Lucia/Bella Flex-Scraper Beater Spare part

Lucia/Bella Flex-Scraper Beater Spare part
- Accessories
- Black / White
Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear
Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty35,99 €
- Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
- Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
- Ready to ship in 24 hours
- 14 day cooling off period
Top features
Sturdy scraper beater as a spare part or accessory for Klarstein Lucia/Bella food processors
Material: BPA-free plastic
Flexible lip made of silicone: thorough mixing of all ingredients
Product description
With the Klarstein Lucia/Bellaflex-scraper beater, the Klarstein Lucia food processors get a new boost. Either as a replacement part for worn out beaters or as a supplement for a quick way to enhance and change your cooking and baking projects. Thanks to the new flexible lip made of silicone, the flex-scraper beater now mixes ingredients even better, even mixing the smallest quantities placed in the mixing bowl.
- Suitable for the Klarstein Lucia/Bellafood processors with the item numbers:
- 10006254 (Rossa)
- 10006255 (Argentea)
- 10008235 (Morena)
- 10008236 (Bianca)
- 10008237 (Orangina)
Dimensions and Technical Details
- Dimensions: approx. 16 x 15 x 5 cm (WxHxD)
- Weight: approx. 70 g
What will be delivered?
- 1 x scraper beater
- Delivery without user manual
Delivery & shipment
Shipping time: 3 - 5 days
Your order will be delivered to the selected address per order. This address does not have to match the billing address. You can send the orders to your family, friends or office if you are not at home during the day.
Safety and Operating Instructions
Product Safety Information
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
Responsible Person:
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
E-mail address:
No review available for this item.
Cette fois il s'adapte bien, satisfaite de mon achat.
This time it fits well, satisfied with my purchase.
Tutto ok
Everything OK
Ricambio perfetto
Perfect replacement
S’adapte bien et facilement. Je recommande Arrivé dans les temps Côme d’habitude
Fits well and easily. I recommend Arrived on time As usual
Il prezzo è troppo caro trattandosi di un pezzo di plastica, comunque faccio notare che si è rotto proprio perché il materiale è di plastica, forse sarebbe meglio in acciaio
The price is too high considering it is a piece of plastic, however I would like to point out that it broke because the material is plastic, perhaps it would be better in steel
È quello originale e va bene.
It's the original one and it's fine.
Im Vergleich zum Anschaffungspreis der Maschine ist das Ersatzteil sehr teuer ,und einfach nicht stabil genug
Compared to the purchase price of the machine, the spare part is very expensive and simply not stable enough
sehr nett und aufmerksam. Danke, 100% empfehlenswert.
very nice and attentive. Thank you, 100% recommended.
Très bien
ras: produit conforme et livré dans les délais
ras: product compliant and delivered on time
Leider nicht sehr robust. Bereits der zweite nachgekaufte Rührer - Plastikteile nicht stabil genug.
Unfortunately not very robust. Already the second stirrer bought - plastic parts not stable enough.
Sehr gutes Preis-Leistungsverhaeltnis.
Very good value for money.
Sehr hoher Preis Das Original hatte wenig stabilitaet
Very high price The original had little stability
von der Funktion her einwandfrei - zu teuer als Ersatz/- Zubehörteil im Vergleich zum Gesamtpreis der Maschine - der erste Rührhaken ging relativ schnell kaputt - vielleicht hatte ich nur Pech
perfect in terms of function - too expensive as a replacement/accessory compared to the overall price of the machine - the first stirring hook broke relatively quickly - maybe I was just unlucky
Mir ist schon ein teil kaputt gegangen musste mir ein neues bestellen
I broke a part and had to order a new one
Macht Spass damit zu backen
Fun to bake with
In sostituzione a quella data in dotazione è perfetta
As a replacement for the one supplied, it is perfect
Bin sehr zufrieden
I am very pleased
Schnelle Lieferung. Alles sehr gut geklappt. Nur ist das Preis-Leistungsverhältnis nicht gegeben. Aber als Ersatzteil war es notwendig. Der Vorgänger riss an den Gummilippen.
Fast delivery. Everything went very well. Only the price-performance ratio is not given. But as a spare part it was necessary. The predecessor tore at the rubber lips.
Eigentlich ein gutes Teil , aberr der Silikon reißt ständig deswegen 2 Punkte Abzug .Das ist mein 3. Rührhacken
Actually a good part, but the silicone keeps tearing, so 2 points deduction. This is my 3rd mixing hook
Wir haben die Klarstein Bella Küchenmaschine, die ist wirklich sehr gut. Nur das Zubehör ist sehr vorsichtig zu verwenden, da bei stärkerer Belastung der Kunststoff sehr leicht bricht.
We have the Klarstein Bella food processor, which is really very good. Only the accessories should be used very carefully, as the plastic breaks very easily under heavy loads.
Satisfait conforme aux descriptifs, un petit bémol il est très bruyant,et dommage de ne pas avoir de livres de recettes avec ce robot
Satisfied, conforms to the descriptions, a small downside it is very noisy, and it is a shame not to have recipe books with this robot
Als ich einen ähnliches Modell bei KitchenAid gesehen habe, habe ich mir gleich einen solchen für meine Klarstein gewünscht. Jetzt habe ich ihn und bin sehr zufrieden. Entgegen dem normalen Rührer bleibt nun nichts mehr an der Schüsselwand oder dem -boden haften. Eine enorme Verbesserung.
When I saw a similar model at KitchenAid, I immediately wanted one for my Klarstein. I have it now and am very satisfied. Contrary to the normal stirrer, nothing sticks to the bowl wall or the bottom. A huge improvement.
Perfetta spero che duri la prima l'ho danneggiata io con impasti troppo duri. La planetaria è comunque molto valida e funziona bene . La consiglio vivamente . Adatta a preparazioni non molto dure ma per il resto veramente valida ed economica.
Perfect I hope it lasts the first one I damaged it with doughs that were too hard. The planetary mixer is still very good and works well. I highly recommend it. Suitable for not very hard preparations but for the rest really good and economical.
Dient als Ersatz für das Original, es sitzt so wie es soll. Die Verarbeitung ist gut und funktioniert ohne Probleme.
Serves as a replacement for the original, it fits as it should. The processing is good and works without problems.
Puntualissimo con la consegna e l'articolo perfetto, come da descrizione.. Assolutamente lo consiglio, anche se gli articoli sono un po' cari.
Very punctual with delivery and the item is perfect, as described.. I absolutely recommend it, even if the items are a bit expensive.
Il y a longtemps que je cherchais un robot pâtissier et après avoir lu les avis des internautes j'ai acheté celui ci et franchement je ne regrette rien, il est parfait
I had been looking for a food processor for a long time and after reading the reviews of Internet users I bought this one and frankly I don't regret anything, it's perfect.
Parfait pour les pâtes à pain de 1,5kg. Puissant et robuste, il ne ménage pas sa peine face au travail. Un peu bruyant, mais dans l'arrière cuisine ça ne gêne pas. Pour le prix, j'en redemande.
Perfect for 1.5kg bread dough. Powerful and robust, it doesn't hold back when it comes to work. A little noisy, but in the back kitchen it doesn't bother you. For the price, I'd like more.
Cet achat nous est très utile et répond à nos besoin Facilité d'emploi Le seul "hic" c'est le manque d'explications et d'un carnet de recette Je recommande ce produit
This purchase is very useful to us and meets our needs. Ease of use. The only "problem" is the lack of explanations and a recipe book. I recommend this product.
Avantages: beau, puissant, il est possible de mélanger de grands volumes, 6 vitesses, les pieds ne glissent pas velcro, avec ses fonctions pour faire face parfaitement commentaire: Lorsque quelque chose pétrissage, la table ne saute pas à tout le volume d'essai. Le grand bol, l'ensemble comprend tous les conseils nécessaires pour la cuisson de la pâte ou de crème. Toutes ses fonctions sont parfaitement. Idéal pétrir la pâte même plus raide, mélanger au fouet la crème bien, facile à utiliser et laver! Très fiable !!!! Je conseille à tous ce modèle !!!!!
Advantages: beautiful, powerful, it is possible to mix large volumes, 6 speeds, feet do not slip velcro, with its functions to cope perfectly comment: When something kneading, the table does not jump at all the test volume. The large bowl, the set includes all the necessary tips for cooking dough or cream. All its functions are perfectly. Ideal knead the dough even steeper, whisk the cream well, easy to use and wash! Very reliable !!!! I advise everyone this model !!!!!
Je m en sert pour faire mon main plusieurs fois part semaine .facile d entretien a part le couvercle qui est fixe .
I use it to wash my hands several times a week. Easy to maintain apart from the lid which is fixed.
Nous avons reçu le robot en parfait état, il correspond en tout point à mes attentes. Le bol est de très bonne capacité, la puissance parfaite. Je le recommande vivement
We received the robot in perfect condition, it corresponds in every way to my expectations. The bowl is of very good capacity, the power is perfect. I highly recommend it
j'adore et conseille cet achat. un peu bruyant mais ce n'ai pas un soucis, je pense qu'ils sont tous comme ça. très facile d'utilisation et de démontage. contrairement à un autre commentaire, le dessus en plastique transparent se démonte et se remonte très bien, il faut juste se baisser un peu pour regarder en dessous pour voire les crants.
I love it and recommend this purchase. A little noisy but that's not a problem, I think they're all like that. Very easy to use and disassemble. Contrary to another comment, the transparent plastic top can be disassembled and reassembled very well, you just have to bend down a little to look underneath to see the notches.
Le robot est arrivé comme prévu. Le manque de recettes fait place à l'imagination est il prend très vite la place dans mes recettes. Légèrement bruyant, cela reste très confortable. Il est robuste et facile d'utilisation. Les ustensiles se lavent très facilement. Jusqu'à maintenant, j'en suis ravi.
The robot arrived as expected. The lack of recipes makes room for imagination and it quickly takes its place in my recipes. Slightly noisy, it remains very comfortable. It is robust and easy to use. The utensils are very easy to wash. So far, I am delighted with it.
acheté pour Noël en cadeaux pour ma femme qui rêvait d'un robot pâtissier depuis les gâteaux et autre pâtes a pain ou brioche s'enchaine a acheté sans hésiter très robuste fonctionne a la perfection seul bémol il est bruyant sinon super.
bought for Christmas as a gift for my wife who dreamed of a pastry robot since the cakes and other bread or brioche doughs are chained together bought without hesitation very robust works perfectly only downside it is noisy otherwise great.
Ce robot répond à mes critères d'utilisation. Il semble solide mais seul le temps le confirmera. Rapport qualité prix excellent. Après deux utilisations, évaluation plutôt positive. Le mode d'emploi mériterait d'être plus explicatif : - montage et démontage des accessoires par exemple car il faut ENFONCER ET tourner pour les enclencher, ce qui n'est pas spécifié) - le capot anti-éclaboussures, a priori, ne se démonte pas (en tout cas rien n'est spécifié dans le mode d'emploi et je n'ai pas voulu "forcer") ce qui ne rend pas le nettoyage très facile, - A la deuxième utilisation, au bout de 5-10 minutes de pétrissage, le moteur s'est arrêté (sécurité ???) mais il est reparti ensuite ..... La livraison a été très rapide puisque le robot est arrivé au bout de cinq jours alors qu'il était prévu au bout de 10 ou 12 jours.
This robot meets my usage criteria. It seems solid but only time will confirm it. Excellent value for money. After two uses, rather positive evaluation. The instructions could be more explanatory: - assembly and disassembly of the accessories for example because you have to PRESS AND turn to engage them, which is not specified) - the anti-splash cover, a priori, cannot be disassembled (in any case nothing is specified in the instructions and I did not want to "force") which does not make cleaning very easy, - On the second use, after 5-10 minutes of kneading, the motor stopped (safety ???) but it started again afterwards ..... The delivery was very fast since the robot arrived after five days when it was expected after 10 or 12 days.
Je ne peut plus m'en passer faut dire que cela fait plus d'un an que je chercher un robot performant, esthétique et surtout dans mes prix. Tout est plus facile, mieux réussi, il donne envie de cuisiner avec tout les jour!! Assez puissant pour la pates à pain, la capacite de son bol est parfaite. Bien emballer, et livraison rapide. Attention néanmoins à prévoir un grand emplacement car il prend de la place, et c'est un robot donc il est bruyant . Sinon vos bras enfin au repos vous dirons merci.
I can't do without it anymore, I have to say that I've been looking for a high-performance, aesthetic robot for over a year, and above all within my price range. Everything is easier, more successful, it makes you want to cook with it every day!! Powerful enough for bread dough, the capacity of its bowl is perfect. Well packaged, and fast delivery. Be careful, however, to plan a large space because it takes up space, and it's a robot so it's noisy. Otherwise your arms, finally at rest, will thank you.
Très bon matériel , belle finition , pratique et facilité d'emploi , avec un design moderne , c'est un robot que je recommande à tous .
Very good material, beautiful finish, practical and easy to use, with a modern design, it is a robot that I recommend to everyone.
je l'utillise une fois par semaine pour faire les pates à pizza et ça fonctioone très bien. bon rapport qualité/prix
I use it once a week to make pizza dough and it works very well. Good value for money
tres satisfaite de mon robot ,je fais des ta de dessert tres facile a utilise ,pas la notice en français mais pas grave ,un peu bruyant quand on met a font mais c est supportable .je ne regrette pas mon achat.
very satisfied with my robot, I make lots of desserts very easy to use, no instructions in French but no big deal, a little noisy when you put it in but it's bearable. I don't regret my purchase.