Reinraum 3-in-1 Wet / Dry Vacuum Cleaner
- Wet-dry vacuum
- Gray Metallic
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- Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
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- 14 day cooling off period
Top features
3-in-1 industrial suction: wet and dry suction, blower function and suction of ash
Powerful 1800 W power for residue-free cleaning
Large 30 l grease tank with built-in permanent filter
Product description
Wherever sawing and planing are done, shavings are found. Wherever work is done, dust and dirt collect. No problem for the Reinraum 3-in-1 industrial cleaner from Klarstein! When people leave their offices and workshops in the evening, this small cleaning miracle reports for duty, with easy operation thanks to its simple handling and efficient suction.
With the Klarstein Reinraum 3-in-1 wet / dry vacuum cleaner, street dirt and other impurities are a thing of the past thanks to 1800 watts of suction power. Simply plug into the mains outlet, select the appropriate attachment and it takes care of dirt particles small and large. Whether smooth floors or carpets, the floor brush makes them clean again. Upholstered furniture or dusty bookshelves? No problem with the helpful suction and blow function! Even when dealing with ovens and fireplaces, this tireless worker doesn’t quit: put on the aluminium suction pipe and the cold ash will migrate directly into the stainless steel container to save you the hassle of dragging ash and sweeping the furnaces. Thanks to a large 30-litre water tank, the Klarstein Reinraum 3-in-1 wet / dry vacuum cleaner also cleans large rooms or workshops without pause - and when the tank is full, a buzzing warning signal indicates the necessary emptying. An outlet directly on the vacuum cleaner allows the connection of drilling machines or saws so that it can absorb the accumulating dirt directly during work. With its four wheels and practical carrying handle, it effortlessly moves around every workbench and desk.
When the Klarstein Reinraum 3-in-1 industrial cleaner finishes its work, it leaves nothing but cleanliness in its trail.
- Suction power: 19 kPa
- Air throughput: 45 l / s
- Insensitive tank made of stainless steel with 0.4 mm wall thickness
- Special suction port for ash suction in the lower tank section
- 4 practical wheels for optimum mobility
- Top grip for easy transport
- Recovery filter can be washed out
- Crevice nozzle for cleaning cracks and difficult-to-access corners
- Brush attachment for cleaning bookshelves
- Warning signal at increased engine load due to full collection tank
- Power supply: 220-240 V ~ / 50-60 Hz
Dimensions and Technical Details
- Dimensions: about 35 x 70 x 35 cm (WxHxD)
- Weight: about 9.5 kg
What will be delivered?
- 1 x vacuum cleaner
- 1 x aluminium suction pipe
- 2 x suction tube
- 1 x filter
- 1 x brush attachment
- 1 x crevice nozzle
- 1 x floor brush
- Instruction manual in English (German, French, Spanish, Italian)
Delivery & shipment
Shipping time: 3 - 5 days
Your order will be delivered to the selected address per order. This address does not have to match the billing address. You can send the orders to your family, friends or office if you are not at home during the day.
Safety and Operating Instructions
Product Safety Information
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
Responsible Person:
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
E-mail address:
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Aspiration top
Aspiration top
Der erste hat einen gesamten Hausentkernung überlebt, bei Beachtung von regelmäßiger Filterreinigung (Schutz vor Überhitzung) und nach Feuchtigkeit (Nass-saugen), Reinigung der Lager - macht der Staubsauger sehr viel mit. Nun haben wir, nach einem Jahr vollen Einsatz auf der Baustelle (egal ob Staub, Mörtel, Sägemehl, Restdämmung, Steine, aus unzugänglichen Bereichen - es wurde alles damit gesaugt) der Motor durchgebrannt ist, uns wieder für das Modell entschieden, weil Preis-Leistungsverhältnis, einfache Reinigung der Filter, Behälter und Lager absolut in Ordnung sind.
The first one survived a complete house gutting, and if you pay attention to regular filter cleaning (protection against overheating) and moisture (wet vacuuming), cleaning the bearings - the vacuum cleaner can handle a lot. Now, after a year of full use on the construction site (no matter whether it was dust, mortar, sawdust, leftover insulation, stones, from inaccessible areas - it was used to vacuum everything) the motor burned out, so we decided to go for the model again because the price-performance ratio and the easy cleaning of the filters, containers and bearings are absolutely fine.
Bin seht positiv überrascht.
I am very positively surprised.
Effektives Gerät. Schon der 3 den wir davon in Betrieb haben
Effective device. Already the 3rd one we have in operation
das gerät ist super. die Steckdose ist für die Geräte (Schleifer,fräse) und dann schaltet sich der staubsauber selber ein.Der lärmpegel des staubsaugers ist vielleicht etwas zu laut.einen grossen staubbeutel wie gewohnt findet man nicht .ansonsten ein toles gerät.
The device is great. The socket is for the devices (grinder, milling machine) and then the vacuum cleaner switches itself on. The noise level of the vacuum cleaner is perhaps a bit too loud. There is no large dust bag as usual. Otherwise a great device.
Leider gibt es kein Zubehör sowie Schläuche muffen zu kaufen
Unfortunately there are no accessories or hose couplings available to buy
Enorme Saug- und Druckleistung. Genau das paßt zum Auto-Aussaugen, da unser Wagen immer wieder voll Schmutz und Staub ist.
Enormous suction and pressure power. This is perfect for vacuuming the car, as our car is always full of dirt and dust.
Schnelle Lieferung, Saugleistung sehr gut. Ein Stern Abzug, da es keine Möglichkeit gibt den Stromkabel aufzurollen. Zwei Hacken hätten mit einem geringen Kostenaufwand ein grosse Wirkung, man könnte den Sauger nach der Arbeit, aufgeräumt in eine Ecke stellen.
Fast delivery, very good suction power. One star deducted because there is no way to roll up the power cable. Two hooks would have a big impact at a low cost, you could put the vacuum cleaner away in a corner after work, neatly stored away.
Abzüge da das Gerät SEHR laut ist
Deductions because the device is VERY loud
Aspirateur trois en un, eau poussière cendre, trés pratique, bonne puissance, pas trop bruyant vu les performances. Ne pas hesiter à avoir si vous cherchez un aspirateur pour cheminée ou chaudière à pellets.
Three-in-one vacuum cleaner, water, dust, ash, very practical, good power, not too noisy given the performance. Do not hesitate to have it if you are looking for a vacuum cleaner for a fireplace or pellet boiler.
Il est pas mal je les depuis 2 semaibe il aspire tres tres bien pour mon poele ainci que les tapid style shaggy et je l'utilise egalement pour ma voiture je ne suis pas decu.... a voir dans le temp. Par contre ne pas s'attendre a un aspirateur silencieux.... il fait quand meme du bruit.
It's not bad, I've had it for 2 weeks, it vacuums very very well for my stove as well as shaggy carpets and I also use it for my car, I'm not disappointed.... to be seen over time. On the other hand, don't expect a silent vacuum cleaner.... it still makes noise.
Je me sers de l'aspirateur pour toute la maison et pour vider mon poêle à bois. Je le recommande, bon rapport qualité prix.
I use the vacuum cleaner for the whole house and to empty my wood stove. I recommend it, good value for money.
performance en aspiration et soufflage suffisante pour les travaux de nettoyage et container à cendre directement intégré à cet aspirateur.
Sufficient suction and blowing performance for cleaning work and ash container directly integrated into this vacuum cleaner.
Das Produkt brauche ich für meine säge
I need the product for my saw
Numerosi sono gli accessori disponibili:un tubo di aspirazione in alluminio per aspirare le ceneri, due tubi per aspirazione in plastica, una spazzola per fughe,una spazzola da pavimento e una spazzola di ricambio. Il filtro è lavabile. Dispone di un carrello con 4 rotelle per il trasporto in tutta sicurezza e comodità. Il manuale d’uso ha anche come lingua l’italiano, per seguire le istruzioni di montaggio e risolvere gli eventuali problemi. Non solo ha una funzione di aspirazione ma ha anche una di soffiaggio. Un segnale acustico si attiva in caso di raggiungimento del livello massimo del serbatoio. Questo prodotto si è rivelato un ottimo aiutante per le pulizie domestiche. Grazie alla sua progettazione studiata per un livello professionale, non rientra nella fascia dei comuni aspirapolveri bensì racchiude caratteristiche e dettagli tecnici che lo proiettano in una gamma top. Con una potenza di ben 1800W possiamo aspirare polvere, liquidi e cenere dal forno. In più è dotato della funzione soffiatore, utile non solo per ripulire l’interno dell’aspiratore stesso ma anche per i nostri spazi esterni come giardini. Gli accessori in dotazione permettono di aspirare la polvere anche nei posti più inaccessibili, come gli interstizi dei divani, librerie e soprammobili difficilmente raggiungibili. La spazzola per pavimenti permette anche la pulizia dei tappeti. Cosa ha ancora in più questo prodotto? Una presa da 1400w integrata sul coperchio per agganciare attrezzi supplementari come il trapano o seghe. Così mentre lavoriamo possiamo pulire in contemporanea. Ottimo intuizione quella di inserire un segnalatore acustico che ci avverte quando abbiamo raggiunto il livello massimo di sporcizia nel serbatoio, così da non affaticare il motore e non intasare il filtro. Le rotelle sono praticissime, possiamo pulire in piena sicurezza e senza fatica, anche in spazi ampi. Per pulire il filtro basta immergerlo in acqua calda senza detersivo e farlo asciugare. Ottimo prodotto qualità/prezzo
There are many accessories available: an aluminum suction tube for vacuuming ash, two plastic suction tubes, a joint brush, a floor brush and a replacement brush. The filter is washable. It has a trolley with 4 wheels for safe and convenient transport. The user manual is also in Italian, to follow the assembly instructions and solve any problems. Not only does it have a suction function but it also has a blowing function. An acoustic signal activates if the maximum level of the tank is reached. This product has proven to be an excellent helper for household cleaning. Thanks to its design studied for a professional level, it does not fall into the range of common vacuum cleaners but includes features and technical details that project it into a top range. With a power of 1800W we can vacuum dust, liquids and ash from the oven. In addition, it is equipped with a blower function, useful not only for cleaning the inside of the vacuum cleaner itself but also for our outdoor spaces such as gardens. The accessories supplied allow you to vacuum dust even in the most inaccessible places, such as the gaps between sofas, bookcases and ornaments that are difficult to reach. The floor brush also allows you to clean carpets. What else does this product have? A 1400w socket integrated into the lid to attach additional tools such as a drill or saw. So while we work we can clean at the same time. Great intuition to include an acoustic signal that warns us when we have reached the maximum level of dirt in the tank, so as not to tire the engine and not clog the filter. The wheels are very practical, we can clean in complete safety and without effort, even in large spaces. To clean the filter, just immerse it in hot water without detergent and let it dry. Excellent product quality/price
Il dispositivo è sia un aspiraliquidi che un aspirapolvere dalla potenza di 1800 watt è dotato di diverse funzioni di protezione infatti quando il contenitore di raccolta è pieno, il dispositivo emette un segnale acustico che indica che il motore è sotto sforzo, in questo caso bisogna staccare la spina e svuotare il tutto. All'interno troviamo: 0 impugnatura 1 coperchio superiore 2 spina 3 chiusura 4 contenitore raccolta superiore 5 un tubo metallico 6 una bocchetta per la cenere 7 un contenitore per la raccolta inferiore 8 una base con le ruote 9 un tubo in alluminio 10 una rotellina 11 un tubo di collegamento All'arrivo il prodotto è smontato bisogna assemblarlo, aiutandosi con il libretto delle istruzioni che si trova al suo interno, vi è anche la lingua italiana fortunatamente anche per capirci sull'utilizzo dei tubi in questione. Molti pezzi si trovano all'interno dei due contenitori che fungeranno da raccolta, quindi prima di pensare che non ve li hanno spediti guardate al loro interno. Vi sono alcuni accessori indispensabili quali, un tubo flessibile, un filtro, spazzole di diverse dimensioni. Una volta assemblato il prodotto, ho messo un video così potete vedere come si fa, dovete imparare ad inserire i tubi in maniera tale da avere un corretto utilizzo del dispositivo, in questo vi rimando al libretto di istruzioni se volete acquistarlo come ho fatto io. Le spazzole consentono una pulizia dei pavimenti, pulire i libri nelle librerie ad esempio, vi è anche un tubo che vi permette l'aspirazione della cenere dal camino e una piccola che aiuta a pulire negli spazi molto ridotti. Quando finiamo di utilizzarlo, conviene sempre pulirlo e per farlo apriamo il coperchio superiore e rimuoviamo il sacchetto del filtro e poi lo svuotiamo dopodichè possiamo pulirlo a mano con acqua e stenderlo al sole, non mettetelo in lavatrice o si rovina di sicuro. La presa che si trova in alto ed è una presa schuko quindi avrete bisogno di un adattatore, può essere utilizzata per attaccarci altri dispositivi, così avrete tutto vicino in base al lavoro che volete svolgere. Il pulsante di accensione e il bocchetto di sfiato si trovano tutte in superficie cioè sul coperchio che in pratica è l'intero motore del dispositivo. Vi è una presa integrata (1400 W) per collegare direttamente attrezzi elettrici, i serbatoi sono resistenti in acciaio inox con uno spessore di 0,4 mm, quindi ben piantati. Le rotelle in dotazione aiutano nel trasporto del dispositivo, l'unica cosa state attenti se dovesse cadere spegnete subito la presa per evitare di fare danno. Occhio a non aspirare certe cose come oggetti appuntiti o sigarette accese o sostanze che potrebbero graffiare il filtro e danneggiare le fessure di aerazione o il motore in primis. Mi sono trovata molto bene con questo prodotto da premettere che lo uso da un paio di settimane però ha tutti i requisiti che diceva ed è abbastanza potente, il garage ha di nuovo un ottimo aspetto, inoltre ho trovato molto facile riordinare e pulire grazie al suo utilizzo, certo all'inizio ho dovuto prenderci un po' la mano per l'attacco dei tubi, ma una volta capito è andato tutto liscio come l'olio. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6vrI3ma7WM
The device is both a liquid vacuum cleaner and a vacuum cleaner with a power of 1800 watts. It is equipped with various protection functions. In fact, when the collection container is full, the device emits an acoustic signal that indicates that the engine is under strain, in this case you must unplug it and empty everything. Inside we find: 0 handle 1 upper cover 2 plug 3 lock 4 upper collection container 5 a metal tube 6 an ash nozzle 7 a lower collection container 8 a base with wheels 9 an aluminum tube 10 a small wheel 11 a connection tube. Upon arrival, the product is disassembled. You must assemble it, using the instruction booklet that is inside it, fortunately there is also the Italian language to understand how to use the tubes in question. Many pieces are inside the two containers that will act as collection, so before thinking that they did not send them to you, look inside them. There are some essential accessories such as a flexible tube, a filter, brushes of different sizes. Once the product is assembled, I put a video so you can see how to do it, you have to learn to insert the tubes in such a way as to have a correct use of the device, in this I refer you to the instruction booklet if you want to buy it as I did. The brushes allow you to clean the floors, clean the books in the bookcases for example, there is also a tube that allows you to vacuum the ash from the fireplace and a small one that helps to clean in very small spaces. When we finish using it, it is always a good idea to clean it and to do so we open the top cover and remove the filter bag and then empty it after which we can clean it by hand with water and hang it out in the sun, do not put it in the washing machine or it will certainly get ruined. The socket that is on top and is a Schuko socket so you will need an adapter, it can be used to connect other devices, so you will have everything close by based on the work you want to do. The power button and the vent are all on the surface, that is, on the lid which is basically the entire engine of the device. There is an integrated socket (1400 W) to directly connect electrical tools, the tanks are resistant stainless steel with a thickness of 0.4 mm, so well planted. The wheels supplied help in transporting the device, the only thing to be careful about is that if it falls, immediately turn off the socket to avoid causing damage. Be careful not to suck up certain things such as sharp objects or lit cigarettes or substances that could scratch the filter and damage the ventilation slots or the engine in the first place. I found myself very well with this product, I must say that I have been using it for a couple of weeks but it has all the requirements it said and is quite powerful, the garage looks great again, I also found it very easy to tidy up and clean thanks to its use, of course at the beginning I had to get used to it a bit for the connection of the pipes, but once I understood it everything went smoothly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6vrI3ma7WM