[Returns: -15%] RCD320 Radio CD Player

47,99 € (incl. VAT)
  • 23 cm
  • Radio CD Player
  • 0.94 kg
Product number: 52027419
RCD320 Radio CD Player
47,99 € (incl. VAT)
  • Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
  • Shipping time: 4 - 6 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period
  • Free delivery, no minimum order

Condition - like new, with minor signs of wear

Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty

Top features

  • Compact CD player in a cool retro look

  • Ease of use

  • FM Radio

Product description

The Auna RCD320 is a compact CD player that creates a cool vintage atmosphere while being very easy to use.

Via the clear user interface, you can easily navigate through the titles of your favourite CD. The handy repeat function allows you to loop a single title. In addition, the sequence of the tracks may be freely programmed.

Two rotary controls allow you to continuously adjust the volume and set the radio station frequency. Via the AUX input, you can also play audio signals from external devices such as MP3 players and smartphones.


  • Connections: 1 x AUX input (3.5mm jack)
  • Continuously variable transmitter frequency and volume
  • Repeat function
  • Digital display
  • Wire antenna (about 90 cm)
  • Power supply: AC 220-240 V, 50-60 Hz
Product number: 52027419

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • About 23 x 14 x 17cm (WxHxD)
  • Weight: about 0.94kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x device
  • 1 x power adapter
  • 1 x English user manual (other languages: German)

Delivery & shipment

Low stock - order quickly!

Shipping time: 4 - 6 days

Customer reviews
18 Ratings

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Das ist mein neues küchenradio.

This is my new kitchen radio.


Kleines Radio wie ich es mir vorgestellt habe

Small radio as I imagined it


Sieht hübsch aus und kommt gut in der Küche an. Sound ist jetzt nicht so toll.

Looks pretty and goes down well in the kitchen. Sound isn't that great now.


Macht Ordentlich was her, es wirkt super, nur der Ton ist nicht das wahre. Aber Nostalgie pur.

Makes something neat, it looks great, only the sound is not the real thing. But pure nostalgia.


Der Klang ist nicht schön und die Antenne auch nicht

The sound is not nice and neither is the antenna


Qualität wie ein Kinderspielzeug.

Quality like a child's toy.


Ein optisch schönes kleines Radio. Leicht zu bedienen. Allerdings 2 Pkt. Abzug wg dem Klang, bei dem Preis hätte dieser besser sein können.

A nice looking little radio. Easy to use. However, 2 points deduction because of the sound, at the price it could have been better.


Schick! Preis-Leistungsverhältnis

Chic! Price-performance ratio


Der Klang des Geräts ist so, wie man es fur diesen Preis erwarten kann: nicht überragend, aber okay. Was mich aber ärgert, ist die Farbe. Denn obwohl der Farbton auf dem Bildern in der Bestellung eher nach Creme (so wie helles Holz) aussah, ist es ziemlich gelb - kränklich gelb, also wirklich schön.

The sound of the device is what you would expect for this price: not outstanding, but okay. But what annoys me is the color. Because although the color on the pictures in the order looked more like cream (like light wood), it's quite yellow - sickly yellow, so really nice.


Design OK.Ware und Lieferung einwandfrei

Design OK. Goods and delivery flawless


Pünktliche Lieferung und entsprach den Vorstellungen

Delivery on time and met expectations


die Erwartungen bei einem tollen Design. Die Senderabstimmung ist nicht ganz so leicht.

the expectations of a great design. Channel tuning is not that easy.


Mich hat vor allem die tolle Retro Optik angesprochen,darum für meine Kollegin und mich bestellt. Der Radio ist zwar entzückend gewesen,aber die Klangqualität war mieserabel.Und auch wenn ich in nur in der Küche nehmen wollte,brauche ich ein Gerät das nicht nur nett ausschaut sondern auch klare Qualität hat.LLeider retour

I was particularly attracted to the great retro look, which is why I ordered it for my colleague and me. The radio was lovely, but the sound quality was lousy. And even if I only wanted to use it in the kitchen, I need a device that not only looks nice but also has clear quality. Unfortunately returned


Sieht genau aus wie auf dem Bild Lautsprecher nicht ganz so laut einstellbar Preis Leistung stimmt Schneller Lieferservice

Looks exactly like the picture Speakers can't be adjusted quite as loud Price-performance ratio is right Fast delivery service


Das Gerät ist optisch ein Hingucker, Preis ok der Klang ist gut, Cd Player macht was er soll. Leider empfängt das Radio nur starke Sender wie den WDR oder so, Stadtsender wie Essen, Bochum oder Dortmund werden nur schlecht oder garnicht empfangen da meine Frau aber genau diese Sender hört geht das Gerät leider zurück

The device is visually an eye-catcher, the price is ok, the sound is good, the CD player does what it is supposed to. Unfortunately, the radio only receives strong stations such as WDR or something like that, city stations such as Essen, Bochum or Dortmund are only received poorly or not at all, but since my wife listens to exactly these stations, the device is unfortunately being returned


Für das Geld in Ordnung. Klang ist nicht so besonders, aber für die Küche reicht es. Aussehen gefällt.

OK for the money. The sound isn't that special, but it's enough for the kitchen. looks like.


Sieht gut aus. Könnte etwas schwerer sein oder auf gummifüssen stehen es Rutsch wenn Mann die Knöpfe drückt und der CD Spieler Schaltet sich leider ab wenn die CD zu Ende ist und nicht gleich wieder an gemacht Wird.

Looks good. Could be a bit heavier or on rubber feet it slips when you press the buttons and the CD player unfortunately switches off when the CD is over and is not turned on again immediately.


Auna RCD320 è un fantastico stereo con lettore CD, in stile retrò dalla tecnologia moderna. Il suo colore rosso brillante lo rende ancora più attraente e particolare. Arrivato perfettamente imballato e protetto, il che è molto importante per salvaguardare l'integrità del dispositivo durante il trasporto. Nella confezione troviamo: 1x Lettore Auna RCD320 1x alimentatore 1x manuale d'uso (inglese e tedesco) L'utilizzo è semplice ed intuitivo, per metterlo in funzione basta collegare l'alimentatore al dispositivo sul lato posteriore e collegarlo alla presa di corrente.  Sul retro vi è anche un'antenna a filo di circa 90cm. Sulla parte superiore troviamo il vano cd fermato e protetto da una delicata striscia adesiva per evitare eventuali aperture involontarie durante il trasporto. Ha un pratico sistema automatico per inserire i cd, basta premere sopra il coperchio per l'apertura a scatto e basta accompagnarlo per richiuderlo. Lo spazio per il cd è anch'esso protetto da un cartoncino di protezione che va rimosso prima dell'inserimento. L'interfaccia utente è estremamente semplice ed intuitiva. Sul fronte troviamo una serie di pulsanti programmabili ed un display che si illumina a seconda delle funzioni attive. Tutto ciò permette una facilissima navigazione tra i brani contenuti nel CD e la possibilità di programmare l'ordine delle tracce da ascoltare.  Inoltre, la pratica funzione di ripetizione consente di riascoltare il proprio pezzo preferito quante volte lo si desidera.  Troviamo anche 2 interruttori, 1 permette di accendere il dispositivo e di selezionare il modo d'uso impostando su RADIO oppure su CD AUX, e l'altro seleziona il modo della radio tra FM ST o FM. Utilissime anche le due manopole integrate, con le quali è possibile regolare il volume e la frequenza di ricezione delle stazioni radio.  Infine abbiamo anche un ingresso AUX che consente il collegamento di dispositivi audio esterni come lettori MP3 e smartphone.   Le dimensioni sono circa 23 x 14 x 17 cm (LxAxP) per un peso più o meno di 0,94 kg Compatto e maneggevole, è ideale per dare un tocco in più in ufficio o per completare una stanza donandole una suggestiva atmosfera d'epoca. Può essere messo su una mensola o su piccoli scaffali, io l'ho messo su un mobile in legno con un centrino come base che completa la sua eleganza. L'audio molto buono e pulito completa questo lettore davvero fantastico.  Ideale anche per fare un bel regalo! CONSIGLIATO!

The auna RCD320 is a fantastic stereo with CD player, retro style with modern technology. Its bright red color makes it even more attractive and particular. Arrived perfectly packed and protected, which is very important to safeguard the integrity of the device during transport. In the package we find: 1x Auna RCD320 player 1x power supply 1x user manual (English and German) The use is simple and intuitive, to put it into operation just connect the power supply to the device on the back side and plug it into the socket. On the back there is also a wire antenna of about 90cm. On the upper part we find the CD compartment secured and protected by a delicate adhesive strip to prevent any involuntary opening during transport. It has a practical automatic system for inserting CDs, just press the lid to snap open and just accompany it to close it. The space for the CD is also protected by a protective cardboard which must be removed before insertion. The user interface is extremely simple and intuitive. On the front we find a series of programmable buttons and a display that lights up according to the active functions. All this allows easy navigation between the tracks contained in the CD and the possibility of programming the order of the tracks to be listened to. Plus, the handy repeat function lets you listen to your favorite song as many times as you like. We also find 2 switches, 1 allows you to turn on the device and select the usage mode by setting to RADIO or CD AUX, and the other selects the radio mode between FM ST or FM. The two integrated knobs are also very useful, with which it is possible to adjust the volume and reception frequency of radio stations. Finally we also have an AUX input that allows the connection of external audio devices such as MP3 players and smartphones. The dimensions are approximately 23 x 14 x 17 cm (WxHxD) for a weight of more or less than 0.94 kg Compact and easy to handle, it is ideal for adding an extra touch to the office or to complete a room by giving it a suggestive period atmosphere . It can be put on a shelf or small shelves, I put it on a wooden cabinet with a doily as a base which completes its elegance. Very good and clean audio completes this really cool player. Also ideal for making a nice gift! ADVISED!