[Returns: -10%] TBA-928 Record Player

[Returns: -10%] TBA-928 Record Player
- Record Player
- Silver
- Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
- Shipping time: 4 - 6 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
- Ready to ship in 24 hours
- 14 day cooling off period
Condition - like new, with minor signs of wear
Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
Top features
Price cut
Smooth-running belt drive / low flutter
Includes needle
Product description
The Auna TBA-928 is our most cost-effective LP player for your HiFi setup.
This Auna device can be operated either via built-in speakers as a standalone device, or connected to the line input of your HiFi amplifier. The compact design of the turntable allows for installation even in confined spaces, including on a HiFi component tower. The dust cover and needle are included in the low price, making the Auna TBA-928 a comprehensive and affordable option. The Auna TBA-928 is perfect for anyone who is looking for a rugged, portable turntable for occasional use without having to invest a lot of money.Features
- Connections: 1 x 3.5mm headphone jack output, 1 x stereo RCA line output
- 2 speeds: 33 and 45 RPM (revolutions a minute)
- Volume of the unit variable
- Built-in speakers
- Dust cover
- Auto stop on and off
- Power supply: 230V, 50Hz
Dimensions and Technical Details
- 12.2" x 4.7" x 11.4" (31 x 12 x 29 cm)
- Weight: about 2kg
What will be delivered?
- 1 x device
- 1 x Single Adapter
- English manual (other languages: German)
Delivery & shipment
Shipping time: 4 - 6 days
Your order will be delivered to the selected address per order. This address does not have to match the billing address. You can send the orders to your family, friends or office if you are not at home during the day.
Safety and Operating Instructions
Product Safety Information
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
Responsible Person:
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
E-mail address:
I was browsing the internet for a while looking for a budget turntable, good sound and stupidly simple to use. I finally came across this one after looking at many others. Can safely say I made the right choice. Literally plug and play, sturdy design and most important of all, good sound from the in built speakers. Also surprised to find it hasn't skipped at all. Tested on a few albums and absolutely no problems with skipping. Great product for the price. Definitely recommend.
Pour enfin repouvoir écouté le craquement de mes vieux vinyle, un tourne disque génial,.en attendant de pouvoir acheter une platine vinyle haut de gamme le tourne disque fait très bien son travail.
To finally be able to listen to the crackle of my old vinyl again, a great record player. While waiting to be able to buy a high-end vinyl turntable, the record player does its job very well.
Se, come me, amate lo stile anni 80, questo è un bellissimo pezzo di arredo.... il limite è il pre-amplificatore. Spara tantissimo gli alti e cancella totalmente i bassi. La cosa si può parzialmente risolvere avendo un equalizzatore grafico ma senza è un mezzo disastro.
If, like me, you love the 80's style, this is a beautiful piece of furniture.... the limit is the pre-amplifier. It shoots a lot of highs and totally cancels the lows. The thing can be partially solved by having a graphic equalizer but without it is a half disaster.
Ce tourne disques est formidable. Il fonctionne bien, il est esthétique, peu encombrant. Je suis vraiment contente.
This record player is great. It works well, it looks good, it takes up little space. I'm really happy.
Entgegen aller Negativbewertungen habe ich mir diesen Plattenspieler bestellt und wurde sehr positiv überrascht: Er ist verhältnismäßig klein, aber optisch sehr schön. Die Bedienung ist (auch ohne Anleitung) super einfach, ohne irgendwelchen elektronischen Schnickschnack. Die Tonqualität ist gut. Ich bin total happy, hatte noch sehr schöne alte LPs von DDR-Zeiten, die ich jetzt mit großer Freude wieder hören kann.
Contrary to all the negative reviews, I ordered this turntable and was very pleasantly surprised: It is relatively small, but looks very nice. The operation is (even without instructions) super easy, without any electronic frills. The sound quality is good. I'm totally happy, I still had very nice old LPs from the GDR era, which I can now listen to again with great pleasure.
Expérience unique de retourner dans le siècle passé, de prendre le temps, de toucher le disque, regarder la pochette, .....
Unique experience of going back to the last century, taking the time, touching the record, looking at the cover, .....
Prodotto ottimo, suono buono. Consigliato.
Great product, good sound. Recommended.
Prodotto ottimo
Excellent product
Wurde schnell und ordentlich geliefert. Klangqualität ist gut da intergrierte Lautsprecher vorhanden. Spielt die Platten so ab wie es sein soll. Habe es meinem Papa zu Weihnachten geschenkt damit er seine alten Platten wieder anhören kann.
Was delivered quickly and neatly. Sound quality is good because of the built-in speakers. Plays the records as it should be. I gave it to my dad for Christmas so he can listen to his old records again.
Für mein kleines Zimmer ist das Gerät genau richtig, "alte Schallplatten" wecken wieder Erinnerungen und gerade in der Adventszeit höre ich wieder schöne weihnachtliche Kinderlieder. Ich habe eine gute Wahl getroffen, es muss kein teures Gerät sein. Frohe Weihnachten und alles Gute für 2022, Gesund bleiben!!!
The device is just right for my small room, "old records" bring back memories and especially in the Advent season I hear beautiful Christmas children's songs again. I made a good choice, it doesn't have to be an expensive device. Merry Christmas and all the best for 2022, stay healthy!!!
Ich habe den Schallplattenspieler für meinen 6 jährigen besten Freund als Einstiegsmodel gekauft. Beim Probehören war ich sofort positiv überrascht. Klar, man kann keinen glasklaren Hifi Sound erwarten, aber das Gerät tut was es soll. Einfache Handhabung und nimmt wenig Platz weg. Ich habe vor 40 Jahren nicht so komfortabel gestartet. Bin echt bisher positiv überrascht
I bought the record player for my 6 year old best friend as an entry level model. When I listened to it, I was immediately pleasantly surprised. Sure, you can't expect a crystal-clear hi-fi sound, but the device does what it's supposed to do. Easy to use and takes up little space. I didn't start that comfortably 40 years ago. I'm really positively surprised so far
Also der Artikel ist ganz i.O zumindest für diesen Preis. Ich werde ihn behalten, aber das nächste mal kaufe ich einen hochwertigereren. Die internen Lautsprecher sind eigentlich kaum zu gebrauchen, aber ok. Wenn man externe anschließt ist es i.O. man sollte dann aber den Ton am Platzenspieler ganz leise drehen und nur über den Verstärker laufen lassen. Boxen ohne Verstärker bringen nichts, das hört sich nicht an. Dann lieber weiter ohne. Mit 180gr Platten hat er echt Probleme, dann knarzt der Motor unnormal. Das stört schon besonders bei Songs von Monk oder dergleichen. Fazit: Für das Geld i.O, kann man kaufen, aber man sollte nicht zu viel erwarten. Ist ein Haufen Plastik mit Tonnadel und Riehmenantrieb. Dafür 45U fähig und 2 Jahre Garantie. Grüße
So the article is quite OK, at least for this price. I'll keep it, but next time I'll buy a better quality one. The internal speakers are actually hardly usable, but ok. If you connect external ones, it's OK, but you should then turn the sound on the space player very quietly and only let it run through the amplifier. Boxes without an amplifier are useless, it doesn't sound like it. Then rather continue without. He has real problems with 180gr plates, then the motor creaks abnormally. This is particularly annoying with songs by Monk or the like. Conclusion: OK for the money, you can buy it, but you shouldn't expect too much. It's a bunch of plastic with a stylus and a belt drive. But 45U capable and 2 years guarantee. Greetings
War ein Geschenk für eine junge Frau. Eignet sich um gemütlich Musik zu hören. Bei etwas lautete Zimmerlautstärke durch Kinder oder Tiere, eingebauter Lautsprecher etwas leise da er dann an Tonqualität verliert.
Was a present for a young woman. Suitable for listening to music comfortably. With something loud room volume by children or animals, built-in speaker a bit quiet because it then loses sound quality.
fonctionne tres bien avec l'ampli de la chaine suis satisfaite
works very well with the amplifier of the chain, I am satisfied
Tonqualität für den Preis super. Zum verschenken zu billig.
Sound quality great for the price. Too cheap to give away.
L'articolo è corrispondente alla descrizione del venditore.Arrivato nei tempi previsti. Per la cifra spesa sono molto soddisfatto dell'acquisto. Piccolo e maneggevole,perfetto per ascoltare vinili senza troppe pretese.
The item corresponds to the seller's description. Arrived on time. For the amount spent I am very satisfied with the purchase. Small and handy, perfect for listening to vinyl without too many pretensions.
Für den Preis super. Guter Ton außer dass die Geräusche des Plattenspielers ein wenig laut sind.
Great for the price. Good sound except the turntable sounds are a little loud.
Ha llegado muy rápido y funciona muy bien.
It arrived very quickly and works very well.
Rapporto qualità prezzo, non sono tecnico per valutare obiettivamente le prestazioni elettroniche, ma a sensazione è un bel regalo ai figli per iniziare a riassaporare il gusto del vinile
Value for money, I'm not a technician to objectively evaluate the electronic performance, but I feel like it's a nice gift for children to start enjoying the taste of vinyl again
Estetica bellissima. Buona qualità del suono. Rapporto qualità-prezzo ottimo. Super consigliato.
Beautiful aesthetics. Good sound quality. Excellent value for money. Highly recommended.
Envoi rapide sans suremballage donc on sait ce que le colis contient. Cette platine vinyle fait le job, pour un prix imbattable. La qualité sonore peut être améliorée en la branchant sur des enceintes via à un câble RCA. Je suis satisfaite de mon achat et recommande ce vendeur sérieux.
Fast shipping without overpackaging so we know what the package contains. This turntable does the job, for an unbeatable price. The sound quality can be improved by connecting it to speakers via an RCA cable. I am satisfied with my purchase and recommend this serious seller.
Ottimo prodotto che mi fa ascoltare i miei vecchi Vinile con grande qualità di suono. Design bello , piccole dimensioni a prezzo molto conveniente. Lo consiglio per chi non desidera la tecnologia molto sofisticata .
Great product that lets me listen to my old Vinyl with great sound quality. Beautiful design, small size at a very affordable price. I recommend it for those who do not want very sophisticated technology.
bello secondo le aspettative facile da usare consegna veloce
nice as expected easy to use fast delivery
Das Gerät sieht nicht nur gut aus, es funktioniert auch ausgezeichnet. Daß die Bässe nicht so stark sind ist verständlich, für wenig Geld kann man nicht alles haben aber man hat genug. Keine Motor-/Antriebsgeräusche, die Drehgeschwindigkeiten sind konstant. Lautstärke läßt sich gut regeln, kein Übersteuern. Gute Verarbeitung des Gehäuses, Deckel kann geschlossen werden bei großen Platten. Insgesamt fast sehr gut
The device not only looks good, it also works excellently. It's understandable that the basses aren't that strong, you can't have everything for little money, but you have enough. No engine/drive noise, the rotation speeds are constant. Volume can be regulated well, no clipping. Good workmanship of the housing, lid can be closed with large plates. Overall almost very good
Also ehrlich! An all die, die schlechte Bewertungen zu diesem Produkt abgegeben haben: Was erwartet ihr für 32€??? Ich habe den Plattenspieler gekauft weil wir noch alte Singles rumliegen haben und wir „dieses“ Knistern wieder hören wollten. Irgendwie als Erinnerung an früher...... Es gibt immer noch so viele Schallplatten aus den 70/80ern billig zu kaufen. Ausserdem wollten wir den Kindern zeigen wie wir früher Musik gehört haben! Dabei ist mir die Tonqualität nicht so wichtig! Wenn man mal dran denkt, wieviel so ein Gerät vor 40 Jahren gekostet hätte! Ausserdem gefiel uns der Gedanke an Weihnachten alte LP‘s abzuspielen..... auch hier ist die Tonqualität nicht so wichtig für uns-welche ja im Übrigen eh nicht wirklich als schlecht zu bezeichnen ist! Ich schreibe nicht oft Rezensionen aber dieses Gerät hat eine (positive) verdient! Lieferung und Verpackung top! Inkl. Konformitätserklärung und Beschreibung! PS: Wenn der Tonabnehmer in vielleicht 2 Jahren hinüber ist, kauf ich mir keinen Tonabnehmer.... Dann gibts ein neues Gerät! Da das alte in einem deutschen Wertstoffhof entsorgt werden wird, mach ich mir wegen Plastikmüll in den Meeren (zumindest durch mich verursacht) auch keine Gedanken!
So honestly! To all those who gave bad ratings to this product: what do you expect for 32€??? I bought the record player because we still have old singles lying around and we wanted to hear "that" crackle again. Somehow as a reminder of the past...... There are still so many records from the 70's/80's to buy cheaply. We also wanted to show the children how we used to listen to music! The sound quality is not so important to me! When you think about how much such a device would have cost 40 years ago! We also liked the idea of playing old LP's at Christmas..... here too the sound quality isn't that important to us - which, by the way, can't really be described as bad anyway! I don't often write reviews, but this product deserves a (positive) one! Delivery and packaging great! Including declaration of conformity and description! PS: If the pickup is gone in maybe 2 years, I won't buy a pickup... Then there's a new device! Since the old one will be disposed of in a German recycling center, I don't worry about plastic waste in the seas (at least caused by me)!
Ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo. Per chi si approccia al vinile è basic e di facile utilizzo. E anche il suono è pulito. Per me un ottimo acquisto
Excellent value for money. For those who are new to vinyl, it is basic and easy to use. And the sound is also clean. For me, an excellent purchase
Je suis très contente de ce produit Je peux réécouter mes vinyles Bien adapté pour moi Facile d'utilisation le son est bon
I am very happy with this product I can listen to my vinyls again Well suited for me Easy to use the sound is good
Offert en cadeau pour la fête des pères, mon père s'est éclaté avec! Un vrai plaisir de resortir ses disques (33 et 45). Le son est franchement sympa et suffisant pour les nostalgiques comme lui! (Et très simple d'utilisation, il n'y a que deux boutons, c'est parfait). Se referme pour ne pas prendre la poussière.
Given as a gift for Father's Day, my father had a blast with it! A real pleasure to take out his records (33 and 45). The sound is really nice and sufficient for nostalgic people like him! (And very easy to use, there are only two buttons, it's perfect). Closes so it doesn't get dusty.
Esta my bien, se escucha y funciona muy bien, no tiene muchisimo volumen pero esta muy bien. lo uso mucho
It's very good, it sounds and works very well, it doesn't have much volume but it's very good. I use it a lot.
Klar, für diesen Preis kann man nicht allzu viel Qualität erwarten. Aber nach meinem ersten Eindruck läuft er zuverlässig und der Klang ist ok. Selbst die integrierten Boxen sind im Verhältnis zu Preis und Größe ok, es wird nur nicht allzu laut. Dadurch, dass der Plattenspieler so kompakt ist, passt er auch leichter ins Regal. Alles in allem würde ich diesen Plattenspieler sozusagen als "Einsteigermodell" empfehlen - wer seine Liebe zu Platten entdeckt, wird früher oder später aber wohl doch auf ein gehobeneres Modell umsteigen.
Sure, you can't expect too much quality for this price. But according to my first impression, it runs reliably and the sound is ok. Even the integrated speakers are ok in relation to the price and size, it just doesn't get too loud. Because the turntable is so compact, it also fits more easily on the shelf. All in all, I would recommend this record player as a "beginner's model", so to speak - but if you discover your love for records, you will probably switch to a more sophisticated model sooner or later.
C'est un tourne disque simple à utiliser , je l'ai depuis quelques mois, le son est bon, je n'ai pas eu des soucis jusqu’à maintenant. Je suis très contente de mon achat. Si vous cherchez un tourne disque affordable mais qui fonctionne bien aussi c’est sûr que c’est une bonne investissement. En tout cas ça l’est pour moi.
This is a simple turntable to use, I've had it for a few months, the sound is good, I haven't had any problems so far. I'm very happy with my purchase. If you're looking for an affordable turntable that also works well, this is definitely a good investment. At least it is for me.
'Muttern' wollte wieder einen Plattenspieler haben. Als jahrzehntelanger Verfechter von Hifi-Einzelbausteinen kam eigentlich kein Kompaktgerät in Frage. Allerdings werden die alten 'Player' von damals (mein geliebter Dual mit Direktantrieb) nicht mehr hergestellt; die meisten ehemaligen Top-Marken existieren nicht mehr oder wurden aufgekauft. Ich habe viele Geräte verglichen und oft ganz schnell wieder verworfen: die Kombination Plattenspieler, Vollverstärker, externe Boxen wäre in der Bedienung einfach zu kompliziert gewesen! Und da meine Mutter nun mal keine Hifi-Enthusiastin ist, habe ich den Auna einfach mal bestellt – wenn das Gerät nichts gewesen wäre, hätte ich ihn direkt zurück gegeben. Und was soll ich sagen: der Klang ist sicher nicht überragend; die Verarbeitung könnte besser sein aber Muttern ist einfach glücklich mit dem Gerät! Für den Preis kann ich nicht meckern!
'Nuts' wanted to have a turntable again. As an advocate of individual hi-fi components for decades, there was actually no question of a compact device. However, the old 'players' from back then (my beloved direct drive dual) are no longer made; most of the former top brands no longer exist or have been bought out. I compared many devices and often quickly discarded them again: the combination of turntable, integrated amplifier, external boxes would have been simply too complicated to operate! And since my mother is not a hi-fi enthusiast, I simply ordered the Auna - if the device hadn't been anything, I would have returned it straight away. And what can I say: the sound is certainly not outstanding; the workmanship could be better but mother is just happy with the device! For the price I can't complain!
Honnêtement, pour à peine 50 euros, je pense qu'on ne peut pas trouver mieux sur le marché. Très simple d'utilisation même pour les néophytes, léger et facile à transporter, de plus même le son des enceintes intégrées est étonnamment de qualité ; c'est sur ce dernier point que se portait ma crainte principale. En revanche, bien entendu, ne vous attendez pas pour le prix à une vraie chaîne hi-fi avec un son démentiel : il s'agit d'une platine d'entrée de gamme qui fait très bien le boulot qu'on lui demande. Pour un appartement de taille raisonnable, c'est parfait. Si vous habitez une grande maison et que vous souhaitez entendre votre musique à l'autre bout, évidemment il faudra investir dans des enceintes supplémentaires. Petite réserve : je ne connais pas la référence du saphir... donc je ne sais pas comment le changer quand celui-ci sera usé.
Honestly, for just 50 euros, I don't think you can find better on the market. Very easy to use even for beginners, light and easy to carry, plus even the sound of the built-in speakers is surprisingly good quality; this is where my main fear lay. On the other hand, of course, don't expect a real hi-fi system with amazing sound for the price: this is an entry-level turntable that does the job asked of it very well. For a reasonably sized apartment, it's perfect. If you live in a large house and want to hear your music at the other end, you'll obviously have to invest in additional speakers. Small reservation: I don't know the reference of the sapphire... so I don't know how to change it when it's worn out.
offert a mon fils pour ses 20 ans rien a dire sauf qu il a adore . sa ligne est jolie et le son merveilleux j ai pris en compte l avis des internautes et cela a été formidable j ai également achete plusieurs vinyls ils sont parfaits et surtout arrives a temps merci encore ce tourne disques est genial
offered to my son for his 20th birthday nothing to say except that he loved it. its line is pretty and the sound wonderful I took into account the opinion of Internet users and it was great I also bought several vinyls they are perfect and above all arrived on time thank you again this record player is great
Pour écouter les vieux vinyles ou même les récents. Ce n'est pas un truc qui pète mais il fait son boulot, voilà plus d' un an que je l'ai et rien à dire! Qu'il n'y ait pas de saphir en plus n'est pas gênant(toujours le même un an après !). Bon rapport qualité prix. !je recommande ce produit pour vos vinyles 33 et 45 tours !
To listen to old vinyls or even recent ones. It's not something that rocks but it does its job, I've had it for over a year and nothing to say! The fact that there is no sapphire in addition is not annoying (still the same one year later!). Good value for money. !I recommend this product for your 33 and 45 rpm vinyls!
Bellissimo Giradischi della Auna, che la nostra amica della Electronic-star ci ha inviato. Questo arriva ben impacchettato in uno scatolo di cartone e due sostegni in polistirolo che lo proteggono dagli urti e in dotazione troveremo anche il manuale d’uso in lingua inglese. DESCRIZIONE Ha un design elegante e sobrio, presenta una base cromata, dove troveremo la rotella per l’accensione e volume a destra e a sinistra l’entrata Aux nel caso volessimo ascoltare musica con le cuffie, oppure potremmo collegare un trasmettitore bluetooth e associare le cuffie Wireless. Dalla parte di dietro, invece, vi sono le specifiche porte per poter collegare un amplificatore esterno. La parte superiore del giradischi è tutta nera ed è munita di coperchio color fumo realizzato in plastica trasparente, è dotato di braccetto con la puntina già inclusa e l’adattatore per poter riprodurre anche i 45 giri, infatti vi sarà una sorta di interruttore che ci consentirà di scegliere la modalità di riproduzione e quindi se 33 o 45 giri. Sotto questa vi è un altro interruttore per l’esecuzione automatica (ON/Off). FUNZIONALITA’ La particolarità di questo giradischi sta nel fatto che ha già le casse integrate, pertanto dovremmo soltanto posizionare il disco e non appena alzeremo il braccetto, questo inizierà a girare (se abbiamo impostato automatico) e potremmo delicatamente posizionare l’aghetto all’inizio del disco. L’audio è buono, naturalmente non essendoci casse esterne non si sente altissimo, però in una stanza ampia e con il volume alto si sente benissimo, sembra davvero di ritornare indietro nel tempo e sentire quell’audio di una volta. CONCLUSIONI Esteticamente lo trovo moderno ed adattabile in qualsiasi ambiente, sia moderno che classico. L’audio è buono e non presenta interferenze, certo questo dipende soprattutto dalla qualità del disco e se sia o no rigato. Penso che il rapporto qualità-prezzo sia davvero buono e pertanto lo promuoviamo.
Beautiful turntable from Auna, which our friend from Electronic-star sent us. This arrives well packaged in a cardboard box and two polystyrene supports that protect it from shocks and we will also find the English-language user manual supplied. DESCRIPTION It has an elegant and sober design, it has a chromed base, where we will find the wheel for power on and volume on the right and left the Aux input in case we want to listen to music with headphones, or we could connect a bluetooth transmitter and pair the headphones Wireless. On the back side, however, there are the specific ports to be able to connect an external amplifier. The upper part of the turntable is all black and is equipped with a smoke-colored lid made of transparent plastic, it is equipped with an arm with the stylus already included and the adapter to be able to play even 45 rpm, in fact there will be a sort of switch that will allow you to choose the playback mode and therefore whether 33 or 45 rpm. Below this is another switch for Auto Run (ON/Off). FUNCTIONALITY The peculiarity of this turntable lies in the fact that it already has the integrated speakers, therefore we should only position the record and as soon as we raise the arm, it will start to rotate (if we have set automatic) and we could delicately position the needle at the beginning of the disk. The audio is good, of course as there are no external speakers it doesn't feel very loud, but in a large room and with the volume high it feels great, it really seems to go back in time and hear that audio of once. CONCLUSIONS Aesthetically I find it modern and adaptable to any environment, both modern and classic. The audio is good and has no interference, of course this depends above all on the quality of the disc and whether or not it is scratched. I think the value for money is really good and therefore we promote it.
Negli ultimi anni i dischi in vinile sono nuovamente tornati di moda e con loro i giradischi, sarà per la riscoperta del vintage, ma io ne sono più che lieta: sono nata e cresciuta in un’epoca in cui si ascoltavano i dischi 33 e 45 giri e non sono mai riuscita ad apprezzare la riproduzione fredda e asettica dei CD. Ora che il giradischi Auna TBA-928 con casse integrate è in mio possesso, posso riprendere ad ascoltare i tanti dischi che ho conservato gelosamente, e la collezione di opere liriche in LP che tanto mi era mancata. Il giradischi Auna TBA-928 è estremamente compatto e può essere sovrapposto a un sistema Hi-Fi a torre per completarne e implementarne l’utilizzo. E’ dotato di coperchio antipolvere removibile e i colori principali sono nero e alluminio, molto moderni ma in grado di integrarsi perfettamente a uno stile di arredo più classico. Le casse integrate si trovano ai lati e hanno una qualità di riproduzione soddisfacente, ma per ottenere il massimo vi consiglio di collegare un amplificatore esterno, più performante. Volendo è anche possibile utilizzare delle cuffie, abitudine che non ho mai avuto, quindi non saprei dire come è la qualità audio via cuffie. La potenza audio si può regolare tramite la manopola in metallo cromato presente sul lato frontale del giradischi. Il giradischi riproduce dischi 45 giri o 33 giri, si può impostare la scelta mediante la leva presente a lato dell’asta che regge la puntina, e di fianco c’è anche il tasto ON/OFF. Una volta acceso, il giradischi Auna TBA-928 ha un sistema di trazione continua a cinghia molto silenzioso che non disturba affatto la riproduzione del disco scelto. Inoltre la puntina è inclusa, quindi il giradischi è subito pronto all’uso. Vi consiglio questo giradischi per due semplici motivi: è economico e completo rispetto a molti prodotti della stessa gamma, e l’uso è semplice e intuitivo.
In recent years, vinyl records have come back into fashion again and with them turntables, it will be for the rediscovery of vintage, but I'm more than happy: I was born and raised in an era where 33 and 45 records were listened to spins and I have never been able to appreciate the cold and aseptic reproduction of CDs. Now that the Auna TBA-928 turntable with built-in speakers is in my possession, I can go back to listening to the many records that I have jealously kept, and the collection of lyrical works on LPs that I had missed so much. The auna TBA-928 turntable is extremely compact and can be superimposed on a tower Hi-Fi system to complement and implement its use. It is equipped with a removable dust cover and the main colors are black and aluminium, very modern but able to integrate perfectly with a more classic style of furniture. The built-in speakers are located on the sides and have a satisfactory reproduction quality, but to get the most out of it I recommend connecting a more powerful external amplifier. If you want, you can also use headphones, a habit I've never had, so I can't say how the audio quality via headphones is. The audio power can be adjusted using the chromed metal knob on the front of the turntable. The turntable plays 45 rpm or 33 rpm records, the choice can be set using the lever on the side of the rod that holds the stylus, and next to it there is also the ON / OFF button. Once switched on, the auna TBA-928 turntable has a very silent continuous belt drive system which does not disturb the playback of the selected disc at all. The stylus is also included, so the turntable is ready to use right away. I recommend this turntable for two simple reasons: it's cheap and complete compared to many products in the same range, and it's simple and intuitive to use.
Super sprzęt za niewiarygodnie niską cenę! Od razu, gdy przeszedł odpaliłam płyty, choć nieobyło się bez lekkiego stresu, bowiem myślałam, że jest zepsuty - po włożeniu wtyczki do kontaktu, dioda się nie zapalała. Dla niewtajemniczonych - należy przekręcić gałkę odpowiadającą za głośność, aby go włączyć :) Polecam!
Great equipment for an unbelievably low price! As soon as it passed, I started the discs, although it was not without a slight stress, because I thought it was broken - after inserting the plug into the socket, the LED did not light up. For the uninitiated - turn the volume knob to turn it on :) I recommend it!
Produit assez élémentaire mais qui correspond à nos attentes. simple peu encombrant et bon marché. La qualité sonore est assez limitée mais il dispose de connecteurs pour passer sur un ampli externe
Fairly basic product but meets our expectations. Simple, space-saving and inexpensive. The sound quality is quite limited but it has connectors to connect to an external amp
J'ai choisi cet article car j'avais des disques vinyles à écouter mais je n'avais pas l'appareil nécessaire, d'ou la raison de cet achat. Cet article est parfait ; le son est de très bonne qualité, toutes les fonctions de l'appareil sont opérationnelles, aucun défaut quelconque à signaler, le prix est plutot attractif, bref, c'est une bonne affaire. Je le recommande à tous ceux qui souhaiteraient écouter leurs artistes préférés sur vinyle et qui aiment le genre rétro.
I chose this item because I had vinyl records to listen to but I didn't have the necessary device, hence the reason for this purchase. This item is perfect; the sound is of very good quality, all the functions of the device are operational, no defects whatsoever to report, the price is rather attractive, in short, it's a good deal. I recommend it to anyone who would like to listen to their favorite artists on vinyl and who likes the retro genre.
Estupendo tocadiscos con una excelente calidad de sonido, el diseño es elegante, bonito y discreto, lo puedes poner en cualquier sitio ya que ocupa poco espacio y apenas pesa. La calidad de los materiales se ve muy buena y es muy sencillo de usar, tiene un boton de on,off que es por si quieres encender o apagar el apagado automatico y dos velocidades, la normal y la rapida. Ademas tiene una tapa que es muy util para que no entre el polvo y se mantenga bien cerradito cuando no lo estas usando. Tiene salida para auriculares cosa muy buena para escuchar por ejemplo por la noche sin molestar a nadie y disfrutar de una buena musica. Me encanta que con este aparato tienes lo mejor de las nuevas tecnologias gracias a su diseño y facilidad de uso y lo mejor de la originalidad de escuchar la musica en un disco de vinilo, cosa que te traslada a otros años, ademas de que puedes rescatar tus discos del armario, sacudirles el polvo y volver a vivir esos momentos!! Sinceramente a mi me encanta por el ambiente que crea en casa. Tiene 2 altavoces integrados, uno a cada lado y bastante volumen. Funciona perfecto y su relacion calidad precio es realmente para tener en cuenta. 100% recomendado.
Great turntable with excellent sound quality, the design is elegant, beautiful and discreet, you can put it anywhere as it takes up little space and hardly weighs. The quality of the materials looks very good and it is very easy to use, it has an on/off button that is in case you want to turn the automatic shutdown on or off and two speeds, normal and fast. It also has a lid that is very useful so that dust does not enter and it remains well closed when you are not using it. It has a headphone output, which is very good to listen to, for example, at night without disturbing anyone and enjoy good music. I love that with this device you have the best of new technologies thanks to its design and ease of use and the best of the originality of listening to music on a vinyl record, which takes you back to other years, plus you can rescue your records from the closet, dust them off and relive those moments!! Honestly, I love it for the atmosphere it creates at home. It has 2 built-in speakers, one on each side and quite loud. It works perfect and its value for money is really worth considering. 100% recommended.
Cumple perfectamente con las expectativas marcadas. El altavoz no proporciona mucho volumen, aunque si suficiente, y puede además conectarse a altavoces externos
It perfectly meets the expectations set. The speaker does not provide much volume, although it is sufficient, and can also be connected to external speakers.
Era para un regalo y puedo decir que ha sido totalmente acertado. Funciona muy bien, su tamaño reducido lo hace muy cómodo, y el sonido es bastante aceptable sin altavoces externos. Recomiendo su compra.
It was a gift and I can say that it was a perfect choice. It works very well, its small size makes it very comfortable, and the sound is quite acceptable without external speakers. I recommend buying it.
Ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo, tempi rispettati e serietà nella comunicazione. Pienamente soddisfatto dell'acquisto
Excellent value for money, respected deadlines and seriousness in communication. Fully satisfied with the purchase
Cumple. Para el precio que tiene cumple de sobra para el uso que se le va a dar. Si quieres mas calidad de sonido se enchufan unos altavoces y listo.
It does the job. For the price it is more than adequate for the use it will be given. If you want better sound quality, just plug in some speakers and you're good to go.
Livraison plus rapide que prevue par le vendeur, tant mieux. L'article est conforme à l'annonce, l'emballage est tout à fait correct. il faut tenir compte du prix d'achat, le rapport qualilté prix est très bon, juste une petite faiblesse au niveau des baffles incorporés mais là encore vous en avez pour votre argent. Il manqueun petit Feuillet en français avec le mode d'emploi pour ceux qui n'ont jamais utilisé un "tourne-disque". C'est un vrai voyage dans le temps.
Faster delivery than expected by the seller, so much the better. The item is as advertised, the packaging is quite correct. You have to take into account the purchase price, the quality-price ratio is very good, just a small weakness in the built-in speakers but there again you get what you pay for. It is missing a small leaflet in French with the instructions for those who have never used a "turntable". It is a real journey through time.
X quanto mi riguarda è un buon giradischi attaccato alla home teatre e x detto. Ottimo qualità prezzo
X as far as I'm concerned it's a good turntable attached to the home theater ex said. Excellent price quality
la verdad es que no soy ninguna experta en estos temas pero para tener los altavoces incorporados se oye bastante bien. La estetica un poco plastico pero no esta mal.
The truth is that I am not an expert in these matters, but for having built-in speakers, the sound is pretty good. The aesthetics are a bit plastic, but it's not bad.
Por lo que vale, genial. Los altavoces integrados son un poco flojitos, pero siempre lo puedes conectar a un amplificador.
For what it's worth, it's great. The built-in speakers are a bit weak, but you can always connect it to an amp.
Der Spieler funktioniert und die Lautsprecher sind wirklich verhältnismäßig laut. Die Nadel springt nicht, es sei denn man springt selber im Raum rum. Empfindlich ist sie schon. Passt aber. Der Klang ist in der Tat sehr klar und deutlich, es fehlen aber erwartungsgemäß die Basstöne. Dafür gibt es keinen Punkt Abzug, war zu erwarten. ABER: Ganz Laufstabil ist er nicht, es ist ein leichtes Leiern zu vernehmen. Bei älteren Platten auch ein stärkeres Leiern. Das geht bei anderen Spielern besser. Und der Kopfhörerklang ist furchtbar schrill. Kaum zu ertragen. Auch da fehlen die Höhen. Den kleinen integrierten Boxen verzeiht man das, aber warum kommt über die Kopfhörer kein vernünftiger Klang? Muss ja dann am Tonabnehmer selber liegen. Aber gut: Günstig war's und spielen tut's, und es ist toll dass es so günstig funktionierende Plattenspieler gibt. Der Anti-High-Endklang hat was Nostalgisches, auf das ich steh, also mag ich das Teil auch, und wie gesagt - top Preis-Leistung, wer mehr erwartet ist selber Schuld!
The player works and the speakers are really quite loud. The needle doesn't jump unless you jump around in the room yourself. She's sensitive. But it fits. The sound is indeed very clear and distinct, but lacks bass tones, as expected. No points deducted for that, which was to be expected. BUT: It is not completely stable, you can hear a slight wobbling. With older records also a stronger lyre. It works better with other players. And the headphone sound is terribly shrill. Hard to bear. The highs are missing there too. You can forgive the small built-in speakers, but why isn't there a decent sound coming from the headphones? It must be the pickup itself. But good: It was cheap and it's fun to play, and it's great that there are turntables that work so cheaply. The anti-high end sound has something nostalgic that I like, so I like it too, and as I said - great value for money, if you expect more, it's your own fault!
depuis mon achat il y a quelques mois, je déplore ne pas avoir d'avantage de vinyls dans ma médiathèque perso, je ne sert quasiment plus que de cet appareil. Petit bémol pour le son qui ne pourrait pas porter dans une grande maison, mais possibilité d'installer des amplis.
Since my purchase a few months ago, I regret not having more vinyls in my personal media library, I almost only use this device. Small downside for the sound which could not carry in a large house, but possibility of installing amplifiers.
c'est un appareil qui me convient - simple d'installation et d'utilisation - je vais enfin pouvoir réécouter mes anciens 33 tours - il est peu encombrant puisque les enceintes sont intégrées - d'autre part je ne cherchais pas une qualité de son parfaite je ne suis pas assez experte pour cela. livraison rapide et paquet très bien emballé
This is a device that suits me - easy to install and use - I will finally be able to listen to my old 33 rpm records again - it is not bulky since the speakers are integrated - on the other hand I was not looking for perfect sound quality I am not expert enough for that. fast delivery and very well packaged package
Quest'auna TBA-298 non sarà certamente un prodotto adatto agli audiofili e agli amanti dei giradischi vintage! Ma per chi come me ha necessità molto più semplici e vuole solo riprodurre la vecchia collezione di vinili di famiglia rimasta inutilizzata per anni è un prodotto perfetto! Il rapporto qualità prezzo è eccellente e adesso posso comprarmi anche dei nuovi vinili sapendo che li posso finalmente riprodurre a casa senza aver dovuto spendere un patrimonio! Per le mie esigenze è un ottimo prodotto e sono rimasto molto soddisfatto!
This auna TBA-298 will certainly not be a product for audiophiles and lovers of vintage turntables! But for someone like me who has much simpler needs and just wants to reproduce the old family vinyl collection that hasn't been used for years, it's a perfect product! The value for money is excellent and now I can even buy new vinyl knowing that I can finally reproduce them at home without having to spend a fortune! For my needs it is an excellent product and I was very satisfied!
Ottimo il rapporto qualità-prezzo. La qualità non è eccellente, ma per quello che è il prezzo, direi che è accettabile
Excellent quality-price relation. The quality isn't excellent, but for what the price is, I'd say it's acceptable
A pesar de que en la foto parece poco robusto está muy bien, pesa muy poco y funciona perfectamente. Suena bien y es compacto.
Although it looks a bit flimsy in the photo, it's actually very good, it weighs very little and works perfectly. It sounds good and is compact.
Ich habe den Plattenspieler erworben, weil ich meine alten Schallplatten und Singles hin und wieder einmal abspielen möchte. Für die drei bis fünf Mal pro Jahr braucht man kein qualitativ super gutes Gerät, denn es geht letztlich nur um das "Schwelgen in Erinnerungen". Deshalb suchte ich gezielt nach einem Plattenspieler mit integrierten Lautsprechern für einen akzeptablen, nicht teuren Preis. Der Auna TBA-298 ist für mich daher das ideale Gerät. Bei Bedarf aus dem Schrank herausgeholt, Stecker in die Steckdose und los geht's. Ich habe das Gerät bewusst im Schrank stehen, da mir das Verstaubungsrisiko aufgrund der seitlichen Öffnungen im Deckel zu hoch ist. Klar, bei der Verarbeitung ist überwiegend billigster Kunststoff in einem Guss verwendet worden, aber wen interessiert das, wenn es wirklich nur um das gelegentliche Abspielen von alten Schallplatten geht? Sicherlich fehlt auch die Automatik hinsichtlich des Tonarms, aber mit ein bisschen Fingerspitzengefühl bekommt man das schon hin. Und der Ton... okay, es gibt Besseres, aber man hat auch schon Schlimmeres gehört - wenn man über Kopfhörer hört, ist es in der Tat besser als ohne. Aber auch damit kann man leben. Die Bedienungsanleitung ist sehr dürftig, aber alles was nötig ist, steht drin (die Angaben scheinen sich aber teilweise auf ein Vorgänger-Gerät zu beziehen) - letztlich erklärt sich das Gerät jedoch nahezu von selbst. Leider fehlt eine detaillierte Angabe zur Nadel, damit diese bei Bedarf nachgekauft werden kann - das ist schon ein Manko, vielleicht hat hier jemand schon Erfahrungen gemacht? Fazit: ich schließe mich alles in allem vielen bereits abgegebenen (positiven) Bewertungen an und bezeichne das Gerät als eine günstige, einfach und ohne viel Aufwand zu betreibende Alternative zum Abspielen von Schallplatten in einfachster Ausstattung mit - dem Preis entsprechend - zufriedenstellendem Klang.
I bought the turntable because I want to play my old records and singles every once in a while. You don't need a high-quality device for three to five times a year, because in the end it's all about "reminiscing". That's why I was specifically looking for a turntable with integrated speakers for an acceptable, not expensive price. The Auna TBA-298 is therefore the ideal device for me. Take it out of the cupboard if necessary, plug it into the socket and off you go. I deliberately left the device in the closet because the risk of dust getting into it is too high for me due to the side openings in the lid. Of course, the cheapest plastic was used in one piece for the most part, but who cares if it's really just about playing old records occasionally? Certainly, the automatic system is also missing with regard to the tonearm, but with a bit of instinct you can do it. And the sound... okay, there's better, but we've heard worse - if you're listening with headphones, it's actually better than without. But you can live with that too. The operating instructions are very poor, but everything that is necessary is in there (the information seems to refer in part to a previous device) - in the end, however, the device is almost self-explanatory. Unfortunately, there is no detailed information on the needle so that this can be bought later if necessary - that's a shortcoming, maybe someone here has already had experience? Conclusion: all in all, I agree with many of the (positive) reviews that have already been given and describe the device as a cheap, simple and easy-to-use alternative to playing records in the simplest configuration with - for the price - satisfactory sound.
Je cherchais une platine disque simple pour (ré)écouter mes vieux vinyls. Je voulais seulement la platine disque. Après avoir prospecté en magasin, sans résultat, je me suis tournée vers internet. Aux vues des critiques, je me suis décidée pour cette platine et je n'ai aucun regret. Le son est correct et le fonctionnement est facile. Seul bémol: pour les 45 tours il ne faut pas mettre l'auto stop sur on, sinon le disque s'arrête avant la fin. La livraison a été rapide: commande passée le dimanche soir, livraison le mercredi. Produit conseillé.
I was looking for a simple turntable to (re)listen to my old vinyls. I only wanted the turntable. After looking in stores, without result, I turned to the internet. In view of the reviews, I decided on this turntable and I have no regrets. The sound is correct and the operation is easy. The only downside: for 45 rpm records you must not put the auto stop on, otherwise the record stops before the end. Delivery was fast: order placed on Sunday evening, delivery on Wednesday. Recommended product.
Estoy contento de la compra. Cumple con la información proporcionada por Amazon. Se pueden digitalizar fácilmente los discos de vinilo
I am happy with the purchase. It complies with the information provided by Amazon. Vinyl records can be easily digitized.
Hallo, ich habe den Plattenspieler heute bekommen und wollte ihn an mein Surround System mit diesem Kabel verbinden --> 10m 10 m Stereo Chinch Cinch Cynch Anschlusskabel Anschluss Kabel 2x Stecker auf 2x Stecker 10,0m 10.0m 10,0 10.0 m Doch das Problem das ich jetzt habe ist das ich zwar über die Anlage Sound habe aber auch am Plattenspieler - ist es nicht möglich den Ton nur über die Anlage wiederzugeben? Was fehlt mir bzw. was habe ich falsch gemacht? Oder ist doch das Gerät defekt? Der erste Eindruck war äußerst positiv das Gerät ist wirklich schön verarbeitet und macht einen guten Eindruck...hätte ich das Sound Problem nicht :(! Ich hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen! Danke! lg Stefan :)
Hello, I got the record player today and wanted to connect it to my surround system with this cable --> 10m 10m stereo cinch cinch cynch connection cable connection cable 2x plug to 2x plug 10.0m 10.0m 10.0 10.0 m But the problem What I have now is that I have sound via the system but also on the record player - is it not possible to play the sound only via the system? What am I missing or what have I done wrong? Or is the device defective? The first impression was extremely positive, the device is really well made and makes a good impression...I wouldn't have the sound problem :(! I hope you can help me! Thank you! LG Stefan :)
Zakupilam w ubieglym tygodniu, poki co sprawdza sie super. Miejmy nadzieje bede dalej zadowolona. Ta klapa moze nie jest najpiekniejsza, ale nei o to chodzi. Pozdrawiam i polecma zakupy w tym sklepie!
I bought it last week and it works great. Hopefully I will continue to be satisfied. This flap may not be the prettiest, but that's not the point. Regards and recommend shopping in this store!
Lo de los altavoces integrados y pasar tus discos al ordenador con ese ruido yo genialgg g g g g g g g g
The thing about the built-in speakers and transferring your discs to the computer with that noise is great.
Nie najkvalitnejsia reprodukcia avsak na bezne pocuvanie vinylu je to perfektne!
Not the highest quality reproduction, but it's perfect for casual listening to vinyl!
Min bror köpte en Auna TBA-298 för ett par veckor sedan, och förväntade sig inget särskilt med tanke på det låga priset, men OJ vad positivt överraskad han blev! Ljudet i de inbyggda högtalarna fungerar över förväntan och varken han eller jag upplever de ""hopp"" vi tidigare märkt hos spelare som inte är betydligt mycket dyrare. Han är så nöjd och jag är så impad, att jag ska beställa en till mig själv nu på en gång :)
My brother bought an Auna TBA-298 a couple of weeks ago, not expecting much considering the low price, but OH how pleasantly surprised he was! The sound in the built-in speakers works as expected and neither he nor I experience the ""hop"" we previously noticed in players that are not significantly more expensive. He is so satisfied and I am so impressed, that I will order one for myself right away :)
Produit vraiment intéressant pour le prix proposé. Il ne faut pas s'attendre à un son extraordinaire mais c'est vraiment correct. Peu encombrant, facilement transportable, choix 33 ou 45 tours. Possibilté de brancher la platine à un ampli pour un meilleur son. Cadeau qui a fait un très heureux !
Really interesting product for the price offered. You shouldn't expect an extraordinary sound but it's really correct. Space-saving, easily transportable, choice of 33 or 45 rpm. Possibility of connecting the turntable to an amp for a better sound. Gift that made a very happy person!
Hoy me ha llegado el tocadiscos lo pedi el dia 30,estoy asombrado.....el aparato se oye muy bien,sencillo,practico ocupa poco sitio es bonito,por el precio creo que esta muy bien,ya digo se oye muy bien ,calidad precio esta bien,lo recomiendo
Today the record player arrived, I ordered it on the 30th, I am amazed.....the device sounds very good, simple, practical, takes up little space, is beautiful, for the price I think it is very good, I already said it sounds very good , price quality is good, I recommend it
Tras mucho buscar me he decantado por el Auna y no me arrepiento. 2 agujas de recambio y aceptable rendimiento con los altavoces integrados. Con los auriculares se oye aún mejor. Lo recomendaría sin dudar
After much searching I have opted for the Auna and I do not regret it. 2 spare needles and acceptable performance with the integrated speakers. You hear even better with headphones. I would recommend it without a doubt
j ai offert ce cadeau à ma maman qui devait le recevoir le samedi 4 mai elle l a reçu le jeudi après midi ravie de son cadeau . pour moi le seul bémol pas eu la référence du saphir pour cette platine sinon comme d habitude je suis ravie d amazon
I gave this gift to my mother who was supposed to receive it on Saturday May 4th, she received it on Thursday afternoon, delighted with her gift. For me the only downside was not having the reference of the sapphire for this turntable otherwise as usual I am delighted with Amazon
Anfangs hatte ich nur einen Plattenspieler für meine Oma gesucht, der leicht zu bedienen ist, einen Lautsprecher gleich mit drin hat und einen ordentlichen Klang erzeugt. Das alles kann der Auna TBA-298 Plattenspieler locker leisten. Positiv überrascht war ich über das robuste Gehäuse und das dennoch sehr hübsche Design. Der Lautsprecher reicht vollkommen aus, einen ganzen Raum zu beschallen. Große Platten stehen bei geschlossenem Deckel zwar ein Stück raus, lassen sich aber dennoch prima so abspielen. Meine Oma ist glücklich und kann sich den Plattenspieler trotz Rente dank des niedrigen Preises locker leisten. Ich würde jedem, der einfach nur einen Plattenspieler zum Hören seiner Platten haben möchte wärmstens empfehlen.
At first I was just looking for a record player for my grandma that was easy to use, had a speaker right in it and produced a decent sound. The Auna TBA-298 turntable can easily do all this. I was positively surprised by the robust housing and the very pretty design. The speaker is perfectly sufficient to fill an entire room with sound. Large discs protrude a bit when the lid is closed, but they can still be played just fine. My grandmother is happy and can easily afford the turntable despite her pension thanks to the low price. I would highly recommend to anyone who just wants a turntable to listen to their records.
Der Plattenspieler ist wirklich ein Musterbeispiel in einfachstem Aufbau. Hinstellen, Stecker rein, Platte rauf, Knopf drehen, Musik los. Chinch-Ausgang ist vorhanden, bei Bedarf kann man den Spieler also auch ans Soundsystem anschließen (für die Kritiken des Klangs). Für uns war der Sound aber völlig i.O. Was mir persönlich gar nicht gefällt und warum ich den Spieler auch zurückgeschickt hätte, wäre es nicht das Weihnachtsgeschenk gewesen und die Zeit zu knapp: Warum der Spieler geöffnet sein muss beim Abspielen (weil die Platte zu groß ist, siehe auch Abbildung), erschließt sich mir nicht. Finde ich hinderlich und man muss die Platten kontinuierlich vor Staub schützen und immer gleich wieder wegräumen. Auch empfiehlt sich Aufkleber zur Dämpfung dort anzubringen, wo der Deckel beim Schließen auf das Gerät trifft. Da muss man schon sehr behutsam sein, dass es nicht knallt. Auf Dauer sicher nicht gut für den Korpus. Auch verfügt der Speiler nicht über eine Hebe-/Senkfunktion des Spielkopfes - auch hier wieder zarte Finger gefragt. Da ist mein 20-Jahre-alter Dual-Player ja fortschrittlicher. Dafür alles in allem 2 Sterne Abzug; drei sind aufgrund des Restes ok. Für den Preis würde ich mir dann aber nächstes Mal doch ein anderes Gerät aussuchen, der große "Made in China"-Aufkleber auf der Rückseite hält dann leider doch seine Erwartungen.
The turntable is really a prime example of the simplest construction. Put it down, plug it in, put the record on, turn the knob, and the music starts. There is a cinch output, so if necessary you can also connect the player to the sound system (for the reviews of the sound). For us, however, the sound was completely OK. What I personally don't like at all and why I would have sent the player back if it hadn't been for the Christmas present and time was too short: why the player has to be open when playing (because the record is too big , see also figure), does not make sense to me. I find it a hindrance and you have to constantly protect the panels from dust and always put them away again. It is also advisable to attach dampening stickers where the lid meets the device when it is closed. You have to be very careful that it doesn't bang. Definitely not good for the body in the long run. The player also does not have a lifting/lowering function for the playing head - tender fingers are required here as well. My 20-year-old dual player is more advanced there. All in all, 2 stars deduction; three are ok based on the rest. For the price, I would choose a different device next time, but unfortunately the large "Made in China" sticker on the back lives up to its expectations.
Ceete platine m'a donné toute satisfaction; tout d'abord une livraison extrêmement rapide alors que le produit vient d'Allemagne; ensuite un rapport qualité prix sans concurrence : une trentaine d'euros port compris. Cette platine est effectivement très compacte; elle peut fonctionner en autonomie avec ses enceintes intégrées ou bien s'intégrer à une chaîne avec les cables de connexion adéquats (non fournis mais se trouvent facilement dans le commerce pour environ 3 à 4 euros). La qualité sonore est très satisfaisante. Seuls bémols : elle est entièrement manuelle, tant pour la mise en marche sur le disque, qu'en fin de piste où elle reste sur le disque; il convient donc d'être délicat pour poser la tête de lecture et pour la lever au risque de l'abîmer ou de rayer le disque. Par ailleurs, je crains que l'on ne puisse changer cette tête de lecture après usure; rien n'est dit sur le mode d'emploi sur ce point.
Ceete turntable gave me complete satisfaction; first of all, extremely fast delivery even though the product comes from Germany; then an unbeatable quality-price ratio: around thirty euros including postage. This turntable is indeed very compact; it can operate autonomously with its integrated speakers or be integrated into a system with the appropriate connection cables (not supplied but can easily be found in stores for around 3 to 4 euros). The sound quality is very satisfactory. The only drawbacks: it is entirely manual, both for starting on the disc and at the end of the track where it remains on the disc; you therefore have to be delicate when placing the reading head and when lifting it at the risk of damaging it or scratching the disc. Furthermore, I fear that this reading head cannot be changed after wear; nothing is said in the instructions on this point.
Ich habe mich für diesen Plattenspieler entschieden, da ich auf der Suche nach einem Gerät mit integrierten Lautsprechern, einfacher Bedienung, gutem Sound und robuster Bauweise war. Nach intensiver Recherche habe ich mich letzten Endes für dieses Modell entschieden. Nachdem ich den Artikel erhalten hatte und ihn das erste Mal testete, war ich mehr als positiv überrascht! Die Qualität ist hervorragend und die Bedienung selbsterklärend. Es gibt lediglich einen kleinen Schalter um die Geschwindigkeit einzustellen mit der die Platte abgespielt werden soll, sowie einen drehbaren Regler über welchen das Gerät einschaltet, wie auch die Lautstärke regelt wird. Besonders hervorzuheben ist die Lautstärke und die Tonqualität des Geräts. Bei voll aufgedrehter Lautstärke reicht diese absolut aus, um einen ganzen Raum damit zu unterhalten, wobei die Tonqualität einwandfrei bleibt. Der Ton klingt weder blechern noch monoton, anstatt dessen werden sowohl die Höhen, wie auch die Tiefen der Musik sehr gut präsentiert. Resultierend bleibt mir nur noch zu sagen, dass jeder, der ein einfach zu bedienendes und preiswertes Gerät sucht ohne Abstriche in punkto Lautstärke und Tonqualität zu machen bestens beraten ist! Daher eine klare Kaufempfehlung!
I chose this turntable because I was looking for a device with integrated speakers, easy operation, good sound and a robust design. After extensive research, I finally decided on this model. After I received the item and tested it for the first time, I was more than pleasantly surprised! The quality is excellent and the operation is self-explanatory. There is only a small switch to set the speed at which the record should be played, and a rotating control which turns the device on as well as controls the volume. The volume and sound quality of the device deserve special mention. At full volume, this is absolutely sufficient to entertain an entire room, while the sound quality remains impeccable. The sound is neither tinny nor monotonous, instead both the highs and the lows of the music are presented very well. As a result, I can only say that anyone who is looking for an easy-to-use and inexpensive device without making compromises in terms of volume and sound quality is well advised! Therefore a clear purchase recommendation!
Habe den Auna TB-298 letztes Jahr gekauft und bin mit dem Preis-Leistungsverhältnis zufrieden. Klar hat er nicht den allerbesten Sound, aber für das spontane hören von LP's reicht es allemal, zumal man für ein besseres Sounderlebnis auch die Sound-Anlage anschliessen kann. Für mich Daumen hoch!
I bought the Auna TB-298 last year and am satisfied with the price-performance ratio. Of course it doesn't have the very best sound, but it's always enough for spontaneous listening to LPs, especially since you can also connect the sound system for a better sound experience. Thumbs up for me!