[Returns: -10%] ScreenStar Kids Karaoke System

[Returns: -10%] ScreenStar Kids Karaoke System

143,99 € (incl. VAT)
  • Kids Karaoke System
  • Pink
Product number: 52029358
ScreenStar Kids Karaoke System
143,99 € (incl. VAT)
  • Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
  • Shipping time: 4 - 6 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period

Condition - like new, with minor signs of wear

Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty

Top features

  • Stylish karaoke machine with 9 cm (3.5”) TFT colour display and integrated broadband speaker Top-loading CD player compatible with many formats – plays CD-G (karaoke CDs with subtitles), CD-RW, etc. Adjustable camera on front to record your dance and song performances in AVI format MP3-compatible USB port with record and play functions SD memory card slot for video and audio recording as well as music playback Microphone section with two input jacks, separate volume control, echo effect, and A.V.C. function Includes two dynamic cable microphones and set of three karaoke CD+Gs.

Product description

The auna ScreenStar is a stylish karaoke machine with a highly compatible CD player, multitude of connections, and integrated camera as well as useful video recording function. A neat piece of equipment for a child or teenager's room that is also ideal for adult karaoke fans too. The integrated CD player plays MP3 and JPEG data, as well as the most popular digital formats. Unlike conventional CD players the auna CD device also plays CD+G media – that is, karaoke CDs with subtitles. The integrated 9 cm (3.5”) TFT colour display on the auna ScreenStar ensures a clear and sharp picture quality, while the internal broadband speaker does the same for the sound. On top of this, you can also connect the video to an external screen such as a TV, projector or monitor, through the cinch video output on the back. The audio signal can be connected to a stronger hi-fi system, amplifier or powered speaker using the line output. The auna ScreenStar karaoke machine has two easily accessible 6.3 mm microphone input jacks as well as individual volume controls, adjustable echo effect, and practical A.V.C. function. The compatible microphones are included in the delivery, meaning there are no further costs for you. A truly special feature is the adjustable camera on the front. You can record your dance and song performances in AVI format onto a connected SD memory card and for evaluation or edit. Using the USB port you can not only play MP3 files, but also save the microphone audio signal onto a connected memory device such as USB stick or MP3 player. Thanks to its lightweight housing, the auna ScreenStar karaoke system becomes a loyal band member for the dance-obsessed singer, spare-time wordsmith and everyone else who appreciates sophisticated musical entertainment. As CD+Gs are included you can start singing as soon as you have unpacked the delivery!


Connections: 1 x USB port, 1 x SD memory card slot, 2 x 6.3 mm microphone input jack, 1 x 3.5 mm auxiliary input jack, 1 x cinch video output, 1 x stereo cinch line output
Supported disc formats: CD, CD-R, CD-RW, CD+G, MP3
Supported image formats: 16:9, 4:3 (Pan & Scan, Letterbox)
Image system: PAL, NTSC
Resolution: 320 x 240 (RGB)
Audio stream type: MP3
Video stream type: AVI
Video output signal can be connected to external TV, projector or monitor
LED display
Repeat function
Programmed playback
Master volume control
A.V.C. control
Power supply: AC 100-240V, 50/60 Hz or DC 5.8V, 2A (power cable is included)

Product number: 52029358

Dimensions and Technical Details

25 x 42 x 25.5 cm (WxHxD)
weight: 2.4 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x unit
  • 1 x power cable
  • 2 x microphones
  • 1 x AV cable
  • user manual in English (also available: German)

Delivery & shipment

Low stock - order quickly!

Shipping time: 4 - 6 days

Your order will be delivered to the selected address per order. This address does not have to match the billing address. You can send the orders to your family, friends or office if you are not at home during the day.

Safety and Operating Instructions

Product Safety Information

Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin

Responsible Person:
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin

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Customer reviews
25 Ratings

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Super chaîne karaoké design avec son lecteur CD polyvalent, son écran couleur 9 cm et son port USB compatible MP3. Acheté pour ma nièce en cadeau, elle adore chanter et pouvoir se filmer grâce à la caméra frontale et enregistrer ses numéros danse (sur carte SD) Les 2 micros vont permettre aux cousins/cousines de participer à pousser la chansonnette. Le fait qu'il y ait 3 CD karaoké fournis est très appréciable également. Peut permettre aussi aux d'être utilisés par les "grands enfants"

Super design karaoke system with its versatile CD player, its 9 cm color screen and its MP3 compatible USB port. Bought for my niece as a gift, she loves to sing and to be able to film herself thanks to the front camera and record her dance numbers (on SD card) The 2 microphones will allow cousins to participate in singing. The fact that there are 3 karaoke CDs provided is also very appreciable. Can also be used by "big kids"


S’il peut également servir de lecteur de musique standard, cet appareil est principalement conçu pour le karaoké. Vendu avec deux micros qu’il est très facile de brancher en façade, il dispose d’un écran et d’un lecteur de CD compatible Cd+g, c’est à dire qu’il affiche les paroles incrustées dans le CD sur l’écran au fur et à mesure comme dans un vrai karaoké.Un CD d’exemple est fourni, qui permet de démontrer le bon fonctionnement. Celui ci indique l'adresse d’un site sur lequel on peut télécharger un logiciel permettant de créer ses propres CDG, par exemple à partir de fichiers mp3 affublés de leur équivalent CDG.C’est alors que j’ai appris à mes dépens que tous les graveurs, loin de là, n’étaient pas en mesure de graver de tels CDs.J’étais un peu désemparé quand j’ai pensé à la source USB qui lit les fichiers musicaux sur la clé USB qu’on branche à l’arrière. Et là, ça marche, les paroles s’affichent à l’écran, on est prêt à chanter.Autre particularité, l’appareil dispose d'une caméra pour filmer les performances et les diffuser sur l’écran, sur une télévision reliée grâce au câble vidéo (fourni) ou même les enregistrer pour la postérité sur une carte Sd (non fournie). Ne pas oublier de retirer le cache en plastique sur la lentille, ni de surélever l’appareil.Les vidéos ainsi enregistrées peuvent être visionnées depuis l’appareil ou être lues sur un ordinateur.Réglage du volume, ajustement du son du micro, ajout d’écho, tout est prévu pour des représentations mémorables.Esthétiquement, l’appareil n’est pas particulièrement séduisant mais on passe facilement outre.Assez simple d’utilisation mais néanmoins riche en fonctionnalités, il séduira enfants comme adultes fans de karaoké.

While it can also serve as a standard music player, this device is primarily designed for karaoke. Sold with two microphones that are very easy to connect to the front, it has a screen and a CD+g compatible CD player, i.e. it displays the lyrics embedded in the CD on the screen as you go like in a real karaoke. An example CD is provided, which allows to demonstrate the correct operation. This indicates the address of a site on which you can download software allowing you to create your own CDG, for example from mp3 files decked out in their CDG equivalent. It was then that I learned the hard way that not all burners, far from it, were able to burn such CDs. 'back. And there, it works, the lyrics are displayed on the screen, we are ready to sing. Another particularity, the device has a camera to film the performances and broadcast them on the screen, on a television to the video cable (included) or even save them for posterity on an SD card (not included). Do not forget to remove the plastic cover on the lens, nor to raise the device. The videos thus recorded can be viewed from the device or played on a computer. Adjusting the volume, adjusting the sound of the microphone, adding echo, everything is planned for memorable performances. Aesthetically, the device is not particularly appealing but it is easy to ignore. Fairly easy to use but nevertheless rich in features, it will appeal to children and adult karaoke fans alike.


Diese Karoakeanlage ist für meinen Geschmack etwas sehr groß und daher ein wenig unhandlich. Das wird wett gemacht durch das integrierte Display. Auf dem kann man nicht nur den Test, sondern auch sich selbst sehen und sogar Dank integrierter Kamera aufnehmen. Meine sechsjährige Tochter zeigt sich begeistert. Auch von dem pinken Design. Zum Glück ist das Gerät nicht schwer und sie kann es weitestgehend eigenständig bedienen und braucht nur bei einigen Funktionen noch etwas Hilfe.

This Karoake system is a bit big for my taste and therefore a little unwieldy. This is made up for by the integrated display. You can not only see the test on it, but also see yourself and even record it thanks to the integrated camera. My six year old daughter is delighted. Also from the pink design. Luckily, the device isn't heavy and she can operate it largely independently and only needs a little help with a few functions.


Diese Karoakeanlage ist für meinen Geschmack etwas sehr groß und daher ein wenig unhandlich. Das wird wett gemacht durch das integrierte Display. Auf dem kann man nicht nur den Test, sondern auch sich selbst sehen und sogar Dank integrierter Kamera aufnehmen. Meine sechsjährige Tochter zeigt sich begeistert. Auch von dem pinken Design. Zum Glück ist das Gerät nicht schwer und sie kann es weitestgehend eigenständig bedienen und braucht nur bei einigen Funktionen noch etwas Hilfe.

This Karoake system is a bit big for my taste and therefore a little unwieldy. This is made up for by the integrated display. You can not only see the test on it, but also see yourself and even record it thanks to the integrated camera. My six year old daughter is delighted. Also from the pink design. Luckily, the device isn't heavy and she can operate it largely independently and only needs a little help with a few functions.


Unser Anspruch an eine Kinderkaraokeanlage war bis dato nicht sehr hoch. Wir hatten bis Anfang diesen Jahres eine Anlage von einer ""renommierten"" amerikanischen Spielzeugkette. Diese hielt bei identischem Preis exakt 1,5 Monate und bot nicht die Hälfte an Möglichkeiten.. Die ScreenStar Karaokeanlage von Auna ist ebenfalls kein High-Endgerät und das merkt man schon allein aufgrund des geringen Gewichts beim auspacken, aber technisch konnte diese uns doch bisher alles bieten, was man in dieser Preisklasse auch erwarten kann. Ich fange zunächst einmal mit den negativen Eigenschaften in Stichpunkten an: Die Anlage ist recht einfach verarbeitet. Ein Kunststoffgehäuse wie aus einem Guss Die Oberfläche ist recht Fingerabdruckfreundlich, was sie schon nach kurzem Gebrauch recht stattlich zur Schau stellt Die Mikros sind, naja sagen wir mal eher geschuldetes Beiwerk. Wer hier noch mal 15 Euro - 20 Euro investiert hat wesentlich mehr Spaß Die positiven Eigenschaften der Karaokeanlage: Die Anlage bietet eine Menge Möglichkeiten der Zu- bzw. Abspielung Das Display ist recht gut ablesbar auch von der Seite, was in der Preiskasse so nicht zu erwarten gewesen wäre Unsere Karaoke CD's liefen bisher ohne Komplikationen und gut auf dem Gerät Die Klangqualität ist mit gut zu bezeichnen Die Frontseitig befindlichen Bedienelemente funktionieren alle (trotz Plastik) sehr gut und das Gerät reagiert ""pfeilschnell"" Videoaufnahmen sind ein schönes Feature, welches beim anschließenden Anschauen der Sessions noch mal für gute Laune sorgt Die Bedienung ist auch für Kinder (ab 6 Jahren) schnell intuitiv verinnerlicht und fast selbsterklärend Die ausführliche deutsche Bedienungsanleitung ist wie wir vom Vorgängermodell lernen mussten, keine Selbstverständlichkeit. Fazit: Wer eine ordentliche und preislich nicht ganz so teure Karaokeanlage sucht und noch mal bereit ist in zwei Mikros zu investieren hat mit der hier vorliegenden Anlage einen guten ""Schnapp"" gemacht. Die Zuspielung und Aufnahmefunktionen sind durch de Bank weg (auch bei Betrieb über SD Card) vorzeigbar und keine rein theoretischen Features. Ich gebe der Anlage gerne glatte 4 Sterne.

Our demands on a children's karaoke system have not been very high up to now. We had a system from a ""renowned"" American toy chain until earlier this year. This lasted exactly 1.5 months at the same price and did not offer half the possibilities. The ScreenStar karaoke system from Auna is also not a high-end device and you can tell that simply because of the low weight when unpacking it, but technically it has been able to help us so far offer everything you can expect in this price range. First of all, I'll start with the negative properties in bullet points: The system is quite easy to process. A plastic housing as if made of one piece The surface is quite fingerprint-friendly, which it already shows quite impressively after a short use The microphones are, well, let's say more of an owed accessory. Anyone who invests another 15 euros - 20 euros here has much more fun would have been expected Our karaoke CD's ran without complications and well on the device The sound quality can be described as good The controls on the front all work very well (despite the plastic) and the device reacts ""fast as an arrow"" Video recordings are a nice feature, which when you watch the sessions afterwards, it puts you in a good mood. The operation is quickly and intuitively internalized, even for children (from 6 years of age) and is almost self-explanatory. As we had to learn from the previous model, the detailed German operating instructions are not a matter of course. Conclusion: If you are looking for a decent and not that expensive karaoke system and are willing to invest in two microphones, you have made a good ""snap"" with this system. The playback and recording functions are presentable across the board (even when operated via SD card) and are not purely theoretical features. I like to give the facility 4 stars.


Ausgepackt und mit meinen Kindern getestet. Die Anwendung und Bedienung der Karaoke Anlage mit den Microfonen ist sehr einfach und sebsterklärend. Der Klang ist super und kindgerecht. Die Anlage nach Herzenslust bedient werden und fleissig dazugetanzt und gesungen.Ich bin vom Design mehr als nur angetan. Man kann sofort mitsingen und nach seiner Lieblingsmusik tanzen , die Kinder sind von der Karaokeanlage garnicht mehr wegzubekommen. Besonders toll finde ich das es zwei Microfone sind, somit gibt es keinen Streit unter Geschwistern. Die Kinder Karaoke-Anlage ist gut und wertig verarbeitet. Passt in jedes Kinderzimmer. Meine Tochter ist total begeistert (und ich auch). Ich bin vom Design mehr als angetan. Es ist einfach in der Handhabung und es hat alles was sich Kinder wünschen. Für meine Kinder ist die Karaoke mit dem USB Anschluss sehr zu empfehlen. Er ist robust und hält auch Erschütterungen aus, die beim tanzen und toben auftreten können. Eine super Spielidee auf jedem Kindergeburtstag. Ein toller Spass, nicht nur für Mädchen. Die Front-Kamera ist zur Aufnahme für Tanz- und Gesang, die sogar auf einer SD-Karte gespeichert werden kann. Die Anlage läuft mehrere Stunden bei uns am Tag und das zu unser vollsten Zufriedenheit. Ich kann die Musikanlage ruhigen Gewissens weiter empfehlen Ich empfehle sie gern weiter bei einem guten Preisleistungsverhältnis und gebe gern volle Punktzahl.

Unpacked and tested with my children. The use and operation of the karaoke system with the microphones is very simple and self-explanatory. The sound is great and suitable for children. The system can be operated to your heart's content and you can dance and sing along to it. I'm more than just impressed by the design. You can immediately sing along and dance to your favorite music, the children can't get away from the karaoke system. I think it's particularly great that there are two microphones, so there are no arguments between siblings. The children's karaoke system is well made and of high quality. Fits in every children's room. My daughter absolutely loves it (and so do I). I am more than impressed by the design. It's easy to use and has everything a child could want. The karaoke with the USB connection is highly recommended for my children. It is robust and can withstand shocks that can occur when dancing and romping. A great game idea at every children's birthday party. Great fun, not just for girls. The front camera is for recording dance and singing, which can even be stored on an SD card. The system runs for several hours a day and to our complete satisfaction. I can recommend the music system with a clear conscience. I would be happy to recommend it if it is good value for money and I would like to give it full marks.


===Lieferumfang=== *Karaoke Anlage *Karaoke CD *2 x Mikrofon *Netzteil *AV Kabel *Bedienungsanleitung Wer vielleicht noch nach einem passendem Weihnachtsgeschenk für seine kleine Prinzessin oder seinen kleinen Nachwuchssänger sucht sollte sich mal dieses Gerät genauer anschauen. Die Verarbeitung der Karaoke Anlage ist gut sie besteht aus Kunststoff und es gibt sie in verschiedenen Farben außerdem ist die Anlage sehr leicht. Vorne befinden sich die Bedienelemente sowie ein kleiner Bildschirm an dem man den Text falls man eine Karaoke CD einlegt ablesen kann und so mitsingen kann, wem der Text zu klein ist kann es aber auch mit dem mitgeliefertem AV Kabel und dem Fernseher verbinden oder sogar an einen Beamer. Zusätzlich befindet sich über dem Bildschirm eine kleine Kamera mit der man seine Performance und seine Gesangskünste direkt auf die SD Karte oder den USB Stick abspeichern kann. Die Qualität der Aufnahmen geht in Ordnung und reicht für meine Tochter vollkommen aus. Der eingebaute Lautsprecher hat auch einen relativ guten Klang wobei man kein Bose Sound System erwarten darf. Die Bedienung ist zwar einfach aber man sollte kleinen Kindern schon dabei helfen mit der Anlage umzugehen. Auf der mitgelieferten CD befinden sich auch 10 bekannte Sänger und Lieder zum mitsingen. ===Positives=== *Gute Verarbeitung *Guter Klang *Zwei Mikrofone *Kamera *Mehrere Anschlussmöglichkeiten ===Negatives=== *Nichts ===Fazit=== Ein sicherlich tolles Geschenk für die kleinen Nachwuchssänger und die die es werden wollen, von mir eine Empfehlung. ###Solltet ihr irgendwelche Fragen haben könnt ihr sie gerne in den Kommentaren stellen, ich werde versuchen diese schnellstmöglich zu beantworten###

===Scope of delivery=== *Karaoke system *Karaoke CD *2 x microphone *Power adapter *AV cable *User manual If you are still looking for a suitable Christmas present for your little princess or young singer, you should take a closer look at this device. The workmanship of the karaoke system is good, it is made of plastic and is available in different colors. The system is also very light. At the front are the controls and a small screen where you can read the text if you insert a karaoke CD and sing along, if the text is too small for you, you can also connect it to the supplied AV cable and the television or even to one Projector. In addition, there is a small camera above the screen with which you can save your performance and singing skills directly onto the SD card or USB stick. The quality of the recordings is fine and is sufficient for my daughter. The built-in speaker also has a relatively good sound, although you shouldn't expect a Bose sound system. The operation is simple but you should help small children to handle the system. The supplied CD also contains 10 well-known singers and songs to sing along to. ===Positives=== *Good workmanship *Good sound *Two microphones *Camera *Several connection options ===Negatives=== *Nothing ===Conclusion=== A certainly great present for the little up-and-coming singers and those who will become singers want, from me a recommendation. ###If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments, I will try to answer them as soon as possible###


Bald beginnt wieder die Zeit, wo man sich mit der gesamten Familie an einem Tisch setzt und Gesellschaftsspiele oder ähnliches spielt. Gerade an regnerischen und trüben Tagen macht dies eine ganze Menge Spaß und lockert die Stimmung auf. Bei uns allerdings wird in diesem Jahr etwas ganz besonderes, die allgemeine Stimmung auflockern. Und zwar habe ich eine Karaokeanlage von auna zum Testen erhalten, welche ich bereits auf Herz und Nieren ausprobieren konnte. Für mich gibt es einfach nichts Besseres, als mit meinem Mann einen Karaokeabend zu veranstalten und dabei Freunde und Bekannte einzuladen. Das macht einfach immer gute Laune und hebt die Stimmung ungemein. Die auna ScreenStar Karaokeanlage besitzt viele tolle Funktionen, die einfach viel Freude bereiten. Die äußere Erscheinung der Anlage verspricht eine breite Anschlussvielfalt, welche durch eine integrierte Kamera und einer Video-Aufnahmefunktion getoppt wird. Hiermit ist der Spaß schon absolut vorprogrammiert und somit wird nicht nur jede Silvesterfeier zu einem echten Event, nein auch Geburtstage, Hochzeiten und Jubiläen können damit aufgepeppt werden. Vor allem Kinder aber auch Menschen jedes Alters, werden mit dieser Anlage Ihre wahre Freude haben. Das CD-Laufwerk, welches bereits integriert ist, spielt neben MP3 - und JPEG-Dateien auch alle digitalen Formate ab. Aber auch CD+G-Medien werden hiermit ohne Probleme abgespielt. Eine bereits enthaltene Karaoke-CD kann also mit Untertiteln perfekt eingesetzt werden. Ein TFT-Farbdisplay (9 cm) ist dafür zuständig, dass eingelegte Datenträger in bester Qualität wiedergegeben werden. Ein ebenfalls integrierter Breitbandlautsprecher gibt den Ton in klarer Qualität wieder und verspricht ein unvergleichliches Klangerlebnis. Weitere Eigenschaften sind: Bildsignale über den rückseitigen Cinch-Video-Ausgang an Beamer, Fernseher oder Monitor weiterzugeben Audiosignal gelangt derweil über den Line-Ausgang an stärkere HiFi-Anlagen, Verstärker oder Aktiv-Lautsprecherboxen Weiterhin verfügt die Karaokeanlage über zwei leicht zugängliche 6,3mm-Klinken-Mikrofon-Eingänge und einen gesonderten Lautstärkeregler, regelbarem Echo-Effekt und praktischer A.V.C-Funktion. Natürlich sind auch zwei Mikrofone mit im Lieferumfang enthalten, welche eine sofortige Inbetriebnahme der Anlage garantieren. Für uns ist allerdings das absolute Highlight, die auf der Vorderseite befindliche Kamera, welche eigene Tanz- und Gesangsaufnahmen möglich macht. Mit einer SD-Karte (AVI-Format) kann man diese Aufnahmen speichern und wieder abspielen oder bearbeiten. Auch MP3 Aufnahmen sowie Tonsignale vom Mikrofon lassen sich wiedergeben. Ebenfalls kann man diese auf angeschlossenen Datenträgern wie z.B. USB-Stick oder MP3-Player abspeichern. Besonders die Optik der Karaokeanlage ist sehr modern und zeitlos. Das schlichte und doch elegante Design, spricht mich absolut an. Hiermit hat man sicherlich eine Menge Spaß und kann einige Menschen damit imponieren.

Soon the time will start again when you sit down at a table with the whole family and play board games or something similar. This is a lot of fun and lightens the mood, especially on rainy and overcast days. With us, however, this year something very special will loosen up the general mood. I received a karaoke system from auna to test, which I have already been able to put through its paces. For me there is simply nothing better than organizing a karaoke evening with my husband and inviting friends and acquaintances. That always puts you in a good mood and lifts the mood immensely. The auna ScreenStar karaoke system has many great functions that are simply a lot of fun. The external appearance of the system promises a wide variety of connections, which is topped by an integrated camera and a video recording function. With this, the fun is already absolutely pre-programmed and thus not only every New Year's Eve party becomes a real event, no, birthdays, weddings and anniversaries can also be spiced up with it. Children in particular, but also people of all ages, will really enjoy this system. The CD drive, which is already integrated, also plays all digital formats in addition to MP3 and JPEG files. But CD+G media can also be played without any problems. An already included karaoke CD can therefore be used perfectly with subtitles. A TFT color display (9 cm) is responsible for the fact that inserted data carriers are played back in the best quality. A broadband loudspeaker that is also integrated reproduces the sound in clear quality and promises an incomparable sound experience. Other properties are: Image signals can be passed on to projectors, televisions or monitors via the cinch video output on the back. Meanwhile, the audio signal is sent via the line output to stronger hi-fi systems, amplifiers or active loudspeaker boxes. The karaoke system also has two easily accessible 6.3 mm -Jack microphone inputs and a separate volume control, adjustable echo effect and practical AVC function. Of course, two microphones are also included in the scope of delivery, which guarantee that the system can be put into operation immediately. For us, however, the absolute highlight is the camera on the front, which makes it possible to record your own dance and singing. With an SD card (AVI format) you can save these recordings and play them back or edit them. MP3 recordings and audio signals from the microphone can also be played back. You can also save them on connected data carriers such as USB sticks or MP3 players. Especially the look of the karaoke system is very modern and timeless. The simple yet elegant design appeals to me absolutely. You will certainly have a lot of fun with this and can impress some people with it.


Die Karaoke-Anlage habe ich zum Testen bekommen. Sie wurde mir kostenfrei zur Verfügung gestellt. Das hat bei mir keinerlei Einfluss auf meine Meinung. Ich teste und das ehrlich, denn auch ich informiere mich über Bewertungen und hasse es, wenn ich sehe, dass ein Artikel voller Fakes ist. :/ LIEFERUNG Gerät ist innerhalb von 2 Tagen bei mir gewesen. Gut verpackt in einem extra Umkarton. Also neutral, falls es ein Geschenk werden soll. QUALITÄT Das Gerät ist optisch sauber verarbeitet, handlich und nicht unbedingt schwer im Gewicht. Dadurch ist klar, dass alles eben leichtes Plastik ist. Die Mikrofone sind mit Kabel und nicht mit Funk. Bedienelemente sind gut erreichbar und haben einen Druckpunkt, den ich noch als gut empfinden würde. Disply ist groß und gut ablesbar, wobei ich das blau immer etwas doof finde, weil es recht hell ist. IM ALLTAG Bevor es losgehen kann, solltet ihr den Stecker in die Steckdose stecken und die Mikros anstecken. Das Kabel hierfür ist ausreichend, falls man etwas mehr Körpereinsatz beim Singen zeigt. Nun muss nur noch die CD eingelegt werden. Hier habt ihr die freie Wahl, normale Musik CD und es werden keine Texte angezeigt. Alternativ könnt auch eine richtige Karaoke CD kaufen, die ist deutlich teurer, dann wird im Display auch der Songtext angezeigt. Wer Geld sparen will nehme eine Musik CD mit bekannten Liedern und suche sich die Songtexte im Internet. Ausdrucken oder vom PC / Handy ablesen. Beim Singen muss man mit dem Kabel etwas aufpassen, denn manche Geräusche werden eben über das Kabel übertragen und dann knackt der raschelt es ganz laut. Der Sound von der Anlage ist ausreichend, um damit jede Menge Spaß zu haben. Es ist eben Partymusik, wo man nicht zu viel Bass und auch nicht zu viel Details erwarten darf. Es klingt okay, man kann es laut aufdrehen und es verzerrt nichts. FAZIT Solider Partygag für alle, die gerne Singen. Qualität ist okay, Display ist groß genug und es macht Spaß.

I got the karaoke system to test. It was made available to me free of charge. That doesn't affect my opinion in any way. I test and honestly, because I also inform myself about reviews and hate it when I see that an article is full of fakes. :/ DELIVERY The device was with me within 2 days. Well packed in an extra carton. So neutral, if it should be a gift. QUALITY The device is visually clean, handy and not necessarily heavy in weight. This makes it clear that everything is just light plastic. The microphones are wired, not wireless. Controls are easily accessible and have a pressure point that I would still find good. The display is large and easy to read, although I always find the blue a bit silly because it's quite bright. IN EVERYDAY LIFE Before you can start, you should put the plug in the socket and plug in the microphones. The cable for this is sufficient if you show a little more physical effort when singing. Now all you have to do is insert the CD. Here you have the free choice, normal music CD and no texts are displayed. Alternatively, you can also buy a real karaoke CD, which is significantly more expensive, then the lyrics will also be shown on the display. If you want to save money, take a music CD with well-known songs and look for the lyrics on the Internet. Print out or read from PC / mobile phone. When singing, you have to be careful with the cable, because some noises are transmitted via the cable and then it crackles very loudly. The sound from the system is sufficient to have a lot of fun with it. It's party music where you shouldn't expect too much bass or too many details. It sounds okay, you can crank it up loud and it doesn't distort anything. CONCLUSION Solid party gag for everyone who likes to sing. Quality is okay, display is big enough and it's fun.


Diese stylische Karaokeanlage mit formatfreudigem CD-Player, 9 cm (3,5"")-Farbdisplay und MP3-fähigem USB-Port, einstellbare Front-Kamera zur Aufnahme der eigenen Tanz- und Gesangsperformance auf SD-Speicherkarten, ist durch die schnelle Lieferung inklusive zwei Kabel-Mikrofonen und 1 Karaoke-CD ein absoluter Lichtblick im Kinderzimmer mit viel Freude. Durch die kompakte äußere Erscheinung und der effektvollen Farbe in Pink ist es ein absoluter Highlight für die kleinen Prinzessinnen. Die Anlage verführt zusätzlich durch eine breite Anschlussvielfalt, welche durch eine integrierte Kamera und einer Video-Aufnahmefunktion als Karaoke Fan getoppt wird. Das integrierte CD-Laufwerk leicht auch für Kinderhände zum öffnen, spielt neben MP3 - und JPEG-Dateien auch alle digitalen Formate ab. Die bereits enthaltene Karaoke-CD im Lieferumfang, kann somit perfekt eingesetzt werden um mit den Untertiteln ideal durch zu starten. Der integrierte Breitbandlautsprecher gibt den Ton in klarer Qualität wieder und sorgt absolut für eine saubere Übertragung und Top Klangerlebnis. Durch die weiteren Zugänge und Funktionen - Bildsignale auch über den rückseitigen Cinch-Video-Ausgang an Beamer, Fernseher oder Monitor mit einwandfreier Übertragung weiterzugeben. Sowie auch das Audiosignal über den Line-Ausgang an stärkere HiFi-Anlagen, Verstärker oder Aktiv-Lautsprecherboxen zu übertragen, ist mit Leichtigkeit und schnellen Zugriff der Zugänge möglich. Durch die inklusive zwei dynamischen Kabel-Mikrofonen die durch das einfache koppeln mit der Anlage sofort reagieren, sorgt die Kombination und für mich der absolute Knaller - die auf der Vorderseite befindliche Kamera dafür, dass der Spaß mit seinen eigene Tanz- und Gesangsaufnahmen jede Party sprengen wird. Das pfiffige Design mit einer ausgeklügelten Karaoke-Technik hat absolute 5 Sterne verdient und ist als Highlight für die Silvesterparty oder auch Geburtstage, Hochzeiten absolut zu empfehlen.

This stylish karaoke system with format-friendly CD player, 9 cm (3.5") color display and MP3-capable USB port, adjustable front camera for recording your own dance and singing performance on SD memory cards, is due to the fast delivery including two cable microphones and 1 karaoke CD an absolute bright spot in the children's room with a lot of joy. Due to the compact appearance and the effective pink color, it is an absolute highlight for the little princesses. The system also seduces with a wide variety of connections, which is topped by an integrated camera and a video recording function as a karaoke fan. The integrated CD drive, which is easy to open even for children, plays MP3 and JPEG files as well as all digital formats. The karaoke CD already included in the scope of delivery can therefore be used perfectly to get the subtitles off to an ideal start. The integrated broadband speaker reproduces the sound in clear quality and ensures absolutely clean transmission and a top sound experience. Thanks to the additional accesses and functions - image signals can also be passed on to projectors, televisions or monitors with perfect transmission via the cinch video output on the back. As well as transmitting the audio signal via the line output to stronger hi-fi systems, amplifiers or active loudspeaker boxes, the accesses are easy and quick to access. With the included two dynamic cable microphones, which react immediately by simply coupling them to the system, the combination and, for me, the absolute hit - the camera on the front ensures that the fun with your own dance and singing recordings blows up every party becomes. The smart design with a sophisticated karaoke technique deserves an absolute 5 stars and is highly recommended as a highlight for the New Year's Eve party or birthdays and weddings.


Da wir keine Kinder haben, ist es irgendwie an uns vorbeigegangen wie gerne diese Karaoke mögen. Unsere Nichte steht (so wie ich früher auch) öfters mit der Bürste vor dem Spiegel und singt und tanzt mit. Was gibt es da besseres als eine Karaokeanlage. Es gibt da ganz viele, aber wir haben uns für die auna ScreenStar entschieden. Warum? Weil sie gleichzeitig auch einen Bildschirm mit Kamera bietet. Das Gerät kommt mit Netzteil, Kabel um es an eine normale Anlage anzuschließen, 2 Mikrofone und einer Anleitung. Es ist zwar etwas größer, aber trotzdem noch sehr gut zum Tragen. An der Seite sind 2 Vertiefungen, die für kleine und große Hände sehr gut als Griffe zu nutzen sind. Die breiten Füße hinten machen das ganze stabil wenn es steht. Optisch sieht es echt schick aus und gefällt uns sehr. Die Nutzung ist sehr einfach. Netzstecker rein, CD rein, Mikrofone rein...fertig! Man kann CD's rein tun, einen USB-Stick oder eine SD Karte. Die Tasten sind gut beschriftet und man findet sich auch ohne Anleitung sehr gut zurecht. Falls man doch mal Hilfe braucht, dann ist eigentlich alles wichtige in der Anleitung gut beschrieben. Um mit den Mikrofonen mitzusingen stellt man sie auf EIN und regelt dann am Gerät die Lautstärke dafür. Bei einer normalen CD sing man einfach mit. Falls man Karaoke CDs hat, dann wird in dem Bildschirm in der Mitte der Text dazu angezeigt. Das fällt bei unserer Nichte noch weg, da sie noch nicht gut lesen kann, aber für uns Erwachsene war das echt gut. Was unsere Nichte viel lieber mag ist die Kamera. Wenn man die anmacht (Deckel von der Kamera nehmen nicht vergessen), dann sieht sie sich in dem Bildschirm und das findet sie ""irre cool"". Sehr schön finde ich, dass man das dann auch aufnehmen kann. Wenn man einen USB-Stick oder eine Speicherkarte drin hat, dann kann man hier das Video und das Singen drauf speichern. Das mag meine Nichte natürlich sehr. Im Moment nutzt sie die Anlage eher noch mit den Eltern oder mit Onkel und Tante...ich denke aber das bald auch Freunde dazu kommen und dann wird es lustiger. Anfang des Jahres hat sie Geburtstag und meine Schwägerin plant die Anlage dann schon mit ein, bei der Party. Die Mädels (und evtl Jungs) können alle noch nicht genug lesen, um richtig Karaoke zu singen, aber sie können ja bekannte Lieder mitsingen und die Kamera macht das ganze sehr spaßig.

Since we don't have children, it kind of passed us by how much they like karaoke. Our niece (like me in the past) often stands in front of the mirror with her brush and sings and dances along. Is there anything better than a karaoke machine? There are many, but we decided on the auna ScreenStar. Why? Because it also offers a screen with a camera at the same time. The device comes with a power supply, cable to connect it to a normal system, 2 microphones and instructions. It's a bit bigger, but still very comfortable to wear. There are 2 indentations on the side, which can be used very well as handles for small and large hands. The wide feet at the back make the whole thing stable when standing. It looks really nice and we like it a lot. Usage is very simple. Power plug in, CD in, microphone in... done! You can put CD's in, a USB stick or an SD card. The buttons are well labeled and you can find your way around very easily even without instructions. If you do need help, everything that is important is actually well described in the instructions. To sing along with the microphones, turn them ON and then adjust the volume on the device. With a normal CD you just sing along. If you have karaoke CDs, the text will be displayed in the middle of the screen. That's not the case with our niece because she can't read well yet, but it was really good for us adults. What our niece likes much better is the camera. When you turn it on (don't forget to take the cover off the camera), she sees herself on the screen and thinks it's "crazy cool". I think it's really nice that you can record it. If you have a USB stick or a memory card in it, you can save the video and the singing on it here. Of course, my niece likes it very much. At the moment she is more likely to use the system with her parents or with her uncle and aunt... but I think that friends will soon be joining them and then it will be more fun. It's her birthday at the beginning of the year and my sister-in-law is already planning the system at the party. The girls (and maybe boys) can't all read enough to sing karaoke properly, but they can sing along to well-known songs and the camera makes it all a lot of fun.


Die Anlage wird zu Weihnachten verschenkt und ich bin mir sicher, dass sie wirklich super ankommen wird. Erstens weil die beiden Mädchen Pink lieben und zweites weil sie es lieben zu singen und zu tanzen. Die Anlage macht beim Auspacken einen soliden Eindruck. Es ist zwar nur Plastik und nicht alle Tasten sitzen einwandfrei, aber es ist ja auch ein verhältnismäßig günstiger Preis. Mit dabei zwei Mikrofone, die man ein- und ausschalten kann. Mir fehlen hier allerdings Halterungen für Mikros, so wie ich es bei anderen Anlagen schon gesehen habe. Die Anlage ist für die Größe recht leicht, kann also auch von den Kindern gut getragen werden. Dazu hat sie an den beiden Seiten Einbuchtungen, wo sie gut zu halten ist. Die Bedienung ist ganz einfach. Nach dem Verbinden mit dem Strom einschalten, CD oder USB Stick einlegen und schon kann es losgehen. Als Highlight hat die Anlage über dem Display eine kleine Kamera, so können die kleine Disco Mäuse ihre Performance aufnehmen und den Eltern zeigen. Das Bild kann man direkt auf dem Display sehen und auf eine SD Karte sogar speichern. Oder man legt eine Karaoke CD ein, dann kann man hier den Liedtext ablesen, so wie man es von echten Karaoke Shows her kennt. Die Lautstärke der Musik und der Mikros lässt sich getrennt schalten. Ebenso kann ein Echo zugeschaltet werden. Wir haben es nur kurz mal probiert, denn es soll ja für die beiden Nichten sein. Aber wir hatten dabei schon eine Menge Spaß und ich denke, zu Weihnachten werden die Augen richtig groß werden und wir werden uns mit Sicherheit so einiges anhören dürfen. Für den Preis bekommt man wirklich ein gutes Gerät, klar nicht in super Ausführung, aber für Kinder mit Sicherheit ideal. Ich bemängel nur, dass keine Halter für die Mikros dabei sind. Ansonsten hoher Spaßfaktor und ein Geschenk, wo die Kids länger was von haben.

The system will be given away for Christmas and I am sure that it will be really well received. First because both girls love pink and second because they love to sing and dance. The system makes a solid impression when unpacked. It's only plastic and not all buttons fit properly, but it's also a relatively cheap price. It comes with two microphones that can be switched on and off. However, I am missing holders for microphones here, as I have seen with other systems. The system is quite light for its size, so it can also be carried by children. In addition, it has indentations on both sides where it is easy to hold. Operation is very simple. After connecting to the power, switch on, insert CD or USB stick and you're ready to go. As a highlight, the system has a small camera above the display, so the little disco mice can record their performance and show it to the parents. The image can be seen directly on the display and even saved to an SD card. Or you put in a karaoke CD, then you can read the lyrics here, just like you know it from real karaoke shows. The volume of the music and the microphones can be switched separately. An echo can also be switched on. We only tried it briefly, because it's supposed to be for the two nieces. But we had a lot of fun doing it and I think by Christmas the eyes will be really big and we will definitely be able to listen to a lot. For the price, you really get a good device, obviously not a super design, but definitely ideal for children. My only complaint is that there are no holders for the microphones. Otherwise, a high fun factor and a gift that the kids will enjoy for longer.


He estado probando este Karaoke de la marca Auna con pantalla de 5 pulgadas y la verdad que me ha gustado mucho, incluso mas que su hermano mayor con una pantalla de 7 pulgadas. En la descripción dice pantalla de 3.5 pero ocupa lo mismo que mi móvil de 5 pulgadas así que creo que la descripción esta mal. El Karaoke nos trae dos micrófonos de cable, cosa que quizás dado el precio deberían ser inalámbricos, además nos permite utilizar pendrive, CD, radio, pantalla TFT y cámara para verte mientras cantas. En cuanto a calidad de sonido es bastante buena, tiene unos potentes graves y lo calidad en general es mas que buena, así que podemos utilizarla como altavoz de música cuando no lo utilicemos como Karaoke. El dispositivo funciona con CD-G que es el formato de CD que nos permite imprimir en la pantalla los textos para cantar. En principio deben ser discos de ese tipo, pero después de buscar existen en formato mp3 con un fichero adicional con extensión cdg que lo lee perfectamente el Karaoke y así de esa manera puedes utilizar el pendrive para copiar la música. Además desde el Pendrive puedes copiar fichero mpg para poder ver video con formato Karaoke y así ver esos videos y leer la letra. Como veréis está bien, pero tiene sus inconvenientes, los menús no son muy intuitivos y si pones una canción mp3+cdg si le das a la siguiente se queda como pillado, por lo que antes de terminar la canción debes dar al stop y desde el mando por ejemplo dar a la siguiente, así funcionara. Además si no tienes ninguna canción en formato cdg no te saldrán las letras en la pantalla, además el menú que sale para ver los video solo lo he visto después de pulsar una canción, algo que debería poder verse antes. Otra opción que tiene, es la posibilidad de conectar a un TV con los cables RCA que incluso y así poder verlo en una pantalla mayor. Conclusión. En general muy bien, la opcion de videocámara esta muy curiosa para que puedas verte mientras cantas. Nos permite tambien la posibilidad de conectar el dispositivo mediante RCA a un televisor para ver todo en un tamaño mayor. La pantalla es suficientemente grande para ver las letras que nos muestra y eso si, la mayoría de las canciones Karaoke son copias de las originales. Por ultimo decir que tiene 2 soportes para colocar los micrófonos. Saludos D Mike MQ.

I have been testing this Karaoke from the Auna brand with a 5-inch screen and the truth is that I liked it a lot, even more than its older brother with a 7-inch screen. In the description it says a 3.5 screen but it occupies the same as my 5-inch mobile so I think the description is wrong. The Karaoke brings us two wired microphones, which perhaps given the price should be wireless, also allows us to use a flash drive, CD, radio, TFT screen and camera to see you while you sing. As for the sound quality, it is quite good, it has powerful bass and the quality in general is more than good, so we can use it as a music speaker when we do not use it as Karaoke. The device works with CD-G, which is the CD format that allows us to print the texts to sing on the screen. At first they must be discs of this type, but after searching they exist in mp3 format with an additional file with the cdg extension that Karaoke can read perfectly and thus you can use the flash drive to copy the music. In addition, from the Pendrive you can copy mpg files to be able to watch videos in Karaoke format and thus watch those videos and read the lyrics. As you can see, it's fine, but it has its drawbacks, the menus aren't very intuitive and if you put on an mp3+cdg song, if you click on the next one, it stays stuck, so before finishing the song you have to press stop and from the command for example to give the following, so it will work. Also, if you don't have any song in cdg format, the lyrics won't appear on the screen, and I've only seen the menu that appears to see the videos after pressing a song, something that should be visible before. Another option that you have is the possibility of connecting to a TV with RCA cables that even and thus be able to see it on a larger screen. Conclusion. In general very good, the camcorder option is very curious so that you can see yourself while you sing. It also allows us the possibility of connecting the device via RCA to a television to see everything in a larger size. The screen is big enough to see the lyrics it shows us, and yes, most of the Karaoke songs are copies of the originals. Finally say that it has 2 supports to place the microphones. Regards D Mike MQ.


Welches Mädchenherz schlägt bei Pink nicht direkt höher, es ist ja manchmal schwer ein richtiges Geschenk zu finden aber diese Karaoke Anlage für Kinder bringt so viel Spaß serienmäßig . Es kann nicht nur der Text einer Karaoke CD auf dem Display gezeigt werden sondern die oberhalb vom Display angebrachte Kamera kann auch noch die Prinzessinnen beim Singen auf einem USB Stick oder Karte aufnehmen, die Musik wird mit dem Gesang geschnitten und ebenfalls wenn erwünscht auf dem Speichermedium als MP3 in einer hochwertigen Qualität aufgenommen, so können die Songs jederzeit wieder abgespielt werden, auch am PC. Der Klang der Karaoke Anlage ist wirklich gut aber sehr laut ist sie auf voller Lautstärke nicht was aber für die Kinder völlig ausreicht. Ein Hall kann in der Stimme noch eingepegelt werden, diese Funktion finde ich auch sehr spaßig. Ich muss schon sagen das die Anlage sehr umfangreich und anspruchsvoll ist , sehr viele Funktionen und Einstellungen sind hier möglich. Ein großes Plus ist auch die leichte Transportfähigkeit und die Video-Verbindung zu einem TV Gerät, die Kabel dazu gehören zum Lieferumfang. Mit ca. 150 Euro ist diese Spaßmaschine nicht gerade sehr billig aber bietet ein umfangreiches Rundumpaket für viele Stunden Spaß, die Ausstattung lässt keine Wünsche offen.

Which girl's heart doesn't beat faster with pink, it's sometimes difficult to find a real gift, but this karaoke machine for children is so much fun as a standard. Not only can the text of a karaoke CD be shown on the display, but the camera mounted above the display can also record the princesses singing on a USB stick or card, the music is cut with the singing and also on the storage medium if desired recorded as an MP3 in high quality, so the songs can be played back at any time, even on the PC. The sound of the karaoke system is really good, but it is not very loud at full volume, which is completely sufficient for the children. A reverb can still be leveled in the voice, I also find this function very fun. I have to say that the system is very extensive and demanding, many functions and settings are possible here. A big plus is the easy transportability and the video connection to a TV set, the cables are included in the scope of delivery. At around 150 euros, this fun machine is not exactly cheap, but it offers a comprehensive all-round package for many hours of fun, and the equipment leaves nothing to be desired.


Com'è bello cantare, mi piace tantissimo, la mia passione da piccola, anche mia figlia ama molto la musica ed ecco perchè quando ho visto questo karaokel'ho preso subito. Allora appena ho visto l'impianto karaoke con lettore CD e con la videocamera l'ho preso subito, perchè così possiamo rivedere le nostre performance! La passione per la musica c'è l'abbiamo fin da piccini, c'è la trasmessa mia madre e così è diventata una componente molto bella nella mia vita,non manca mai occasione per aprire la radio , avere un microfono in mano e cantare tutti insieme, in casa nostra piace un po' a tutti e quando ci ritroviamo insieme dobbiamo per forza mettere un impianto per il karaoke e cantare tutti insieme. ScreenStar è un impianto karaoke portatile della Auna, con videoccamera integrata, lettore testo,cd, uscita video, due microfoni e con tante altre funzioniè arrivato in due scatole e ben imballato, una confezione curata nei minimi particolari e la spedizione è stata velocissima,nella confezione c'è il dispositivo, 2 microfoni,3 CD+G, cavo AV, l'alimentatore e il manuale in tedesco e inglese. L'impianto ScreenStar della Auna ha un design moderno ed è davvero bello, facilissimo da montare, e anche da trasportare, infatti è leggero pesa solamente2,4 kg e di medie dimensioni 25 x 42 x 25,5 cm, ha due microfoni con ingresso jack da 6,3 mm ma potrete anche mettere i microfoni con il filo, è nero, è di plastica ed è realizzato con materiali di ottima qualità. Vediamo le caratteristiche tecniche che l'impianto supporta, i formato dischi: CD, CD-R, CD-RW, CD+G, MP3 , i formato video: 16:9, 4:3 (Pan & Scan, Letterbox), gli standard video: PAL, NTSC , ha la risoluzione di 320 x 240 (RGB) , il formato di registrazione audio: MP3 e il formato di registrazione video: AVI, ha anche l'uscita video per trasmettere il segnale a televisori esterni, proiettori o monito,formati di immagine supportati: 16: 9, 4: 3 (Pan & Scan, Letterbox), sistemi di immagine: PAL, NTSC. Risoluzione: 320 x 240 (RGB). Ha il display LED , ha la riproduzione programmata,ha la funzione ripetizione, il controllo volume Master e il controllo A.V.C. , alimentazione: AC 100-240V, 50/60 Hz o DC 5,8V, 2A (alimentatore compreso nella consegna). L'impianto è a led,ha una maniglia per un facile trasporto, c'è il vano per il lettore cd, uscita video, ha due microfoni e con volume , eco e altre funzioni,ed ha anche la videocamera, insomma davvero ottimo per le nostre serate , per le feste e per il divertimento. Nella parte anteriore c'è il tasto di accensione e spegnimento, abbiamo il display TFT di 9 cm (3,5"") a colori e altoparlanti a banda larga integrati, il lettore CD con caricatore dall'alto e la videocamera frontale regolabile,4 manopole per regolare volume dei microfoni e l'audio della musica, per il volume separata, due per il volume dei microfoni, una per l'Eco,e quella AVC+, i vari tasti per il controller, effetto eco e funzione A.V.C oppure azionare la videocamera. Mentre nella parte posteriore abbiamo l'uscita USB e la SD, i due ingressi jack 6,3 mm per il microfono, e anche l'ingresso jack 3,5 mm AUX, in più c'è l'uscita video RCA, e l'uscita stereo RCA di linea e ingresso per l'alimentatore elettrico DC 12, 2A,e la funzione CD karaoke con sottotitoli e il file mp3. Sull'impianto davanti ci sono 4 manopole, quella grandepoi la funzione pausa, due ingressi per i microfoni jack da 6,3 m, Sul retro troviamo altri ingressi jack da 6,3 mm, ingressi AUX,con jack da 3,5mm e il vano portapile. Per poterlo farlo funzionare basta accenderlo e mettere il cd nel vano apposito,poi con le varie manopole e i vari tasti potrete azionare il karaoke, davanti ha 4 manopole e vari tasti per controllare le varie funzoni,potrete anche azionare la videocamera, e leggere i testi delle varie canzoni sia sul dispositivo. Sul display illuminato c'è l'indicatore numerico della traccia delle canzoni presenti nel cd e della canzone riprodotta in quel momento, c'è la funzione che

How beautiful it is to sing, I love it, my passion as a child, my daughter also loves music a lot and that's why when I saw this karaokel I immediately got hooked. So as soon as I saw the karaoke system with CD player and video camera I immediately bought it, because we can watch our performances again! We have had a passion for music since we were children, my mother broadcast it and so it has become a very beautiful component in my life, there is never an opportunity to open the radio, have a microphone in hand and sing all together, in our house everyone likes it a bit and when we get together we have to put a karaoke system and all sing together. ScreenStar is a portable karaoke system from Auna, with integrated video camera, text reader, CD, video output, two microphones and many other functions. It arrived in two boxes and well packed, with attention to the smallest details and the shipment was very fast, in package includes the device, 2 microphones, 3 CD+G, AV cable, power supply and manual in German and English. The Auna ScreenStar system has a modern design and is really beautiful, very easy to assemble, and also to transport, in fact it is light, weighs only 2.4 kg and has medium dimensions 25 x 42 x 25.5 cm, has two microphones with 6.3 mm jack but you can also put wired microphones, it's black, it's made of plastic and it's made with excellent quality materials. Let's see the technical characteristics that the system supports, the disc format: CD, CD-R, CD-RW, CD+G, MP3, the video format: 16:9, 4:3 (Pan & Scan, Letterbox), the video standard: PAL, NTSC, it has the resolution of 320 x 240 (RGB), the audio recording format: MP3 and the video recording format: AVI, it also has video output to transmit the signal to external TVs, projectors or monitor, supported image formats: 16: 9, 4: 3 (Pan & Scan, Letterbox), image systems: PAL, NTSC. Resolution: 320x240 (RGB). It has LED display, programmed playback, repeat function, master volume control and AVC control, power supply: AC 100-240V, 50/60Hz or DC 5.8V, 2A (power adapter included in delivery). The system is LED, it has a handle for easy transport, there is a compartment for the CD player, video output, it has two microphones and with volume, echo and other functions, and it also has a video camera, in short, really excellent for our evenings, for parties and for fun. On the front there is the on and off button, we have the 9 cm (3.5 "") color TFT display and integrated broadband speakers, the CD player with top loader and the adjustable front camera, 4 knobs for regulating microphone volume and music sound, for separate volume, two for microphone volume, one for Echo, and one for AVC+, the various buttons for the controller, echo effect and AVC function or press the video camera. While in the back we have the USB and SD output, the two 6.3 mm jack inputs for the microphone, and also the 3.5 mm AUX jack input, plus there is the RCA video output, and the stereo RCA line output and input for DC 12, 2A power supply, and karaoke CD function with subtitles and mp3 file. On the front system there are 4 knobs, the large one then the pause function, two inputs for 6.3m jack microphones, On the back we find other 6.3mm jack inputs, AUX inputs, with 3.5mm jack and the battery compartment. To be able to make it work, just turn it on and put the CD in the appropriate compartment, then with the various knobs and various keys you can operate the karaoke, in front it has 4 knobs and various keys to control the various functions, you can also operate the video camera, and read the texts of the various songs both on the device. On the illuminated display there is the numerical indicator of the track of the songs present on the CD and of the song being played at that moment, there is the function which


Un bellissimo e super funzionale impianto karaoke!! Quello che colpisce subito è il design e gli ottimi materiali con cui è fatto. Ha tantissime funzioni ed è in grado di leggere diversi formati CD, CD-R, CD-RW, CD+G, MP3 anche la chiavetta USB e la scheda SD. I due microfoni che troviamo nella confezione sono molto belli , professionali e curati nei minimi dettagli. Utilizzare questo impianto karaoke , non solo è divertente ma anche molto semplice. Una volta attaccato l’alimentare alla presa di corrente, basta inserire il Cd nell’apposito vano e scegliere la traccia che vogliamo cantare.Partirà la base musicale e sullo schermo le parole. È bellissimo e la mia bimba ci si diverte un mondo. Semplice da utilizzare e poi l’audio si sente perfettamente. Possiamo portarlo sempre con noi, anche quando siamo invitati a casa di amici , o ancora meglio per le feste. Inoltre è possibile utilizzarlo anche come semplice stereo. La cosa fantastica è che grazie alla telecamera incorporata potremmo vedere le nostre performance canore e grazie alla scheda Sd registrarle! E’ fatto davvero bene, con materiali di ottima qualità e poi è carinissimo come idea regalo.

A beautiful and super functional karaoke system!! What immediately strikes you is the design and the excellent materials with which it is made. It has many functions and is able to read different formats CD, CD-R, CD-RW, CD+G, MP3 also the USB stick and the SD card. The two microphones that we find in the package are very beautiful, professional and treated in detail. Using this karaoke system is not only fun but also very simple. Once the power supply has been connected to the socket, just insert the CD into the appropriate compartment and choose the track we want to sing. The backing track will start and the lyrics will appear on the screen. It's beautiful and my daughter has a blast with it. Simple to use and then the audio is heard perfectly. We can always take it with us, even when we are invited to a friend's house, or even better for parties. It is also possible to use it as a simple stereo. The fantastic thing is that thanks to the built-in camera we could see our singing performances and thanks to the SD card, record them! It's really well done, with excellent quality materials and then it's super cute as a gift idea.


Stupendo cantare e ballare con quest'impianto karaoke, dall'aspetto elegante , di colore nero lucido che comprende diverse funzionalità, tra la più divertente la presenza della videocamera frontale regolabile per registrare le performance di canto e di ballo su una scheda di memoria SD. Arrivato ben imballato in una scatola regalo, l'impianto karaoke è dotato di diversi accessori: dispositivo, alimentatore, 2 x microfoni, 3 x CD+G, cavo Av. Manuale in tedesco e inglese. DESIGNER -- La forma del karaoke è di grande effetto visivo , non molto grande e dal peso leggero così da poterla portare con noi ovunque per allietare la festa ance dei nostri amici. Sul lato superiore è presente un lettore CD, compatibile con diversi formati con display a colori da 9 cm (3,5"") ed un ingresso USB compatibile col formato MP3. Per registrare le nostre performance di canto e ballo e rivederle in seguito, l'impianto karaoke è stato dotato sia di un'alloggiamento per memoria SD e di una piccola videocamera frontale, chiusa con cappuccio, e regolabile a 360 gradi. Per cantare in compagnia ci sono due microfoni con cavo compresi nella consegna da inserire nelle entrate microfono con jack da 6,3 mm tutti con un controllo volume separato, effetto Echo regolabile ed una pratica funzione A.V.C. FUNZIONALITA'- Di bell'aspetto, adattabile in ogni interior designer, il karaoke di colore nero, ha tutti i comandi per il funzionamento sul davanti della scocca. Ampio display a colori TFT integrato da 9 cm (3,5"")che indica sia le tracce dell'album che i sottotitoli delle canzoni dei CD da inserire nel lettore CD messo in alto in grado di leggere molti formati digitali moderni tra cui il formato CD+G ed i CD karaoke con i sottotitoli. Gi altoparlanti sono integrati ed emettono un suono molto potente da raggiungere ogni angolo della stanza anche in ambienti molto grandi. Si collega facilmente con altri dispositivi audio come pc e tv per ottenere una migliore performance e gran divertimento. Compresi nella consegna vengono spediti anche 3 CD+G con delle basi karaoke per poter utiliizare subito il tuo kit da karaoke! CONSIDERAZIONI--Ben stabile grazie alla sua base con grossi piedoni e una grande maniglia per trasportarlo, rende questo karaoke un must nell'ambito del divertimento sia in casa che nelle salette. I miei figli lo usano molto per festeggiare eventi nelle salette che affittano con gli amici ma anche per allietare la serata insieme ad una pizza.

Gorgeous to sing and dance with this sleek looking, glossy black karaoke machine that includes several features, the funniest of which is the presence of the adjustable front video camera to record singing and dancing performances onto an SD memory card. Arrived neatly packed in a gift box, the karaoke system is equipped with various accessories: device, power supply, 2 x microphones, 3 x CD+G, Av cable. Manual in German and English. DESIGNER -- The shape of the karaoke is of great visual effect, not very large and light in weight so that we can take it with us everywhere to cheer up the party even with our friends. On the top there is a multi-format compatible CD player with a 9 cm (3.5"") color display and an MP3-compatible USB input. To record our singing and dancing performances and review them later, the karaoke system was equipped with both an SD memory slot and a small front video camera, closed with a hood, and adjustable to 360 degrees. For social singing, two wired microphones are included in the delivery for plugging into the 6.3 mm jack microphone inputs, all with a separate volume control, adjustable echo effect and a practical AVC function FUNCTIONALITY - Good looking, adaptable in every interior designer, the black karaoke machine has all the controls for operation on the front of the body. Integrated large 9cm (3.5") TFT color display indicating both album tracks and CD song subtitles for insertion into the overhead CD player capable of reading many modern digital formats including CD+G format and karaoke CDs with subtitles. The speakers are integrated and emit a very powerful sound to reach every corner of the room even in very large rooms. It connects easily with other audio devices such as PC and TV for better performance and great entertainment. Also included in the delivery are 3 CD+Gs with karaoke bases to be able to use your karaoke kit immediately! CONSIDERATIONS--Very stable thanks to its base with large feet and a large handle for carrying it, making this karaoke machine a must for entertainment both at home and in small rooms. My children use it a lot to celebrate events in the rooms they rent with friends but also to cheer up the evening together with a pizza.


ScreenStar è un impianto karaoke portatile della Auna, con videoccamera integrata, lettore testo,cd, uscita video, due microfoni e con tante altre funzioniè arrivato in due scatole e ben imballato, una confezione curata nei minimi particolari e la spedizione è stata velocissima,nella confezione c'è il dispositivo, 2 microfoni,3 CD+G, cavo AV, l'alimentatore e il manuale in tedesco e inglese. L'impianto ScreenStar della Auna ha un design moderno ed è davvero bello, facilissimo da montare, e anche da trasportare, infatti è leggero pesa solamente2,4 kg e di medie dimensioni 25 x 42 x 25,5 cm, ha due microfoni con ingresso jack da 6,3 mm ma potrete anche mettere i microfoni con il filo, è nero, è di plastica ed è realizzato con materiali di ottima qualità.Per poterlo farlo funzionare basta accenderlo e mettere il cd nel vano apposito,poi con le varie manopole e i vari tasti potrete azionare il karaoke, davanti ha 4 manopole e vari tasti per controllare le varie funzoni,potrete anche azionare la videocamera, e leggere i testi delle varie canzoni sia sul dispositivo. Sul display illuminato c'è l'indicatore numerico della traccia delle canzoni presenti nel cd e della canzone riprodotta in quel momento, c'è la funzione che una traccia si può ripetere o si può programma la riproduzione, e l'impianto lo potrete connettere anche alla TV e ai proiettari grazie alla riproduzione dei Cd per il karaoke cioè i CD+G, questo formato hanno i sottotitoli, e con l'aggiunta dell'uscita RCA trasmette il segnale video del CD+G a TV, monitor e proiettori. Un impianto karaoke, facilissimo da usare,sia per i vari ristoranti, ma sopratutto è proprio ideale per le feste in casa o nelle varie occasioni, sarà uno spasso e un divertimento per tutti dai più piccini ai più grandi, cantare,ballare,e ascoltare la musica preferita, è grazie alla videocamera anteriore regolabile potrete acquisire le vostre esibizioni su la scheda di memoria SD in formato AVI e così rivedere le vostre prestazioni. Sono davvero soddifatta dell'acquisto, l'impiato si sente magnificamente e i microfoni hanno una buona uscita di voce e di audio. Qualità e prezzo eccezionale, veramente ve lo consiglio per fare dei regali unici.

ScreenStar is a portable karaoke system from Auna, with integrated video camera, text reader, CD, video output, two microphones and many other functions. It arrived in two boxes and well packed, with attention to the smallest details and the shipment was very fast, in package includes the device, 2 microphones, 3 CD+G, AV cable, power supply and manual in German and English. The Auna ScreenStar system has a modern design and is really beautiful, very easy to assemble, and also to transport, in fact it is light, weighs only 2.4 kg and has medium dimensions 25 x 42 x 25.5 cm, has two microphones with 6.3 mm jack but you can also put the microphones with the wire, it's black, it's plastic and it's made with excellent quality materials. To make it work, just turn it on and put the CD in the appropriate compartment, then with the various knobs and the various keys you can operate the karaoke, in front it has 4 knobs and various keys to control the various functions, you can also operate the video camera, and read the lyrics of the various songs both on the device. On the illuminated display there is the numerical indicator of the track of the songs on the CD and of the song being played at that moment, there is the function that a track can be repeated or playback can be programmed, and you can connect the system also on TV and projectors thanks to the reproduction of CDs for karaoke ie CD+G, this format has subtitles, and with the addition of the RCA output it transmits the video signal of the CD+G to TVs, monitors and projectors. A karaoke system, very easy to use, both for the various restaurants, but above all it is really ideal for parties at home or on various occasions, it will be fun and entertaining for everyone from the youngest to the oldest, sing, dance, and listen your favorite music, and thanks to the adjustable front video camera you can capture your performances on the SD memory card in AVI format and thus review your performances. I'm really happy with the purchase, the system sounds great and the microphones have good voice and audio output. Exceptional quality and price, I really recommend it to make unique gifts.


Amiamo cantare tanto, anche se non siamo professionisti ci piace la musica e ci piace tanto divertirci,infatti la musica riempe davvero il cuore e l'anima di chi sa ascoltarla! Allora appena ho visto l'impianto karaoke con lettore CD e con la videocamera l'ho preso subito, perchè così possiamo rivedere le nostre performance! La passione per la musica c'è l'abbiamo fin da piccini, c'è la trasmessa mia madre e così è diventata una componente molto bella nella mia vita, spesso ci ritroviamo insieme a cantare. ScreenStar è un impianto karaoke portatile della Auna, con videoccamera integrata, lettore testo,cd, uscita video, due microfoni e con tante altre funzioniè arrivato in due scatole e ben imballato, una confezione curata nei minimi particolari e la spedizione è stata velocissima,nella confezione c'è il dispositivo, 2 microfoni,3 CD+G, cavo AV, l'alimentatore e il manuale in tedesco e inglese. L'impianto ScreenStar della Auna ha un design moderno ed è davvero bello, facilissimo da montare, e anche da trasportare, infatti è leggero pesa solamente2,4 kg e di medie dimensioni 25 x 42 x 25,5 cm, ha due microfoni con ingresso jack da 6,3 mm ma potrete anche mettere i microfoni con il filo, è nero, è di plastica ed è realizzato con materiali di ottima qualità. Vediamo le caratteristiche tecniche che l'impianto supporta, i formato dischi: CD, CD-R, CD-RW, CD+G, MP3 , i formato video: 16:9, 4:3 (Pan & Scan, Letterbox), gli standard video: PAL, NTSC , ha la risoluzione di 320 x 240 (RGB) , il formato di registrazione audio: MP3 e il formato di registrazione video: AVI, ha anche l'uscita video per trasmettere il segnale a televisori esterni, proiettori o monito,formati di immagine supportati: 16: 9, 4: 3 (Pan & Scan, Letterbox), sistemi di immagine: PAL, NTSC. Risoluzione: 320 x 240 (RGB). Ha il display LED , ha la riproduzione programmata,ha la funzione ripetizione, il controllo volume Master e il controllo A.V.C. , alimentazione: AC 100-240V, 50/60 Hz o DC 5,8V, 2A (alimentatore compreso nella consegna). L'impianto è a led,ha una maniglia per un facile trasporto, c'è il vano per il lettore cd, uscita video, ha due microfoni e con volume , eco e altre funzioni,ed ha anche la videocamera, insomma davvero ottimo per le nostre serate , per le feste e per il divertimento. Nella parte anteriore c'è il tasto di accensione e spegnimento, abbiamo il display TFT di 9 cm (3,5"") a colori e altoparlanti a banda larga integrati, il lettore CD con caricatore dall'alto e la videocamera frontale regolabile,4 manopole per regolare volume dei microfoni e l'audio della musica, per il volume separata, due per il volume dei microfoni, una per l'Eco,e quella AVC+, i vari tasti per il controller, effetto eco e funzione A.V.C oppure azionare la videocamera. Mentre nella parte posteriore abbiamo l'uscita USB e la SD, i due ingressi jack 6,3 mm per il microfono, e anche l'ingresso jack 3,5 mm AUX, in più c'è l'uscita video RCA, e l'uscita stereo RCA di linea e ingresso per l'alimentatore elettrico DC 12, 2A,e la funzione CD karaoke con sottotitoli e il file mp3. Sull'impianto davanti ci sono 4 manopole, quella grandepoi la funzione pausa, due ingressi per i microfoni jack da 6,3 m, Sul retro troviamo altri ingressi jack da 6,3 mm, ingressi AUX,con jack da 3,5mm e il vano portapile. Per poterlo farlo funzionare basta accenderlo e mettere il cd nel vano apposito,poi con le varie manopole e i vari tasti potrete azionare il karaoke, davanti ha 4 manopole e vari tasti per controllare le varie funzoni,potrete anche azionare la videocamera, e leggere i testi delle varie canzoni sia sul dispositivo. Sul display illuminato c'è l'indicatore numerico della traccia delle canzoni presenti nel cd e della canzone riprodotta in quel momento, c'è la funzione che una traccia si può ripetere o si può programma la riproduzione, e l'impianto lo potrete connettere anche alla TV e ai proiettari grazie alla riproduzione dei Cd per il karaoke cioè i CD+G, questo formato han

We love to sing a lot, even if we are not professionals we like music and we really like having fun, in fact music really fills the heart and soul of those who know how to listen to it! So as soon as I saw the karaoke system with CD player and video camera I immediately bought it, because we can watch our performances again! We have had a passion for music since we were children, my mother transmitted it and so it has become a very beautiful component in my life, we often find ourselves singing together. ScreenStar is a portable karaoke system from Auna, with integrated video camera, text reader, CD, video output, two microphones and many other functions. It arrived in two boxes and well packed, with attention to the smallest details and the shipment was very fast, in package includes the device, 2 microphones, 3 CD+G, AV cable, power supply and manual in German and English. The Auna ScreenStar system has a modern design and is really beautiful, very easy to assemble, and also to transport, in fact it is light, weighs only 2.4 kg and has medium dimensions 25 x 42 x 25.5 cm, has two microphones with 6.3 mm jack but you can also put wired microphones, it's black, it's made of plastic and it's made with excellent quality materials. Let's see the technical characteristics that the system supports, the disc format: CD, CD-R, CD-RW, CD+G, MP3, the video format: 16:9, 4:3 (Pan & Scan, Letterbox), the video standard: PAL, NTSC, it has the resolution of 320 x 240 (RGB), the audio recording format: MP3 and the video recording format: AVI, it also has video output to transmit the signal to external TVs, projectors or monitor, supported image formats: 16: 9, 4: 3 (Pan & Scan, Letterbox), image systems: PAL, NTSC. Resolution: 320x240 (RGB). It has LED display, programmed playback, repeat function, master volume control and AVC control, power supply: AC 100-240V, 50/60Hz or DC 5.8V, 2A (power adapter included in delivery). The system is LED, it has a handle for easy transport, there is a compartment for the CD player, video output, it has two microphones and with volume, echo and other functions, and it also has a video camera, in short, really excellent for our evenings, for parties and for fun. On the front there is the on and off button, we have the 9 cm (3.5 "") color TFT display and integrated broadband speakers, the CD player with top loader and the adjustable front camera, 4 knobs for regulating microphone volume and music sound, for separate volume, two for microphone volume, one for Echo, and one for AVC+, the various buttons for the controller, echo effect and AVC function or press the video camera. While in the back we have the USB and SD output, the two 6.3 mm jack inputs for the microphone, and also the 3.5 mm AUX jack input, plus there is the RCA video output, and the stereo RCA line output and input for DC 12, 2A power supply, and karaoke CD function with subtitles and mp3 file. On the front system there are 4 knobs, the large one then the pause function, two inputs for 6.3m jack microphones, On the back we find other 6.3mm jack inputs, AUX inputs, with 3.5mm jack and the battery compartment. To be able to make it work, just turn it on and put the CD in the appropriate compartment, then with the various knobs and various keys you can operate the karaoke, in front it has 4 knobs and various keys to control the various functions, you can also operate the video camera, and read the texts of the various songs both on the device. On the illuminated display there is the numerical indicator of the track of the songs on the CD and of the song being played at that moment, there is the function that a track can be repeated or playback can be programmed, and you can connect the system also on TV and projectors thanks to the reproduction of CDs for karaoke i.e. CD+Gs, this format han


Ritengo che questo impianto Karaoke sia originale e davvero completo, perfetto per fare un bel regalo. Ha una bella estetica , io ho scelto il colore nero perchè più neutrale ma è disponibile anche il rosa. La prima cosa di cui sono rimasta attratta è il grande display TFT che permette di visualizzare sia i titoli dei brani presenti sul cd che l'intero brano per poterlo cantare al meglio. Al di sopra di esso è presente il porta CD che si apre pigiando su di esso. E' compatibile con diversi dischi. I dischi supportati sono: CD, CD-R, CD-RW, CD+G, MP3 . Vi è anche la possibilità di inserire una chiavetta USB o una SD card. E' anche possibile collegarlo alla Tv grazie ad un ingresso AUX ed un'uscita AV. Le sue dimensioni sono 25 x 42 x 25,5 cm (LxAxP)ed è facilmente trasportabile grazie alle due maniglie laterali. In dotazione vi sono due bellissimi microfoni anche presentano un cavo abbastanza lungo. Ai due lati del display sono presenti vari tasti che servono per avviare o arrestare la lettura del CD, per accendere il monitor, per regolare il volume sia dell'audio che dei microfoni, per effettuare la ripetizione del brano. Una caratteristica che ho molto apprezzato e che non si trova in tutti i comuni Karaoke è la presenza di una fotocamera che permette di effettuare sia foto che video delle mie performance. Si trova sulla parte superiore dello schermo LCD. E' bello rivedersi sul display canticchiare le canzoni preferite, soprattutto per i bambini che potrebbero sviluppare la passione per il canto e dedicare una parte del loro tempo a questo hobby. E' possibile scegliere se attivare o meno la telecamera grazie al tasto MONITOR posto in basso a destra in cui è possibile scegliere tre funzioni: OFF/CAMERA/CDG. OFF sta per telecamera spenta, CAMERA permette di attivare la fotocamera e CDG permette di visualizzare il testo delle canzoni e la cosa simpatica è che le parole si illumineranno a ritmo di musica cosi' da aiutare il cantante a tenere il ritmo....Ritengo che questo karaoke sia davvero di qualità perchè oltre ad essere completo e possedere molte funzioni, ha un audio molto limpido e chiaro.

I believe that this Karaoke system is original and really complete, perfect for making a nice gift. It has a nice aesthetic, I chose the black color because it is more neutral but pink is also available. The first thing I was attracted to is the large TFT display that allows you to view both the titles of the songs on the CD and the entire song to be able to sing it better. Above it is the CD holder which opens by pressing on it. It is compatible with various discs. Supported discs are: CD, CD-R, CD-RW, CD+G, MP3 . There is also the possibility of inserting a USB stick or an SD card. It is also possible to connect it to the TV thanks to an AUX input and an AV output. Its dimensions are 25 x 42 x 25.5 cm (WxHxD) and it is easily transportable thanks to the two side handles. Supplied there are two beautiful microphones also have a fairly long cable. On both sides of the display there are various keys that are used to start or stop CD reading, to turn on the monitor, to adjust the volume of both the audio and the microphones, to repeat the track. A feature that I really appreciated and that is not found in all common Karaoke is the presence of a camera that allows you to take both photos and videos of my performances. It's located on top of the LCD screen. It's nice to see yourself on the display humming your favorite songs, especially for children who could develop a passion for singing and devote part of their time to this hobby. It is possible to choose whether or not to activate the camera thanks to the MONITOR key located at the bottom right where it is possible to choose three functions: OFF/CAMERA/CDG. OFF stands for camera off, CAMERA allows you to activate the camera and CDG allows you to view the lyrics of the songs and the nice thing is that the lyrics will light up to the rhythm of the music so as to help the singer keep the rhythm....I think that this karaoke machine is really of quality because in addition to being complete and having many functions, it has very clear and clear audio.


Nun kommt die graue Jahreszeit, in welcher die Kids oft gelangweilt zu Hause sitzen, oder in welcher man an den Kindergeburtstagen nach etwas besonderem sucht. Unsere Kids konnten es kaum mehr erwarten, als die Anlage geliefert wurde und gingen ans Auspacken. Im Karton waren dann: +++++++++++++++++ - die Musikanlage - zwei sehr robuste Mikrofone - eine Karaoke-CD - ein Netzteil - ein AV-Kabel - eine zweisprachige Anleitung deutsch/englisch (sehr gut verständlich) Inbetriebnahme: ++++++++++++ Zur Inbetriebnahme reicht es das Netzteil hinten und in der Stockdose anzustecken, für die Inbetriebnahme der integrierten Kamera muss man dann noch die Schutzkappe abziehen. Anschlüsse: +++++++++ Vorne die beiden Anschlüsse für die Mikrofone, hinten ein USB-Anschluß für USB-Sticks, hier hatten wir unsere MP3-Dateien problemlos abspielen können. Audio-Eingang, um auch andere Geräte mit einem Audiokabel verbunden. Steckplatz für SD-Karten, Funktionen genau wie beim USB-Stick, sowie noch ein AUX-Anschluß. Also alles ausreichend vorhanden. Video-Kamera & CD-Player: ++++++++++++++++++++ Die Videokamera ist durch eine Kappe geschützt, diese lässt sich leicht abziehen und wieder drauf stecken. Die Kamera selbst kann man wie einen Joystick ausrichten in Höhe und auch Seite. Der CD-Player kann neben der mitgelieferten Karaoke-CD natürlich auch ganz normale CDs abspielen. Mikrofone: ++++++++ Die beiden Mikrofone sind sehr robust gefertigt, haben keine scharfen Kanten, Ecken oder sonstiges, wo man sich verletzen könnte. Anschluß ist je ein 6,3 Klinke vorhanden. Die beiden Mikros lassen sich an der Anlage dann auch separat in der Lautstärke regeln. Bildschirm/Display: ++++++++++++++ Das Display hat eine sehr akzeptable Auflösung um die abgespielten Texte zu lesen (bei der Karaoke-CD), oder auch um sich selbst darauf zu sehen. Hinten über den AV-Anschluß ist auch mit dem entsprechenden Kabel eine Wiedergabe über unseren Samsung TV möglich. Verarbeitung, Qualität & Sound/Klang: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Wie auch die Mikrofone ist auch die Anlage insgesamt sauber verarbeitet, die Oberfläche glatt und glänzend (hier sieht man halt auch schnell mal die Tapser der Kids) lässt sich aber schnell und problemlos abwischen. Ansonsten auch keine Ecken oder Kanten, oder sonstiges, woran man sich verletzen könnte. Der Sound und Klang der Anlage, als auch der Empfang über die Mikros ist für unseren Hausgebrauch Spitze, Echo kann man einstellen, und bei den entsprechenden CDs auch, dass das gesungene Lied leiser wird, wenn man mit singt. Fazit: +++++ Spiel Spaß und Spannung für den nächsten Kindergeburtstag oder auch Spieleabend sind hier garantiert und man bekommt wirklich eine sehr gute Qualität für sein Geld.

Now the gray season is coming, when the kids are often sitting bored at home, or when they are looking for something special at the children's birthday parties. Our kids could hardly wait when the system was delivered and started unpacking. In the box were then: ++++++++++++++++ - the music system - two very robust microphones - a karaoke CD - a power pack - an AV cable - a bilingual manual German/English (Very easy to understand) Start-up: ++++++++++++ For start-up, it is sufficient to plug in the power pack at the back and in the floor socket, for the start-up of the integrated camera you then have to remove the protective cap. Connections: +++++++++ At the front the two connections for the microphones, at the back a USB connection for USB sticks, we were able to play our MP3 files here without any problems. Audio input also connected to other devices with an audio cable. Slot for SD cards, functions exactly like the USB stick, as well as an AUX connection. So everything is sufficiently available. Video camera & CD player: +++++++++++++++++++ The video camera is protected by a cap that can be easily removed and replaced. The camera itself can be aligned like a joystick in height and side. In addition to the included karaoke CD, the CD player can of course also play normal CDs. Microphones: ++++++++ The two microphones are very robust and have no sharp edges, corners or anything else that could injure you. A 6.3 jack is available for each connection. The volume of the two microphones can then be adjusted separately on the system. Screen/Display: ++++++++++++++ The display has a very acceptable resolution to read the texts played (on the karaoke CD) or to see yourself on it. At the rear via the AV connection, playback via our Samsung TV is also possible with the appropriate cable. Workmanship, quality & sound: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Like the microphones, the system as a whole is cleanly processed, the surface smooth and shiny (here you can quickly see the kids' dawdling) but can be wiped off quickly and easily. Otherwise, no corners or edges, or anything else that could hurt you. The sound and sound of the system, as well as the reception via the microphones is great for our home use, echo can be adjusted, and with the corresponding CDs also that the sung song becomes quieter when you sing along. Conclusion: +++++ Fun and excitement for the next children's birthday party or game night are guaranteed here and you really get very good quality for your money.


S’il peut également servir de lecteur de musique standard, cet appareil est principalement conçu pour le karaoké. Vendu avec deux micros qu’il est très facile de brancher en façade, il dispose d’un écran et d’un lecteur de CD compatible Cd+g, c’est à dire qu’il affiche les paroles incrustées dans le CD sur l’écran au fur et à mesure comme dans un vrai karaoké. Un CD d’exemple est fourni, qui permet de démontrer le bon fonctionnement. Celui ci indique l'adresse d’un site sur lequel on peut télécharger un logiciel permettant de créer ses propres CDG, par exemple à partir de fichiers mp3 affublés de leur équivalent CDG. C’est alors que j’ai appris à mes dépens que tous les graveurs, loin de là, n’étaient pas en mesure de graver de tels CDs. J’étais un peu désemparé quand j’ai pensé à la source USB qui lit les fichiers musicaux sur la clé USB qu’on branche à l’arrière. Et là, ça marche, les paroles s’affichent à l’écran, on est prêt à chanter. Autre particularité, l’appareil dispose d'une caméra pour filmer les performances et les diffuser sur l’écran, sur une télévision reliée grâce au câble vidéo (fourni) ou même les enregistrer pour la postérité sur une carte Sd (non fournie). Ne pas oublier de retirer le cache en plastique sur la lentille, ni de surélever l’appareil. Les vidéos ainsi enregistrées peuvent être visionnées depuis l’appareil ou être lues sur un ordinateur. Réglage du volume, ajustement du son du micro, ajout d’écho, tout est prévu pour des représentations mémorables. Esthétiquement, l’appareil n’est pas particulièrement séduisant mais on passe facilement outre. Assez simple d’utilisation mais néanmoins riche en fonctionnalités, il séduira enfants comme adultes fans de karaoké.

While it can also serve as a standard music player, this device is primarily designed for karaoke. Sold with two microphones that are very easy to connect to the front, it has a screen and a CD+g compatible CD player, i.e. it displays the lyrics embedded in the CD on the screen as you go like in a real karaoke. A sample CD is provided to demonstrate correct operation. This indicates the address of a site on which you can download software to create your own CDG, for example from mp3 files with their CDG equivalent. It was then that I learned the hard way that all burners, far from it, were not able to burn such CDs. I was a little distraught when I thought of the USB source that plays the music files on the USB stick that you plug into the back. And there, it works, the lyrics are displayed on the screen, we are ready to sing. Another particularity, the device has a camera to film the performances and broadcast them on the screen, on a television connected thanks to the video cable (supplied) or even record them for posterity on an SD card (not supplied). Do not forget to remove the plastic cover on the lens, nor to raise the device. The videos recorded in this way can be viewed from the device or played on a computer. Adjusting the volume, adjusting the sound of the microphone, adding echo, everything is provided for memorable performances. Aesthetically, the device is not particularly attractive but it is easy to ignore. Quite easy to use but nevertheless rich in features, it will appeal to children and adult karaoke fans alike.


La passione per la musica c'è l'abbiamo fin da piccini, c'è la trasmessa mia madre e così è diventata una componente molto bella nella mia vita,non manca mai occasione per aprire la radio , avere un microfono in mano e cantare tutti insieme, in casa nostra piace un po' a tutti e quando ci ritroviamo insieme dobbiamo per forza mettere un impianto per il karaoke e cantare tutti insieme. ScreenStar è un impianto karaoke portatile della Auna, con videoccamera integrata, lettore testo,cd, uscita video, due microfoni e con tante altre funzioniè arrivato in due scatole e ben imballato, una confezione curata nei minimi particolari e la spedizione è stata velocissima,nella confezione c'è il dispositivo, 2 microfoni,3 CD+G, cavo AV, l'alimentatore e il manuale in tedesco e inglese. L'impianto ScreenStar della Auna ha un design moderno ed è davvero bello, facilissimo da montare, e anche da trasportare, infatti è leggero pesa solamente2,4 kg e di medie dimensioni 25 x 42 x 25,5 cm, ha due microfoni con ingresso jack da 6,3 mm ma potrete anche mettere i microfoni con il filo, è nero, è di plastica ed è realizzato con materiali di ottima qualità. Per poterlo farlo funzionare basta accenderlo e mettere il cd nel vano apposito,poi con le varie manopole e i vari tasti potrete azionare il karaoke, davanti ha 4 manopole e vari tasti per controllare le varie funzoni,potrete anche azionare la videocamera, e leggere i testi delle varie canzoni sia sul dispositivo. Sul display illuminato c'è l'indicatore numerico della traccia delle canzoni presenti nel cd e della canzone riprodotta in quel momento, c'è la funzione che una traccia si può ripetere o si può programma la riproduzione, e l'impianto lo potrete connettere anche alla TV e ai proiettari grazie alla riproduzione dei Cd per il karaoke cioè i CD+G, questo formato hanno i sottotitoli, e con l'aggiunta dell'uscita RCA trasmette il segnale video del CD+G a TV, monitor e proiettori. Un impianto karaoke, facilissimo da usare,sia per i vari ristoranti, ma sopratutto è proprio ideale per le feste in casa o nelle varie occasioni, sarà uno spasso e un divertimento per tutti dai più piccini ai più grandi, cantare,ballare,e ascotare la musica preferita, è grazie alla videocamera anteriore regolabile potrete acquisire le proprie esibizioni su la scheda di memoria SD in formato AVI e così rivedere le prestazioni. Sono davvero soddifatta dell'acquisto, l'impiato si sente magnificamente e i microfoni hanno una buona uscita di voce e di audio.

We have had a passion for music since we were children, my mother broadcast it and so it has become a very beautiful component in my life, there is never an opportunity to open the radio, have a microphone in hand and sing all together, in our house everyone likes it a bit and when we get together we have to put a karaoke system and all sing together. ScreenStar is a portable karaoke system from Auna, with integrated video camera, text reader, CD, video output, two microphones and many other functions. It arrived in two boxes and well packed, with attention to the smallest details and the shipment was very fast, in package includes the device, 2 microphones, 3 CD+G, AV cable, power supply and manual in German and English. The Auna ScreenStar system has a modern design and is really beautiful, very easy to assemble, and also to transport, in fact it is light, weighs only 2.4 kg and has medium dimensions 25 x 42 x 25.5 cm, has two microphones with 6.3 mm jack but you can also put wired microphones, it's black, it's made of plastic and it's made with excellent quality materials. To be able to make it work, just turn it on and put the CD in the appropriate compartment, then with the various knobs and various keys you can operate the karaoke, in front it has 4 knobs and various keys to control the various functions, you can also operate the video camera, and read the texts of the various songs both on the device. On the illuminated display there is the numerical indicator of the track of the songs on the CD and of the song being played at that moment, there is the function that a track can be repeated or playback can be programmed, and you can connect the system also on TV and projectors thanks to the reproduction of CDs for karaoke ie CD+G, this format has subtitles, and with the addition of the RCA output it transmits the video signal of the CD+G to TVs, monitors and projectors. A karaoke system, very easy to use, both for the various restaurants, but above all it is really ideal for parties at home or on various occasions, it will be fun and entertaining for everyone from the youngest to the oldest, singing, dancing, and listening your favorite music, and thanks to the adjustable front video camera you can capture your performances on the SD memory card in AVI format and thus review your performances. I'm really happy with the purchase, the system sounds great and the microphones have good voice and audio output.


Nel design si presenta spettacolare, molto compatto con angoli smussati e arrotondati e un 'interfaccia davvero intuitiva! Il suo peso leggero permette di spostarlo in casa dove vuoi o portarlo in auto facilmente per organizzare delle serate karaoke durante le cene a casa di amici! Uno stile raffinato ed elegante , il colore nero lo rende ancora più lussuoso e grazie alle funzioni si presenta davvero molto moderno! La caratteristica che lo rende ancora più futuristico e versatile è la presenza di una videocamera ed un display TFT da 9 cm (3,5""). La telecamera è frontale e quindi permette di riprendere le persone o le situazioni durante l'uso del karaoke! Ormai siamo in un era dove monitoriamo tutto con le foto e i video e quindi con questo Karaoke lo possiamo fare senza utilizzare il cellulare. Le registrazioni andranno in una scheda sd . Attraverso il display si possono vedere le riprese della videocamera, oppure i video e informazioni presenti sulla Sd e/o USB. Inoltre sullo schermo stesso partono le tracce delle canzoni, considerando che comunque questo mini impianto possiede anche un 'uscita per essere collegato a tv, proiettori e cd. Come Cd legge davvero molti formati CD, CD-R, CD-RW, CD+G, MP3. l lettore CD integrato riproduce, oltre ai classici file in formato MP3 e JPEG, anche i classici formati digitali moderni. A differenza dei lettori CD più comuni il lettore CD auna riproduce anche il formato CD+G ed i CD karaoke con i sottotitoli.Inoltre possiede un ingresso usb per poter inserire la pen drive con le tracce di eventuali musiche e poi naturalmente non potevano mancare due microfoni che si collegano tramite jack. che dire altro? Un impianto completo di tutto, perfetto per le feste in casa o in piccoli locali..noi lo utilizziamo spesso per le feste casalinghe che comunque diventano anche feste grandi soprattutto per i compleanni dei più piccoli.Visto che non si presenta comunque ingombrante, può essere tenuto come complemento di arredamento su qualche mensola o anche sotto il carrello Tv sempre a portata di mano per trascorrere anche normali pomeriggi divertenti con amici e nipoti

In design it looks spectacular, very compact with smooth and rounded corners and a really intuitive interface! Its light weight allows you to move it around the house wherever you want or take it in the car easily to organize karaoke evenings during dinners at friends' houses! A refined and elegant style, the black color makes it even more luxurious and thanks to the functions it is really very modern! The feature that makes it even more futuristic and versatile is the presence of a video camera and a 9 cm (3.5 "") TFT display. The camera is frontal and therefore allows you to film people or situations while using karaoke! We are now in an era where we monitor everything with photos and videos and therefore with this Karaoke we can do it without using the mobile phone. The recordings will go to an sd card. Through the display you can see the footage from the video camera, or the videos and information on the SD and/or USB. Furthermore, the tracks of the songs start on the screen itself, considering that in any case this mini system also has an output for connection to TVs, projectors and CDs. As Cd it really reads many formats CD, CD-R, CD-RW, CD+G, MP3. The integrated CD player plays classic modern digital formats in addition to the classic MP3 and JPEG files. Unlike the more common CD players, the auna CD player also plays the CD+G format and karaoke CDs with subtitles. It also has a USB input to be able to insert a pen drive with any music tracks and then of course two microphones that connect via jacks. what else to say? A complete system, perfect for parties at home or in small venues..we often use it for house parties which in any case also become big parties especially for the birthdays of the little ones.Since it is not cumbersome, it can be kept as a piece of furniture on some shelf or even under the TV trolley always at hand to spend even normal fun afternoons with friends and grandchildren


très bien pour les enfants s'amuser ou en famille et meme pour les grands on peut filmer notre performance pour le fun ou pourquoi pas devenir une star grace à la petite camera integré en format .avi ,reglable en hauteur beau son, on peut mettre des cd karaoké, des cd normals, on peut mettre une clé usb soit pour lire des musiques soit pour s'enregistrer ou les deux la carte sd sert uniquement pour s'enregistrer,il y a une prise aux jack3.5,et une sortie vidéo pour pouvoir se brancher vers un téléviseur ou projecteur leger, une poignée de chaque coté pour pouvoir le porter on peut chanter en duo il y a deux micros,une fonction echo aussi les paroles des chansons s'affichent sur l'écran pour chanter ou si on active la caméra c'est nous qui s'affichons sur ce petit écran, c'est trop drole , je recommande pour tout ceux qui aime chanter en karaoké ,pour passer de bonne soirée entre amis

very good for children having fun or with the family and even for adults we can film our performance for fun or why not become a star thanks to the small integrated camera in .avi format, adjustable in height beautiful sound, we can put karaoke cds, normal cds, you can put a usb key either to play music or to register or both the sd card is only used to register, there is an aux jack3.5, and an output video to be able to connect to a television or light projector, a handle on each side to be able to carry it you can sing in duet there are two microphones, an echo function also the lyrics of the songs are displayed on the screen to sing or if we activate the camera, it's us who appear on this small screen, it's too funny, I recommend for anyone who likes to sing karaoke, to have a good evening with friends