[Returns: -10%] Ostfriese Electric Kettle

[Returns: -10%] Ostfriese Electric Kettle
- Tea kettle, Kettle
- Silver
81,99 €
- Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
- Shipping time: 4 - 6 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
- Ready to ship in 24 hours
- 14 day cooling off period
Condition - like new, with minor signs of wear
Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
Product description
Good afternoon. The ceremonial master in the noble glass robe offers relaxation in the form of a cup and knows what is promised - finally, the Klarstein 2-in1-water cooker Ostfriese.
Of course there is the fast hot drink here and there. But the enjoyment of aromatic tea creates a pause in everyday life, allowing the fragrance of delicate tea leaves, strong chai spices or tart-sweet fruits to rise in gentle clouds.
Deceleration already at the preparation. The large stainless steel strainer is suitable for both large sencha leaves and fine-grained rooibos. Thanks to the level indicator, the ratio of tea and water can be precisely matched. Whether black, green or white tea - the full aroma is achieved only with the right water temperature. The Klarstein Ostfriese visually represents the respective set temperature levels with a coloured LED interior lighting. The inner workings of the teapot shines in green, blue, purple and yellow-green, whereby the water can be selectively heated to 50, 70, 80 and 90 ° C.
With 2200 watts of power, the Klarstein electric kettle works diligently, so that tea and water are prepared in no time. Its elegant glass panel is surrounded by stainless steel applications, and an ergonomic cool-touch handle allows for safe transport.
However you take it - tea warms the soul. And with the Klarstein Ostfriese 2-in1 electric kettle, a few minutes time-out are guaranteed.
- Concealed heating element made of stainless steel
- Built-in stainless steel lime filter
- On / off button & temperature control button
- Adjustable temperature settings
- Automatic and manual shutdown
- Level indicator
- Dry protection
- Overheating protection
- Non-slip surface
- Power: 1850 - 2200 W
- Power supply: AC 220-240 V ~ | 50-60 Hz
Dimensions and Technical Details
- Dimensions electric kettle with station: about 16.5 x 24.5 x 23 cm (WxHxD)
- Dimensions tea strainer: 7 x 13 cm (ØxH)
- Weight: about 1.2 kg
What will be delivered?
- 1 x electric kettle
- 1 x removable tea strainer
- English user manual (other languages: German, Spanish, French, Italian)
Delivery & shipment
Shipping time: 4 - 6 days
Your order will be delivered to the selected address per order. This address does not have to match the billing address. You can send the orders to your family, friends or office if you are not at home during the day.
Safety and Operating Instructions
Product Safety Information
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
Responsible Person:
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
E-mail address:
No review available for this item.
Per me un ottimo acquisto. Controllo delle temperature molto pratico, che non ho verificato se precisamente corrispondenti ma empiricamente mi pare siano corrette. Abbastanza pratica anche per la pulizia. Si ripone senza difficoltà sul top di cucina. Esteticamente gradevole.
For me an excellent purchase. Very practical temperature control, which I have not verified to be precisely corresponding but empirically it seems to me to be correct. Quite practical also for cleaning. It can be placed easily on the kitchen top. Aesthetically pleasing.
Lo compre hace 3 años, y hemos hecho un uso diario, ha funcionado muy muy bien, Acaba de morir en el sentido que la resistencia ya no responde... no se si es el tiempo que tienen que durar pero por el precio esperaba mas tiempo.Fue bueno mientras duro... Ahora dudo en repetir me da miedo como me ira con otro más económico.
I bought it 3 years ago and we have used it daily. It has worked very, very well. It just died in the sense that the resistance no longer responds... I don't know if that's how long they are supposed to last, but for the price I expected more time. It was good while it lasted... Now I'm hesitant to repeat it. I'm afraid of how it will go with a cheaper one.
Danke , alles voll zufrieden
Thank you, everything is completely satisfied
Ho acquistato 9 di questi bollitori per regalarli. I destinatari sono stati tutti soddisfatti per la qualità del prodotto. Ottima l'assistenza Klarstein Italia ,molto disponibile e sollecita, cui mi sono rivolto per un ritardo della consegna .
I bought 9 of these kettles to give as gifts. The recipients were all satisfied with the quality of the product. Excellent assistance from Klarstein Italia, very helpful and prompt, to whom I turned for a delay in delivery.
Einfach ein klasse Wasserkocher, ich mag das Signalverhalten und liebe die unterschiedlichen Grad-Stufen! Auch, dass der Deckel komplett abnehmbar ist, ist für mich ein großes Plus.
Simply a great kettle, I like the signal behavior and love the different degrees! The fact that the lid is completely removable is also a big plus for me.
Not. a bad kettle, looks a bit dated in style and takes a while to boil but it does what it says on the box.
Not. a bad kettle, looks a bit dated in style and takes a while to boil but it does what it says on the box.
Ottimo fa il suo dovere e facile da pulire il coperchio è a modi tappo apertura abbastanza grande che ci si passa con la mano per pulire.
Excellent, does its job and is easy to clean, the lid has a cap-like opening, large enough that you can use your hand to clean.
Gute Heizleistung. Die gut aus.
Good heating performance. The good looking.
Cinque stelle ! Suuuuper! Fantastica, praticissima da usare e da lavare ! Molto soddisfatta ! La consiglio vivamente !
Five stars! Suuuuper! Fantastic, very practical to use and wash! Very satisfied! I highly recommend it!
Il precedente prodotto Klarstein è durato 6 anni ! Quindi ho ricomprato lo stesso modello che però ha subito qualche modifica rispetto al precedente. Hanno spostato i pulsanti di accensione-temperatura ecc. dalla base di carica sull'impugnatura della caraffa. La cosa l'ho trovata poco ergonomica in quanto impugnando la caraffa capita di rischiacciare i pulsanti anche quando non serve..... Cmq ottimo prodotto!
The previous Klarstein product lasted 6 years! So I bought the same model again, but it has undergone some changes compared to the previous one. They moved the power-temperature buttons, etc. from the charging base to the handle of the jug. I found this not very ergonomic because when holding the jug, you sometimes press the buttons even when you don't need them..... Anyway, great product!
Leider kein echter Schalter, wie beim Vorgänger. Deshalb nach Gebrauch Stecker raus. Zudem die bunte China Farbdisko
Unfortunately, no real switch, as in the predecessor. So unplug it after use. In addition, the colorful China color disco
Sehr empfindlich, wenn von unten beim Reinigen bissl Wasser an die Metallkontakte kommt. Dann knallt gleich der Versicherungsschutz raus.
Very sensitive if a little water gets on the metal contacts from below when cleaning. Then the insurance cover pops out.
Lo utilizzo tutti i giorni, più volte al giorno. Facile da pulire, perché l’apertura è ampia. Uso un normale detersivo e una spugna morbida. Non va messo a bagno, naturalmente, perché sotto c’è l’attacco alla base. Ogni 2 o 3 settimane metto mezzo bicchiere di aceto sul fondo del bicchierone e ce lo lascio per qualche ora, anche una notte, per sciogliere il calcare (qui l’acqua è molto dura). Uso quotidianamente il filtro per tè/tisane, facile da avvitare e svitare, e da lavare. È molto leggero e basta metterlo un attimo sotto l’acqua fredda per poterlo maneggiare senza bruciarsi, una volta tolto dall’acqua bollente. Porta a bollore 1.7l d’acqua in poco più di 3 minuti. Non è ingombrante, la base è minuscola. È esteticamente bello e le luci a led di diversi colori lo rendono anche più piacevole.
I use it every day, several times a day. Easy to clean, because the opening is wide. I use a normal detergent and a soft sponge. It does not need to be soaked, of course, because there is the attachment to the base underneath. Every 2 or 3 weeks I put half a glass of vinegar on the bottom of the cup and leave it there for a few hours, even overnight, to dissolve the limescale (the water here is very hard). I use the tea/herbal tea filter every day, easy to screw on and off, and to wash. It is very light and you just need to put it under cold water for a moment to be able to handle it without burning yourself, once removed from the boiling water. It brings 1.7l of water to the boil in just over 3 minutes. It is not bulky, the base is tiny. It is aesthetically beautiful and the LED lights of different colors make it even more pleasant.
Der Temperatursensor ist zu träge !
The temperature sensor is too sluggish!
Insgesamt bin ich zufrieden. Eine Sache gefällt mir nicht - Wasser kocht zu lange, bis sich das Gerät ausschaltet.
Overall I'm satisfied. One thing I don't like - water boils for too long before the unit turns off.
Manca l’opzione “mantieni temperatura”, per il resto rapporto qualità/prezzo OK.
The “keep temperature” option is missing, otherwise the quality/price ratio is OK.
Ich bin froh diesen Wasserkocher gefunden zu haben,habe extra nach einem Produkt aus Deutschland geschaut,habe ihn nun schon viele Monate und bin Zufrieden. ...Das einzigste was etwas zu verbessern ginge,ist der Deckel,das er so ganz zum Abnehmen ist finde ich sehr gut....nur das er immer voll Wasser läuft,ist jetzt nicht so gut,lach ...Wenn ich Abends das restliche Wasser aus kippe,lege ich den Deckel,auf die Abtropfmatte.Lege ihn seitlich,so das,das Wasser raus fließen kann über Nacht,was es auch macht.Oder auf doppelt gefaltete Kückenrollen Tücher.Sollte er mal kaputt gehen,kaufe ich mir genau diesen noch einmal oder von der Firma eben,falls es diesen nicht mehr gibt dann :)
I'm glad I found this kettle, I looked for a product from Germany, I've had it for many months now and I'm satisfied. ...The only thing that could be improved is the lid, which I find very good because it can be removed completely....only that it always fills up with water is not so good, laughs...If I In the evening, I dump the remaining water out, I put the lid on the draining mat. Lay it on the side so that the water can flow out overnight, which also makes it. Or on double-folded chick roll towels I'll get exactly this one again or from the company, if it doesn't exist anymore then :)
This is an excellent product and does exactly what had been stated on the “tin”. … I liked, very much, the temperature ranges from 50 degrees Celsius upward as I needed this range and not from 70 degrees. I mostly use it for 50 degrees setting to drink warm water. …
This is an excellent product and does exactly what had been stated on the “tin”. … I liked, very much, the temperature ranges from 50 degrees Celsius upward as I needed this range and not from 70 degrees. I mostly use it for 50 degrees setting to drink warm water. …
War etwas skeptisch nachdem ich die Rezesionen gelesen hatte. Doch nun ist er seit 2 Monaten täglich in Betrieb. Ob Wasser oder Tee keine Störungen. Meist fülle ich auf 1,1 liter weil meine Kanne nicht mehr Tee fasst. Das Teesieb ist fein genug um nichts durchzulassen. Die Anbringung des Siebes ist nach kurzer Übung eifach. 1x Klick und beim 2. rastet sie ein. Wenn es nicht gleich klappt darüberdrehen und nochmal. Entkalken funktioniert sehr gut. Nehme Essig und warte nicht bis alles weiß ist.
Was a bit skeptical after reading the reviews. But now it has been in daily operation for 2 months. Whether water or tea no disturbances. I usually fill up to 1.1 liters because my pot doesn't hold any more tea. The tea strainer is fine enough not to let anything through. The attachment of the sieve is easy after a short practice. 1x click and on the 2nd click it snaps into place. If it doesn't work right away, turn it over and try again. Descaling works very well. Take vinegar and don't wait until everything is white.
Da wir den schon eine Weile in Gebrauch haben ist der Wasserkocher top. Keine Ablagerungen aussen am Gerät. Am boden setzt sich da, wo der heizstab sitzt ab und an Kalkablagerung ab. Ab und zu muss er entkalkt werden, was nicht schlimm ist.
Since we've been using it for a while, the kettle is great. No deposits on the outside of the device. Limescale deposits occasionally form on the floor where the heating rod sits. From time to time it has to be descaled, which is not bad.
Der Wasserkocher ist nun seit einer Woche in Betrieb. Er wirkt solide verarbeitet. Den Teesieb haben wir noch nicht verwendet. Zum Teesieb sollte man wissen, dass er im Deckel befestigt werden kann und somit der Deckel nicht am Gehäuse befestigt ist. Das Bedienfeld ist im Griff integriert mit Softtouch Knöpfen. Für meine Hände nicht ideal, weil direkt unter meiner Hand. Für meinen Geschmack piept es zu viel, wenn die Temperatur erreicht ist, wenn ich den Kessel vom Sockel nehme, wenn man ihn wieder abstellt und wenn man ihn in Betrieb nimmt, aber das ist Geschmackssache. Das Ausgusssieb ist m.E. viel zu grobporig um Kalkpartikel zurückzuhalten. Ein Vorteil ist die Möglichkeit verschiedene Temperaturen auszuwählen, um z.B. grünen Tee zuzubereiten.
The kettle has now been in operation for a week. It looks solidly made. We haven't used the tea strainer yet. You should know about the tea strainer that it can be attached in the lid and therefore the lid is not attached to the housing. The control panel is integrated in the handle with soft-touch buttons. Not ideal for my hands because directly under my hand. It beeps too much for my taste when the temperature is reached, when I take the kettle off the base, when I put it back on and when I start it, but that's a matter of taste. In my opinion, the spout sieve is much too coarse-pored to hold back limescale particles. An advantage is the possibility to select different temperatures, for example to prepare green tea.
Ich Trinke jeden tag 1 bis 2 Liter Losen Tee ( Rote Grete aus dem Teekontor Ostfriesland ) und möchte nie wieder ein anderes Gerät haben. Hier haben welche geschrieben der Rand oben sei schlecht zu reinigen, ich nutze die teemschiene nun schon über 1 Jahr und ja da bleibt wasser hängen aber wenn man nach dem brühen einmal gründlich mit wasser durch spült und alle 6 Monate 6 Coregataps rein macht und die Maschine 6 Stunden stehen läst ist sie danach wie neu.
I drink 1 to 2 liters of loose tea every day (Red Grete from the Ostfriesland tea office) and would never want to have another device again. Here some have written that the edge at the top is difficult to clean, I have been using the team rail for over 1 year now and yes water gets stuck there but if you rinse thoroughly with water after brewing and clean 6 coregataps every 6 months and the machine If you let it sit for 6 hours, it's like new.
I have made the right choice by purchasing this kettle. Very easy to clean and different heat temperature options makes this kettle so different form other brands I have used in the past. Toughened, clear glass and the lights just amazing
I have made the right choice by purchasing this kettle. Very easy to clean and different heat temperature options makes this kettle so different form other brands I have used in the past. Toughened, clear glass and the lights just amazing
Il bollitore è esteticamente molto elegante grazie alle rifiniture in acciaio e vetro ed all'illuminazione a led. È molto pratico nell'uso in quanto permette sia di portare l'acqua ad ebollizione che scaldare la bevanda a diverse temperature. Il filtro interno è ottimo per le tisane. Presenta 2 inconvenienti: 1. Per poter sfruttare il filtro interno bisogna utilizzare almeno 500 ml d'acqua, quindi non è possibile fare un solo tè ma minimo 2. 2. Internamente nella parte superiore c'è un bordo di metallo che asciugando il bollitore mi ha tagliato un dito.
The kettle is aesthetically very elegant thanks to the steel and glass finishes and the LED lighting. It is very practical to use as it allows you to both bring the water to the boil and heat the drink to different temperatures. The internal filter is excellent for herbal teas. It has 2 drawbacks: 1. To use the internal filter you need to use at least 500 ml of water, so you can't make just one tea but at least 2. 2. Inside the upper part there is a metal edge that cut my finger while drying the kettle.
Mi è piaciuto il regolatore di temperatura dell'acqua..si risparmia energia elettrica!!!
I liked the water temperature regulator..it saves electricity!!!
Der Wasserkocher erwärmt das Wasser sehr zügig. Die vier Temperaturstufen sind gut gewählt. Wir verwenden den Kocher nur für Wasser. Es bleibt ohne "Schütteln" wegen eines inneren Randes immer ein Rest Wasser im Kocher. Da unser Wasser sehr hart ist, verkalkt der Kocher sehr schnell und sieht dann unansehnlich aus. Entkalken tun wir den Kocher mit flüssiger Zitronensäure (Rossmann, Kaufland) sehr schnell und geruchslos. Insgesamt sieht der Wasserkocher sehr gut aus. Die erste Lieferung mussten wir zurücksenden, da der Block Temperaturtaste/Eintaste und die LEDs nicht ordentlich platziert waren. Wir erhielten in kurzer Zeit ein neues Gerät.
The kettle heats the water very quickly. The four temperature levels are well chosen. We only use the stove for water. There is always some water left in the kettle without "shaking" because of an inner edge. Since our water is very hard, the stove becomes calcified very quickly and then looks unsightly. We decalcify the cooker very quickly and odorlessly with liquid citric acid (Rossmann, Kaufland). Overall, the kettle looks very good. We had to return the first delivery because the temperature button/on button block and the LEDs were not placed properly. We received a new device in a short time.
Prodotto arrivato in tempi velocissimi. Lo utilizzo quasi quotidianamente per bollire l'acqua per il thé. Lo trovo comodo e valido e veloce, forse un pò rumoroso ma non so se sono tutti così i bollitori elettrici visto che è il primo che io utilizzo in assoluto. Sono soddisfatto consiglio anche perchè non è ingombrante e facile da pulire e da utilizzare ha diversi gradi di temperatura che si possono selezionare (100, 90° 80° 70° 50°) la capacità massima è di l 1.700. Va in temperatura velocemente.
Product arrived very quickly. I use it almost daily to boil water for tea. I find it convenient and valid and fast, perhaps a little noisy but I don't know if all electric kettles are like this since it's the first one I've ever used. I'm satisfied, I also recommend it because it's not bulky and easy to clean and use, it has different temperature levels that can be selected (100, 90° 80° 70° 50°) the maximum capacity is 1,700 l. It heats up quickly.
ottimo acquisto, velocissimo nel raggiungere l'ebollizione molto bello esteticamente con le diverse luci colorate a seconda delle temperature impostate nonostante la capacità molto buona di 1,7 lt non è ingombrante e i materiali sono belli e mi sembrano robusti molto immediati i comandi
excellent purchase, very quick in reaching boiling point, very nice aesthetically with different coloured lights depending on the set temperatures, despite the very good capacity of 1.7 litres, it is not bulky and the materials are nice and seem robust to me, the controls are very immediate
Buon prodotto,lo uso spesso per fare il the'(3/4 tazze,al minimo di 500 cc)E' un po' rumoroso quando bolle l'acqua e il filtro se fosse stato un pochino piu' massiccio sarebbe stato meglio,forse se avessi preso un bollitore con il filtro piu' lungo e regolabile sarebbe stato meglio,comunque e' bello e bolle velocemente.
Good product, I often use it to make tea (3/4 cups, at least 500 cc). It is a bit noisy when the water boils and if the filter had been a little more massive it would have been better, perhaps if I had bought a kettle with a longer and adjustable filter it would have been better, however it is beautiful and boils quickly.
Che cosa dire... sono rimasto davvero soddisfatto da questo bollitore. Facile da usare (uno stella in meno per quanto riguarda la pulizia, ma nelle istruzioni viene spiegato come rimediare) e bello da vedere. Stupendi i led colorati che cambiano in base alla temperatura desiderata. Io lo uso per far bollire l'acqua per la pasta (2 minuti e porta ad ebollizione 1.7L di acqua!) ma soprattutto, grazie a l'infusore, per prepararmi il tè verde. Spettacolare! Lo consiglio a tutti!
What can I say... I was really satisfied with this kettle. Easy to use (one star less for cleaning, but the instructions explain how to fix that) and beautiful to look at. The colored LEDs that change based on the desired temperature are wonderful. I use it to boil water for pasta (2 minutes and it brings 1.7L of water to the boil!) but above all, thanks to the infuser, to prepare green tea. Spectacular! I recommend it to everyone!
could have been a softer/more rubber content but still ok.
could have been a softer/more rubber content but still ok.
Ansich ein ne Super Sache mit grünem Tee roibusch klappt es Super schwarzer Tee Ostfriesen Tee z.b. ist nicht zu empfehlen da er unschöne Flecken auf dem heizboden hinterlässt die man aber dank der grosszügigen Öffnung oben mit etwas schrubben wieder wegbekommt. Man sollte auch nur Tee Sorten verwenden wo kein Caramel Lakritz oder Schoko usw drinnen ist da sich das leider auch alles auf dem Boden Festsetzt. Aber so wie gesagt ist das eine nette Zusatzfunktion zum normalen Wasserkochen und optisch ist er wirklich schön. Bereue den Kauf nicht wahr die richtige Entscheidung.
In itself a great thing with green tea, it works great. Super black tea East Frisian tea, for example, is not recommended because it leaves unsightly stains on the heating floor, which you can remove with a little scrubbing thanks to the generous opening at the top. You should also only use types of tea where there is no caramel, liquorice or chocolate, etc., because unfortunately everything gets stuck on the floor. But as I said, this is a nice additional function to normal boiling water and it is really nice to look at. Do not regret the purchase true the right decision.
Ein wirklich schickes Gerät, das Wasser kommt schnell zum Kochen, besonders praktisch in jedem Fall die Möglichkeit, verschiedene Temperaturen einzustellen und ein Piepton beim Aufsetzen des Kochers und wenn das Wasser fertig ist. Wie aber auch schon an anderer Stelle bemerkt: in den (hohlen) Deckel dringt Wasser ein und da bleibt es auch erst mal. Was das auf Dauer bedeutet (Schimmel? Korrosion?) wird sich zeigen...Und die Kanne liegt nicht glatt auf der Heizunterlage auf, es wackelt beim Kochen. Bei geringeren Mengen Wasser kein Problem, wenn der Kocher voll ist, ist das schon beängstigend. Neben den beiden kleinen Konstruktionsmängeln macht er gut, was er soll...
A really chic device, the water boils quickly, the possibility of setting different temperatures and a beep when the kettle is put on and when the water is ready is particularly practical in any case. But as already noted elsewhere: water gets into the (hollow) lid and it stays there for the time being. What that means in the long run (mould? corrosion?) remains to be seen... And the pot does not lie flat on the heating pad, it wobbles when boiling. With smaller amounts of water no problem, when the stove is full it's scary. Besides the two small design flaws, it does what it's supposed to do well...
Dieser Teekocher funktioniert gut. Die LED Beleuchtung ist zwar technisch unnötig, aber ein netter Effekt. Wir haben den Kocher nun seit drei Monaten in Verwendung. Er tropft nicht - das finde ich gut. Was mir nicht so gut gefällt: Nach wenigen Tagen entwickeln sich hässliche dunkle Flecken auf der Heizplatte. Das ist normal. Aber da die Kanne vollständig aus Glas ist (also auch der Boden), sieht man sie. Die Warmhaltefunktion finde ich auch sehr gut. Aber auch hier kann man etwas verbessern: Wenn ich während der 30-minütigen Warmhaltezeit (die ich auch etwas kurz finde), die Kanne hochnehme, um mir Tee einzuschenken, wird die Funktion deaktiviert und ich muss sie nach dem Einschenken wieder erneut aktivieren. Das ist zwar nicht tragisch, da man nur zwei Knöpfe drücken muss, aber man vergisst es schnell. Und eines habe ich auch nicht verstanden: Wenn ich die Kanne hochnehme und wieder zurück stelle, piept das Gerät jedesmal zwei Mal. Wozu? Alles in allem halte ich das Gerät aber für gelungen. Die Verarbeitung ist solide, das Teesieb ist sehr feinmaschig und pflegeleicht und die Heizleistung ist auch gut. Ich denke, ich würde diesen Kocher wieder kaufen.
This tea maker works well. The LED lighting is technically unnecessary, but a nice effect. We have been using the stove for three months now. It doesn't drip - I like that. What I don't like so much: After a few days, ugly dark spots develop on the heating plate. That is normal. But since the jug is made entirely of glass (including the base), you can see it. I also really like the keep warm function. But there is room for improvement here too: If I pick up the pot to pour tea during the 30-minute warming time (which I also find a bit short), the function is deactivated and I have to activate it again after pouring. It's not tragic since you only have to press two buttons, but it's easy to forget. And there's one thing I didn't understand either: if I pick up the jug and put it back down again, the device beeps twice each time. For what reason? All in all, I think the device is a success. The workmanship is solid, the tea strainer is very fine-meshed and easy to care for, and the heat output is also good. I think I would buy this stove again.
Dieser Wasserkocher bietet für einen Wasserkocher viele Funktionen und ist dennoch intuitiv bedienbar. Es lassen sich vier Aufheiztemperaturen einstellen, die jede optisch durch eine andere Lichtfarbe visualisiert wird. Die unterschiedlichen Temperaturen lassen sich leicht durch verschiedene Druckknöpfe am Henkel des Wasserkochers einstellen. Wenn das Wasser die gewünschte Temperatur erreicht hat, piept der Wasserkocher und geht automatisch aus. Vor der ersten Verwendung des erhitzten Wassers soll der Wasserkocher vollständig mit Wasser gefüllt werden und zwei Mal aufgekocht werden, danach ist das Wassers wegzuschütten. Nach dieser Prozedur ist mir aufgefallen, dass der Deckel (der komplett abnehmbar ist) leicht nach Plastik riecht. Das war bei meiner vorherigen Reinigung des Deckels nicht wahrnehmbar. Der Geruch hat mir nicht so zugesagt und ich hoffe, dass er schnell verfliegt. Zudem habe ich gemerkt, dass Wasser in den Deckel eintritt. Das passiert scheinbar auch schon beim Koch- bzw. Ausgießvorgang. Durch kräftiges Schütteln verbunden mit etwas Zeit kann man das Wasser wieder herausbekommen. Aus diesen Gründen ziehe ich einen Stern ab. Ansonsten arbeitet der Wasserkocher zuverlässig und die maximale Füllmenge von 1,7l empfinde ich als ausreichend. +++ Update 29.10.2019 +++ Damit nicht ständig Wasser in den Deckel eintritt, nehme ich den Deckel inzwischen immer ab, bevor ich das aufgekochte Wasser in einer Teekanne oder - tasse schütte. Das geht ziemlich gut (solange die Kanne nicht komplett gefüllt ist).
This kettle offers many functions for a kettle and is still intuitive to use. Four heating temperatures can be set, each of which is visually visualized by a different light colour. The different temperatures can be easily set using different push buttons on the handle of the kettle. When the water has reached the desired temperature, the kettle will beep and turn off automatically. Before using the heated water for the first time, the kettle should be completely filled with water and boiled twice, after which the water should be poured away. After this procedure, I noticed that the lid (which is completely removable) smells slightly of plastic. This was not noticeable when I cleaned the lid before. I didn't really like the smell and I hope it goes away quickly. I also noticed that water was getting into the lid. This apparently also happens during the cooking or pouring process. You can get the water out again by shaking it vigorously and taking a little time. I'm deducting a star for these reasons. Otherwise, the kettle works reliably and I find the maximum capacity of 1.7l to be sufficient. +++ Update 10/29/2019 +++ So that water does not constantly get into the lid, I now always remove the lid before pouring the boiled water into a teapot or cup. This works pretty well (as long as the pot is not completely full).
Il precedente bollitore non aveva la possibilità di impostare la temperatura e se è vero che non è una funzione indispensabile, è comunque molto comoda per la preparazione di tisane e tè. Inoltre in vetro il bollitore è molto bello e la pulizia con aceto (facile ed economica) come suggerita dalla stessa ditta produttrice, è un ulteriore valore aggiunto. Lo consiglio!
The previous kettle did not have the possibility to set the temperature and if it is true that it is not an essential function, it is still very convenient for preparing herbal teas and tea. In addition, the glass kettle is very beautiful and cleaning with vinegar (easy and economical) as suggested by the same manufacturing company, is an additional added value. I recommend it!
Wir haben uns den Wasserkocher aufgrund der guten Bewertungen gekauft, da wir auf der Suche nach einem Teekocher waren. Nach ein paar Testläufen sind wir zu dem Entschluss gekommen, dass es bei dem Tee-/Wasserkocher doch deutliches Verbesserungspotential gibt und wir aufgrund des Preis-/Leistungsverhältnis dieses Gerät nicht nochmal kaufen würden. Wie kommen wir nun zu der Bewertung?! Also vorne weg, das Gerät tut was es soll, Wasser kochen. Das Sieb ist auch für feinen Tee gut, da wirklich nur wenig durchkrümelt. Nett sind die LEDs und dass man dem Wasser beim aufkochen zusehen kann. Auch die Einstellung der Wassertemperatur ist ganz gut zu haben. Was uns von einem nochmaligen Kauf abhält ist die Tatsache, dass man aus dem Kocher die Flüssigkeit nicht vollständig abschütten kann. Im Kocher gibt es eine Kante, die das vollständige Ausschütten quasi unmöglich macht. Es ist zwar nicht viel Flüssigkeit, die im Kocher verbleibt, aber das erschwert natürlich auch die Reinigung des Geräts. Wenn man nur Wasser aufkocht mag das nicht weiter stören, aber da es sich ja (auch) um einen Teekocher handelt, wäre es schon gut, wenn man alles abschütten könnte. Da wurde leider bei der Planung nicht zu Ende gedacht. Außerdem sammelt sich im Deckel Flüssigkeit, was in anderen Rezessionen bereits erwähnt/bemängelt wurde.
We bought the kettle based on the good reviews because we were looking for a tea maker. After a few test runs, we came to the conclusion that there is significant potential for improvement with the tea/kettle and that we would not buy this device again due to the price/performance ratio. Now how do we get to the rating?! So up front, the device does what it's supposed to do, boil water. The sieve is also good for fine tea, as really only a little crumbles through. The LEDs are nice and that you can watch the water boil. The water temperature setting is also quite easy to have. What keeps us from buying it again is the fact that the liquid cannot be completely poured out of the cooker. There is an edge in the cooker that makes it almost impossible to empty it completely. While there isn't a lot of liquid left in the cooker, this obviously makes cleaning the unit more difficult. If you only boil water, that doesn't bother you much, but since it's (also) a tea kettle, it would be good if you could pour everything off. Unfortunately, this was not thought through to the end during the planning. In addition, liquid collects in the lid, which has already been mentioned/criticised in other reviews.
(Januar 2019) Wir benutzen diesen Wasserkocher ausschließlich für Tee, was sehr gut funktioniert. Er lässt sich leicht reinigen, auch weil die Öffnung groß genug für eine Männerhand mit Spüllappen ist. Teeablagerungen am Boden des Kochers lassen sich - wenn man es täglich macht - mit Wasser und etwas härterem Spülschwamm problemlos entfernen. Allerdings verwenden wir auch nur gefiltertes Wasser, haben also kaum Kalkprobleme. Dass das Ding leuchtet und blinkt wie ein Flipperautomat ist ganz lustig und stört auch nicht weiter. Die Warmhaltefunktion tut's einwandfrei, muss aber - wohl aus Sicherheitsgründen - alle halbe Stunde bzw. nach jedem Abheben der Kanne wieder neu eingestellt werden. Das Gerät sieht klasse aus und ist insgesamt recht hochwertig verarbeitet. Update: (Mai 2020) Nach etwa 16 Monaten trat ein Defekt auf, es trat Wasser aus. Die Reklamation (Umtausch) wurde schnell und anstandslos durchgeführt. Update 2 ( März 2021): Der Kocher ist kaputt, die Kanne wurde versehentlich angestoßen und das Glas ist gesprungen. Mein Fehler. Wir haben überlegt, ob wir ihn nochmal kaufen sollen. Wir nehmen an (hoffen), dass die hin und wieder auftretenden Probleme mit Undichtigkeiten inzwischen behoben sind. Der Kocher ist deutlich preiswerter geworden. Insgesamt überwiegen für uns die Vorteile, wir haben ihn also nochmal bestellt.
(January 2019) We only use this kettle for tea, which works very well. It is easy to clean, also because the opening is large enough for a man's hand with a dishcloth. Tea deposits on the bottom of the kettle can be easily removed with water and a slightly harder sponge - if you do it every day. However, we only use filtered water, so we hardly have any limescale problems. The fact that the thing lights up and flashes like a pinball machine is quite funny and doesn't bother us any further. The warming function works perfectly, but must - probably for safety reasons - be reset every half hour or after each lifting of the jug. The device looks great and is processed quite high quality overall. Update: (May 2020) After about 16 months a defect occurred, water leaked out. The complaint (exchange) was carried out quickly and without hesitation. Update 2 (March 2021): The cooker is broken, the pot was accidentally knocked and the glass is cracked. My mistake. We thought about buying it again. We assume (hope) that the occasional leaking issues have since been resolved. The cooker has become significantly cheaper. All in all, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages for us, so we ordered it again.
Bollitore con la possibilità di regolazione della temperatura e capacità di quasi 2 l non è un difetto però é da tenere presente che con il fatto che è in vetro dopo alcuni utilizzi in base alla durezza dell'acqua rimangano visibili i depositi di calcare rispetto a modelli chiusi e quindi bisogna avere un po' più cura per la pulizia da fare più spesso
Kettle with the possibility of temperature regulation and capacity of almost 2 l is not a defect but it should be kept in mind that with the fact that it is made of glass after a few uses based on the hardness of the water the limescale deposits remain visible compared to closed models and therefore you need to take a little more care for cleaning to be done more often
Bollitore bello e funzionale. Quello che mi ha impedito di dare 5 stelle, è il fatto che è un po rumoroso in fase di riscaldamento e che, dopo 30 min. si spegne. Mi da molto fastidio il fatto che ogni volta che mi serve lo devo accendere.
Nice and functional kettle. What stopped me from giving 5 stars is the fact that it is a bit noisy when heating and that, after 30 min. it turns off. It really bothers me that every time I need it I have to turn it on.
Funziona bene, è facile da lavare, ha il filtro incorporato molto capiente. Dovete maneggiarlo con attenzione, perché all’interno ha un bordo molto tagliente e all’esterno ci si può scottare
It works well, it is easy to wash, it has a very large built-in filter. You have to handle it carefully, because inside it has a very sharp edge and on the outside you can burn yourself
Zunächst zur Lieferung: Lief wie gewohnt perfekt. Innerhalb eines Werktages wurde unser neuer Teebereiter - dafür hatten wir uns für den "Ostfriesen" entschieden - angeliefert. Verpackung und Lieferservice perfekt - 5 Sterne! Ausgepackt und gereinigt haben wir den Kocher in Betrieb genommen. Ein echter Hingucker. Der integrierte Leuchtrand ist nicht nur schön, sondern auch praktisch für die Temperaturkontrolle. Die Verarbeitung ist gut und die Form nicht nur chic, sondern auch haptisch super. 5 Sterne! Um den Teebereiter wirklich perfekt nutzen zu können, muss man sich mit der Bedienungsanleitung kurz auseinander setzen. Nicht alle Funktionalitäten sind selbsterklärend, aber immer einfach nachzuvollziehen. Das Teesieb aus fein gelochtem Edelstahl ist einfach und absolut gefahrenfrei zu nutzen und nach dem Brühvorgang zu entnehmen. Für unsere Teebereitung ist die Warmhaltefunktion perfekt - jedoch immer wieder neu zu programmieren. Dies ist allerdings etwas umständlich und wird ständig mit Pieptönen quitiert. Das hätte aus meiner Sicht besser und pragmatischer gelöst werden können. 4 Sterne. Alles in Allem ist der "Ostfriese" aus meiner Sicht als Wasserkocher zu schade, dafür aber ein toller Teebereiter den ich jeder Zeit mit sehr guten 4 Sternen weiter empfehlen.
First of all about the delivery: ran perfectly as usual. Our new tea maker - we had chosen the "Ostfriesen" - was delivered within one working day. Packaging and delivery service perfect - 5 stars! We unpacked and cleaned the cooker and put it into operation. A real eye-catcher. The integrated luminous edge is not only beautiful, but also practical for temperature control. The workmanship is good and the shape is not only chic, but also super haptic. 5 Stars! In order to be able to use the tea maker perfectly, you have to read the operating instructions briefly. Not all functionalities are self-explanatory, but always easy to understand. The tea strainer made of finely perforated stainless steel is easy and absolutely safe to use and to remove after the brewing process. The warming function is perfect for our tea preparation - but it has to be reprogrammed again and again. However, this is a bit cumbersome and is constantly acknowledged with beeps. In my view, this could have been solved better and more pragmatically. 4 stars. All in all, the "Ostfriese" is a shame as a kettle from my point of view, but it is a great tea maker that I can recommend with a very good 4 stars at any time.
Bello esteticamente, struttura solida e molto semplice da usare. Se proprio si vuol trovare una piccola pecca, è un po' rumoroso. Aggiornamento: dopo 2 mesi e mezzo di utilizzo il tasto di accensione ha smesso di funzionare. Chiesto il rimborso e riordinato. Spero si sia trattato di un pezzo fallato. Ri-aggiornamento: il pezzo riordinato funziona perfettamente!
Beautiful aesthetically, solid structure and very easy to use. If you really want to find a small flaw, it is a bit noisy. Update: after 2 and a half months of use the power button stopped working. Requested a refund and reordered. I hope it was a faulty part. Re-update: the reordered part works perfectly!
Prodotto molto ben costruito con materiali di qualità, anche il design risulta molto gradevole con finiture in alluminio anodizzato che non dispiace lasciare in vista in cucina. Costruito e venduto da ditta tedesca, che si conferma molto seria e professionale nel gestire una piccola inconvenienza avvenuta in fase di consegna. Tutte le caratteristiche descritte nella scheda sono corrispondenti, 4 tipi di temperature e funzione per tenere in caldo. Anche il manuale di utilizzo devo dire che è sintetico ma completo, le indicazioni che riporta sulla pulizia sono state verificate con grande successo. Sono molto soddisfatto.
Very well built product with quality materials, even the design is very pleasant with anodized aluminum finishes that you don't mind leaving on display in the kitchen. Built and sold by a German company, which proves to be very serious and professional in managing a small inconvenience that occurred during delivery. All the features described in the sheet are corresponding, 4 types of temperatures and function to keep warm. I must also say that the user manual is concise but complete, the instructions it reports on cleaning have been verified with great success. I am very satisfied.
Ho comprato questo bollitore per il design davvero bello ed originale oltre che per le sue caratteristiche tecniche. Dopo diverse settimane di utilizzo posso confermare che la mia è stata una scelta azzeccata sia per la rapidità nel riscaldamento che per la facilità della pulizia. Il corpo in vetro trasparente e la striscia led che mostra visivamente la temperatura di riscaldamento, aggiungono quel tocco in più che non è facile trovare in altri prodotti. Prodotto sicuramente consigliato. Nota di merito per i venditori che hanno provveduto in maniera rapida alla sostituzione del prodotto che inizialmente presentava un difetto.
I bought this kettle for its really beautiful and original design as well as for its technical features. After several weeks of use I can confirm that mine was a good choice both for the speed of heating and for the ease of cleaning. The transparent glass body and the LED strip that visually shows the heating temperature add that extra touch that is not easy to find in other products. Definitely recommended product. Note of merit for the sellers who quickly replaced the product that initially had a defect.
Ho acquistato questo bollitore per mia mamma che ne cercava uno a buon prezzo. Esteticamente è gradevole e i materiali sono resistenti e di buona qualità al tatto. La confezione di vendita include il bollitore, la base con filo e il manuale delle istruzioni. Appena acquistato è consigliabile portare un paio di volte a ebollizione l’acqua per sterilizzare il bollitore. Successivamente si potrà utilizzare per preparare te, tisane o per scaldare l’acqua. Il suo funzionamento è elementare: bisogna collegare la base alla corrente, incastrare il bollitore (al cui interno abbiamo già versato l’acqua da bollire) e premere il pulsante di accensione. A questo punto si accende un led rosso che indica la messa in funzione del bollitore, appena la luce si spegne l’acqua ha raggiunto l’ebollizione. Personalmente mi sto trovando molto bene, e lo consiglio vivamente, perché il bollitore porta l’acqua in ebollizione più velocemente rispetto al pentolino d’acqua sul gas. Consigliato.
I bought this kettle for my mother who was looking for one at a good price. It is aesthetically pleasing and the materials are resistant and of good quality to the touch. The sales package includes the kettle, the base with cord and the instruction manual. As soon as you buy it, it is advisable to bring the water to the boil a couple of times to sterilize the kettle. Then you can use it to prepare tea, herbal teas or to heat water. Its operation is elementary: you have to connect the base to the power, fit the kettle (into which we have already poured the water to boil) and press the power button. At this point a red LED lights up indicating that the kettle is starting up, as soon as the light goes out the water has reached boiling point. Personally I am finding it very good, and I highly recommend it, because the kettle brings the water to the boil faster than the saucepan of water on the gas. Recommended.
Unser neuer Klarstein Wasserkocher ist nun seit einem knappen Monat erfolgreich im Einsatz. Da wir unseren Wasserkocher sehr oft nutzen, haben wir uns gegen eines der billigen Geräte entschieden. Ausschlaggebend war, neben dem tollen LED-Glas-Design mit Edelstahlapplikationen, natürlich das integrierte Edelstahlsieb. Für losen Tee, auch mit großen Blättern in kombination mit der Temperaturvorwahl ein gut durchdachtes System. Es macht unseren Gästen (vorallem den Kleinen) richtig Spaß, dem Wasser beim Kochen zuzuschauen. Da es unser erster Wasserkocher mit Glaswand ist, hatten wir die Beführchtung, dass sich schnell Kalkablagerungen an der Glaswand bilden könnten. Dem ist aber nicht so! Durch den gut sitzenden Deckel kann das Wasser im Inneren nicht gut verdunsten und sich somit auch kein Kalk ablagern. Es war uns wichtig, dass das kochende Wasser keinen direkten Kontakt mit Plastik hat. Der Deckel ist z.B. innen aus Plastik, was uns aber nicht vom Kauf abgeschreckt hat. Der einzige Wermutstropfen bei dieser Thematik ist die Dehnfuge zwischen Edelstahlheizplatte und Glaswand. Prinzipbedingt dehnt sich die Metallplatte bei Erhitzung aus und würde Druck auf die Glaswand ausüben. Um dies zu verhindern wurde eine Dehnfuge eingesetzt, welche aus Silikon besteht und leider direkten Kontakt zur Heizplatte hat. Villeicht wird aus diesem Grund nicht mit PBA frei geworben? Die Verarbeitung ist bis auf den Aufkleber am Griff mit den Temperaturen ausgezeichnet. Laute oder störende Geräusche während des Kochens konnte ich nicht vernehmen. Bis auf die PBA-Thematik sind wir mit diesem Gerät sehr zufrieden und können es weiterempfehlen. + geruchs- und geschmacksneutral + tolle Optik am Tag wie bei Nacht, ein echter Hingucker! + Deckel erhitzt sich nicht + integriertes Edelstahlteesieb für losen Tee (auch für größere Blätter super geeignet) + 4 einstellbaren Temperaturstufen: 50, 70, 80 und 90 °C (ohne dieses Feature würde das integrierte Teesieb bei bestimmten Teesorten keinen Sinn machen) + Deckel sitzt sehr gut, beim Eingießen entweicht kein Dampf o Deckel innen aus Plastik, da dieser aber keinen direkten Kontakt mit dem Kochenden Wasser hat geht das für mich in Ordnung - Dehnfuge zwischen Heizplatte und Glas (siehe Bild) - der Aufkleber am Griff mit den Temperaturen ist unpräziese aufgeklebt worden, wodurch die wertige Optik aus Edeltahl und Glas etwas gestört wird (siehe Bild) Zeit bis das Wasser 100 °C erreicht hat (selbstständiges Abschalten des Geräts): 0,5l 1:50 min 1,0l 3:10 min 1,5l 4:30 min 1,7l 5:10 min
Our new Klarstein kettle has now been in use for almost a month. Since we use our kettle very often, we decided against one of the cheap devices. In addition to the great LED glass design with stainless steel applications, the integrated stainless steel sieve was of course decisive. A well thought-out system for loose tea, even with large leaves, in combination with the temperature preselection. Our guests (especially the little ones) really enjoy watching the water boil. Since it is our first kettle with a glass wall, we were concerned that limescale deposits could quickly form on the glass wall. But this is not the case! Due to the well-fitting lid, the water inside cannot evaporate well and therefore no limescale is deposited. It was important to us that the boiling water had no direct contact with plastic. The lid, for example, is made of plastic on the inside, but that didn't deter us from buying it. The only drop of bitterness on this subject is the expansion joint between the stainless steel heating plate and the glass wall. Due to the principle, the metal plate expands when heated and would exert pressure on the glass wall. To prevent this, an expansion joint was used, which is made of silicone and unfortunately has direct contact with the heating plate. Maybe that's why PBA isn't freely advertised? The processing is excellent except for the sticker on the handle with the temperatures. I could not hear any loud or disturbing noises while cooking. Except for the PBA issue, we are very satisfied with this device and can recommend it. + odorless and tasteless + great look during the day and at night, a real eye-catcher! + Lid does not heat up + Integrated stainless steel tea strainer for loose tea (also great for larger leaves) + 4 adjustable temperature levels: 50, 70, 80 and 90 °C (without this feature, the integrated tea strainer would make no sense with certain types of tea) + Lid sits very well, no steam escapes when pouring or the lid is made of plastic on the inside, but since it has no direct contact with the boiling water, that's fine with me - expansion joint between the heating plate and the glass (see picture) - the sticker on the handle with the temperatures has been glued on imprecisely, which disturbs the high-quality look made of stainless steel and glass (see picture) Time until the water has reached 100 °C (the device switches off automatically): 0.5 l 1:50 min 1.0 l 3:10 min 1.5l 4:30 mins 1.7l 5:10 mins