[Returns: -10%] Roadie Sing CD Boombox

[Returns: -10%] Roadie Sing CD Boombox

55,99 € (incl. VAT)
  • Boombox, Radio CD Player
  • Black
Product number: 52032057
Roadie Sing CD Boombox
55,99 € (incl. VAT)
Also available in other conditions
  • Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    48,99 €
  • Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
  • Shipping time: 4 - 6 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period

Condition - like new, with minor signs of wear

Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty

Top features

  • Versatile music enjoyment: CD player, FM radio, USB, AUDIO IN and Bluetooth

  • Wireless and easy: Bluetooth for streaming from smartphones and tablets

  • Cool light effects: LED Disco Light Effect makes lights dance to the beat of the music


  • supported audio formats CD player: Audio CD, MP3 and CD-RW
  • FM radio Frequency range: 87.5 MHz - 108 MHz
  • Inputs: AUDIO IN stereo mini connector
  • Outputs: 3.5mm jack connector for 16-32 Ohm headphone impedance
  • Bluetooth version 3.0
  • 3.5 mm microphone input
  • batteries required: 6 x R14/C
  • Power supply: 220-240 V~ | 50/60 Hz
Product number: 52032057

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions: approx. 28 x 13 x 26 cm (WxHxD)
  • Length power cable: approx. 150 cm
  • Microphone cable length: 160 cm
  • Weight: approx. 1.3 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x CD Boombox
  • 1 x microphone
  • 1 x power cable
  • Multilingual user manual

Delivery & shipment

Low stock - order quickly!

Shipping time: 4 - 6 days

Your order will be delivered to the selected address per order. This address does not have to match the billing address. You can send the orders to your family, friends or office if you are not at home during the day.

Safety and Operating Instructions

Download user manual

Product Safety Information

Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin

Responsible Person:
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin

E-mail address:

Customer reviews
144 Ratings

No review available for this item.


Se lo regalamos al niño cuando cumplió 3 años. Es fácil de manejar, el micro da mucho juego, se puede enchufar o utilizar con pilas...

We gave it to our son when he turned 3. It's easy to use, the microphone is very playable, it can be plugged in or used with batteries...


Aber, leider kann man das mic nur mit Musik benutzen. Mann nicht accapella singen. Ansonsten funktioniert alles zuverlässig

But, unfortunately, you can only use the mic with music. You can't sing accapella. Otherwise everything works reliably


Il est comme attendu

It is as expected


Bom para as crianças se divertir.

Good for kids to have fun.


ma petite fille à grandi

my little girl has grown up


Funziona bene

It works well


Acheté une première fois pour un enfant, très content du produit depuis plus d un an. Tous fonctionnent parfaitement depuis.Acheté un deuxième lecteur pour le deuxième enfant. Le micro et les leds qui s’allument avec le rythme de la musique est top, c’est la fête dans les chambres.

Bought for the first time for a child, very happy with the product for over a year. Everything has worked perfectly since then. Bought a second player for the second child. The microphone and the LEDs that light up with the rhythm of the music are great, it's a party in the rooms.


Joli facile a utiliser pour ma fille de 6ans. Je recommande

Nice easy to use for my 6 year old daughter. I recommend


Kinderradio Meine Tochter mag es. Es hält, was es verspricht. Gut ist, dass man einen USB und Bluetooth Zugang hat. Die Lichter macht sie nicht an.

Children's radio My daughter likes it. It does what it promises. It's good that it has USB and Bluetooth access. She doesn't turn the lights on.


Top Player Kinder sehr Zufrieden, top Preis inklusive Mikrofon

Top Player Children very satisfied, top price including microphone





Toller Recorder für ein Kleinkind Recorder soll zum Abspielen von Liedern und zum Karaoke-Singen genutzt werden. Ein sehr guter Recorder mit bester Klangqualität!!!

Great recorder for a toddler. Recorder is intended to be used for playing songs and singing karaoke. A very good recorder with the best sound quality!!!


Por calidad precio es imbatible. Fue un regalo para mi hija y en los meses que lo lleva usando está contenta y feliz. Tiene todo lo que se puede necesitar para escuchar música, ya sea desde CD, MP3 o vía bluethoot, incluso incorpora un micro para hacer tu propio karaoke cantando encima de lo que reproduzcas. Perfecto.

For quality and price, it is unbeatable. It was a gift for my daughter and in the months that she has been using it, she is happy and content. It has everything you could need to listen to music, whether from CD, MP3 or via Bluetooth, it even includes a microphone to make your own karaoke by singing along with what you play. Perfect.


Alles okay. Hab das Radio meiner Tochter zum Geburtstag geschenkt, sie findet es toll.

Everything is OK. I gave the radio to my daughter for her birthday and she loves it.


Mis hijas están contentas con el producto ya que escuchan su música y los padres también ya que no se escucha excesivamente fuerte. Cumple bien su misión

My daughters are happy with the product because they can listen to their music and the parents are happy too because it is not too loud. It does its job well.


Auna Tragbarer Radio für Kinder mit CD Player Finde ich für den Preis das Radio erfüllt, was es sein soll. Einen Stern Abzug, weil man nur allein Singen kann, 2 Anschlüsse für Mikrophone wären besser.

Auna portable radio for children with CD player I think the radio does what it's supposed to do for the price. One star deducted because you can only sing alone, 2 connections for microphones would be better.


Gerne wieder. Super Abwicklung .

I'd be happy to do it again. Excellent service.





Gut War Geschenk

Gut War Gift


Es muy cookie y genial para regalo de niños y mayores. Lo único que aún no sabemos que formato lee en el USB, el mp3 no, seguiremos probando.

It's very cool and a great gift for kids and adults. The only thing we don't know yet is what format it can read on the USB, not the mp3, we'll keep trying.


Correspond à la description =)

Matches the description =)


Alles Super Alles wie erwartet. Etwas zu kleine Beschriftung der Funktionen, geht aber, Kinder haben ja gute Augen. Leider kann man nichts aufnehmen, das wär eigentlich eine einfache Funktion gewesen, da USB-fähig. BlueTooth verbindet problemlos. Tonqualität ist überraschend gut für den Preis. Rauschen oder Brummen bei mir null.

Everything is great. Everything as expected. The labels on the functions are a bit too small, but it's OK, children have good eyesight. Unfortunately you can't record anything, which would have been a simple function since it's USB-compatible. Bluetooth connects without any problems. The sound quality is surprisingly good for the price. I get zero noise or humming.


Nous l'avons offert a notre fils de 5 ans pour Noel, et il en a été ravi. Le son est bon, les réglages sont simple. Notre fils réussi a passé des CDs à la radio très facilement : les boutons sont comme de petit levier à déplacer, le son et les fréquences radios se règlent avec deux gros boutons tournant. Nous l'utilisons uniquement sur secteur pour le moment. Le mode lumineux suit le rythme de la musique, et est multicolore, ce qui plait énormément aux enfants. Il est très facile à activé et désactivé. En revanche, la micro est très beau visuellement, mais n'a pas vraiment d'intérêt : une fois branché, on n'entend pas vraiment ce qui passe dedans ... Il faut que le son soit vraiment très fort pour commencer à l'entendre, et encore. Tant pis, le coté "vrai et pro" suffit à faire plaisir, et on n'avais pas choisit cet appareil pour son micro. Je recommande sans soucis, mais il ne faut pas compter sur le côté karaoké avec le micro.

We gave it to our 5-year-old son for Christmas, and he was delighted. The sound is good, the settings are simple. Our son managed to play CDs on the radio very easily: the buttons are like small levers to move, the sound and radio frequencies are adjusted with two large rotating buttons. We only use it on mains power at the moment. The light mode follows the rhythm of the music, and is multi-colored, which children really like. It is very easy to activate and deactivate. On the other hand, the microphone is very beautiful visually, but is not really interesting: once plugged in, you can't really hear what's happening inside ... The sound has to be really loud to start hearing it, and even then. Too bad, the "real and professional" side is enough to please, and we hadn't chosen this device for its microphone. I recommend it without worries, but you shouldn't count on the karaoke side with the microphone.


Ma nièce adore ce poste offert pour son anniversaire. ses parents un peu moins car le son est tellement bon qu'elle en fait profiter tout le voisinage :)) le plus : possibilité de brancher une clé USB avec des playlists

My niece loves this radio that she gave her for her birthday. Her parents a little less because the sound is so good that she lets the whole neighborhood enjoy it :)) the best part: possibility of connecting a USB key with playlists


Alles in Ordnung Schnelle Lieferung in guter Qualität

Everything OK Fast delivery in good quality


Cumpre com o que diz na discrição. Sistema de luzes deixou de funcionar 2 dias depois da primeira utilização.

It does what it says in the description. The lighting system stopped working 2 days after the first use.


Très bien



Les (+) = Une prise USB pour connexion appareil externe, les leds de couleurs qui jouent au rythme de la musique qui joue, la poignée pour le trimbaler, le lecteur CD. Les (-) = Le micro (fourni avec le poste) karaoké, fonctionne uniquement avec le CD c'est dommage.

The (+) = A USB port for connecting an external device, the colored LEDs that play to the rhythm of the music that is playing, the handle for carrying it around, the CD player. The (-) = The microphone (provided with the station) karaoke, only works with the CD, which is a shame.


Désolée c'était un cadeau pour une enfant de 5ans... semblerait que ça lui plaise pas plus donc parfait Cordialement

Sorry it was a gift for a 5 year old child... it seems she didn't like it that much so perfect. Kind regards


Pour l'anniversaire de ma petite fille. Elle a été enchantée par son design et ce sont de bons moments de partage et de joie avec sa sœur

For my granddaughter's birthday. She was delighted with her design and these are good moments of sharing and joy with her sister


Keine Bluetooth Verbindung Leider verbindet sich das Gerät nicht mit dem Bluetooth Kopfhörer, den ich dazu gekauft hatte. Das ist echt schade...

No Bluetooth connection Unfortunately, the device does not connect to the Bluetooth headphones that I bought with it. That's a real shame...


Birthday gift fora little girl. She loves it

Birthday gift fora little girl. She loves it





Bon produit

Good product


Guter CD-Player Die Kinder haben den CD-Player nun schon seit einiger Zeit im Einsatz und es kann gesagt werden, dass die sie sehr zufrieden sind. Der CD Player funktioniert einwandfrei und ermöglicht es den Kindern, ihre Lieblings-CDs abzuspielen und lautstark mitzusingen. Die Klangqualität ist erstaunlich gut für ein Gerät dieser Größe und die Lautstärke lässt sich problemlos anpassen. Das Mikrofon ist ein tolles Extra, das die Kinder stundenlang beschäftigt und ihre Gesangstalente zum Vorschein bringt. Die Bluetooth-Funktion ist ein weiteres Highlight. Es ist so einfach, das Gerät mit unseren Smartphones oder Tablets zu verbinden und die Lieblingsmusik der Kinder direkt von dort aus abzuspielen. Das LED-Display zeigt deutlich an, welche Songs gerade gespielt werden, was besonders praktisch ist, wenn die Kinder ihre eigene Playlist erstellen möchten. Die Tragbarkeit des Geräts ist ein weiterer Pluspunkt. Es ist kompakt, leicht und mit einem Griff ausgestattet, so dass die Kinder es problemlos von Raum zu Raum tragen können. Außerdem ist der Player auf den ersten Blick robust gebaut und hält den rauen Umgang von Kindern stand. Insgesamt bin ich sehr zufrieden mit dem Gerät. Es bietet eine breite Palette von Funktionen, die Kinder stundenlang unterhalten und ihre Kreativität fördern. Die Klangqualität ist beeindruckend und die Bedienung ist intuitiv.

Good CD player The kids have been using the CD player for some time now and it can be said that they are very happy with it. The CD player works perfectly and allows the kids to play their favorite CDs and sing along loudly. The sound quality is amazingly good for a device of this size and the volume is easy to adjust. The microphone is a great extra that keeps the kids busy for hours and brings out their singing talents. The Bluetooth function is another highlight. It is so easy to connect the device to our smartphones or tablets and play the kids' favorite music directly from there. The LED display clearly shows which songs are currently playing, which is especially useful when the kids want to create their own playlist. The portability of the device is another plus point. It is compact, lightweight and has a handle so the kids can easily carry it from room to room. Also, the player is robustly built at first glance and can withstand rough handling by kids. Overall, I am very happy with the device. It offers a wide range of features that will keep children entertained for hours and encourage their creativity. The sound quality is impressive and the operation is intuitive.


Offert récemment pour l'anniversaire de ma petite fille. Très bon son. Par contre le micro est vraiment faible. Peut-être y a-t-il un réglage à faire que nous n'aurions pas vu ? Bel appareil. Et le jeu de lumières est un ++

Recently given as a gift for my granddaughter's birthday. Very good sound. However, the microphone is really weak. Maybe there is a setting to be made that we have not seen? Beautiful device. And the light show is a ++


Cumpre o anunciado, chegou na data prevista e funciona corretamente. Muito satisfeita!

It does what was announced, arrived on the expected date and works correctly. Very satisfied!


Super Gerät für den Preis Schnelle Lieferung, wie angegeben. Gut verpackt :-) Design in weiß: sieht auch super aus. Gerät kam super bei den Kindern an, Mikrofon funktioniert super, Tonqualität könnte besser sein , aber die Kinder stört es nicht wirklich und für den Preis finde ich es ok. Bluetooth Funktion finden wir sehr angenehm, einfach verbinden mit dem Handy und jede Musik hören. Lautsprecher-Lichter sind auch top und können an und aus gestellt werden. Zusammengefasst: für den Preis mit den Funktionen ein super Radio.

Great device for the price. Fast delivery, as stated. Well packaged :-) Design in white: also looks great. The device was a hit with the kids, microphone works great, sound quality could be better, but it doesn't really bother the kids and I think it's OK for the price. We find the Bluetooth function very convenient, just connect it to your phone and listen to any music. The speaker lights are also great and can be switched on and off. In summary: a great radio for the price and the features.


Ce produit correspond aux attentes et est apprécié.

This product meets expectations and is appreciated.


Es gut Es Normal

It's good It's normal


Le produit est un super cadeau. Il mange rapidement les piles mm haute gamme. Le seul petit bémol c'est ce petit bruit sourd dérangeant si on le laisse branché. C'est un peu pénible. Donc il faut le débranché des lors que le cd est terminé.

The product is a great gift. It quickly eats the high-end mm batteries. The only small downside is this small disturbing dull noise if you leave it plugged in. It's a bit annoying. So you have to unplug it as soon as the CD is finished.


Le produit multimédia n'a pas pu être chargé. Ma fille es satisfaite, conforme à la description, pas déçu. Je recommande

The multimedia product could not be loaded. My daughter is satisfied, consistent with the description, not disappointed. I recommend


Très bien, mon petit-fils a adoré....il aime énormément la musique et surtout chanter

Very good, my grandson loved it....he loves music a lot and especially singing


Fais le job

Do the job


Plutôt sympa beau design mais un son pas terrible dommage

Rather nice, beautiful design but not great sound, shame


Cadeau de Noël pour mon enfant. Très jolie et le micro fonctionne super bien

Christmas present for my child. Very pretty and the microphone works great


Je l’ai pris pour ma fille de 3 ans elle sait s’en servir seule, il y a un bon son. Elle Peut chanter avec le micro et les jeu de lumières sont tops!

I bought it for my 3 year old daughter, she knows how to use it by herself, it has a good sound. She can sing with the microphone and the light shows are great!


Bien à voir dans le temps

Well to see in time


Très facile d'utilisation et les lumières intégrées dans les enceintes mettent l'ambiance pour un enfant ou un ado

Very easy to use and the lights integrated into the speakers set the mood for a child or teenager


Très beau et bon cadeau pour Noël. Ma nièce etait ravie et ses parents encore plus quand ils se sont rendus compte qu'on pouvait pousser la chansonnette sans que cela éclate les tympans

Very nice and good gift for Christmas. My niece was delighted and her parents even more when they realized that you could sing along without it bursting your eardrums.


un bon rapport qualité prix offre beaucoup fonction . dommage que le micro fonctionne juste avec le cd et que appareil fait du bruit en vieille mais on le débranche la nuit alors

good value for money offers a lot of functions. too bad the microphone only works with the CD and that the device makes noise in old days but we unplug it at night so


Quelques réserves sur le micro mais sinon, super produit !

Some reservations about the microphone but otherwise, great product!


Ok, bis auf das Micro Das Gerät ist eigentlich top. Die „Discolichter“ kommen bei den Kids gut an. Leider ist das Mitsingen mit dem Micro nicht so gut zu hören.

OK, except for the microphone. The device is actually great. The "disco lights" are a hit with the kids. Unfortunately, singing along isn't heard so well with the microphone.


Erste Gerät leider defekt Erste Gerät leider defekt support hat gleich reagiert und ich konnte es zurückschicken und ein neues kam 10 Tage später

First device unfortunately defective First device unfortunately defective support responded immediately and I was able to send it back and a new one came 10 days later


le seul regret c'est qu'il n'y ait pas de licorne en décoration (même une petite !)

the only regret is that there is no unicorn decoration (even a small one!)


Je pensais d’abord que le micro ne fonctionnait pas, mais en fait le son de celui ci est faible lorsqu’on écoute des CD, il faut mettre le volume général assez fort pour l’entendre. La qualité du son m’a surpris positivement pour un appareil de ce type. Le Bluetooth fonctionne et est appréciable pour connecter un smartphone par exemple. Je confirme le grésillement lorsqu’il est éteint mais cela ne nous dérange pas trop car on débranche l’appareil après chaque utilisation. En bref c’est bien pour un premier appareil de musique, notre fille 2 ans et demi s’en sert tous les jours.

I first thought that the microphone did not work, but in fact the sound of it is weak when listening to CDs, you have to put the general volume quite high to hear it. The quality of the sound surprised me positively for a device of this type. The Bluetooth works and is appreciable for connecting a smartphone for example. I confirm the crackling when it is turned off but it does not bother us too much because we unplug the device after each use. In short it is good for a first music device, our 2 and a half year old daughter uses it every day.


Lecteur cd radio de qualité, bon son. Le plus le micro que les enfants adorent.

Quality radio cd player, good sound. Plus the microphone that kids love.


Regalo para mi nieto de 8 años , amante de la música .

Gift for my 8 year old grandson, a music lover.


Insgesamt tolles Produkt Punktabzug gibt es weil es komische subtile Geräusche macht obwohl ausgeschaltet. Außerdem kann man das Mikrofon leider nur benutzen wenn bereits eine CD spielt. Ansonsten ist alles andere gut soweit.

Overall, a great product. Points deducted because it makes strange, subtle noises even when it's turned off. Also, you can only use the microphone when a CD is already playing. Apart from that, everything else is good.


Punktabzug gibt es weil es komische subtile Geräusche macht obwohl ausgeschaltet. Außerdem kann man das Mikrofon leider nur benutzen wenn bereits eine CD spielt. Ansonsten ist alles andere gut soweit.

There is a point deduction because it makes strange subtle noises even though it is switched off. Unfortunately, the microphone can only be used when a CD is already playing. Otherwise everything else is good so far.


Pour notre petite fille de 9 ans

For our 9 year old granddaughter


Fue un regalo para mi sobrina, está encantada con el karaoke y con poder llevarlo donde quiera

It was a gift for my niece, she loves karaoke and being able to take it wherever she wants.


Cet article était un cadeau d'anniversaire pour une enfant, apprécié avec ses diverses fonctions, l'effet lumineux et le micro. Il est facile d'utilisation. Le seul problème reste ce grésillement sonore une fois éteint, j'ai tenté de le commander malgré tout, le souci est vite apparu, un peu dommage... Il faut le débrancher pour ne plus l'entendre.

This item was a birthday present for a child, appreciated with its various functions, the light effect and the microphone. It is easy to use. The only problem remains this crackling sound once turned off, I tried to order it anyway, the problem quickly appeared, a bit of a shame... You have to unplug it to stop hearing it.


Super multifunktionsradio für die kleinen Mäuse! Die haben extrem Spaß dran! Das perfekte Geschenk

Super multifunctional radio for the little mice! They have a lot of fun with it! The perfect gift


Son OK Utilisation OK Seul bémol un sifflement : lorsque le poste est branché et éteint.

Sound OK Use OK Only downside is a whistling sound: when the station is plugged in and turned off.


Ich habe das Gerät für meinen Enkel bestellt und bin leider enttäuscht. Mikro funktioniert nur bei voller Lautstärke. Radio kann ich gar nicht einstellen. Das Gerät ist qualitativ nicht gut, für den Preis.

I ordered this for my grandson and I'm disappointed. Microphone only works at full volume. I can't turn on the radio at all. The quality of the device is not good for the price.


bei mir kann ich keine MP3 abspielen, über den USB stick...warum??

I can't play MP3s on my USB stick...why?


Ma fille de 5ans a vite compris les touches. Le son est impressionnant en qualité et en volume. Le micro est pas super, ni en qualité ni en volume, je n'entends pas fille par dessus la musique. Mais elle s'amuse beaucoup avec et c'est l'objectif.

My 5 year old daughter quickly understood the keys. The sound is impressive in quality and volume. The microphone is not great, neither in quality nor in volume, I can't hear daughter over the music. But she has a lot of fun with it and that's the goal.


c'est un cadeau pour un enfant ! Très satisfaisant

It's a gift for a child! Very satisfying


Me gusta lo sencillo y manejable que es, ya que fue un regalo para un niño de 7 años. Buen sonido y buen funcionamiento. Lo que no me gusta es que el micrófono solamente funciona si está funcionando la radio y además con volumen bastante bajo.

I like how simple and easy it is to use, as it was a gift for a 7-year-old boy. Good sound and good operation. What I don't like is that the microphone only works if the radio is on and at a fairly low volume.


Bin sehr zufrieden, leider macht das Gerät im Standby ein Dauergeräusch, was etwas nervig ist. Ansonsten ist mein Sohn happy.

I am very satisfied, unfortunately the device makes a constant noise in standby, which is a bit annoying. Otherwise my son is happy.


für Karaoke ungeeignet, das mitgelieferte Mikro bringt nix... selbst bei maximaler Micro-Einstellung kann man die Stimme kaum hören, viel zu leise. d.h. das Ding steht nur rum und wird nie benutzt... Entteuschend.

unsuitable for karaoke, the supplied microphone doesn't do anything... even with the maximum micro setting you can hardly hear the voice, much too quiet. ie the thing just stands around and is never used... Disappointing.


Sehr schön verarbeitetes Gerät mit vielseitigen Funktionen...zu ein angenehmen Preis

Very nicely finished device with versatile functions...at a pleasant price


Ein guter Einsteiger-CD - Player für die Kleinsten. Leicht zu bedienen. Und zaubert ein Lächeln in die kleinen Kindergesichter

A good entry-level CD player for the little ones. Easy to use. And puts a smile on little children's faces


Grundsätzlich gut, die Tonqualität des Mikrofons ist stark ausbaufähig, für den Preis aber vertretbar.

Basically good, the sound quality of the microphone can be greatly improved, but is reasonable for the price.


Buen precio, buen sonido. Además, las luces y el micro gustan a lo niños. La posibilidad de USB es un acierto.

Good price, good sound. Also, the lights and microphone are very popular with kids. The USB option is a great idea.


Pour une petite surface , telle qu'un studio ou une chambre, cela est parfait , ( sinon ....prendre de la plus grande qualité de rendu son )

For a small area, such as a studio or a bedroom, this is perfect, (otherwise...take the highest quality sound rendering)


Offert à ma fille de 6 ans qui adore le micro, le son max ne peut pas être très frot, ce n est pas plus mal...

Offered to my 6 year old daughter who loves the microphone, the maximum sound cannot be very loud, it's not so bad...


Was a birthday present for my 6 year old daughter- she loved it! Still uses it!

Was a birthday present for my 6 year old daughter- she loved it! Still uses it!


dommage qu'il n'y ait pas de Bluetooth

Too bad there is no Bluetooth


Très bien, ma fille de 6 ans adore chanter comme une casserole dans ce poste !

Very good, my 6 year old daughter loves singing like a saucepan in this station!


Das Radio ist sehr schick vorallem mit dem bunten Licht. Leider finde ich das Mikrofon etwas zu leise.

The radio is very chic, especially with the colorful light. Unfortunately, I find the microphone a bit too quiet.


Pour un anniversaire

For a birthday


Gut fürs Kinderzimmer Unser Kind, 3, kommt damit schon super klar. Sound ist gut und Handhabung easy. Außerdem können wir Hörspiele und Musik übers Hand spielen. Summt leider laut, wir ziehen nachts immer den Stecker.

Good for the children's room Our child, 3, is already getting on really well with it. The sound is good and it's easy to use. We can also play audio books and music using the handset. Unfortunately it hums loudly, so we always unplug it at night.


Unser Kind, 3, kommt damit schon super klar. Sound ist gut und Handhabung easy. Außerdem können wir Hörspiele und Musik übers Hand spielen. Summt leider laut, wir ziehen nachts immer den Stecker.

Our child, 3, gets along really well with it. Sound is good and handling is easy. We can also play radio plays and music by hand. Unfortunately buzzes loudly, we always pull the plug at night.


Esta muy bien, pero no consigo que funcione el micrófono. O no se como se pone. Si me lo explicáis os lo agradezco. Yo enchufo el micrófono y no se donde le tengo que dar

It's fine, but I can't get the microphone to work. Or I don't know how to put it on. If you can explain it to me I'd appreciate it. I plug the microphone in and I don't know where I have to put it.


Génial bon son sauf que le micro ne marche pas

Great sound, except the microphone doesn't work





Facile d’utilisation, léger. Les enfants s’amusent beaucoup et apprécient les leds colorés.

Easy to use, lightweight. Kids have a lot of fun and enjoy the colorful LEDs.


Das Starten ist selbst für Erwachsene total ungewöhnlich. Man drückt die Play-Taste und nichts passiert. Nach einigen Sekunden muss man das Gleiche machen und die CD spielt ab. Weiterhin nervt das Ding beim Schlafen. Trotzdem es ausgeschaltet ist, ist ein Brummen zu vernehmen, dass den Nachtschlaf unserer Tochter verhindert. So müssen wir also immer den Netzstecker ziehen. Das ist dahin gehend besonders nervig, da wir kindgerrecht eine Steckdose hinter einer Kommode verwenden. Ich würde keine Kaufempfehlung aussprechen.

Launching is totally unusual, even for adults. You press the play button and nothing happens. After a few seconds you have to do the same and the CD will play. It's also annoying when I'm sleeping. Despite it being switched off, a humming can be heard that prevents our daughter from sleeping at night. So we always have to pull the power plug. This is particularly annoying because we use a socket behind a chest of drawers that is suitable for children. I would not make a purchase recommendation.


C’était un cadeau pour notre fille, elle s’éclate et il est très simple d’utilisation L’intégration du micro a est top

It was a gift for our daughter, she has a blast and it is very easy to use. The integration of the microphone is great


Parfait pour un enfant. Son correct sans excès. Jolie et très attrayant avec ses lumières et son micro.

Perfect for a child. Correct sound without excess. Pretty and very attractive with its lights and microphone.


Good product but expensive for radio.

Good product but expensive for radio.


Das Produkt ist wie beschrieben gut verarbeitet und schön ist das man das bunte Licht separat zu schalten kann. Das einzige was zu bemängeln ist die Tonqualität aber für den Preis ok mein Sohn 5j hat sich gefreut.

The product is well made as described and it is nice that you can switch the colored light separately. The only thing to complain about is the sound quality but ok for the price my son 5j was happy.


On recherchait un poste pour ma fille de 4 ans pour son anniversaire où on pouvait lire les musiques en bluetooth et c'est juste parfait avec ce poste. Ma fille est trop heureuse elle peut chanter avec l'effet disco des lumières ça rajoute un plus ( comme elle dit c'est la fête) et tous ça sans CD ou clé USB. Cependant la radio, les CD, USB... Marche très bien.

We were looking for a radio for my 4 year old daughter for her birthday where we could play music via Bluetooth and this radio is just perfect. My daughter is so happy she can sing with the disco effect of the lights it adds a little something extra (as she says it's a party) and all that without CDs or USB sticks. However the radio, CDs, USB... Works very well.


Die Boombox macht Spaß. Sie ist leicht zu bedienen. Ob CD, Radio oder Bluetooth - alles klappt ohne Probleme. USB noch nicht probiert. Die Kinder haben Spaß mit dem Mikrofon und den Lichtern. Gutes Preis-leistungsverhältnis.

The boom box is fun. It is easy to use. Whether CD, radio or Bluetooth - everything works without problems. USB not tried yet. The kids have fun with the microphone and lights. Good value for money.


Nach der Zeit in dem das Radio nun bei meinem Sohn in gebrauch ist, muss ich leider sagen das es ein Fehlkauf war. Am Anfang haben wir festgestellt das die Mikrofunktion sehr leise ist und bei gebrauch nicht überzeugt. Mittlerweile wurde er an die Seite gestellt, denn bei laufenden Betrieb ertönt ein Rauschen, Pfeifen bzw. Summen und nein es ist keinen Rückkopplung. Weiterempfehlen können wir dieses Produkt leider nicht.

After the time that the radio is now in use with my son, I unfortunately have to say that it was a bad buy. At the beginning we noticed that the micro function is very quiet and not convincing when used. In the meantime it has been put to the side, because during operation there is a noise, whistling or buzzing and no, it is not feedback. Unfortunately, we cannot recommend this product.


This little pink gem was for my 3 year old granddaughter , it plays cd’s has a radio and can be linked via Bluetooth, it has great flashing lights and looks well cool but the karaoke microphone to sing along was a top winner , don’t most 3 year olds just love the sound of their own voice ?

This little pink gem was for my 3 year old granddaughter , it plays cd’s has a radio and can be linked via Bluetooth, it has great flashing lights and looks well cool but the karaoke microphone to sing along was a top winner , don’t most 3 year olds just love the sound of their own voice ?


al principio no llegamos a comprender como utilizar el USB y lo probamos de muchas maneras, pero finalmente lo conseguimos, es perfecto para regalo, yo se lo compre para sus 6 años y lo ha utilizado bastante, es facil de usar para los niños y les gusta mucho.

At first we didn't understand how to use the USB and we tried it in many ways, but finally we got it. It's perfect for a gift. I bought it for his 6th birthday and he has used it a lot. It's easy for children to use and they like it a lot.


Produit nikel, bon son. Arrivé dans les temps.

Great product, good sound. Arrived on time.


Für jüngere Kinder gut geeignet leichte Bedienung, farblich sehr ansprechend, Lichteffekte im Lautsprecher kommen bei den Kids gut an, Tonqualität ist gut, Mikrofonschluss funtioniert kinderleicht, das aufklappbare CD Fach öffnet sich nur langsam, es sollte darauf geachtet werden, dass die Kinder nicht zu dolle dran ziehen oder drücken, im ausgeschalteten Zustand ist ein leises Brummen zu hören, das ist bissl nervig, wir ziehen halt einfach den Stecker.

Well suited for younger children, easy to use, very attractive colors, light effects in the speaker are well received by the kids, sound quality is good, microphone connection is child's play, the hinged CD compartment opens only slowly, care should be taken that the children do not pull or press on it too hard, when switched off a quiet humming noise can be heard, which is a bit annoying, we just pull the plug.


Ein super CD Spieler für Kinder. Die Lichtfunktion war von Anfang an der Hit. Der Ton ist völlig okay fürs Kinderzimmer. Super auch die Bluetoothfunktion so kann man endlos Musik oder Hörspiele von Spottify abspielen. Das Mikro hatten wir als kleine Überraschung erst mal zurück gehalten. Der Ton ist grottig und er kommt auch nur wenn man parallel Musik abspielt und dann auch nur laut wenn die Musik laut ist. Für Eltern also eine Qual aber die Kids finden es super und spielen Moderator, Sänger usw... Die Geräusche im off-modus sind wie andere schreiben tatsächlich da. Aber wir siehen nach Gebrauch einfach den Stecker und so ist es für uns kein Problem.

A great CD player for kids. The light function was a hit right from the start. The sound is completely okay for the children's room. The Bluetooth function is also great, so you can play endless music or radio plays from Spottify. We held back the microphone as a little surprise. The sound is terrible and it only comes out when you play music at the same time and then only loud when the music is loud. So it's torture for parents, but the kids think it's great and play presenter, singer, etc... The noises in off mode are actually there, as others write. But we just see the plug after use and so it's not a problem for us.


Toller CD Spieler für Kinder Ein super CD Spieler für Kinder. Die Lichtfunktion war von Anfang an der Hit. Der Ton ist völlig okay fürs Kinderzimmer. Super auch die Bluetoothfunktion so kann man endlos Musik oder Hörspiele von Spottify abspielen. Das Mikro hatten wir als kleine Überraschung erst mal zurück gehalten. Der Ton ist grottig und er kommt auch nur wenn man parallel Musik abspielt und dann auch nur laut wenn die Musik laut ist. Für Eltern also eine Qual aber die Kids finden es super und spielen Moderator, Sänger usw... Die Geräusche im off-modus sind wie andere schreiben tatsächlich da. Aber wir siehen nach Gebrauch einfach den Stecker und so ist es für uns kein Problem.

Great CD player for children A super CD player for children. The light function was a hit from the start. The sound is completely fine for a child's room. The Bluetooth function is also great, so you can play endless music or radio plays from Spotify. We held back the microphone as a little surprise. The sound is terrible and it only comes out when you're playing music at the same time and then only loudly when the music is loud. So it's torture for parents, but the kids think it's great and play presenter, singer, etc. The noises in off mode are actually there, as others have said. But we simply unplug it after use and so it's not a problem for us.


Fue un regalo para mi hija y estamos superecantados con él, le gustan las luces, reproduce perfectamente sin saltos y el micro es todo un acierto para hacer karaokes con sus canciones preferidas ya sean atraves del CD o del USB

It was a gift for my daughter and we are super delighted with it, she likes the lights, it plays perfectly without skips and the microphone is a great success for doing karaoke with her favorite songs either through the CD or the USB.


Reçu aujourd'hui, le poste fonctionne mais pas le micro. Dans l'attente d'une réponse du vendeur.

Received today, the post works but not the microphone. Waiting for a response from the seller.


Strahlende Kinderaugen! Das Gerät ist wirklich schön, tolle Optik, vor allem mit den Lichtern, guter Klang, einfache Bedienung - auch schon für kleine Kinder. Ein Stern Abzug dafür, dass das Gerät nach Abspielen der CD leise brummt. Meine Tochter hört gerne Einschlafmusik und wenn die CD abgespielt und es im Zimmer still ist, brummt es ganz leicht. Das kann man nur durch Stecker ziehen beenden. Trotzdem bin ich sehr zufrieden! Habe das Gerät in schwarz und pink gekauft.

Children's eyes beaming! The device is really beautiful, great looks, especially with the lights, good sound, easy to use - even for small children. One star deducted because the device hums quietly after the CD has been played. My daughter likes to listen to music to help her fall asleep and when the CD is playing and it is quiet in the room, it hums very slightly. The only way to stop this is to unplug it. Despite this, I am very satisfied! I bought the device in black and pink.


Das Gerät ist wirklich schön, tolle Optik, vor allem mit den Lichtern, guter Klang, einfache Bedienung - auch schon für kleine Kinder. Ein Stern Abzug dafür, dass das Gerät nach Abspielen der CD leise brummt. Meine Tochter hört gerne Einschlafmusik und wenn die CD abgespielt und es im Zimmer still ist, brummt es ganz leicht. Das kann man nur durch Stecker ziehen beenden. Trotzdem bin ich sehr zufrieden! Habe das Gerät in schwarz und pink gekauft.

The device is really beautiful, great optics, especially with the lights, good sound, easy to use - even for small children. A star deduction for the fact that the device hums quietly after playing the CD. My daughter likes listening to music to fall asleep to, and when the CD is playing and the room is quiet, there is a very slight hum. The only way to stop this is by pulling the plug. Nevertheless I am very satisfied! I bought the device in black and pink.


Tiene todo lo necesario para comenzar a acercar a los niños a la música. Pueden usarlo solos y dispone aparte de CD, de Bluetooth, PEN y radio, El micro se oye bien y es resistente. Un buen producto,

It has everything you need to start introducing children to music. They can use it alone and it has a CD, Bluetooth, PEN and radio. The microphone sounds good and is durable. A good product,


Cadeau d'anniversaire pour ma fille de huit ans. Elle en est très satisfaite !

Birthday present for my eight year old daughter. She is very happy with it!


Parfait t’es bien pour ma fille de 6ans . Seul bémol le micro n’est marché que s’il y a un fond de musique dommage qu’il ne fonctionne pas seul .

Perfect, you're good for my 6-year-old daughter. The only downside is that the microphone only works if there is background music, too bad it doesn't work alone.


A mi hija de 9 años le ha gustado mucho, apropiado para su edad. Usamos sobre todo el Bluetooth con el móvil.

My 9 year old daughter really liked it, it's appropriate for her age. We mainly use the Bluetooth with the mobile phone.


Das Gerät ist leicht zubedienen, auch für Kinder. Nur die Nutzung des Mikrofon ist nicht wirklich möglich. Man muss rein schreien und der eigene Gesang ist trotzdem nicht gut zu hören. Der Rest funktioniert tadellos. Man sollte das Gerät jedoch bei Nichtnutzung vom Strom nehmen, da auch nach dem Abschalten ein Stromfluss (Summen) zu hören ist. Eine Fernbedienung ist nicht dabei, aber die Lichtefekte sind Klasse.

The device is easy to use, even for children. Only the use of the microphone is not really possible. You have to scream in and you can't hear your own singing very well. The rest works perfectly. However, the device should be unplugged when not in use, since a current flow (humming) can be heard even after it has been switched off. A remote control is not included, but the light effects are great.


Bonjour ma fille a bien reçu le poste en cadeau pour ma petite fille nous ayant pas vue pendant le confinement et par contre elle m'a annoncé malheureusement que le micro du poste ne marchait pas je lui est répondu que c'était trop tard pour faire une réclamation mais je tenais a vous informer pour ce petit désagrément Madame Milharoux

Hello, my daughter received the post as a gift for my granddaughter who had not seen us during the lockdown and on the other hand she unfortunately told me that the post's microphone was not working. I told her that it was too late to make a complaint but I wanted to inform you of this small inconvenience, Mrs. Milharoux.


Fenomenal, vendedor, producto y entrega. La radio es estupenda y les ha encantado a los peques.

Phenomenal, seller, product and delivery. The radio is great and the kids loved it.


Cadeau fait à un enfant de 7 ans. Super content de pouvoir changer ses cd. Seul bémol pour l'instant comme d'autres l'on mentionné : ne peut pas rester branché en permanence car bruit continu même faible est quand même bien audible. Ce bruit de fond est assez gênant en plus de consommer de l'électricité pour rien. Manque un réel bouton Off.

Gift made to a 7 year old child. Very happy to be able to change his CDs. Only downside for the moment as others have mentioned: cannot remain plugged in permanently because continuous noise even low is still clearly audible. This background noise is quite annoying in addition to consuming electricity for nothing. Missing a real Off button.


Destinée à un enfant, cette petite radio cd remplit très bien sa fonction. Même s’il faut pousser le volume pour avoir du son, la qualité est là. L’idée des lumières au rythme de la musique est super. Petits bémols, le volume du micro n’est pas réglable et la longueur du fil est un peu juste. Je suis tout de même satisfaite de mon achat.

Intended for a child, this small CD radio fulfills its function very well. Even if you have to turn up the volume to get sound, the quality is there. The idea of the lights to the rhythm of the music is great. Small drawbacks, the volume of the microphone is not adjustable and the length of the wire is a little short. I am still satisfied with my purchase.


Mon fils est ravi. Le micro, les lumières, tout fonctionne. Les boutons font un peu gadget à voir dans le temps si ça ne s'abîme pas...

My son is delighted. The microphone, the lights, everything works. The buttons are a bit gimmicky, we'll see over time if they don't get damaged...


Bon produit, par contre petit default avec le micro, il fonctionne uniquement avec le CD qui fonctionne derrière, et le son du micro et vraiment très faible, ce qui fat passer le micro plus pour un gadjet qu'un vrai micro.

Good product, but a small flaw with the microphone, it only works with the CD that works behind it, and the sound of the microphone is really very weak, which makes the microphone seem more like a gadget than a real microphone.


Muy contenta con este radio CD. Las luces que lleva la radio son muy vistosas. Deja a tod@s alucinados!!!. El sonido y el micro,perfecto.

Very happy with this CD radio. The lights on the radio are very eye-catching. It leaves everyone amazed!!! The sound and the microphone are perfect.


Pour un enfant de 3ans, il est parfait et le son est de très bonne qualité ce qui est à souligner pour un appareil qui est un jouet. Accéder facilement à la piste de son choix est appréciable. Le micro n’est pas très puissant mais on ne peut pas tt avoir; le plus important est un bon son à mon avis. Les lumières disco qui suivent le rythme : c’ysympa et on peut choisir de les éteindre indépendamment de la musique. Super achat!

For a 3 year old, it is perfect and the sound is of very good quality which is to be emphasized for a device that is a toy. Easy access to the track of your choice is appreciable. The microphone is not very powerful but you can't have everything; the most important thing is good sound in my opinion. The disco lights that follow the rhythm: it's nice and you can choose to turn them off independently of the music. Great purchase!


Cadeau pour une petite fille de 5 ans,très facile d'utilisation,à utiliser sur secteur car les piles s usent vite. Correspond à nos attentes

Gift for a 5 year old girl, very easy to use, to be used on mains because the batteries wear out quickly. Meets our expectations


I bought it for my daughter and she loves it. It’s expensive for the quality.

I bought it for my daughter and she loves it. It’s expensive for the quality.


Fue un regalo para una niña de 10 años. Le ha encantado, sobretodo por las luces de colores, el micrófono y la conexión via Bluetooth a un móvil. Relación calidad- precio muy buena comparada con otros aparatos similares.

It was a gift for a 10-year-old girl. She loved it, especially for the coloured lights, the microphone and the Bluetooth connection to a mobile phone. Very good value for money compared to other similar devices.


Bon poste, les lumière top. Ma fille est trop contente de pouvoir chanter ses chansons préférées. Seul bémol c'est quand le micro est trop près, ça fait un bruit aiguë.

Good post, great lighting. My daughter is so happy to be able to sing her favorite songs. The only downside is when the microphone is too close, it makes a high-pitched noise.


El producto calidad precio es muy bueno lo aconsejo yo lo he comprado para un niño de tres años y está encantado lo único ke Le haría para mejorarlo seria ke el micro tubiera otro volumen aparte del principal

The product quality price is very good, I recommend it. I bought it for a three-year-old child and he is delighted. The only thing I would do to improve it would be for the microphone to have another volume apart from the main one.


Cadeau d'anniversaire pour 5 ans. Très séduisant pour les options: micro, lumières changeantes. Le son n'est pas d'une grande qualité et celui du micro casse vite les oreilles de l'entourage! Mais c'est un cadeau qui fait Super plaisir à l'enfant et ses frere et sœur.

Birthday gift for 5 years old. Very attractive for the options: microphone, changing lights. The sound is not of great quality and that of the microphone quickly breaks the ears of those around! But it is a gift that makes the child and his brother and sister super happy.


Ha sido un regalo para mi niña de 7 años y nos ha gustado a todos! Fácil de usar, buen sonido, las luces les encanta y el micrófono una pasada! Recomendable! El blanco que es el que tenemos es precioso.

It was a gift for my 7-year-old daughter and we all loved it! Easy to use, good sound, she loves the lights and the microphone is amazing! Recommended! The white one we have is beautiful.


bien reçu , sympa, fragilité niveau micro, mais les petits sont contents

well received, nice, fragile micro level, but the little ones are happy


Good radio nice functions. there is only one thing. When it is switched off and ghe room is quiete you can hear a buzzing noise coming from the main port connection. Have to pull the main cord out and the noise is gone. Thats a first

Good radio nice functions. there is only one thing. When it is switched off and ghe room is quiete you can hear a buzzing noise coming from the main port connection. Have to pull the main cord out and the noise is gone. Thats a first


Ma fille de 5 ans l’utilise Satisfaite de mon achat

My 5 year old daughter uses it. Satisfied with my purchase.


Ma nièce de 3 ans a compris et chante à tue-tête , le petit plus, la possibilité de le connecter en Bluetooth à son portable.

My 3 year old niece understood and sings at the top of her voice, the little extra, the possibility of connecting it via Bluetooth to her cell phone.


La cogi para regalo,mi sobrina encantada,sobre todo por el karaoke..

I bought it as a gift, my niece was delighted, especially because of the karaoke.


Very good seller .Great communication. I bought this for my little one 3-th birthday. She loves this radio.

Very good seller .Great communication. I bought this for my little one 3-th birthday. She loves this radio.


Bien, mi hija está contenta con la opción de micrófono. No tiene demasiado volumen (lo cual no es malo, jejeje) pero va bien para usarlo a nivel doméstico. no vale para ambientar una fiesta. Quizá lo pero es el dial analógico.

Well, my daughter is happy with the microphone option. It's not too loud (which isn't a bad thing, lol) but it's fine for home use. It's not good for partying. The only downside is the analog dial.


Granddaughter loves it

Granddaughter loves it


This is a little girls forever present my granddaughter was ovet the moon when she opened it

This is a little girls forever present my granddaughter was ovet the moon when she opened it


Lo compre para el cumpleaños de mi hijo que hacía 3 años , su primer Radio Cd . Tiene la potencia de volumen perfecta para lo que es , además de poco peso para que él pueda llevarlo para donde quiera ya que le puedes utilizar con pilas ,pero también se puede enchufar a la corriente .Es muy completo , tiene micrófono que lo queríamos para que cante mientras suena su música , sea por Cd , usb e incluso vía bluetooth por ejemplo yo con mi móvil busco por YouTube y se escucha por el radio cd . Llevamos 15 días con él y muy contento , nosotros le pegamos unas pegatinas de minions para que parezcas infantil .

I bought it for my son's birthday when he was 3 years old, his first Radio CD. It has the perfect volume for what it is, and it's also lightweight so he can take it wherever he wants, since you can use it with batteries, but you can also plug it into the mains. It's very complete, it has a microphone, which we wanted so he could sing while his music is playing, whether it's via CD, USB or even Bluetooth. For example, I search YouTube with my mobile and it plays through the radio CD. We've had it for 15 days and we're very happy with it. We stuck some Minion stickers on it to make it look childish.


Il persiste un léger bruit de sifflement de condensateur lors du branchement en 220v...

There is still a slight whistling noise from the capacitor when connecting to 220v...


I brought this for my little starlet who loves singing & dancing. It’s perfect!! It has flashing lights (which you can turn off)., it plays cd’s, radio & I can connect my phone by Bluetooth. For a small stereo the sound is fine- if I wanted anything louder (which I really don’t for an 8yr old) I know I’d have to pay more. I don’t think the mic is particularly loud which again I am fine with- but I was playing round with it in secret & I wasn’t about to blast out a song!!! It looks neat, & unlike some other reviewers mine did come with a 3 pin adaptor to use in a UK plug. This is going to be a well loved present.

I brought this for my little starlet who loves singing & dancing. It’s perfect!! It has flashing lights (which you can turn off)., it plays cd’s, radio & I can connect my phone by Bluetooth. For a small stereo the sound is fine- if I wanted anything louder (which I really don’t for an 8yr old) I know I’d have to pay more. I don’t think the mic is particularly loud which again I am fine with- but I was playing round with it in secret & I wasn’t about to blast out a song!!! It looks neat, & unlike some other reviewers mine did come with a 3 pin adaptor to use in a UK plug. This is going to be a well loved present.


Bought this as Christmas present for my six year old and she loves it. Easy for her to use, loves the microphone and disco lights and the blue tooth connection’s a big bonus so you can play any music from iPhone etc.

Bought this as Christmas present for my six year old and she loves it. Easy for her to use, loves the microphone and disco lights and the blue tooth connection’s a big bonus so you can play any music from iPhone etc.


Ma fille de 5 ans est totalement séduite par ce lecteur. Les couleurs sont superbes. Il fonctionne parfaitement a l'exception du micro quand elle chante trop fort le CD peut sauter mais l'ensemble convient parfaitement. Le son est de bonne qualité et le volume assez élevé. Le bluetooth fonctionne instantanément. A voir sur le long terme

My 5 year old daughter is totally seduced by this player. The colors are superb. It works perfectly except for the microphone when she sings too loud the CD can skip but the whole thing is perfect. The sound is good quality and the volume is quite high. The bluetooth works instantly. To be seen in the long term


Two hours of use only on the CD, but this is hitting the spot for a tiny jam packed kiddo gizmo. Mic is also spot on foe sing along. Bang for buk - this is pretty good quality. Particularly impressive is the use of speakers, they're not too bass heavy and the range is well balanced. I'm very happy. And so is my 5 y-old daughter!

Two hours of use only on the CD, but this is hitting the spot for a tiny jam packed kiddo gizmo. Mic is also spot on foe sing along. Bang for buk - this is pretty good quality. Particularly impressive is the use of speakers, they're not too bass heavy and the range is well balanced. I'm very happy. And so is my 5 y-old daughter!


Equipo de música compacto y ligero, cuenta con una unidad de CD y posibilidad de conectar el pincho USB con mp3. Tiene radio (que no es digital pero tiene buena recepción) y micrófono para hacer karaoke. Es ideal para niños porque es sencilla de usar y robusta.

Compact and lightweight music system, it has a CD drive and the possibility of connecting a USB stick with MP3. It has a radio (which is not digital but has good reception) and a microphone for karaoke. It is ideal for children because it is easy to use and robust.


Hemos comprado este articúlo para nuestro hijo de 4 años. Funciona perfectamente. El sonido está fenomenal y el micrófono también. El radio tiene función de luz cómo una discoteca pequeña, pero también se puede quitar. Yo recomiendo este artículo.

We bought this item for our 4 year old son. It works perfectly. The sound is fantastic and so is the microphone. The radio has a light function like a mini disco, but it can also be removed. I highly recommend this item.