VitAir rotisserie rotator

VitAir rotisserie rotator

25,99 € (incl. VAT)
  • Accessories
  • Silver Metallic
Product number: 10012344
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Top features

  • Suitable for all Klarstein VitAir and VitAir Turbo Airfryer.

  • Skewers for meat, fish and vegetable

  • Includes 10 skewers

Product description

The Klarsteinrotisserie rotator takes your VitAir air fryer to a new level of preparation ofmeat, fish and vegetable skewers. Treat your loved ones to delicious, reducedfat and perfectly cooked shish kebab, chicken or vegetarian skewers.

Fixing the rotisserie into the device is child’s play. Up to10 skewers can be prepared simultaneously, so that up to four people can be fedproperly.

The Klarstein Grillrotator is made entirely of stainlesssteel and is therefore not only extremely durable but also easy to clean.


  • Suitable for Klarstein VitAir air fryer (10012291, 10012292)
    • Suitable for Klarstein VitAir Turbo air fryer ( 10028288, 10028289, 10028290)
    • Skewers for meat, fish and vegetable
    • Includes 10 skewers
    • Made of stainless steel
    • Easy to use and clean
    Product number: 10012344

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Skewer Length: 22cm
  • Rotator diameter: 14 cm

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x Rotator
  • 10 x Skewers
  • English manual (other language: German)

Delivery & shipment

This item is not in stock and must be reordered.

Your order will be delivered to the selected address per order. This address does not have to match the billing address. You can send the orders to your family, friends or office if you are not at home during the day.

Safety and Operating Instructions

Product Safety Information

Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin

Responsible Person:
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin

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Customer reviews
50 Ratings

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brochettes , cuisses et haut de cuisse de poulet , bon maintient ! cuisson a la broche meilleur pour la santé!

skewers, chicken legs and thighs, good support! spit cooking is better for your health!


Bisogna aggiungere asta spiedo ma ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo

Need to add spit rod but excellent value for money


Tutto bene ottimo prodotto, tempi di consegna perfetti, è di acciaio inox ed è completo nelle sue parti come nella foto di acquisto.

All good, excellent product, perfect delivery times, it is made of stainless steel and is complete in its parts as in the purchase photo.


Ottimo e indispensabile per gli spiedini.

Excellent and indispensable for skewers.


Consiglio di acquistare questo prodotto, appena ricevuto ho fatto le alette di pollo. A dir poco squisite. Croccanti fuori e morbidissime dentro.

I recommend buying this product, as soon as I received it I made chicken wings. To say the least delicious. Crispy on the outside and very soft on the inside.


Ottimo prodotto

Great product


È quanto mi aspettavo

That's what I expected


Die Drehspieße sind richtig klasse. Vielen Dank.

The skewers are really great. Thanks very much.


Ottimo ..

Optimal ..


Lieferung sehr schnell, Preis-Leistungsverhältnis unschlagbar. Und sehr wichtig für mich war dass er in die Gourmet maxx 12l Heißluft-fritteuse passt.

Delivery very fast, value for money unbeatable. And very important for me was that it fits into the Gourmet maxx 12l hot air fryer.


Ich war sehr zufrieden!

I was very pleased!


Accessorio che sembra complicato ed è invece molto intuitivo assemblarlo. Creare i tuoi spiedini è certo laborioso, ma il lavoro che viene fuori ê ottimo. Cottura perfetta anche se non velocissima essendo accesa solo una delle due resistenze perché il grasso che cola andrebbe a bruciarsi sulla resistenza inferiore.

Accessory that seems complicated but is instead very intuitive to assemble. Creating your own skewers is certainly laborious, but the work that comes out is excellent. Perfect cooking even if not very fast since only one of the two resistances is turned on because the dripping fat would burn on the lower resistance.


Der Drehspieß erweitert die Funktion des Grill um einige Funktion

The rotisserie expands the function of the grill by a number of functions


fleischspiße super zu machen

great to make meat skewers


Un po’ caro ma buon prodotto

A little expensive but good product


spiedini lunghi

long skewers


Hat meine Erwartungen erfüllt. Würde ich nochmal bestellen. Aber es wird erstmal halten.

Met my expectations. I would order again. But it will hold for now.


Alles super gerne wieder. Passt in den Gourmetmaxx 12L

Everything was great, gladly again. Fits in the Gourmetmaxx 12L


Perfettamente adattabile

Perfectly adaptable


super Ware ....würde ich immer wieder kaufen

great goods .... I would buy again and again


Einfach, sinnvoll,

simple, sensible,


Habe Schaschlikspiesse gemacht, super genial gelungen. Dieser Drehspieß ist eine Bereicherung.

I made shashlik skewers, super brilliantly succeeded. This rotisserie is an asset.


Da usare con la friggitrice Klarstein. La prima volta si fa fatica a usarlo, poi diventa semplice. Gli spiedini vengono buonissimi, come su una griglia. Consigliatissimo

To be used with the Klarstein fryer. The first time it is difficult to use, then it becomes easy. The skewers come out very good, as if on a grill. Highly recommended


Kann ich nur weiterempfehlen. Super einfach zu händeln. Der Geschmack ist super nach dem Frittieren.

I can only recommend. Super easy to handle. The taste is great after frying.


j'ai acheté ce kit brochettes au hasard en espérant que je puisse l'adapter avec ma rotissoire verticale de marque Silver Style XXL, et bien nickel c'est parfais, vraiment très heureuse de cet achat

I bought this skewer kit at random hoping that I could adapt it with my Silver Style XXL brand vertical rotisserie, and well, it's perfect, really very happy with this purchase


Mittlerweile hat sich der Verkäufer bei mir entschuldigt und angekündigt die Portokosten zu übernehmen. Nun ist alles bestens,der Artikel ist sehr funktional.Dann bis zum nächstenmal herzlichen Dank

The seller has since apologized to me and said he would pay for the postage. Everything is fine now, the item is very functional. Thank you very much until next time


Tres bien pour des cotes et autres

Very good for odds and such


excellente cest tout il a pas d'autre mot merci amazon

excellent that's all there is no other word thank you amazon


Accessorio molto utile per realizzare fantastici spiedini di pesce e carne . Mi piace !

Very useful accessory for making fantastic fish and meat skewers. I like it!


Je ne l'ai pas encore éssayé, : J'attends la tringle de rotation : (élément n°15), que l'on m'a promis et qui n'est pas prévue avec ce kit pour brochettes ! C'est dommage, cela éviterait de "défaire la tringle", de la cage à frites, pour la mettre sur le "Kit brochettes" : gain de temps, et pratique, car la tringle, (élément n°15) est pourvue de "trous, ou repères" Qualité Allemande oblige ! Mais quand on rentre le soir, fatigués de notre journée de travail, On n'aimerait pas faire ces manipulations ! Quitte à payer plus "cher", il est indispensable d'avoir cette tringle de rotation, avec ce KIT

I haven't tried it yet, : I'm waiting for the rotation rod: (item no. 15), which I was promised and which is not provided with this skewer kit! It's a shame, it would avoid having to "undo the rod", from the chip cage, to put it on the "Skewer Kit": time saving, and practical, because the rod, (item no. 15) is provided with "holes, or markers" German quality obliges! But when we come home in the evening, tired from our day's work, we wouldn't like to do these manipulations! Even if it means paying more "expensive", it is essential to have this rotation rod, with this KIT


Comodo da usare ma come per tutti i prodotti Klarstein che ho comprato mancano spiegazioni più dettagliate sull'utilizzo

Convenient to use but as with all Klarstein products I have bought, more detailed explanations on how to use it are missing


niente da dire

nothing to say


Celere consegna

Fast delivery


Pour faire de la bonne viande grillée avec la VitAir Klarstein à air chaud. Contente de mon achat.

To make good grilled meat with the Klarstein VitAir hot air grill. Happy with my purchase.


Top Qualität ...die Spieße machen was sie sollen....Fleisch und Gemüse aufnehmen....wurde alles wie immer schnell Geliefert...Top Qualität...

Top quality...the skewers do what they're supposed to...take meat and vegetables....everything was delivered quickly as quality...


Grâce à cette cage la cuisson des steaks est un jeu d'enfants sans oublier que même cuit à point la viande n'est pas desséchée. Je l'ai utilisé pour faire des escalopes de poulets en réduisant à 10 minutes le programme "steak". Même résultat : parfaitement cuites et pas desséchée.

Thanks to this cage, cooking steaks is child's play, not to mention that even when cooked to perfection, the meat is not dried out. I used it to make chicken cutlets by reducing the "steak" program to 10 minutes. Same result: perfectly cooked and not dried out.


Also was soll ich sagen, super Erweiterung zur ansonsten schon Top gelungener Klarstein Heißluftfritteuse, die ich nicht mehr missen möchte, habe unterschiedliche spieße schon ausprobiert, von Gemüse, Fleisch und gemischt. Handhabung ist auch echt einfach, würde den Klarstein VitAir Drehspieß immer wieder kaufen.

So what can I say, a great addition to the otherwise successful Klarstein hot air fryer, which I no longer want to do without, I have already tried different skewers, from vegetables, meat and mixed. Handling is also really easy, would buy the Klarstein VitAir rotisserie again and again.


Ricevuto nei termini stabiliti.- ottimo acquisto: funzionale, completo e soprattutto molto utile.- Veloce anche per la cottura con il girarrosto e griglia rotante, che consiglio di acquistare anche se optional, il cibo mantiene tutto il proprio sapore. Pure i fritti sono venuti ottimi e ben cotti. Consiglio soprattutto a persone che non hanno troppo tempo libero, si può posticipare la cottura e trovare il cibo pronto al rientro....

Received on time. - great purchase: functional, complete and above all very useful. - Fast even for cooking with the rotisserie and rotating grill, which I recommend buying even if optional, the food retains all its flavor. Even the fried foods came out excellent and well cooked. I recommend it especially to people who don't have much free time, you can postpone cooking and find the food ready when you get back....


Besser wäre ein breiteres Flachprofil für die Spieße dadurch wäre ein besserer HALT der Fleischstücke gewährleistet.

A wider flat profile for the skewers would be better, as this would ensure a better hold of the pieces of meat.


Extra ! Pour les poisson c est génial. Par contrôle, on ne peut mettre à un gros poisson ou deux petits. Par exemple, on peut mettre qu une grosse dorade ou deux truites en coupant la tête et la queue;

Extra! For fish it's great. For control, we can only put one big fish or two small ones. For example, we can only put one big sea bream or two trout by cutting off the head and tail;


Non ho ancora avuto tempo di provarlo. Ma credo sia comodo... Imballo perfetto, come descrizione. Sarebbe stato comodo un Po di plastica protettiva sulle punte.

I haven't had time to try it yet. But I think it's comfortable... Perfect packaging, as described. A little protective plastic on the tips would have been useful.


Tutto bene avevo semplicemente chiesto se il porta spiedini era adattabile al forno elettrico rosso 30 it appena acquistato, non avendo avuto risposta l'ho comprato ugualmente e confermo che si è adattato benissimo anzi sembra proprio un accessorio integrante del forno stesso.lo consiglio se piace ai possessori di forni Klarstein.Cordialmente saluto

All good, I simply asked if the skewer holder was suitable for the red 30 it electric oven I just bought, not having received an answer I bought it anyway and I confirm that it adapted very well, indeed it seems like an integral accessory of the oven itself. I recommend it if it is liked by owners of Klarstein ovens. Best regards


Prima Idee und Durchdachtes Konzept. Sehr einfaches zusammenbau und zu Reinigenes Produkt. Funktioniert alles Prima und hat sich schon Bewert. Klare Kauf Empfehlung

Great idea and well thought out concept. Very easy to assemble and clean product. Everything works great and has already been rated. Clear purchase recommendation


Wir haben uns einen Midi-Ofen mit Drehspiess gegönnt, aber es war kein Schaschlik-System dabei. Also dieses System von Klarstein bestellt - funktioniert super und es passen problemlos alle 10 mitgelieferte Spiesse drauf. Die sitzen bombenfest, lassen sich gut festmachen und wieder lösen. Da Edelstahl, ist auch das Säubern kein Problem. Alles in Allem : Super ! Ach ja - Eines finde ich NICHT in Ordnung - die Garnitur kostete beim Kauf 19,99 € , jetzt hat die Firma Elektronik-Star gleich auf 25,99 € erhöht. Das nene ich Preistreiberei !

We treated ourselves to a midi oven with a rotisserie, but it didn't come with a kebab system. So I ordered this system from Klarstein - it works great and all 10 supplied skewers fit on it without any problems. They are rock solid, easy to attach and detach. Since it is made of stainless steel, cleaning is also not a problem. All in all: great! Oh yes - one thing I do NOT think is right - the set cost €19.99 when I bought it, now the company Elektronik-Star has increased it to €25.99. I call that price gouging!


Etwas fummelig die Spiese aufzuhängen, aber wen man es einmal raus hat ist es ein Kinderspiel. Der erste Probelauf in der Vitair war sehr erfolgreich und das Fleisch und auch das Gemüse gut gelungen.

A bit fiddly to hang up the skewers, but once you get the hang of it, it's child's play. The first test run in the Vitair was very successful and the meat and vegetables turned out well.


La broche centrale est déjà livrée avec l'appareil d'origine, pas avec cet article supplémentaire. La photo montre où est son emplacement. Cette broche sert aussi pour cuir les poulets et les rôtis à la broche, et... avec les autres ustensiles aussi livrés d'origine, ou en options.

The central spit is already supplied with the original appliance, not with this additional item. The photo shows where its location is. This spit is also used to cook chickens and roasts on a spit, and... with the other utensils also supplied as standard, or as options.


Avrei dato cinque stelle se l'articolo fosse stato corredato dell'alberino che lo fa ruotare senza dover utilizzare quello fornito per il pollo allo spiedo

I would have given five stars if the item had been supplied with the shaft that makes it rotate without having to use the one supplied for the rotisserie chicken


Nach gefühlten 25 Versuchen die Spieße, wie abgebildet, zum Halten zu bringen bin ich an die ganze Sache mal mit Logik heran und habe die Spieße rumgedreht. Siehe da... das ist die Lösung. Muss für die Bastelei leider einen Stern abziehen, aber richtig angewendet ist der Drehspieß eine wirklich tolle Sache.

After what felt like 25 attempts to stop the skewers, as shown, I approached the whole thing with logic and turned the skewers around. Behold... this is the solution. Unfortunately, I have to deduct a star for the handicrafts, but the rotisserie skewer is a really great thing when used correctly.


ideal pour les steack et les poissons pour le pain grillé les ganbas les plats sous vide a rechauffer (attention regler la bonne température )

ideal for steaks and fish for toasted bread, shrimp, vacuum-packed dishes to reheat (be careful to set the right temperature)


Wir waren sehr erfreut, als wir die Spieße mit Zubehör erhalten haben und haben sie gleich ausprobiert. Man kann sehr vieles damit herstellen. Es ging alles reibungslos und schmeckte hervorragend. Ein Punkt Abzug gab es dafür, daß es lange Zeit gedauert hat, bis wir herausbekommen haben, wie die Spieße richtig in die Vorhaltungen eingesetzt werden, damit sie nicht verrutschen. Ansonsten kann ich den Drehspießrotor nur weiter empfehlen.

We were very pleased when we received the skewers with accessories and tried them right away. You can make a lot with it. Everything went smoothly and tasted great. A point was deducted for the fact that it took us a long time to figure out how to properly insert the skewers into the fixtures to keep them from slipping. Otherwise, I can only recommend the rotisserie rotor.