Marketeer Digital Package Scale

53,99 € (incl. VAT)
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  • 0
  • Digital package scale
  • Silver Metallic
Product number: 10030715
Marketeer Digital Package Scale
53,99 € (incl. VAT)
Also available in other conditions
  • Buy this product in acceptable condition
    Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    34,99 €
  • Buy this product in like new condition
    Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    44,99 €
  • Ready for delivery In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays.
  • Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period
  • Free delivery, no minimum order

Top features

  • Digital package scale with stable 27x27cm stainless steel platform and separate control element

  • With counting and tare function and large display (five-digit)

  • Battery and mains operation possible

Product description

The oneConcept Marketeer package scale is the ideal aid for professional package shipment: the weight of the parcels can be determined quickly and accurately. With a weighing range of 200 kg and a readability of 100 kg, it is a real all-rounder for meeting the most common requirements of the mail order business.

The focus is clearly on the comfortable operability of the device. The packages to be weighed are simply placed on the stable stainless steel platform, while the measured values can be read off from the display of the separate operating element that is connected with a flexible spiral cable. The parcel weighing machine thus makes an important contribution to ergonomic back-friendly work in the operational dispatch.

The practical functions of the oneConcept package scale may also be controlled via the operating element. In addition to the on / off switch, there are three buttons. ‘MODE’ allows changing between weighing units kilograms (kg) and pounds (lb). ‘TARE/ZERO’ activates the tare function to neutralise or zero out the weight of the vessel and only indicate the weight of the goods held inside. With the ‘PCS’ function, batches can be measured: based on the reference weight of 25, 50, 75 or 100 units, the scale counts weighing material.

Functionality and ease of use make the oneConcept Marketeer package scale a reliable and versatile helper for meeting the changing challenges of shipping every day!


  • Connections: power adapter
  • On / off switch on the control unit
  • Weighing range 200kg, readability 100g
  • Display of the weight in kilograms and English pounds
  • Power supply: alternating current 220-240V via mains adapter or 9V battery
Product number: 10030715

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Platform: 27 x 2.5 x 27 cm (WxHxD)
  • Operating section: 18 x 4 x 9 cm (WxHxD)
  • Weight: about 2 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x device
  • 1 x 9V battery
  • 1 x power adapter
  • English user manual (other languages: German)

Delivery & shipment

Ready for delivery

Shipping time: 3 - 5 days

Customer reviews
21 Ratings

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Macht was sie soll.

Does what it's supposed to.


Ist super wenn man ein paar Packete verschicken muss

It's great when you have to send a few packages


Für Reisende, welche große Koffer haben, wegen der neben der Waage gelegenen Ablesemöglichkeit, optimal. Sicherlich auch im Alltag gut zu gebrauchen.

Ideal for travelers with large suitcases because of the reading option next to the scale. Certainly good to use in everyday life.


Wir haben diese Waage gekauft um Pakete ab zu wiegen, für unseren Zweck passt sie zu 100 % die Genauigkeit stimmt kann ich nicht sagen da wir keine zweite Wagen zum Vergleich haben. Sie ist einfach zu installieren und leicht zu bedienen. Die das Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis passt

We bought this scale to weigh parcels, it fits our purpose 100%, I can't say the accuracy is right because we don't have a second trolley to compare. It is easy to install and easy to use. Which fits the price-performance ratio


Funktioniert hervorragend! Die Display Elektronik könnte moderner sein, aber sie funktioniert und reicht für den zweck

Works great! The display electronics could be more modern, but they work and are sufficient for the purpose


Preis und Leistung super.

Great value for money.


It is a good but not cheaper.

It is a good but not cheaper.


Ich habe mir die Wage gekauft um sie als Hunde wage umzubauen Vorher habe ich das schon mal mit einer Personenwage gemacht da hat das wiegen aber zu lange gedauert und die Kabel mussten verlängert werden. Bei dieser Wage wahr es toll das die Kabel direkt lang genug so das ich sie nicht verlängern musste. Die Plattform ist 35x70cm groß.

I bought the scale to convert it into a dog scale. I've done this before with a passenger scale, but weighing it took too long and the cables had to be lengthened. With this scale, it's great that the cables are long enough so that I didn't have to extend them. The platform is 35x70cm.


Sehr tolle Paketwaage. Zeigt genaus Gewicht an. Gute Handhabung. Ist sehr leicht vom Gewicht her und hantlich. Das einzige kleine Manko ist wenn man nicht in den nächsten ca.20 Sekunden nach dem man ein Paket von der Waage genommen hat das nächste darauf stellt, sich die Waage zu schnell ausschaltet. Würde sie aber trotzdem wieder kaufen.

Very nice package scale. Shows exact weight. Good handling. It is very light in weight and handy. The only small drawback is if you don't put the next one on it in about 20 seconds after taking a package from the scales, the scales switch off too quickly. But would still buy it again.


Sehr leicht zu bedienen

Very easy to use


Wir benutzen die Waage um unser Fleisch zu portionieren. Funktioniert super. Preis-leistungsverhältnis stimmt

We use the scale to portion our meat. Works perfectly. Value for money is right


Waage ist sehr kompakt aber trotzdem sehr geschickt auch bei grösseren dingen zum wiegen.

Scale is very compact but still very handy for weighing larger things.


Für mich ist die Waage leider sofort durchgefallen, als ich gesehen hab, dass sie eine 9V Batterie braucht. Ich werde sie deshalb zurück geben, da ich sie nicht mit meinem AA bzw AAA Akku-Park betreiben kann. Sehr schade, sonst macht sie mir einen guten Eindruck. Aber in der heutigen Zeit noch 9V Batterien nutzen ist für mich ein No-Go!

Unfortunately, the scale failed for me as soon as I saw that it needed a 9V battery. I'm going to return them because I can't use them with my AA or AAA battery park. It's a shame, otherwise she makes a good impression on me. But nowadays using 9V batteries is a no-go for me!


Sehr gute Waage. Hält was sie verspricht.

Very good scale. Does what it promises.


Habe die Waage nun seit einigen Monaten in Betrieb und bin sehr zufrieden. Wiegt zuverlässig, ist gut zu handhaben und nimmt wenig Platz weg.

I've been using the scale for a few months now and I'm very satisfied. Weighs reliably, is easy to handle and takes up little space.


Es war alles in Ordnung. Die Waage ist O.K.

Everything was alright. The scale is OK


Das Produkt hält was es verspricht, es steht bei uns in der Fertigung und wird jeden Tag verwendet

The product does what it promises, it is in our production and is used every day


Superware, superschnelle Lieferung, man kann nicht meckern. ich hatte vorher eine waage, welche ein vielfaches gekostet hat, jedenfalls zu empfehlen

Super goods, super fast delivery, you can't complain. i had a scale before, which cost a lot more, in any case to recommend


Confesso che ero un po scettico in merito a questa bilancia per via del suo prezzo relativamente contenuto. Quando però è arrivata mi sono trovato un prodotto che sprizza qualità da tutti i pori. Pesante e ben piazzata, cavi di collegamento al display robusti, firmware ben congegnato. Appena viene piazzata a terra si calibra in modo praticamente immediato. Consente di isolare il peso della tara e, funzione molto utile, di fare una conta dei pezzi pesati. Un utilizzo che ho sperimentato è quello di pesa-persona. Veloce e, cosa importante, il peso è sempre riproducibile: pesi la stessa persona ""n"" volte, ""n"" volte avrai la stessa misura. Caratteristica questa di bilance di ben altro costo. Un prodotto, quindi da 5 stelle per rapporto qualità-prezzo ma anche per qualità costruttiva assoluta.

I confess that I was a bit skeptical about this scale due to its relatively low price. But when it arrived, I found a product that oozes quality from every pore. Heavy and well placed, sturdy display connection cables, well thought out firmware. As soon as it is placed on the ground, it calibrates practically immediately. It allows you to isolate the tare weight and, a very useful function, to count the weighed pieces. One use that I have experienced is that of a personal scale. Fast and importantly the weight is always reproducible: you weigh the same person ""n"" times, ""n"" times you will get the same measurement. This is a characteristic of scales of much higher cost. A product, therefore 5-star for value for money but also for absolute construction quality.


Il prodotto della oneConcept arriva in una semplice scatola di cartone. All’interno la bilancia, una batteria, l’alimentatore e il manuale di istruzioni non in italiano. Prodotto semplice e funzionale, molto ben progettato. Permette di misurare carichi da un minimo di 1 etto ad un massimo di 200 chilogrammi. Il piano della bilancia è collegato tramite un cavo al display ed ai comandi che possono quindi essere posizionati nel modo più c omodo per l’operatore. Può funzionare sia a batteria che con l’alimentatore di rete. Ovviamente è adatta a misurazioni con approssimazione ad un ettogrammo, quindi non per compiti fini. Due unità di misura: kg e libbre. Si può settare la tara ed anche effettuare un conteggio di molti oggetti dello stesso peso. Quest’ultima funzione non è molto utile dato che il peso minimo è troppo alto (1 etto): normalmente si usa per contare piccoli oggetti tipo chiodi, viti, bulloni, cosa impossibile con questo apparecchio. Comunque la funzione di pesatura normale con o senza tara è svolta in modo eccellente. Inoltre la bilancia è abbastanza piccola e non occupa molto spazio. Consigliata per piccole attività commerciali, di distribuzione o anche in casa se vi capita dsi aver bisogno spesso di una pesatura approssimata all’ettogrammo. In conclusione un prodotto utile e funzionale ad un prezzo invitante.

The oneConcept product comes in a simple cardboard box. Inside the scale, a battery, the power supply and the non-Italian instruction manual. Simple and functional product, very well designed. It allows you to measure loads from a minimum of 1 pound to a maximum of 200 kilograms. The scale surface is connected via a cable to the display and to the controls which can therefore be positioned in the most comfortable way for the operator. It can work both on battery and with the mains power supply. Obviously it is suitable for measurements with an approximation of one hectogram, therefore not for fine tasks. Two units of measure: kg and lbs. You can set the tare and also carry out a count of many objects of the same weight. This last function is not very useful since the minimum weight is too high (1 pound): it is normally used to count small objects such as nails, screws, bolts, which is impossible with this device. However, the normal weighing function with or without tare is performed excellently. The scale is also quite small and doesn't take up much space. Recommended for small businesses, distribution or even at home if you often need weighing approximate to the hectogram. In conclusion, a useful and functional product at an attractive price.


Il titolo la riporta come pesa pacchi, in realtà potete ovviamente pesarci di tutto e con una semplicità disarmante. Ha infatti sia la doppia alimentazione, di rete e a batteria, sia il display separato dal corpo macchina, ideale quindi per pesare oggetti voluminosi che altrimenti lo avrebbero nascosto. Robustezza e ottimi materiali completano poi il quadro. CONFEZIONE Non curatissima a dire il vero, e forse pure poco protetta, ma poco importa è arrivata a casa perfetta in ogni sua parte, Dentro, troviamo solo il manuale di istruzioni e una batteria da 9V oltre che un adattatore di rete per evitare di usare la batteria, che comunque dura una vita per cui, per praticità vi consiglio di usare semplicemente quella. COSTRUZIONE bellissima e in alluminio satinato, che ha il butto difetto di essere difficile da pulire da tutte le impronte che catturerà durante l’utilizza, ma poco male, la costruzione è robustissima d'altronde deve tener su ben 200 KG e sono sono certo pochi. Il minimo che riesce a elaborare è invece pari a grammi 100. FUNZIONAMENTO Una volta connessa alla rete elettrica o inserita la batteria basterà accenderla ed iniziare a pesare quello che si vuole. E’ disponibile inoltre la funzione di tara che ci consente di escludere un eventuale contenitore con estrema facilità semplicemente con la pressione di un tasto e altre unità di misura del peso selezionabili. Per il resto è un prodotto quindi molto valido, ideale per chi si trova a lavorare con il peso di prodotti voluminosi come pacchi, si pensi ad un centro spedizioni, sia per uso amatoriale… 200 KG dovrebbero essere più che sufficienti per questo genere di esigenze!

The title shows it as a parcel weigher, in reality you can obviously weigh everything on it and with disarming simplicity. In fact, it has both mains and battery power, and a separate display from the machine body, therefore ideal for weighing bulky objects that otherwise would have hidden it. Robustness and excellent materials complete the picture. PACKAGING Not well-kept to tell the truth, and perhaps even not very protected, but it doesn't matter that it arrived home perfect in every part, Inside, we find only the instruction manual and a 9V battery as well as a mains adapter to avoid using the battery, which in any case lasts a lifetime so, for convenience, I advise you to simply use that one. CONSTRUCTION beautiful and in satin aluminum, which has the but defect of being difficult to clean from all the fingerprints that it will capture during use, but never mind, the construction is very robust on the other hand it must hold up to 200 KG and they are certainly few . The minimum it manages to process is instead equal to 100 grams. OPERATION Once connected to the mains or inserted the battery, just turn it on and start weighing what you want. The tare function is also available which allows us to exclude any container very easily simply by pressing a key and other selectable weight measurement units. For the rest it is therefore a very valid product, ideal for those who find themselves working with the weight of bulky products such as parcels, think of a shipping center, both for amateur use ... 200 KG should be more than enough for this kind of needs !