Halley Pro Weather Station WiFi

Halley Pro Weather Station WiFi

135,99 € (incl. VAT)
Included in this price is a contribution to recycling costs of 0.00 EUR
  • Weather station
  • White
Product number: 10032926
Halley Pro Weather Station WiFi
135,99 € (incl. VAT)
  • Ready for delivery In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays.
  • Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period

Top features

  • Best prospects: 6-in-1 display of all measurements on smartphone or tablet

  • Exact values: thanks to reliable indoor and outdoor stations

  • Well connected: free Wunderground app to observe and provide all weather data

Product description

Never miss any more weather phenomena: with the Waldbeck Halley pro weather station, you can keep track of all relevant measurements, warnings and forecasts.

With the Waldbeck Halley pro weather station, up to 6 different measurements can be taken simultaneously: these include the values ​​of temperature, air pressure, precipitation, wind, UV radiation and light. The deciding factor is a battery-operated outdoor weather station, which is installed in the immediate vicinity of your home, outdoors. Equipped with a wind vane, a wind speed sensor, a UV / light sensor, a thermometer and hygrometer, a barometer, a rain collector and a solar cell, the station sends all live weather data to the stationary indoor receiver and keeps you up to date on all weather events. Thanks to its WiFi interface and the compatible Wunderground app (Weather Underground), you can always get the latest weather forecasts and weather warnings. If you wish, you can even set up your own weather station and automatically make your local weather data available to all weather-interested people around the world. Become part of a global network that allows for more accurate forecasts and better understand weather phenomena. An indoor sensor additionally measures the values ​​of temperature, air pressure and humidity in your own home, which can be read at any time via a handy supplied transmitter.

Precise, multifunctional and networked worldwide: the Waldbeck Halley pro weather station is the ideal companion for all weather aficionados.


  • Max. connection distance: 100 m
  • Temperature measurement: -40 to + 60 ° C
  • Outdoor station with LED light
  • Indoor station with display on transmitter
  • WiFi connection
  • App compatible
Product number: 10032926

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions outdoor station: approx. 40 x 20 x 41.5 cm (WxHxD)
  • Dimensions indoor station: approx. 8 x 5,7 x 5,3 cm (WxHxD)
  • Indoor transmitter dimensions: approx. 4.2 x 12.2 x 1.5 cm (WxHxD)
  • Weight: approx. 1.2 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x outdoor station
  • 1 x indoor station
  • 1 x indoor transmitter
  • 1 x mounting kit
  • 1 x power cable

Delivery & shipment

Ready for delivery

Shipping time: 3 - 5 days

Your order will be delivered to the selected address per order. This address does not have to match the billing address. You can send the orders to your family, friends or office if you are not at home during the day.

Safety and Operating Instructions

Download user manual

Product Safety Information

Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin

Responsible Person:
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin

E-mail address:

Customer reviews
83 Ratings

No review available for this item.


Montage facile, répond à mes attentes

Easy assembly, meets my expectations


Très bonne station Méteo, compatible Ecowitt, ce qui permet d’en récupérer les données (Ecowitt2MQTT) pour les exploiter via plusieurs sessions différentes Home Assistant sur un AgroLink (Raspberry Pi, OpenSprinkler, Home Assistant) et d’autres choses, elle offre la possibilité de programmer des arrosages et évènements dans ma pépinière conjointement aux prévisions météo.

Very good weather station, Ecowitt compatible, which allows to retrieve data (Ecowitt2MQTT) to use it via several different Home Assistant sessions on an AgroLink (Raspberry Pi, OpenSprinkler, Home Assistant) and other things, it offers the possibility of programming waterings and events in my nursery in conjunction with the weather forecasts.


Fàcil para obtener datos online, todo y que costo un poco de enlazar con el wifi, lo demàs es fantástico y de buena precisión.

Easy to get data online, although it took a bit of time to connect to the wifi, the rest is fantastic and has good precision.


Installation facile sur homeassistant via les integrations disponibles! Bien content globalement bien que les données de vitesse de vent ne me paraissent pas très fiables.

Easy installation on homeassistant via the available integrations! Overall very happy although the wind speed data does not seem very reliable to me.


La instalación es muy simple.

Installation is very simple.


Der Kauf entsprach in allen Punkten meiner Erwartung. Von der Lieferung bis zum Funktionsumfang alles bestens. Das Gerät läst sich auch einfach ins Homeautomation-Netzwerk einbinden. Über die Haltbarkeit kann ich derzeit noch keine Aussage treffen. Bisher also voll zufrieden.

The purchase met my expectations in every respect. From the delivery to the range of functions, everything was perfect. The device can also be easily integrated into the home automation network. I cannot yet comment on the durability. So far, I am completely satisfied.


Ya he instalado 3 estaciones meteorológicas personales, y esta es de la que estoy mas contento. Lleva 5 años trabajando sin ningún problema y con la app puedo consultar en todo momento los datos tanto en local como en remoto. Además sube automaticamente los datos a WU y a WhatherCloud, esta última me avisa si hay alguna caida. Los problemas con WAView se han resuelto con WSView Plus

I have already installed 3 personal weather stations, and this is the one I am most happy with. It has been working for 5 years without any problems and with the app I can check the data at any time both locally and remotely. It also automatically uploads the data to WU and WhatherCloud, the latter alerts me if there is any downtime. The problems with WAView have been solved with WSView Plus


Es una pasada d'estació meteorològica. Costa molt poc de configurar-la i es connecta a tots els serveis de meteorologia on-line. Es connecta amb Home Assistant sense problemes amb les integracions de Ecowitt i Wundergroundpws. Molt content amb la compra.

It's a past weather station. It costs very little to set up and connects to all online weather services. Connects to Home Assistant seamlessly with Ecowitt and Wundergroundpws integrations. Very happy with the purchase.


Muy bien para tener controlado, mediante esta estación meteorológica el tiempo al instante. Agua, aire y demás datos en la aplicación con datos precisos. Relación calidad precio perfectas.

Very good for keeping track of the weather instantly using this weather station. Water, air and other data in the application with precise data. Perfect quality-price ratio.


nur Sensor - gute Qualität - super Preis Ich habe nur den Sensor, und der hat mich überzeugt. Wer Wetterdaten selbst auswerten will, hat hier die Möglichkeit eine Messstation ohne Display zu bekommen. Die Daten können neben Cloud-Services auch auf einen eigenen Webserver im Heimnetzwerk übertragen werden. Danach sind die Möglichkeiten vielfältig, für alle die sich mit Datenbearbeitung, Auswertung und Darstellung auskennen. Top Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis

Sensor only - good quality - great price I only have the sensor and it convinced me. If you want to evaluate weather data yourself, you have the option of getting a measuring station without a display. The data can be transferred to cloud services as well as to your own web server in the home network. After that, the possibilities are varied for anyone who is familiar with data processing, evaluation and presentation. Top price-performance ratio


Einfach zu montieren, gut in Hausautomation einzubinden Vorab: das Preis-/Leistungsverhältnis dieser Wetterstation ist sehr gut. Es handelt sich bei der Waldbeck Halley Profistation um eine gelabelte Fine Offset Wetterstation (Ecowitt WH2680) , für die es in Openhab ein Binding gibt. Alternativ dazu kann sie über Weather Underground und das entsprechende Binding eingebunden werden. Nach der Einbindung ins WLAN und einem Firmwareupdate der Basisstation verrichtet die Wetterstation in etwa 15m Entfernung vom Haus klaglos ihre Dienste. Die Basisstation steht direkt an der Zimmerwand zum Garten, die Empfangsstärke ist locker ausreichend. Da die Wetterstation kein eigenes Display hat ist zur Abfrage der Daten die WSView Plus (dient auch zur Einrichtung) oder die Wunderground App notwendig.

Easy to install, easy to integrate into home automation First of all: the price/performance ratio of this weather station is very good. The Waldbeck Halley Profistation is a labeled Fine Offset weather station (Ecowitt WH2680) for which there is a binding in Openhab. Alternatively, it can be integrated via Weather Underground and the corresponding binding. After integration into the WLAN and a firmware update of the base station, the weather station does its job without complaint at a distance of around 15m from the house. The base station is directly on the wall of the room facing the garden, the reception strength is more than sufficient. Since the weather station does not have its own display, the WSView Plus (also used for setup) or the Wunderground app is required to query the data.


Contento porque quitando la pantalla interior, se abarata el coste y a través del móvil ves todos los datos con precisión. Muy buena compra hasta el punto que comprare otra para una nueva hubicacion.

I'm happy because by removing the internal screen, the cost is reduced and you can see all the data accurately through the mobile phone. A very good purchase to the point that I will buy another one for a new location.


Alles gut!! Top

Everything is good!! Top


Après avoir essayé pas mal de marque, certaines beaucoup plus chère, je suis tombé sur un forum recommandant ce modèle pour connexion avec Homeassistant. En effet, cette station marche avec les sites habituels mais offre également une Api locale, sans passer par le cloud que vous pouvez facilement integrer dans home assistant. Les capteurs semblent fiable et en accord avec les autre capteur et pluviomètre manuel. Seul le vent n'a p'us être vérifier. Très satisfait

After trying quite a few brands, some much more expensive, I came across a forum recommending this model for connection with Homeassistant. Indeed, this station works with the usual sites but also offers a local API, without going through the cloud that you can easily integrate into home assistant. The sensors seem reliable and in agreement with the other sensor and manual rain gauge. Only the wind could not be checked. Very satisfied


Leider ist es mit nicht gelungen, die Wetterstation ordnungsgemäß zu installieren. Auch auf Wunderground ist die waldbeck Wetterstation nicht zu finden. Hab mich deshalb dazu entschlossen, den Artikel zurückzusenden.

Unfortunately, I did not succeed in installing the weather station properly. The waldbeck weather station cannot be found on Wunderground either. So I decided to return the item.


Bon produit

Good product


Use the WS VIEW app. - NOT WS TOOL as written in the manual Super value for money! Even the installation is easy. - If one doesnt follow the instruction in the manual, but uses the WS View instead of the suggested WS Tool app. The latter has been superseeded by WS View and doesnt work with the Waldbeck Weather station. Save your time

Use the WS VIEW app. - NOT WS TOOL as written in the manual Super value for money! Even the installation is easy. - If one doesnt follow the instruction in the manual, but uses the WS View instead of the suggested WS Tool app. The latter has been superseeded by WS View and doesnt work with the Waldbeck Weather station. Save your time


Super value for money! Even the installation is easy. - If one doesnt follow the instruction in the manual, but uses the WS View instead of the suggested WS Tool app. The latter has been superseeded by WS View and doesnt work with the Waldbeck Weather station. Save your time

Super value for money! Even the installation is easy. - If one doesnt follow the instruction in the manual, but uses the WS View instead of the suggested WS Tool app. The latter has been superseeded by WS View and doesnt work with the Waldbeck Weather station. Save your time


Attention, pas d'écran, l'affichage se fait sur smartphone ou pc. En ce qui me concerne c'était le but. Il est prévu que je la connecte à mon serveur domotique jeedom. Le but ? Asservir arrosage, volets roulants chauffage ou clim aux conditions météos.

Attention, no screen, the display is done on smartphone or pc. As far as I'm concerned, that was the goal. I plan to connect it to my jeedom home automation server. The goal? To control watering, roller shutters, heating or air conditioning to weather conditions.


Facile a installer et a connecter a un systeme domotique ou en liaison directe Internet

Easy to install and connect to a home automation system or direct Internet connection


Hat 15 Monate gut funktioniert. Jetzt ist der Aussentemperatursensor und der Luftfeuchtesensor ausgefallen! Schade!

Has worked fine for 15 months. Now the outside temperature sensor and the humidity sensor have failed! A pity!


Compra excelente! La compré hace ya más de año y medio y ha funcionado a la perfección. Además consume muy poca energía, de forma que puedo alimentar el receptor wifi con una placa solar pequeña. Simple de instalar y los datos se pueden subir fácilmente a wunderground para consultarlos y guardarlos. El servicio postventa excelente, tuve un problema al cabo de un tiempo y me lo solucionaron muy rápidamente. Voy a comprar otra para la segunda residencia.

Excellent purchase! I bought it over a year and a half ago and it has worked perfectly. It also consumes very little energy, so I can power the wifi receiver with a small solar panel. Easy to install and the data can be easily uploaded to wunderground for consultation and storage. Excellent after-sales service, I had a problem after a while and it was solved very quickly. I am going to buy another one for my second home.


Lo que más me gusta es que puedes ver los datos en near real time desde donde quieras con la app, y tienes históricos también. Me parece una pasada y viendo otras opciones calidad precio es el mejor, al menos para mí. Lo que si podría mejorar es que no viene explicado en el manual ni cual es la app correcta para usarlo ni como configurarlo, tienes que cacharrear, pero yo lo configuré como en media hora, osea que tampoco es extremadamente difícil

What I like the most is that you can see the data in near real time from anywhere with the app, and you have historical data too. I think it's amazing and considering other quality-price options, it's the best, at least for me. What could be improved is that it's not explained in the manual or which is the correct app to use it or how to configure it, you have to tinker, but I configured it in about half an hour, so it's not extremely difficult either.


Buen precio y multitud de datos. Se instala fácil y tiene buen alcance. La unica cosa no de 10 es que se emplea con varias apps, o con la que quieras, y hay opiniones para todo. Después de prbar varias, para mí la mejor es Ecowitt. Es estable, rápida, y completa.

Good price and lots of data. It is easy to install and has a good range. The only thing that is not great is that it is used with several apps, or with whatever you want, and there are opinions for everything. After trying several, for me the best one is Ecowitt. It is stable, fast, and complete.


Ce produit fonctionne très bien. Les données sont remonté très régulièrement et les données semble assez précise.

This product works very well. The data is uploaded very regularly and the data seems quite accurate.


P/L ungeschlagen. Kann mit diversen wetterdiensten benutzt werden wu app ist schlecht umgestzt, pro version hat von mir nicht gewolltes aboknebelmodell. 10-15€ für eine gute unabhängige app als Kaufversion einrechnen.dann top. Wlan Integration stellt mit etwas Basiswissen kein Problem dar. Windrichtungsanzeiger geht meiner Meinung nach zu schwer.

P/L undefeated. Can be used with various weather services Wu app is poorly implemented, each version has a subscription model that I did not want. Calculate 10-15€ for a good independent app as a purchase version. Then great. WLAN integration is not a problem with some basic knowledge. In my opinion, wind direction indicators are too difficult.


Top Wetterstation für den Preis P/L ungeschlagen. Kann mit diversen wetterdiensten benutzt werden wu app ist schlecht umgestzt, pro version hat von mir nicht gewolltes aboknebelmodell. 10-15€ für eine gute unabhängige app als Kaufversion einrechnen.dann top. Wlan Integration stellt mit etwas Basiswissen kein Problem dar. Windrichtungsanzeiger geht meiner Meinung nach zu schwer.

Top weather station for the price/performance ratio, unbeatable. Can be used with various weather services, wu app is poorly implemented, pro version has a subscription model that I don't want. Factor in €10-15 for a good independent app as a purchase version, then it's great. WiFi integration is no problem with some basic knowledge. Wind direction indicator is too difficult in my opinion.


Batterien einlegen, WLan mit WS View App verbinden, läuft! Defekte WS (Windsensor hatte nach ca. 1 Jahr Aussetzer) wurde problemlos ersetzt.

Insert batteries, connect WiFi to WS View App, it works! Defective WS (wind sensor had misfires after about 1 year) was replaced without any problems.


This is all you need very good

This is all you need very good


Gute Verarbeitung. Etwas kompliziert zu installieren im Web. Aergerlich dass der Preis innerhalb von 6 Wochen um 15 Euro fuer das Gerät gefallen ist.

Good workmanship. A bit complicated to install on the web. Annoying that the price for the device fell by 15 euros within 6 weeks.


Produit conforme à la description. Matériel d'occasion qui est neuf. Certainement un retour au fournisseur. Un peu compliqué à installer, la notice n'est que en anglais et allemand. Après avoir gratté sur internet et trouvé une notice en français ça va beaucoup mieux. Le plus long, est de synchroniser le boîtier pour un débutant comme moi. Sinon ça a l'air d'être du très bon matériel. Montage de la station rapidement. Je recommande ce produit. Livraison plus que rapide et fournisseur qui communique beaucoup pendant l'envoi.

Product conforms to the description. Used equipment that is new. Certainly a return to the supplier. A little complicated to install, the instructions are only in English and German. After having scratched on the internet and found instructions in French, it is much better. The longest part is to synchronize the box for a beginner like me. Otherwise it seems to be very good equipment. Assembly of the station quickly. I recommend this product. Delivery more than fast and supplier who communicates a lot during shipping.


Llevo un mes con ella y la verdad que va fina y perfecta. Vengo de una Neatmo que sólo daba problemas, a pesar de ser sensiblemente más cara. Los gráficos de la app están bien, aunque se echa en falta algunas cosas como temperatura máxima o mínima del día, y poder interaccionar con ellos. Buena compra, esperemos que sea duradera.

I've had it for a month and it's been working perfectly. I'm coming from a Neatmo that only gave me problems, despite being considerably more expensive. The app's graphics are good, although some things are missing, such as the maximum or minimum temperature of the day, and being able to interact with them. A good purchase, let's hope it lasts.


Funciona muy bien. Los materiales de construcción se aprecian de calidad y duraderos. Lo único negativo y a tener en cuenta, es que para poder configurarla hay que utilizar una APP diferente a la que te indican. Descárgate la APP "WS View" y te funcionará perfectamente.

It works very well. The construction materials are of high quality and durable. The only negative thing to keep in mind is that in order to configure it you have to use a different APP than the one they indicate. Download the "WS View" APP and it will work perfectly.


From my research, this was the least expensive Internet connected weather station I could find. So far it hasn't disappointed, however you need to know that while the instructions say to use the app WS Tool to register it, the app WS View worked for me.

From my research, this was the least expensive Internet connected weather station I could find. So far it hasn't disappointed, however you need to know that while the instructions say to use the app WS Tool to register it, the app WS View worked for me.


Si da problemas para conectar el wifi del dispositivo a nuestro router, deben poner el wifi de su teléfono móvil a 2.4 GHZ dentro de la configuración de Wifi de su teléfono móvil, si lo tienen en automático o 5 GHZ dará problemas para conectar el dispositivo al router, una vez este conectado, pueden poner la configuración de wifi de su teléfono de nuevo en automático. De esta forma funciona correctamente.

If you have problems connecting the device's WiFi to our router, you should set your mobile phone's WiFi to 2.4 GHZ within the WiFi settings of your mobile phone. If you have it on automatic or 5 GHZ, it will cause problems connecting the device to the router. Once it is connected, you can set your phone's WiFi settings back to automatic. This way it works correctly.


Station achetée en novembre 2020. Très difficile à installer et surtout utiliser WSView si vous voulez reussir à vous connecter. Une fois la connections réussie, Wunderground qui serait en français serait un top car le partage avec toutes les stations équivalentes d’information en temps réel est un vrai plus. Pluviomètre indiquant plus que la précipitation d’un pluviomètre « classique »... il doit y avoir des calibrages mais comme l’application est « archaïque » cela est pas facile .. La station est à plus de 80m de son relais et tout fonctionne à merveille malgré des murs. Sinon je recommande cet article pour celui qui sait se débrouiller en anglais et qui adore avoir la météo sur son téléphone

Station purchased in November 2020. Very difficult to install and especially use WSView if you want to succeed in connecting. Once the connection is successful, Wunderground which would be in French would be a great because sharing with all equivalent stations of information in real time is a real plus. Rain gauge indicating more than the precipitation of a "classic" rain gauge ... there must be calibrations but as the application is "archaic" this is not easy .. The station is more than 80m from its relay and everything works wonderfully despite walls. Otherwise I recommend this article for those who know how to get by in English and who love having the weather on their phone


Pretty easy setup over network. So simple to connect to Wunderground. Having always on weather I can browse the station from anywhere. This is my 4th different station and looks to be the best so far. Par up with Weather Display program and it is full of useful info.

Pretty easy setup over network. So simple to connect to Wunderground. Having always on weather I can browse the station from anywhere. This is my 4th different station and looks to be the best so far. Par up with Weather Display program and it is full of useful info.


Fonctionne parfaitement

Works perfectly


Lieferung OK, registrieren nur in Englisch- wer es kann kein Problem. Man benötigt eine ID um sich anzumelden - wie man diese bekommt??, darum nur 3 Sterne.

Delivery OK, register only in English - if you can, no problem. You need an ID to log in - how do you get it??, hence only 3 stars.


No le doy las 5 estrellas por el tema del manual. Sale una guía rápida en la que pone el enlace para descargar el manual completo, pero no es así. Ese enlace sólo te permite descargar la misma guía rápida... Deberían solucionarlo el tema ese. Tras buscar un rato, encontré el manual en la página Manualslib.de, que por cierto está en alemán, y cuando conseguí aclararme con el traductor de google por fin conseguí descargarme el manual. Luego me llevó un rato configurar el tema del wifi, pero es cierto que fue por no leer con cuidado las instrucciones del manual que había descargado. Como primero lo intenté sin manual (al no tenerlo), me metí en algún jardín informático en el que no debería haber entrado, pero al final lo conseguí. Pero eso, que sin leer con cuidado el manual, no era sencillo... Cuando por fin funcionó todo, me quedé encantado con la estación. Cada minuto sube los datos a los servidores (me di de alta en Wunderground y en Ecowitt.nett y estuve un rato disfrutando viendo todos los datos que ofrece la estación. Lo de la radiación solar (que la da en W/m2) a mi me resulta particularmente útil porque tengo un sistema de ACS con un equipo de solar térmica, y así voy a poder controlar la radiación solar que tengo durante el día. Con el tema de la temperatura, también me será de mucha utilidad, porque al tener tanto los datos de exterior como de interior (hay un chisme que tienes dentro de casa para la temperatura y humedad en el interior), me va a permitir evaluar las pérdidas de calor que tengo durante la noche, cosa que me interesa porque me he hecho la casa nueva y quería analizar lo bien o mal aislada que la tengo. Por cierto, desde Ecowitt.nett te puedes descargar una hoja de cálculo con todos los datos, pero de Wunderground no he visto como hacerlo. En fin, un chisme fantástico para el precio que tiene. Estoy encantado.

I'm not giving it 5 stars because of the manual. It shows a quick guide with a link to download the complete manual, but that's not the case. That link only allows you to download the quick guide itself... They should fix that issue. After searching for a while, I found the manual on the Manualslib.de page, which by the way is in German, and when I managed to figure it out with Google Translate I finally managed to download the manual. Then it took me a while to configure the wifi issue, but it's true that it was because I didn't read the instructions in the manual I had downloaded carefully. As I first tried it without a manual (not having one), I got into some computer garden that I shouldn't have entered, but in the end I managed it. But that, without reading the manual carefully, wasn't easy... When everything finally worked, I was delighted with the station. Every minute the data is uploaded to the servers (I signed up for Wunderground and Ecowitt.nett and I spent some time enjoying seeing all the data that the station offers. The solar radiation (which is given in W/m2) is particularly useful to me because I have a DHW system with a solar thermal unit, and so I will be able to control the solar radiation I have during the day. Regarding the temperature, it will also be very useful to me, because having both the exterior and interior data (there is a gadget that you have inside the house for the temperature and humidity inside), will allow me to evaluate the heat losses I have during the night, which interests me because I have built a new house and I wanted to analyze how well or poorly insulated I have it. By the way, from Ecowitt.nett you can download a spreadsheet with all the data, but I haven't seen how to do it from Wunderground. Anyway, a fantastic gadget for the price it has. I'm delighted.


This device works well, my only gripe is that the WS Tool app on my iphone arbitrarily set a preposterously high air pressure offset for the relative (sea level equivalent) pressure and was resistant to allowing subsequent change. Other than that, it has worked well and constantly for six months now. Once you've worked out the process, linking to online services like Weathercloud or the Wundergroud is a doddle, It makes the purchase of a dedicated console completely unnecessary. You're much better with an online service. My old Oregon WS had a 9 second reporting period on the anemometer, which gave a spurious gust report. The sensor in this WS appears to monitor the speed internally and report gusting more accurately despite the reporting period being 60 seconds.

This device works well, my only gripe is that the WS Tool app on my iphone arbitrarily set a preposterously high air pressure offset for the relative (sea level equivalent) pressure and was resistant to allowing subsequent change. Other than that, it has worked well and constantly for six months now. Once you've worked out the process, linking to online services like Weathercloud or the Wundergroud is a doddle, It makes the purchase of a dedicated console completely unnecessary. You're much better with an online service. My old Oregon WS had a 9 second reporting period on the anemometer, which gave a spurious gust report. The sensor in this WS appears to monitor the speed internally and report gusting more accurately despite the reporting period being 60 seconds.


Ravi de se produit, facile à installer et à connecter à Jeedom. En revanche je n'ai jamais réussi à le partager sur Wunderground.

Delighted with this product, easy to install and connect to Jeedom. However, I have never managed to share it on Wunderground.


Station, vraiment complète et facile à installé, il suffit juste d'une boussole pour bien l’orienter. Elle donne une impression général de qualité. Je l'ai synchronisé avec ma domotique Jeedom, ça c'est un peut plus fastidieux mais on trouve des tutos bien fais sur le net.

Station, really complete and easy to install, you just need a compass to orient it well. It gives a general impression of quality. I synchronized it with my Jeedom home automation, that's a bit more tedious but you can find well-made tutorials on the net.


Acheté cette station pour disposer en particulier de la vitesse du vent (et rafales) , température , luminosité afin de piloter via jeedom une installation domotique de stores et velux. La station est de bonne qualité et se paramètre aisément via l'application WS View et du WIFI . Apres qq tatonnements, la communication avec Jeedom est OK et permet de recupérer tous les paramètres Difficile de faire mieux pour le prix . Bémols : - On aimerait une notice traduite en français. - alors qu'il y a un petit panneau solaire le rôle des pilesn'est pas clair et demanderai explication . un conseil peut être : à installer dans un endroit assez accessible pour nettoyage, etc ...

Bought this station to have in particular the wind speed (and gusts), temperature, brightness in order to control via jeedom a home automation installation of blinds and velux. The station is of good quality and is easily configured via the WS View application and WIFI. After some trial and error, communication with Jeedom is OK and allows you to retrieve all the parameters. It's hard to do better for the price. Downsides: - We would like a manual translated into French. - while there is a small solar panel, the role of the batteries is not clear and would require explanation. A word of advice perhaps: to install in a fairly accessible place for cleaning, etc ...


busca una estación meteorológica que me diese la información directamente en el móvil y no en las típicas pantallitas que tienes que tener en casa hasta que encontré esta fabulosa muy buena funciona a la perfección la funcionamiento es el siguiente tú conectas la estación meteorológica soportando la en un mástil que también puedes encontrar aquí en Amazon y podéis ver en mi reseña cuando la montas lo primero que hace es calibrarse mediante un receptor RF que tienes que conectar por Wi-Fi cuando conectas el Wi-Fi tienes que descargar una aplicación que te indican y que es la que va a recibir los datos de la estación meteorológica de tal manera que toda la información de velocidad de viento dirección de viento cantidad de lluvia cantidad de rayos UVA intensidad solar y un largo etcétera los vas a recibir en la aplicación solamente tienes que abrir la aplicación y verás todos los datos y el histórico mensual trimestral y anual super completa además no es necesario que estés cambiando constantemente la batería ya que tiene un sensor solar que además hace que ahorre dicha batería durante el día que hace sol solamente las baterías son usadas cuando no hay sol por ejemplo por la noche también la estación meteorológica te indicará en algún momento cuando esa batería hay que reemplazarla solamente tienes que quitar el tornillo y volver a poner dos pilas hola recomiendo si os gusta todo lo relacionado con la meteorología

I was looking for a weather station that would give me the information directly on my mobile phone and not on the typical little screens that you have to have at home until I found this fabulous one, very good, it works perfectly, the operation is the following, you connect the weather station supporting it on a mast that you can also find here on Amazon and you can see in my review when you mount it, the first thing it does is calibrate itself using an RF receiver that you have to connect via Wi-Fi when you connect the Wi-Fi you have to download an application that they indicate to you and that is the one that will receive the data from the weather station in such a way that all the information on wind speed, wind direction, amount of rain, amount of UVA rays, solar intensity and a long etcetera you will receive them in the application, you only have to open the application and you will see all the data and the monthly, quarterly and annual history, super complete, in addition, it is not necessary that you are constantly changing the battery since it has a solar sensor that also makes it save said battery during the day when it is sunny, only the batteries are used when there is no sun, for example at night, also the weather station will indicate to you at some point when That battery needs to be replaced, you just have to remove the screw and put two more batteries back in. Hi, I recommend it if you like everything related to meteorology.


einfach Super. Die WS ist einfach zu montieren und brauchbar genau. Die kleine Basisstation hat es in sich: die Daten lassen sich zu den wichtigsten Wetterdiensten UND zu einem eigenem Server (im WU Format) senden. Kurzes linux Script geschrieben und fertig war die direkte Einbindung in mein Smarthome (ioBroker). Läuft wunderbar..... Kann ich für Bastelfreudige weiterempfehlen. Die iOS App ist leider nicht so toll - die Einrichtung hat echt Nerven gekostet - aber braucht man ja nur 1 mal....

just great. The WS is easy to assemble and reasonably accurate. The small base station has it all: the data can be sent to the most important weather services AND to its own server (in WU format). A short linux script was written and the direct integration into my smart home (ioBroker) was done. Runs wonderfully..... I can recommend it for those who enjoy handicrafts. Unfortunately, the iOS app is not that great - setting it up was really nerve-wracking - but you only need it once....


Tolle Wetterstation zum vernünftigen Preis einfach Super. Die WS ist einfach zu montieren und brauchbar genau. Die kleine Basisstation hat es in sich: die Daten lassen sich zu den wichtigsten Wetterdiensten UND zu einem eigenem Server (im WU Format) senden. Kurzes linux Script geschrieben und fertig war die direkte Einbindung in mein Smarthome (ioBroker). Läuft wunderbar..... Kann ich für Bastelfreudige weiterempfehlen. Die iOS App ist leider nicht so toll - die Einrichtung hat echt Nerven gekostet - aber braucht man ja nur 1 mal....

Great weather station at a reasonable price, simply great. The weather station is easy to install and reasonably accurate. The small base station has it all: the data can be sent to the most important weather services AND to your own server (in WU format). I wrote a short Linux script and the direct integration into my smart home (ioBroker) was ready. Works wonderfully..... I can recommend it to anyone who enjoys tinkering. Unfortunately, the iOS app isn't that great - setting it up was really nerve-wracking - but you only need it once....


You need to provide your own mounting pole, but otherwise the physical setup is simple. My problem came with setting up the WiFi. The instructions aren't the clearest, Initially, you have to connect to the base station's built in access point to give it the details of your own WiFi and my Google Pixel phone didn't seem to like it. I forget all the details, it was related to the fact that it only has 2.4 GHz WiFi. I eventually connected using an old Samsung and got it working. The Android app seems to be better than the Apple one.

You need to provide your own mounting pole, but otherwise the physical setup is simple. My problem came with setting up the WiFi. The instructions aren't the clearest, Initially, you have to connect to the base station's built in access point to give it the details of your own WiFi and my Google Pixel phone didn't seem to like it. I forget all the details, it was related to the fact that it only has 2.4 GHz WiFi. I eventually connected using an old Samsung and got it working. The Android app seems to be better than the Apple one.


La verdad es que al principio tuve un pequeño problema con la configuración, pero lo resolví. El problema venía y en el pequeñísimo libro de instrucciones lo detallan muy bien en no dejar cerca el receptor de señal de un TV o smart crea interferencias. Por lo demás muy satisfecho; ahora ya puedo saber en todo momento la climatología en casa esté donde esté.

The truth is that at first I had a small problem with the configuration, but I solved it. The problem was, and in the very small instruction booklet they detail it very well, not to leave the signal receiver near a TV or smart device, as it creates interference. Otherwise I am very satisfied; now I can know the weather at home at all times, wherever I am.


Tiene soporte con una periodicidad media. Cuando deja de funcionar tardan unos días en arreglarlo. La App WS View sí que recibe los datos en local pero no tiene gráficos, histórico o similar. Es muyyyy incompleta, podría mejorar. Puedes integrar wunderground con home assistant y hacer cosas muy interesantes con grafana.

It has support with an average frequency. When it stops working, it takes a few days to fix it. The WS View app does receive data locally but it doesn't have graphics, history or similar. It is veryyyy incomplete, it could be improved. You can integrate wunderground with home assistant and do very interesting things with grafana.


A little awkward to set up but very accurate it is well made and looks as. If it will last for a long time. We received this item in good time our score 9/10 very good

A little awkward to set up but very accurate it is well made and looks as. If it will last for a long time. We received this item in good time our score 9/10 very good


Die Wetterstation funktioniert sehr gut. Auch das Abrufen der Daten per Handy-App über das Internet funktioniert sehr gut. Lediglich der Windsensor zeigte bei den Sturmböen im Februar viel zu niedrige Werte. Die App könnte mehr Statistiken übermitteln. Z.B. Regenmenge im Februar. Durchschnittstemperatur im Juni usw. Ansonsten bin ich zufrieden.

The weather station works very well. Retrieving the data via the Internet using a mobile phone app also works very well. Only the wind sensor showed much too low values for the storm gusts in February. The app could report more statistics. For example amount of rain in February. Average temperature in June etc. Otherwise I am satisfied.


Usage personnel. Le fait que les données puissent être lues par internet est l'élément essentiel qui m'a fait opter pour ce matériel

Personal use. The fact that the data can be read over the internet is the key element that made me opt for this equipment.


Great value internet connected weather station, easy to set up and seems to be very accurate. Easy to configure and connect to various online weather services. Use the WS view app on a phone or tablet to view and send live data to, for example, wunderground. Wunderground will also store your historical data, so you can keep track of climate change. The only setting I needed to change was the calculation for relative atmospheric pressure, to ensure it is set correctly for the stations altitude. You can find the formula online. You need to make sure that the outdoor sensors are oriented correctly to provide correct wind direction. I find the station very useful, as living in the South Wales valleys, the general forecast is usually inaccurate for my specific location. I would recommend this product to anyone who is interested in the weather. The lack of a dedicated display is really not a problem in the smartphone age, and keeps the cost low.

Great value internet connected weather station, easy to set up and seems to be very accurate. Easy to configure and connect to various online weather services. Use the WS view app on a phone or tablet to view and send live data to, for example, wunderground. Wunderground will also store your historical data, so you can keep track of climate change. The only setting I needed to change was the calculation for relative atmospheric pressure, to ensure it is set correctly for the stations altitude. You can find the formula online. You need to make sure that the outdoor sensors are oriented correctly to provide correct wind direction. I find the station very useful, as living in the South Wales valleys, the general forecast is usually inaccurate for my specific location. I would recommend this product to anyone who is interested in the weather. The lack of a dedicated display is really not a problem in the smartphone age, and keeps the cost low.


Still good after 6mths

Still good after 6mths


Arrived promptly and well packaged. It was a present and the recipient was very pleased with it.

Arrived promptly and well packaged. It was a present and the recipient was very pleased with it.


Ich habe die Station jetzt einige Wochen im Einsatz und sie funktioniert wirklich gut. Die App ist inzwischen auch gut brauchbar. Die Station ersetzt bei mir eine WS2600, deren Aussensensor defekt war. Ich finde die Halley deutlich besser, da man durch Wifi gegenüber Kabel deutlich flexibler bei der Aufstellung. Ebenso ist der Sonnensensor besser plaziert und der Feuchtigkeitssensor zeigt deutlich realistischere Werte an. Ich verarbeite die Daten erst mit der Software FHEM (raspi), bevor ich sie an Wunderground weiterreiche. Das ist einfach zu konfigurieren, da man in App mit der Custom Konfiguration einen Rechner eigener Wahl eintragen kann.

I've been using the station for a few weeks now and it works really well. The app is now very usable. The station replaces a WS2600 for me whose outdoor sensor was defective. I think the Halley is much better, because wifi makes installation much more flexible than cable. The sun sensor is also placed better and the humidity sensor shows much more realistic values. I first process the data with the FHEM (raspi) software before I pass it on to Wunderground. This is easy to configure, as you can enter a computer of your choice in the app with the custom configuration.


Prima Station mit guten Preis-Leistungsverhältnis. Ich habe die Station jetzt einige Wochen im Einsatz und sie funktioniert wirklich gut. Die App ist inzwischen auch gut brauchbar. Die Station ersetzt bei mir eine WS2600, deren Aussensensor defekt war. Ich finde die Halley deutlich besser, da man durch Wifi gegenüber Kabel deutlich flexibler bei der Aufstellung. Ebenso ist der Sonnensensor besser plaziert und der Feuchtigkeitssensor zeigt deutlich realistischere Werte an. Ich verarbeite die Daten erst mit der Software FHEM (raspi), bevor ich sie an Wunderground weiterreiche. Das ist einfach zu konfigurieren, da man in App mit der Custom Konfiguration einen Rechner eigener Wahl eintragen kann.

Great station with a good price-performance ratio. I've been using the station for a few weeks now and it works really well. The app is also very useful now. The station replaces a WS2600 whose external sensor was defective. I find the Halley much better because WiFi gives you much more flexibility when setting it up than cable. The sun sensor is also better placed and the humidity sensor shows much more realistic values. I process the data first with the FHEM (raspi) software before I pass it on to Wunderground. It's easy to configure because you can enter a computer of your choice in the app using the custom configuration.


Contento con la compra. El montaje es muy sencillo, aunque para sincronizar la estación con la plataforma Underground tuve algún problemilla, ya que lo intentaba con la app WS View, sin encontrar la manera, pero al final con la app WS Tool fue todo rodado. Con un soporte de parabólica quedó instalada definitivamente. A falta de comprobar más a fondo el funcionamiento de la estación, estoy muy contento con la compra.

Happy with the purchase. The installation is very simple, although I had some problems synchronizing the station with the Underground platform, as I tried to do it with the WS View app, without finding the way, but in the end with the WS Tool app everything went smoothly. With a satellite dish support it was finally installed. Pending further testing of the station's operation, I am very happy with the purchase.


Das Gerät benötigt 2 AA-Batterien, und der Bildschirm benötigt 3 kleine Batterien, um sich dessen bewusst zu sein. Auf den ersten Blick wirkte das Gerät im Aufbau etwas überwältigend. Wenn Sie jedoch die grundlegenden Anweisungen befolgen, ist es eigentlich einfach, mit der Verwendung zu beginnen. Wetterstation hat nach ca. 15 Minuten seine Arbeit aufgenommen, als es die Temperatur usw. gemessen hat. Welches Gerät zeigt: Temperatur innen und außen, Regen, Wind, Licht und Zeit. Ich denke, es hat mehr Funktionen, aber ich bin noch nicht dort angekommen. Das Gerät sieht gut und stabil aus und denkt auch, dass es sich um ein elektronisches Gerät handelt, das im Freien aufgestellt wird und manchmal regnen kann. Nicht schwer zu montieren. Ich halte den ganzen Tag im Haus auf dem Bildschirm, nur wenige Dinge aus dem Außenbereich von Wetterstation. Funktioniert soweit gut, TOP!

The device requires 2 AA batteries and the screen requires 3 small batteries to be aware of. At first glance, the device seemed a bit overwhelming in construction. However, if you follow the basic instructions, it's actually easy to start using. Weather station started working after about 15 minutes when it measured the temperature etc. Which device shows: temperature inside and outside, rain, wind, light and time. I think it has more features but I haven't gotten there yet. The device looks good and stable and also thinks that it is an electronic device that is placed outdoors and can rain at times. Not difficult to assemble. I keep on screen all day indoors, few things from outside weather station. Works well so far, TOP!


Aber das Verhältnis, eigentlich Uhr zu Außen-Wetter-Station ist real total anders. Die Uhr hat zwar noch eine angenehme Größe um alles gut lesen zu können, auch wenn man mal etwas weiter weg steht. Nur kleiner dürfte sie nicht sein. Aber beim Auspacken, hahaha, die Außen-Wetter-Station ist riesige :-D Somit sollte man bedenken, je nachdem wo sie montieren möchte, dass sie nicht gerade unauffällig ist. Bei uns ist sie „unsichtbar“ hinter dem Haus montiert. Somit spielt es keine Rolle wie groß, welche Farbe usw. Der Zusammenbau, sofern man von Bauen sprechen kann, ist denkbar einfach. Mehr als aufstecken, einstecken, drehen und Batterien rein, ist es nicht. Fertig. Sind die Batterien eingesetzt und die Uhr am Netz und im WLan, wir mussten nur das Wlan verbinden, hat die Basisstation alles selber eingestellt und sich mit der Wetter-Station verbunden. (sie läuft zwar auch mit Batterien aber die sind eigentlich nur als Notbatterien gedacht) Der eigentliche Verbindungsvorgang der lauten Anleitung beschrieben wird, war bei uns nicht nötig. Ich kann dazu somit nicht viel sagen. Aber die App, naja … Wenn jemand einen Tipp für eine alternative App hat, ich bin für jeden Vorschlag dankbar. :-D Und das Registrieren für diese Online-Geschichte mag evtl. nicht jeder. Ist aber trotzdem sehr interessant. Was die Werte angeht, soweit man die vergleichen kann, stimmen sie in etwa mit den Daten überein, die man online findet. Allerdings habe ich mich nicht nur auf einen Wetterdienst verlassen, sondern habe drei verglichen. Das passt also weitgehend. Ich denke, wenn man es noch genauer möchte, wird man deutlich mehr ausgeben müssen Aber ich muss gestehen, diese war schon etwas über meinem eigentlichen Limit. Wenn jetzt noch die App stimmt wäre die Station mehr als Perfekt.

But the relationship between the actual clock and the outdoor weather station is totally different in reality. The watch is still a comfortable size to be able to read everything well, even if you are a little further away. It just shouldn't be smaller. But when you unpack it, hahaha, the outdoor weather station is huge :-D So, depending on where you want to mount it, you should consider that it is not exactly inconspicuous. With us it is "invisibly" mounted behind the house. So it doesn't matter how big, what color, etc. The assembly, if you can speak of building, is very easy. It's not more than plugging it in, turning it and inserting the batteries. Complete. Once the batteries are inserted and the clock is on the network and in the WiFi, we only had to connect the WiFi, the base station set everything itself and connected to the weather station. (It also runs on batteries, but they are actually only intended as emergency batteries) The actual connection process described in the loud instructions was not necessary for us. So I can't say much about that. But the app, well... If anyone has a tip for an alternative app, I'm grateful for every suggestion. :-D And not everyone may like registering for this online story. But it's still very interesting. As for the values, as far as one can compare them, they roughly agree with the data that can be found online. However, I didn't just rely on one weather service, I compared three. So that's largely correct. I think if you want to be even more precise, you will have to spend a lot more. But I have to admit that this was a bit over my actual limit. If the app is right now, the station would be more than perfect.


Diese Profi-Wetterstation deckt alle wesentlichen Werte über das Wetter ab. Per Funk werden diese Werte an das Farbdisplay geschickt und übersichtlich dargestellt und durch die aktuelle Mondphase ergänzt. Die Empfangsstation kann neben Netzteil auch mit Batterien betrieben werden. Auftretene Wetterphänomene können so genau mitverfolgt werden, während man drinnen im Warmen sitzt oder die Web-App nutzt von unterwegs aus. Das beigefügte Montageset, schafft gute Möglichkeiten es Zuhause zu montieren, sofern ein Stange zur Verfügung steht. Spannend ist auch seine Wetterdaten anderen Menschen in einem weltweiten Netzwerk zur Verfügung zu stellen. Wir sind sehr zufreiden und sind nun besser vorbereitet bevor wir das Haus verlassen :)

This professional weather station covers all essential values about the weather. These values are sent wirelessly to the color display and are clearly displayed and supplemented by the current moon phase. In addition to the power supply, the receiving station can also be operated with batteries. Occurring weather phenomena can be followed closely while sitting indoors in the warmth or using the web app on the go. The included assembly set creates good opportunities to assemble it at home if a pole is available. It is also exciting to make your weather data available to other people in a worldwide network. We are very satisfied and are now better prepared before we leave the house :)


Nichts war in diesem Sommer mit mehr Fehlern behaftet, als der Wetterbericht meiner Wetter App. Also hab ich mich für meinen eigenen Wetterbericht entschieden und die Waldbeck Huygens - 6-in-1 Profi-Wetterstation gekauft. Anlieferung und Abwicklung waren tadellos. Da ich mich bereits vorher belesen hatte, welches Material zur Aufstellung ich benötige, war eine entsprechende Metallstange (DM=60mm) bereits bei Anlieferung, in meinem Garten von mir montiert worden. Das Indoor Panel steht in Sichtweise zu der Wetterstation im Schlafzimmer. Der Zusammenbau war Kinderleicht. Die Wetterstation besteht aus mehreren Teilen. Der Windfahne, dem Geschwindigkeitssensor, dem Lichtsensor, dem Hygromesser, dem Regenmesser, der Wasserwaage und der Solarzelle.Diese Teile befinden sich alle an der Wetterstation die auf eine Metallstange im Außenbereich montiert werden muss, was auch problemlos machbar war. Montagematerial (außer die Stange) liegt bei. Die Station wird zur Stromversorgung mit 2 AA Batterien bestückt, die laut Hersteller mindestens 1 Jahr halten sollen. Lediglich die Einbindung in mein WLAN hat mittels APP unter Android Probleme bereitet. Mit der IOS APP auf meinen IPAD ging es auf Anhieb und problemlos. Es stehen verschiedenen Wetterdienste zu Auswahl zu denen man die Daten übertragen kann. Ich habe mich für Wunderground.com entschieden. Das Anlegen des kostenlosen Accounts war schnell erledigt und funktionierte tadellos. Jetzt sehe ich jeden morgen wenn ich wach werde die genauen Wetter infos wie Außentemperatur, Luftdruck, evtl. Niederschlagsmenge und mehr. Ich finde die Station klasse!

Nothing was more buggy this summer than the weather report from my weather app. So I decided to do my own weather report and bought the Waldbeck Huygens - 6-in-1 professional weather station. Delivery and handling were impeccable. Since I had already read up on what material I needed for the installation, I had installed a corresponding metal rod (DM=60mm) in my garden upon delivery. The indoor panel faces the weather station in the bedroom. The assembly was child's play. The weather station consists of several parts. The wind vane, the speed sensor, the light sensor, the hygro meter, the rain gauge, the spirit level and the solar cell. These parts are all located on the weather station which has to be mounted on a metal pole outside, which was easily achievable. Mounting material (apart from the rod) is included. The station is equipped with 2 AA batteries for power supply, which according to the manufacturer should last at least 1 year. Only the integration into my WLAN caused problems using an APP under Android. With the IOS APP on my IPAD it went straight away and without any problems. There are various weather services to choose from to which the data can be transferred. I chose Wunderground.com. The creation of the free account was done quickly and worked perfectly. Now every morning when I wake up I see the exact weather information such as outside temperature, air pressure, any amount of precipitation and more. I think the station is great!


Es gibt wieder etwas Neues in unserem Haus, die Waldbeck Huygens - 6-in-1 Profi-Wetterstation. Nicht ganz billig aber eine professionelle Wetterstation. Die Anlage besteht aus mehreren Teilen, die u.a. einer batteriebetriebenen Outdoor-Wetterstation und das stationäre Indoor-Ablesegerät. Alle Werte Temperatur, Luftdruck, Niederschlag, Wind, UV-Strahlung und Licht werden auf die Basisstation gesendet und können dort auf dem farbigen Display abgelesen werden. Da wir ja nun direkt am Wald wohnen und auf Auto oder Transporter angewiesen sind, ist so eine Wetterstation nicht schlecht, gerade im Winter wenn ich früh um 5 Uhr schon auf der Straße sein muss. Schnee, Glatteis, Temperatur, ich hab im letzten Winter schon einiges erlebt. Die Wetterstation lässt sich via WLAN mit z.B. mit Weather Underground und Weather Cloud verbinden, man muss dort jedoch registrieren und eine App aufs Handy laden, kann dann aber seine aktuellen Wetterdaten via Handy abrufen. Noch ist unsere Wetterstation nicht vollständig aufgebaut aber mein Mann ist jetzt schon begeistert von all den Möglichkeiten die diese Station bietet.

There is something new in our house again, the Waldbeck Huygens - 6-in-1 professional weather station. Not cheap but a professional weather station. The system consists of several parts, including a battery-powered outdoor weather station and the stationary indoor reading device. All values for temperature, air pressure, precipitation, wind, UV radiation and light are sent to the base station and can be read there on the colored display. Since we now live right next to the forest and are dependent on a car or van, such a weather station is not bad, especially in winter when I have to be on the road at 5 a.m. Snow, black ice, temperature, I experienced a lot last winter. The weather station can be connected via WLAN with, for example, Weather Underground and Weather Cloud, but you have to register there and load an app onto your cell phone, but you can then call up the current weather data via cell phone. Our weather station has not yet been fully set up, but my husband is already enthusiastic about all the possibilities this station offers.


Station météo facile a installer , de bonne qualité et précise cependant l'application qui permet de la contrôler n'est pas pratique ni intuitive

Easy to install weather station, good quality and precise, however the application which allows you to control it is not practical or intuitive


Un peu galère pour installer l'application mais une fois fait, c'est un vrai bon produit, très précis et facile de suivre la météo. Petit conseil, installez WeatherUnderground sur votre mobile, c'est le plus ergonomique et vous pouvez voir la météo chez les autres possesseurs de votre département.

A bit of a hassle to install the application but once done, it's a really good product, very precise and easy to follow the weather. A little tip, install WeatherUnderground on your mobile, it's the most ergonomic and you can see the weather at other owners in your department.


Comprendre le temps

Understanding time


Fantastic Weather Station and Excellent value for Money

Fantastic Weather Station and Excellent value for Money


Great item, fairly accurate readings. Only criticism, no mounting pole.

Great item, fairly accurate readings. Only criticism, no mounting pole.


We had a few teething problems but all was sorted in the end

We had a few teething problems but all was sorted in the end


Esta estación es un buen producto. El montage fue facil aunque la configuración costo unos dias hasta que encontre la aplicación de movil correcta. Una vez dado de alta resulta que puedo consultar todos los datos de la estación desde el movil o del PC a trabes de internet y ademas de otras estaciones en todo el mundo. Aparecen graficas de todos los datos con intervalos de 5 min. y ademas se pueden descargar los distintos valores. Hay un filtro por dias, semanas meses o años asi como una opción entre fechas. Muy contento con la compra.

This station is a good product. It was easy to set up, although it took a few days to configure it until I found the right mobile app. Once I've set it up, I can check all the station's data from my mobile or PC via the Internet, as well as from other stations around the world. Graphs of all the data appear at 5-minute intervals, and you can also download the different values. There is a filter for days, weeks, months or years, as well as an option for dates. I'm very happy with the purchase.


Einziger Kritikpunkt: es wäre besser wenn Windrad und -pfeil unter dem Gehäuse hängen würde, so passiert es dass Schnee das Drehen dieser Sensoren verhindert. Ein Tipp für die Montage: ich habe eine alte Alu-Stange einer (Leifheit) Wäschespinne gehabt, der Durchmesser passt perfekt für den Waldbeck Halley Profi-Wetterstation 6-in-1!

The only point of criticism: it would be better if the wind wheel and arrow were hanging under the housing, so it happens that snow prevents these sensors from turning. A tip for assembly: I had an old aluminum pole from a (Leifheit) rotary clothes dryer, the diameter fits perfectly for the Waldbeck Halley professional weather station 6-in-1!


funktioniert wunderbar Einziger Kritikpunkt: es wäre besser wenn Windrad und -pfeil unter dem Gehäuse hängen würde, so passiert es dass Schnee das Drehen dieser Sensoren verhindert. Ein Tipp für die Montage: ich habe eine alte Alu-Stange einer (Leifheit) Wäschespinne gehabt, der Durchmesser passt perfekt für den Waldbeck Halley Profi-Wetterstation 6-in-1!

works wonderfully. Only criticism: it would be better if the wind turbine and arrow were hanging under the housing, otherwise snow can prevent these sensors from rotating. A tip for installation: I had an old aluminum pole from a (Leifheit) rotary clothes dryer, the diameter fits perfectly for the Waldbeck Halley professional weather station 6-in-1!


An excellent six in one weather station, much better value than any of its competitors that I looked at. Well made with good features and fairly easy to set up, the only snags being the not great translation from the original German and the poor print quality of the instruction manual making screen grabs hard to see. I was also surprised at the 11 day delivery time-an item I bought from Hong Kong at the same time arrived in 10 days. Blame it on Brexit! All in all well worth the money and the wait.

An excellent six in one weather station, much better value than any of its competitors that I looked at. Well made with good features and fairly easy to set up, the only snags being the not great translation from the original German and the poor print quality of the instruction manual making screen grabs hard to see. I was also surprised at the 11 day delivery time-an item I bought from Hong Kong at the same time arrived in 10 days. Blame it on Brexit! All in all well worth the money and the wait.


Lors de la livraison de ma station météo il manquait des pièces à l'intérieur du carton. Le service réclamation à répondu rapidement et à résolu le problème en m'envoyant un nouveau colis complet. La station est livrée avec une notice d'utilisation en Anglais et en Allemand,mais on la trouve facilement en Français sur le net. Simple à monter et vite configurer. La liaison avec la box peut se faire avec la touche WPS. Seul petit bémol,on nous conseille d'utiliser l'application WStool,mais pour moi elle n'a pas fonctionnee,j ai utilisé l'application wsview qui fonctionne très bien. Les indications fournies sur l'application sont correctes - précipitations - vent - températures - pression atmosphérique -etc Je la trouve donc très bien et je la recommande.

When my weather station was delivered, some parts were missing from the inside of the box. The complaints department responded quickly and resolved the problem by sending me a new complete package. The station comes with instructions in English and German, but you can easily find them in French on the internet. Simple to assemble and quickly configure. The connection with the box can be made with the WPS button. The only small downside is that we are advised to use the WStool application, but for me it did not work, I used the wsview application which works very well. The information provided on the application is correct - precipitation - wind - temperatures - atmospheric pressure - etc. So I find it very good and I recommend it.


Hemos descubierto esta estación hace muy poco, y aprovechando el final de año decidimos comprar una y comprobar qué tal funcionaba. Ya había otras de estas en Wunderground en nuestro entorno geográfico, y los datos eran creíbles 100%, así que nos animamos a comprar una. Después de 2 semanas instalada, no hemos tenido ningún problema en emisión/recepción de datos, y los mismos son de muy alta calidad (tenemos una Davis Vantage VUE a poca distancia y van igual de bien). Sinceramente, si hubiera habido estos modelos hace unos años, nos hubiéramos ahorrado un buen dinero en Davis... A poco que funcione bien 3-4 años, ya compensa en el precio comprar otra, aunque esperemos que duren eso y más. Lo dicho, una compra (por ahora) estupenda, y que facilita la instalación de estaciones en sitios más remotos, sin necesidad de tener un PC continuamente marchando, y a un precio muy asequible.

We discovered this station very recently, and taking advantage of the end of the year we decided to buy one and see how it worked. There were already other ones of these in Wunderground in our geographic area, and the data were 100% credible, so we decided to buy one. After 2 weeks of installation, we have not had any problems with data transmission/reception, and the data is of very high quality (we have a Davis Vantage VUE not far away and it works just as well). Honestly, if these models had been available a few years ago, we would have saved a lot of money on Davis... As long as it works well for 3-4 years, it is worth the price to buy another one, although we hope they last that long and more. As I said, a great purchase (for now), and it makes it easier to install stations in more remote places, without the need to have a PC running continuously, and at a very affordable price.


I was a little uncertain about ordering this as there is no monitor screen as it connects to the internet and is viewed via an app. I have been blown away however by the flexibility of this option and the ways in which you can access the weather station. The weather station was very easy to set up following the manual and using the 'WS View' app on my phone. I started with everything next to each other, router, the data box, the weather station and my phone and was connected in moments. I then set everything up and the range seems excellent. I have a long garden so the station is about 50 feet from the house but connects perfectly. The really amazing bit is the flexibility of accessing the weather station. From a phone register the weather station, via the 'WS View' app, with the Wonderground app and then the Wonderground app creates an additional section in the WS View app where all your data is displayed in great detail and with excellent eight hour scrolling graphs. You can access this from as many phones as you want and anywhere you want. If you prefer to use a laptop or desktop register, via the WS View app on your phone, weathercloud and then continue in your webbrowser with the weather cloud website. Your data is stored every ten minutes and will be kept for a year for free. This means you can access the data and download it to your computer. So a first rate product at a price far cheaper than any other internet connected weather stations. There is a more expensive version with a colour monitor screen which I would have liked but it was beyond my budget. As it is so simple to view the weather data from my phone and on my desktop its a bit of a luxury item anyway.

I was a little uncertain about ordering this as there is no monitor screen as it connects to the internet and is viewed via an app. I have been blown away however by the flexibility of this option and the ways in which you can access the weather station. The weather station was very easy to set up following the manual and using the 'WS View' app on my phone. I started with everything next to each other, router, the data box, the weather station and my phone and was connected in moments. I then set everything up and the range seems excellent. I have a long garden so the station is about 50 feet from the house but connects perfectly. The really amazing bit is the flexibility of accessing the weather station. From a phone register the weather station, via the 'WS View' app, with the Wonderground app and then the Wonderground app creates an additional section in the WS View app where all your data is displayed in great detail and with excellent eight hour scrolling graphs. You can access this from as many phones as you want and anywhere you want. If you prefer to use a laptop or desktop register, via the WS View app on your phone, weathercloud and then continue in your webbrowser with the weather cloud website. Your data is stored every ten minutes and will be kept for a year for free. This means you can access the data and download it to your computer. So a first rate product at a price far cheaper than any other internet connected weather stations. There is a more expensive version with a colour monitor screen which I would have liked but it was beyond my budget. As it is so simple to view the weather data from my phone and on my desktop its a bit of a luxury item anyway.


Great value for money easy set up & easy to read

Great value for money easy set up & easy to read


I bought this for my son who is into gadgets and he absolutely loves it! It is very easy to assemble and isn't too intrusive, we have it attached to the top of the fence in the garden. It comes with a remote information display showing basic readings but where this really comes into it's own is the app that can be downloaded to your smart phone. Setting up the app takes a little bit of brain power but once it's set up it's amazing how much information is being gathered by such a small unit. My son loves it and now we're being treated to random weather updates at several times of the day!

I bought this for my son who is into gadgets and he absolutely loves it! It is very easy to assemble and isn't too intrusive, we have it attached to the top of the fence in the garden. It comes with a remote information display showing basic readings but where this really comes into it's own is the app that can be downloaded to your smart phone. Setting up the app takes a little bit of brain power but once it's set up it's amazing how much information is being gathered by such a small unit. My son loves it and now we're being treated to random weather updates at several times of the day!


This weather station is great, I have wanted one for a very long time but was not willing to spend a lot of money on one but this one was at a very good price, it’s very easy to install and the instructions were very easy to follow. It is run by the solar panel at the top of the station and has an internal display for inside the home but what is even better is the APP that’s provided with it free of charge. It is made of good quality items and not cheap nasty plastic that I thought it might be with the price that I paid. The reason I purchased this is my mate has one and has shown me what information it provides so I wanted one for myself, it’s not as big as I thought it was going to be so it isn’t an eye sore in the garden or on the roof of you home . It got delivered earlier than it stated on the Amazon site which I was very happy about.

This weather station is great, I have wanted one for a very long time but was not willing to spend a lot of money on one but this one was at a very good price, it’s very easy to install and the instructions were very easy to follow. It is run by the solar panel at the top of the station and has an internal display for inside the home but what is even better is the APP that’s provided with it free of charge. It is made of good quality items and not cheap nasty plastic that I thought it might be with the price that I paid. The reason I purchased this is my mate has one and has shown me what information it provides so I wanted one for myself, it’s not as big as I thought it was going to be so it isn’t an eye sore in the garden or on the roof of you home . It got delivered earlier than it stated on the Amazon site which I was very happy about.


Der Preis für die Wetterstation (ich habe die Version ohne das externe Display gekauft) ist unschlagbar. Der Aufbau gelingt dank der mehrsprachigen Anleitung sehr leicht, man muss sich dann nur bei einigen Diensten anmelden - und schon kann man von überall darauf zugreifen. Oder auch mit den Nachbarn teilen. Morgens den Schirm oder nicht? Mal eben über die App abrufen, ob es regnet. Doch den Pullover oder Hemd? Mal eben über die App die Temperatur und Prognose abrufen. Perfekt. Hinzu kommt dann auch noch die Windwarnung. Befestigt habe ich die Station übrigens an einer Metallstange im Garten.

The price for the weather station (I bought the version without the external display) is unbeatable. The structure is very easy thanks to the multilingual instructions, you only have to register with a few services - and you can access them from anywhere. Or share with the neighbors. The umbrella in the morning or not? Just use the app to find out whether it's raining. But the sweater or shirt? Just call up the temperature and forecast via the app. Perfect. Then there is the wind warning. Incidentally, I attached the station to a metal pole in the garden.


Günstige Wetterstation mit allem Drum und Dran Der Preis für die Wetterstation (ich habe die Version ohne das externe Display gekauft) ist unschlagbar. Der Aufbau gelingt dank der mehrsprachigen Anleitung sehr leicht, man muss sich dann nur bei einigen Diensten anmelden - und schon kann man von überall darauf zugreifen. Oder auch mit den Nachbarn teilen. Morgens den Schirm oder nicht? Mal eben über die App abrufen, ob es regnet. Doch den Pullover oder Hemd? Mal eben über die App die Temperatur und Prognose abrufen. Perfekt. Hinzu kommt dann auch noch die Windwarnung. Befestigt habe ich die Station übrigens an einer Metallstange im Garten.

Cheap weather station with all the trimmings The price for the weather station (I bought the version without the external display) is unbeatable. Thanks to the multilingual instructions, it's very easy to set up. You just have to sign up for a few services - and you can access it from anywhere. Or share it with your neighbors. Umbrella in the morning or not? Use the app to check whether it's raining. But sweater or shirt? Use the app to check the temperature and forecast. Perfect. There's also the wind warning. I attached the station to a metal pole in the garden.


Siempre me ha gustado saber del tiempo y otras mediciones alrededor de donde vivo, pero quería mas precisión en cuanto saber que tiempo tengo en mi casa, no a 10 km. Con este kit consigo tener toda la información, ya sea litros caídos, velocidad y dirección del viento, presión atmosférica, niveles de UV, predicciones del tiempo, … y todo ello allá donde voy desde mi móvil. La instalación muy sencilla, solo hay que tener en cuenta la dirección de la estación (orientar la marca del N al norte y nivelar adecuadamente) para que nos dé una lectura de la dirección del viento correcta. Funciona con una pequeña placa solar que carga unas baterías, y emite la señal a una pequeña centralita que recoge los datos vía wi-fi, y de la centralita envia la señal al dispositivo que queramos, en mi caso móvil, visualizando los datos en la app gratuita.

I have always liked to know the weather and other measurements around where I live, but I wanted more precision in terms of knowing the weather at home, not 10 km away. With this kit I can have all the information, whether it be liters fallen, wind speed and direction, atmospheric pressure, UV levels, weather forecasts, ... and all of this wherever I go from my mobile. The installation is very simple, you just have to take into account the direction of the station (orient the N mark to the north and level it appropriately) so that it gives us a reading of the correct wind direction. It works with a small solar panel that charges batteries, and emits the signal to a small control unit that collects the data via Wi-Fi, and from the control unit it sends the signal to the device we want, in my case a mobile phone, displaying the data in the free app.