[Returns: -15%] Magic-Carpet DX Heating Carpet

[Returns: -15%] Magic-Carpet DX Heating Carpet

43,99 € (incl. VAT)
  • Heating Carpet
Product number: 53031671
Magic-Carpet DX Heating Carpet
43,99 € (incl. VAT)
Also available in other conditions
  • Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    49,99 €
  • Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
  • Shipping time: 4 - 6 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period

Condition - acceptable, with signs of wear

Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear

Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty

Top features

  • Warm feet: electric heating mat with 75 W power

  • Firm hold: the underside of the carpet with new anti-slip coating

  • Custom heat: 3 selectable heat settings (low / medium / high)

Product description

Hop on and take off to pleasantly warm foot temperatures. The oneConcept Magic Carpet DX heated carpet flies away from cold winter days and brings oriental warmth to the lower cold zones.

The 75 W heating carpet already achieves its full heat output after a short heating up time: the mind and the body are comfortably greeted and can successfully escape from chills. Three selectable temperature settings, which can be conveniently set using the cable remote control unit, ensure heating according to your individual preferences. But be careful! The kitten is already lurking in the corner, in order to take over the 40 x 60 cm warm area as its new favourite place at the next opportunity. Of course, the mat is not only a warm berth for four-legged friends, but also a practical aid for drying wet shoes. With the built-in shut-off timer, you can also control the operating time - without having to check after relaxing. So that the oneConcept Magic Carpet DX heating mat continues to provide many long hours of warmth, the cover may be removed and washed.

Cozy warmth when, where and how long you want: because of the low energy consumption, the heating carpet can conjure warmth all day. And thanks to the anti-slip coating on the underside, the carpet is secure and lies firmly on the floor.

Get out of the frost zone: with the oneConcept Magic Carpet DX heated carpet, cold feet will fly away.


  • On / off switch on the remote control
  • Ideal for warming cold feet, as a berth for animals or for drying wet shoes
  • Large surface: 40 x 60 cm (= 2400 cm²)
  • Short warm-up time
  • Low energy consumption
  • Overheating protection
  • Low heating stage: approx. 40 ° C (blue LED)
  • Middle heating stage: approx. 50 ° C (green LED)
  • High heating stage: approx. 60 ° C (red LED)
  • 5 selectable shutdown times with indicator LEDs: 30 minutes (blue LED), 1 hour (green LED), 2 hours (red LED), 3 hours (green & blue LEDs), 5 hours (red and green LEDs)
  • Three-colour LED indicator light for indicating the selected heating level
  • Cover washable by hand wash or up to 30 ° C in short / soft wash
  • Power supply: 220-240 V ~ | 50/60 Hz
Product number: 53031671

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions: about 40 x 60 cm (WxL)
  • Length of power cable: about 190 cm
  • Weight: about 0.6 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x heating mat
  • English language user manual (other languages: German)

Delivery & shipment

Low stock - order quickly!

Shipping time: 4 - 6 days

Your order will be delivered to the selected address per order. This address does not have to match the billing address. You can send the orders to your family, friends or office if you are not at home during the day.

Safety and Operating Instructions

Download user manual

Product Safety Information

Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin

Responsible Person:
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin

E-mail address:

Customer reviews
56 Ratings

No review available for this item.


Muy pràctica pero ka porencia máxima es para mí algo insuficiente

Very practical but the maximum power is somewhat insufficient for me


Para cuándo no hace demasiado frío, si lo que quieres es tener los pies calientes mientras estás en una mesa leyendo... da el apaño.

For when it's not too cold, if what you want is to have warm feet while you're sitting at a table reading... it does the trick.


Parece cumprir as exigências. Mas a única experiência ruim foi a entrega. A transportadora disse que veio até minha residência,mas não é uma verdade. Tive que me deslocar até um local de. Recolha para pegar o produto.

It seems to meet the requirements. But the only bad experiment was the delivery. The carrier said he came to my home, but that's not true. I had to travel to a location. Collection to pick up the product.


Acheté pour 1 personne âgée.chaleur doucement très satisfaite de mon achat

Bought for 1 elderly person. Gently warm, very satisfied with my purchase


Cet investissement m'a offert un confort inestimable, surtout en hiver, lorsque les températures chutent. Travailler depuis chez soi est une expérience d'autant plus agréable quand on a les pieds au chaud.

This investment has provided me with invaluable comfort, especially in the winter when temperatures drop. Working from home is an even more enjoyable experience when your feet are warm.


Reçu rapidement, conforme au descriptif et répond à notre attente.

Received quickly, conforms to the description and meets our expectations.


Réglage bien conçu avec un seul bouton pour régler la température et la minuterie. Il démarre à la chaleur maximum (qui est un minimum pour moi). Il faut absolument enlever les chaussures pour profiter de la chaleur douce diffusée par ce tapis qui est confortable pour les pieds. L'ensemble paraît solide. Les plus : - minuterie de 1/2 heure à 5 heures (indispensable pour ne pas l'oublier allumé) - télécommande filaire pratique qu'on peut poser sur le bureau car le fil est assez long - chaleur douce bien répartie sur tout le tapis, ce qui permet de bouger les pieds - économique : consomme 30 Watts en moyenne à la puissance maxi Les moins : - un peu cher à 59.99 € - il pourrait chauffer un peu plus Pour les technos : la régulation fonctionne très bien. A la puissance maxi j'ai mesuré 114 Watts en régime stabilisé pendant à peu près 1/4 du temps, le reste du temps il est arrêté par le thermostat. Ce qui fait que la puissance moyenne consommée est de l'ordre de 114/4 soit 30 Watts à peu près. Ceci doit dépendre évidemment d'un tas de paramètres comme la température du sol, de la pièce etc... Il fonctionne en tout ou rien, ce qui fait qu'il consomme toujours 114 Watts quand il est en marche, qu'on soit sur low, middle ou high. Ce qui change, c'est le temps de fonctionnement qui est plus bref sur les réglages inférieurs. Mesures faites avec un Wattmètre Voltcraft.

Well designed setting with a single button to set the temperature and timer. It starts at maximum heat (which is a minimum for me). You absolutely have to remove your shoes to enjoy the gentle heat diffused by this mat which is comfortable for the feet. The whole thing seems solid. The pluses: - timer from 1/2 hour to 5 hours (essential so as not to forget it on) - practical wired remote control that can be placed on the desk because the wire is quite long - gentle heat well distributed over the entire mat, which allows you to move your feet - economical: consumes 30 Watts on average at maximum power The minuses: - a little expensive at €59.99 - it could heat a little more For the technos: the regulation works very well. At maximum power I measured 114 Watts in stabilized mode for about 1/4 of the time, the rest of the time it is stopped by the thermostat. Which means that the average power consumed is around 114/4 or about 30 Watts. This must obviously depend on a lot of parameters like the temperature of the floor, the room etc... It works in all or nothing, which means that it always consumes 114 Watts when it is running, whether it is on low, middle or high. What changes is the operating time which is shorter on the lower settings. Measurements made with a Voltcraft Wattmeter.


Correspond aux attentes. Un bémol: pas de régulateur de temperature - juste le bouton "on/off". Besoin d'arrêter de temps en temps car à la longue trop chaud pour les pieds posés dessus.

Meets expectations. One downside: no temperature regulator - just the "on/off" button. Need to stop from time to time because in the long run it gets too hot for your feet to rest on.


J'ai eu un souci avec le tapis et je l'ai renvoyé, il y a eu 1 problème d'étiquette mais le problème a été pris en charge par une équipe efficace, merci !

I had a problem with the rug and returned it, there was a label problem but the problem was taken care of by an efficient team, thank you!


Das Produkt kam perfekt verpackt und auch vor dem angegebenen Liefertermin an. Das Material ist sehr angenehm und der Teppich an sich perfekt verarbeitet. Man kann den Bezug sogar via Klettverschluss entfernen und waschen. Da die beheizbaren Teppiche im Büro die kalten Füße bei 19 °C Zimmertemperatur beheben sollten, haben wir uns für die Heizleistung allerdings mehr Temperatur vorgestellt. Die Matten wurden bestenfalls nur lauwarm. Das Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis wäre perfekt, wenn die Heizleistung genügen würde.

The product arrived perfectly packaged and also before the stated delivery date. The material is very comfortable and the carpet itself is perfectly finished. You can even remove and wash the cover via Velcro. However, since the heated carpets in the office are supposed to remedy cold feet at a room temperature of 19 °C, we imagined a higher temperature for the heat output. The mats only got lukewarm at best. The value for money would be perfect if the heat output was enough.


Unterm Schreibtisch, wenn man keine Fußbodenheizung hat

Under the desk if you don't have underfloor heating


Vivo en el norte de España y teletrabajo. Esta alfombrilla me ha venido estupendamente para que no se me queden los pies fríos tras horas ante el ordenador. En primavera y otoño una solución de este tipo viene muy bien para ahorrar en calefacción, porque en realidad el problema es el frío en los pies y no en el resto del cuerpo. En cuanto a lo de que no da calor con calzado puesto, explico mi experiencia. Utilizo siempre zapatillas con suela de goma flexible y pongo la alfombrilla a máxima potencia. Al principio no notas nada, pero progresivamente la suela de goma se va calentando y al final los pies quedan bien calientes, se nota muchísimo. No es algo inmediato, pero tampoco es que tarde mucho. Es cuestión de tener un poco de paciencia y tal vez un problema del tipo de suela del calzado que llevemos. Espero que dure más que otros productos similares, que a los pocos meses me dejaron de funcionar. Si encima es duradera, no puedo pedir más.

I live in the north of Spain and work from home. This mat has been great for me to keep my feet from getting cold after hours in front of the computer. In spring and autumn, a solution of this type is very useful to save on heating, because in reality the problem is the cold in the feet and not in the rest of the body. As for the fact that it does not give heat with shoes on, I will explain my experience. I always use shoes with flexible rubber soles and I put the mat on maximum power. At first you do not notice anything, but progressively the rubber sole heats up and in the end your feet are really warm, you can really notice it. It is not immediate, but it does not take long either. It is a matter of having a little patience and perhaps a problem with the type of sole of the shoes we wear. I hope it lasts longer than other similar products, which stopped working after a few months. If it is also durable, I can't ask for more.


Über Nacht angelassen. Durchschnittliche Heizleistung nur 14W, obwohl temporär max. 103W Leistung zugeführt werden. 0,21kWh Verbrauch in 15 Stunden. Max. Temp. an der Teppichoberfläche 28°C, aber nicht überall. Wird nach einigen Stunden auch auf der Unterseite warm. Für mich ist diese Heizleistung (14W) nicht ausreichend, da ich die Matte im Wohnmobil (und nicht nur als Büro-Fusswärmer) nutzen wollte.

left on overnight. Average heat output only 14W, although temporarily max. 103W power is supplied. 0.21kWh consumption in 15 hours. Max. temp. on the carpet surface 28°C, but not everywhere. After a few hours it also gets warm on the underside. For me, this heat output (14W) is not sufficient, because I wanted to use the mat in the mobile home (and not just as an office foot warmer).


Die Heizmatte (40X60cm) verwende ich für Arbeiten am PC (Desktop), der in einem Kellerbüro steht. Bislang habe ich ein Heizkissen verwendet, das de facto eine schlechte Lösung war. Mit der Heizmatte ist jetzt alles perfekt. Sie bleibt da, wo man sie hinlegt, rutscht nicht herum und liefert die gewünschte Wärme. Das Schaltelement habe ich an der Tischkonsturtion befestigt. Wie gesagt - alles perfekt.

I use the heating mat (40X60cm) for work on the PC (desktop), which is in a basement office. So far I've used a heating pad, which was actually a poor solution. Everything is now perfect with the heating mat. It stays where you put it, doesn't shift around, and delivers the warmth you want. I attached the switching element to the table construction. As I said - everything perfect.


Mantiene calentitos los pies e impide que el frio del suelo suba

Keeps your feet warm and prevents the cold from the ground from rising.


Die Heizmatte strahlt in beide Richtungen ordentlich wärme ab. Dh. die Unterseite wird auch "heiß". Bei empfindlichen Böden muss man etwas zur Isolierung zwischenlegen sonst kann es zu Abdrücken und Verformungen kommen. Ansonsten ist das Produkt gut.

The heating mat radiates heat in both directions. Ie. the bottom gets "hot" too. With sensitive floors you have to put something in between for insulation, otherwise impressions and deformations can occur. Otherwise the product is good.


très bon article

very good article


Heizleistung sehr gut. Heizleistung und Heizdauer in Stufen einfach zu programmieren! Habe mir rasch eine weitere bestellt.

Heat output very good. Heat output and heating time can be easily programmed in stages! I quickly ordered another one.


L'ho preso per scaldarmi i piedi mentre sono davanti al pc. Al primo utilizzo l'odore che emanava non era il massimo ma essendo nuovo e scaldandosi ci può stare. Dopo qualche utilizzo l'odore è andato via. L'ho appoggiato su un poggia piedi morbido che ho sempre preso qui sullo store, avendo il dubbio che si potesse rovinare e invece non è successo nulla. Non è comodissima l'accensione che è on/off senza alcuna regolazione. Avrei dovuto prendere quello con la regolazione, ma per il mio utilizzo va più che bene. Scaldando parecchio, lo lascio acceso giusto un15/20 min e poi lo spegno. In pratica il tempo di scaldarmi i piedi. Per quanto riguarda il consumo mi pare contenuto. Il conta KW che ho in casa non percepisce quando è acceso. Se non avete grandi esigenze, ve lo consiglio.

I bought it to warm my feet while I'm in front of the PC. The first time I used it, the smell it gave off wasn't the best, but since it's new and it heats up, it can be tolerated. After a few uses, the smell went away. I placed it on a soft footrest that I always bought here on the store, having the doubt that it could be ruined, but instead nothing happened. The switch on is not very comfortable, it's on/off without any adjustment. I should have bought the one with the adjustment, but for my use it's more than fine. Since it heats up a lot, I leave it on for just 15/20 minutes and then turn it off. Basically, the time it takes to warm my feet. As for consumption, it seems low. The kW counter I have at home doesn't detect when it's on. If you don't have great needs, I recommend it.


Prodotto ok anche se pensavo scaldasse di più. Ma la pecca è il corriere Bartolini. ho dovuto andare in deposito a ritirarlo, xche spesso non consegna, con scuse banali e fasulle.. Non è affidabile.

Product ok even if I thought it would heat up more. But the flaw is the Bartolini courier. I had to go to the warehouse to pick it up, because it often does not deliver, with banal and false excuses. It is not reliable.


Impossibile caricare il contenuto multimediale. Al momento posso dire che funziona bene, parlo del tappetino con Potenza Termica: 64 Watt, 60 x 40 cm, con temperatura non regolabile. temperatura raggiunta 42,6°C = a 108.6800℉

Unable to load media. At the moment I can say that it works well, I am talking about the mat with Thermal Power: 64 Watt, 60 x 40 cm, with non-adjustable temperature. temperature reached 42.6°C = at 108.6800℉


Gute Entscheidung, warme Füße sind das a und o, ist auch sparsam.

Good decision, warm feet are the be-all and end-all, is also economical.


Die Heizmatte macht was sie soll, allerdings habe ich nicht bedacht, dass die Wärme nur von unten kommt und die Füße oben kalt bleiben, bzw. möglichst nicht bewegt werden sollten und möglichst vollflächig auf die Matte gestellt werden müssen. Dem Hersteller kann ich aber deshalb keinen Vorwurf machen. Die Einstellung der Wärmestufe und des Timers über die gleiche Taste mit unterschiedlichen Betätigungszeiten erfordert immer wieder das heranziehen der Gebrauchsanleitung, was darauf hin weist, das die Schaltung nicht selbst erklärend ist.

The heating mat does what it is supposed to do, but I didn't consider that the heat only comes from below and the feet stay cold on top, or should not be moved if possible and should be placed on the mat as completely as possible. But I can't blame the manufacturer for that. Setting the heat level and the timer using the same button with different actuation times always requires consulting the instructions for use, which indicates that the circuit is not self-explanatory.


Me gustaría que tuviera más niveles de calor el Max es un poco Justo le falta 5-10 grados mas

I would like it to have more heat levels, the Max is a little bit short of 5-10 degrees more


scalda molto in fretta ma non su tutta la superficie. comuque è molto utile direi un buon prodotto.

It heats up very quickly but not on the whole surface. Anyway it is very useful I would say a good product.


Prima Größe, passt gut unter meinen Schreibtisch. Heizt schnell auf, mittlere Stufe reicht mir aus. Verpackung war gut, ohne Knick des Teppichs. Lieferung hat gut geklappt, gerne wieder.

Great size, fits well under my desk. Heats up quickly, medium level is enough for me. Packaging was good with no creases in the carpet. Delivery went well, gladly again.


È utile quando si hanno i piedi freddi, ne troppo caldo ne troppo freddo.

It is useful when you have cold feet, not too hot and not too cold.


Prodotto adatto a scaldarsi i piedi, nel mio caso, per l'utilizzo in smart working, l'ho appoggiato su un poggiapiedi regolabile nell'inclinazione in modo da adattare meglio l'altezza e l'angolo di appoggio. L'articolo funziona perfettamente bene anche a temperatura minima (led blu accesso) e va in temperatura velocemente. L'unica disattenzione é relativa alla posizione dell'interruttore, perché è troppo vicina al tappeto, quindi, costringe piegarsi rotture le volte. Prodotto consigliato

Product suitable for warming your feet, in my case, for smart working use, I placed it on a footrest adjustable in inclination in order to better adapt the height and the angle of support. The article works perfectly well even at minimum temperature (blue LED on) and heats up quickly. The only carelessness is related to the position of the switch, because it is too close to the carpet, therefore, it forces you to bend over sometimes. Recommended product


Heizmatte erfüllt ihren Zweck vollständig und sehr gut. Die Heizleistung ist gut und für den Arbeitsplatz hervorragend geeignet. Die einfachen Zeit Einstellung ermöglicht eine Ziel genaue Beheizung des Arbeitsplatzes. Dadurch wird ein vergessen des ausschalten am Arbeitsplatz vermieden

Heating mat fulfills its purpose completely and very well. The heat output is good and ideal for the workplace. The simple time setting enables precise heating of the workplace. This avoids forgetting to switch off at the workplace


Ce tapis chauffant a sauve mes pieds du froid qui s'abat progressivement lorsque l'on travaille immobile dans une maison peu chauffée ou dans laquelle pour x raison le sol est continuellement glacial. Ceux qui connaissent cette situation savent qu'il est pratiquement impossible, une fois les pieds gelés de les réchauffer, à part peut-être avec de l'eau chaude. Ils savent également que les pieds gelés deviennent douloureux pour se promener et marcher et qu'il faut du temps avant qu'ils se réchauffent par le mouvement. Ce tapis évite tout ces problèmes. Dés que je sens le froid qui commence à l'emporter j'allume le tapis et me place dessus en chaussette, pas besoin de le mettre fort, le niveau le plus bas de chauffage suffit et pendant une demi-heure (peu de dépense électrique) en général la chaleur obtenue est suffisante pendant deux heures après. Vraiment super.

This heating mat saved my feet from the cold that gradually sets in when you work motionless in a poorly heated house or in which for some reason the floor is constantly freezing. Those who know this situation know that it is practically impossible, once your feet are frozen, to warm them up, except perhaps with hot water. They also know that frozen feet become painful to walk and walk and that it takes time before they warm up through movement. This mat avoids all these problems. As soon as I feel the cold starting to take over, I turn on the mat and stand on it in socks, no need to turn it up high, the lowest heating level is enough and for half an hour (little electricity consumption) in general the heat obtained is sufficient for two hours afterwards. Really great.


At the beginning I was disappointed because heating was very mild but later I discovered that high heat is not comfortable for long periods. It’s enough to warm up the feet in 5-10 minutes. Still I suggest to the company to increase the heat for the max. You have three different options to regulate the temperature so it would be helpful for the customers who need more heat.

At the beginning I was disappointed because heating was very mild but later I discovered that high heat is not comfortable for long periods. It’s enough to warm up the feet in 5-10 minutes. Still I suggest to the company to increase the heat for the max. You have three different options to regulate the temperature so it would be helpful for the customers who need more heat.


Plus: Diese Heizmatte tut, was sie eben tun soll. Füße sind in der fußkalten Wohnung endlich warm. Die Größe ist für einen Schreibtisch völlig ausreichend. Die Matte ist solide verarbeitet und man hat nicht das Gefühl, durch unsachgemäße Bedienung einen Wohnungsbrand zu verursachen. Minus: Der Toggle-Schalter erfüllt seinen Zweck, ist aber kompliziert zu bedienen. Die Anleitung muss immer griffbereit sein. Hier hätte ich mir klassische Regler gewünscht. Über den angeblich niedrigen Stromverbrauch kann ich erst nach der nächsten BKA sprechen, deshalb gibt es nur 4/5 Punkte bei der Durchsichtigkeit.

Plus: This heating mat does what it is supposed to do. Feet are finally warm in the foot-cold apartment. The size is perfectly adequate for a desk. The mat is solidly made and you don't have the feeling of causing a fire in your home through improper use. Cons: The toggle switch serves its purpose, but is complicated to use. The instructions must always be at hand. Here I would have wished for classic controllers. I can only talk about the supposedly low power consumption after the next BKA, so there are only 4/5 points for transparency.


Siempre me pasaba que aunque el aire acondicionado calentaba el ambiente, siempre acababa con los pies fríos. Ahora puedo estar con los pies descalzos y calientes, lo que mejora muchísimo la comodidad. Además tiene tres niveles de calor y temporizador, lo que viene muy bien para ajustar a tu gusto y no olvidarse de apagarlo.

I always found that even though the air conditioning warmed the room, it always ended up with cold feet. Now I can be barefoot and warm, which improves comfort a lot. It also has three heat levels and a timer, which is very useful to adjust to your taste and not forget to turn it off.


Das Produkt erfüllt meine Wünsche hinsichtlich der Wärmeleistung und Produktqualität. 1 Stern Abzug aufgrund der doch etwas zu kurz geratenen Kabellänge vom Controller zum Stecker (wie bereits von anderen Rezensenten angemerkt). Da wurde am falschen Ende gespart. Dennoch kann ich das Produkt empfehlen.

The product fulfills my wishes in terms of heat output and product quality. 1 star deduction due to the slightly too short cable length from the controller to the plug (as already noted by other reviewers). There was saved at the wrong end. Nevertheless, I can recommend the product.


Habe in der Küche Steinfliesen, sind naturgemäß über die Jahreszeiten saukalt an Füßen und Hausschuhen. Daher habe ich hier eine weitere Heizmatte bestellt. Die Amazonwebseite ist fehlerhaft, die Leistungswerte werden einmal mit 75 Watt und an anderer Stelle mit 100 Watt angegeben. Angekommen ist ein Teppich mit 100 Watt und Regler mit 3 Schaltstufen und Timer. Auf der niedrigsten Stufe ist es nach ca 3 Minuten warm. Nach 15 Minuten wird es sehr warm und ich schalte aus. Es gibt eine genähte Umrandung, der Überzug ist abnehmbar und waschbar. Sogar meine Katze setzt sich gelegentlich dazu, nur wenn er die Krallen reinhauen will, wird er weggeschubst.

I have stone tiles in the kitchen, feet and slippers are naturally freezing cold throughout the seasons. That's why I ordered another heating mat here. The Amazon website is incorrect, the power values are given as 75 watts and 100 watts elsewhere. A carpet with 100 watts and a regulator with 3 switching stages and a timer has arrived. At the lowest level it is warm after about 3 minutes. After 15 minutes it gets very warm and I switch off. There is a sewn border, the cover is removable and washable. Even my cat sits down occasionally, only when he wants to dig in his claws is he pushed away.


La compré porque la anterior de otra marca se me estropeó después de dos meses y la usaba para trabajar debajo del escritorio porque se me quedaban los pies helados. Tenía un poco de miedo en gastarme más en otra, pero por los comentarios y las fotos me pareció más robusta que la otra y la cogí. De tamaño es perfecta para poner debajo y que no se te salgan los pies. Yo la uso sin zapatos para no mancharla y para que los pies estén más calentitos. No me acabo de aclarar con el mando para setear el temporizador, pero de temperatura la he tenido al máximo y a veces la he tenido que bajar al medio porque me calentaba demasiado, así que como era eso lo que más me preocupaba estoy muy contenta. Tarda un poco en calentarse, no demasiado, pero no es inmediato. En las instrucciones pone que tarda 15 minutos en alcanzar la temperatura, pero al poco de encenderla ya empiezas a notar el calorcito. Parece que el conector está protegido dentro de la funda (yo cogí la de la funda lavable) y no creo que deba estropearse, pero dentro de unos meses veremos si sigue en perfecto estado. Estoy contenta con la compra, me alegro aunque me haya gastado más porque cumple su función y me mantiene los pies calientes. Por cierto, no es de 75W es de 100W, creo que ya lo leí también en otro comentario.

I bought this because the previous one from another brand broke after two months and I used it to work under the desk because my feet were freezing. I was a little afraid to spend more on another one, but from the comments and photos it seemed more robust than the other one and I bought it. The size is perfect to put underneath so that your feet don't slip out. I use it without shoes so as not to stain it and so that my feet are warmer. I'm not quite sure how to set the timer with the control, but I've had it at maximum temperature and sometimes I've had to lower it to medium because it got too hot, so since that was what worried me the most I'm very happy. It takes a little while to heat up, not too much, but it's not immediate. The instructions say it takes 15 minutes to reach temperature, but soon after turning it on you start to notice the heat. It seems that the connector is protected inside the case (I got the one with the washable case) and I don't think it should get damaged, but in a few months we'll see if it's still in perfect condition. I'm happy with the purchase, I'm glad even though I spent more because it does its job and keeps my feet warm. By the way, it's not 75W, it's 100W, I think I read that in another comment.


A toccarlo con la mano sembra che scaldi poco, ma sui piedi, anche con le scarpe, dopo un po’ devi metterlo al minimo perché scalda troppo. Il telecomando è un po’ macchinoso da impostare il timer

When you touch it with your hand it seems to heat up a little, but on your feet, even with shoes on, after a while you have to set it to minimum because it heats up too much. The remote control is a bit cumbersome to set the timer


Muy buena calidad y muy eficiente perfecta

Very good quality and very efficient perfect


Articolo arrivato puntualmente, ben imballato, non difettoso. acquistato un mese fa quello lavabile e non regolabile. Utilizzato sporadicamente e mai lavato. Fino ad ora nulla da obbiettare

Item arrived on time, well packaged, not defective. purchased a month ago the washable and non-adjustable one. Used sporadically and never washed. Up to now nothing to complain about


Me ha gustado bastante, yo la uso cuando trabajo desde casa y me va genial. Yo he comprado la de 75 vatios y 3 niveles de potencia. Si apoyas los pies sin calzado no necesitas tenerla al máximo.

I really liked it, I use it when I work from home and it works great. I bought the 75 watt one with 3 power levels. If you rest your feet barefoot you don't need to have it at maximum.


La he comprado para mi suegra que está todo el día viendo la televisión en el butacón y se le enfría los pies. El producto bien, buena calidad, aunque creo que le hace falta un poquito más de potencia teniendo en cuenta que yo vivo en una zona cálida en la que no tenemos mucha costumbre de alfombras y calefacción centralizada. Ahora estoy probándola con el ordenador y la verdad se agradece, estoy bastante confortable.

I bought it for my mother-in-law who spends all day watching television in her armchair and her feet get cold. The product is good, good quality, although I think it needs a little more power, taking into account that I live in a warm area where we are not used to carpets and central heating. Now I am trying it with the computer and I really appreciate it, I am quite comfortable.


Donne une chaleur douce, pas trop chaude, la matière est également très agréable pour les pieds. Attention toutefois au support sur lequel il est posé car il chauffe en-dessous aussi, et sur du lino il faut mettre une protection dessous.

Gives a gentle heat, not too hot, the material is also very pleasant for the feet. Be careful however with the support on which it is placed because it heats up underneath too, and on linoleum you have to put a protection underneath.


Zockerfreunde aufgepasst ! Ich habe diese Matte für meinen Mann gekauft , der unheimlich gerne Konsole spielt und dabei natürlich nur seine Hände bewegt. Seine Klagen über kalte Füße konnt ich nicht länger ertragen , da kam mir diese Matte wie gerufen. Schön wäre, wenn sie eine automatische abschalte Funktion hätte aber ansonsten ist das Teil super. Keine Klagen mehr :)

Gamer friends beware! I bought this mat for my husband, who loves playing consoles and of course only moves his hands. I couldn't stand his complaints about cold feet any longer, so this mat came at just the right time. It would be nice if it had an automatic switch-off function, but otherwise the part is great. No more lawsuits :)


Ayant Besoin de me réchauffer les pieds pendant mes sessions de jeu sur PC, ce tapis rempli bien sa fonction. Il y a 3 modes chauffant. Il est possible de mettre ce tapis sous un autre plus confortable et ressentir la chaleur. Bonne taille et passe bien sous un bureau.

Needing to warm my feet during my PC gaming sessions, this mat does its job well. There are 3 heating modes. It is possible to put this mat under another more comfortable one and feel the heat. Good size and fits well under a desk.


Suelo usarlo con el temporizador de 3 horas. Soy despistado y me parece una función imprescindible que no he encontrado en otras alfombras. La temperatura para mi es suficiente, su función es evitar el suelo frío, no calentar la habitación.

I usually use it with the 3-hour timer. I'm absent-minded and I find it to be an essential feature that I haven't found in other mats. The temperature is enough for me, its function is to avoid the cold floor, not to heat the room.


Prodotto funzionante, misure e potenza corrispondenti alla descrizione. Io ho optato per il più grande e più potente. Finora ha fatto il suo dovere. Sebbene abbia optato per la versione più potente circa 100watt, scalda i piedi solo se sono ben piantati al centro del tappeto. L'ho sempre usato senza scarpe e con i calzini. Un altro piccolo neo è che dopo un'ora di utilizzo il telecomando inizia a scaldare. Non lo utilizzo oltre 1,5h.

Product works, size and power correspond to the description. I opted for the largest and most powerful. So far it has done its job. Although I opted for the most powerful version about 100 watts, it only heats the feet if they are well planted in the center of the carpet. I have always used it without shoes and with socks. Another small flaw is that after an hour of use the remote control starts to heat up. I do not use it more than 1.5 hours.


Sin llegar a proporcionar un calor excesivamente potente en la posición máxima, es correcto para mantener los pies cálidos si se usa la alfombra sin calzado. Para quien se plantee utilizarla con calzado, se debe tener en cuenta que posiblemente la potencia no sea suficiente. Además de eso, en la descripción del producto en Amazon se indica un consumo de 75 W, pero he comprobado que es de 100 W.

While it does not provide excessive heat at its maximum setting, it is adequate for keeping your feet warm if you use the mat without shoes. For those who are considering using it with shoes, it should be noted that the power may not be sufficient. In addition, the product description on Amazon indicates a consumption of 75 W, but I have verified that it is 100 W.


Un buen producto que cumple de sobra con las expectativas. Recomendable en invierno para tener los pies bien calientes. Buen servicio de atención al cliente

A good product that more than meets expectations. Recommended in winter to keep your feet nice and warm. Good customer service.


Me hice con una por que paso bastante tiempo delante del ordenador por cuenta de mi trabajo y en los días fríos, apesar de contar con algo de calefación, no dejaba de sentir frío en los pies. Con la esa alfombrilla electrica me senti muy comodo.

I bought one because I spend a lot of time in front of the computer for work and on cold days, despite having some heating, I still felt cold in my feet. I felt very comfortable with this electric mat.


Au bureau, le sol est froid, j'ai tjs les pieds gelés l'hiver, le tapis chauffant a été pour moi un soulagement, quand je viens le matin, je mets la "petite vitesse", comme je l'appelle, et cela diffuse une chaleur constante pendant toute la journée, il s'éteint quand il atteint la température souhaitée. Par sécurité, je le débranche quand même tous les soirs quand je pars...

At the office, the floor is cold, my feet are always frozen in winter, the heating mat has been a relief for me, when I come in the morning, I put it on "low speed", as I call it, and it diffuses a constant heat throughout the day, it turns off when it reaches the desired temperature. For safety, I still unplug it every evening when I leave...


Calidad y funcionamiento correcto.

Quality and correct operation.


Funciona perfecto. El tacto de la alfombra es muy agradable y la sensación de calor es muy agradable. El manejo es muy simple e intuitivo.

It works perfectly. The feel of the mat is very pleasant and the feeling of warmth is very nice. The handling is very simple and intuitive.


Nachdem ich mich lange schwer getan habe, mir eine Heizmatte für die Füße zuzulegen, bin ich jetzt vollauf begeistert. Ich komme schon oft mit kalten Füßen an die Arbeit und fühle mich von daher meist den ganzen Tag über unwohl, denn wer von unter her kalt ist, der wird nicht warm. Das Gute an der Matte, sie fällt als Heizmatte gar nicht auf, nur wer genauer hinschaut merkt es. Die Zeitschaltung ist zwar von der Bedienung her etwas gewöhnungsgedürftig, funktioniert aber super. Und die Stromkosten für 100 W, lächerlich. Das wird heute noch vielerorts für Licht verbraten. Ich bestelle mir noch eine, für Zuhause.....

After struggling for a long time to get a heating mat for my feet, I am now completely enthusiastic. I often come to work with cold feet and that's why I usually feel unwell all day long, because if you're cold from underneath, you won't get warm. The good thing about the mat is that it is not noticeable as a heating mat, only those who take a closer look notice it. The time switch takes a little getting used to in terms of operation, but it works great. And the cost of electricity for 100W, ridiculous. In many places, that's still being squandered for light. I'll order another one for home...


La alfombrilla funciona muy bien, se calienta rápido, el material es correcto, el grosor es el indicado pero es suficiente. Destacar que la funda exterior es lavable por separado del sistema eléctrico, lo que es un gran acierto, y que las demás sino tienen, además la programación es fácil, y aporta mucha seguridad para no dejarla encendida por olvidó.

The mat works very well, it heats up quickly, the material is correct, the thickness is the right one but it is enough. It is worth noting that the outer cover is washable separately from the electrical system, which is a great success, and the others do not have it. In addition, programming is easy, and it provides a lot of security so as not to leave it on by mistake.


Descriptif tout à fait conforme. Je n'ai pas vérifié la consommation, ni la fiabilité dans le temps, mais le fait de disposer de trois allures de chauffe va dans le bon sens pour le premier critère. Grâce à ce tapis je possède le confort hivernal qui me manquait sur mon poste informatique sans avoir à chauffer ma pièce de manière importante.

Description fully compliant. I have not checked the consumption, nor the reliability over time, but the fact of having three heating speeds goes in the right direction for the first criterion. Thanks to this mat I have the winter comfort that I lacked on my computer workstation without having to heat my room significantly.


Parfait, 75w et gris tapis de sol à bouclettes polyesters. Il y a une LED rouge sur l'interrupteur pour savoir si ça marche ou pas. Le 60cm x 40cm rentre parfaitement dans l'intérieur de mon vieux bureau et est assez large pour écarter les jambes dans un fauteuil et avoir les pieds toujours sur le tapis . La chauffe est très modérée (en chaussettes dessus, c'est tiède à doux) ... donc on peut le laisser chauffer tout le temps qu'on est dessus. Aussi utile pour chauffer les chaussures avant de sortir si elles sont au froid avant. Si vous avez des coups de vent (bureau ouvert, portes) et en chaussures ... prenez plutôt le 100w.

Perfect, 75w and grey polyester loop floor mat. There is a red LED on the switch to know if it works or not. The 60cm x 40cm fits perfectly inside my old desk and is wide enough to spread your legs in an armchair and have your feet always on the mat. The heating is very moderate (in socks on it, it is lukewarm to soft) ... so you can let it heat up all the time you are on it. Also useful for heating shoes before going out if they are cold before. If you have wind (open office, doors) and in shoes ... take the 100w instead.