Prime Rib Raclette Grill

Prime Rib Raclette Grill
- Raclette grill
- Stainless Steel
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- Ready to ship in 24 hours
- 14 day cooling off period
Top features
2-in-1: raclette function and natural stone grill
Full power: heating element with rated power of 1500 watts
Natural: low-fat, gentle and healthy grilling on a natural stone plate
Product description
The Klarstein Prime Rib Raclette Grill turns eating together into an experience. You can cook meat, fish, vegetables or pasta to perfection on its generous natural stone plate. The powerful, steplessly adjustable heating element heats the solid granite stone quickly and evenly. On the bottom shelf, there is room to cook cheese, potatoes or other delicacies in 8 pans at the same time. Two visually appealing wooden feet reliably support the simple stainless steel housing and ensure a secure position. To clean the stone plate, simply remove it after it has cooled down and wash it with water and normal washing-up liquid.
Grill, roast, gratinate or simmer: with the Klarstein Prime Rib Raclette Grill every get-together with family or friends becomes a big feast.
- 2-in-1 appliance: raclette and natural stone grill
- Rated power: 1500 watts
- Stainless steel housing
- Suitable for up to 8 people
- Non-stick pans
- Robust, durable granite natural stone plate with heat storage function
- Fast and even heat distribution
- Built-in thermostat
- Stepless heat setting
- Ample distance between pan and heating element
- Wooden feet
- Stands securely
- Easy to clean
Dimensions and Technical Details
- Appliance dimensions: approx. 52 x 12 x 24.5 cm (WxHxD)
- Pan grill surface dimensions: approx. 17.5 x 2 x 9 cm (WxHxD)
- Appliance weight (without plate): approx. 2.3 kg
- Stone plate weight: approx. 4 kg
- Power supply: 220-240 V~ 50/60 Hz
What will be delivered?
- 1 x device
- 1 x stone plate
- 8 x raclette pans
- Multilingual user manual
Delivery & shipment
Your order will be delivered to the selected address per order. This address does not have to match the billing address. You can send the orders to your family, friends or office if you are not at home during the day.
Safety and Operating Instructions
Product Safety Information
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
Responsible Person:
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
E-mail address:
No review available for this item.
Tarda unos 20 minutos en calentarse totalmente, pero luego los alimentos se cocinan rápidos y en su punto justo, ya que cada comensal lo retira antes o después, según preferencias. Además en las pequeñas raclettes se hacen otras cosas a la vez, nosotros hemos hecho champiñones, huevo frito, derretimos queso, berenjenas, etc, con lo cual la comida es muy completa. La verdad es que a nosotros nos encanta, compramos el producto el año pasado para nuestra casa y como nos encantó este año lo hemos vuelto a comprar para la casa del verano. En otra ocasión cocinamos varios tipos de marisco (gambas, cigalas y carabineros) y también calamares a la plancha, y todo quedó delicioso
It takes about 20 minutes to heat up completely, but then the food is cooked quickly and to perfection, as each diner takes it out sooner or later, according to preference. In addition, in the small raclettes other things are done at the same time, we have made mushrooms, fried eggs, melted cheese, aubergines, etc., which makes the meal very complete. The truth is that we love it, we bought the product last year for our house and as we loved it this year we bought it again for the summer house. On another occasion we cooked several types of seafood (prawns, crayfish and prawns) and also grilled squid, and everything was delicious.
Beau produit et de bonne qualité. Pas encore utilisé mais je le sent bien. La pierre est assez grande pour 8 personnes. A voir dans le temps.
Beautiful product and good quality. Not used yet but I feel it well. The stone is big enough for 8 people. To be seen in time.
Très joli avec son bois, ca change des systeme tout Téflon. Donne un côté raclette de montagne. Assez puissante, elle chauffe très vite. Le thermostat est précis, il y a peu d’inertie. La pierre est épaisse et de qualité. La chaleur est assez bien répartie. Une fois installée, elle ne bouge pas de sont logement. Cependant, la rainure de récupération des graisses n’est pas poli. Elle a tendance à se tacher. La pierre est bien polie et facile à nettoyer, elle reste tachée néanmoins après chaque utilisation. C’est un détail cosmétique. Les poêlons sont de qualité standard. Rien d’extraordinaire. L’ensemble est globalement de meilleure qualité que les précédentes raclettes où la plaque Téflon se voilait. Elle est aussi bien plus jolie. Satisfait de mon achat
Very pretty with its wood, it changes from the all-Teflon system. Gives a mountain raclette side. Quite powerful, it heats up very quickly. The thermostat is precise, there is little inertia. The stone is thick and of quality. The heat is fairly well distributed. Once installed, it does not move from its housing. However, the grease collection groove is not polished. It tends to get stained. The stone is well polished and easy to clean, it remains stained nevertheless after each use. This is a cosmetic detail. The pans are of standard quality. Nothing extraordinary. The set is generally of better quality than the previous raclettes where the Teflon plate was veiled. It is also much prettier. Satisfied with my purchase
Il prodotto di per sè è buono. La pietra si scalda piuttosto velocemente, non fa fumo, e la carne cuoce in tempi brevi. Rapporto qualità-prezzo non più di 3 stelle però perchè la struttura è un po' ballerina e a me, personalmente, è arrivato mancante di un paio di viti nello scompartimento dove c'è la resistenza ma va bene lo stesso, funziona ugualmente. Gliele aggiungerò io non mi sembrava il caso di chiedere il reso per due viti che comunque non impediscono l'utilizzo. Mi viene da ridere a pensare a 8 persone che tentano di utilizzarla. Forse riescono a mangiare mezzo wurstel a testa. A Natale la abbiamo utilizzata in 3 ed è andata benissimo. Massimo 4 persone ma non di più. L'ho provata anche da solo e così è una libidine sono riuscito a cuocere carne e verdura insieme e sotto pizzette, mini frittate e formaggio fuso ed è venuta fuori un'abbuffata :) Se siete una famiglia numerosa cercate qualcosa di decisamente più grande. Consiglio comunque l'acquisto, funziona bene. P.S. Ogni tanto spegnetela durante l'utilizzo per risparmiare corrente, la pietra rimane bella calda per parecchio tempo!
The product itself is good. The stone heats up pretty quickly, it doesn't smoke, and the meat cooks quickly. Value for money no more than 3 stars though because the structure is a bit shaky and I personally received it missing a couple of screws in the compartment where the heating element is but that's fine, it works just the same. I'll add them myself. I didn't think it was worth asking for a refund for two screws that don't prevent use anyway. It makes me laugh to think of 8 people trying to use it. Maybe they can eat half a sausage each. At Christmas we used it with 3 of us and it went very well. Maximum 4 people but no more. I also tried it alone and it's a delight. I managed to cook meat and vegetables together and underneath pizzas, mini omelettes and melted cheese and it turned out to be a feast :) If you are a large family look for something much bigger. I still recommend buying it, it works well. PS Turn it off every now and then during use to save electricity, the stone stays nice and hot for a long time!
J’ai changé mon vieil appareil rond de marque tefal pour celui. Séduite par le design et conquise par la puissance de l’appareil et sa polyvalence. Testé en raclette et pierrade : très satisfaite de mon achat
I changed my old round Tefal brand appliance for this one. Seduced by the design and won over by the power of the appliance and its versatility. Tested in raclette and pierrade: very satisfied with my purchase
Simpatica idea per cene conviviali. Bel design e facile uso. Completa di tutto. La piastra va usata con pezzi tagliati fini e purtroppo mostra la tendenza a graffiarsi.
Nice idea for convivial dinners. Nice design and easy to use. Complete with everything. The plate must be used with thinly cut pieces and unfortunately shows a tendency to scratch.
Un regalo molto gradito : aspetto molto piacevole con bordi di legno , uso semplice e conviviale . Termostato utile perche la pietra rimane calda a lungo dopo lo spegnimento della resistenza .
A very welcome gift: very pleasant appearance with wooden edges, simple and user-friendly use. Useful thermostat because the stone remains hot for a long time after the resistance is turned off.
È un prodotto soddisfacente, anche al di sopra delle aspettative. Vanno cotte sulla piastra piccole porzioni alla volta, altrimenti non si "grigliano". La parte centrale scalda di più. Niente di negativo da segnalare, se non che la vernice bianca tende a scrostarsi in piccolissimi punti nonostante non vengano usati oggetti abrasivi. Unica nota negativa è che si staccano le testine che coprono le viti già nel momento in cui si tira fuori la piastra per il primo utilizzo; inoltre, a noi la spia di accensione è arrivata incassata di traverso. Detto questo comunque la ricomprerei perché oltre a cuocere bene ed essere divertente, crea un ambiente familiare e un bel tepore apprezzabile sopratutto d'inverno.
It is a satisfactory product, even above expectations. Small portions must be cooked on the plate at a time, otherwise they do not "grill". The central part heats up more. Nothing negative to report, except that the white paint tends to peel off in very small places even though abrasive objects are not used. The only negative note is that the heads that cover the screws come off already when you take the plate out for the first use; furthermore, the power light arrived to us recessed askew. Having said that, I would still buy it again because in addition to cooking well and being fun, it creates a familiar environment and a nice warmth that is especially appreciated in winter.
Sieht toll aus und funktioniert wie erwartet gut!!!
Looks great and works well as expected!!!
El tamaño de esta raclette es perfecta para los comensales que indica. Necesita poco tiempo para calentar la piedra y la limpieza es muy fácil. Cumple con mis expectativas 100%
The size of this raclette is perfect for the number of diners it indicates. It takes little time to heat the stone and cleaning is very easy. It meets my expectations 100%
Wie gesagt, die Funktion ist ok. Etwas wackelig im Gestell und die Steinplatte hat auch schon einen leichten Riss.
As I said, the function is ok. A bit wobbly in the frame and the stone slab already has a slight crack.
Au top pour une soirée raclette entre amis
Perfect for a raclette evening with friends
Ottimo prodotto. Suggerirei al produttore di aggiungere in confezione anche le palettine di legno necessarie per estrarre il formaggio fuso dalle vaschette metalliche
Excellent product. I would suggest the manufacturer to also include in the package the wooden spatulas needed to extract the melted cheese from the metal trays
Utilizzata per cuocere sulla pietra bistecche e tranci di tonno, soddisfatto dell'esito.
Used to cook steaks and tuna steaks on the stone, satisfied with the outcome.
Molto bello ma soprattutto fatto bene !!! Soddisfatto al 100%
Very nice but above all well made!!! 100% satisfied
Es un éxito, usamos por lo menos una ves a la semana, ideal para una sena o almuerzo fácil y alegre entre familia y amigos! Nos pasamos genial, a los niños también encanta fundir el queso y lo comen con todo porque es mas divertido Hace falta calentarlo por lo menos 15-20 antes de usarla. Lo recomiendo! La única cosa que no me gusta es la piedra, la carne pega mucho y ha perdido el color original después de un solo uso... La piedra usamos para calentar el pan o mantener verdura caliente en sartén enzima... Recomiendo comprar las espátulas pequeñas de madera para no rascar las sartenes
It's a success, we use it at least once a week, ideal for an easy and fun dinner or lunch with family and friends! We had a great time, the kids also love melting cheese and they eat it with everything because it's more fun. You need to heat it up at least 15-20 before using it. I recommend it! The only thing I don't like is the stone, the meat sticks a lot and it has lost its original color after just one use... We use the stone to heat bread or keep vegetables warm in an enzyme pan... I recommend buying the small wooden spatulas so as not to scratch the pans.
Sehr gute Wärmeleistung! Heizt schnell auf! Ausreichend Platz für alle Zutaten. Danke!
Very good heat output! Heats up fast! Enough space for all ingredients. Thanks!
Es war einfach super mit Freunden....... Raclette gemacht unsere Fleisch Esser und Fisch Esser konnten gleichzeitig auf dem Heißen Stein Braten einfach toll..
It was just great with friends...... Raclette made our meat eaters and fish eaters could roast at the same time on the hot stone just great ..
Regalati a mia moglie è usato già una volta a casa.Qualità ottima e funziona bene
Gifted to my wife and used once at home. Excellent quality and works well
Wir sind sehr zufrieden
We are very satisfied
Schaut toll aus, ist gut verarbeitet. Der Stein ließ sich gut wieder reinigen. Trotz 8 Schälchen ist er nicht groß, sondern schön kompakt. Gute Leistung. Bin sehr zufrieden!
Looks great, is well made. The stone was easy to clean again. Despite 8 bowls, it is not big, but rather compact. Good performance. I am very pleased!
Obwohl unmissverständlich auf den Produktbildern angezeigt, werden die Holzspatel nicht mitgeliefert. Ich musste an Silvester in der Werkstatt schnell mal 6 Stück "selber schnitzen".
Although clearly indicated on the product images, the wooden spatulas are not supplied. I had to quickly "carve" 6 pieces myself on New Year's Eve in the workshop.
El paquete vino perfectamente embalado y rápido. La estética está bien y el tamaño correcto para 4( para 8 lo veo justo si haces chuletones). Hemos tenido la oportunidad de compararla en una cena con otra nueva que funcionaba con dos quemadores y es muy superior tanto por práctico(sólo tienes que enchufarlo), como por nivel de calor. Contenta con la compra.
The package arrived perfectly packed and quickly. The aesthetics are good and the size is right for 4 (for 8 I see it just right if you make steaks). We had the opportunity to compare it at a dinner with another new one that worked with two burners and it is far superior both for practicality (you just have to plug it in) and for heat level. Happy with the purchase.
Das Raclette ist einfach super. Ich hätte gerne 5 Sterne vergeben wenn für den Preis die Holzspatel dabei gewesen wären.
The raclette is just great. I would have liked to give 5 stars if the wooden spatulas had been included for the price.
Bin sehr sehr zufrieden
I am very very satisfied
C'est pour faire des raclettes en famille! Mes enfants adorent en manger, et c'est très convivial ! Puis facile à faire...!
It's for making raclettes with the family! My children love eating them, and it's very convivial! And easy to make...!
Está muy unica cosa es que no se caliente mucho la parte de abajo donde hacemos los huevos de cordoniz... Usamos prácticamente toda la semana....
It's very good...the only thing is that the bottom part where we make the quail eggs doesn't get too hot... We use it practically all week...
La pierre se tache dès la première utilisation Sinon chauffe bien et régulièrement. Le fromage fond bien sans surchauffe La perdre est fendue après 5 mois d'utilisation
The stone gets stained from the first use Otherwise heats well and regularly. The cheese melts well without overheating The stone is cracked after 5 months of use
Super facile a nettoyer, rapide en chauffe, je recommande
Super easy to clean, quick to heat up, I recommend
Ottimo acquisto velocità di consegna super arrivato in un giorno
Great purchase, super fast delivery, arrived in one day
Alles gut
Everything's ok
Funciona a la perfección, para calentar la piedra y haga la función de freír tiene que transcurrir unos 20 minutos cuando está preparada y pones por ejemplo un pedazo de carne gracias a su potencia ves y oyes como cruje.
It works perfectly, it takes about 20 minutes for the stone to heat up and perform the frying function. When it is ready and you put in, for example, a piece of meat, thanks to its power you can see and hear how it crackles.
Bisher nichts negatives festzustellen
Nothing negative to say so far
Super soirée entre amis très bien faite
Great evening with friends, very well done
Sehr tolles Geräht, haben es schon ausprobiert, toll.
Very great device, have already tried it, great.
Ein tolles Gerät. Da wackelt nichts, tolle Verarbeitung. Wir hatten vorher ein Gerät, bei dem mittlerweile die Platte sehr krumm war. Das kann bei dieser Steinplatte definitiv nicht passieren. Ein wirklich qualitativ hochwertiges Produkt. Super!
A great device. Nothing wobbles, great workmanship. We previously had a device where the plate was now very crooked. That definitely cannot happen with this stone slab. A really high quality product. Excellent!
Comprar este aparato ha sido todo un acierto, no solamente por su aspecto, por su funcionamiento pero por el trabajo que supone cocinar para muchas personas. La raclette viene con unos soportes de madera de estilo moderno, que me han encantado, más que todo para no tener algo encima de la mesa que parezca una maquinaria sin más. Tiene una piedra natural de color entre el gris y el granito, hace falta limpiar la piedra para quitar el olor de la caja. No hay que usar jabón porque con agua y un paño con un poco de aceite el trabajo está hecho. Abajo de la piedra se pueden poner hasta ocho pequeñas sartenes, ojo que son las antiaderente así que ir con cuidado al meterle utensilios de metal. Por lo demás, encender, esperar unos buenos veinte minutos para que haya cogido buen calor y luego ya a cocinar! Es fácil de limpiar pero si os quedara algo de comida pegada os aconsejo poner un cubito de hielo en caliente y la suciedad se despegará enseguida.
Buying this appliance has been a great success, not only for its appearance, for its operation but for the work it takes to cook for many people. The raclette comes with modern wooden supports, which I loved, especially so as not to have something on the table that looks like a machine. It has a natural stone that is somewhere between grey and granite in colour, you need to clean the stone to remove the smell from the box. You don't have to use soap because with water and a cloth with a little oil the job is done. You can put up to eight small pans under the stone, be careful that they are non-stick so be careful when putting metal utensils in it. Otherwise, turn it on, wait a good twenty minutes for it to heat up and then start cooking! It is easy to clean but if you have any food stuck on I recommend putting an ice cube in while it is hot and the dirt will come off immediately.
Il est super!!! Avec ses 1500W il chauffe rapidement. Très élégant avec ses pieds en bois massif et sa pierre naturelle. en plus il est solide, stable, et antidérapant. Très bien aussi le contrôle de la chaleur en continu avec son thermostat intégré, je suis contente de mon achat. Très très bien pour faire un barbecue dans la cuisine sans la fumé. Il est vraiment joli et utile , du coup il reste sur mon plan de travail et je m'en sers pour griller les viandes les poissons les crevettes et tous les légumes et sans matière grace et sans nocivité, en plus sa pierre naturelle est facile à nettoyer, une fois refroidi avec une feuille de sopalin légèrement mouillé et quelques goutte de vinaigre blanc alimentaire et c'est nickel. et pour nettoyer les poêlons je l'ai fait tremper un moment dans de l'eau tiède avec du liquide vaisselle et ensuite je prends une éponge douce pour ne pas les rayer et c'est parfait.
It's great!!! With its 1500W it heats up quickly. Very elegant with its solid wood feet and natural stone. In addition it is solid, stable, and non-slip. Also very good is the continuous heat control with its integrated thermostat, I am happy with my purchase. Very very good for having a barbecue in the kitchen without the smoke. It is really pretty and useful, so it stays on my worktop and I use it to grill meat, fish, shrimp and all vegetables and without any material and without harmfulness, in addition its natural stone is easy to clean, once cooled with a sheet of slightly damp paper towel and a few drops of white food vinegar and it's perfect. and to clean the pans I soaked it for a while in warm water with dishwashing liquid and then I take a soft sponge so as not to scratch them and it's perfect.
Sono soddisfatta dell’acquisto, è molto bello cenare con famiglia/amici con la raclette. L’unica nota stonata è che non è molto pratica da pulire ( la pietra). Comunque tutto sommato sono contenta grazie
I am satisfied with the purchase, it is very nice to have dinner with family/friends with raclette. The only negative note is that it is not very practical to clean (the stone). However, all in all I am happy thanks
Schönes Raclette. Funktioniert super
Nice raclette. Works perfectly
Wir haben uns für dieses Produkt entschieden,weil er durch sein schönes Design hervorgehoben ist! Optisch top Technisch super! Die Platte ist aus Naturstein! Sehr edel und hochwertige Verarbeitung! Leider ein kleines Manko ist,da es sich um Naturstein handelt,zieht das Fett in den Stein,aber trotz alle dem super zu reinigen und super power! Kann ich nur weiter empfehlen!
We chose this product because it is highlighted by its beautiful design! Optically top Technically super! The plate is made of natural stone! Very noble and high-quality processing! Unfortunately, there is a small drawback, since it is natural stone, the fat pulls into the stone, but despite all this it is super easy to clean and super powerful! I can only recommend!
Top pour les soirées raclettes ou pierrade. Manque un endroit pour poser les caquelons. Livré sans spatules
Great for raclette or pierrade evenings. Missing a place to put the fondue pots. Delivered without spatulas
L’autunno è ormai inoltrato e come spesso accade, nel weekend, anziché uscire a cena fuori con gli amici, ci ritroviamo da me fino a mattina presto. La novità di quest’anno è senza dubbio questa griglia. Il funzionamento è molto semplice e non c’è nemmeno bisogno di consultare il libretto illustrativo. Una volta collegato all’elettricità basta solamente girare la manopola del termostato ed il gioco è fatto. La piastra inizia a riscaldarsi e inizia il divertimento. Preventivamente sono solito tagliare le verdure a tocchetti oltre che le patate da fare al cartoccio in modo tale che ognuno possa grigliare ciò che meglio gradisce. La cosa utile è che sulla griglia elettrica c’è una pietra che permette di tenere calde le pietanze. Avrei preferito una superficie maggiore anche perché spesso siamo in 8 a cena e non riusciamo a grigliare abbastanza. Ma dettagli a parte è davvero originale e divertente.
Autumn is now well underway and as often happens, on the weekend, instead of going out to dinner with friends, we meet at my place until early morning. The novelty of this year is undoubtedly this grill. It is very simple to use and there is no need to even consult the instruction manual. Once connected to electricity, you just need to turn the thermostat knob and that's it. The plate starts to heat up and the fun begins. Beforehand, I usually cut the vegetables into small pieces as well as the potatoes to be baked in foil so that everyone can grill what they like best. The useful thing is that on the electric grill there is a stone that allows you to keep the food warm. I would have preferred a larger surface also because there are often 8 of us at dinner and we can't grill enough. But details aside, it is truly original and fun.
Di inverno passando piu' tempo in casa mi piace organizzare cene con gli amici e da tempo volevo comprare una griglia per la raclette. L'ho provata una volta da amici e mi è piaciuto tantissimo, è un'esperienza molto conviviale. La particolarità di questa griglia è che la parte superiore è in pietra naturale per cui le verdure grigliate in precedenza o altri alimenti a piacere rimangono caldi e pronti per essere utilizzati nelle raclette. Il funzionamente è semplice ed intuitivo, sono capaci davvero tutti. Il formaggio per la raclette lo trovate in tutti i supermercati, preparate verdure e salumi e voilà il gioco è fatto. Noi ci divertiamo un sacco.
In winter, spending more time at home, I like to organize dinners with friends and for a long time I wanted to buy a raclette grill. I tried it once at a friend's house and I really liked it, it's a very convivial experience. The peculiarity of this grill is that the upper part is made of natural stone so the previously grilled vegetables or other foods of your choice remain warm and ready to be used in the raclette. The operation is simple and intuitive, really everyone can do it. The cheese for the raclette can be found in all supermarkets, prepare the vegetables and cured meats and voilà the game is done. We have a lot of fun.
Me ha impresionado gratamente. Viene muy bien protegida en su caja. En cuanto al contenido viene la plancha, la piedra natural y 8 sartenes. A la hora de la utilización la enciendes a máxima potencia y a los 15 minutos tienes la piedra ardiendo. La piedra natural para cocinar carne y verdura va muy bien, y el sanos no tiene nada que ver con hacerla a la sartén. La parte de abajo puedes utilizarla como horno, bien para cocinar verduras, tostar pan o incluso fundir queso. La recomiendo para ponerla en el centro de la mesa, quedar con unos amigos y disfrutar cada sino haciéndose su comida.
I have been pleasantly impressed. It comes very well protected in its box. As for the contents, it comes with the griddle, the natural stone and 8 pans. When using it, you turn it on at maximum power and after 15 minutes you have the stone burning. The natural stone is very good for cooking meat and vegetables, and the healthy part is nothing like cooking it in a frying pan. You can use the bottom part as an oven, either to cook vegetables, toast bread or even melt cheese. I recommend putting it in the centre of the table, meeting up with friends and enjoying each other cooking their own food.
Es una plancha de piedra de tamaño pequeño con una estructura metalica y una placa de piedra robusta. Poniéndola al máximo calienta rápido la piedra y es buena para cocinar carnes, pescado y verduras a la plancha. Para sellar carne y dejarla al punto. Además debajo de la fuente de calor se pueden colocar 8 mini cazuelitas o sartencitas para saltear verduras, calentar salsas, derretir quesos... Se puede regular el calor con una rueda lateral aunque solemos usarla a temperatura máxima. Mas o menos caben en la piedra 4 chuletones o filetes y dos lomos de pescado tipo lubina. Además, la piedra tiene un surco para que quede ahí el aceite y no rebose ni caiga fuera de la superficie. La comida no se pega en la piedra y, aunque pesa un poco, es fácil de limpiar y no se raya.
It is a small stone grill with a metal frame and a sturdy stone plate. Setting it to maximum heats the stone quickly and is good for grilling meat, fish and vegetables. To seal meat and leave it cooked to perfection. In addition, under the heat source you can place 8 mini casseroles or frying pans to sauté vegetables, heat sauces, melt cheeses... You can regulate the heat with a side wheel although we usually use it at maximum temperature. More or less 4 steaks or fillets and two loins of fish such as sea bass fit on the stone. In addition, the stone has a groove so that the oil stays there and does not overflow or fall off the surface. The food does not stick to the stone and, although it is a little heavy, it is easy to clean and does not scratch.
Der Raclettegrill kam gut verpackt bei uns an und ich habe ihn natürlich auch gleich einmal ausprobiert. Wichtig ist es den Grill das erste Mal, mindestens für 10 Minuten ohne Grillgut zu betreiben, denn bei uns entstand eine leichte Rauchentwicklung, die aber nach wenigen Sekunden wieder verschwand. Dies stand aber auch so in der Betreibsanleitung, also alles gut. Durch die Steinplatte ist es wichtig den Grill etwas vorzuheizen, da es etwas länger dauert, bis sich diese aufheizt. Wir sind auf alle Fälle zufrieden mit diesem Gerät und dem Silvesterraclette steht nun auch nichts mehr im Weg.
The raclette grill arrived well packaged and of course I tried it out right away. It is important to operate the grill the first time for at least 10 minutes without food to be grilled, because there was a slight smoke development, which disappeared again after a few seconds. This was also in the operating instructions, so all good. Due to the stone plate, it is important to preheat the grill a little, as it takes a little longer for it to heat up. In any case, we are satisfied with this device and now nothing stands in the way of the New Year's Eve raclette.