Mighty Mince electric meat grinder

Mighty Mince electric meat grinder

97,99 € (incl. VAT)
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  • Meat grinder
  • Black
Product number: 10036477
Mighty Mince electric meat grinder
97,99 € (incl. VAT)
Also available in other conditions
  • Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    88,99 €
  • Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    83,99 €
  • Ready for delivery In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays.
  • Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period

Top features

  • Home-made: electric meat grinder with 500 - 1361 Watt power

  • From above: top-side filling through Ø 5 cm filling tube with tray

  • Coarse, medium & fine: 3 perforated discs and blades for minced meat

Product description

Know what's in it: With the Mighty Mince electric meat grinder from Klarstein, you can make all kinds of sausage and meat specialities yourself. This is possible thanks to sophisticated technology and the simple and quick filling from the top. Put the appropriate ingredients into the funnel bowl and gradually push them into the feed tube with the enclosed plunger so that they are formed in the head of the knife and perforated disc. Not only does it make fine minced meat in the kitchen at home - thanks to the wide range of accessories, you can prepare and cook many other delicacies. With the grating attachment with 3 different blades, you can also grate vegetables very easily.

For home-made tomato sauce: The Mighty Mince comes with a practical blender attachment for juices and sauces. And even if you want to make your own sausages, this meat grinder is the perfect appliance - it comes with a sausage attachment and a kebab attachment for stuffed meat.

The electric Mighty Mince from Klarstein is a multi-functional meat grinder, which impresses with a wide range of accessories, very easy handling and a great design.


  • Electric mincer with a wide range of accessories
  • Stainless steel head and filler tube
  • Steel perforated discs: coarse / medium / fine
  • Sharp steel blade
  • Steel augers
  • Plastic housing
  • Large aluminium filler tray
  • Reverse gear for loosening meat and dough scraps
  • Attachment for sausage making
  • Kebbe attachment for making stuffed meat
  • Blender attachment for making sauces
  • Grating attachment for vegetables
  • 3 different grater inserts made of aluminium
  • Plastic plunger
  • Non-slip rubber pads for safe standing
Product number: 10036477

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Overall dimensions: approx. 14 x 31 x 36 cm (WxHxD)
  • Filling tube diameter: approx. 5 cm
  • Dimensions plunger: approx. 4 x 20 cm (Ø x L)
  • Sausage attachment dimensions: approx. 6 x 13 cm (Øx L)
  • Dimensions head for vegetable grater: approx. 7.5 x 20 x 10 cm (WxHxD)
  • Diameter grater inserts: approx. 6.5 cm
  • Diameter perforated disc: approx. 5.7 cm
  • Dimensions bowl: approx. 14.5 x 3 x 21 cm (WxHxD)
  • Length augers: approx. 11 cm
  • Dimensions blender attachment: approx. 15 x 9 x 18 cm (WxHxD)
  • Weight: approx. 7 kg
  • Cable length: approx. 80 cm
  • Power consumption: 500 - 1361 watts
  • Power supply: 220-240 V~ | 50/60 Hz

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x mincer incl. aluminium bowl & tamper
  • 3 x stainless steel perforated disc (coarse / medium / fine)
  • 1 x stainless steel wing blade
  • 1 x head with auger
  • 1 x attachment for sausage making
  • 1 x Kebbe attachment
  • 1 x blender attachment with auger and drip tray
  • 1 x head for vegetable grater with tamper
  • 3 x grating inserts for vegetables
  • Multilingual user manual

Delivery & shipment

Ready for delivery

Shipping time: 3 - 5 days

Your order will be delivered to the selected address per order. This address does not have to match the billing address. You can send the orders to your family, friends or office if you are not at home during the day.

Safety and Operating Instructions

Download user manual

Product Safety Information

Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin

Responsible Person:
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin

E-mail address:

Customer reviews
46 Ratings

No review available for this item.


fait très bien le travail parfait ne peine pas dutout pendant le mixage et on ne perd pas de matières et entretient facile

does very well the perfect job does not struggle at all during mixing and we do not lose materials and easy to maintain


Utilisé pour haché du bœuf pour faire des steak haché cela va très vite et très facile à nettoyer l’appareil.

Used to mince beef to make minced steak, it goes very quickly and is very easy to clean the appliance.


Dar Klarstengerät wurde als Ersatz für das Ähnliche von Goumet Maxx angeschafft. Bei Gourmet Maxx ist die Mechanik aus Kunsstoff bei Klarstein aus Metall, das sagt wohl alles.

The Klarstein device was purchased as a replacement for a similar one from Gourmet Maxx. Gourmet Maxx has a plastic mechanism, while Klarstein has a metal mechanism, and that says it all.


Acquisto fatto dopo aver ponderato attentamente i prodotti analoghi, mi ritengo più che soddisfatto avendolo già provato un paio di volte, è completo, veloce e silenzioso. Non comprerò più il macinato in negozio, ma lo farò da solo!Lo consiglio a coloro che cercano un prodotto dove il rapporto qualità prezzo è assolutamente favorevole

Purchase made after carefully considering similar products, I am more than satisfied having already tried it a couple of times, it is complete, fast and silent. I will no longer buy ground meat in the store, but will do it myself! I recommend it to those who are looking for a product where the quality/price ratio is absolutely favorable


Bel prodotto, pratico e comodo. Ideale per utilizzo casalingo o lavorativo basico, di quantitativi moderati lo consiglio !

Nice product, practical and convenient. Ideal for basic home or work use, in moderate quantities I recommend it!


Utilisé principalement comme hachoir à viande, fait très bien ce pour quoi il est concu, même si j'évite de hacher de trop gros morceaux ainsi que les nerfs.

Used primarily as a meat grinder, does what it is designed for very well, although I avoid grinding too large pieces as well as the sinews.


Funziona molto bene

It works very well


Super pratique

Super practical


Un buon prodotto. Anche se arrivato che mancava una delle 4 grattugia. Venditore ha risolto molto onestamente

A good product. Even though one of the 4 graters was missing when it arrived. The seller solved it very honestly.


De momento me gusta,he usado solo una vez

So far I like it, I've only used it once.


E molto pratica da usare, ma come struttura di costruzione e troppa plastica, ed il motore si riscalda.

It is very practical to use, but as a construction structure it is too plastic, and the engine heats up.


Pratico, maneggevole e molto efficiente!

Practical, easy to handle and very efficient!


L'ho scelto come regalo e la persona che l'ha ricevuto è pienamente soddisfatta. Per il momento è un ottimo acquisto e fa tutto quello descritto

I chose it as a gift and the person who received it is completely satisfied. For now it is a great purchase and does everything described





Dieses ist mein allererster elektrischer Fleischwolf. Ich habe mich für diesen entschieden, da die Bewertungen überwiegend positiv waren und da ich den "Tomatenquetscher" interessant finde. Ich habe noch so viele Brombeeren eingefroren, ich hoffe, die bekomme ich entkernt. Aber erst einmal zum eigentlichen. Als erstes habe ich die Reibetrommeln für Kohlrabisalat und Möhren getestet. Ui, ging das schnell. Gut, ein paar Gemüseschnitzel fliegen durch die Küche, aber bei einer Handreibe oder Kurbel-Trommelreibe passiertt das auch, das was daneben fällt. Danach habe ich 1 kg Schnitzelbraten durch den Fleischwolf geschickt. Auch hier wieder ein irres Tempo. Ich habe erst die grobe und die mittlere Scheibe ausprobiert, aber das Ergebnis gefiel mir sehr. Schönes Hackfleisch. Das anschließende Reinigen ging ganz schnell und problemlos. Insgesamt finde ich den Zusammenbau sehr einfach. Zum Geräuschpegel kann ich nichts sagen, da ich als Vergleich nur die Handkurbelmaschine habe. Mir kam es aber nicht besonders laut vor. Fazit: Mit dem Ergebnis des ersten Tests bin ich rundum zufrieden. Alles andere wird sich zeigen.

This is my very first electric meat grinder. I chose this one because the reviews were mostly positive and because I find the "Tomato Squeezer" interesting. I still have so many frozen blackberries, I hope I can get them pitted. But first to the real thing. First I tested the grater drums for kohlrabi salad and carrots. Wow, that was quick. Well, a few vegetable schnitzels fly through the kitchen, but with a hand grater or crank drum grater that also happens, what falls next to it. After that, I sent 1 kg of roast schnitzel through the meat grinder. Again, a crazy pace. I first tried the coarse and medium slices, but I really liked the result. Nice ground beef. The subsequent cleaning went very quickly and easily. Overall I find it very easy to assemble. I can't say anything about the noise level because I only have the hand crank machine as a comparison. But it didn't seem particularly loud to me. Conclusion: I am completely satisfied with the result of the first test. Everything else will show.


Me encanta. Para no ser profesional, muy bien. No se le puede pedir más.

I love it. For a non-professional, it's very good. You can't ask for more.


Ha tritato subito 600 grammi di carne, ho fatto pangrattato e un pò di salsa di pomodoro. Sono molto contenta del acquisto,lo consiglio.

It immediately minced 600 grams of meat, I made breadcrumbs and a little tomato sauce. I am very happy with the purchase, I recommend it.


Der Geräuschpegel war normal

The noise level was normal


Das Gerät ist widererwartend leiser als gedacht, der Fleischwolf arbeitet zur Freude meiner Frau gut, also war der Kauf ein voller Erfolg

The machine is unexpectedly quieter than expected, the meat grinder works well to my wife's delight, so the purchase was a complete success


Praktisch und vielseitig.

Practical and versatile.


Trita ed affetta verdure in modo egregio, ancora non utilizzato per la passata, ma ottime tartare e polpette.

It mince and slice vegetables very well, not yet used for puree, but excellent tartare and meatballs.


Impossibile caricare il contenuto multimediale. E facilissimo da usare

Unable to load media. It's very easy to use


L'ho usato solo per grattugiare il formaggio, se l'è cavata benissimo col Grana e con formaggi di media stagionatura, con quelli molto duri fatica un po' di più, ma basta togliere più crosta per ovviare. Si pulisce facilmente ed è facile da usare

I only used it to grate cheese, it did very well with Grana and medium-aged cheeses, with very hard ones it struggles a bit more, but just remove more of the crust to get around it. It cleans easily and is easy to use


Sembra robusto, funziona benissimo, è un po' rumoroso , lo condiglio

It seems sturdy, works great, it's a little noisy, I recommend it


Bien reçu trop cool

Well received, too cool


Ottimo e completo prodotto.

Excellent and complete product.


Magnifico prodotto

Great product


Ottima 3kg di carne in pocchi minuti

Excellent 3kg of meat in a few minutes


Fait le job sans problème, je mets 4 étoiles car l’embout pour les saucisses et trop gros pour les petits boyaux style mouton mais sinon fonctionne très bien démontage lavage facile pour le prix il est top

Does the job without problem, I give it 4 stars because the nozzle for sausages is too big for small sheep-style casings but otherwise works very well, easy to disassemble and wash for the price it's great


Il y a trois grands types de fonctions sur cet appareil avec un jeu d'accessoires pour chaque fonction 1 Hâchoir Fonctionne très bien et rapidement. Attention toutefois, les tendons ne passent vraiment pas bien. Il faut donc bien préparer la viande avant. 2. Râpe Décevant. L'accessoire pour faire des tranches (par exemple d'oignons pour faire une soupe à l'oignon) marche très très mal et écrase autant qu'elle ne coupe pas bien. Celui pour faire des carottes râpées donne des filaments de carottes très courts et pas très esthétiques dans une salade de carotte. En plus des morceaux de carottes se coincent entre le carter et l'outil de découpe (comme pour l'oignon d'ailleurs), ce qui coince et fait souffrir le moteur. Il n'y a que l'emmental qui passe correctement. Même le parmesan ne passe pas bien avec pas mal de perte de produit qui n'est pas râpé. Pour les légumes, j'ai plus vite fait et bien plus proprement avec une mandoline manuelle. 3. Accessoire pour les saucisses Marche bien (fonction poussoir), mais cela va très très vite, et il faut prendre l'habitude, Sauce tomate : pas génial. Pour que cela fonctionne bien, il faut éplucher la tomate et épépiner. Mais une fois que l'on a fait ces opérations manuelles préparatoires, il est bien plus facile d'utiliser un mixer que cet appareil. Conclusion : Mon achat était principalement motivé par le hâchoir avec un bon moteur. De ce point de vue, je suis satisfait. L'appareil proposait d'autres fonctions qui auraient pu me faire gagner du temps en cuisine pour des fonction de préparation. Mais utiliser cet appareil pour ces autres fonctions m'en fait finalement perdre plus qu'il ne m'en fait gagner. Il est donc pour moi en grande partie inutilisable, malgré une description très alléchante. J'ai mis 4*, mais si j'avais acheté l'appareil pour l'ensemble des fonctions, je l'aurais retourné pour description non conforme ou au mieux noté 2*

There are three main types of functions on this device with a set of accessories for each function 1. Chopper Works very well and quickly. Be careful, however, the tendons really do not pass well. You must therefore prepare the meat well beforehand. 2. Grater Disappointing. The accessory for making slices (for example onions to make onion soup) works very very badly and crushes as much as it does not cut well. The one for making grated carrots gives very short and not very aesthetic carrot filaments in a carrot salad. In addition, pieces of carrot get stuck between the housing and the cutting tool (as for the onion by the way), which jams and makes the motor suffer. Only Emmental cheese goes through correctly. Even Parmesan does not go through well with a lot of loss of product that is not grated. For vegetables, I did it faster and much cleaner with a manual mandolin. 3. Sausage attachment Works well (pusher function), but it goes very very quickly, and you have to get used to it, Tomato sauce: not great. For it to work well, you have to peel the tomato and remove the seeds. But once you have done these preparatory manual operations, it is much easier to use a mixer than this device. Conclusion: My purchase was mainly motivated by the grinder with a good motor. From this point of view, I am satisfied. The device offered other functions that could have saved me time in the kitchen for preparation functions. But using this device for these other functions ultimately makes me lose more time than it saves me. It is therefore largely unusable for me, despite a very tempting description. I put 4 *, but if I had bought the device for all the functions, I would have returned it for non-compliant description or at best rated 2 *


Una herramienta para la cocina bastante interesante, ya sea por su función principal, picar carne como por otras funciones como picar verduras de diferentes formas según el accesorio que elijamos. La calidad de los materiales es bastante buena, algo que ya he visto en otros productos de esta marca como por ejemplo la olla de cocción lenta. El montaje es bastante intuitivo, aunque le acompañan unas instrucciones en formato físico, y como suele hacer esta marca, también tiene un código qr para poder verlo online y en diferentes idiomas. No hay problema con su potencia, he probado con diferentes ingredientes y no ha presentado problemas, desde diferentes tipos de carne a verduras como zanahorias. Cuenta con una función de retroceso bastante útil para evitar que los ingredientes queden atascados. Además el ruido durante el proceso era menor de lo que me esperaba. El soporte es firme, como ya he dicho tiene buenos materiales y lo hace bastante estable. Y la limpieza de los accesorios es sencilla, procuro evitar el lavavajillas ya que es algo que a la larga puede provocar la pérdida de filo con el tiempo. No creo que su uso de forma profesional no sea para el que está preparado, pero para un hogar viene perfecto tanto para el día a día como si hubiese que utilizarlo para una matanza casera (cuenta con un accesorio para el relleno por ejemplo de salchichas). Una buena compra para casa.

A very interesting kitchen tool, both for its main function, mincing meat, and for other functions such as mincing vegetables in different ways depending on the accessory we choose. The quality of the materials is quite good, something I have already seen in other products from this brand such as the slow cooker. The assembly is quite intuitive, although it is accompanied by instructions in physical format, and as this brand usually does, it also has a QR code so you can see it online and in different languages. There is no problem with its power, I have tried it with different ingredients and it has not presented any problems, from different types of meat to vegetables such as carrots. It has a very useful reverse function to prevent ingredients from getting stuck. In addition, the noise during the process was lower than I expected. The support is firm, as I have already said, it has good materials and makes it quite stable. And cleaning the accessories is simple, I try to avoid the dishwasher since it is something that in the long run can cause the edge to lose over time. I don't think it's not intended for professional use, but it's perfect for a home, both for everyday use and for home-made slaughter (it has an accessory for stuffing sausages, for example). A good purchase for the home.


Un buon prodotto che trita in diverse grandezze la carne, è stabile mentre lavora ed abbastanza facile da pulire. Buono per far hamburger o scegliersi la carne per fare un buon macinato da ragu o polpette. PER USO DOMESTICO, ho tritato sino a 15kg di carne consecutivi anche con ripasso e non ha dato segni di cedimento..ha più misure io ho sempre e solo usato quella grande, lo uso per fare gli hamburger e va' benissimo Caratteristiche: Tritacarne elettrico con una vasta gamma di accessori Testa e tubo di riempimento in acciaio inossidabile Dischi forati in acciaio: grosso / medio / fine Coltello d'acciaio affilato Eliche in acciaio Alloggiamento in plastica Grande ciotola in alluminio Retromarcia per la rimozione di residui di carne o impasto Attacco per insaccati Attacco Kebbe per il confezionamento di carne ripiena Attacco frullatore per la produzione di salse Accessorio per grattugiare verdure Fornitura: 1 x tritacarne incl. ciotola in alluminio e tamper 3 x disco perforato in acciaio inossidabile (grosso / medio / fine) 1 x coltello ad ala in acciaio inossidabile 1 x testa con elica 1 x attacco per insaccati 1 x attacco Kebbe 1 x accessorio frullatore con elica e ciotola 1 x testa per grattugia con tamper 3 inserti per grattugiare le verdure Questo prodotto faceva proprio al mio caso, infatti faccio questa recensione soddisfatto.

A good product that minces meat in different sizes, is stable while working and quite easy to clean. Good for making hamburgers or choosing the meat to make a good minced meat for ragu or meatballs. FOR HOME USE, I have minced up to 15kg of meat in a row even with a re-run and it has not shown any signs of giving way... it has more sizes, I have always and only used the large one, I use it to make hamburgers and it works very well. Features: Electric mincer with a wide range of accessories Stainless steel head and filling tube Perforated steel discs: coarse / medium / fine Sharp steel knife Steel propellers Plastic housing Large aluminum bowl Reverse for removing meat residues or dough Attachment for sausages Kebbe attachment for packaging stuffed meat Blender attachment for making sauces Accessory for grating vegetables Scope of delivery: 1 x meat mincer incl. aluminium bowl and tamper 3 x stainless steel perforated disc (coarse / medium / fine) 1 x stainless steel wing knife 1 x head with propeller 1 x sausage attachment 1 x Kebbe attachment 1 x blender attachment with propeller and bowl 1 x grater head with tamper 3 inserts for grating vegetables This product was just right for me, in fact I am writing this review satisfied.


Je m'attendais a avoir un simple hachoir à viande mais, en plus d'être électrique, il fait aussi râpe légumes Il possède 3 disques de perforation pour 3 grosseurs de viande de plus si vous souhaitez préparer une julienne de légumes l'appareil est parfait pour des plats fait maison. cet appareil est arrivé à pic pour les fêtes de fin d'année. je recommande vivement

I expected to have a simple meat grinder but, in addition to being electric, it also grates vegetables. It has 3 perforation discs for 3 sizes of meat. If you want to prepare a julienne of vegetables, the device is perfect for homemade dishes. This device arrived just in time for the end-of-year celebrations. I highly recommend it


Con la llegada de la Navidad este año tocaba hacer cena de Navidad en casa y mirando mirando vi esta una buena opción. He preparado unas salchichas de rechupete, una buena salsa para las salchichas y los solomillos. Trae unos accesorios de muy buena calidad, son de acero inoxidable. La carne la pica muy bien, tiene un buen bocal superior por dónde introducir la carne a trocitos. Tiene 3 accesorios para cortar rodajitas de patatas, verbenas, calabacín etc. También ralla zanahorias y hortalizas dando un toque un especial en los platos. Todas las piezas se pueden limpiar con mucha facilidad. Mi mujer está muy contenta con este regalo de Papa Noel.

With Christmas coming this year it was time to make Christmas dinner at home and looking around I saw this as a good option. I have prepared some delicious sausages, a good sauce for the sausages and the sirloins. It has some very good quality accessories, they are made of stainless steel. It mince the meat very well, it has a good upper mouth where you can put the meat in pieces. It has 3 accessories to cut slices of potatoes, verbena, zucchini etc. It also grates carrots and vegetables giving a special touch to the dishes. All the parts can be cleaned very easily. My wife is very happy with this gift from Santa Claus.


Es muss nicht immer ein Marken-Produkt a la Bosch sein. Dieser elektrische Fleischwolf ist gut verarbeitet, macht einen stabilen Eindruck und tut zufriedenstellend, was es soll: Fleisch wolfen. Natürlich kann man über das Plastikgehäuse meckern, aber auf diesem Preisniveau kann man definitiv nichts besseres erwarten und müsste schon ein paar hundert Euro mehr in die Hand nehmen. Einfach in der Handhabung.

It doesn't always have to be a branded product a la Bosch. This electric meat grinder is well made, makes a stable impression and satisfactorily does what it is supposed to do: grind meat. Of course you can complain about the plastic case, but you definitely can't expect anything better at this price level and you would have to pay a few hundred euros more. Easy to use.


Ho ricevuto questo tritacarne come regalo per il mio compleanno da mio marito, è davvero bello da vedere e molto funzionale! La confezione è arrivata integra e comprende di molti accessori. Io ho la versione bianca del prodotto, si può tritare semplicemente la carne, creare salsicce e tritare verdura! Sono davvero contenta di avere questo gioiellino in casa ed ora posso divertirmi a creare ciò che voglio! Lo consiglio!

I received this meat grinder as a gift for my birthday from my husband, it is really beautiful to look at and very functional! The package arrived intact and includes many accessories. I have the white version of the product, you can simply mince meat, create sausages and mince vegetables! I am really happy to have this little gem at home and now I can have fun creating what I want! I recommend it!


Acquistato per mia madre (contentissima) è un prodotto che effettivamente risulta comodissimo in cucina. Innanzitutto come tritacarne e per farsi in casa Salsicce e polpette, poi è utilissimo per preparare salse di pomodoro ma la cosa che ho trovato davvero simpatica è la possibilità di tagliare le verdure in vari formati tramite l'apposito accessorio. Insomma soddisfattissimi!

Bought for my mother (very happy) it is a product that is actually very convenient in the kitchen. First of all as a meat grinder and to make homemade sausages and meatballs, then it is very useful for preparing tomato sauces but the thing that I found really nice is the possibility of cutting vegetables in various formats using the appropriate accessory. In short, very satisfied!


Ich habe schon einige Elektrische Wölfe gehabt. Die waren Laut und man muste das Fleisch rein pressen damit es durchgezogen wurde. Der Klarstein .... ist da ganz anders. Ich habe eine ganze schüssel Fleisch (3 kg. ) in wenigen Minuten Verarbeitet. Dabei ist das gerät angenehm leise. Es Kreischt nicht so wie andere Geräte. Das Ergebnis war wie gekauftes Hack. Dafür wiegt es aber ganz ordendlich. Man hat also kein Plastik sondern Metall vor sich stehen. Der Stand ist fest, nix Wackelt.Die reinigung ist echt einfach und schnell. Aber Achtung NICHT in die Spühlmaschiene. Die Welle besteht aus Aludruckguss. Die Teile sind gut passend und lassen sich leicht auseinanderbauen oder zusammen bauen, dank Bajonetverschluss zum Gerät hin. Das Zubehör ist echt reichhaltig. Verschiedene Lochscheiben und aufsätze sind Vorhanden. Und eine Reibe für Schockolade, Nüsse, Parmesan u.s.w. Das gehäuse ist hier zwar aus Plastik aber auch sehr Passgenau und einfach anzustecken. Vorwärtsgang und Rückwärtzgan sind vorhanden falls doch mal was verklemmt. Ich bin sehr zufrieden und Empfehle dieses Gerät weiter.

I've owned quite a few Electric Wolves. They were loud and you had to press the meat in so that it was pulled through. The Klarstein .... is completely different. I processed a whole bowl of meat (3 kg. ) in a few minutes. The device is pleasantly quiet. It doesn't squeal like other devices. The result was like bought hack. But it weighs quite decently. So you don't have plastic but metal in front of you. The stand is firm, nothing wobbles. Cleaning is really easy and quick. But be careful NOT to put it in the dishwasher. The shaft is made of die-cast aluminum. The parts fit well and are easy to disassemble or assemble thanks to the bayonet connection to the device. The accessories are really rich. Various perforated discs and attachments are available. And a grater for chocolate, nuts, parmesan, etc. The housing here is made of plastic, but it also fits very well and is easy to attach. Forward gear and reverse gear are available in case something is jammed. I am very satisfied and would recommend this device.


Me ha gustado usarla para hacer varias comidas para las fiestas navideñas. Tiene buena potencia para picar un filete gordo sin hueso y puedes sacarlo en varias formas para distintas comidas

I've enjoyed using it to make several meals for the holidays. It has good power to chop a thick boneless steak and you can take it out in several shapes for different meals.


Prodotto con diversi accessori, non un semplice tritacarne, completo di 3 dischi con fori in 3 diverse dimensioni, 3 diverse grattugie, per verdure e formaggi, un accessorio per riempire le salsicce e per ultimo ma non meno importante quello per poter fare la passata di pomodoro come la faceva la nonna. Scocca in plastica, motore abbastanza potente, ideale per usi domestici ma non professionali, con tasto reverse nel caso dovesse incagliarsi. I vari accessori sembrano resistenti, il corpo è leggero ma grazie alle 2 ventose risulta essere molto stabile, naturalmente non ho provato tutto, però direi che ha egregiamente fatto il suo lavoro. Le polpette son venute buone e ha ottimamente gratuggiato sia il pane che il formaggio senza sforzo. Consigliato per chi vuole attrezzare la propria cucina casanlinga con una chicca in più.

Product with various accessories, not a simple mincer, complete with 3 discs with holes in 3 different sizes, 3 different graters, for vegetables and cheeses, an accessory for filling sausages and last but not least the one to be able to make tomato sauce like grandma used to do. Plastic body, fairly powerful motor, ideal for domestic but not professional use, with reverse button in case it gets stuck. The various accessories seem resistant, the body is light but thanks to the 2 suction cups it is very stable, of course I have not tried everything, but I would say that it did its job very well. The meatballs came out good and it grated both bread and cheese very well without effort. Recommended for those who want to equip their home kitchen with an extra treat.


Hachoir électrique multifonctions acheté pour ma cuisine. Peu encombrant et pratiques avec ses différentes lames qui s'utilisent pour la viande et les légumes. J'ai déjà pu faire des légumes farcis avec la viande hachée. Facilité d'entretien, lames mises au lave vaisselle, ressorties intactes. Puissance satisfaisante. Satisfaite de mon achat je recommande.

Multifunctional electric chopper purchased for my kitchen. Space-saving and practical with its different blades that can be used for meat and vegetables. I have already been able to make stuffed vegetables with the minced meat. Easy to maintain, blades put in the dishwasher, came out intact. Satisfactory power. Satisfied with my purchase, I recommend.


J'ai commandé ce produit notamment pour la fonction hachoir afin de faire des steaks hachés et c'est parfait. La puissance est trop correcte et permet de hacher rapidement beaucoup de viande. Les accessoires sont de bonne qualité et solide. Toute les fonctions supplémentaires sont un plus mais je ne les aient pas encore tester.

I ordered this product in particular for the mincer function to make minced steaks and it's perfect. The power is too good and allows you to quickly mince a lot of meat. The accessories are good quality and solid. All the additional functions are a plus but I haven't tested them yet.


Appareil qui permet un gain de place dans la cuisine : il permet de hacher (avec des pièces à bourguignons on obtient facilement des bons steaks hachés), il râpe et il permet d'épépiner pour faire des bons jus de tomates maison. Cette dernière fonction nous permet de gagner plusieurs heures de travail : on en est ravi ! Je recommande L'envoi à en plus été rapide et soigné.

Device that saves space in the kitchen: it allows you to chop (with pieces of bourguignon you can easily obtain good minced steaks), it grates and it allows you to remove the seeds to make good homemade tomato juice. This last function allows us to save several hours of work: we are delighted! I recommend The shipment was also fast and careful.


Prodotto decisamente interessante sotto molti punti di vista differenti, si inizia analizzando la funzione principale, il tritacarne e si finisce a considerare la possibilità di fare sughi, tritare verdure e tanto altro, tutto con i pezzi già presenti all’interno della confezione. La potenza devo dire che risulta ottima per tritare ma anche per affettare, ne sono rimasto molto colpito. Si può utilizzare sia in un senso di rotazione che nell'altro, così se si vuole far tornare indietro qualche elemento è sufficiente premere il pulsante apposito. Ho fatto anche la salsa di pomodoro e devo dire che il risultato è ottimo, chiaramente è importante scolare bene il pomodoro cotto, così da evitare che risulti troppo liquido. Ottime anche le pietanze con le verdure tagliate da questa ottima macchina. Per quanto riguarda il rapporto qualità prezzo devo dire che considerando che il prezzo attuale di vendita è pari a 84,99 euro questa risulta molto buona. Infatti ritengo che i materiali di realizzazione risultano resistenti e ben assemblati nel complesso. Per quanto riguarda l'usabilità questa risulta facile e intuitiva, tutti i pezzi vengono assemblati a incastro e a vite, sono tutti facilmente intercambiabili. Spero di essere stato esaustivo, in conclusione ci tengo a precisare che se si ha voglia di fare in casa un prodotto genuino e sano questa risulta essere senza dubbio la scelta giusta.

A very interesting product from many different points of view, you start by analyzing the main function, the mincer and you end up considering the possibility of making sauces, chopping vegetables and much more, all with the pieces already present inside the package. I must say that the power is excellent for chopping but also for slicing, I was very impressed. It can be used both in one direction of rotation and the other, so if you want to make some element go back you just need to press the appropriate button. I also made tomato sauce and I must say that the result is excellent, obviously it is important to drain the cooked tomato well, so as to avoid it being too liquid. The dishes with the vegetables cut by this excellent machine are also excellent. As for the quality-price ratio I must say that considering that the current selling price is 84.99 euros this is very good. In fact I believe that the manufacturing materials are resistant and well assembled overall. As for usability, this is easy and intuitive, all the pieces are assembled by interlocking and screwing, they are all easily interchangeable. I hope I have been exhaustive, in conclusion I would like to point out that if you want to make a genuine and healthy product at home, this is undoubtedly the right choice.


Pour le prix franchement pas mal Plutot costaud Plastique sur les boutons un peu cheap mais plutot Pas mal

For the price, frankly not bad. Rather sturdy. Plastic on the buttons, a bit cheap but rather. Not bad.


Ich habe mir die Küchenmaschine bestellt, wegen der Vielseitigkeit. Die Maschine kam schnell und gut verpackt an. Auf den ersten Eindruck wirkt die Maschine Qualitativ gut. Der Stand ist fest, nix Wackelt. Das Gerät ist relativ schwer und hat damit einen sicheren Stand. Der einzige "Nachteil": es ist ziemlich laut, da rattert es beim Wolfen schon ordentlich. Da man ja aber nicht stundenlang am Stück damit arbeitet, ist das für mich zu verkraften und kein Grund für einen Sterneabzug. Die reinigung ist echt einfach und schnell. Aber Achtung NICHT in die Spühlmaschiene. Ich habe eine ganze schüssel Fleisch (3 kg. ) in wenigen Minuten Verarbeitet. Der Motor ist stark, zieht alles rein und Hackfleisch ist in wenigen minuten fertig. Das Ergebnis war wie gekauftes Hack. Die Teile sind gut passend und lassen sich leicht auseinanderbauen oder zusammen bauen, dank Bajonetverschluss zum Gerät hin. Das Zubehör ist echt reichhaltig. Verschiedene Lochscheiben und aufsätze sind Vorhanden.

I ordered the food processor because of the versatility. The machine arrived quickly and well packaged. At first glance, the quality of the machine looks good. The stand is solid, nothing wobbles. The device is relatively heavy and therefore has a secure footing. The only "disadvantage": it is quite loud, so it rattles quite a bit when grinding. But since you don't work with it for hours at a time, that's okay for me and no reason for a star deduction. Cleaning is really easy and quick. But be careful NOT to put it in the dishwasher. I processed a whole bowl of meat (3 kg. ) in a few minutes. The motor is strong, pulls everything in and minced meat is ready in a few minutes. The result was like bought hack. The parts fit well and are easy to disassemble or assemble thanks to the bayonet connection to the device. The accessories are really rich. Various perforated discs and attachments are available.