Diavolo Pizza Pellet Oven

Diavolo Pizza Pellet Oven
- Pellet stove, Pizza oven
- Silver Metallic
- Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
- Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
- Ready to ship in 24 hours
- 14 day cooling off period
Top features
A stylish pellet stove: for the garden, terrace or balcony
Crispy pizzas: with 13" pizza stone (33 x 33 cm)
Easy ignition: firing with wood pellets
Product description
The finest gourmet experiences without electricity: the unique Diavolo pizza oven from Klarstein enables you to prepare aromatic dishes with real fire. Whether pizza, oven bread, meat, vegetables or cakes - baked in a traditional method but with the latest pellet oven technology - it tastes unique. Place the Diavolo outdoors, fill the back with wood pellets and bring it to the desired temperature. The integrated thermometer reliably shows you the exact heat, while the stainless steel housing ensures rapid heat distribution and the distinctive chimney ensures good smoke extraction.
- Firing with wood pellets
- Pellet container that can be filled from the rear
- No power connection necessary
- With a practical fireplace
- Safe ignition
- With 13" pizza stone
- Built-in thermometer
- Temperature display: 38 - 430 ° C
- CrystalSteel Concept
- Housing made of stainless steel
- Smooth surfaces for easy cleaning
- Foldable handle
- Easy relocation
- Including extensive accessories
- Available in 4 colours: red, black, blue & silver
Dimensions and Technical Details
- Overall dimensions: approx. 40 x 74.5 x 50 cm (WxHxD)
- Dimensions pizza stone: approx. 33 x 33 cm (WxD)
- Dimensions meat insert: approx. 27.5 x 26.5 cm (WxD)
- Dimensions drip tray: approx. 28 x 27.5 cm (WxD)
- Dimensions pizza pusher: approx. 25.5 x 42.5 cm (WxD)
- Weight: approx. 16 kg
What will be delivered?
- 1 x pizza pellet oven
- 1 x pizza stone
- 1 x meat insert
- 1 x drip tray
- 1 x pizza peel
- 1 x sheet metal lifter
- 1 x pellet scoop
- Multilingual instruction manual
Delivery & shipment
Shipping time: 3 - 5 days
Your order will be delivered to the selected address per order. This address does not have to match the billing address. You can send the orders to your family, friends or office if you are not at home during the day.
Safety and Operating Instructions
Product Safety Information
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
Responsible Person:
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
E-mail address:
Buon prodotto, bisogna fare attenzione a non mettere troppo pellet. Cuoce bene pizza, spiedini, bistecche ecc. il pollo deve essere aperto a metà e schiacciato altrimenti non entra
Good product, you have to be careful not to put too much pellets. It cooks pizza, skewers, steaks etc. well. The chicken must be opened in half and squashed otherwise it doesn't fit
Bien RAS
Well, nothing to report.
Le produit multimédia n'a pas pu être chargé. Soirée pizza en famille un régal, pizza bonne ,cuite au feu de bois granulés.
The multimedia product could not be loaded. Family pizza evening a treat, good pizza, cooked in a wood pellet fire.
Un bon bolle de granulés pour cuir 2 pizzas Faire préchauffer porte fermée on va dire 10 minutes , et cuir porte ouverte ( surveiller) et tourner la pizza car le fond cuit assez vite . Et si vous fermer la porte les flamme vont occuper tous le plafond du four parfait pour bien faire gratiner mes juste quelque seconde , on ouvre on ferme etc et votre pizza sera plus que nickel
A good bowl of pellets to cook 2 pizzas Preheat with the door closed for 10 minutes, and cook with the door open (watch) and turn the pizza over because the bottom cooks quite quickly. And if you close the door the flames will occupy the entire ceiling of the oven, perfect for browning well, but just a few seconds, open, close, etc. and your pizza will be more than perfect
Après avoir eu un précédent four qui chauffait trop et du coup brûlait les pizzas, celui-ci pour le moment est excellent c’est un cadeau que j’ai fait La personne est ravi il s’éclate comme un pizzaiolo ️
After having had a previous oven that heated too much and therefore burned the pizzas, this one for the moment is excellent it is a gift that I made The person is delighted he has fun like a pizza maker ️
On en a pour son argent! Très satisfait de mon achat Attention à mettre régulièrement un peu de Pellet pour maintenir une température satisfaisante
You get what you pay for! Very satisfied with my purchase. Be careful to regularly add a little pellet to maintain a satisfactory temperature.
Le produit multimédia n'a pas pu être chargé. On recommande !
The multimedia product could not be loaded. We recommend!
Le produit multimédia n'a pas pu être chargé. Four a pizza peu cher qui, une fois les granulés enflammés monte très vite a 400-500 degrés. La température remonte des qu on rajoute du granulés. 2 mn de cuisson. Pour des pizzas savoureuses . Déjà 10 pizzas de fait en 2 utilisations... Je recommande
The multimedia product could not be loaded. Inexpensive pizza oven which, once the pellets are ignited, rises very quickly to 400-500 degrees. The temperature rises again as soon as pellets are added. 2 minutes of cooking. For tasty pizzas. Already 10 pizzas made in 2 uses... I recommend
chauffe tres fort au fond ......est pas assez en facade mauvaise repartition de la chaleur est reserve a granulé pas assez importante
heats very strongly at the bottom ...... is not enough at the front poor distribution of heat is reserved for pellets not important enough
Buon prodotto ma bisogna trovare il modo per renderlo un po’ più pratico.
Good product but we need to find a way to make it a little more practical.
Excellent produit ! Petit bémol... Chauffe tellement qu'il consomme beaucoup de granulats. Pour le reste 10/10 pour pizza et tarte flambée.
Excellent product! Small downside... Heats so much that it consumes a lot of granules. For the rest 10/10 for pizza and tarte flambée.
Prodotto Comprato 2 Settimane Fa. Arrivato in 5 Giorni dalla germania. ben imballato e con tutti i componenti all'interno. Il montaggio è stato molto facile ed intuitivo. Ragazzi il materiale del fornetto è quello che è, ovviamente non è un fornetto della OONI.. E' Acciaio , non so quanto potrà durare. Ma finche Dura fa verdura!! Premesso che: La pizza l'ho fatta SEMPRE con il forno elettrico, ho deciso di cimentarmi anche in questa nuova Specialità. La prima volta che ho provata a farla, non e uscita un gran che, proprio perche avevo il bisogno di capire come funzionava. Quindi la temperatura per la cottura,il pellet da mettere, quante volte bisognava girarla nel fornetto E soprattutto i tempi per la cottura. Proprio Ieri ho deciso Di riprovarci e vi dico com'e andata. INGREDIENTI PER 4 PERSONE: -300 Gr Farina 0 Per Pizza. -250 Gr Farina Manitoba. -Lievito per Pizza 7 Gr. -Olio Q.b -Sale Q.b -Acqua 300 ml IL FORNO VA ACCESO 20-30 MIN PRIMA DI INSERIRE LE PIZZE. IN MODO CHE LA PIETRA SI RISCALDI BENE. Alimentato a pellet di ABETE(per la prova Ho utilizzato Quelli) e dei piccoli tagli di legno . BISOGNA: Sempre mettere ogni 5/6 minuti una palettina di pellet all'interno per tenere la temperatura tra i 350 ed i 380/400 gradi. APRIRE QUANDO E NECESSARIO PER GIRARE LA PIZZA altrimenti si brucia nella parte infondo al fornetto. Io di solito lo faccio dopo un 50 Secondi più o meno e poi richiudo per un'altro minutino. La pizza la tengo nel fornetto per circa 5 min per Cuocerla bene. Il Risultato questa volta è stato molto buono!!! In fondo Avete le foto. Ho Sfornato 5 pizze 2 Margherite 1 Patate e salsiccia 1 Margherita con funghi 1 Melanzane Zucchine e peperoni Sicuro la valutazione di questo fornetto e buona!! Ricordatevi: Deve essere un piacere cucinare la pizza. E bisogna provare e riprovare per poterla farla venire bene!!
Product Purchased 2 Weeks Ago. Arrived in 5 Days from Germany. Well packaged and with all the components inside. Assembly was very easy and intuitive. Guys, the material of the oven is what it is, obviously it is not an OONI oven. It is Steel, I don't know how long it will last. But while it lasts, it makes vegetables!! Given that: I have ALWAYS made pizza with the electric oven, I decided to try my hand at this new specialty. The first time I tried to make it, it didn't come out great, precisely because I needed to understand how it worked. So the cooking temperature, the pellet to put in, how many times you had to turn it in the oven and above all the cooking times. Just yesterday I decided to try again and I'll tell you how it went. INGREDIENTS FOR 4 PEOPLE: -300 Gr Flour 0 For Pizza. -250 Gr Manitoba Flour. -Yeast for Pizza 7 Gr. -Oil Qb -Salt Qb -Water 300 ml THE OVEN MUST BE TURNED ON 20-30 MIN BEFORE INSERTING THE PIZZAS. SO THAT THE STONE HEATS UP WELL. Powered by FIR pellets (for the test I used Quelli) and small pieces of wood. YOU MUST: Always put a small pellet spatula inside every 5/6 minutes to keep the temperature between 350 and 380/400 degrees. OPEN WHEN NECESSARY TO TURN THE PIZZA otherwise it will burn at the bottom of the oven. I usually do it after 50 seconds or so and then close it for another minute. I keep the pizza in the oven for about 5 minutes to cook it well. The result this time was very good!!! At the bottom you have the photos. I Baked 5 pizzas 2 Margherites 1 Potatoes and sausage 1 Margherita with mushrooms 1 Eggplants Zucchini and peppers Surely the evaluation of this oven is good!! Remember: It must be a pleasure to cook pizza. And you have to try and try again to be able to make it well!!
bonjour ce premier commentaire pour parler de l'emballage du colis. en voulant sortir le four du carton d'origine, la plaque réfractaire est tombée ( elle se trouvait juste ne dessous du four sans être attaché). elle s'est cassée. dommage. je ne voulais pas mettre une étoile car je n'ai pas essayé encore le four mais il est exactement comme je l'espérais. il me manque juste une pierre !!!
Hello, this first comment to talk about the packaging of the package. When trying to take the oven out of the original box, the refractory plate fell (it was just below the oven without being attached). It broke. Too bad. I didn't want to put a star because I haven't tried the oven yet but it is exactly as I hoped. I'm just missing a stone!!!
Ich hatte die Wahl zwischen Elektro und Pellet. Nach ein wenig überlegen und Empfehlung eines Freundes entschied ich mich für Pellet um unabhängig zu sein. Eins vorweg, es war die falsche Entscheidung. Also für mich ;-) Trotzdem werde ich den Ofen behalten, er tut was er soll. Aber,..... Hier ein paar Anmerkungen für interessierte. Geschmack super. Handling bedarf einiges an Übung. Einfach einschalten, aufheizen los gehts (wie z.B. bei Elektro) ist nicht. Das gröste Problem, die Hitze. Er erreicht durchaus 400-450 Grad, aber nur leider überwiegend Oben. Nach ein wenig probieren mache ich es wie folgt. Getestet mit Pellets. Ofen anheizen und mind. 1x Behälter leer machen damit sich auch der Pizzastein aufheizt. Evtl. besser 2 Behälter. Warten bis Temperatur auf 250 Grad sinkt. Jetzt Pizza direkt rein auf den Stein. Öfter drehen, aufpassen dass nichts anbrennt. Wenn Pizza fertig, Temp. kontrollieren. Wenn 200 Grad oder weniger, dann erst nochmal anheizen und Stein die Wärme annehmen lassen. Erst wenn Thermometer wieder auf 250 Grad, dann neue Pizza rein. Ihr merkt schon, man muss immer was tun und die angegebenen 5-8 Pizzen pro Heizgang bekommt man nicht hin. Also ich zumindest nicht. Ich schaffe max. 2, sonst ist oben alles angebrannt und unten alles labbrig. Aber wenn ich es wie beschrieben mache, dann überzeugt der Geschmack durchaus und es ist halt eben auch eine nette Beschäftigung. Man muss das ganze halt celebrieren. Schalter auf ON und Pizza nach Pizza rein schieben kann ja jeder. ;-) Zum Schluss was zur Verarbeitung und Qualität. Die Bleche sind stellenweise schlecht bis gar nicht entgratet, Achtung scharf ! Aber Qualität ist bei weitem nicht schlecht. Klar gehts besser, aber bedenkt man den Preis ist es Ok. Aufbau ist Super einfach. Alles in Allem vergebe ich ein Gut.
I had the choice between electric and pellet. After some deliberation and a friend's recommendation, I chose Pellet to be independent. First of all, it was the wrong decision. So for me ;-) I'll keep the oven anyway, it does what it's supposed to. But,..... Here are a few notes for those interested. taste great. Handling requires some practice. Simply switch on, heat up and off you go (as with electric, for example) is not possible. The biggest problem, the heat. It definitely reaches 400-450 degrees, but unfortunately mostly at the top. After a little trying I do it as follows. Tested with pellets. Heat up the oven and empty the container at least once so that the pizza stone also heats up. Possibly better 2 containers. Wait until the temperature drops to 250 degrees. Now pizza straight onto the stone. Turn often, being careful not to burn anything. When pizza is done, check temp. If it's 200 degrees or less, then heat it up again first and let the stone absorb the heat. Only when the thermometer is back to 250 degrees, then new pizza in. As you can see, you always have to do something and you can't do the specified 5-8 pizzas per heating cycle. At least not me. I can manage a maximum of 2, otherwise everything is burnt on top and everything is limp on the bottom. But if I do it as described, the taste is definitely convincing and it's just a nice job. You have to celebrate the whole thing. Anyone can slide switches to ON and pizza after pizza. ;-) Finally, what about processing and quality. The sheets are poorly deburred in places or not at all, caution: sharp! But quality is far from bad. Of course it could be better, but considering the price it's ok. Construction is super easy. All in all, I give a good.
facile, transportable, tres bien pour nous, pizza un peu brulée sur 1 coté mais il faut perséverer ce soir on remet ça, voir s'il y a de l'amélioration
easy, transportable, very good for us, pizza a little burnt on 1 side but we have to persevere, tonight we'll do it again, see if there is any improvement
Schnell hochgeheizt und einsatzbereit. Alle sind begeistert. Der Pizzaofen ist sehr hochwertig verarbeitet! Geschmack der fertigen Pizza ist soooooo gut!
Heats up quickly and is ready for use. Everyone is excited. The pizza oven is very high quality! Taste of the finished pizza is sooooo good!
Absolute Kaufempfehlung
Absolute purchase recommendation
température du four à 400 degrés monte en 10 minutes ,attendre un peu plus si on veut que le pierre soit a une température à 300degrés. ,Durée d'une pizza de 250g environ 2 mn ,penser à la retourner au bout d'une minute . penser a recharger de granulés entre deux cuissons de pizzas . Personnellement je met deux morceaux de charbon de bois pour maintenir la chaleur puis rajoute des granulés pour atteindre les 400 degrés. vous pouvez aussi finir la cuisson la porte ouverte si la flamme lèche bien la voute et la pierre très chaude ( 300 degrés) . bon appétit à vous .
oven temperature at 400 degrees rises in 10 minutes, wait a little longer if you want the stone to be at a temperature of 300 degrees., Duration of a 250g pizza about 2 minutes, remember to turn it over after a minute. remember to reload with pellets between two pizza cookings. Personally I put two pieces of charcoal to maintain the heat then add pellets to reach 400 degrees. you can also finish cooking with the door open if the flame licks the vault and the very hot stone (300 degrees). enjoy your meal.
Der Pizzaofen hält seine Temperatur und es macht Spaß mit ein wenig Übung werden die Pizzen richtig lecker und es geht schnell
The pizza oven keeps its temperature and it's fun with a little practice, the pizzas are really tasty and it's quick
Ich bin ja etwas misstrauisch gewesen bei diesem Pizzaofen und ob es sich überhaupt lohnt, einen extra Ofen zu kaufen. Er hat aber gegenüber dem klassischen Backofen einige wesentliche Vorteile: Die Pizza ist in 2-3 Minuten fertig, somit kann man viele kleinere Pizzen machen und eine nach der anderen reinfeuern. Außerdem wird durch die hohen Temperaturen der Teig wirklich schön knusprig, so wie man es vom Italiener kennt. Wenn man 2 Pizzen reinmachen will, müssen diese schön klein sein. Da die Konstruktion aus Edelstahl ist, kann man den Ofen auch ohne Probleme in den Garten stellen. Alles in allem ein super Ofen zu einem anständigen Preis!
I was a bit suspicious about this pizza oven and whether it was even worth buying an extra oven. However, it has some significant advantages over the classic oven: the pizza is ready in 2-3 minutes, so you can make many smaller pizzas and fire them in one after the other. In addition, the high temperatures make the dough really nice and crispy, just like in Italy. If you want to put 2 pizzas in, they have to be nice and small. Since the construction is made of stainless steel, you can also put the stove in the garden without any problems. All in all a great oven at a decent price!
haben es draußen im Wintergarten probiert und sind begeistert. die pellets sind nicht dazu. man muss sie also erst vorher kaufen. Sonst ist alles dabei und es kann auch sofort los gehen. an den Thermometer kann man gut die Temperatur überwachen. so klappt es auch gut - ich bin zufrieden. das Aussehen ist auch klasse.
tried it outside in the conservatory and are thrilled. the pellets are not included. so you have to buy them first. Everything else is included and you can start right away. The thermometer is a good way to monitor the temperature. That's how it works - I'm satisfied. the looks are great too.
Mise en marche absolument simple : 2 allume-feu sous le bac à pellets et 10 minutes d'attente pour avoir la chaleur attendue (450°c). Ajouter régulièrement des pellets à la fin de chaque cuissons pour maintenir la température. Pas de lavage à l'eau pour la pierre : laisser bruler en fin de cuisson et brosser ensuite. A froid, brosser l'intérieur du four pour éviter la suie. Bien fariner votre pate pour ne pas qu'elle colle sur la pelle. Laissez votre créativité s'exprimer mais vite : une pate imbibée d'eau (de sauce ou autre) colle ...
Absolutely simple to start: 2 firelighters under the pellet tray and 10 minutes of waiting to get the expected heat (450°c). Add pellets regularly at the end of each cooking to maintain the temperature. No washing with water for the stone: let it burn at the end of cooking and then brush it. When cold, brush the inside of the oven to avoid soot. Flour your dough well so that it does not stick to the peel. Let your creativity express itself but quickly: a dough soaked in water (sauce or other) sticks ...
Forno fatto bene, la struttura esterna è un po delicata ma nel complesso è soddisfacente. Io lo uso a legna e fa bene il suo lavoro la cosa importante è mantenere sempre viva la fiamma
Well made oven, the external structure is a bit delicate but overall it is satisfactory. I use it with wood and it does its job well, the important thing is to always keep the flame alive
Wir haben den Ofen extra für die nächste Camping und Festivalsaison gekauft, wenn wir mal wieder unterwegs sind. Da es dieses Jahr nicht mehr stattfindet, nutzen wir den Ofen jetzt für Pizzapartys mit Freunden. Der Aufbau ging sehr einfach und unkompliziert. Das Teil stand in 5 Minuten arbeitsfertig auf der Terrasse. Mit den Pellets ist eine einfache Lösung, man muss jedoch immer auf die richtige Temperatur achten. Die Pizzen sind bereits nach 1-2 Minuten knusprig und essfertig. Es musste keiner lange Warten und alle wurden Satt. Freue mich schon aufs Campen, noch eine Metallplatte zum draufstellen mitnehmen und lecker Pizza überall fertig machen. Hat sich gelohnt.
We bought the stove especially for the next camping and festival season when we are on the road again. Since it's not happening this year, we're now using the oven for pizza parties with friends. The construction was very easy and uncomplicated. The part was ready for work on the terrace in 5 minutes. Using the pellets is a simple solution, but you always have to pay attention to the right temperature. The pizzas are crispy and ready to eat after just 1-2 minutes. Nobody had to wait long and everyone was full. I'm looking forward to camping, taking another metal plate with me to put on it and making delicious pizza everywhere. Was worth it.
Sehr beeindruckt von diesem Ofen. Es ist leicht, aber sehr stabil, leicht zu reinigen und heizt sich schnell auf. Das externe Thermometer ist sehr nützlich, um den richtigen Zeitpunkt zum Einlegen der Pizza zu kennen, wenn sie heiß ist. Der Holzspender lässt genügend Luft ein, damit das Feuer nach dem Anzünden fest bleibt. Ich freue mich auch darauf, das Fleischwerkzeug zu verwenden.
Very impressed with this oven. It is light but very stable, easy to clean and heats up quickly. The external thermometer is very useful to know the right time to put the pizza when it is hot. The wood dispenser lets in enough air to keep the fire steady once lit. I'm also looking forward to using the meat tool.
Le produit multimédia n'a pas pu être chargé. Bien faire chauffer la pierre avant et ensuite la cuisson est rapide. Après la première utilisation ont ressens un peu plus le goût du feu de bois. Un très bonne achat le seul regret c'est d'avoir attendu trop longtemps avant de l'acheter.
The multimedia product could not be loaded. Heat the stone well before and then cooking is quick. After the first use we feel a little more the taste of the wood fire. A very good purchase the only regret is having waited too long before buying it.
impossible de faire deux pizza a la suite, la température chute a la vitesse grand v quand la porte est ouverte de plus faire cuire les pizza porte fermé brule le fromage. En outre, il faut constamment fourni le foyer. Toutefois le four fait de belle pizza quand on a pris le coup, alimentation du foyer et porte ouverte toute les 2 minutes, car la cuisson ce fait vite. Bon pour démarrer, mais le four a bois c'est le top.
impossible to make two pizzas in a row, the temperature drops very quickly when the door is open, plus cooking the pizza with the door closed burns the cheese. In addition, you have to constantly supply the firebox. However, the oven makes beautiful pizzas when you get the hang of it, supply the firebox and open the door every 2 minutes, because cooking is done quickly. Good to start, but the wood oven is the best.
Compliqué de s adapter à la mise au four de la pizza et à sa cuisson
It's difficult to adapt to putting the pizza in the oven and cooking it.
Forno ben fatto con qualche pecca estetica sul fissaggio dell'esterno, imballo non eseguito in modo stabile, arrivato con piastra interna rotta,stata rimborsata ma a sito non disponibile dovuto fare da muratore, in complesso il forno funziona bene
Well made oven with some aesthetic flaws on the external fixing, packaging not done in a stable way, arrived with broken internal plate, refunded but site not available had to be done by bricklayer, overall the oven works well
Livraison rapide hyper bien emballée. Aucune casse à l intérieur. Le montage se fait très rapidement et très facilement. Les pieds sont suffisamment hauts pour ne pas brûler le support sur lequel le four est posé. La montée en température est ultra rapide et atteind plus de 400/450 degrés. Seuls bémols pas de housse de protection incluses, le système de verrouillage de la porte (2 encoches) est rudimentaire, et une pièce métallique à mettre dans le tiroir à pelets pour l installation de laquelle le mode d emploi n était pas clair du tout. Les temps de cuisson données sont trop approximatifs. Et aucune recette dans le manuel. On aurait bien aimé avoir des recettes de pâtes adaptées à ce four. La cuisson est parfaite mais il faut prendre le coup. Bien moins cher que ses concurrents pour une qualité identique.
Fast delivery, very well packaged. No breakage inside. Assembly is very quick and easy. The feet are high enough not to burn the support on which the oven is placed. The temperature rises very quickly and reaches more than 400/450 degrees. The only downsides are that there is no protective cover included, the door locking system (2 notches) is rudimentary, and a metal piece to put in the pellet drawer for the installation of which the instructions were not clear at all. The cooking times given are too approximate. And no recipe in the manual. We would have liked to have pasta recipes adapted to this oven. The cooking is perfect but you have to get the hang of it. Much cheaper than its competitors for the same quality.
Ottima fattura, magari la pietra refrattaria più spessa sarebbe stata ottimale per la cottura
Excellent workmanship, perhaps a thicker refractory stone would have been better for cooking
Au déballage nous avons remarqué qu’un des coins était légèrement abîmé ce qui n’est pas très gênant en soit puisque nous avons mis la pierre avec l’arrondi abîmé au fond du four. La trappe d’accès à au fous devrait être basculente parce que en enlevant la trappe de visite, le four se refroidit très très rapidement.
When unpacking we noticed that one of the corners was slightly damaged which is not very annoying in itself since we put the stone with the damaged rounding at the bottom of the oven. The access hatch to the oven should be tilting because by removing the inspection hatch, the oven cools very very quickly.
Trop top, monte à 500 degrés, 1 Minute pour faire une pizza, bon, la première fois, on brûle un peut,mais il faut 2 utilisations pour être un vrai pro.ma note 15/10 , chacun garnit sa pizza, au four, et comme a la pizzeria mais la, c est maison. Prendre des granules spécial pizza, épicé et la ça donne un goût vraiment bon, je le recommande.
Too good, goes up to 500 degrees, 1 Minute to make a pizza, well, the first time, we burn a little, but it takes 2 uses to be a real pro. My rating 15/10, everyone garnishes their pizza, in the oven, and like at the pizzeria but here, it's homemade. Take special pizza granules, spicy and there it gives a really good taste, I recommend it.
Um eine echte Neapel Pizza hinzubekommen, muss nicht nur die Oberhitze gut sein, sondern auch der Boden seine 400 Grad haben. Das ist mit dieser Methode sehr schlecht erreichbar. Man müsste sicher eine Stunde Vollgas heizen und dann nach einer Pizza, entweicht die Hitze an der Front, sobald man sie öffnet um die nächste reinzulegen. Habe mir doch einen Steinofen gebaut für weniger Geld, einfach nach Gym Ball Pizza Oven googeln.
In order to get a real Naples pizza, not only must the top heat be good, but the base must also have its 400 degrees. This is very difficult to achieve with this method. You would have to heat at full throttle for an hour and then after a pizza, the heat escapes at the front as soon as you open it to put the next one in. I built a brick oven for less money, just google Gym Ball Pizza Oven.
Cosa che abbiamo chiesto tutto potenziali clienti se funziona anche a legna...ricevendo risposte per niente compatibili con la domanda
Which is why we asked all potential customers if it also works with wood...receiving answers that were not at all compatible with the question.
Penso che i vari feedback negativi derivino esclusivamente da un errato utilizzo del forno, probabilmente per mancanza di esperienza. Questo non è elettrico, quindi per la pizza devi avere delle accortezze e un po di pazienza, almeno all'inizio. 1, farlo scaldare almeno una mezz'ora, anche se in dieci minuti raggiunge la temperatura, ciò non vuol dire che la piastra sia già calda a puntino. 2, Tenere il braciere sempre con pellet e, ogni 3/4 minuti aggiungerne una paletta. 3, Non aprire lo sportellino solo per curiosare, ma il tempo strettamente necessario per girare la pizza e ciò va fatto 3/4 volte ed in 5 minuti avrete una bella pizza perfetta. Io in venti minuti ne ho cotte 4 alla perfezione e non sono un pizzaiolo. Quindi per me il forno è da 5 stellle, anzi anche di più.
I think that the various negative feedbacks derive exclusively from incorrect use of the oven, probably due to lack of experience. This is not electric, so for pizza you need to take care and have a little patience, at least at the beginning. 1, let it heat up for at least half an hour, even if it reaches the temperature in ten minutes, this does not mean that the plate is already hot enough. 2, Always keep the brazier with pellets and, every 3/4 minutes add a shovel. 3, Do not open the door just to look around, but the time strictly necessary to turn the pizza and this must be done 3/4 times and in 5 minutes you will have a beautiful perfect pizza. In twenty minutes I cooked 4 to perfection and I am not a pizza chef. So for me the oven is 5 stars, or even more.
Ottimo, la pizza viene perfettamente
Excellent, the pizza comes out perfectly
Eccezionale forno che permette di avere le pizze come in pizzeria! Comodissimo il metodo a pellet, il forno arriva a temperatura abbastanza velocemente e le pizze cuociono in un paio di minuti. Tre avvertenze: 1. infarinare bene la pala prima di metterci la pizza per poi infornarla per evitare che si attacchi; 2. girare ogni tanto la pizza durante la cottura (se no rischia di cuocere troppo da un lato); 3. fare attenzione a mantenere la temperatura del forno alta (se il fuoco non è ben alimentato scende abbastanza velocemente). Davvero un ottimo acquisto!
Exceptional oven that allows you to have pizzas like in a pizzeria! The pellet method is very convenient, the oven reaches temperature quite quickly and the pizzas cook in a couple of minutes. Three warnings: 1. flour the peel well before putting the pizza in and then putting it in the oven to prevent it from sticking; 2. turn the pizza every now and then during cooking (otherwise it risks overcooking on one side); 3. be careful to keep the oven temperature high (if the fire is not well fed it drops quite quickly). Truly an excellent purchase!
Il risultato finale delle pizza è abbastanza buona, l'unica difficoltà che abbiamo è a tenere il forno ad una temperatura molto calda con il sportello da davanti aperto, cosa necessaria per poter girare le pizze in continuazione (non siamo mai riusciti ad ottenere la massima temperatura, anche con il cassetto dei pellet completamente pieno, e dobbiamo soffiare aria da dietro per alzare le fiamme). In ogni caso il prezzo è buono in quanto include anche vari acessori, compresa una pietra refrattario che ho pagato 40 Euro da sola per il forno di casa.
The final result of the pizza is quite good, the only difficulty we have is to keep the oven at a very hot temperature with the door open from the front, which is necessary to be able to turn the pizzas continuously (we have never managed to obtain the maximum temperature, even with the pellet drawer completely full, and we have to blow air from behind to raise the flames). In any case, the price is good as it also includes various accessories, including a refractory stone that I paid 40 Euros alone for the home oven.
Veramente una favola, l'unica pecca perde il calore tra una pizza è l'altra, xò tanta roba
Truly a fairy tale, the only flaw is that it loses heat between one pizza and the next, but it's a lot of stuff
Ottimo , facilissimo da utilizzare , altrettanto facile da pulire .. lo consiglio
Excellent, very easy to use, equally easy to clean... I recommend it
Una volta acceso il pellet nel bracere , il forno raggiunge i 400 gradi molto molto velocemente, la pizza cuoce in veramente poco tempo non più di 2 minuti.. bisogna girarla spesso, io personalmente non ho messo niente sulla pietra, solo farina nella paletta per non farla attaccare, veramente buona la pizza. Esce poco fumo, come un barbecue a legna. Nel giardino di casa è perfetto
Once the pellet is lit in the brazier, the oven reaches 400 degrees very very quickly, the pizza cooks in a very short time, no more than 2 minutes... you have to turn it often, I personally didn't put anything on the stone, just flour on the peel to keep it from sticking, the pizza is really good. Little smoke comes out, like a wood-fired barbecue. In the home garden it's perfect
Comodo e funzionale forno per pizza. Cottura rapida e ottimale.
Convenient and functional pizza oven. Quick and optimal cooking.
Forno ben costruito e semplice da utilizzare. Consiglio vivamente l’acquisto del prodotto.
Well built and easy to use oven. I highly recommend purchasing this product.
Ho preso questo prodotto come regalo e mio marito è impazzito! Usato 2 volte, molto facile e veloce, la pizza è davvero buona! Una volta arrivato in temperatura, mantiene la pietra calda senza problemi e si fanno pizze a ripetizione che cuociono velocissime. Il prodotto è semplice e carino, con una linea pulita.
I got this product as a gift and my husband went crazy! Used it 2 times, very easy and fast, the pizza is really good! Once it reaches the right temperature, it keeps the stone hot without any problems and you make pizzas one after the other that cook very quickly. The product is simple and cute, with a clean line.
Quest'anno sarà ricordato perché in tanti abbiamo iniziato a farci in casa pane pizza e altro, solo che con l'avvicinarsi dell'estate, cosa che rende quasi impossibile accendere il forno in casa, unito alla voglia di migliorarsi, mi ha spinto a voler provare un forno migliore, ma soprattutto da poter usare all'esterno. Appena arrivato si vede che è di buona fattura, sia dal peso che da tutti gli accessori, il tutto in acciaio. Arriva già con una pietra ollare, la pala, e altri accessori per grigliare nel forno. Il metodo di riscaldamento a pellet risulta intelligente, perché è poco costoso, facile da accendere, e in una decina di minuti è già arrivato oltre i 320 gradi, quasi come un forno da pizzeria. E i risultati si vedono, una pizza cucina in pochi minuti, basta girarla spesso. Con una sola carica del cassetto ho cucinato tranquillamente 2 pizze, ma tenendo rifornito il cassetto se ne possono cucinare molte in sequenza. Unica avvertenza, tenere ben infarinata la pietra ollare e la pala. Ottimo per chi vuole una pizza cotta come si deve, ma non ha la possibilità di farsi un forno a legna dedicato.
This year will be remembered because many of us have started to make bread, pizza and other things at home, only that with the approach of summer, which makes it almost impossible to turn on the oven at home, combined with the desire to improve, pushed me to want to try a better oven, but above all one that can be used outside. As soon as it arrives you can see that it is well made, both from the weight and from all the accessories, all in steel. It already comes with a soapstone, the shovel, and other accessories for grilling in the oven. The pellet heating method is smart, because it is inexpensive, easy to turn on, and in about ten minutes it has already reached over 320 degrees, almost like a pizzeria oven. And the results are visible, a pizza cooks in a few minutes, just turn it often. With a single load of the drawer I easily cooked 2 pizzas, but keeping the drawer stocked you can cook many in sequence. The only warning, keep the soapstone and the shovel well floured. Great for those who want a properly cooked pizza, but don't have the possibility of building a dedicated wood-fired oven.
Ottimo forno a pellet... dopo averne acquistato un'altro prima di questo devo ammettere che questo è il migliore in commercio. Parlo di sperienza lavorativa è un ottimo forno. Arrivato com 4 giorni di aticipo personale cortesi. Davvero ottimo forno per pizze e anche per fare arrosto e il top in assoluto. Spero che questo commento sia stato utile, mi auguro che l'acquisto che farete ne soddisfa anche a voi
Excellent pellet oven... after having bought another one before this one I have to admit that this is the best on the market. I'm talking about work experience, it's an excellent oven. Arrived 4 days in advance, courteous staff. Really excellent oven for pizzas and also for roasting and the best ever. I hope this comment was useful, I hope that the purchase you will make will satisfy you too
Ottimo prodotto pizza ottima
Excellent product excellent pizza