[Returns: -15%] TRK-861 Bluetooth Speakers

49,99 € (incl. VAT)
  • 13 cm
  • Bluetooth Speakers
  • 0.7 kg
Product number: 52015812
TRK-861 Bluetooth Speakers
49,99 € (incl. VAT)
  • Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
  • Shipping time: 4 - 6 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period
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Condition - like new, with minor signs of wear

Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty

Top features

  • For wireless music playback from smartphones, tablets, laptops etc.

  • Rugged splash-proof housing with reinforced edges

  • Call management and playback control via buttons

Product description

Robust sound sensation on the go: With the Bluetooth speaker from Auna, you can enjoy your favourite music anytime, anywhere!

The operation of the compact sound cube is simple and straightforward. If the device is switched on, it can be directly coupled with a Bluetooth-enabled smartphone or tablet - the stage is set for wireless music enjoyment! The control panel on the Bluetooth speaker allows you to control the music playing on the radio, and a switchable sound-enhancing effect provides a significant amplification of lower frequencies to give bass-heavy music a boost.

In addition, you can manage your phone calls with the Bluetooth speaker. If the device is coupled with your smartphone, incoming calls can be easily accepted or rejected with the push of a button. The speaker also features a redial function.

Thanks to its strong sound characteristics, the Auna Bluetooth speaker is not only great for use on the beach or at a picnic, it can also stand up to very noisy environments such as construction sites. Auna presents the ideal mini-boombox on the go!


  • Connections: Bluetooth interface, USB (power only)
  • Buttons for play, pause, track forward, track back, call answer / reject and redial, bass boost
  • Bluetooth protocol: A2DP
  • Bluetooth LED light
  • On / Off LED light
  • Battery status LED light
  • On / off switch on the unit
  • Power supply: built-in rechargeable battery (1020mAh)
  • Charging via mini USB (5V, 1A)
Product number: 52015812

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • 13 x 13 x 12.5cm (WxHxD)
  • Weight: about 0.7kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x device
  • 1 x English user manual (other languages: German)

Delivery & shipment

Low stock - order quickly!

Shipping time: 4 - 6 days

Customer reviews
5 Ratings

No review available for this item.


Davvero accattivante l'estetica di questo amplificatore Auna con una struttura robusta con protezione anti spruzzo ed angoli rinforzati. Ho avuto a che fare con parecchi amplificatori ultimamente a ""causa"" della mia passione per la musica! Cerco di provare sempre prodotti nuovi e sono esigente dal punto di vista della qualità audio. Tralasciando l'estetica e gli ottimi materiali con cui questo prodotto è stato realizzato, parliamo un po' di cosa fa: ha un'unica possibilità di connessione, quella bluetooth, ed un'unica possibilità di ricarica ovvero quella della micro USB. Il dispositivo possiede infatti una batteria interna da 1020mAh che vi permetterà di ascoltare la musica in tutta libertà anche lontani da un'alimentatore di corrente. Il funzionamento del dispositivo è molto semplice una volta acceso, tramite il tasto on, il bluetooth sarà disponibile ad una connessione. Una volta associato il dispositivo basterà procedere con l'inserimento di una canzone per godervi il suo ottimo sound. E' compatibile ovviamente con tutti i dispositivi, sia android che apple! Avrete la possibilità inoltre di rispondere a chiamate direttamente dalla cassa e di parlare come se stesse usando il viva voce del telefono. La qualità da me testata è risultata chiara e senza problemi sia in ricezione che in emissione. La qualità del suono è buona e ben equalizzata. Inoltre tramite il pulsante ""sound effect"" potrete modificare leggermente il suono a vostro piacimento. I pulsanti in totale permetto quindi di accettare e rifiutare una chiamata, premere play e mettere in pausa, mandare avanti ed indietro una canzone, cambiare effetti al suono, aumentare e diminuire il volume e ovviamente spegnere e accendere il dispositivo. Sono rimasto soddisfatto da questo prodotto Auna! Il rapporto qualità prezzo mi sembra giusto ma allora perchè delle 4 stelle? Il motivo riguarda quasi esclusivamente il suono. L'amplificazione è davvero buona ma mi aspettavo un volume onestamente più alto! E comunque la limitata possibilità di connessione (solo bluetooth) limita un po' i suoi campi d'uso. Perchè comprarlo allora? Il prodotto è comunque un prodotto valido davvero e lo consiglio sopratutto a tutti coloro che vogliono ascoltare musica fuori casa, magari in situazioni dove altri amplificatore potrebbero usurarsi o rovinarsi con facilità! Alla fine offre tutte le funzionalità base e fa davvero bene il suo lavoro!

The aesthetics of this Auna amplifier are truly captivating with a robust structure with anti-splash protection and reinforced corners. I've been dealing with quite a few amps lately ""because"" of my passion for music! I always try new products and I'm picky about audio quality. Leaving aside the aesthetics and the excellent materials with which this product was made, let's talk a little about what it does: it has a single connection possibility, the bluetooth one, and a single possibility of recharging or that of the micro USB. In fact, the device has an internal 1020mAh battery that will allow you to listen to music in complete freedom even away from a power supply. The operation of the device is very simple once turned on, using the on button, the bluetooth will be available for a connection. Once the device is associated, just proceed with inserting a song to enjoy its excellent sound. It is obviously compatible with all devices, both android and apple! You will also have the possibility to answer calls directly from the till and to speak as if you were using the telephone's speakerphone. The quality I tested was clear and trouble-free in both reception and transmission. The sound quality is good and well equalized. Furthermore, using the ""sound effect"" button, you can slightly modify the sound to your liking. The buttons in total therefore allow you to accept and reject a call, press play and pause, forward and backward a song, change sound effects, increase and decrease the volume and obviously turn the device off and on. I was satisfied with this Auna product! The value for money seems right to me but then why the 4 stars? The reason is almost exclusively the sound. The amplification is really good but I honestly expected a louder volume! And in any case the limited possibility of connection (only bluetooth) limits its fields of use a little. Why buy it then? However, the product is a really valid product and I recommend it above all to all those who want to listen to music away from home, perhaps in situations where other amplifiers could easily wear out or get damaged! In the end it offers all the basic features and does its job really well!


Fast jeder Mensch hat eine Sammelleidenschaft und ich sammel Lautsprecher. Ich liebe diese kleinen Dinger und bin immer wieder fasziniert davon, was für ein Klang doch aus so kleinen Geräten heraus kommen kann. Ganz besonders Klasse finde ich vom Optischen her auch den auna TRK-861 Bluetooth-Lautsprecher. Geliefert wird der Lautsprecher in einem kleinen Karton in dem sich neben dem Lautsprecher selbst noch ein USB Kabel sowie eine Anleitung auf Deutsch und Englisch befindet. Das USB Kabel hat auf der einen Seite einen Mini USB Anschluss und beide Anschlüsse passen Perfekt und nichts wackelt hier. Sie sind auch sehr stabil und strapazierfähig, so dass sie nicht so leicht knicken und kaputt gehen können. Der Lautsprecher hat eine Würfelform und ist in den Farben gelb und schwarz gehalten. Schaut Optisch richtig genial aus und ist ein Blickfang im Regal. Der Lautsprecher besteht aus Kunststoff, dieser wurde allerdings sehr hochwertig verarbeitet, so dass ich keine Mängel finden konnte. Die schwarze Gummierung sorgt dafür, dass das ganze Spritzwassergeschützt ist und ich auch im Regen draußen den Lautsprecher an haben kann ebenso wie am Strand im Sommer. Der Lautsprecher fühlt sich gummiert und richtig schön griffig an. Es ist ein angenehmes Hautgefühl und liegt wirklich sicher in der Hand. Die Tasten sind gummiert und reagieren auch sofort auf Druck, so wie es sein sollte. Einen Adapter gibt es nicht, man kann den Lautsprecher also nur am PC oder am Notebook über USB aufladen. Ich habe aber so viele Adapter zu Hause, dass auf jeden Fall einer davon passend ist und man den Lautsprecher auch an der Steckdose aufladen kann. Geht meistens etwas schneller wie am PC oder am Notebook. Auf einer Seite von dem Lautsprecher befindet sich das Bedienpanel. Hier habe ich die Laut und Leiser Tasten, vor und zurück, den An- und Ausschalter, Stopp, Pause und Play, Telefon und was ganz besonders ist, ist die Sound Effekt Taste. Hiermit kann ich tiefe Frequenzen anheben um so mehr Bass zu bekommen. Neben der On und Off Taste befindet sich auf jeder Seite eine kleine Betriebs LED. Hier kann ich sehen ob der Lautsprecher angeschaltet ist und ob er sich im Bluetooth Modus befindet. Das Aufladen des Bluetooth Lautsprechers dauert zwischen drei und vier Stunden. Das LED Licht blinkt rot, wenn der Akku leer ist und sobald er voll ist erscheint das blaue LED Licht. Man weiß also immer genau, wann man den Stecker wieder heraus nehmen kann. Um den Lautsprecher in Betrieb zu nehmen, muss man gar nicht viel tun. Einfach anschalten und schon geht er in den Bluetooth Modus. Im Handy angezeigt wird das ganze ganz einfach nur unter Auna. Mein iPhone hat den Lautsprecher innerhalb weniger Sekunden gefunden und nun musste das ganze nur noch verkoppelt werden und er war Startbereit. Ich habe den Lautsprecher an verschiedenen Geräten getestet. Sei es meine iPhones, mein iPad oder auch am Notebook. Überall funktionierte die Verbindung Einwandfrei und das Gerät wurde sofort erkannt und ich konnte beide Geräte miteinander verkoppeln. Sehr schön finde ich, dass man an dem Lautsprecher selbst auch die Lautstärke regeln kann und ich dies nicht nur am iPhone, am iPad oder am Notebook machen kann. Ist zwar im Endeffekt dasselbe, aber ich finde es Praktischer, wenn man zum Lautsprecher gehen kann und dort das Knöpfchen drückt und die Lautstärke umzustellen. Auch an meinem Notebook unter Windows 8 und an meinen PC unter Windows 7 gab es keinerlei Probleme mit der Verbindung. Bevor ich den Lautsprecher das erste mal benutzen konnte, musste er erstmal aufgeladen werden, denn er kam komplett leer hier an. Vom Klang her ist der Lautsprecher auf jeden Fall Ok. Dennoch war ich ein wenig enttäuscht, denn man hat hier schon einen recht dumpfen Klang. Man kann alles sehr gut verstehen und auch der Bass ist nicht schlecht, aber das dumpfe in den Songs ist ab und an bei einigen Liedern doch recht Gewöhnungsbedürftig. Dafür ziehe ich auch einen Stern ab und so bleiben vier gute Ste

Almost everyone has a passion for collecting and I collect loudspeakers. I love these little things and I'm always fascinated by the sound that can come out of such small devices. I also think the auna TRK-861 Bluetooth speaker is particularly great from the optical point of view. The speaker is delivered in a small box, which contains the speaker itself, a USB cable and instructions in German and English. The USB cable has a mini USB connector on one side and both connectors fit perfectly and nothing wobbles here. They are also very strong and durable, so they don't easily kink and break. The speaker has a cube shape and is colored yellow and black. Looks really awesome and is an eye-catcher on the shelf. The speaker is made of plastic, but it was processed to a very high standard, so I couldn't find any defects. The black rubber coating ensures that the whole thing is splash-proof and that I can have the speaker on outside in the rain as well as on the beach in summer. The speaker feels rubberized and has a really nice grip. It has a nice skin feel and feels really secure in the hand. The buttons are rubberized and react immediately to pressure, as it should be. There is no adapter, so you can only charge the speaker on a PC or notebook via USB. But I have so many adapters at home that one of them is definitely suitable and you can also charge the speaker from the socket. It is usually a little faster than on a PC or notebook. The control panel is on one side of the speaker. Here I have the volume up and down buttons, back and forth, power button, stop, pause and play, phone and what's really special is the sound effect button. With this I can boost low frequencies to get more bass. Next to the on and off button there is a small operating LED on each side. Here I can see whether the speaker is switched on and whether it is in Bluetooth mode. Charging the Bluetooth speaker takes between three and four hours. The LED light flashes red when the battery is empty and the blue LED light appears when it is full. So you always know exactly when to take the plug out again. You don't have to do much to put the speaker into operation. Just turn it on and it goes into Bluetooth mode. In the cell phone, the whole thing is simply displayed under Auna. My iPhone found the speaker within a few seconds and now it just had to be paired and it was ready to go. I tested the speaker on different devices. Be it my iPhones, my iPad or my notebook. The connection worked perfectly everywhere and the device was recognized immediately and I was able to pair both devices with each other. I think it's very nice that you can also adjust the volume on the speaker itself and I can't just do this on the iPhone, iPad or notebook. It's the same in the end, but I find it more practical if you can go to the speaker and press the button there and change the volume. There were also no connection problems on my notebook running Windows 8 or on my PC running Windows 7. Before I could use the speaker for the first time, it had to be charged first, because it arrived here completely empty. In terms of sound, the speaker is definitely ok. Nevertheless, I was a little disappointed, because the sound is quite dull here. You can understand everything very well and the bass isn't bad either, but the dullness in the songs takes some getting used to from time to time. I'm taking off a star for that, leaving four good stars


Una colonna particolare e comoda per ascoltare musica o per fare karaoke. Cosa fondamentale è che nonè ingombrante, infatti occupa pochissimo spazio. DESCRIZIONE Questa si presenta come una vera e propria colonnina ci colore fucsia, dove nella parte frontale vi saranno due casse grandi e una piccola. Dalla parte posteriore invece vi è nella parte superiore un supporto che sorregge due microfoni e più sotto vi è il tasto d’accensione della cassa e le due porte per i microfoni e i relativi volumi. Nella parte superiore della colonna, invece troveremo la porta Aux in nel caso volessimo attaccare il telefono ad esempio e una porta USB. Al di sotto troveremo 5 Led di cui il primo rosso che indicherà il tasto power e gli altri staranno ad indicare quale periferica è accesa, ad esempio Bluetooth, radio, usb o Aux. Eh sì perché oltre ad avere la comodità dell’USB potremo ascoltare la radio e addirittura utilizzare il Bluetooth e collegare quindi il nostro cellulare. Per passare da una funzione all’altra utilizzeremo il tasto source. Oltre a questo avremo i pulsanti per il volume, play, frecce direzionali e infine il tasto standby. N.B. Vorrei precisare che se doveste usare l’USB va formattata in FAT32 altrimenti non li legge. CONCLUSIONI Esteticamente lo trovo davvero bello e moderno e invece per quanto riguarda la funzionalità devo dire che è completo di tutto, inoltre può essere sfruttato benissimo per una serata con gli amici e grazie al karaoke potremo divertirci sempre più. La qualità dell’audio non è niente male e anche i microfoni risultano essere validi. Nel complesso promuovo questo prodotto a 5 stelle e personalmente do un voto pari a 8.

A particular and comfortable column for listening to music or karaoke. The fundamental thing is that it is not bulky, in fact it takes up very little space. DESCRIPTION This looks like a real fuchsia colored column, where in the front part there will be two large boxes and a small one. From the rear, however, there is a support in the upper part that holds two microphones and further down there is the power button of the case and the two ports for the microphones and the relative volumes. At the top of the column, instead we will find the Aux in port in case we want to attach the phone for example and a USB port. Below we will find 5 LEDs of which the first red which will indicate the power button and the others will indicate which device is on, for example Bluetooth, radio, usb or Aux. Oh yes because in addition to having the convenience of USB we will be able to listen to the radio and even use Bluetooth and therefore connect our mobile phone. To switch from one function to another we will use the source key. In addition to this we will have the buttons for the volume, play, arrow keys and finally the standby key. NB I would like to clarify that if you were to use the USB it must be formatted in FAT32 otherwise it will not read them. CONCLUSIONS Aesthetically, I find it really beautiful and modern, but as far as functionality is concerned, I must say that it is complete with everything, and can also be used very well for an evening with friends and thanks to the karaoke we will be able to have more and more fun. The audio quality is not bad and the microphones are also valid. Overall I give this product a 5 star rating and personally give it an 8 rating.


Altoparlante portatile con una qualità del suono decisamente buona, senza distorsioni e con una potenza che ha superato le mie aspettative Ha dimensioni leggermente maggiorate rispetto alla stragrande maggioranza degli speaker portatili. Permette un collegamento bluetooth con un solo dispositivo alla volta. Il pairing avviene velocemente e senza nessun problema. Purtroppo non ha un’alternativa al collegamento bluetooth non essendo dotato anche di un jack audio. Di facile utilizzo, oltre che per ascoltare la musica del dispositivo collegato è possibile rispondere al telefono. E’ dotato infatti di un microfono incorporato per il vivavoce. Mi sembra che la batteria( da 1020mAh) abbia una buona durata e possano essere tranquillamente raggiunte le 5/6 ore di autonomia. Essendo resistente agli schizzi d’acqua e “corazzato” con un morbido strato di gomma, ne ho apprezzato ancora di più l’utilizzo, pratico ed intuitivo Il design è cool e aggressivo.

Portable speaker with a decidedly good sound quality, without distortion and with a power that exceeded my expectations. It has slightly larger dimensions than the vast majority of portable speakers. Allows a bluetooth connection with only one device at a time. The pairing happens quickly and without any problems. Unfortunately it doesn't have an alternative to the bluetooth connection as it doesn't also have an audio jack. Easy to use, as well as listening to music from the connected device, you can answer the phone. It is in fact equipped with a built-in microphone for the speakerphone. It seems to me that the battery (1020mAh) has a good duration and 5/6 hours of autonomy can be easily reached. Being resistant to water splashes and "armored" with a soft layer of rubber, I appreciated its use even more, practical and intuitive. The design is cool and aggressive.


Quando mi è giunto lo speaker sono rimasto davvero sbalordito, le sue dimensioni sono davvero titaniche rispetto alla foto. Ho avuto modo di provare svariati speaker bluetooth ma il TRK 861 di AUNA è qualcosa di stupefacente, non solo per la qualità dell'audio e dei bassi ma anche per le sue dimensioni che lo rendono molto più potente. Il prodotto viene fornito in una scatola di cartone (priva di vita per intenderci) con un cavetto USB per l'alimentazione o per la ricarica, può essere usato sia tramite cavo che via Bluetooth. Nella parte frontale presenta i tasti per regolare il volume, cambiare la traccia, gestire le chiamate, spegnerlo e accenderlo o effettuare la sincronizzazione con tanto dei LED di status del MIC, bluetooth e alimentazione, nella parte superiore invece l'ingresso per il cavetto USB e nella parte inferiore la cassa da dove ascolterete la musica preferita ad un volume decisamente alto.

When the speaker arrived I was truly amazed, its dimensions are truly titanic compared to the photo. I've had the opportunity to try various bluetooth speakers but the TRK 861 by AUNA is something amazing, not only for the quality of the audio and bass but also for its size which makes it much more powerful. The product is supplied in a cardboard box (lifeless, to be clear) with a USB cable for power supply or for recharging, it can be used both via cable and via Bluetooth. On the front it has the keys to adjust the volume, change the track, manage calls, turn it off and on or synchronize with a lot of MIC, bluetooth and power status LEDs, in the upper part instead the input for the USB cable and in the lower part the speaker from where you will listen to your favorite music at a decidedly high volume.