein ou via l’application Smart Life. Connecter en plus avec Alexa, cela permet de diriger à 100 % le climatiseur à la voix. Comme le condensateur est à l’intérieur du climatiseur et non à l’extérieur avec une clim murale, forcément c’est un peu bruyant à fond. Les vitesses sont réglables et le moins bruyant est la fonction sleep. Très bien pour un appartement de 50m2.

Excellent air conditioner. No problem with operation or recognition via the Karlstein app or via the Smart Life app. Connecting in addition with Alexa, this allows you to control the air conditioner 100% by voice. As the capacitor is inside the air conditioner and not outside with a wall-mounted air conditioner, it is inevitably a little noisy at full blast. The speeds are adjustable and the least noisy is the sleep function. Very good for a 50m2 apartment.


Sono rimasto molto soddisfatto del prodotto ho preso il modello da 12000 btu rinfresca e consuma di meno di quello che avevo prima. Riguardo al rumore si c'è ma molto meno di quello che avevo prima un vecchio pinguino DeLonghi (cmq tutto i condizionatori con tubo esterno sono tutti rumorosi chi più chi meno siamo sempre lì .Se si vuole silenzio si passa al fisso) ho preso il modello azzurro la ventilazione è ottima tre velocità e lo uso in modalità condizionamento c'è anche l'opzione condizionamento e deumidificatore oppure solo deumidificatore. Non ho avuto problemi a collegarlo al wifi così si può comandare direttamente dal telefono. Il tubo di scarico ha diametro molto grande per godere a pieno il condizionatore va usato con foro nella finestra perché così non c'è dispersione dell'aria fresca. Note dolenti il telecomando oltre essere veramente scarno e fragile non è fornito con la batteria. Il raccordo ( per chi volesse tenere aperta la finestra e veramente troppo voluminoso ti forniscono di una tendina con alampo da fissare alla finestra tramite striscia a strappo ma non molto comoda ad esempio in tinello ho la finestra alta doppia e quindi sarebbe un po' un problema metti e togli) Non produce aria calda Note positive Ha diversi filtri per l'aria non è molto complicato rimuoverli e pulirli.

I was very satisfied with the product I took the 12000 btu model it cools and consumes less than the one I had before. Regarding the noise yes it is there but much less than the one I had before an old DeLonghi Pinguino (in any case all the air conditioners with external tube are all noisy more or less we are always there. If you want silence you switch to the fixed one) I took the blue model the ventilation is excellent three speeds and I use it in air conditioning mode there is also the option air conditioning and dehumidifier or only dehumidifier. I had no problems connecting it to the wifi so you can control it directly from the phone. The exhaust tube has a very large diameter to fully enjoy the air conditioner it must be used with a hole in the window because that way there is no dispersion of fresh air. Sore points the remote control in addition to being really sparse and fragile is not supplied with the battery. The connection (for those who want to keep the window open and it is really too bulky they provide you with a curtain with a zip to fix to the window with a Velcro strip but it is not very comfortable for example in the living room I have a double high window and so it would be a bit of a problem to put it on and take it off) It does not produce hot air Positive notes It has various air filters and it is not very complicated to remove and clean them.


Endlich weg von den weissen Geräten Ich muss sagen, der Klarstein ist eine wohltuende Ausnahme im weissen Wald der anderen Klimageräte. Er passt echt toll durch sein Design und das schlanke Auftreten mit Farbe ins Wohnzimmer. Durch seine vielen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten und auch die wirklich sehr gute Verarbeitung rechtfertigen den Preis absolut. Kühlen, Ventilator, Entfeuchten, Luftreinigung mit Kohlefilter, Nachtmodus 24 Std. Timer Smartphone App, Wlan- Fernbedienung alles mit dabei, auch Alexa steuert brav dieses Klimagerät. Die Einbindung in mein WLAN Netz funktionierte mit Hilfe der Klarstein App absolut auf Anhieb und ich hab nicht auf das 2,4 Netz umgeschaltet. Perfekt. Lautstärke, natürlich ist es kein Splitgerät, aber die Lautstärke hält sich sehr in Grenzen und ist akzeptabel. Weiß dann wirklich zu laut sein sollte, der muss halt entweder auf angenehmes Wohnklima verzichten oder auf ein Splitgerät zurückgreifen. Wir haben die Abluft durch eine neue Glasscheibe (von einer Glaserei Anfertigung) geregelt, sieht gut aus und man muss kein Fenster offnen. Bedienung ist selbsterklärend, der Automatik Modus stellt alles super ein und hält die Lautstärke auf niedrigem Niveau. Alles bestens. Selbstverständlich kann man auch manuell alles einstellen. Temperatur und alle Modi werden auf dem gut ablesbarem Display angezeigt. Diesen Klarstein kann ich mehr als nur empfehlen, bei event.Problemen oder Fragen ist der Kundedienst wirklich sehr schnell und kompetent. Klare 5 Sterne und eine Kaufempfehlung!

Finally away from the white devices I have to say, the Klarstein is a pleasant exception in the white forest of other air conditioning units. Its design and sleek appearance with color really fits into the living room. Its many possible uses and the really very good workmanship absolutely justify the price. Cooling, fan, dehumidification, air purification with carbon filter, night mode 24 hour timer smartphone app, WiFi remote control all included, Alexa also controls this air conditioning unit well. The integration into my WiFi network worked absolutely straight away with the help of the Klarstein app and I didn't switch to the 2.4 network. Perfect. Volume, of course it's not a split unit, but the volume is very limited and acceptable. If the white is really too loud, you either have to do without a pleasant living environment or use a split unit. We regulated the exhaust air using a new pane of glass (made by a glazier), it looks good and you don't have to open a window. Operation is self-explanatory, the automatic mode sets everything up perfectly and keeps the volume at a low level. Everything is perfect. Of course you can also set everything manually. Temperature and all modes are shown on the easy-to-read display. I can highly recommend this Klarstein, if you have any problems or questions the customer service is really very quick and competent. A clear 5 stars and a purchase recommendation!


Ce produit dispose d'un certain nombre de qualités et de défauts inattendus : Qualités : très peu de bruits comparés à des climatiseurs classiques. Je dors avec, avec des bouchons d'oreille et je n'entends presque rien. La minuterie permet de faire des économies en l'allumant seulement pour les 3 premières heures de la nuit par exemple. Pour ce qui est du refroidissement c'est compliqué... L'appareil crache bien de l'air à 18 degrés et rejette bien l'air chaud, le problème c'est qu'il doit souvent lutter contre le réchauffement naturel de votre logement (mauvaise isolation, ou soleil). C'est un peu comme si vous utilisiez un climatiseur de froid face à un climatiseur de chaud légèrement moins puissant. Si votre appartement( ou maison) est parfaitement isolé, et que le kit de calfeutrage à la fenêtre est correctement installé, vous aurez bien 18 degrés au bout de quelques heures, dans le cas inverse il n'y aura que quelques degrés en moins. L'appareil de 10000 btu ne permet de climatiser efficacement que 12m2 environ, au-delà, il est insuffisant (je parle pour un appartement situé au dernier étage). Enfin il consomme beaucoup 1kw par heure, donc compter plusieurs dizaines voire centaines d'euros par mois en plus en facture électrique par mois. De plus, pas de pile fournie dans la télécommande (petite pile ronde difficile à trouver). Pour conclure, si vous avez les moyens prenez le 12000 btu et non le 10000, et utiliser le soit près de vous soit pour une chambre, vous ne pourrez pas climatiser votre appartement entièrement avec un seul appareil. Je le recommande malgré tout, il crache bien de l'air frais à 18 degrés ce qu'un ventilateur ne fera jamais.

This product has a number of unexpected qualities and defects: Qualities: very little noise compared to conventional air conditioners. I sleep with it, with earplugs and I hear almost nothing. The timer allows you to save money by turning it on only for the first 3 hours of the night for example. As for cooling, it's complicated... The device spits out air at 18 degrees and rejects hot air well, the problem is that it often has to fight against the natural warming of your home (poor insulation, or sun). It's a bit like using a cold air conditioner against a slightly less powerful hot air conditioner. If your apartment (or house) is perfectly insulated, and the window sealing kit is correctly installed, you will have 18 degrees after a few hours, otherwise it will only be a few degrees less. The 10,000 BTU device can only effectively air condition about 12m2, beyond that, it is insufficient (I'm talking about an apartment located on the top floor). Finally, it consumes a lot 1kw per hour, so count several tens or even hundreds of euros per month in addition in electricity bill per month. In addition, no battery provided in the remote control (small round battery difficult to find). To conclude, if you have the means take the 12,000 BTU and not the 10,000, and use it either near you or for a room, you will not be able to air condition your entire apartment with a single device. I recommend it despite everything, it spits out cool air at 18 degrees which a fan will never do.


Das Ding kühlt 1A! Ich weiß nicht wie die ganzen schlechten Bewertungen zustande kommen, aber das Ding kühlt wie Sau. Zugegeben, mal Schlafzimmer ist nicht besonders groß. Dennoch würde ich behaupten, ich kriege damit auch mein Erdgeschoss runtergekühlt und das hat bestimmt an die 70qm. Habe heute mit meiner Frau einen wunderbaren Mittagsschlaf bei den Temperaturen machen können - mit Decke!! Ich wusste schon gar nicht mehr, wie sich so eine Decke anfühlt. Aktuell für 400€ geschossen und auch die 570€ wäre es mir wert. Die Geräuschkulisse ist brutal für empfindliche Ohren und dennoch meine ich das hier einige zum absoluten übertreiben neigen! Wir haben heute beide bei voller Leistung problemlos 3 Stunden geschlafen. Ich kühle das Schlafzimmer gerade seit gut einer Stunde runter und werde die Anlage so einstellen, das sie ab einer gewissen Temperatur von alleine anspringt. Ich bin voll zufrieden und würde sie jedem weiterempfehlen! „Bläst nur Warme luft“ meinen ja einige… Also ich bin froh, wenn ich morgen nicht krank bin. So viel dazu. Nachtrag: Also sowohl meine Frau und ich schlafen mit einer Timer Funktion, das die Klimaanlagealle 60-90min. Für 15 Minuten kühlt ohne Probleme durch. Wenn wir statt mit der Geräuschskulisse mit dieser Hitze schlafen müssten, hätten wir beide eine extrem unerholsame und beschissene Nacht - das ist dank der Flugzeugturbine aber nicht der Fall, zum Glück! Die kühlleistung ist fabelhaft und die Luft entfeuchtung ebenfalls. Hier gibt es eben keine Wirkung, ohne Nebenwirkungen, aber diese sind im Gegensatz zu dem was wir mit der Klimaanlage bekämpfen, absolut verkraftbar! Erneuter Nachtrag - auch mein EG von sogar über 70qm (wie ich rausgefunden habe) lässt sich bei absoluter Hitze im Sommer so gut runterkühlen, das ich hier gefroren habe. Wenn eine von den Klima Anlagen nicht funktioniert, liegt es definitiv am Lieferanten und dem Umgang mit dem Gerät!

This thing cools like crazy! I don't know how all the bad reviews came about, but this thing cools like crazy. Admittedly, my bedroom isn't that big. But I would say that I can cool down my ground floor with it, and that must be around 70 square meters. Today my wife and I had a wonderful afternoon nap in these temperatures - with a blanket!! I had already forgotten what a blanket felt like. It's currently on sale for €400 and I think it would be worth the €570. The background noise is brutal for sensitive ears, but I still think that some people tend to exaggerate! We both slept for 3 hours today with no problem at full power. I've been cooling down the bedroom for about an hour now and will set the system so that it starts automatically when it reaches a certain temperature. I'm completely satisfied and would recommend it to anyone! "It just blows warm air," some people say... So I'll be happy if I'm not sick tomorrow. So much for that. Addendum: So both my wife and I sleep with a timer function that cools the air conditioning for 15 minutes every 60-90 minutes without any problems. If we had to sleep in this heat instead of with the background noise, we would both have an extremely restless and crappy night - but that is not the case thanks to the aircraft turbine, luckily! The cooling performance is fantastic and the air dehumidification is also great. There is no effect here, without side effects, but these are absolutely bearable in contrast to what we combat with the air conditioning! Another addendum - even my ground floor, which is over 70 square meters (as I found out), can be cooled down so well in absolute heat in the summer that I froze here. If one of the air conditioning systems doesn't work, it is definitely the fault of the supplier and the handling of the device!


Contento con la compra, ya estaba cansado de asarme en casa los últimos veranos.Lo he probado en un par de días de calor y ha sido una gozada. Enfría muy rápido, hace un poco de ruido pero compensa por lo rápido que te enfría la habitación. Me arrepiento de no haberlo comprado antes

Happy with the purchase, I was already tired of roasting at home the last few summers. I tried it on a couple of hot days and it was a joy. It cools very quickly, it makes a bit of noise but it makes up for it by how quickly it cools the room. I regret not having bought it sooner.





E bello e funzionale, pratico nell'installazione, io adoperato la presa dell'aria già esistente nel muro con un cono per ventilazione per il diametro. Si può direzionare, ha una funzione che lo rende abbastanza. Naturalmente è un portatile non uno fisso che è più silenzioso.

It is beautiful and functional, practical to install, I used the existing air intake in the wall with a ventilation cone for the diameter. It can be directed, it has a function that makes it quite. Of course it is a portable one not a fixed one which is quieter.


Funciona muy bien, potencia suficiente para un salón, incluso para más, lo tenemos al mínimo y enfría enseguida. No traía kit para ventana corredera, sólo para ventana batiente pero al escribirle a la empresa, enseguida se pusieron en contacto y solucionamos el problema. Estamos contentos con la compra.

It works very well, enough power for a living room, even for more, we have it at minimum and it cools immediately. It did not come with a kit for sliding windows, only for casement windows, but when I wrote to the company, they immediately got in touch and solved the problem. We are happy with the purchase.


L’article a été commandé au début des grosses chaleurs. Un soucis de livraison sur la première commande à fait que nous avons dû repasser une seconde. Et entre temps le prix a baissé de 100,00 €. Nous avons ensuite attendu plus de 10 jours pour un produit promis en 48 € Ce climatiseur est issue d’une marque réputé. Il est simple à mettre en route et même à distance grâce au wifi. Il a été très facile de l’installer, le kit fenêtre est largement suffisant pour installer le tuyaux de sortie d’air. Il existe trois vitesse différente. Ne chercher pas un climatiseur mobile sans bruit je doute que ça existe Certes il est agréable la fraîcheur mérite nui en un petit sacrifice. Ce dernier ayant été acheté en priorité pour mon chienne âgée 14 ans 1/2, elle a su trouver tout de suite sa place quand il fonctionne. Évidement elle a acceptée que nous en profitions un petit peu aussi, Madame est bien bonne. Dans l’ensemble nous somme très contents de notre acquisition à laquelle le nous avons ajouté une extension de garantie pa sécurité. Nous sommes bien content.

The item was ordered at the start of the hot weather. A delivery problem on the first order meant that we had to order a second one. And in the meantime the price dropped by €100.00. We then waited more than 10 days for a product promised at €48. This air conditioner comes from a well-known brand. It is easy to start up and even remotely thanks to wifi. It was very easy to install, the window kit is more than enough to install the air outlet pipes. There are three different speeds. Don't look for a quiet mobile air conditioner, I doubt that it exists. It is certainly pleasant, the freshness is worth a small sacrifice. The latter having been purchased as a priority for my 14 1/2 year old dog, she was able to find her place straight away when it is working. Obviously she agreed that we should enjoy it a little too, Madame is very good. Overall we are very happy with our purchase to which we added an extended warranty for security. We are very happy.


Il prodotto è gradevole a livello estetico e la particolare bocchetta diffonde bene l'aria fresca. Riesco a tenere fresco sui 25 26 gradi un open space e stanze limitrofe per circa 125 metri quadri. Davvero inatteso. Un po' rumoroso come tutti i condizionatori portatili.

The product is aesthetically pleasing and the particular nozzle diffuses fresh air well. I can keep an open space and surrounding rooms for about 125 square meters cool at 25-26 degrees. Really unexpected. A little noisy like all portable air conditioners.


Gute Kühlleistung, etwas laut (wie vermutlich alle mobilen Klimaanlagen) Ich bin froh dieses Klimagerät gekauft zu haben. Es sieht toll aus und es hilft uns abends (oder auch tagsüber) das Schlafzimmer unter dem Dach herunterzukühlen. Wir kühlen ca. 30 - 60 Minuten - manchmal auch nur schnell 10 Minuten. Dann sinkt die Raumtemperatur von 26 oder 28 Grad auf 22 (laut Gerät, das dürfte auch im Durchschnitt passen). Dies hält nicht ewig aber zumindest solange, daß man gut einschlafen kann und den Rest danach die im Sommer offenen Fenster erledigen - letzteres alleine reicht bei uns leider nicht ausser die Aussentemperatur sinkt nachts auf max. 22 Grad und es weht eine kleine Brise, die die Kühle auch nach innen trägt. Wir haben uns lange einem Klimagerät verweigert - wegen Stromkosten, Umweltschutz und weil dann ein Gerät mehr für 7-8 Monate im Jahr ungenutzt herumsteht, aber wie anfangs geschrieben sind wir nun sehr froh darum. Ein Stück Lebensqualität an wirklich heißen Sommertagen unter dem Dach. Wir hatten zum Glück schon ein für den Abluftschlauch vorgesehenes Loch mit entsprechender Abdeckung, welches wir verwenden konnten. Auch wenn dadurch das Gerät nicht 100% optimal für den Raum steht, tut es seinen Dienst damit sehr gut. Auch die App Steuerung ist sehr von Vorteil, wenn man mal von unterwegs zuhause vorkühlen möchte.

Good cooling performance, a bit loud (like all mobile air conditioners probably) I am glad I bought this air conditioner. It looks great and it helps us cool down the bedroom in the attic in the evening (or during the day). We cool for about 30 - 60 minutes - sometimes just 10 minutes. Then the room temperature drops from 26 or 28 degrees to 22 (according to the device, that should be OK on average). This doesn't last forever, but at least long enough for you to be able to fall asleep easily and then the open windows in summer do the rest - the latter alone is unfortunately not enough for us unless the outside temperature drops to a maximum of 22 degrees at night and there is a small breeze that carries the coolness inside. We refused to have an air conditioner for a long time - because of electricity costs, environmental protection and because then one more device would be standing around unused for 7-8 months of the year, but as I wrote at the beginning, we are now very happy with it. A piece of quality of life under the attic on really hot summer days. Luckily, we already had a hole for the exhaust hose with a corresponding cover, which we were able to use. Even if this means that the device is not 100% ideal for the room, it does its job very well. The app control is also very useful if you want to pre-cool at home while you are away from home.


Mi è spiaciuto non trovare nella documentazione a corredo alcuna indicazione dei dB quando funzione notte. Nell'uso normale i dB dichiarati sono esattamente come per la maggioranza dei concorrenti. Una cosa apprezzabile è l'assoluta assenza di vibrazioni, ciò fa ben sperare che con il tempo il livello del rumore non aumenti. L'app è molto meglio del telecomando, dato che è possibile operare come davanti alla macchina. Peccato che non possa essere utilizzata fuori della LAN WIFI di casa.

I was sorry not to find in the accompanying documentation any indication of the dB when night function. In normal use the declared dB are exactly like for the majority of competitors. One thing to appreciate is the absolute absence of vibrations, which gives hope that over time the noise level will not increase. The app is much better than the remote control, since it is possible to operate as if in front of the machine. Too bad it cannot be used outside the home WIFI LAN.


Je l’ai acheté il y a presque un mois donc je me permets de laisser mon avis (après des semaines de recherches sur un bon appareil…) Côtés positifs : le design est propre, il se contrôle très bien à distance (dont avec le téléphone), il fait un air très frais et refroidit plutôt bien, il est très simple à utiliser, fourni avec le tuyau et le tissu pour la fenêtre Côtés négatifs : il fait énormément de bruit (quasi impossible de regarder la télé quand il est allumé, encore moins de dormir etc), il refroidit très bien mais attention à la taille de la pièce, et un petit truc que je pourrai dire c’est qu’il pèse très très lourd donc les roulettes sont avantageuses Nous avons un appartement sous les toits, un appareil de ce style était indispensable. Le fait que nous soyons sous les toits n’est peut être pas très objectif mais ce qui est certain, c’est qu’il ne refroidira pas une grande pièce, il est très efficace sur les chambres/bureaux ou salon/cuisine fermé(e), mais globalement à part le bruit, on en est quand même satisfaites !

I bought it almost a month ago so I'm allowing myself to leave my opinion (after weeks of research on a good device...) Positive aspects: the design is clean, it is very easy to control remotely (including with the phone), it makes very fresh air and cools rather well, it is very easy to use, supplied with the hose and the fabric for the window Negative aspects: it makes a lot of noise (almost impossible to watch TV when it is on, even less to sleep etc.), it cools very well but be careful of the size of the room, and a small thing that I could say is that it weighs very very heavy so the casters are advantageous We have an apartment under the roof, a device of this style was essential. The fact that we are under the roof may not be very objective but what is certain is that it will not cool a large room, it is very effective on bedrooms/offices or closed living room/kitchen, but overall apart from the noise, we are still satisfied with it!


Va abbastanza bene , però il telecomando è ridicolo , piccolo senza funzioni se non quelle basiche

It works pretty well, but the remote control is ridiculous, small with no functions other than the basic ones.


El aparato de 12.000 tira frio a chorro y el compresor se enciende de forma intermitente por lo que deduzco que va sobrado para las estancias que enfrio......pero el ruido es bastante elevado....como una nevera pero sumandole el ruido del ventilador....hecho en falta que no sirva para calor tambien....por ese precio....

The 12,000 watt device blows cold air in a jet and the compressor turns on intermittently, so I deduce that it is more than enough for the rooms that it cools... but the noise is quite loud... like a refrigerator but adding the noise of the fan... I miss that it does not also serve for heat... for that price...


Ce climatisseur d'air a toutes les fonctions recherchées, esthétiquement assez sympa et pas encombrant. Il se déplace facilement avec ses roulettes ou ses poignet ergonomique intégrée dans la structure générale pour être utilisé dans tout type de pièce (séjour, chambre, cuisine....) Son utilisation permet des usages adaptés aux moments de la journée avec des puissances variées. (Jour, nuit) avec une attenuation du bruit pour la nuit entre autres. Le tuyau d'évacuation de l'air chaud est fournit et il est assez long ce qui n'est pas négligeable quand on veut ouvrir légèrement sa fenêtre en oscillo battant. Également programmable pour un arrêt prédéfini comme je le fait, pour refroidir une pièce avant d'y rentrer en retour à la maison ou le soir dans sa chambre afin d'y trouver une pièce rafraîchit. Les originalités et avantages de ce modèle sont multiples : - Mode d'oscillation pour balancer de la fraîcheur en vertical et horizontal. - Fonction de Déshumidification - Contrôle par télécommande, directement sur le pavé de commande ou par WiFi via l'application du constructeur. - Il n'est pas gourmand en électricité. Son prix peut sembler conséquent mais c'est un vrai climatiseur et de qualités supérieures car on sent la solidité des matériaux utilisés. Je suis contente de cet achat.

This air conditioner has all the functions you are looking for, aesthetically quite nice and not bulky. It moves easily with its casters or its ergonomic handle integrated into the general structure to be used in any type of room (living room, bedroom, kitchen, etc.). Its use allows uses adapted to the times of the day with varied powers. (Day, night) with noise reduction for the night among others. The hot air exhaust pipe is provided and it is quite long which is not negligible when you want to slightly open your window in tilt and turn. Also programmable for a predefined stop as I do, to cool a room before returning home or in the evening in your room to find a cool room. The originalities and advantages of this model are multiple: - Oscillation mode to balance freshness vertically and horizontally. - Dehumidification function - Control by remote control, directly on the control pad or by WiFi via the manufacturer's application. - It does not consume electricity. Its price may seem high but it is a real air conditioner and of superior quality because you can feel the solidity of the materials used. I am happy with this purchase.


Emballage : je pense que l’emballage serait à renforcer en particulier sur les faces latérales car le climatiseur n’est bien protégé que sur le haut et le bas par du polystyrène. Pour info, le fond du carton d’emballage est amovible, non solidaire du reste, le tout tenu par des sangles, ce qui facilite le déballage de l’appareil. A réception, la tablette supérieure du climatiseur était enfoncée sur un des angles. Problème rapidement résolu en dévissant une face latérale pour la redresser. Concernant le climatiseur en lui-même, il est plutôt silencieux pour un climatiseur mobile. Il se déplace facilement grâce à des roulettes multidirectionnelles. Cependant, si vous souhaitez l’installer à l’étage, malgré ses poignées pratiques, il reste lourd à transporter. Esthétiquement, il se fait discret dans n’importe quelle pièce, car il a une belle ligne et son coloris noir est passe-partout. Notice d’utilisation claire fournie. Contrôle manuel, par télécommande ou à distance par l’application wifi (très pratique). Le petit plus, le calfeutrage de fenêtre est fourni. Il semble efficace, la température de ma pièce est descendue de 2 degrés assez rapidement. A voir lors d’épisodes de canicule. Pour l’instant, plutôt contente de mon achat !

Packaging: I think that the packaging should be reinforced, especially on the side faces because the air conditioner is only well protected on the top and bottom by polystyrene. For your information, the bottom of the packaging box is removable, not attached to the rest, all held by straps, which makes it easier to unpack the device. Upon receipt, the top shelf of the air conditioner was pushed in on one of the corners. Problem quickly resolved by unscrewing a side face to straighten it. Concerning the air conditioner itself, it is rather quiet for a mobile air conditioner. It moves easily thanks to multidirectional casters. However, if you want to install it upstairs, despite its practical handles, it remains heavy to transport. Aesthetically, it is discreet in any room, because it has a beautiful line and its black color goes with everything. Clear instructions for use provided. Manual control, by remote control or remotely via the wifi application (very practical). The little extra, the window caulking is provided. It seems effective, the temperature in my room dropped by 2 degrees quite quickly. We'll see during heatwaves. So far, pretty happy with my purchase!


Nous avons été séduit par le côté tout en un de cet appareil et surtout pour le côté connecté. Esthétiquement rien à dire pour nous il nous plaît vraiment et passe très bien dans la maison avec notre déco. Très polyvalent il nous permet de jongler entre les modes ventilateurs, déshumidificateur et climatisation. Il est livré avec une télécommande, mais le gros plus pour nous c'est son côté connecté. Il suffit simplement de le connecter au wifi de la maison, et l'appareil est pilotable depuis un smartphone. L'application Klarstein fonctionne bien et est très intuitive. Elle nous permet d'accéder à toutes les fonctionnalités de l'appareil et c'est bien plus simple de passer par l'appli que par la télécommande. J'ai testé de la démarrer depuis mon travail pour rafraichir ma maison avant de revenir, et la clim a démarré sans que je sois chez moi ce qui a eu pour effet de surprendre ma fille qui était présente. Je recommande la fonction programmation qui permet de choisir le type d'utilisation et de programmer une heure de démarrage ou l'on peut sélectionner tous les jours de la semaine ou juste quelques-uns. Le gros plus pour nous c'est le côté connecté et la facilité d'utilisation de l'appli.

We were seduced by the all-in-one side of this device and especially by the connected side. Aesthetically, nothing to say for us, we really like it and it fits very well in the house with our decor. Very versatile, it allows us to juggle between fan, dehumidifier and air conditioning modes. It comes with a remote control, but the big plus for us is its connected side. You just have to connect it to the house's wifi, and the device can be controlled from a smartphone. The Klarstein application works well and is very intuitive. It allows us to access all the features of the device and it is much easier to use the app than the remote control. I tested starting it from work to cool my house before returning, and the air conditioning started without me being at home, which had the effect of surprising my daughter who was there. I recommend the programming function which allows you to choose the type of use and to program a start time or you can select every day of the week or just a few. The big plus for us is the connected side and the ease of use of the app.


Buena calidad

Good quality


Me Va de maravilla buenísimo!!!

It works great for me, very good!!!


Normale mobile Klimaanlage mit WiFi-Funktion Das Gerät an sich ist relativ groß und leider im Betrieb auch nicht so leise wie angenommen. Ich habe sie in meinem Büro stehen (ca 24qm; Dachgeschoss; 2 Fenster, davon ein Fenster Südseite) welche sie zwar gekühlt bekommt, jedoch nicht auf die gewünschte Temperatur (außen ca 28-30°; im Raum 23 / 24°; soll 21°). Wenn man sie früh genug einschaltet, bevor sich der Raum stark erhitzt, stellt kann sie die Raum Temperatur angenehm kühl halten und über den Tag hinweg auf niedriger Stufe laufen. Wie eingangs erwähnt betreibe ich sie in meinem Büro. Während Konferenzschaltungen stelle ich sie immer auf den Ventilator-Modus und niedrigste Stufe, sodass der Klimakompressor nicht anspringt. Meine Gesprächspartner hatten bisher noch nicht über übermäßige oder gar störendere Geräusche geklagt. Mit Kopfhörern auf (und Musik an) lässt sich die Lautstärke auch gut aushalten, wenn der Kompressor arbeitet. Anders wird es auf Dauer doch lästig. Charmant fand ich die WiFi-Funktion womit sich die Anlage auch auf Uhrzeiten programmieren lässt. Dies ermöglicht ein, wie vorher bereits beschrieben, sinnvolles und effizientes temperieren des Raums. Leider benötigt das Gerät hierfür ständigen Internetzugang. Fällt also das W-LAN aus, startet die Klimaanlage nicht wie vorgegeben. Hier hätte ich mir eine Implementierung gewischt, die im lokalen Netzwerk arbeitet oder zumindest die Programmierung auf das Gerät speichert.

Normal mobile air conditioning with WiFi function The device itself is relatively large and unfortunately not as quiet in operation as expected. I have it in my office (approx. 24 sq. m; attic; 2 windows, one of which faces south), which it does cool, but not to the desired temperature (approx. 28-30° outside; 23/24° inside the room; should be 21°). If you switch it on early enough before the room heats up too much, it can keep the room temperature pleasantly cool and run at a low level throughout the day. As mentioned at the beginning, I use it in my office. During conference calls, I always set it to fan mode and the lowest level so that the air conditioning compressor does not start. My conversation partners have not yet complained about excessive or even annoying noises. With headphones on (and music on), the volume is also bearable when the compressor is working. Otherwise, it becomes annoying in the long run. I found the WiFi function charming, as it allows the system to be programmed to specific times. As described above, this enables the room to be heated sensibly and efficiently. Unfortunately, the device requires constant internet access for this. If the WiFi fails, the air conditioning system will not start as intended. I would have preferred an implementation that works in the local network or at least saves the programming on the device.


Aparatoso de instalar pero sino puedes poner aire, enfría de verdad y es la solución para sitios donde hace calor

It is cumbersome to install, but if not, you can put air in. It really cools and is the solution for places where it is hot.


DI COSA È COMPOSTO (modello potenza10.000) Il prodotto arriva corredato ovviamente di un tubo flessibile e relativo connettore per attacco verso l'esterno, di un filtro (va applicato al primo utilizzo), di un telecomando senza batteria (bisogna comprarsela), di un adattatore per finestra intessuto sintetico (non l'ho ancora montato perché credo sia piuttosto invasivo per l'apertura e la chiusura finestra) e di un tubo (non ancora l'ho usato, per ora l'acqua residua non esce) per lo scarico del deposito di acqua che va applicato al momento dello scarico nell'apposito foro, tappato con un cilindretto di gomma, posto dietro. ASPETTI POSITIVI ESTETICA: È bello! Ho acquistato il colore grigio scuro, molto elegante. POTENZA DI RAFFREDDAMENTO: Raffredda molto bene anche ambienti grandi. Lo uso per una casa di 55mt e, tramite semplici ventilatori, cerco di spostare l'aria dalla stanza più grande (circa 20 mt) ad altre stanze limitrofe. Qualcosa fa... Tutto dipende da come sono disposte le stanze. È nato per raffreddare una'unica stanza grande e quello lo fa egregiamente! COMANDO WIFI: Eccellente! L'ho comprato soprattutto per quello. Lo gestisco a distanza ovunque mi trovi e quando torno a casa l'ambiente è già fresco. Direi che per il prezzo questo è l'aspetto per me più positivo. Lo gestisco unicamente dall'app, il telecomando lo uso veramente raramente. TELECOMANDO: Funziona molto bene ma, come detto, arriva senza batteria. Il comando però arriva solo se lo gestite nella stanza dove è posizionato il condizionatore, da altre stanze il segnale non arriva, per funzionare non devono esserci ostacoli. MODALITÀ DI UTILIZZO: Raffreddamento da 18 a 32 gradi. Ha le classiche opzioni, programmazione di accensione giornaliera, programmazione per una determinata durata, tre modalità di ventilazione, de-umidificazione con unica ventilazione Low, modalità automatica, modalità notturna... ASPETTI NEGATIVI RUMOROSITÀ: Fa veramente taaanto rumore! Non conosco altri condizionatori simili ma mi ricorda un vecchissimo condizionatore (vecchio di più di 20 anni) che faceva lo stesso rumore. Se cercate un condizionatore silenzioso questo non fa al caso vostro! ADATTATORI FINESTRA: Avrei preferito ( ma è giudizio del tutto personale) l'adattatore in plastica rigida (quello con foro per applicare alla chiusura delle tapparelle) ma è dotato di quello morbido con gli strappi. Gli adattatori rigidi, non sono per nulla facili da trovare. Ne ho acquistato uno (nero, bello!) dal sito della Klarstein, senza prestare troppa attenzione alle misure (mea culpa) pensando fosse uno standard della casa madre e invece... Nooooo! Era più piccolo e ora... me lo tengo così, adattandolo "alla meglio". Fare il reso mi sembrava davvero troppo macchinoso non essendo un acquisto da sito Amazon. EROGAZIONE ARIA: Il bocchettone di uscita aria - non avendo le alette direzionabili - eroga il getto d'aria in un'unica direzione e questo a volte può essere molto penalizzante perché vi ritrovate l' aria addosso, anche se provate a direzionarlo in altre direzioni, il circolo d'aria torna sempre a quell'altezza. DIMENSIONI: Mi aspettavo un prodotto più piccolo e invece è piuttosto grande, credo sia nella media di altri condizionatori simili. CONSIGLIATO come qualità prezzo ma tutto dipende dalle vostre esigenze...

English: WHAT IT IS MADE OF (power 10,000 model) The product obviously comes with a flexible tube and relative connector for external connection, a filter (must be applied upon first use), a remote control without battery (you have to buy one), a synthetic fabric window adapter (I haven't mounted it yet because I think it's rather invasive for opening and closing the window) and a tube (I haven't used it yet, for now the residual water doesn't come out) for draining the water tank which must be applied at the time of draining in the appropriate hole, plugged with a rubber cylinder, located at the back. POSITIVE ASPECTS AESTHETICS: It's beautiful! I bought the dark grey color, very elegant. COOLING POWER: It cools even large rooms very well. I use it for a 55m house and, using simple fans, I try to move the air from the largest room (about 20m) to other nearby rooms. Something does... It all depends on how the rooms are arranged. It was created to cool a single large room and it does that very well! WIFI CONTROL: Excellent! I bought it mainly for that. I manage it remotely wherever I am and when I return home the room is already cool. I would say that for the price this is the most positive aspect for me. I manage it only from the app, I very rarely use the remote control. REMOTE CONTROL: It works very well but, as mentioned, it arrives without a battery. However, the command only arrives if you manage it in the room where the air conditioner is positioned, the signal does not arrive from other rooms, for it to work there must be no obstacles. USE MODES: Cooling from 18 to 32 degrees. It has the classic options, daily switch-on programming, programming for a certain duration, three ventilation modes, de-humidification with a single Low ventilation, automatic mode, night mode... NEGATIVE ASPECTS NOISE: It really makes a lot of noise! I don't know of any other similar air conditioners but it reminds me of a very old air conditioner (over 20 years old) that made the same noise. If you are looking for a silent air conditioner this is not for you! WINDOW ADAPTERS: I would have preferred (but it is entirely personal opinion) the rigid plastic adapter (the one with a hole to apply to the closure of the shutters) but it comes with the soft one with straps. Rigid adapters are not easy to find at all. I bought one (black, beautiful!) from the Klarstein website, without paying too much attention to the measurements (mea culpa) thinking it was a standard from the parent company and instead... Nooooo! It was smaller and now... I'm keeping it like this, adapting it "as best I can". Making the return seemed really too cumbersome since it is not a purchase from an Amazon website. AIR DELIVERY: The air outlet nozzle - not having directional fins - delivers the air jet in a single direction and this can sometimes be very penalizing because you find the air on you, even if you try to direct it in other directions, the air circulation always returns to that height. DIMENSIONS: I expected a smaller product and instead it is rather large, I think it is in the average of other similar air conditioners. RECOMMENDED for quality price but it all depends on your needs...


Clim qui fait son taf : rafraichir la pièce. Il fait 35° aujourd'hui à Paris, et dans mon salon (pièce où se trouve la clim), je suis à 25° (un pur plaisir en ces temps de télétravail). J'ai hâte de l'essayer en temps de canicule, je pense que ça va me sauver. Joli design. Niveau bruit, c'est une clim, donc oui ça fait du bruit; par contre elle ne m'empêche pas de dormir en étant en marche dans la pièce d'à côté (à voir en fonction de la sensibilité de chacun). Allumée non stop depuis 48 heures et je n'ai pas eu à vider le bac, à voir par la suite. Finalement, je conseille ce produit. Bon rapport qualité/prix. Bémol sur la livraison : J'ai dû aller retirer le colis à un point relais, alors que le livreur ne s'est jamais présenté chez moi. Colis de quasiment 30kg donc compliqué à déplacer sur quelques kilomètres; j'ai du prendre un uber...

Air conditioning that does its job: cooling the room. It's 35° today in Paris, and in my living room (room where the air conditioning is), I'm at 25° (a pure pleasure in these times of teleworking). I can't wait to try it out in this heatwave, I think it'll save me. Nice design. Noise-wise, it's an air conditioner, so yes it makes noise; on the other hand, it doesn't stop me from sleeping while it's running in the next room (to be seen depending on each person's sensitivity). It's been on non-stop for 48 hours and I haven't had to empty the bin, to be seen later. Finally, I recommend this product. Good value for money. Downside on the delivery: I had to go and collect the package from a relay point, while the delivery person never showed up at my house. Package of almost 30kg so complicated to move a few kilometers; I had to take an Uber...


Bon produit qui répond à ce qu'on lui demande. Je trouve certains commentaires un peu dur. Voici mon avis après un mois d'utilisation. Les plus : Protection de l'environnement : contrairement aux fluides frigorigènes classiques de type HFC (gaz fluoré à effet de serre), ce climatiseur utilise du gaz naturel R290. Wifi : contrairement à différents commentaires que j'ai pu voir, la configuration du wifi a été un jeu d'enfant et ça fonctionne très bien. Très pratique pour lancer le climatiseur lorsqu'on est au restaurant le soir et avoir la maison au frais en rentrant. Design : j'aime bien mais les goûts et les couleurs sont des notions toutes subjectives. Déplacement : facile a déplacer avec les roulettes et les poignées. Les contres : Le bruit : le produit est vraiment bruyant. Si on veut écouter la télé à côté, c'est possible mais il faut augmenter le volume de manière significative. - Le témoin sonore de mise en route : peut-être qu'il est possible de le désactiver mais je n'ai pas trouvé le moyen de le faire. Lorsqu'on l'allume, il fait un beep bruyant. - Télécommande : pas de pile dans la télécommande ! C'est la première fois que je vois ça. C'est une pile CR2032. Franchement, vu le prix du produit, ils auraient pu la mettre avec :( Autres : - Je l'ai acheté le 3 mai à 339 euros. Je vois qu'il est 449 euros plus cher aujourd'hui et je pense qu'il va continuer d'augmenter en même temps que les températures montent d'ici l'été. J'ai choisi le rose qui était 40 euros moins cher que le blanc. - l'appli wifi fait le job mais elle est assez rudimentaire. J'aurais aimé par exemple avoir un historique des températures sur des courbes etc. - pour éviter de mettre le kit de calfeutrage qui doit être coller sur les fenêtres, je me suis installé mon propre système qui est amovible. Je peux donc le déplacer d'une piece à l'autre avec un simple panneau plexiglass suffisamment épais pour garder la température. (cf photo).

Good product that meets what is asked of it. I find some comments a little harsh. Here is my opinion after a month of use. The pros: Environmental protection: unlike classic HFC refrigerants (fluorinated greenhouse gas), this air conditioner uses R290 natural gas. Wifi: contrary to various comments that I have seen, the wifi configuration was child's play and it works very well. Very practical to start the air conditioner when you are at a restaurant in the evening and have the house cool when you return. Design: I like it but tastes and colors are all subjective notions. Movement: easy to move with the casters and handles. The cons: The noise: the product is really noisy. If you want to listen to the TV next door, it is possible but you have to increase the volume significantly. - The start-up sound indicator: maybe it is possible to deactivate it but I have not found a way to do it. When you turn it on, it makes a loud beep. - Remote control: no battery in the remote control! This is the first time I've seen that. It's a CR2032 battery. Honestly, given the price of the product, they could have put it with it :( Others: - I bought it on May 3 for 339 euros. I see that it is 449 euros more expensive today and I think it will continue to increase as temperatures rise between now and summer. I chose the pink one which was 40 euros cheaper than the white one. - the wifi app does the job but it is quite rudimentary. For example, I would have liked to have a history of temperatures on curves etc. - to avoid putting the caulking kit that must be stuck on the windows, I installed my own system which is removable. So I can move it from one room to another with a simple plexiglass panel thick enough to keep the temperature. (see photo).


Je ne vais pas m'étaler sur le transport.. juste dire que ça frise le ridicule de voir un article à ne surtout pas mettre à l'envers stocké dans le camion à l'envers... et déplacé de manière brutale.. Bref ! Pour le reste c'est une bonne machine à première vue, il faut croire qu'elle résiste bien aux coups... J'ai fait un petit test dans une chambre et fait descendre la température de 24 à 21°C en quelques minutes seulement donc ça marche. Elle fait du bruit comme toutes les machines du genre mais pour moi c'est acceptable. Je ne connaissais pas ce système de calfeutrage des fenêtres mais en fin de compte après plusieurs utilisations ça fait le travail. J'ai commandé une barre de volet pour avoir quelque chose d'un peu plus étanche à la place. Le carton est trop court me concernant pour pouvoir bricoler un calfeutrage maison un peu mieux. Bref bonne machine mais et une fois plus content qu'elle soit aussi résistante vu le niveau du transport.. J'allais oublier : l'application wifi au top, vite installée, vite configurée, menu très épuré qui va droit au but avec les seules infos nécessaires et plus clair que les boutons de la télécommande.. Finalement j'ai fini de tester le déshumidificateur et cette fonction marche super bien. J'ai mis la machine à l'intérieur sans tuyaux extérieur et l'humidité a diminué de 15% en moins de 30 min : il faut être patient car les premieres dix minutes étaient moins efficaces et surtout il faut bien orienter l'appareil.. bref dans un salon ouvert de 20m2 mais qui donne sur le couloir en grand, grosse efficacité et durable. D'après le manuel quand le réservoir d'eau est plein l'appareil se met en pause. J'ai également vu la fonction tiO2 sur l'appli qui permet d'utiliser un filtre à odeur et à bactérie. Bref je découvre cette fonction dont j'avais besoin après deux ans d'utilisation. Super content car vraiment l'humidité c'est un calvaire dans les vieux appartements..

I'm not going to go on about the transport... just to say that it borders on the ridiculous to see an item that should not be put upside down stored in the truck upside down... and moved roughly... Anyway! For the rest it's a good machine at first glance, you have to believe that it resists blows well... I did a little test in a room and lowered the temperature from 24 to 21°C in just a few minutes so it works. It makes noise like all machines of this kind but for me it's acceptable. I didn't know about this window sealing system but in the end after several uses it does the job. I ordered a shutter bar to have something a little more waterproof instead. The cardboard is too short for me to be able to DIY a little better homemade caulking. In short, good machine but and once more happier that it is also resistant given the level of transport.. I was going to forget: the wifi application at the top, quickly installed, quickly configured, very refined menu which goes straight to the point with the only necessary information and clearer than the buttons of the remote control.. Finally I finished testing the dehumidifier and this function works super well. I put the machine inside without external pipes and the humidity decreased by 15% in less than 30 min: you have to be patient because the first ten minutes were less effective and above all you have to orient the device well.. in short in an open living room of 20m2 but which overlooks the corridor in large, very efficient and durable. According to the manual when the water tank is full the device pauses. I also saw the tiO2 function on the app which allows you to use an odor and bacteria filter. In short, I discovered this function which I needed after two years of use. Very happy because humidity is really a nightmare in old apartments.


Essendo in affitto non ho voluto comprare un tradizionale condizionatore a muro, per evitare ovviamente di fare buchi giganteschi e dover coprire tutto una volta lasciata la casa. Ho visto un po' in giro e i prezzi dei condizionatori portatili delle marche più famose,ed erano leggermente fuori dalla mia portata, così ho comprato questo. Della stessa marca ho altri prodotti per la casa e non mi sono trovata male. Anche questa volta, sono soddisfatta: ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo, ottimo prodotto e ottime caratteristiche. Raffredda bene una stanza di dimensioni contenute (circa 40 mq), il tubo di scarico è sufficientemente lungo da arrivare alla finestra senza lasciarla troppo aperta. Non ho usato i sigilla finestre perché non ne ho avuto bisogno. Per quanto mi riguarda, non è troppo rumoroso, ma neanche troppo silenzioso (durante la notte, infatti, lo tengo spento). È di classe A, per cui i consumi sono contenuti. Ha tutto quello che cercavo. Consigliato!

Since I was renting, I didn't want to buy a traditional wall air conditioner, obviously to avoid making huge holes and having to cover everything once I left the house. I looked around a bit at the prices of portable air conditioners of the most famous brands, and they were slightly out of my reach, so I bought this one. I have other products for the home from the same brand and I wasn't disappointed. This time too, I'm satisfied: excellent value for money, excellent product and excellent features. It cools a small room well (about 40 square meters), the exhaust pipe is long enough to reach the window without leaving it too open. I didn't use window sealants because I didn't need them. As far as I'm concerned, it's not too noisy, but not too silent either (in fact, during the night, I keep it off). It's class A, so consumption is low. It has everything I was looking for. Recommended!


Este aire acondicionado está genial. Enfria la habitacion en un momento (y eso que es grande), y aunque tenga mucha potencia no hace mucho ruido. Un acierto

This air conditioner is great. It cools the room in no time (and it's big), and even though it's very powerful, it doesn't make much noise. A success.


Innanzitutto spedizione puntualissima, arrivato anche in anticipo rispetto ai tempi indicati. Molto potente, 10.000 BTU, classe di efficienza energetica A ed adatto per locali fino a circa 60 mq. Al momento provato in riscaldamento e funziona alla grande. Possibilità di uso in modalità climatizzatore, ventilatore o deumidificatore. Inoltre è poco rumoroso, cosa non da poco. Dotato, ovviamente, di telecomando, timer di accensione/spegnimento programmabile fino a 24 ore, set per sigillare le finestre basculanti e tubo di scarico dell'aria estraibile da 1,5 m.

First of all, very punctual shipping, arrived even earlier than indicated. Very powerful, 10,000 BTU, energy efficiency class A and suitable for rooms up to about 60 square meters. Currently tested in heating mode and it works great. Possibility of use in air conditioning, fan or dehumidifier mode. It is also not very noisy, which is no small thing. Equipped, of course, with remote control, programmable on/off timer up to 24 hours, set for sealing the tilting windows and 1.5 m extractable air exhaust pipe.


Produit conforme a ce qu'il annonce , en plus d'être élégant il est très efficace , j'ai cependant avec quelque point , déjà le fait que la fraicheur ce dissipe très vite , malgré les joints de fenêtres bien installer , je ne sais pas si c'est réellement un problème lié à la clim ou pas donc a prendre avec pincettes , deuxièmement la taille de la prise , beaucoup trop courte a mon avis , mais ont peut pallier a sa avec une rallonge donc pas tant un problème que sa , et troisièmement , malgré le fait qu'elle soit très puissante , c'est dommage qu'elle ne descend pas en dessous de 16 degrés et oui cela peut paraître étonnant quand ont vois sa puissance et cela est vraiment dommage car elle aurais clairement pu refroidir plus vite mais passons , tout sa n'est pas vraiment a prendre en compte lors de votre décision d'achat , mais ce sont les détail qui font la différence , comme un que j'apprécie beaucoup par exemple le fait qu'on puisse a distance avec notre 4g activé cette dernière sa pour le coup c'est vraiment bien fait ont peut l'activé sur le chemin du retour du travaille par exemple , ou aussi le fait qu'elle est plusieurs mode , donc pour conclure très bonne clim , que j'aurais pu conseiller , car comme vous avez vu dans le titre il y un "mais" , oui car j'ai vu une chute de prix conséquente ! J'ai payé il y a de cela 2 mois la clim à 430€ , et en regardant l'article l'autre jour je l'ai vu à 250€ neuf ! Et aujourd'hui 400€.. sans promotion annoncé ou quoi que soit.. J'aimerais donc une justification concernant ces changement de tarifs , et vous conseil donc d'attendre en attendant le réponse , ou de tout simplement malheureusement choisir un autre modèle d'une autre marque.

Product conforms to what it announces, in addition to being elegant it is very effective, I have however with some point, already the fact that the freshness dissipates very quickly, despite the window seals well installed, I do not know if it is really a problem related to the air conditioning or not so to be taken with tweezers, secondly the size of the socket, much too short in my opinion, but we can overcome it with an extension so not so much a problem as that, and thirdly, despite the fact that it is very powerful, it is a shame that it does not go below 16 degrees and yes it can seem surprising when we see its power and this is really a shame because it could clearly have cooled faster but let's move on, all that is not really to be taken into account when making your purchasing decision, but it is the details that make the difference, like one that I really appreciate for example the fact that we can remotely with our 4g activated the latter its for the blow is really well done we can activate it on the way back from work for example, or also the fact that it has several modes, so to conclude very good air conditioning, which I could have recommended, because as you saw in the title there is a "but", yes because I saw a significant price drop! I paid 2 months ago for the air conditioning at 430€, and looking at the article the other day I saw it at 250€ new! And today 400€.. without promotion announced or anything.. So I would like a justification for these price changes, and therefore advise you to wait while waiting for the answer, or simply unfortunately choose another model from another brand.