Fruitberry Juicer

119,99 € (incl. VAT)
Included in this price is a contribution to recycling costs of 0.71 EUR
  • 0
  • 16 cm
  • 60 Ltr
Product number: 10029377
Fruitberry Juicer
119,99 € (incl. VAT)
  • Ready for delivery In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays.
  • Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period
  • Free delivery, no minimum order

Top features

  • Fruity & delicate: gentle juicer with stainless steel micro sieve

  • Elegant design: space-saving stainless steel housing with plastic components

  • Quickly filled: even with larger pieces of fruit and vegetables

Product description

Vitamin bombs made easy: With the Klarstein Fruitberry juicer, you can prepare wholesome shakes from fruit and vegetables quickly and easily. With 60 revolutions per minute, the ingredients are chopped particularly gently without being heated and robbed of their vitamins. The feed tube has a pleasantly wide opening, which makes your work easier, as you can also put in larger pieces of fruit and vegetables. Thanks to the fine stainless steel micro sieve, neither fruit residues nor seeds get into your vitamin-rich smoothies!


  • Stainless steel housing
  • 2 plastic containers with 1000 ml capacity each
  • Vertical juicer
  • Gentle pressing process with 60 revolutions per minute
  • Incl. fine stainless steel micro sieve
  • Easy to fill, even with large pieces of fruit
  • Separate output of juice and press residues (pomace)
  • Start-stop protection - unit starts only with the filler tube in place
  • Return flow to unclog
  • Safety lock
  • Low operating noise
  • Extremely easy to clean thanks to demountable pressing unit
  • Suction cups for safe stand
  • Completely BPA-free
Product number: 10029377

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Unit (without filler tube): 16 x 31 x 21 (WxHxD)
  • Unit (with filler tube): 16 x 52 x 21 (WxHxD)
  • Cable length: approx. 115 cm
  • Weight: approx. 4.9 kg
  • Power: 400 watts

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x juicer
  • 1 x cleaning brush
  • 2 x containers
  • 1 x filler tube
  • 1 x juicer auger
  • Multilingual user manual

Delivery & shipment

Ready for delivery

Shipping time: 3 - 5 days

Customer reviews
10 Ratings

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Ich bin einfach begeistert! Die Ware war keine 24h unterwegs, das habe ich noch nie erlebt. Ich benutze das Gerät sehr oft und es hält immernoch. Mittlerweile ist diese Saft Presse zu meinem wichtigsten Gerät in der Küche geworden.

I'm just thrilled! The goods were on their way in less than 24 hours, I've never experienced that before. I use it a lot and it still holds up. In the meantime, this juicer has become my most important appliance in the kitchen.


Habe fünf reife Äpfel damit entsaftet. Es wurde zwar alles vermisst, aber eine beträchtliche Menge Mus blieb im oberen Teil der Schnecke. Eine Wiederholung erbrachte das selbe Ergebnis. Daher nur drei Punkte. Der Saft war o.k., dem Trester hatte ich keine Beachtung geschenkt, wegen dem Mus. Ich schickte das Gerät zurück, da es nicht so arbeitete wie ich es erwartet hatte. Ein geringfügig billigeres Gerät arbeitet so wie ich es wollte. Dieses hatte nur eine, größere, Einfüllöffnung. Keine mit zwei Öffnungen. Denke es lag daran. (Strömungstechnisch ungünstig)

I juiced five ripe apples with it. It was all missed, but a significant amount of mush remained in the top of the snail. A repeat gave the same result. So only three points. The juice was ok, I didn't pay any attention to the pomace because of the puree. I sent the device back because it didn't work as I expected. A slightly cheaper device works the way I wanted it to. This only had one, larger, filling opening. None with two openings. Guess it was because of that. (Unfavorable in terms of flow)


Voilà un extracteur de jus en inox d’une puissance de 400 W afin de préparer des jus de fruits ou de légumes. #CONTENU DU COLIS :- L’extracteur de jus- Une brosse de nettoyage- 2 récipients de 1 Litre- Un tube de remplissage- Une presse- Une notice d’utilisation (en français) # SPECIFICITE DU PRODUIT :> L’appareil marche par alimentation secteur AC 240V, 50Hz> Sous le dessous de l’appareil se situe 4 ventouses pour une meilleure stabilité.> Cet extracteur à une puissance de 400 Watts et une capacité de 60 tours par minute.> Le tube de remplissage à un diamètre de 8.5cm.> Le châssis est en inox et en plastique noir> Deux récipients sous fournis avec une capacité de 1 litre> L’extracteur rejette d’un coté le jus des fruits/légumes et de l’autre leur résidus.> L’appareil est équipée d’un système d’arrêt automatique (le moteur se met en marche seulement si le bac de remplissage est inséré dans l’appareil)> Le moteur peut lancer une fonction retour de l’extraction afin de débloquer une éventuelle obstruction. #UTILISATION :> Nous avons sur le devant un gros bouton avec dessus 3 positions :1 - La position OFF2 - La position ON et3 - La position R (le R qui signifie Retour, pour lancer un retour d’extraction au cas où le tube serait obstrué.)> Au niveau de l’utilisation c’est vraiment simple, on met les fruits et/ou légumes dans le tube de remplissage, on met en route l’appareil on appuie les fruits/légumes avec la presse (le grand tube noir) et le jus commence à sortir dans le bac, au final on a les résidus situés dans un récipient et un jus de fruits/légumes frais et plein de vitamines.> La puissance de l’appareil de 400 Watts permet de faire une extraction de fruit ou/et légumes sans reste de graines ni pulpe ce qui est vraiment agréable, surtout pour les framboise, fraises, pour les graines et orange, citron, pamplemousse, pour la pulpe> Les 60 tours par minutes permettent une pression à froid parfaite pour garder un maximum de vitamines. Le bac de remplissage pour le jus à une grande capacité.> Autre bon point la grandeur du tube de remplissage (8.5cm) ce qui permet d’introduire des bouts de fruits ou légumes d’assez grosses tailles, voir entier.> Au niveau sonore c’est très correct, évidemment il fait un peu de bruit quand les aliments passent dedans, mais ça reste très largement supportable, en tout cas le moteur n'est pas bruyant.> L’appareil est démontable, même la presse ce qui permet de le laver rapidement et facilement, il faut utiliser la petite balayette livrée avec qui est bien pratique et même indispensable, les 2 coté sont utiles, un coté brosse, un coté pointe en plastique pour faire ressortir certain résidus.> Coté nettoyage c'est facile, tout est démontable et se nettoie sous l'eau savonneuse, après ça prend bien 10 minutes quand même car il y a pas mal de partie à laver, donc pour les personnes pressées, genre le juste de fruits juste avant de partir au travail, c''est pas le top, le plus simple c'est d'en faire la veille pour plusieurs jours. #CONCLUSION :> Le récipient de 1 litre est vraiment une bonne chose, ça permet de faire une bonne quantité de jus, personnellement je me fais la plupart du temps des jus de fruits d’avance, j’ai 2 bouteilles en verre de 1 litre qui me servent pour çà. Le dernier que je me suis fais : citron/pomme/banane/kiwi, j'ai mis les pommes directement juste coupées en 4, la banane épluchée, le kiwi et le citron aussi, aucun pépin dans mon jus, résultat top.> Cette machine est vraiment efficace, facile à laver, facile à utiliser, avec un bon rapport qualité prix, je la recommande sans hésiter.PS : Si vous voulez mettre dans vos jus de fruits, des fruits a chair pâteuse molle comme des bananes, pensez à les mettre en premier car si vous les mettez tout à la fin, la pulpe restera sur le haut de l'extracteur et ne finira pas dans votre récipient !

This is a stainless steel juice extractor with a power of 400 W to prepare fruit or vegetable juices. #CONTENTS OF THE PACKAGE:- The juice extractor- A cleaning brush- 2 containers of 1 Liter- A filling tube- A press- A user manual (in French) # SPECIFICITY OF THE PRODUCT:> The device works by mains supply AC 240V, 50Hz> Under the bottom of the device there are 4 suction cups for better stability.> This extractor has a power of 400 Watts and a capacity of 60 revolutions per minute.> The filling tube has a diameter 8.5cm.> The frame is made of stainless steel and black plastic> Two containers provided with a capacity of 1 liter> The extractor rejects the juice of fruits/vegetables on one side and their residues on the other.> L The device is equipped with an automatic stop system (the motor starts only if the filling tray is inserted in the device)> The motor can launch a return function of the extraction in order to unblock a possible obstruction . #USE:> We have a large button on the front with 3 positions on it: 1 - The OFF position2 - The ON position and 3 - The R position (the R which means Return, to launch an extraction return in case the tube would be clogged.)> In terms of use, it's really simple, you put the fruit and/or vegetables in the filling tube, you start the device, you press the fruit/vegetables with the press (the big one black tube) and the juice begins to come out in the tray, in the end we have the residues located in a container and a fresh fruit/vegetable juice full of vitamins.> The power of the 400 Watt device allows you to make a extraction of fruit and/or vegetables without remaining seeds or pulp which is really pleasant, especially for raspberries, strawberries, for the seeds and orange, lemon, grapefruit, for the pulp> The 60 revolutions per minute allow cold pressing perfect for keeping a maximum of vitamins. The filling tray for the juice has a large capacity.> Another good point is the size of the filling tube (8.5cm) which allows you to introduce pieces of fruit or vegetables of fairly large sizes, even whole.> At the level sound is very correct, obviously it makes a little noise when the food goes through it, but it's still very bearable, in any case the motor is not noisy.> The device can be dismantled, even the press, which allows you to wash it quickly and easily, you have to use the small brush delivered with it which is very practical and even essential, the 2 sides are useful, a brush side, a plastic tip side to bring out certain residues.> Cleaning side it is easy, everything is removable and cleans under soapy water, after that it takes a good 10 minutes anyway because there are a lot of parts to wash, so for people in a hurry, like the fruit just before going to the work is not the best, the simplest is make it the night before for several days. #CONCLUSION:> The 1 liter container is really a good thing, it allows you to make a good amount of juice, personally I make myself most of the time fruit juice in advance, I have 2 glass bottles of 1 liter that I use for that. The last one I made myself: lemon/apple/banana/kiwi, I put the apples directly just cut in 4, the peeled banana, the kiwi and the lemon too, no seeds in my juice, top result.> This machine is really efficient, easy to wash, easy to use, with a good value for money, I recommend it without hesitation. PS: If you want to put in your fruit juices, fruits with soft pasty flesh like bananas, consider put them first because if you put them at the very end, the pulp will remain on the top of the extractor and will not end up in your container!


Cette extracteur de jus est super pour un bon jus de fruits ou légumes maison !Pour ma première utilisation j'ai fait du jus d'orange, il était trop bon.Il est très simple d'utilisation (un seul bouton avec trois positions, rotation avant, rotation arrière, et arrêt), le jus obtenu est d'une très grande qualité limpide et en bonne quantité, la fibre ressort relativement sèche.Pour le nettoyage une brosse est fournie avec l'appareil qui permet de laver plus efficacement la passoire et l'intérieur du est très peu bruyant !Je vous le recommande, c'est un appareil très solide de qualité qui sera parfait dans votre cuisine.

This juice extractor is great for a good homemade fruit or vegetable juice! For my first use I made orange juice, it was too good. It is very easy to use (a single button with three positions, forward rotation, reverse rotation, and stop), the juice obtained is of a very high quality, clear and in good quantity, the fiber comes out relatively dry. colander and the inside of the tray. it is very quiet! I recommend it, it is a very solid quality appliance that will be perfect in your kitchen.


Alors si vous avez de la place sur votre comptoir ou dans vos placards c'est un outil parfait.Mode d'emploi en allemand, anglais, français et espagnol. Utile surtout pour l'assemblage mais c'est assez simple.Deux récipients de 1l: un pour la pulpe et un pour le jus.Il faut bien visser les éléments pour pouvoir commencer les jus. J'ai mis des oranges et des carottes en alternance. Finir plutôt par les carottes.La pulpe qui ressort est bien sèche et le jus extrait est bon. Il reste cependant un peu de pulpe dans le jus, donc les puristes pourront filtrer à la passoire. J'ai essayé des betteraves coupées en lamelles épaisses, des pommes coupées en 4, des épinards, de la pastèque. Tout passe très bien et le jus obtenu est de qualité.Le nettoyage est assez simple et pratique. Il faut bien nettoyer la grille ave la brosse fournie.A recommander et à un prix vraiment abordable pour une machine de cette qualité.

So if you have space on your counter or in your cupboards, it's a perfect tool. Instructions for use in German, English, French and Spanish. Useful especially for assembly but it's quite simple. Two 1l containers: one for the pulp and one for the juice. You have to screw the elements well to be able to start the juices. I alternated oranges and carrots. Finish with the carrots instead. The pulp that emerges is very dry and the juice extracted is good. However, there is still a little pulp in the juice, so purists can filter through a strainer. I tried beets cut into thick strips, apples cut in 4, spinach, watermelon. Everything goes very well and the juice obtained is of good quality. Cleaning is quite simple and practical. It is necessary to clean the grid well with the brush provided. To recommend and at a really affordable price for a machine of this quality.


KLARSTEIN FRUITBERRY SLOW JUICER 400W 60U/MIN CONTENITORE Ø8,5CM ACCIAIO INOX lo sto usando da circa 3 mesi e mi sono trovata molto bene lo consiglio vivamente a tutti coloro che cercano un prodotto del genere

Klarstein FRUITBERRY SLOW JUICER 400W 60U/MIN Ø8.5CM STAINLESS STEEL CONTAINER I've been using it for about 3 months and I found it very good I highly recommend it to anyone looking for such a product


Jestem zadowolony w 100%. Silnik cichy i do tego b. mocny wszystkie części łatwe w umyciu i do tego za nie wielką cenę. Mam już dwa sprzęty tej firmy super cena do super jakości.

I am 100% satisfied. The engine is quiet and very powerful, all parts are easy to clean and for a low price. I already have two devices of this company, great price for great quality.


Questo estrattore utilizza il sistema di spremitura lenta per mantenere inalterate tutte le proprietà della frutta, al contrario degli altri apparecchi che si basano sul concetto di lame ad altissima velocità, creando attrito aumentano la temperatura all’interno dei cestelli causando il riscaldamento e l’ossidazione dei succhi prodotti. Il rumore emesso dall’apparecchio in fase di erogazione è davvero basso, grazie al sistema di spremitura lenta. La manopola laterale ci permette di azionare l’estrattore in senso orario e antiorario. Il prodotto è abbastanza ingombrante, ve ne accorgerete dalla scatola, sembra fatto per creare grandi quantità si succo. La qualità dei materiali è ottima ed ogni singolo pezzo è rimovibile per essere lavato con accuratezza, è presente anche un piccolo spazzolino per facilitare l’operazione di pulizia. Sul fondo sono presenti delle ventose che eviteranno il movimento del macchinario durante l’utilizzo anche se le vibrazioni sono davvero poche. Sono presenti anche i due boccali per contenere il succo e le ‘bucce’. Il funzionamento e il montaggio dei rotori è davvero elementare, una volta capito il meccanismo di innesto non ci saranno giù problemi, il tutto è agevolato dal manuale utente in lingua italiana. Vi lascio un piccolo video in cui mostro il montaggio e il funzionamento dell’apparecchio.

This extractor uses the slow squeezing system to keep all the properties of the fruit unaltered, unlike other appliances which are based on the concept of very high speed blades, creating friction they increase the temperature inside the baskets causing heating and oxidation of the juices produced. The noise emitted by the appliance during dispensing is really low, thanks to the slow squeezing system. The side knob allows us to operate the extractor clockwise and counterclockwise. The product is quite bulky, you will notice from the box, it seems made to create large quantities of juice. The quality of the materials is excellent and each single piece is removable to be washed accurately, there is also a small brush to facilitate cleaning. On the bottom there are suction cups that will prevent the movement of the machinery during use even if the vibrations are very few. There are also two jugs to contain the juice and the 'skins'. The operation and assembly of the rotors is really elementary, once you understand the engagement mechanism there won't be any problems, everything is facilitated by the user manual in Italian. I leave you a small video in which I show the assembly and operation of the device.


Vor allem im Herbst und Winter benutze ich gerne Entsafter, hauptsächlich für Äpfel. Wir haben viele davon im Garten und die kleinen Cox-Äpfel werden zu Saft verarbeitet oder enden als Apfelmus. Ich habe bisher einen herkömmlichen Entsafter mit Zentrifugaltechnik verwendet, einen Slow-Juicer hatte ich auch schon, aber nur für kurze Zeit, da war mir der Einfüllstutzen zu klein. Der Slow Juicer von Klarstein hat mich schon aufgrund der riesigen Einfüllöffnung sofort begeistert. Dafür hat er dann auch eine ungewohnt hohe Bauweise, passt aber bei uns vor die Hängeschränke, das Netzkabel ist ca. 1 m lang. Durch das Edelstahlgehäuse macht er einen hochwertigen Eindruck. Das Obst wird durch eine Press-Schnecke gedreht. Vorteil dabei ist, dass die Saftausbeute höher ist und das Gerät ist auch viel leiser und es entsteht kaum Schaum. Außerdem sollen die Vitamine und Enzyme durch diese Art des Entsaftens wesentlich schonender verarbeitet werden. * Bedienung * Der Entsafter lässt sich leicht bedienen und auch der Zusammenbau ist praktisch selbsterklärend. Das Obst muss nur grob zerteilt werden und es lässt sich zügig damit arbeiten. Ich trinke gerne einen Mix aus 3 Äpfeln, 1 Orange, 1 Banane und einer Handvoll Weintrauben. Die Saftausbeute ist sehr gut (Zubereitung + Ergebnis davon sieht man auf den Fotos), der Entsafter holt alles aus dem Obst heraus, was möglich ist. Im seitlichen schwarzen Tresterbehälter landen nur noch recht trockene Trester-Würstchen. Die Kerne von Weintrauben, Äpfeln oder sonstige harte Stückchen werden mit ausgefiltert. Die beiden Auffangbehälter sind groß genug und mit einem Griff versehen. Der Saftbehälter ist transparent und hat ein Volumen von gut 1 Liter, das reicht für eine Tagesration aus. Am Auslauf ist ein Pfropfen zum Verschließen angebracht, damit nichts heraustropft, wenn man den Behälter wegnimmt. Und das Wichtigste: Die selbstgemachten Säfte sind extrem lecker :-) * Reinigung * Die Reinigung ist im Prinzip einfach und schnell erledigt. Die Teile sind vermutlich nicht alle spülmaschinenfest, nach Gebrauch spüle ich daher alles per Hand ab. Für das feinmaschige Sieb liegt noch eine Bürste bei, das muss etwas geschrubbt werden, um die Reste zu entfernen. * Fazit * Das Gerät gefällt mir sehr gut und für kleinere Mengen an Saft (Tagesvorrat) ist es ideal. Die Säfte sind frisch, lecker und ohne Konservierungsstoffe und Zuckerzusätze. Evtl. werde ich die Rezension später noch überarbeiten/ergänzen, wenn Langzeiterfahrungen vorliegen, bisher ist es jedenfalls mein bester Entsafter. Der Entsafter wurde mir im Rahmen eines Produkttests kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellt, dies hat jedoch keinerlei Einfluss auf meine Bewertung. Plus: Hohe Saftausbeute Leicht zu bedienen Sehr leise im Vergleich zu einem Zentrifugal-Entsafter Minus: vermutich sind nicht alle Teile spülmaschinenfest

Especially in autumn and winter I like to use juicers, mainly for apples. We have lots of these in the garden and the small Cox apples are made into juice or end up as applesauce. So far I have used a conventional juicer with centrifugal technology, I also had a slow juicer, but only for a short time because the filler neck was too small for me. The slow juicer from Klarstein immediately impressed me because of the huge filling opening. On the other hand, it has an unusually high construction, but it fits in front of our wall cabinets, the power cable is approx. 1 m long. The stainless steel case makes a high-quality impression. The fruit is rotated by a press screw. The advantage here is that the juice yield is higher and the device is also much quieter and there is hardly any foam. In addition, the vitamins and enzymes should be processed much more gently through this type of juicing. * Operation * The juicer is easy to use and the assembly is practically self-explanatory. The fruit only has to be roughly divided and you can work with it quickly. I like to drink a mix of 3 apples, 1 orange, 1 banana and a handful of grapes. The juice yield is very good (you can see the preparation + result of it in the photos), the juicer gets everything out of the fruit that is possible. Only very dry pomace sausages end up in the black pomace container on the side. The cores of grapes, apples or other hard pieces are also filtered out. The two collection containers are large enough and have a handle. The juice container is transparent and has a volume of a good 1 liter, which is sufficient for a daily ration. A stopper is attached to the spout for sealing so that nothing drips out when the container is removed. And the most important thing: The homemade juices are extremely tasty :-) * Cleaning * In principle, cleaning is quick and easy. The parts are probably not all dishwasher safe, so I wash everything by hand after use. A brush is also included for the fine-mesh sieve, which needs to be scrubbed a little to remove the remains. * Conclusion * I like the device very much and it is ideal for smaller amounts of juice (daily supply). The juices are fresh, delicious and without preservatives or added sugar. I may revise/supplement the review later when there are long-term experiences, so far it is my best juicer. The juicer was made available to me free of charge as part of a product test, but this has no influence on my rating. Plus: High juice yield Easy to use Very quiet compared to a centrifugal juicer Minus: Probably not all parts are dishwasher safe


Swietny, wiory z burakow suche , nie barwia rak. 2 jablka, 2 gruszki, 2 pomarancze ponad litr soku :)

Great, dry beet chips, does not stain hands. 2 apples, 2 pears, 2 oranges over a liter of juice :)