[Returns: -15%] Kamini Electric Fireplace

70,99 €
Original price: 100,99 €
(incl. VAT)
  • Electrical fireplace
  • Black
Product number: 53031576
Kamini Electric Fireplace
70,99 €
Original price: 100,99 €
(incl. VAT)
Also available in other conditions
  • Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    80,99 €
    Original price: 100,99 €
  • Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
  • Shipping time: 4 - 6 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period

Condition - acceptable, with signs of wear

Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear

Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty

Top features

  • Comfortable romantic atmosphere: electric fireplace insert for a cozy feel with halogen lighting

  • Safe: artificial fire, which remains cool at all times and nevertheless pleasantly flickers

  • Flexible: for use in existing fireplaces or free standing

Product description

Romantic fireplace atmosphere every evening at any time of the year! The Klarstein Kamini fireplace works without an open fire at the push of a button. It can be used not only in existing, cold chimneys, but can also stand freely in any room. The gentle light in the coals glows in different ways and mimics genduinely glowing wooden logs. Even in the summer, you can enjoy a nice fireplace.

Due to the compact design and its low weight, the Kamini electric fireplace can be easily transported and positioned. The use of the Klarstein Kamini fireplace insert is easy to operate wtih the easily accessible switch on the side. Another advantage of the electric fire is safety; parents and pet owners can be assured of that. The cleaning is no comparison to that of a conventional fireplace with a real fire: neither soot nor other dirt is produced, everything remains clean.

Flames and warmth without fire at any time and anywhere: no problem with the Kamini from Klarstein.


  • Fireplace insert with modd lighting
  • Glowing logs without the heating function, ash and soot
  • Safe operation
  • Power: 45W
  • Lighting: G9 40W
  • Power supply: 220-240 V ~ | 50/60 Hz
Product number: 53031576

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Measurements: approx. 45 x 18 x 24 cm (WxHxD)
  • Length of power cord: approx. 160 cm
  • Weight: approx. 3.2 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x fireplace insert
  • Operation manual in English (other languages: German)

Delivery & shipment

Low stock - order quickly!

Shipping time: 4 - 6 days

Customer reviews
65 Ratings

No review available for this item.


Behagliches Wohngefühl Vermittelt behagliches Wohngefühl, einfach zu bedienen, Ist zu empfehlen, sehr schönen Herbst und Winter. *****

Comfortable living feeling. Gives a comfortable living feeling, easy to use, is recommended, very nice autumn and winter. *****


Gostei bastante.

I really liked it.


L’ho preso in sostituzione del bracere a bioetanolo del mio camino perché puzzava. Molto bello a vedersi e la brace retroilluminatane animata stupisce. Attenzione però, questo modello è solo decorativo e non riscalda.

I bought it to replace the bioethanol brazier of my fireplace because it smelled. Very nice to look at and the animated backlit embers are amazing. Be careful though, this model is only decorative and does not heat.


Impossibile caricare il contenuto multimediale. So che l'estetica non favorisce la percezione del caldo, ma il piacere di stare davanti ad un (finto) braciere come quelli di una volta mi riscalda il cuore...e anche il corpo anche se non è paragonabile a un termosifone

Unable to load media. I know that aesthetics do not favor the perception of heat, but the pleasure of standing in front of a (fake) brazier like those of the past warms my heart... and also my body even if it is not comparable to a radiator


nette Illusion glimmender Holzscheite Passt gut in die Kaminumrandung. Fernbedienung fehlt, ist auch überflüssig. Das schwarze Kabel stört etwas, habe es weiß abgedeckt.

Nice illusion of glowing logs. Fits well in the fireplace surround. Remote control is missing, and is superfluous. The black cable is a bit annoying, I covered it with white.


Sehr reales Feuer Wir sind sehr zufrieden, das Feuer ist schön hell und macht sich sehr gut als Einlage für einen stillgelegt Kamin

Very real fire We are very satisfied, the fire is beautifully bright and makes a great addition to a disused fireplace


Mi è piaciuto l'effetto nel mio caminetto con il vetro a saliscendi peccato che sia rettangolare e non và a battere alla parete di fondo sarebbe meglio con i due angoli posteriori spinzati così andrebbe bene per ogni tipo di caminetto!

I liked the effect in my fireplace with the sliding glass, it's a shame that it's rectangular and doesn't hit the back wall, it would be better with the two rear corners pushed in so it would be good for any type of fireplace!


Impossibile caricare il contenuto multimediale. L'oggetto raffigura perfettamente il fuoco all'interno del camino. Come descritto ha 5 effetti di fuoco, un valore, loro dicono fino a 30 gradi, ma a me non arriva più di 23. Dietro c'è il sensore di calore che non può essere spostato, molto probabilmente all'interno del camino sente una temperatura più alta e all'esterno non arriva più di questi gradi. Fa comunque molto calore ed è a risparmio energetico, non consuma molto. Ho aspettato per fare recensione per capire meglio. Sono soddisfatta, ma preferivo arrivasse a più valore. Per il resto vorrei dare 5 stars. Per ora grazie al venditore

Unable to load media. The object perfectly depicts the fire inside the fireplace. As described it has 5 fire effects, a value, they say up to 30 degrees, but it doesn't reach more than 23 for me. Behind there is the heat sensor that cannot be moved, most likely inside the fireplace it feels a higher temperature and outside it doesn't reach more than these degrees. It still makes a lot of heat and is energy saving, it doesn't consume much. I waited to write a review to understand better. I'm satisfied, but I would have preferred it to reach a higher value. For the rest I would like to give 5 stars. For now thanks to the seller


Super Alles so wie gewünscht.

Great. Everything as desired.


Top! Die Medien konnten nicht geladen werden.

Great! The media could not be loaded.


E' favoloso l'effetto di luce di fiamma simulata che si riflette sul posteriore del prodotto.

The simulated flame light effect that reflects on the back of the product is fabulous.


Bello, me lo aspettavo più piccolo, scalda abbastanza al mattino una sala molto grande ( da 19 gradi a 22) in mezz'ora. La ventola non è silenziosissima ma va bene per non dimenticarlo acceso. Collocato in un camino è perfetto. Per me la sua funzione di relax con l'aggiunta di un crepitio tramite un app, supera la reale esigenza di riscaldamento, in quelle giornate o serate invernali.

Nice, I expected it to be smaller, it heats up a very large room enough in the morning (from 19 degrees to 22) in half an hour. The fan is not very silent but it is good so as not to forget it on. Placed in a fireplace it is perfect. For me its relaxation function with the addition of a crackling sound via an app, exceeds the real need for heating, on those winter days or evenings.


Gutes Produkt Da ich aus gesundheitlichen Gründen kein offenes Feuer verwenden kann,(Rauchentwicklung) habe ich nach einer Alternative gesucht und mit diesem Kaminfeuer gefunden. Habe es in den vorhandenen Kamin eingesetzt und es sieht sehr gut aus. Die Simulation der Flammen sehen wirklich echt aus ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Good product Since I can't use an open fire for health reasons (smoke development) I looked for an alternative and found it with this fireplace. I put it in the existing fireplace and it looks very good. The simulation of the flames really looks real ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


Impossibile caricare il contenuto multimediale. Ho comprato questo camino per creare un' atmosfera natalizia in realtà oltre a essere bello esteticamente è anche caldo e rilassante e anche i miei amici cani godono di questo tepore. Sono contenta di questo acquisto e lonsiglio

Unable to load media. I bought this fireplace to create a Christmas atmosphere. In fact, in addition to being beautiful aesthetically, it is also warm and relaxing and even my dog friends enjoy this warmth. I am happy with this purchase and I recommend it


Bin begeistert! Da unser Kamin nicht mehr funktioniert, ist diese Ersatzfeuerstelle toll! Erzeugt gute Stimmung!

I'm thrilled! Since our fireplace no longer works, this replacement fireplace is great! Creates a good atmosphere!


Gut Gut

Good Good


Glutbild nicht sehr realitätsnah Glutbild in Farbe (zu gelblich) und Bewegungsmuster nicht sehr realitätsnah. Einsatz (bei Nichtbefeuerung des Kaminofens) jedoch stimmungsvoll.

Embers not very realistic Embers not very realistic in color (too yellow) and movement pattern. However, when used (when the stove is not lit) it creates atmosphere.


Besser als erwartet Die Medien konnten nicht geladen werden. Schnelle Lieferung. Stecker eingesteckt und schon gings los. Wie lange es ohne Fehler läuft kann ich noch nichts sagen, aber momentan bin ich sehr zufrieden

Better than expected The media could not be loaded. Fast delivery. Plugged in the power cable and it started working. I can't say how long it will run without errors, but I'm very satisfied at the moment


Das tolle Teil hat nur ein kleines Manko, nämlich die 40 Watt Halogen Lampe! Super, danke, alles bestens! Das Teil hat lediglich ein einziges Manko in Form einer 40 Watt Halogenleuchte. Das es sowas heutzutage noch gibt ist mir unbegreiflich. Habe gleich eine LED, G9 Birne im Globus Baumarkt gekauft mit einem Verbrauch von nur 3,8 Watt. Die kleine G9 Birne hat leider sage und schreibe 9 Euro gekostet, aber jetzt bin ich zufrieden.

This great item only has one small drawback, namely the 40 watt halogen lamp! Great, thank you, everything is perfect! This item only has one drawback, namely the 40 watt halogen lamp. I can't understand how something like this still exists today. I immediately bought an LED, G9 bulb from the Globus hardware store that only uses 3.8 watts. The small G9 bulb unfortunately cost a whopping 9 euros, but now I'm happy.


La relación calidad precio es genial. Da una sensación de calidez muy agradable. El movimiento de la llama parece real. Una gran elección.

The quality-price ratio is great. It gives a very pleasant feeling of warmth. The movement of the flame seems real. A great choice.


schnelle Lieferung, angenehme Wärme, problemlose Handhabung, netter Flammeneffekt

fast delivery, pleasant warmth, easy handling, nice flame effect





Richtig gemütliches Flair verbreitet der Kamin im Wohnzimmer. Bis jetzt kann ich nichts negatives zu dem Kamin sagen.

The fireplace in the living room creates a really cozy atmosphere. So far I have nothing negative to say about the fireplace.


De valse haard is ideaal voor het meubel that hierbij hoort van dezelfde fabrikant. De afwerking is mooi genoeg. Het effect van de lamp is gezellig 's avonds, maar maakt een klein beetje ruis achtig lawaai, omdat er binnenin een rad draait om het licht dit haardvuur effect te geven, maar dit stoort niet. De lamp die bijgeleverd wordt is echter compleet waardeloos, die heeft welgeteld 4 seconden gebrand en was dan volledig verbrand en ook gloeiend heet. Ik dacht eerst dat het ganse ding kapot was, maar heb dan de lamp vervangen met een LED lamp en deze ging mee voor enkele avonden... dan ook kapot gegaan. Nu zit er een prijzige Phillips LED lamp in en ik zet deze niet te veel aan omdat ik bang ben dat die weeral snel kapot zal gaan... Omdat het zo dubbel is geef ik 3 sterren, had de lamp deze problemen niet, ik zou 5 sterren geven maar deze lampen vervangen is ook vrij kostelijk.

The false fireplace is ideal for the furniture that belongs to it from the same manufacturer. The finish is nice enough. The effect of the lamp is cozy in the evening, but makes a little noise-like noise, because a wheel turns inside to give the light this fire effect, but this is not disturbing. However, the lamp that comes with it is completely worthless, it burned for exactly 4 seconds and was then completely burnt and also glowing hot. At first I thought that the whole thing was broken, but then I replaced the lamp with an LED lamp and it lasted for a few evenings ... then also broke. Now there is a pricey Phillips LED lamp in it and I do not turn it on too much because I am afraid that it will break again soon ... Because it is so double I give 3 stars, the lamp did not have these problems, I would Giving 5 stars but replacing these lamps is also quite expensive.


Es funktioniert mehr gibt es nicht zu sagen

It works, nothing more to say


Eine LED Lampe wäre besser

An LED lamp would be better


Funktionell und mit absolut echter Wirkung. Die Heizung ist auf jeden Fall wirksam.

Functional and with an absolutely real effect. The heating is definitely effective.


Passt wie angegossen in unseren Kamin, das Licht ist angenehm, aber der Geräuschpegel ist zu hoch. Musste das Gerät auf extra Gummifüssen lagern, jetzt geht's!

Fits our fireplace like a glove, the light is nice but the noise level is too high. Had to put the device on extra rubber feet, now it works!


La apariencia es muy acertada y con unos troncos de madera alrededor queda estupendo. Un sólo pero, que en lugar de luz halógena fuera led.

The appearance is very successful and with some wooden logs around it looks great. The only drawback is that instead of halogen lighting, it is LED.


Sehr gutes Produkt. Wenn es gut integriert ist merkt man anfänglich kaum einen Unterschied. Dieses Produkt ist mit Heizfunktion. Funktioniert wie ein Heizlüfter mit Ventilator. Integriert ist auch eine Art Glasrolle die im Hintergrund (Wand) das lodern der Flammen nachahmt.

Very good product. If it is well integrated, you hardly notice a difference at first. This product is with heating function. Works like a fan heater. Also integrated is a kind of glass roll that imitates the blazing of the flames in the background (wall).


Es ist ein schöner Dekoartikel . Der Preis ist ok. Der Geräuschpegel ist akzeptabel. Eine Fernbedienung wäre gut gewesen. Ich habe eine Zeitschaltuhr zwischengeschaltet. Insgesamt 4 Sterne.

It is a beautiful decorative item. The price is OK. The noise level is acceptable. A remote control would have been good. I put a timer in between. Overall 4 stars.


Buen artículo. Envío rápido

Good item. Fast shipping.


Knistereffekt funktioniert sehr gut. Die Hintergrundbeleuchtung wirkt sehr echt, könnte aber noch etwas kräftiger (leuchtender) sein. Bei diesem Preis darf man da aber wahrscheinlich auch nicht zu viel erwarten.

Crackle effect works very well. The backlight looks very real, but could be a bit stronger (brighter). But at this price you probably shouldn't expect too much.


Leider keine Fernbedienung. Ansonsten o.k.

Unfortunately no remote control. Otherwise ok


Die Medien konnten nicht geladen werden. Lange gesucht, verglichen und dann richtig entschieden. Unser Kamin, den wir seit Jahren nicht mehr als Bioethanolofen nutzen können, gefällt uns jetzt mit dem Einsatz wieder sehr gut. Das Feuer sieht aus etwas Entfernung ziemlich echt aus. Überraschend war, dass die Holzscheite richtig lodern, sogar kleine Flammen züngeln und werfen ein Flackern an die Rückwand des Kamins. Kein Stinken, kein Qualm, keine Rückstände...super. Allerdings brummt der Motor schon etwas. Kann man aber wenn Musik spielt überhören. Die Heizstufen haben wir noch nicht ausprobiert, darum kann ich die Heizleistung noch nicht bewerten. Rein optisch würden wir den Kamin wieder kaufen .

The media could not be loaded. Searched for a long time, compared and then made the right decision. We really like our fireplace, which we haven't been able to use as a bioethanol stove for years, with the insert. The fire looks pretty real from a distance. What was surprising was that the logs were really blazing, even small flames licking up and throwing a flicker on the back wall of the fireplace. No smell, no smoke, no residue...great. However, the engine hums a bit. But you can overhear it when music is playing. We haven't tried the heating levels yet, so I can't rate the heat output yet. From a purely visual point of view, we would buy the fireplace again.


Insgesamt für den Preis wirklich gut. Schön anzusehen, leichtes Flammenspiel im Hintergrund. Leider ist die zuschaltbare Heizung sehr laut.

Overall really good for the price. Beautiful to look at, light play of flames in the background. Unfortunately, the switchable heating is very noisy.


Ich wollte gern einen gemütlichen Kamin im Wohnzimmer, war aber skeptisch ob es auch mit einem elektrischen Kamin gemütlich wird. Aber dieser Kamin ist wirklich top. Er sieht schön aus und macht ein tolles Flackern an der Wand. Ich bin begeistert!

I wanted a cozy fireplace in the living room, but I was skeptical about an electric fireplace. But this fireplace is really great. It looks beautiful and makes a great flicker on the wall. I'm excited!


Passt perfekt in meinen Fernsehunterschrank und sieht sehr schön und anheimelnd aus, wenn er in Betrieb ist. Allerdings erzeugt er bei laufendem Betrieb unangenehme leise Geräusche, die für mich manchmal störend sind. Sollte es eine Animation darstellen, so wäre ein leichtes Knistern angenehmer. Nicht in Funktion wirkt der EKamin sehr trist und düster. Habe mich entschlossen, ihn trotzdem zu behalten, weil die Jahreszeit passend ist und die dunkleren Monate länger als die Sommermonate sind.

Fits perfectly in my TV stand and looks very nice and homely when in use. However, it produces unpleasant, quiet noises during operation, which are sometimes annoying for me. If it is an animation, a light crackle would be more pleasant. When not in use, the EKamin looks very dreary and gloomy. Decided to keep it anyway because the time of year is appropriate and the darker months are longer than the summer months.


Esta muy Bién, es bastante convincente. En el interior hay un mecanismo que hace girar un aro con ranuras que le da un ecfeto de movimiento, ami no me gustó, se veía el movimento giratório de la sombra muy artificial y quité la pieza que giraba. Es muy acogedor y se ve fenomenal.

It's very good, it's quite convincing. Inside there is a mechanism that rotates a ring with slots that gives it a moving effect. I didn't like it, the rotating movement of the shadow looked very artificial and I removed the rotating piece. It's very cozy and looks great.


Es lo que se ve. Para la mayoría de chimeneas se verá algo pequeño, pero con poca luz queda bonito y aparente

That's what you see. For most fireplaces it will look a bit small, but with low light it looks nice and noticeable.


Arrived on time

Arrived on time


Funciona bien y la luz simula bastante el fuego. Estamos contentos con su función totalmente estética pero crea un ambiente muy acogedor. La mejor manera de utilizar una chimenea que no funciona. El precio es lo único que cambiaría. Lo veo un poco elevado.

It works well and the light simulates the fire quite well. We are happy with its totally aesthetic function but it creates a very cozy atmosphere. The best way to use a fireplace that does not work. The price is the only thing I would change. I find it a bit high.


No se ha podido cargar el contenido multimedia. Es lo que buscaba, que diese calidez a la estancia, pero no quería que fuese fuente de calor. Me gusta el resultado. Acabo de recibirlo, espero que de buen resultado.

The media could not be loaded. This is what I was looking for, to give warmth to the room, but I didn't want it to be a source of heat. I like the result. I just received it, I hope it works well.


Tiene el tamaño justo, incluso desprende un ligero calorcito. Aspecto bastante natural y a penas hace ruido, nos ha gustado mucho. El fuego tiene un efecto giratorio permanente que le hace perder naturalidad, pero ya contaba con ello.

It's just the right size, and even gives off a slight warmth. It looks quite natural and barely makes any noise, which we really liked. The fire has a permanent rotating effect that makes it less natural, but I was expecting that.


El producto ha llegado en buenas condiciones (la caja y la chimenea) pero la bombilla era roto. Afortunadamente, las bombillas son disponibles en tiendas locales para 3,50€.

The product arrived in good condition (the box and the chimney) but the bulb was broken. Fortunately, the bulbs are available in local stores for 3.50€.


As described , very happy with product.

As described , very happy with product.


Tras intentar por 2 veces comprar el mismo producto en Leroy Merlin sin exito porque cada vez que me lo enviaban lo enchufaba y no funcionaba ... decidí mirar en Amazon y encontré exactamente el mismo producto que estaba buscando, unas brasas falsas que de lejos se parecen a las verdaderas. Y bingo, a la primera funcionaban perfectamente! Recrean el ambiente que yo esperaba, no calientan pero yo tampoco lo quería. Muy contenta con la compra.

After trying twice to buy the same product at Leroy Merlin without success because every time they sent it to me I plugged it in and it didn't work... I decided to look on Amazon and found exactly the same product I was looking for, fake embers that from a distance look like the real thing. And bingo, they worked perfectly on the first try! They recreate the atmosphere I expected, they don't heat up but I didn't want them to either. Very happy with the purchase.


It does the job, you have the illusion of a real fire, doesn't heat up though. The one star lost because it arrived with a broken bulb so I had to order and wait for new bulbs to see if it's working. Overall we are more than happy with it.

It does the job, you have the illusion of a real fire, doesn't heat up though. The one star lost because it arrived with a broken bulb so I had to order and wait for new bulbs to see if it's working. Overall we are more than happy with it.


Die Medien konnten nicht geladen werden. Der Kamin sieht im ausgeschalteten Zustand sehr gut aus! Wenn er an ist, leuchtet das ganze Ding, aber es flackert lediglich ein kleiner Teil! Manchmal fängt das Ding auch leicht zum summen an (hört man im Video auch, aber kann auch der Grund sein, weil er auf einem Blech steht)! Ich habe ihn dennoch behalten!

The media could not be loaded. The fireplace looks very good when switched off! When it's on, the whole thing glows, but only a small part flickers! Sometimes the thing also starts to hum slightly (you can hear it in the video too, but it can also be because it's standing on a sheet of metal)! I kept it anyway!


Me a encantado lo he puesto en la chimenea y queda colosal

I loved it, I put it on the fireplace and it looks colossal.





Cumple de sobras con las espectativas.

It more than meets expectations.


The coal effect fire was used as an insert in a log burner. The existing fire basket was removed, wiring pulled through the air vents, and that was it. Log burner still available to use if necessary but no longer looking at the black hole when it isn’t lit. Good quality and easy to fit. Before and after photos above.

The coal effect fire was used as an insert in a log burner. The existing fire basket was removed, wiring pulled through the air vents, and that was it. Log burner still available to use if necessary but no longer looking at the black hole when it isn’t lit. Good quality and easy to fit. Before and after photos above.


Da el pego de unas brasas. Probablemente se pueda mejorar el diseño (el mecanismo es bastante sencillo) para hacerlo más real. Nos obstante, por el precio que tiene tampoco se debe exigir demasiado. Estoy contento con el, lo uso como sustituto en un horno de piedra y de momento funciona. Es totalmente silencioso (el modelo que tengo no es calefactor, solo ornamental).

It looks like a glowing ember. The design could probably be improved (the mechanism is quite simple) to make it more realistic. However, for the price it is, you should not ask too much of it. I am happy with it, I use it as a substitute for a stone oven and it works so far. It is completely silent (the model I have is not a heater, just ornamental).


Le foyer électrique Kamini est arrivé d’Allemagne 4 jours après commande, très bien protégé dans un triple carton d’emballage. Après déballage, il s’avère que la lampe halogène G9 -40W n’est pas installée dans le foyer, elle est livrée dans une petite boîte contenue dans le carton. Il faut donc enlever le couvercle formé par les « braises » en dévissant les 2 vis situées de chaque côté et l’enficher dans son culot situé sous le cylindre à fentes motorisé, puis remonter les « braises ». Cela ne présente aucune difficulté. Ensuite, il suffit de brancher et d’allumer avec le petit interrupteur situé à l’arrière. L’effet est bluffant, les braises rougeoient de façon ondoyante sous l’effet de la lumière qui traverse les fentes du cylindre qui tourne, entrainé par un petit moteur très silencieux. Il ne manque que les flammes, la fumée et l’odeur. Cela ressemble bien à un feu de bois presque consumé, c’est bien imité et, quand on ne sait pas, on peut y croire au premier regard. Bref, un beau décor, sans la chaleur mais aussi sans les inconvénients d’un vrai feu de bois. Cela me convient parfaitement.

The Kamini electric fireplace arrived from Germany 4 days after ordering, very well protected in a triple packaging box. After unpacking, it turns out that the G9 -40W halogen lamp is not installed in the fireplace, it is delivered in a small box contained in the box. It is therefore necessary to remove the cover formed by the "embers" by unscrewing the 2 screws located on each side and plug it into its base located under the motorized slotted cylinder, then reassemble the "embers". This is not difficult. Then, simply plug in and turn on with the small switch located at the back. The effect is amazing, the embers glow in an undulating way under the effect of the light passing through the slots of the rotating cylinder, driven by a small, very quiet motor. All that is missing are the flames, the smoke and the smell. It looks like a nearly burnt-out wood fire, it is well imitated and, when you don't know, you can believe it at first glance. In short, a beautiful setting, without the heat but also without the drawbacks of a real wood fire. It suits me perfectly.


Muy contenta la verdad. Lo compre sin calefactor por lo que no hace ningun ruido, tiene una rueda que hace el efecto de las ascuas y queda genial en mi chimenea. Sin duda ha sido todo un acierto y muy economico

I'm really happy with it. I bought it without a heater so it doesn't make any noise, it has a wheel that makes the effect of embers and it looks great in my fireplace. It was definitely a success and very economical.


La sensación es buena, los tronos efecto brasa bastante conseguido,le falta efecto llama, un poco ruidoso

The feeling is good, the ember effect thrones are quite successful, it lacks flame effect, a bit noisy


Wir habe in unserer Kellerbar einen offenen Kamin, der vor Jahren stillgelegt wurde. Ich habe diesen " Dekokamin" inkl. Heizfunktion gekauft um A: Dem Toten Kamin etwas optisch aufzuwerten. B: um im Bedarfsfall die Bar etwas aufwärmen zu können. Der Kamin sieht gut verarbeitet aus und macht auch optisch einen sehr guten Eindruck. Nach dem ersten einschalten war ich überrascht!!!! Das Farbenspiel der Glut wirkt täuschend echt! Über einen Kleinen Schlitz an der Rückseite des Geräts wird ein Flackernder Lichtschein an die Rückwand des Eigendlichen Feuerraums geworfen der ein täuschend echtes Flammenspiel simuliert. Bin vom optischen Effekt mehr als begeistert. Die Heizfunktion ist auch ordendlich und verbreitet eine wohlige Wärme. Bei allem Lob muss ich aber leider auch einen kleinen Kritikpunkt vergeben..... Der Lüfter, den man optional zuschalten kann ist etwas laut und stört dann doch die sonst so schön geschaffene Stimmung des Kaminfeuers. Deswegen Leider 1Punkt Abzug Aber sonst kann ich dieses Produkt "wärmstens" empfehlen.

We have an open fireplace in our basement bar that was shut down years ago. I bought this "deco fireplace" incl. heating function to A: visually enhance the dead fireplace. B: to be able to warm up the bar a little if necessary. The fireplace looks well made and also makes a very good visual impression. After the first switch on I was surprised!!!! The play of colors of the embers looks deceptively real! A flickering light is thrown onto the back wall of the actual firebox via a small slot on the back of the device, simulating a deceptively real play of flames. I am more than enthusiastic about the optical effect. The heating function is also neat and spreads a cozy warmth. With all the praise, I unfortunately have to give a small point of criticism..... The fan, which you can optionally switch on, is a bit loud and then disturbs the otherwise so beautifully created atmosphere of the open fire. That's why unfortunately 1 point deduction But otherwise I can "warmly" recommend this product.


Queda perfecta da sensación de calided,muy decorativa.

It is perfect, gives a feeling of warmth, very decorative.


Von einer Flammenillusion kann wirklich keine Rede sein. Es handelt sich hier nur um eine Glut die auch nicht besonders echt aussieht, da sie permanent leuchtet. Nur im oberen Bereich gibt es ein wenig Bewegung durch ein kleines Lochmaskenrad. Dennoch entsteht eine gemütliche und wohlige Kamin-Atmosphäre. Ich habe das Gerät hinter Glas in ein Schauschrank gestellt. Die Rückwand mit roten Ziegelsteinen (aus Styropor) nachgebildet. Sieht im Gesamtkontext relativ echt aus. Mit ein wenig Bastlergeschick könnte man den Effekt noch verstärken. Den relativ hohen Preis finde ich gerechtfertigt, da die Verarbeitung einen hochwertigen Eindruck macht. Die elektrische Verkabelung sieht sorgfältig und solide aus. Ich habe aber ein Stern abgezogen weil der nette Effekt nicht ganz im Verhältnis zum Preis steht. Anders gesagt, das Gerät ist Top, aber der Effekt ist eher etwas dürftig.

There can really be no talk of a flame illusion. This is just an ember that doesn't look particularly real either, as it is permanently lit. Only in the upper area there is a little movement due to a small shadow mask wheel. Nevertheless, a cozy and cozy fireplace atmosphere is created. I put the device behind glass in a display cabinet. The back wall is reproduced with red bricks (made of styrofoam). Looks relatively real in the overall context. With a little hobbyist skill, the effect could be enhanced. I think the relatively high price is justified, as the workmanship makes a high-quality impression. The electrical wiring looks careful and solid. But I deducted a star because the nice effect is not quite in relation to the price. In other words, the device is top, but the effect is rather poor.


Placed in existing fire place.Looks great

Placed in existing fire place.Looks great


Very nice . Looks great!!!

Very nice . Looks great!!!


El envío aún viniendo de Alemania nos llegò en 2 dias,como anunciado,perfectamente embalado y con instrucciones claras.No es un fueg de leña ni carbón pero acompaña en el lugar que lo hemos colocado

The shipment, even coming from Germany, arrived in 2 days, as advertised, perfectly packaged and with clear instructions. It is not a wood or coal fire, but it fits in the place where we have placed it.


ideal for fire effect.

ideal for fire effect.


I found the the Klarstein electric fireplace to be an excellent choice for me as i live in a second floor apartment that has no fireplace features. It arrived with easy to read instructions and also came with one bulb for the fireplace, And to my relief, Also a spare bulb! I was happy to see a UK plug, As i was uncertain if it would need an adaptor to use it. I read the instructions and used a crosshead screwdriver to lift off the cover and i plugged the bulb into position before putting the cover back on. I placed the fireplace in my living room and switched it on. To my delight, The dancing flickering flames looked very warm and cosy which reminded me of Christmas, But without the worry and expense of using real wood logs, Or a getting a high electric bill from a winter heater.

I found the the Klarstein electric fireplace to be an excellent choice for me as i live in a second floor apartment that has no fireplace features. It arrived with easy to read instructions and also came with one bulb for the fireplace, And to my relief, Also a spare bulb! I was happy to see a UK plug, As i was uncertain if it would need an adaptor to use it. I read the instructions and used a crosshead screwdriver to lift off the cover and i plugged the bulb into position before putting the cover back on. I placed the fireplace in my living room and switched it on. To my delight, The dancing flickering flames looked very warm and cosy which reminded me of Christmas, But without the worry and expense of using real wood logs, Or a getting a high electric bill from a winter heater.