[Returns: -15%] Rockpocket Karaoke System

40,99 €
Original price: 57,99 €
(incl. VAT)
  • Kids Karaoke System
  • Pink
Product number: 53027060
Rockpocket Karaoke System
40,99 €
Original price: 57,99 €
(incl. VAT)
  • Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
  • Shipping time: 4 - 6 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period

Condition - acceptable, with signs of wear

Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear

Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty

Top features

  • Playful karaoke system with built-in stereo speakers and two handheld microphones

  • Microphone section with separate volume control, echo effect, adjustable balance and AVC function

  • Rounded body design with no sharp corners with convenient carrying handle on the top

Product description

The Auna Rockpocket is a fun karaoke system with a kid-friendly design that brings joy to children and parents alike.

The device features a built-in CD player with repeat function and programmable playback.

As a karaoke system, the Auna Rockpocket comes with two microphone inputs, separate volume controls and an echo effect. A particular highlight is the interplay between the balance and the adjustable AVC function, which removes the vocals of so-called ‘multiplex CDs’ when you sing into the microphone. These CDs have two audio tracks: one containing a stereo recording without the singer, and the second with music, backing vocals and the singer.

Functionality and targeted design make the Auna karaoke player a beloved device in children’s playrooms. The rounded housing entirely omits sharp corners that can result in injury. Via the big volume knob, even smaller hands with fewer motor skills can easily make adjustments to the sound. The carrying handle on the top makes it easy to carry the Auna Rockpocket from one place to another. Two dynamic handheld microphones are included in the delivery, allowing you to make instant music right out of the box. Budding artists can give the karaoke system a makeover according to their preferences thanks to the included sticker set.


  • Connections: 2 x 6.3mm jack microphone input, 1 x 3.5mm jack AUX input
  • Supported disc types: CD, CD-R, CD-RW, Multiplex CD
  • LED display
  • Large volume control
  • Repeat
  • Shuffle
  • Protective speaker cover
  • Power supply: 9V DC - 1A or 6 x C batteries
Product number: 53027060

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • 29.5 x 26.5 x 13cm (WxHxD)
  • Microphone height: 16 cm
  • Microphone diameter: about 2 cm
  • Microphone cable length: 2 m
  • Weight: 1.1 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x device
  • 1 x power supply
  • 2 x microphones 
  • 1 x sticker set
  • 1 English user manual (other languages: German)

Delivery & shipment

Low stock - order quickly!

Shipping time: 4 - 6 days

Your order will be delivered to the selected address per order. This address does not have to match the billing address. You can send the orders to your family, friends or office if you are not at home during the day.

Safety and Operating Instructions

Product Safety Information

Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin

Responsible Person:
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin

E-mail address:

Customer reviews
29 Ratings

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Cadeau pour ma petite fille qui va l'enchanter pour Noel .Très joli et conforme aux attentes . Rapidité de l'envoi , garantie prolongée pour cause de pandémie , bien emballé . Très satisfaite

Gift for my granddaughter that will delight her for Christmas. Very pretty and as expected. Fast shipping, extended warranty due to pandemic, well packaged. Very satisfied


Ausgepackt und mit meinen Kindern getestet. Die Anwendung und Bedienung der Karaoke Anlage mit Cd Player und Microfonen ist sehr einfach und sebsterklärend. Der Klang ist super und kindgerecht. Die Aufkleber kamen auch gut an und meine Töchter konnten die Anlage nach Herzenslust verzieren Man kann sofort mitsingen und nach seiner Lieblingsmusik tanzen , die Kinder sind von der Karaokeanlage garnicht mehr wegzubekommen. Das CD-Laufwerk ist auch schön leise! Besonders toll finde ich das es zwei Microfone sind, somit gibt es keinen Streit unter Geschwistern. Die tragbare Kinder Karaoke-Anlage ist gut und wertig verarbeitet. Passt in jedes Kinderzimmer. Meine Tochter ist total begeistert (und ich auch). Ich bin vom Kindgerechten-Design mehr als angetan. Es ist einfach in der Handhabung und es hat alles was sich Kinder wünschen. Für meine Kleinen ist die KinderKaraoke und der CD-Spieler sehr zu empfehlen. Er ist robust und hält auch Erschütterungen aus, die beim tanzen und toben auftreten können. Eine super Spielidee auf jedem Kindergeburtstag. Ein toller Spass, nicht nur für Mädchen. Die Anlage läuft mehrere Stunden bei uns am Tag und das zu unser vollsten Zufriedenheit. Ich kann die Musikanlage ruhigen Gewissens weiter empfehlen Ich empfehle sie gern weiter bei einem guten Preisleistungsverhältnis und gebe gern volle Punktzahl. Bewertung: sehr gut

Unpacked and tested with my children. The use and operation of the karaoke system with CD player and microphones is very simple and self-explanatory. The sound is great and suitable for children. The stickers were also well received and my daughters were able to decorate the system to their heart's content. You can immediately sing along and dance to your favorite music, the children can't get away from the karaoke system at all. The CD drive is also nice and quiet! I think it's particularly great that there are two microphones, so there are no arguments between siblings. The portable children's karaoke system is well made and of high quality. Fits in every children's room. My daughter absolutely loves it (and so do I). I am more than impressed by the child-friendly design. It's easy to use and has everything a child could want. For my little ones, the children's karaoke and the CD player are highly recommended. It is robust and can withstand shocks that can occur when dancing and romping. A great game idea at every children's birthday party. Great fun, not just for girls. The system runs for several hours a day and to our complete satisfaction. I can recommend the music system with a clear conscience. I would be happy to recommend it if it is good value for money and I would like to give it full marks. Rating: very good


Ce lecteur karaoké pour enfants avec haut-parleurs intégrés et deux microphones est idéal pour un premier achat.Il est joli, robuste et offre les fonctions attendus par les enfants, surtout pour les micros qui permettent de chanter en même temps que ses chanteurs préférés.Il fonctionne à pile sur secteur, c'est pratique pour l'emporter partout, et pour s'en servir quand même quand on manque de piles...La poignée de transport située sur le dessus permet de le déplacer facilement.C'est le produit que j'attendais et j'en suis très satisfaite à l'usageIl est très bien, robuste, joliIl mérite les 5 étoiles, surtout avec un si bon rapport qualité/prixUn bon produit que je vous recommande donc.

This karaoke player for children with built-in speakers and two microphones is ideal for a first purchase. It is attractive, robust and offers the functions expected by children, especially for the microphones which allow them to sing along with their favorite singers. It runs on battery power, it's convenient to take it anywhere, and to use it anyway when you run out of batteries...The carrying handle on the top makes it easy to move. the product I expected and I am very satisfied with it It is very good, robust, pretty It deserves 5 stars, especially with such a good price/quality ratio A good product that I therefore recommend.


Bien sûr ce n'est pas une qualité haute fidélité mais au moins on peut le laisser à toutes les petites mains sans se faire du souci.Parfait pour jouer tous les CDs de musique. Le CD démarre facilement et le gros bouton rond règle le niveau du son.Concernant le karaoké c'est amusant et avec les deux micros il peut y avoir battle. Les micros sont des accessoires amusants. Les enfants vont crier dedans une ou deux fois, mais le player de CD va rester longtemps dans leur chambre.Il y a également la possibilité de connecter une source externe comme le téléphone, et là la sélection est illimitée.A traiter avec respect pour que le jouet dure longtemps.

Of course it's not high fidelity quality but at least it can be left to all little hands without worrying. Perfect for playing all music CDs. The CD starts easily and the large round knob adjusts the level of the sound. Regarding karaoke it's fun and with the two microphones there can be battle. Microphones are fun accessories. The children will scream into it once or twice, but the CD player will stay in their room for a long time. There is also the possibility of connecting an external source such as the telephone, and there the selection is unlimited. the toy lasts a long time.


Sehr kindliches Design, Bedienung eher für Schulkinder geeignet Die Karoke Maschine auna Rockpocket wurde mir im Rahmen eines Produkttests kostenfrei in pink zur Verfügung gestellt. Die Farbe und das Gerät an sich kam gut bei meiner sechsjährigen Tochter an. Vor allem die beiden Mikrofone scheinen dem Kind äußerst wichtig zu sein, da sie diese schon mehrfach positiv erwähnt hat. Das Design mit dem kindlichen Motiv einer singenden Krake hingegen empfindet das Schulkind bereits als ""babyhaft"" und sie hat nachgefragt, ob sie das ggf. überkleben kann, was meiner Meinung nach auch überhaupt gar kein Problem darstellen sollte. Auch wenn das Design doch sehr kindlich gehalten ist, finde ich dass der Rockpocket CD-Spieler doch eher was für (Vor)schulkinder ist, da die Bedienung aufgrund der vielen unterschiedlichen Bedienelemente doch schon etwas Übung erfordert und selbst meine Erstklässlerin nutzt derzeit lediglich die Grundfunktionen, also das Starten, Stoppen, Vorspielen und Pausieren einer CD einschließlich der Nutzung der zugeschalteten Mikros zu Mitsingen. Deutlich jüngere Kinder brauchen sicherlich Hilfe bei der Bedienung des Gerätes, zumal die linksseitig angebrachten Drehregler zwar schön lang, aber wenig griffig, da recht glatt sind. Hier würde ich mir eine Gummierung oder Profilierung wünschen. Außerdem sind die ganz Kleinen sicherlich mit der Menge an Schaltelementen überfordert. Gut finde ich, dass man den auna Rockpocket CD-Player wahlweise mit beiliegendem Netzstecker oder aber auch mobil mit Batterien betreiben kann, da Kinder erfahrungsgemäß gern auch mal ihre ""Musik"" mit sich herumtragen mögen. Mein Vierjähriger ist übrigens begeistert vom niedlichen Motiv und hätte sich sicherlich über einen solchen CD-Spieler in blau gefreut.

Very childish design, operation more suitable for school children. The Karoke machine auna Rockpocket was made available to me free of charge in pink as part of a product test. The color and the device itself was well received by my six-year-old daughter. The two microphones in particular seem to be extremely important to the child, as she has mentioned them positively several times. On the other hand, the school child already found the design with the childlike motif of a singing octopus to be ""baby-like"" and she asked if she could glue it over, which in my opinion shouldn't be a problem at all. Even if the design is very child-like, I think that the Rockpocket CD player is more for (pre)school children, since the operation requires some practice due to the many different control elements and even my first grader is currently only using the basic functions , i.e. starting, stopping, playing and pausing a CD, including using the switched-on microphones to sing along. Significantly younger children will certainly need help using the device, especially since the knobs on the left side are long and not very grippy, as they are quite smooth. Here I would wish for a rubber coating or profiling. In addition, the little ones are certainly overwhelmed with the amount of switching elements. I think it's good that you can operate the auna Rockpocket CD player either with the included mains plug or with batteries, since experience has shown that children like to carry their ""music"" around with them. Incidentally, my four-year-old is enthusiastic about the cute motif and would certainly have been happy about such a CD player in blue.


Zum Lieferumfang gehört bei dem auna Rockpocket 1 Gerät,1 Netzteil, 2 Mikrofon sowie eine einfache deutschsprachige Bedienungsanleitung ,auch ein Stickerset sollte dabei sein, welches bei uns allerdings fehlte. Das auna Rockpocket ist bei uns eigentlich als normaler CD CPieler für unsere jüngste Tochter gedacht, da das Gerät super süß gestaltet ist und abgerundete Kanten hat fand ich persönlich es als geschenk klasse. Der auna Rockpocket ist von der Bedienung her sehr einfach gehalten, so dass auch schon kleine Kinder damit gut umgehen können, es gibt keine scharfen Ecken und das Gerät ansich scheint robust genug zu sein um auch schonmal den ein oder andern kleineren Sturz ohne Probleme zu verkraften. Ich finde es gut das man sich aussuchen kann ob das Gerät mit dem beiliegenden Netzkabel oder mit Batterien betrieben werden soll. Auch können neben normalen Audio CDs auch selbsterstellte CDs abgespielt werden, Die Stimme über das Mikrofon hört sich gut an, ist allerdings nicht so laut zu hören wie man es evtl. schon von anderen Geräten dieser Art gewöhnt ist, macht uns hier nicht viel aus, da unsere Tochter eh ziemlich laut singt, aber darauf hinweisen wollte ich dennoch. Im großen und ganzen ist der auna Rockpocket eine schicke Geschenkidee für etwas kleinere Kinder, die noch mit etwas einfacheren Produkten zufrieden sind, denn das Preis Leistungs Verhältnis passt und die Bedienung ist auch mit kleinen Kinderhänden unkompliziert möglich

The scope of delivery of the auna Rockpocket includes 1 device, 1 power supply unit, 2 microphones and a simple German-language operating manual, and a sticker set should also be included, which we did not have. The auna Rockpocket is actually intended as a normal CD player for our youngest daughter, because the device is super cute and has rounded edges, I personally thought it was a great gift. The auna Rockpocket is very easy to use, so that even small children can handle it well, there are no sharp corners and the device itself seems to be robust enough to cope with one or the other minor fall without any problems . I think it's good that you can choose whether the device should be operated with the included power cable or with batteries. In addition to normal audio CDs, self-created CDs can also be played. The voice over the microphone sounds good, but it is not as loud as you might be used to from other devices of this type, so we don't mind that much here, since our daughter sings pretty loud anyway, but I wanted to point that out anyway. All in all, the auna Rockpocket is a chic gift idea for slightly smaller children who are satisfied with somewhat simpler products, because the price-performance ratio is right and it is easy to use even with small children's hands


Das auna Rockpocket ist ein Geschenk an die 5jährige Tochter meiner Freundin. Sie wünschte sich schon lange ein eigenen Abspielgerät. An diesem Karaokegerät fand ich die Farbe sehr schön und dass es nicht mehr ganz so babyhaft aussieht wie so mach anderer Player. Beim Auspacken kam das Gerät mit den Mikrofonen zum Vorschein. Zunächst vermisste ich die Batterien, da die meisten ja ohne Netzkabel funktionieren. Hier aber fand ich dann noch einen Netzstecker im Karton, was ich super finde. Oft sind die Batterien leer und man hat keinen Ersatz zuhause. Auch eine Anleitung auf Deutsch und in Englisch liegt dem Gerät bei. Sie ist sehr verständlich geschrieben - nicht immer so... Die Stimme über das Mikrofon hört sich total schön an, nicht verzerrt o.ä. Es können sowohl gekauft als auch gebrannte CD's gut abgespielt werden. Die Regelung der Schalter ist super - auch für kleine Kinderhände. Leider fehlte das angepriesene Stickerset - davon war im Paket nichts zu sehen. Ob es vergessen wurde oder ob man damit die ""Krake"" meinte weiß ich leider nicht. Zumindest steht ja in der Beschreibung ""stylisches Stickerset zum Selbstbekleben"".. dann sollte es auch beiliegen - daher den Stern-Abzug. Einzig das Gerät selbst wirkt jetzt nicht so hochwertig, aber im Vergleich mit anderen Kinderplayern sieht dieser dennoch schick aus. Ich bin gespannt, wie lange er halten wird.

The auna Rockpocket is a present for my friend's 5-year-old daughter. She has wanted her own player for a long time. I really liked the color of this karaoke machine and that it doesn't look quite as baby-like as other players do. When unpacking, the device with the microphones came to light. First of all, I missed the batteries, since most of them work without a power cable. But here I found a power plug in the box, which I think is great. The batteries are often empty and you don't have a replacement at home. The device also comes with instructions in German and English. It's written in a way that's easy to understand - not always like that... The voice over the microphone sounds really nice, not distorted, etc. Both purchased CDs and burned CDs can be played well. The regulation of the switches is great - even for small children's hands. Unfortunately, the advertised set of stickers was missing - there was nothing to be seen of it in the package. Unfortunately, I don't know whether it was forgotten or whether the "octopus" was meant by it. At least the description says ""stylish sticker set for self-adhesive"".. then it should also be included - hence the star deduction. Only the device itself doesn't look that high-quality, but it still looks chic compared to other children's players. I'm curious how long it will last.


Da das Weihnachtsfest ja bekanntlich in nur wenigen Wochen wieder vor der Tür steht, mache ich mir bereits jetzt meine Gedanken, was ich meinen lieben schenken soll? Einige Geschenke habe ich zum Glück schon beisammen, darunter zählt auch das heutige vorgestellte Testprodukt. Dabei handelt es sich um eine Kinderkaraokeanlage von auna, die bei meiner kleinen Nichte sicherlich für Begeisterungsstürme sorgen wird. Die auna Rockpocket Kinderkaraokeanlage ist speziell an die Kinderwünsche von heute angepasst. Besonders kleine Prinzessinnen, werden hiermit ihre wahre Freude haben. Die Karaokeanlage macht optisch viel her und wird jedes Mädchen ins Land der rosa Träume entführen. Im Lieferumfang ist folgendes enthalten: 1 x Gerät 1 x Netzteil 2 x Mikrofon 1 x Sticker Set deutschsprachige Bedienungsanleitung (weitere Sprachen: Englisch) Das Design dieser Anlage wird jedes Kind in einem gewissen Alter ansprechen, denn hier wurde sehr viel Wert auf gewisse Details gelegt. Die zwei Hand-Mikrofone sind auf die Bedürfnisse von kleineren Kindern angepasst und versprechen eine ganze Menge Spaß. Weiterhin besitzt das Gerät einen integrierten CD-Player mit Wiederholfunktion und programmierbarer Wiedergabe. Ein ebenfalls separater Lautstärkeregler, sorgt für einen uneingeschränkten Musikgenuss. Auch ein Echo-Effekt kann genutzt werden, welcher das Karaoke-Erlebnis erst richtig perfekt macht. Ein weiteres Highlight ist das Zusammenspiel von Balance und der regelbaren A.V.C-Funktion. Hierbei wird der Gesang, dank Multiplex-CD's ausgeschaltet, sobald man in das Mikrofon trällert. Auch auf die Sicherheit wurde bei dieser Karaokeanlage geachtet. Hier findet man keine scharfe Kanten, welche eine Verletzungsgefahr darstellen könnten. Der große Tragegriff ermöglicht es einem, die Karaokeanlage von einem Ort zum anderen ohne Probleme zu transportieren.

Since Christmas is just around the corner in just a few weeks, am I already thinking about what to give my loved ones? Luckily, I already have a few gifts together, including today's test product. This is a children's karaoke system from auna, which will certainly cause a storm of enthusiasm with my little niece. The auna Rockpocket children's karaoke system is specially adapted to the needs of today's children. Little princesses in particular will have a lot of fun with this. The karaoke system looks great and will take every girl to the land of pink dreams. The scope of delivery includes the following: 1 x device 1 x power supply unit 2 x microphone 1 x sticker set German-language operating instructions (other languages: English) The design of this system will appeal to every child of a certain age, because a lot of value was placed on certain details . The two hand microphones are adapted to the needs of smaller children and promise a lot of fun. The device also has an integrated CD player with repeat function and programmable playback. A separate volume control also ensures unrestricted music enjoyment. An echo effect can also be used, which makes the karaoke experience really perfect. Another highlight is the interaction of balance and the adjustable AVC function. Thanks to multiplex CDs, the singing is switched off as soon as you warble into the microphone. Safety has also been taken into account with this karaoke system. There are no sharp edges that could pose a risk of injury. The large carrying handle allows one to transport the karaoke machine from one place to another without any hassles.


Das Gerät sieht wirklich schön aus, und ist farblich schon cool, wenn man Pink mag. Allerdings und da muss ich ehrlich sein, ist die Qualität nicht so stabil, wie man es sich bei einem Kind wünschen würde. Alles Plastik und besonders das CD Fach wirkt sehr klapprig. Die Knöpfe klackern leicht beim Drücken und man fragt sich schon, wie lange das Gerät mitmachen wird. Allerdings wirken die Geräte bei Media Markt und Co für Kinder auch nicht besser und sind genauso teuer. IM ALLTAG Ja, da kann das Gerät überzeugen. Zumindest bei der lieben Mama. Der Grund dafür, das Mikro funktioniert zwar, ist aber egal, was man macht leiser als der Sound selbst. Deswegen hört man die Kinder nicht wirklich laut. Für die Kinder ist das schade, weil sie sich nicht wirklich über das Mikro singen hören. Der Sound selbst ist in Ordnung. Man hört die CD laufen, es rauscht auch bei ganz leisem Sound hörbar, aber es hält sich in Grenzen und fällt Mama eher auf als den Kindern. Die finden es klasse. BEtrieben werden kann es über STrom oder Batterien. Wenn man aber ins Batteriefach schaut, dann möchte man es lieber so nicht betreiben, das wäre ein teurer Spaß.

The device looks really nice and the color is cool if you like pink. However, and I have to be honest, the quality is not as stable as one would wish for a child. All plastic and especially the CD compartment looks very rickety. The buttons clatter slightly when pressed and one wonders how long the device will last. However, the devices at Media Markt and Co are no better for children and are just as expensive. IN EVERYDAY LIFE Yes, the device is convincing. At least with dear mom. The reason for this is that the mic works, but it doesn't matter what you do, it's quieter than the sound itself. That's why you don't really hear the kids loud. It's a shame for the kids because they don't really hear themselves singing over the mic. The sound itself is fine. You can hear the CD playing, there is an audible hissing sound even when the volume is very low, but it is within limits and Mum notices it more than the children. They think it's great. It can be operated with electricity or batteries. But if you look into the battery compartment, you would rather not operate it like that, that would be expensive fun.


Ich kenne diese Apperate noch von meinen großen Sohn, denn er bekam damals auch so ein ähnliches Gerät, allerdings kann ich das überhaupt nicht mit den von Auna vergleichen, denn bei unseren damaligen mussten wir Batterien benutzen, einen Netzstecker gab es nicht. Zudem waren die Mikrofone fest am Gerät installiert, das ist hier ebenfalls anders. Erster Eindruck: Das Gerät kommt gut und sicher verpackt, so kann absolut nichts passieren. Alles was ich zum sofortigen Gebrauch benötige, ist hier enthalten, dazu zählen zwei Mikrofone, ein Netzstecker und das Gerät selber. Eine Bedienungsanleitung ist ebenfalls enthalten. Mein erster Eindruck ist eher positiv, vor allem, weil ich solche Geräte noch ganz anders in Erinnerung habe. Gebrauch: Der Gebrauch selber ist hier sehr einfach, denn es muss nur der Netzstecker in den Strom gesteckt werden, schon können alle Funktionen genutzt werden. Die Mikrofone können an den Seiten reingesteckt werden, wenn man sie nicht gerade braucht. Das CD Fach ist leicht zu öffnen und wieder zu schließen. Hinten ist ein Aux Eingang, damit können auch MP3 Player oder sonstiges verbunden werden. Vorne sind alle Knöpfe zum bedienen angebracht, somit können die Mikrofone eingestellt werden ( lauter, leiser, Echo ), mit den großen runden Knopf wird die Lautstärke der Musik reguliert. Die Mikrofone müssen nicht zwingend am Gerät angebracht werden, diese können per Stecker auch entnommen werden, wenn man nur Musik hören möchte. Der Gebrauch und auch die Handhabung sind sehr, sehr einfach. Fazit: Mir gefällt hier die kräftige Farbe, optisch ist dieses Gerät ein Hingucker für kleine Mädchen. Die Funktionen sind gut und gerade für kleinere Kinder völlig ausreichend. Wenn ich dieses Gerät mit den von „früher“ vergleiche, finde ich dieses definitiv besser, nicht nur vom Aussehen her. Wenn hier mal ein Mikrofon kaputt geht, kann dieses ausgetauscht werden, da sie einzeln angeschlossen werden. Verschiedene Anschlüsse stehen zur Musikwiedergabe zur Verfügung. Die Tonqualität ist für kleinere Kinder völlig in Ordnung finde ich und ausreichend, auch die Lautstärke, die eingestellt werden kann. Hier wurde es von mehreren Kindern, verschiedener Altersklassen benutzt und ausprobiert ( 4-11 Jahren ). Alle Kinder hatten viel Spaß damit und fanden es sehr witzig, vor allem weil das Gerät recht leicht ist und durch seinen Griff oben leicht zu tragen ist. Gut finde ich auch, dass ich es mit Batterien, sowie Netzstecker verwenden kann, so kann es auch transportiert werden. Für kleinere Kinder ist dieser Recorder völlig ausreichend und bietet viele Möglichkeiten, hier hatten wie gesagt alle Kinder Spaß damit, die höhere Altersklasse, die bei uns ebenfalls vertreten ist ( 14-16 Jahre ) hatte daran eher weniger Interesse. Die Verarbeitung ist gut und die Tonqualität ausreichend für die Zwecke der Kinder. Musik und Hörspiele sind deutlich zu verstehen.

I still know these devices from my older son, because he got a similar device back then, but I can't compare it at all with the ones from Auna, because we had to use batteries with ours at the time, there was no mains plug. In addition, the microphones were permanently installed on the device, which is also different here. First impression: The device comes well and securely packaged, so absolutely nothing can happen. Everything I need for immediate use is included here, including two microphones, a power plug and the device itself. An instruction manual is also included. My first impression is rather positive, mainly because I remember such devices quite differently. Use: The use itself is very simple here, because you only have to plug in the mains plug and all functions can be used. The microphones can be tucked into the sides when not in use. The CD compartment is easy to open and close. There is an aux input at the back, which can also be used to connect MP3 players or other devices. All the buttons are on the front to operate, so the microphones can be adjusted (louder, quieter, echo), the volume of the music is regulated with the large round button. The microphones do not necessarily have to be attached to the device, they can also be removed via a plug if you only want to listen to music. The use and handling are very, very simple. Conclusion: I like the strong color here, optically this device is an eye-catcher for little girls. The functions are good and completely sufficient for smaller children. Comparing this device to the "earlier" ones, I definitely think this one is better, not just in looks. If a microphone breaks here, it can be replaced because they are connected individually. Various connections are available for music playback. I think the sound quality is completely fine and sufficient for smaller children, as is the volume, which can be adjusted. Here it was used and tried out by several children of different age groups (4-11 years). All the kids had a lot of fun with it and found it very funny, especially as the device is quite light and easy to carry with the handle on top. I also think it's good that I can use it with batteries and a mains plug, so it can also be transported. For smaller children, this recorder is completely sufficient and offers many possibilities, as I said, all children had fun with it, the older age group, which is also represented here (14-16 years), was less interested in it. The processing is good and the sound quality is sufficient for the purposes of the children. Music and radio plays can be clearly understood.


Le colis contient le lecteur, les 2 micros et le câble d’alimentation. Sa mise en route est simple, il y a 2 choix possible pour alimenter le lecteur : Soit par secteur avec le câble d’alimentation fourni ou avec 6 pile LR14. Pour les micros il suffit de les brancher derrière. Il a un très beau design, mon fils de 6 ans est très content, Le lecteur à une forme de poignée au-dessus ce qui le rend facilement transportable il suffit simplement de l’alimenter avec les piles, pour ne pas être limiter à cause de la longueur du câble d’alimentation. Il est équipé de 2 porte micros, un de chaque côté. Mon fils s’amuse à le promené partout. Sur le côté gauche de la façade il a 7 boutons et un petit écran qui permet de savoir la piste en cours de lecture : -ON/OFF -Lecture/Pause -Stop -Avance -Recule -Repeat -Prog Sur le côté droit il y a 5 potentiomètres -Mic volume -Echo (qui donne un bel effet sonore) -A.V.C (gestion musique par rapport au micro) -balance -Volume La qualité du son est surprenante pas de grésillement, Le lecteur est capable de lire des CD, CD R sans problème. Il y a également une prise auxiliaire on peut brancher un lecteur mp3 ou un téléphone portable. Je suis très satisfait de ce produit.

The package contains the reader, the 2 microphones and the power cable. Its start-up is simple, there are 2 possible choices to power the reader: Either by sector with the supplied power cable or with 6 LR14 batteries. For microphones just plug them behind. It has a very nice design, my 6 year old son is very happy. the length of the power cable. It is equipped with 2 microphone holders, one on each side. My son enjoys taking it everywhere. On the left side of the front it has 7 buttons and a small screen which allows you to know the track being played: -ON/OFF -Play/Pause -Stop -Forward -Reverse -Repeat -Prog On the right side there is has 5 potentiometers -Mic volume -Echo (which gives a nice sound effect) -AVC (music management in relation to the microphone) -balance -Volume The sound quality is surprising, no crackling, The player is able to play CDs, CDs A no problem. There is also an auxiliary socket where you can plug in an mp3 player or a mobile phone. I am very satisfied with this product.


On retrouve donc dans l'emballage : - Le lecteur CD karaoke Auna Rockpocket, - Le manuel d'utilisation, - Les 2 micros, - L'adaptateur secteur, Au déballage, pas de mauvaise surprise, les photos sont fidèles au produit, des couleurs vives, des formes rondes et une poignée ergonomique pour porter l'appareil qui est très léger. L'utilisation est très simplet est c'est pas plus mal, on insère un CD audio et la musique se lance toute seule, on a ensuite possibilité de jouer sur les pistes, le volume, de mettre en pause ou d'arrêter. Côté micro, les 2 peuvent être activés ou désactivées grâce au bouton présent sur le micro lui-même, on peut ensuite régler l'echo sur le poste, si vous utilisez des CD audio multiplex, la voix pourra être masquée lors de l’utilisation des micros. Les avantages (+) : ► Les enfants adorent, ► Forme et ergonomie adaptée, ► Robuste, Les inconvénients (-) : ► Pas de blocage du volume possible,

We therefore find in the packaging: - The Auna Rockpocket karaoke CD player, - The user manual, - The 2 microphones, - The mains adapter, Upon unpacking, no unpleasant surprises, the photos are faithful to the product, bright colors, round shapes and an ergonomic handle to carry the device which is very light. The use is very simple and it's not so bad, you insert an audio CD and the music starts on its own, you can then play on the tracks, the volume, to pause or stop. On the microphone side, the 2 can be activated or deactivated using the button on the microphone itself, you can then adjust the echo on the set, if you are using multiplex audio CDs, the voice may be masked during use microphones. The advantages (+): ► Children love it, ► Adapted shape and ergonomics, ► Robust, The disadvantages (-): ► No blocking of the volume possible,


Le premier à être content fut mon fils lorsqu'il a reçu ce lecteur. Il aime la musique et chanter donc il était ravie de pouvoir le tester... Mon fils à 3,5 ans, j'ai donc du l'accompagner dans ce test car il en reste encore trop petit pour l'utiliser en totale autonomie. Point de vue qualité, il n'y a rien à dire, les matériaux utilisés sont vraiment adaptés aux enfants, mon garçon l'a fait tomber plusieurs fois sans que celui-ci ne s'abîme. Point de vue qualité sonore dans l'ensemble c'est vraiment pas mal, il faut toutefois noté que ce produit reste adapté à une utilisation enfantine et qu'il ne faut pas s'attendre à une qualité de chaîne stéréo. Au niveau des micros ils fonctionnent plutôt bien, le son est correcte même si à pleine puissance d'écoute musical, on entend moins les paroles. De mon côté, je recommande une utilisation avec prise secteur car les piles s'usent assez rapidement. Dans l'ensemble, je trouve qu'il s'agit d'un bon lecteur karaoké qui est bien adapté pour les touts petits.

The first to be happy was my son when he received this player. He loves music and singing so he was delighted to be able to test it... My son is 3.5 years old, so I had to accompany him in this test because he is still too small to use it in total autonomy . Quality point of view, there is nothing to say, the materials used are really suitable for children, my boy has dropped it several times without it being damaged. Sound quality point of view on the whole is really not bad, it should however be noted that this product remains suitable for child use and that you should not expect stereo quality. At the level of the microphones they work rather well, the sound is correct even if at full power of musical listening, one hears less the words. For my part, I recommend use with an AC outlet because the batteries wear out quite quickly. Overall I find this to be a good karaoke player that is well suited for toddlers.


Un grazioso impianto karaoke per i più più piccoli disponibile in diversi colori, io l'ho scelto blu in quanto era destinato ad un maschietto e devo dire ricevuto con grande soddisfazione. Piccolo, compatto, leggero trasportabile, con due microfoni inclusi. Il controllo di volume è separato ed ha un accenno di eco. Certo non si tratta di un impianto di feste, per lo più è un gioco per far trascorrere il tempo ai piccoli, che tramite questo dispositivo possono anche ascoltare i cd di fiabe per esempio o per ascoltare altra musica. Un accessorio davvero che farà divertire i più piccoli Particolare è la possibilità d'interazione della funzione equilibrio e quella AVC regolabile. Questa funzione elimina la voce dei cosiddetti CD Multiplex appena vi si canta col microfono. Questi CD hanno un totale di due tracce sonore. La prima traccia contiene una registrazione stereo senza voce cantante e la seconda traccia contiene sia cori che la voce cantante. Devo dire che mi ha sorpresa nella qualità e nel design e ho fatto contento un bimbo! Prodotto ricevuto con sconto in cambio di una recensione

A pretty karaoke system for the little ones available in different colours, I chose blue as it was intended for a boy and I must say I received it with great satisfaction. Small, compact, light and portable, with two microphones included. The volume control is separate and has a hint of echo. Certainly it is not a party system, mostly it is a game for the little ones to while away the time, who can also listen to fairy tale CDs for example or to listen to other music using this device. An accessory that will really entertain the little ones Particular is the possibility of interaction of the balance function and the adjustable AVC one. This function eliminates the voice of so-called Multiplex CDs as soon as you sing into them into the microphone. These CDs have a total of two soundtracks. The first track contains a stereo recording with no singing vocals and the second track contains both backing vocals and singing vocals. I must say that the quality and design surprised me and I made a child happy! Product received with a discount in exchange for a review


Comment ne pas craquer pour ce superbe petit karaoké, les enfants l'adorent les parents aussi. Il est vraiment très bien conçu pour les enfants les petites mains peuvent gérer toutes seules il suffit d'insérer un cd, et le karaoké est pret. On peut varier l'intensité des micros, A gauche les commandes pour la lecture play pause stop... des CD. A droite le réglage des micros les échos, l'intensité... et le gros bouton c'est pour régler le volume. Il est simple à comprendre et vraiment pratique. La poignée de transport est vraiment utile pour les enfants pas de risque de chute. Il est stable le son est excellent . Compartiment à piles pour les karaoké en plein air. On peut s'en servir pour écouter de la musique ou pour chanter le karaoké. Il est aussi parfait pour animer les anniversaire des enfants il est vraiment amusant et performant. Il y a deux micros c'est super pour les karaoké en duo.

How not to fall for this superb little karaoke, children love it, parents too. It is really very well designed for children small hands can handle on their own just insert a cd, and karaoke is ready. You can vary the intensity of the microphones, On the left the controls for playing play pause stop... CDs. On the right, the adjustment of the microphones, the echoes, the intensity... and the big button is for adjusting the volume. It is simple to understand and really practical. The carrying handle is really useful for children, no risk of falling. It is stable the sound is excellent. Battery compartment for outdoor karaoke. You can use it to listen to music or sing karaoke. It is also perfect for animating children's birthdays, it is really fun and efficient. There are two microphones that's great for duet karaoke.


Comment ne pas craquer pour ce superbe petit karaoké, les enfants l'adorent les parents aussi. Il est vraiment très bien conçu pour les enfants les petites mains peuvent gérer toutes seules il suffit d'insérer un cd, et le karaoké est pret. On peut varier l'intensité des micros, A gauche les commandes pour la lecture play pause stop... des CD. A droite le réglage des micros les échos, l'intensité... et le gros bouton c'est pour régler le volume. Il est simple à comprendre et vraiment pratique. La poignée de transport est vraiment utile pour les enfants pas de risque de chute. Il est stable le son est excellent . Compartiment à piles pour les karaoké en plein air. On peut s'en servir pour écouter de la musique ou pour chanter le karaoké. Il est aussi parfait pour animer les anniversaire des enfants il est vraiment amusant et performant. Il y a deux micros c'est super pour les karaoké en duo.

How not to fall for this superb little karaoke, children love it, parents too. It is really very well designed for children small hands can handle on their own just insert a cd, and karaoke is ready. You can vary the intensity of the microphones, On the left the controls for playing play pause stop... CDs. On the right, the adjustment of the microphones, the echoes, the intensity... and the big button is for adjusting the volume. It is simple to understand and really practical. The carrying handle is really useful for children, no risk of falling. It is stable the sound is excellent. Battery compartment for outdoor karaoke. You can use it to listen to music or sing karaoke. It is also perfect for animating children's birthdays, it is really fun and efficient. There are two microphones that's great for duet karaoke.


Simpatico il karaoke per bambini che spesso ci scimmiottano durante le nostre esibizioni, adesso ne hanno uno tutto per loro e canteranno le canzoni che amano di più! Ha un bel design e dei colori vivaci il mio è blu e giallo e un simpatico polipetto che canta vi è sul vano portacd ha un bell'impatto anche perchè i colori sui ripetono sui microfoni che sono due con buona pace delle mie orecchie che non sentiranno litigi tra i due pestiferi di casa. Il karaoke ha un design arrotondato, privo di qualsiasi spigolo e questa è una buona cosa proprio per evitare problemi, visto che i bimbi riescono a farsi male con qualsiasi cosa appuntita capiti sotto tiro. Ha una maniglia sempre arrotondata che ci permette di potercelo portare dietro senza alcuna fatica, inoltre i due microfoni si agganciano e restano ben fermi nei due vani porta microfoni. Può funzionare sia a batterie ( 6 batterie C) oppure con alimentatore incluso nella confezione. Vi consiglio di farlo funzionare con l'alimentatore e solo se dovete portarlo in gite fuoriporta comprare le batterie, almeno risparmierete così come ho fatto io. La confezione contiene: 1 karaoke bambini Rockpocket (blu e giallo) 2 microfoni alimentatore manuale Il karaoke è leggero e quindi i bambini possono agevolmente portarlo con se, stessa cosa vale per i microfoni.ha la funzione di funzione di ripetizione grazie al tasto apposito e di riproduzione programmabile. Sulla parte a sinistra vi sono tutti i pulsanti per accendere il dispositivo, per selezionare la traccia andando avanti e indietro e il tasto stop. Nel piccolo display si vede il numero della traccia. Nella parte centrale dietro il polipo canterino troviamo lo sportello in cui inserire il CD, in basso su entrambi i lati troviamo due casse. A destra ci sono tutti i comandi per la regolazione del volume dei microfoni quali: funzione eco, bilanciamento, AVC e manopola del volume, facile da regolare anche per i più piccoli, difatti la manopola è bella grande e intuitiva anche per i più piccoli. La funzione AVC elimina la voce e lascia solo la musica quando i microfoni sono in funzione. Questa mi è piaciuta tantissimo ed anche ai bimbi che si sono sentiti dei veri canterini. Non legge gli mp3 e questo ne limita un po' l'utilizzo, l'unica pecca che ho trovato nel gioco ma cmq i bambini lo adorano anche perchè l'estetica la vince su tutto, poi il fattore di avere due microfoni non si batte almeno come dicevo prima non si sentirà: no iooo, no ioooo, vi assicuro non è affatto divertente. I microfoni, giallo e blu sono due e si collegano alla parte posteriore del dispositivo, con cavo lungo (2m), ai due ingressi, con jack da 6,3mm. Presente anche un ingresso AUX per jack da 3,5mm. Nella descrizione si parla di adesivi, ma sicuramente volevano riferirsi a quelli già attaccati perchè non ve ne sono sono altri.

Nice karaoke for children who often mimic us during our performances, now they have one for them and they will sing the songs they love the most! It has a nice design and bright colors mine is blue and yellow and there is a nice singing octopus on the CD compartment it has a good impact also because the colors on the repeat on the microphones which are two with all due respect to my ears that won't hear quarrels between the two home pests. The karaoke machine has a rounded design, devoid of any edges and this is a good thing to avoid problems, since children can get hurt with anything sharp that comes under fire. It has a rounded handle that allows us to carry it around without any effort, moreover the two microphones hook up and remain firmly in the two microphone compartments. It can work both with batteries (6 C batteries) or with the power supply included in the package. I advise you to make it work with the power supply and only if you have to take it on trips outside the city to buy batteries, at least you will save money as I did. The package contains: 1 Rockpocket children's karaoke machine (blue and yellow) 2 microphones with manual power supply The karaoke machine is light and therefore children can easily carry it with them, the same thing goes for the microphones. It has a repeat function thanks to the special button and programmable playback. On the left side there are all the buttons to turn on the device, to select the track going forward and backward and the stop button. In the small display you can see the track number. In the central part behind the singing octopus we find the door in which to insert the CD, at the bottom on both sides we find two boxes. On the right there are all the controls for adjusting the volume of the microphones such as: echo function, balance, AVC and volume knob, easy to adjust even for the little ones, in fact the knob is pretty big and intuitive even for the little ones. The AVC function eliminates the voice and leaves only the music when the microphones are working. I liked this very much and also the children who felt like real singers. It doesn't read mp3s and this limits its use a bit, the only flaw I found in the game but anyway the kids love it also because the aesthetic wins over everything, then the factor of having two microphones can't be beat at least as I said before you won't hear it: no iooo, no ioooo, I assure you it's not funny at all. There are two microphones, yellow and blue and connect to the rear of the device, with a long cable (2m), to the two inputs, with 6.3mm jack. There is also an AUX input for 3.5mm jack. The description speaks of stickers, but they certainly wanted to refer to those already attached because there are no others.


Une jolie enceinte CD pour les plus jeunes FONCTIONS KARAOKE SIMPLE & SYMPA FACILE D'UTILISATION nous aimons beaucoup CE QUE L'ON AIME/ POSITIF : - JOLI LOOK POUR UN ENFANT (à choisir la couleur en fonction des goûts de l'enfant qui plus est !) - FACILE A EMPORTER - le CD NE SAUTE PAS lorsque l'on bouge le lecteur - MICROS qui tiennent efficacement dans cavités de chaque côté réservées à cet effet - SONORITE BIEN avec BLOCAGE DE NIVEAU DE SON (bien pour les oreilles des plus jeunes !) - JOLIE ERGONOMIE - BON RAPPORT QUALITE PRIX je trouve - FACILE D'UTILISATION CE QUE L'ON AIME MOINS / AMELIORATIONS POSSIBLES : - rien à redire Photos en cours de chargement... Espérant qu'elles se publient !? Depuis quelques semaines Amazon ne publie pas toujours toutes les photos les photos ne s'affichent pas ou pas complètement J'espère que mon commentaire vous aura été utile pour vous aider dans votre choix. Si vous avez une question et que je peux vous aider ce sera avec plaisir

A nice CD speaker for the youngest KARAOKE FUNCTIONS SIMPLE & NICE EASY TO USE we like it a lot WHAT WE LIKE / POSITIVE: - NICE LOOK FOR A CHILD (choose the color according to the child's tastes what's more!) - EASY TO CARRY - the CD DOES NOT SKIP when you move the player - MICROPHONES which fit effectively in cavities on each side reserved for this purpose - GOOD SOUND with SOUND LEVEL LOCK (good for the ears of the youngest!) - NICE ERGONOMICS - GOOD VALUE FOR MONEY I think - EASY TO USE WHAT WE LIKE LESS / POSSIBLE IMPROVEMENTS: - nothing to complain about Photos loading... Hoping they will be published!? For a few weeks now Amazon has not always published all the photos the photos are not displayed or not completely I hope that my comment has been useful to help you in your choice. If you have a question and I can help you it will be with pleasure


L’appareil est bien adapté aux enfants mais à partir d’un certain âge qui leur permet d’utiliser les nombreuses fonctions et commandes de l’appareil. Plus petit, la présence d’un adulte sera nécessaire. L’appareil fonctionne sur secteur mais aussi avec 6 piles de type C (non fournies). Il fonctionne comme un lecteur de CD classique qui ma fois donne un bon résultat sonore avec un effet stéréo marqué. Cet effet est renforcé par la commande de balance et l’effet d’écho. En mode karaoké, il faut qu’un cd tourne pour que les micros fonctionnent (économie des piles oblige). Il y a une commande de volume séparée pour les micros mais la commande de volume principale (gros bouton) agit aussi sur ceux-ci et sur la musique. Il est donc difficile de chanter discrètement. Le meilleur résultat est obtenu avec des CD multiplex pour karaoké, on peut alors régler le volume de la voix du chanteur et la supprimer si l’on veut chanter seul. Cette fonction se fait automatiquement à l’aide de la fonction AVC. La fonction de balance agit sur le niveau musical et celui des paroles. Avec un CD classique, tout le monde chante en même temps. Il faut enfin ajouter les fonctions de répétition et de programmation. L’appareil est bien fini et fun voir enfantin mais un peu complexe à utiliser car les inscriptions de chaque commande sont peu visibles Je n’ai pas encore trouvé la pochette d’autocollants, ce qui risque de déplaire à ma petite fille. Et non, je ne lui achèterai pas le CD karaoké de la reine des neiges faute de quoi je ne serai jamais libéré… délivré…

The device is well suited to children but from a certain age that allows them to use the many functions and controls of the device. Smaller, the presence of an adult will be necessary. The device works on mains but also with 6 type C batteries (not included). It works like a classic CD player which in my time gives a good sound result with a marked stereo effect. This effect is reinforced by the balance control and the echo effect. In karaoke mode, a cd must be playing for the microphones to work (battery saving requires). There is a separate volume control for the microphones but the main volume control (large button) also acts on these and on the music. It is therefore difficult to sing discreetly. The best result is obtained with multiplex CDs for karaoke, then you can adjust the volume of the singer's voice and remove it if you want to sing alone. This function is done automatically using the AVC function. The balance function acts on the musical level and that of the lyrics. With a classic CD, everyone sings at the same time. Finally, repeat and programming functions must be added. The device is well finished and fun, even childish, but a little complex to use because the inscriptions for each order are not very visible. I have not yet found the sticker pouch, which may displease my granddaughter. And no, I will not buy her the Frozen karaoke CD or I will never be freed... freed...


Il faut préciser d'emblée qu""il s'agit d'un jouet,et que ce lecteur CD-karaoké enfant ne peut en aucun cas rivaliser avec un appareil hi-fi! Il a une jolie forme ronde,et est pourvu de 2 micros,pour jouer à plusieurs sans dispute(et que l'on range de façon pratique,à l'arrière de l'appareil).Il fonctionne sur secteur,ou avec des piles.La qualité sonore est très correcte,mais le son des micros reste un peu faible toutefois.Par ailleurs,ceux ci ne fonctionnent qu'avec le CD en écoute.On peut régler la programmation ,si on le désire,et une fonction ""repeat"" est disponible!Bref,un appareil de bonne qualité,à un prix très raisonnable,et qui ravit les petits!

It should be specified from the outset that this is a toy, and that this children's CD-karaoke player can in no way compete with a hi-fi device! It has a nice round shape, and is equipped with 2 microphones, to play with several people without hassle (and which is conveniently stored at the back of the device). It works on mains or with batteries. .The sound quality is very correct, but the sound of the microphones remains a little weak however. Moreover, these only work with the CD in listening. You can adjust the programming, if desired, and a "" function repeat"" is available! In short, a good quality device, at a very reasonable price, and which delights the little ones!


Rosa, simile quasi ad una borsetta (pesa un chiletto o poco più, ha un pratica maniglietta per spostarla, è realtivamente piccolo: 29,5 x 26,5 x 13 centimetri LxAxP), pupazzetti da incollare con gli adesivi a piacimento dove si vuole, funzione tanto cd (minimamente programmabile) quanto karaoke,,, un giocattolino (è un giocattolo ino) perfetto per della bambine ""fashion"" (termine che non mi piace molto, preferisco ""alla moda"") da regalar loro per divertirsi da sole o in compagnia, se lo porteranno dietro ovunque... e ne rimarranno parecchio contente :-) ...motivo della nostra valutazione in positivo... giudichiamo il fine e la riuscita, non l'impianto in sé che ha i limiti di una fascia di prezzo bassa per questo tipo di prodotti, ed una fattura economica interamente in plastica (se cade, si rompe, per fortuna è stabile in appoggio, ma fate attenzione è sempre meglio). Come attivarlo è semplice, tastini gestibili a prova di bimbo, tutto manuale e comprensibile (nonostante il libricino delle istruzioni sia in inglese e tedesco). Ovviamente è molto semplice... essenziale... possono esserne soddisfatte delle bimbe non degli adulti (se non per la soddisfazione di donar qualcosa che nipoti o figlie sino agli 8 massimo 10 anni adoreranno) ...si mette il CD ( compatibile con CD, CD-R,CD-RW, Multiplex CD) così da poter ascoltare la base strumentale per il karaoke (chi non li ha, invece di comprarli, può utilizzare il pc o una smart-tv per leggere i testi mentre si utilizzano i microfoni in dotazione regolabili separatamente nel volume, sono due, collegati con i cavi di una lunghezza agevole, quasi due metri) ... simpatico pure l'effetto eco. I due altoparlanti son ini ini.. però bastano a far ascoltare quel che si canta o si riproduce musicalmente parlando (non è possibile registrar nulla, non supporta bluetooth, non ) ... rientrano nel prezzo che lo si paga. Il display led è micro.. fa solo vedere il numero di sequenza dei brani... i due ingressi microfono da 6,3 millimetri sono per i microfoni, l'ingresso AUX con jack da 3,5 mm permette di collegare delle cuffie. Doppia possibilità di alimentazione... elettrica con filo e la spina italiana e a batterie (non incluse, ne servono 6 del formato C, compratene di ricaricabili, si risparmia nel tempo facendolo). p.s. ...non ha uno spigolo, la forma è bombata, nella confezione si trovano pure degli adesivi per decorarlo (non bellissimi). Articolo gentilmente offertoci da venditore :-) Testato e valutao con onestàRosa, simile quasi ad una borsetta (pesa un chiletto o poco più, ha un pratica maniglietta per spostarla, è realtivamente piccolo: 29,5 x 26,5 x 13 centimetri LxAxP), pupazzetti da incollare con gli adesivi a piacimento dove si vuole, funzione tanto cd (minimamente programmabile) quanto karaoke,,, un giocattolino (è un giocattolo ino) perfetto per della bambine ""fashion"" (termine che non mi piace molto, preferisco ""alla moda"") da regalar loro per divertirsi da sole o in compagnia, se lo porteranno dietro ovunque... e ne rimarranno parecchio contente :-) ...motivo della nostra valutazione in positivo... giudichiamo il fine e la riuscita, non l'impianto in sé che ha i limiti di una fascia di prezzo bassa per questo tipo di prodotti, ed una fattura economica interamente in plastica (se cade, si rompe, per fortuna è stabile in appoggio, ma fate attenzione è sempre meglio). Come attivarlo è semplice, tastini gestibili a prova di bimbo, tutto manuale e comprensibile (nonostante il libricino delle istruzioni sia in inglese e tedesco). Ovviamente è molto semplice... essenziale... possono esserne soddisfatte delle bimbe non degli adulti (se non per la soddisfazione di donar qualcosa che nipoti o figlie sino agli 8 massimo 10 anni adoreranno) ...si mette il CD ( compatibile con CD, CD-R,CD-RW, Multiplex CD) così da poter ascoltare la base strumentale per il karaoke (chi non li ha, invece di comprarli, può utilizzare il pc o una smart-tv per leggere i testi mentre si utilizzano i microfon

Pink, almost similar to a handbag (weighs a kilo or so, has a practical handle to move it, is really small: 29.5 x 26.5 x 13 cm WxHxD), puppets to be glued with stickers wherever you want , cd function (minimally programmable) as well as karaoke,,, a little toy (it's an ino toy) perfect for ""fashion"" girls (a term I don't like very much, I prefer ""fashionable"") to give them as a gift having fun alone or in company, they'll take it with them everywhere... and they'll be very happy with it :-) ... the reason for our positive evaluation... we judge the purpose and the success, not the system itself that it has the limits of a low price range for this type of product, and an economic invoice made entirely of plastic (if it falls, it breaks, luckily it is stable in support, but be careful, it's always better). How to activate it is simple, manageable child-proof keys, all manual and understandable (despite the instruction booklet in both English and German). Obviously it's very simple... essential... girls, not adults, can be satisfied with it (if not for the satisfaction of donating something that grandchildren or daughters up to 8 maximum 10 years old will adore) ... put the CD (compatible with CD, CD-R, CD-RW, Multiplex CD) so as to be able to listen to the instrumental base for karaoke (those who do not have them, instead of buying them, can use the pc or a smart-tv to read the lyrics while using the microphones supplied with separately adjustable volume, there are two, connected with cables of an easy length, almost two meters) ... the echo effect is also nice. The two loudspeakers are ini ini .. but they are enough to hear what is sung or reproduced musically by speaking (it is not possible to record anything, it does not support bluetooth, it does not) ... they are included in the price you pay for it. The LED display is micro.. it only shows the sequence number of the songs... the two 6.3 mm microphone inputs are for microphones, the AUX input with 3.5 mm jack allows you to connect headphones. Double possibility of power supply... electric with wire and Italian plug and batteries (not included, you need 6 of the C format, buy rechargeable ones, you save time by doing so). ps ... it doesn't have an edge, the shape is rounded, in the package there are also some stickers to decorate it (not beautiful). Article kindly offered to us by the seller :-) Honestly tested and evaluatedPink, almost similar to a handbag (weighs a kilo or so, has a practical handle to move it, is really small: 29.5 x 26.5 x 13 cm WxHxD) , puppets to paste with stickers wherever you want, function both cd (minimally programmable) and karaoke,,, a little toy (it's an ino toy) perfect for ""fashion"" girls (a term I don't like very much, I prefer "fashionable"") to give them to have fun alone or in company, they will take it with them everywhere... and they will be very happy with it :-) ... the reason for our positive evaluation... we judge the end and success, not the system itself which has the limits of a low price range for this type of product, and an economic invoice made entirely of plastic (if it falls, it breaks, luckily it is stable in support, but be careful is always better). How to activate it is simple, manageable child-proof keys, all manual and understandable (despite the instruction booklet in both English and German). Obviously it's very simple... essential... girls, not adults, can be satisfied with it (if not for the satisfaction of giving something that grandchildren or daughters up to 8 maximum 10 years old will adore) ... put the CD (compatible with CD, CD-R, CD-RW, Multiplex CD) so as to be able to listen to the instrumental base for karaoke (those who do not have them, instead of buying them, can use the pc or a smart-tv to read the lyrics while using the microphone


Con questo carinissimo karaoke renderete sicuramente felicissimi i vostri bambini. Bellissimo anche da regalare. Colorato e dal design a portata di bambino. Piccolo e maneggevole. Arriva una scatola con il karaoke, due microfoni, l'alimentatore e il manuale delle istruzioni. Non è un semplice karaoke, ma funziona anche da lettore cd. Semplicissimo da utilizzare, oltre a funzionare con l'alimentatore, può funzionare anche con 6 batterie C (le batterie non sono incluse). Da poter usare in casa con gli amici, da portare in giro, scampagnate, parchi, al mare. Nella parte alta c'è un manico per poterlo spostare, sulla parte destra e sinistra ci sono due vani dove vanno inseriti i microfoni. Sulla parte destra ci sono diversi tasti per il controllo dei microfoni, volume, effetto eco, equalizzatore. Inoltre sulla parte destra ci sono anche altri tasti per controllare il cd ( ripetizione o riproduzione programmabile). Nella parte posteriore ci sono gli ingressi AUX, per l’alimentazione e due per i microfoni. Nella parte sinistra c'è un piccolo display e due casse. Bellissimo gioco e passatempo per tutti i bambini

With this cute karaoke machine you will surely make your children very happy. Also beautiful as a gift. Colorful and designed for children. Small and handy. Comes in a box with the karaoke, two microphones, power supply and instruction manual. It's not just a karaoke machine, but it also works as a CD player. Very simple to use, in addition to working with the power supply, it can also work with 6 C batteries (the batteries are not included). To be used at home with friends, to carry around, outings, parks, at the beach. In the upper part there is a handle to be able to move it, on the right and left side there are two compartments where the microphones are inserted. On the right side there are several keys for controlling microphones, volume, echo effect, equalizer. Also on the right side there are also other keys to control the CD (repeat or programmable playback). At the back are the AUX inputs, for power and two for microphones. On the left side is a small display and two speakers. Beautiful game and pastime for all children


Ho regalato questo fantastico karaoke a mio nipote per il suo compleanno, e ne è rimasto entusiasto. Appena scartato dalla confezione ha voluto subito provarlo, ed è stato un gran divertimento per lui, visto che adora la musica e cantare ed un gran successo per me. Il karaoke è della Auna, ha uno slot per inserire i CD e due porte mic per inserire i microfoni (collegati da cavi con un pulsante on/off) Il karaoke è davvero bello, realizzato con plastiche buone e colori vivaci, ha persino degli adesivi inclusi. Sulla parte destra e sinistra ci sono due vani dove andranno inseriti i microfoni se non vengono utilizzati, infatti questo dispositivo funziona anche come un normale stereo cd. Sulla parte destra abbiamo diversi tasti per il controllo dei microfoni, volume, effetto eco, equalizzatore e funzioni AVC. Ma cosa è la tecnologia AVC? Questa funzione elimina la voce dai cd multiplex quando si canta nel microfono. Incluso il cd con due tracce sonore, una solo musicale, mentre l’altra è anche cantata. Sulla parte destra abbiamo altri tasti per controllare la funzione del cd, come la ripetizione o riproduzioni programmabili. Il bello del dispositivo è che ha gli angoli arrotondati quindi perfetti per i bambini, che non potranno mai farsi male. Inoltre ha una maniglia nella parte superiore per trasportarlo visto che potete inserire anche le batterie. Funziona con alimentatore 9V DC - 1A oppure 6 batterie C Nella parte posteriore abbiamo diversi ingressi, 1 ingresso AUX, 1 ingresso per l’alimentatore e due ingressi mic per i microfoni. Quali tipi di dischi supporta? CD, CD-R,CD-RW, Multiplex CD Nella parte sinistra ha un piccolo display e su entrambi le casse, le sue dimensioni sono le seguenti 29,5 x 26,5 x 13 cm. Un ottimo gioco per i bambini, il suono della musica e del microfono è nitido e chiaro. Un’idea regalo anche per Natale o per qualsiasi altra ricorrenza. Devo dire che mi è molto piaciuto, specialmente per mio nipote che ora lo vuole utilizzare tutti i giorni.

I gave this amazing karaoke machine to my nephew for his birthday, and he loved it. As soon as he was unwrapped from the package he immediately wanted to try it, and it was great fun for him, as he loves music and singing and a great success for me. The karaoke is from Auna, it has a slot for inserting CDs and two mic ports for inserting microphones (connected by cables with an on/off button) The karaoke is really nice, made with good plastics and bright colors, it even has stickers included. On the right and left side there are two compartments where the microphones will be inserted if they are not used, in fact this device also works as a normal CD stereo. On the right side we have several buttons for microphone control, volume, echo effect, equalizer and AVC functions. But what is AVC technology? This feature eliminates vocals from multiplexed CDs when you sing into the microphone. Included the CD with two sound tracks, one only musical, while the other is also sung. On the right side we have other keys to control the function of the cd, such as repeat or programmable playbacks. The beauty of the device is that it has rounded corners, therefore perfect for children, who can never get hurt. It also has a handle at the top to carry it as you can also insert batteries. Works with 9V DC - 1A power supply or 6 C batteries. In the back we have several inputs, 1 AUX input, 1 input for the power supply and two mic inputs for microphones. What types of discs does it support? CD, CD-R,CD-RW, Multiplex CD On the left side it has a small display and on both cases, its dimensions are as follows 29.5 x 26.5 x 13 cm. A great game for kids, the sound of music and microphone is crisp and clear. A gift idea also for Christmas or for any other occasion. I must say that I really liked it, especially for my nephew who now wants to use it every day.


Lunghezza: 1:43 Minuti Il Karaoke come abbiamo più volte visto è una forma di intrattenimento musicale dove un dilettante cantando con un microfono, usando come sfondo o l'accompagnamento musicale di una registrazione, che può essere impostata per il colore preferito dalla cantante in attrezzature moderne. Chi non si è mai cimentato/a almeno una volta in una performance canora con il karaoke, specie e complici, le gite fuori porta, scampagnate, ecc. il top dove ci si sbizzarrisce sono i villaggi turistici, lì un po tutti intonati e non, specie se si tratta di interpretare una canzone più a cuore. E se noi adulti ci divertiamo così tanto, immaginiamo i piccoli e adolescenti, da sempre amano esibirsi e prodighi a farci sentire le loro performance musicali, e per dire il vero è anche un modo di giocare, sano senza essere sempre incollati alla tv, e nel contempo magari serve anche a sviluppare le eventuali capacità canore, quindi è proprio a loro che è rivolto il mio acquisto, per un'altra mia nipotina, che ha la passione per il canto, ho pensato di regalargli, Auna RockPoket Impianto Karaoke. Questo simpaticissimo Karaoke, pensato e progettato per femminucce, visto il delizioso color caramello (ve le ricordate le big bubble? A me ricorda quello, questo suo colore), colore e design, che per cromia e forme, a colpo d'occhio sa farsi conquistare e amare, sia dai piccini che dagli adulti, delizioso anche nelle sue forme. Questo piccolo impianto stereo karaoke, ha le forme arrotondate, ed è del tipo pocket e compatto richiamando la sua forma ad una macchinina, è corredato di due microfoni, agganciati nei laterali, anch'essi sono nelle sfumature del rosa, sulla parte superiore un tutt'uno abbiamo una maniglia per il trasporto, così che i nostri piccoli artisti canori in erba, potranno sfoggiare il loro impianto karaoke, senza rischio di farsi male, e tutto in completa autonomia e gioiosità, e considerato la dotazione di due microfoni, possono esibirsi in due, due sorelline, due cuginette o due amichette senza litigare, in piena solidarietà e socialità. Sulla parte superiore abbiamo il vano per i CD, nei laterali abbiamo i vari tasti funzione, sotto di essi da una parte abbiamo il display che ci indica il numero del brano che si sta riproducendo, mentre nell'altro abbiamo il potenziometro per il volume, anch'esso nella simpatica forma arrotondata (una semi sfera), sotto di essi abbiamo i due altoparlanti. Oltre alla riproduzione dei normali CD, ha la funzionalità Multiplex , ovvero la funzione ACV, quindi si potrà eliminare dalla traccia musicale la voce, traendone soltanto la base musicale, tutto questo quando sono attivi i microfoni, una bella e comoda funzionalità che ci fa risparmiare di acquistare i CD appositi del karaoke. Nel retro troviamo: Oltre all'ingresso dei due microfoni, abbiamo l'ingresso di ulteriori strumenti in uscita con jack da 6,3 mm, un ingresso di dispositivi aux esterni, con jack da 3,5mm, il karaoke ha due modalità di funzionamento sia con alimentazione elettrica (alimentatore in dotazione), che alimentato a batterie in totale 6 del tipo C. La possibilità dell'ingresso AUX potremo altresì collegare unità esterne come un ulteriore cassa audio, corredato di un buon cavo di media lunghezza, (nella descrizione si parla di adesivi, ma questi si presume siano quelli che sono già impressi sull'impianto, che è quel simpatico mollusco intento nella sua performance canora), dispositivi ausiliari fanno si che ogni performance in una festa, manifestazione, potremo divertirci a interpretare le nostre canzoni preferite o l'ascolto della nostra play list musicale per rendere qualsiasi festa unica e indimenticabile. Ottimo articolo che ha fatto felice la mia nipotina e il suo fratellino

Length: 1:43 Minutes Karaoke as we have repeatedly seen is a form of musical entertainment where an amateur singing with a microphone, using as background or musical accompaniment a recording, which can be set to the preferred color by the singer in modern equipment. Who has never tried at least once in a singing performance with karaoke, especially and accomplices, trips out of town, picnics, etc. the top where you indulge are the tourist villages, there all a bit in tune and not, especially if it is a matter of interpreting a song more close to your heart. And if we adults have so much fun, let's imagine the little ones and adolescents, who have always loved performing and are generous in letting us hear their musical performances, and to tell the truth it is also a way of playing, healthy without always being glued to the TV, and at the same time perhaps it also serves to develop any singing skills, so it is precisely to them that my purchase is addressed, for another niece of mine, who has a passion for singing, I thought of giving them the Auna RockPoket Karaoke system. This very nice Karaoke, conceived and designed for girls, given the delicious caramel color (do you remember the big bubbles? It reminds me of that, this color of its), color and design, which for colors and shapes, at a glance knows how to make conquer and love, both by children and adults, delicious even in its forms. This small karaoke stereo system has rounded shapes, and is of the pocket and compact type recalling its shape to a toy car, it is equipped with two microphones, hooked on the sides, they too are in shades of pink, on the upper part a whole 'one we have a carrying handle, so that our budding little singing artists will be able to show off their karaoke system, without the risk of getting hurt, and all in complete autonomy and joy, and considering the provision of two microphones, they can perform in two, two little sisters, two cousins or two girlfriends without arguing, in full solidarity and sociality. On the upper part we have the compartment for the CDs, on the sides we have the various function keys, below them on one side we have the display that indicates the number of the song that is being played, while in the other we have the potentiometer for the volume, also in the nice rounded shape (a semi-sphere), below them we have the two loudspeakers. In addition to playing normal CDs, it has the Multiplex function, i.e. the ACV function, so the voice can be eliminated from the music track, extracting only the backing track, all this when the microphones are active, a nice and convenient feature that saves us money. to purchase special karaoke CDs. On the back we find: In addition to the input of the two microphones, we have the input of further output instruments with 6.3mm jack, an input of external aux devices, with 3.5mm jack, karaoke has two operating modes both with electrical power supply (supplied power supply), and powered by a total of 6 type C batteries. The possibility of the AUX input will also allow us to connect external units such as an additional audio speaker, equipped with a good medium-length cable (in the description we speak of stickers, but these are presumed to be those that are already imprinted on the system, which is that nice mollusc intent on its singing performance), auxiliary devices ensure that every performance in a party, demonstration, we can have fun interpreting our favorite songs or listening to our music play list to make any party unique and unforgettable. Excellent article that made my niece and her little brother happy


Il karaoke bambini di Auna è un oggetto troppo carino! Il design e i colori vivaci sono le caratteristiche che, d'impatto, conquistano grandi e piccini. Almeno Beatrice e io siamo rimaste stregate dal karaoke bambini rosa che abbiamo scelto dal sito Electronic-Star. Il karaoke bambini Rockpocket di Auna ha un design completamente arrotondato, privo di qualsiasi spigolo vivo: ciò non solo riduce gli incidenti, ma ne rende la forma più giocosa e accattivante per i bambini. Si tratta di un vero lettore CD che può essere consegnato direttamente nelle mani dei bambini per scatenare il piccolo artista che c'è in loro. Può funzionare sia a batterie ( 6 batterie C) oppure con alimentatore incluso nella confezione. Ma andiamo con ordine. La confezione, molto curata, contiene: 1 karaoke bambini Rockpocket (rosa) 2 microfoni alimentatore manuale Nella descrizione si parla di un set di adesivi che io non ho trovato. Allora, per logica, gli adesivi a cui ci si riferisce devono essere quelli, troppo simpatici, già applicati sul dispositivo. Dicevamo, il karaoke, delle dimensioni e del peso giusti per essere destinato ai bambini, è un lettore CD come si deve, con tanto di funzione di ripetizione (tasto apposito) e di riproduzione programmabile. Sulla scocca a sinistra tutti i pulsanti per accendere il dispositivo, per selezionare la traccia andando avanti e indietro e tasto stop. Nel piccolo display possiamo vedere il numero della traccia in riproduzione. Sulla scocca a destra ci sono tutti i comandi di regolazione volume dei microfoni, funzione eco, bilanciamento, AVC e manopola del volume, grande e facile da regolare anche per i più piccoli. Che cos'è la funzione AVC? In pratica il karaoke bambini dell'Auna è in grado di leggere CD multiplex e con il comando AVC si elimina la voce sulla traccia musicale quando sono in funzione i microfoni. Bello, no? I microfoni, bianchi e rosa, sono ben due e si collegano alla parte posteriore del dispositivo, con cavo parecchio lungo (2m), ai due ingressi, con jack da 6,3mm. Presente anche un ingresso AUX per jack da 3,5mm. Maniglia e cavi lunghi dei due microfoni facilitano gli spostamenti e aumentano il divertimento. Purtroppo non legge gli mp3 e questo ne limita un po' l'utilizzo, ma questo poco importa ai nostri bambini a cui piace tanto l'estetica giocosa del lettore. Questa è l'unica mancanza che ho trovato nel karaoke che per il resto è perfetto per lo svago e il divertimento dei bambini. Un punto decisamente a favore è la presenza di due microfoni: se avete due figli non litigheranno per chi deve cantare per primo. Il karaoke bambini Rockpocket di Auna è il regalo di Natale ideale!

Auna's children's karaoke machine is too cute! The design and bright colors are the characteristics that, with their impact, conquer young and old alike. At least Beatrice and I were enchanted by the pink children's karaoke we chose from the Electronic-Star website. The auna Rockpocket children's karaoke machine has a completely rounded design, free from any sharp edges: this not only reduces accidents, but also makes its shape more playful and appealing to children. This is a true CD player that can be delivered straight into children's hands to unleash their inner little artist. It can work both with batteries (6 C batteries) or with the power supply included in the package. But let's go in order. The package, very accurate, contains: 1 Rockpocket children's karaoke machine (pink) 2 microphones manual power supply The description mentions a set of stickers that I did not find. Then, by logic, the stickers to which we refer must be those, too nice, already applied on the device. We were saying, karaoke, of the right size and weight to be intended for children, is a proper CD player, complete with a repeat function (special key) and programmable playback. On the body on the left all the buttons to turn on the device, to select the track going forward and backward and the stop button. In the small display we can see the number of the track being played. On the body on the right there are all the controls for adjusting the volume of the microphones, echo function, balance, AVC and volume knob, large and easy to adjust even for the little ones. What is the AVC function? In practice, the Auna children's karaoke machine can read multiplex CDs and the AVC command eliminates the voice on the music track when the microphones are working. Nice is not it? There are two microphones, white and pink, and they connect to the back of the device, with a very long cable (2m), to the two inputs, with 6.3mm jacks. There is also an AUX input for 3.5mm jack. Handle and long cables of the two microphones make it easier to move and increase the enjoyment. Unfortunately it doesn't read mp3s and this limits its use a bit, but this doesn't matter to our children who really like the playful aesthetics of the player. This is the only shortcoming I found in karaoke which is otherwise perfect for children's amusement and entertainment. A decidedly positive point is the presence of two microphones: if you have two children they won't fight over who has to sing first. The auna Rockpocket children's karaoke machine is the ideal Christmas gift!


Non è un semplice karaoke ma anche un lettore cd portatile. E' fatto molto bene, ed è molto carino da regalare ai propri bambini o a quelli degli altri. Leggero, colorato e molto carino nella forma. Adatto a bambini, è in plastica molto solida e colorata. Si ha a disposizione vari colori tra cui scegliere. Io l'ho preso in colore rosa. Facile da usare, grazie ai tastoni adatto ai bambini di ogni età. Molto buono a livello di audio. I microfoni sono un po' metallici, ma tutto sommato non è male. Il cavo in dotazione è abbastanza lungo, quindi ci si può spostare anche a una certa distanza. Tramite i tasti si possono impostare varie funzioni, tipologia di suono e volume. Si può anche impostare l'eco. All'interno della confezione troviamo: il karaoke, due microfoni, degli adesivi carini per decorare il karaoke e un manuale di istruzioni. Il karaoke è dotato di due ingressi per i microfoni, supporta CD ,CD-R. Ottimo prodotto, consigliato

It is not a simple karaoke machine but also a portable cd player. It is very well made, and it is very nice to give to your own children or to those of others. Light, colorful and very cute in shape. Suitable for children, it is made of very solid and colorful plastic. You have various colors to choose from. I got it in pink. Easy to use, thanks to the gropes suitable for children of all ages. Very good in terms of audio. The microphones are a bit tinny, but all in all it's not bad. The supplied cable is long enough, so you can move even at a certain distance. Using the keys you can set various functions, type of sound and volume. You can also set the echo. Inside the package we find: karaoke, two microphones, cute stickers to decorate the karaoke and an instruction manual. The karaoke machine has two microphone inputs, supports CD, CD-R. Great product, recommended


Ma fille de 5 ans attendait très impatiemment ce cadeau (mis dans la liste du Père Noël) et elle n'a pas été déçue en le découvrant et en l'utilisant. Elle se prend vraiment pour une star et chante avec sa copine (très bien le 2ème micro...) Seul petit bémol : quand elle chante un peu fort, on n'entend plus la musique du tout, un peu déroutant... De plus, les autocollants pour le personnaliser sont vraiment moches pour la plupart. Peut mieux faire sur ce point (d'où les 4 étoiles et non 5)

My 5 year old daughter was really looking forward to this gift (put on Santa's list) and she wasn't disappointed when she discovered and used it. She really thinks she's a star and sings with her friend (the 2nd microphone is great...) The only downside: when she sings a bit loudly, you can't hear the music at all, a bit confusing... In addition, the stickers to personalize it are really ugly for the most part. Could do better on this point (hence the 4 stars and not 5)


Le produit correspond à la photo. Le son est tres bon pour un jouet d enfant. Les VRAIS micros fonctionnent bien et c est très drole pour une session de karaoke (fille de 3 ans) ... de plus une prise AUX est présente pour brancher une source externe. Enfin un adaptateur secteur est présent. Beaucoup mieux que des produits similaire de marque de joué renommé (jaune bleu rouge ). Je pense que si la solidité est au rendez vous cela prevoit des années de musique. Très satisfait . Amazon parfait .

The product matches the photo. The sound is very good for a child's toy. The REAL microphones work well and it's very funny for a karaoke session (3 year old girl) ... plus an AUX jack is present to connect an external source. Finally a power adapter is present. Much better than similar products from renowned Joué brands (yellow blue red). I think that if the solidity is there it provides years of music. Very satisfied. Perfect Amazon.


Ma nièce à adoré ce cadeau d'anniversaire ! Elle fait des concerts à tte la famille..elle a 4 ans... Très jolie forme et 2 Micros..très pratique, elle peut chanté en duo et peut le transporter de partout !

My niece loved this birthday gift! She does concerts with the whole family...she is 4 years old... Very pretty shape and 2 Microphones...very practical, she can sing a duet and can carry it everywhere!