Linie-300-SW-BK Active Subwoofer

Linie-300-SW-BK Active Subwoofer

209,99 € (incl. VAT)
Included in this price is a contribution to recycling costs of 0.00 EUR
  • Active subwoofer
  • Black Wood
Product number: 10008970
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Top features

  • Active Subwoofer with 25cm (10") woofer and automatic switch

  • Integrated amplifier with option for frequency and phase matching

  • Bass Reflex Frontfire design for powerful bass response

Product description

The Auna Line 300-SW subwoofer is the ideal solution for any home theatre system and theideal complement for bass weak stereo speakers.

The active subwoofer has separate controls for volume, phaseand frequency range which allow you to completely customize the sound to your ownpersonal tastes and the spatial conditions. The 25cm (10") woofer producesmassive bass, low-flying bass spheres and driving rhythms in accordance withthe low-resonance chassis.

The speaker connection terminals connect the signal-chainingwith other surround speakers. Non-slip rubber feet help the Auna sub to stand upstraight even when producing heavy bass resonance.

In order to blend in harmoniously with a variety ofresidential enviroments, the Auna woofer is decorated with an elegant design, ablack body finish and a removable speaker cover.


  • Connections: 1 x stereo RCA line input, 1 x stereo RCA line output, 4 x set of speaker terminals
  • Power: 250W Max, 150W RMS
  • Frequency response: 40Hz adjustable - 180Hz
  • Phase: adjustable 0-180 °
  • Impedance: 8 ohms
  • Volume control
  • Frequency controller
  • Phase switch
  • Auto On / Off Switch
  • Power LED
  • Anti-slip rubber feet
  • On / Off switch on the rear panel
  • Power Supply: AC 230V, 50Hz
Product number: 10008970

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • approx40 x 43 x 30 cm (WxHxD)
  • Weight: about 11.3kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x Device
  • 1 x RCA cable
  • English manual (other languages​​: German)

Delivery & shipment

This item is not in stock and must be reordered.

Your order will be delivered to the selected address per order. This address does not have to match the billing address. You can send the orders to your family, friends or office if you are not at home during the day.

Safety and Operating Instructions

Download user manual

Product Safety Information

Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin

Responsible Person:
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin

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Customer reviews
124 Ratings

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Me gusta el bajo que produce

I like the bass it produces


Prezzo super perfetto!!

Super perfect price!!


Sonido muy bueno para un altavoz central, con muy buenos graves.

Very good sound for a center speaker, with very good bass.


E il top stile anni 80!!! Con il taglio regolabile dei bassi accontenta chiunque! Io lo uso fuori nel podere e si sente a chilometri in tutte le vallate vicine

And the top 80's style!!! With the adjustable bass cut it satisfies everyone! I use it outside on the farm and it can be heard for miles in all the nearby valleys


Difficile trovare a questo prezzo un sub qualitativamente superiore. Buona la qualità sonora, discreta potenza. Personalmente lo ricomprerei

It's hard to find a superior quality sub at this price. Good sound quality, decent power. Personally I would buy it again


Tenía pendientes de cambios con el frontal de mi dispositivo 5.1. No tenía claro si era problema del amplificador o del la calidad del altavoz. Lo cambié por este y la diferencia es abismal. Tiene una definición espectacular. Los diálogos ya no son un problema al ver una película en 5.1

I was looking forward to changes with the front of my 5.1 device. I wasn't sure if it was a problem with the amplifier or the quality of the speaker. I changed it for this one and the difference is abysmal. It has a spectacular definition. Dialogues are no longer a problem when watching a movie in 5.1.


Biggest problem I had was desleeving cables to use in it, Audio sounds great to me

Biggest problem I had was desleeving cables to use in it, Audio sounds great to me


Added dimension to playing music and to movies.

Added dimension to playing music and to movies.


consiglio a chiunque voglia ascoltare un bel basso da camera da letto o da salotto questo articolo.. si mantiene bene negli anni e la potenza rimane come se fosse la prima volta

I recommend this item to anyone who wants to listen to a nice bass for the bedroom or living room. It holds up well over the years and the power remains as if it were the first time


Questo subwoofer ha rispettato tutte le mie aspettative lo trovato molto elegante l'aspetto estetico è funzionale dalle sue funzionalità. Ripeto ha rispettato tutte le mie aspettative

This subwoofer has met all my expectations I found it very elegant the aesthetic aspect is functional from its features. I repeat it has met all my expectations


dopo averlo provato lo restituito perche non adatto alle mie esigenze pensavo meglio, comunque non e male, venditore gentilissimo si e attivato subito per il reso e rimborso veloce

after trying it I returned it because it wasn't suitable for my needs I thought it would be better, however it's not bad, very kind seller and he immediately took action for the return and quick refund


Il prezzo dice già molto, ma sicuramente è tra i migliori nella sua fascia, non ho nulla da dire apparte un piccolo difetto: Quando si alza il volume, nemmeno troppo a volte si sente un sibilio, non è distorsione, è un rumore legato alla struttura come un bullone avvitato male che vibra. Per il resto sono molto soddisfatto. SOSPENSIONE IN GOMMA

The price says a lot, but it is certainly among the best in its range, I have nothing to say except for a small defect: When you turn up the volume, not even too much sometimes you hear a hiss, it is not distortion, it is a noise related to the structure like a badly screwed bolt that vibrates. For the rest I am very satisfied. RUBBER SUSPENSION


Parfait dans notre nouveau système son Dolby Atmos

Perfect in our new Dolby Atmos sound system


Questo subwofer ha una ottima qualità, io l'ho utilizzato con un vecchio impianto stereo ottenendo una qualità di ascolto complessiva eccezzionale. Attenzione al deviatore auto-on-off che inizialmente mi sembrava non funzionare correttamente: in posizione on (subwoofer sempre acceso) non c'è nessuna spia accesa e siccome lo scatto del deviatore si percepisce appena mi sembrava spento. In auto se si ascolta della musica a livello molto basso può capitare che dopo un po' il subwoofer si spenga per riaccendersi solo quando la musica ha un picco. Personalmente preferisco tenere il deviatore su on e accendere l'apparecchio dall'interruttore generale ogni volta. In complesso il rapporto qualità prezzo ha sicuramente superato le mie aspettative.

This subwoofer has excellent quality, I used it with an old stereo system obtaining an exceptional overall listening quality. Be careful with the auto-on-off switch that initially seemed not to work correctly: in the on position (subwoofer always on) there is no light on and since the click of the switch is barely perceptible it seemed off to me. In the car if you listen to music at a very low level it can happen that after a while the subwoofer turns off to turn back on only when the music has a peak. Personally I prefer to keep the switch on and turn the device on from the main switch every time. Overall the quality/price ratio has certainly exceeded my expectations.


Para audiófilos não terão qualidade sonora suficiente. Para pessoas comuns, têm qualidade suficiente e uma excelente relação qualidade/ preço. Permitem também vários tipos de entradas/ saídas, além dos necessários controles de frequência e de fase.

For audiophiles they will not have enough sound quality. For ordinary people, they are of sufficient quality and excellent value for money. They also allow various types of inputs/outputs, in addition to the necessary frequency and phase controls.


I don't no what I expected for the money this cost but I have to say amazing the sound is really clear and if needed can take alot of bass .this has changed my set up for the better very happy

I don't no what I expected for the money this cost but I have to say amazing the sound is really clear and if needed can take alot of bass .this has changed my set up for the better very happy


Ho acquistato per collegarlo amplificatore privo di collegamento uscita sub. Sono rimasto molto deluso per via della morsettiera amp - casse, accetta cavi piccolissimi. Con pochi centesimi di euro in più ( per quello che costano, proveninienza Cina di Tedesco e solo la ditta) potevano mettere morsettiera che accettava connettori a banana. Poi i prodotti danno informazione errate vengono date 2 misure, lunghezza prodotto 17 cm., e poco più sotto lunghezza prodotto 15 cm., quale è quella giusta? Ho scritto per avere chiarimenti, ma la risposta ottenuta " le informazione delle misure, sono riportate sul sito" Aggiornamento, ho eliminato i collegamenti tramite la pessima morsettiera colleganto l'uscita REC dell'amplificatore all'entrata RCA del sub e collegato gli altoparlanti frontali all'amplificatore. Ho duvuto ricambiare collegamento perchè il volume era fisso, casse frontali dall'amplificatore e uniti i cavi al terminale delle casse al sub evitando la sola parte della morsettiera dal sub alle casse. Ho tolto 2 stelle per un fastidioro ticchettio udibile nelle pause da un baano all'altro e nei passaggi dove diminuisce il volume, speriamo che con il tempo va via. Ho fatto diverse prove per eliminare questo fastidioso ticchettio, ho variato il potenziometro del volume che adesso è quasi al massimo (prima era à meta corsa) e magicamente è scomparso. Amento la valutazione perchè da un buon suono si deve ascoltare non vedere le misurazioni (altre recensioni) che non arriva ai 40 Hz o 60 dipende anche dal disco di come è registrato Peccato sempre per la morsettiera Volevo quasi restituirlo restituirlo

I bought to connect an amplifier without a sub output connection. I was very disappointed because of the amp - speaker terminal block, it accepts very small cables. With a few cents more (for what they cost, from China, German and only the company) they could have put a terminal block that accepted banana connectors. Then the products give incorrect information, 2 sizes are given, product length 17 cm., and a little below product length 15 cm., which is the right one? I wrote to have clarifications, but the answer received "the information of the sizes, are reported on the site" Update, I eliminated the connections via the terrible terminal block by connecting the amplifier's REC output to the RCA input of the sub and connected the front speakers to the amplifier. I had to change the connection because the volume was fixed, front speakers from the amplifier and joined the cables to the speaker terminal to the sub avoiding only the part of the terminal block from the sub to the speakers. I removed 2 stars for an annoying ticking audible in the pauses from one bass to the next and in the passages where the volume decreases, hopefully it will go away with time. I did several tests to eliminate this annoying ticking, I changed the volume potentiometer which is now almost at maximum (before it was at halfway) and magically it disappeared. I raise the rating because from a good sound you have to listen not see the measurements (other reviews) that does not reach 40 Hz or 60 also depends on the disk of how it is recorded. Too bad for the terminal board. I almost wanted to return it. return it.


Je n'arrive pas a faire fonctionner deux enceintes non alimentées connectée au caisson de basse AUNA Linie-300-SW-WN Subwoofer Actif , comment proceder ? j'ai essayer de connecter a from amplifier et to speakers aucunes des deux solutions ne fonctionne .

I can't get two unpowered speakers connected to the AUNA Linie-300-SW-WN Active Subwoofer to work, how do I proceed? I tried connecting to from amplifier and to speakers, neither solution works.


Idéal pour home cinema 2 relais entrée-sortie parfait!

Ideal for home cinema 2 relays input-output perfect!


Cumple con todos los requisitos q espera uno de el, un 10

It meets all the requirements that one expects from it, a 10


je les ai retourner car le projet n'a pas abouti , mais du peux que je les ai essayer, j'ai été bluffer par la qualité du son et de fabrication, le son est très équilibrer , vraiment , pour ce prix c'est incroyable , j'ai eu des enceintes a 20x ce prix et franchement la différence est pas énorme au niveau de la qualité du son

I returned them because the project did not come to fruition, but from the little time I tried them, I was amazed by the quality of the sound and manufacturing, the sound is very balanced, really, for this price it's incredible, I had speakers at 20x this price and frankly the difference is not huge in terms of sound quality


Al contrario di alcune recensioni negative,devo dire: spedizione avuta con 2 giorni di anticipo; imballo super accurato,e per ultimo,da oggi che lo provo,resto molto più che contento. Suono avvolgente,se non si regola il volume e la frequenza troppo,si integra benissimo nel mio impianto HI-FI quadrifonico e va a riempire dei giusti bassi alla mia musica. Io lo consiglio! Unica cosa a cui non ho dato peso; volevo collegarlo in bassa potenza,con jack cuffie a due RCA,non va bene,quindi ho optato per l'alta potenza,dovreste ascoltarlo per capire.

Contrary to some negative reviews, I have to say: shipping received 2 days in advance; super careful packaging, and lastly, since today that I try it, I am more than happy. Enveloping sound, if you do not adjust the volume and frequency too much, it integrates very well into my quadraphonic HI-FI system and fills my music with the right bass. I recommend it! The only thing I did not give weight to; I wanted to connect it in low power, with a headphone jack to two RCA, it is not good, so I opted for high power, you should listen to it to understand.


Hatte jetzt nicht viel Hoffnung bei dem Preis, daher habe ich mir das Teil einfach mal bestellt. Aber der Bass ist ganz ordentlich und kommt auch sehr tief rüber. Bin sehr überzeugt von dem Sub und hab ihn auch behalten. Da wackelt die Bude ganz schön.

I didn't have much hope for the price, so I just ordered the part. But the bass is quite decent and also comes across very deep. I'm very impressed with the sub and have kept it. The booth shakes quite a bit.


Für diesen Preis hatte ich eigentlich einen eher durchschnittlichen Subwoofer erwartet, was aber für meine Einsatzzwecke ausreichend gewesen wäre. Doch ich wurde absolut überrascht! Er hat meine Erwartungen weit übertroffen. Kräftiger Bass mit mehr als ausreichender Leistung und einstellbarer Übernahmefrequenz. Da kann mein wesentlich teurerer Subwoofer von Teufel leider nicht mithalten und überlege bereits, diesen durch den "AUNA" zu ersetzen. Aus meiner Sicht gibt es nichts besseres zu diesem Preis...und auch deutlich teurer nicht.

I actually expected a rather average subwoofer for this price, but that would have been sufficient for my purposes. But I was totally surprised! He far exceeded my expectations. Powerful bass with more than adequate power and adjustable crossover frequency. Unfortunately, my much more expensive subwoofer from Teufel cannot keep up and am already considering replacing it with the "AUNA". From my point of view there is nothing better at this price... and not much more expensive either.


Excellent caisson de basses qui nourrit parfaitement le volume d'espace (salon 35m²) , avec 4x enceintes colonne AUNA Line 4707 4 voies - le tout relié en mode A/B sur un ampli SONY STR-DH190 = une salle de concert!!! A noter! Top vendeur ELECTRONIC STAR!

Excellent subwoofer that perfectly feeds the volume of space (living room 35m²), with 4x AUNA Line 4707 4-way column speakers - all connected in A/B mode to a SONY STR-DH190 amplifier = a concert hall!!! Note! Top seller ELECTRONIC STAR!


Günstiger und guter Woofer Einstellung schwierig Bei lautem Betrieb leichtes Wummern

Inexpensive and good woofer Difficult to adjust Slight humming in loud operation


Subwoofer sollte als Unterstützung für ein Pärchen Zeilenspeaker dienen, welche zwar Höhen und Mitten wunderbar wiedergeben, jedoch im Bassbereich schwächeln. Hab mich auf Grund von Budget und Bewertung für das Teil hier entschieden und wurde nicht enttäuscht. Mehr geht nicht bei dem kleinen Budget.

The subwoofer should serve as support for a pair of line speakers, which reproduce the highs and mids wonderfully, but weaken in the bass range. I chose this one based on budget and rating and was not disappointed. More is not possible with the small budget.


Se ajustan a la descripción y funcionan muy bien y con calidad suficiente. Se me estropearon los altavoces de la TV y los he conectado mediante un amplificador a la conexión de auriculares de la TV.

They fit the description and work very well and with sufficient quality. My TV speakers broke and I connected them via an amplifier to the TV's headphone connection.


Von Auna gibt es viel Mist! Aber dieser Subwoofer ist jeden Cent wert! Schöne und gute Verarbeitung des Gehäuses und des Verstärker Modul ! Die Potenziometer für Lautstärke und Frequenz lassen sich mit angenehmen Wiederstand drehen! In kleinen bis mittleren Räumen spielt der 25cm.Basslautsprecher in seinem Baßreflexgehäuse kräftig auf ( Richtige Einstellung voraus gesetzt: Man muß den richtigen Standort feststellen und die Lautstärke den Bassmitteltonbereich der Satelliten Lautsprecher anpassen und nicht überspielen). In dieser Preisklasse ist es einer wenn nicht der beste aktive Subwoofer! Ich habe mir zwei in einem 25qm Raum aufgestellt und bin sehr zufrieden!

There is a lot of crap from Auna! But this subwoofer is worth every penny! Beautiful and good workmanship of the housing and the amplifier module! The potentiometers for volume and frequency can be turned with a pleasant resistance! In small to medium-sized rooms, the 25cm bass loudspeaker in its bass reflex housing plays a powerful role (assuming the correct setting: you have to find the right location and adjust the volume to the bass-midrange of the satellite loudspeakers and not overplay them). In this price range it is one if not the best active subwoofer! I set up two in a 25 square meter room and am very satisfied!


Ich nutze den Sub nun seid ungefähr einem Jahr und kann mit 100%er Sicherheit sagen, dass er eine der besten Investierungen bisher war, der Klang von diesem Sub ist der Hammer! Nur zu empfehlen, mit einem HiFi-Verstärker bekommt man die geballte Power noch perfekt geregelt und auf seine Vorzüge abgestimmt. Mfg

I've been using the sub for about a year now and I can say with 100% certainty that it was one of the best investments I've ever made, the sound from this sub is awesome! Can only be recommended, with a hi-fi amplifier you can still get the concentrated power perfectly controlled and tailored to your preferences. Kind regards


vg quality well made

vg quality well made


No se ha podido cargar el contenido multimedia. Lo he comprado para completar mi equipo con los altavoces de la misma marca AUNA para mí receptor ONKYO. Y es INCREÍBLE el sonido que he conseguido. Lo recomiendo espectacular calidad-precio.

The media could not be loaded. I bought it to complete my system with the speakers of the same brand AUNA for my ONKYO receiver. And the sound I got is AMAZING. I recommend it, spectacular quality-price.


Je l utilise pour compléter mon ensemble jamo, système Home cinéma 5.1 Fonctionne très bien,a voire dans le temps évidemment

I use it to complete my jamo set, 5.1 home cinema system. Works very well, to be seen over time of course.


Le produit multimédia n'a pas pu être chargé. En remplacement d'un caisson équivalent, malheureusement celui-ci "craque" alors que le volume n'est même pas au quart. J'attends l'étiquette de retour. MAJ 30/03/2022 Retour fait, j'ai reçu le deuxième qui fonctionne. La membrane manque un peu de pêche, a voir après un rodage.

The multimedia product could not be loaded. As a replacement for an equivalent subwoofer, unfortunately this one "cracks" when the volume is not even a quarter. I am waiting for the return label. Update 03/30/2022 Return made, I received the second one which works. The membrane lacks a little power, to be seen after a break-in.


Matches my system perfectly, easy to use and provides a good level of bass.

Matches my system perfectly, easy to use and provides a good level of bass.


Der Kleine hat meinen Magnat Subwoofer Marke Eigenbau kurzerhand ersetzt und mich nicht enttäuscht. Bassqualität und Tiefgang für mich mehr als ausreichend zum Film schauen mit einem in die Jahre gekommenen 5.1 System ( Onkyo Receiver, Magnat Lautsprecher ). Auf jeden Fall einen Versuch wert

The little one replaced my self-made Magnat subwoofer without further ado and didn't disappoint me. Bass quality and depth are more than enough for me to watch a film with an outdated 5.1 system (Onkyo receiver, Magnat speakers). Definitely worth trying


Preislich gesehen ein Schnäppchen. Leider wird er bereits nach kurzer Zeit ziemlich warm, obwohl er nicht voll belastet wird. Deshalb benutze ich ihn als 2. Subwoofer zur Unterstützung, dafür ist er gut geeignet, wenn er nicht die volle Power abbekommt.

A bargain in terms of price. Unfortunately, it gets quite warm after a short time even though it is not fully loaded. That's why I use it as a 2nd subwoofer for support, it's well suited for that if it doesn't get the full power.


Con estos precios, el que no tiene un “home-cinema” es porque no quiere. Yo en principio no pensaba complementar los 2 altavoces de estantería (movidos por un amplificador-receptor AV) de la marca “Moukey” -que también compré aquí en Amazon- que dan sonido al ordenador de mi escritorio, pero, a medida que utilizaba mi monitor como pantalla para ver películas, me di cuenta de lo bien que me vendría un altavoz central para voces. Me puse a buscar y, puesto que no quería gastarme mucho dinero en base al poco uso que le doy a mi ordenador como reproductor de películas, me decanté por este altavoz de la marca Auna para darle una oportunidad. Ahora lo tengo ya durante casi un mes y estoy muy contento de “haberme lanzado a la piscina”. Sin entrar en detalles técnicos de potencias y frecuencias de audiófilos (cosa que no soy), sí que puedo deciros que este altavoz cuenta con unos acabados muy dignos. Si os fijáis en la foto que adjunto, aunque no son metálicas y chapadas en oro de 24k, las clavijas de conexión de los cables son de cierre de tornillo, con lo que podréis utilizar las conocidas clavijas de “banana” para facilitar la siempre engorrosa tarea del cableado. Otro aspecto que quiero señalar es que, aunque en las fotos del producto en Amazon muestran los tweeters sin la rejilla protectora, el altavoz viene con ella puesta y ésta no parece desmontable (al menos, yo no he sido capaz de encontrar la manera de hacerlo). Para mí esto no es ningún problema, ya que lo prefiero así, pero yo os lo comento por si vosotros preferías la estética del altavoz con los tweeters al aire. PS: Si mi reseña te ha resultado de interés, te agradeceré que me pinches un "LIKE" ;)

At these prices, if you don't have a home cinema, it's because you don't want one. I wasn't initially planning on adding to the 2 bookshelf speakers (powered by an AV receiver-amplifier) from the brand "Moukey" -which I also bought here on Amazon- that provide sound to my desktop computer, but as I used my monitor as a screen to watch movies, I realized how useful a central speaker for voices would be. I started looking and, since I didn't want to spend a lot of money based on the little use I give my computer as a movie player, I opted for this speaker from the Auna brand to give it a try. I've had it for almost a month now and I'm very happy to have "taken the plunge." Without going into technical details of audiophile powers and frequencies (which I am not), I can tell you that this speaker has very decent finishes. If you look at the attached photo, although they are not metallic and 24k gold plated, the cable connection pins are screw-locking, so you can use the well-known “banana” pins to make the always cumbersome task of wiring easier. Another thing I want to point out is that, although the product photos on Amazon show the tweeters without the protective grille, the speaker comes with it on and it doesn't seem to be removable (at least, I haven't been able to find a way to do it). For me this is not a problem, since I prefer it this way, but I mention it to you in case you prefer the aesthetics of the speaker with the tweeters exposed. PS: If you found my review interesting, I would appreciate it if you gave me a "LIKE" ;)


Ottimo, suona decisamente bene, con giusta regolazione non invadente,presente corposo il giusto. Comoda la presenza degli ingressi di potenza ( un pò piccoli e poco pro di i fori se usi cavi di qualità). Regolazione di taglio poco incisiva, regolazione bassi buona, potenza soddisfacente se “ spari’ fai anche tremare i vetri. Collegato ad integrato valvolare 50w che faticava a pilotare le Magneplan, hanno preso nuova vita, c’è ma non lo sentì ( non so come dire) non invadente ma presente, bisogna regolare con calma. Provato anche con piccole JBL ancora meglio. Ne ho ascoltati altri ben più blasonati e cari ma non trovo differenze sostanziali. Assolutamente raccomandato.

Excellent, it sounds really good, with the right non-invasive adjustment, the right amount of presence. The presence of power inputs is convenient (a bit small and not very pro of holes if you use quality cables). Not very incisive cut adjustment, good bass adjustment, satisfactory power if you "shoot" you also make the windows shake. Connected to a 50w valve integrated that struggled to drive the Magneplans, they took on a new life, it's there but I didn't hear it (I don't know how to say it) not invasive but present, you have to adjust calmly. Also tried with small JBLs even better. I've listened to others much more famous and expensive but I can't find any substantial differences. Absolutely recommended.


Como todos los productos chinos de ahora... estéticamente muy vistoso y rendimiento sin quejas por el precio. Eso si como siempre los RMS son mentira, internamente tiene dos altavoces de 4ohms en serie de 10w cada uno con un capacitor para el agudo.

Like all Chinese products today... aesthetically very attractive and performance without complaints for the price. That said, as always, the RMS is a lie, internally it has two 4 ohm speakers in series of 10w each with a capacitor for the treble.


Por el precio no se puede pedir nada más. Si fuera de 400 euros le podría exigir calidad, pero tiene lo que quería y era que la habitación tuviera ese mínimo de graves, que por fuerza no es porque sí que tiene una potencia muy buena para comedor de hasta 30 m2 sin problema; pero la calidad de los graves o la definición está en su gama de precio. Muy satisfactorio para lo que vale.

For the price you can't ask for anything more. If it were 400 euros I could demand quality, but it has what I wanted and that was for the room to have that minimum of bass, which it necessarily doesn't have because it does have a very good power for a dining room of up to 30 m2 without any problem; but the quality of the bass or the definition is in its price range. Very satisfactory for what it's worth.


Ottimo. Le caratteristiche generali e la versatilità sono talmente di buona qualità, che stupisce il prezzo. Vale molto di più di quel che costa. Acquisto consigliatissimo. "Tira su" anche impianti con diffusori satelliti scarsini, migliorando sensibilmente la sonorità. Naturalmente, non siamo in ambito "blasoni nobiliari" ma nemmeno ne siamo poi tanto lontani. Ed il rapporto qualità prezzo, è indiscutibilmente ed assolutamente migliore.

Excellent. The general features and versatility are so good quality, that the price is surprising. It is worth much more than what it costs. Highly recommended purchase. It "lifts up" even systems with poor satellite speakers, significantly improving the sound. Of course, we are not in the "noble coat of arms" field but we are not that far from it either. And the quality/price ratio is indisputably and absolutely better.



Super cheap


En complément de 2 enceintes EDIFIER, l'ensemble donne une profondeur sonore étonnante

In addition to 2 EDIFIER speakers, the set provides astonishing sound depth


Bien en general. Por precio no se puede exigir más.

Good overall. For the price you can't ask for more.


Une belle surprise pour ce produit,qui rapport, qualité/prix est, pour moi idéal !!

A nice surprise for this product, which in terms of quality/price ratio is, for me, ideal!!


Me ha sorprendido gratamente lo bien que esta este subwofer , tiene la potencia que marca y lo puedo confirmar , hay cosas que son perfectas en cuestion de estetica ,acabados , calidades y precio y esta es una de ellas , me comprare otro casi seguro para tener la pareja. Es perfecto hasta la parte de atras es bonita con los mandos de regulación de plastico pulido y una luz de neón bonita . LO RECOMIENDO . Esta echo con mucho gusto

I was pleasantly surprised by how good this subwoofer is. It has the power it claims to have and I can confirm this. There are things that are perfect in terms of aesthetics, finishes, quality and price and this is one of them. I will almost certainly buy another one to have the pair. It is perfect, even the back is pretty with the polished plastic control knobs and a nice neon light. I RECOMMEND IT. It is made with great taste.


Hay que aclarar que solo sale sonido de graves. Perfecto muy potente,

It should be noted that only bass sound comes out. Perfect, very powerful,


What a great product. Great value. Well packed. Tried it with film and music with no distortion. For 32 pounds it's a steal.

What a great product. Great value. Well packed. Tried it with film and music with no distortion. For 32 pounds it's a steal.


Me tengo que gastar otros 100 euros para el canal central? Ya me he gastado suficiente en los canales delantero/traseros/laterales/subwoofer. Pensaba reutilizar otros altavoces que tenía por ahí, pero eran demasiado grandes. Total, es para reproducir diálogos. No requieren demasiada ciencia. Hasta que vi esta opción en Amazon. Me arriesgaré, pensé. Y, la verdad, estoy gratamente sorprendido. Por poco dinero este altavoz reproduce el canal central sin esfuerzo y con soltura. Que se puede mejorar? Sin duda, pero por ahora me han salvado de una inversión no demasiado deseada. Estoy sorprendido porque yo los compré a 15 euros más caros de lo que están a la venta actualmente. Ya me pareció en su momento una excelente compra. Imagínate ahora. Si estás en una situación parecida a la descrita, ni lo dudes. Merecen que les des una oportunidad.

Do I have to spend another 100 Euros for the centre channel? I've already spent enough on the front/rear/side/subwoofer channels. I was thinking of reusing other speakers I had lying around, but they were too big. After all, it's for reproducing dialogue. It doesn't require too much science. Until I saw this option on Amazon. I'll take the risk, I thought. And, honestly, I'm pleasantly surprised. For little money this speaker reproduces the centre channel effortlessly and with ease. What could be improved? Absolutely, but for now they have saved me from an investment that I didn't really want. I'm surprised because I bought them for 15 Euros more than they are currently on sale. I already thought it was an excellent purchase at the time. Imagine now. If you are in a situation similar to the one described, don't hesitate. They deserve a chance.


Me ha gustado su diseño, tamaño y calidad de agudos, pero no me ha gustado mucho su calidad de bajos.

I liked its design, size and treble quality, but I didn't like its bass quality very much.


installer avec un ampli Auna donne de tres bonnes basses je suis satisfait de mon achat je pensais le caisson plus petit mais nickel

Installed with an Auna amp, it produces very good bass. I am satisfied with my purchase. I thought the subwoofer was smaller but it's perfect.


Colis arrivé en temps. Par contre, le caisson arrive avec plusieurs défaut: La le dissipateur arrive endommagé, les finissons sur les coins sont endommagés, une tâche à droite du logo, et de la poussière partout. Au niveau qualité audio, je n'arrivé à monter le son et j'entend grésillement pas très agréable même au niveau normal de réglages. Je crois que le produit a un bon rapport qualité prix mais malheureusement je ne suis pas tombé sur un bon produit et je vais plutôt continuer à la recherche.

Package arrived on time. On the other hand, the box arrives with several defects: The heat sink arrives damaged, the finishes on the corners are damaged, a stain to the right of the logo, and dust everywhere. In terms of audio quality, I could not turn up the sound and I hear crackling not very pleasant even at the normal level of settings. I think the product has a good quality-price ratio but unfortunately I did not come across a good product and I will rather continue to search.


El subwofer está bien un poco grande , se le nota un poco falto de potencia lo tengo casi a 100% de volumen , pero hace su trabajo bien.

The subwoofer is a bit big, it seems a bit lacking in power. I have it at almost 100% volume, but it does its job well.


Esta claro que ja perfección no existe, los acabados son Buenos es robusto y grande impresiona solo de mirarlo pero eso solo es la parte visual piensas estará a la altura de lo que se ve por fuera pues bien...... Lo está y con creces hace temblar la casa y puedo asegurar que e tenido subwoofer polk audio y no le envidia nada quizás la freqüència más baja ya que no es capaz de llegar al final y tras mucha experiencia puedo asegurar que todo en los altavoces además de la calidad del conjunto es la ubicación de los altavoces por el precio que tiene es una maravilla Disfrutarlo.........

It is clear that perfection does not exist, the finishes are good, it is robust and large, it impresses just by looking at it, but that is only the visual part, you think it will be at the level of what is seen on the outside, well... It is and by far it makes the house shake, and I can assure you that I have had a Polk Audio subwoofer and it does not envy anything, perhaps the lowest frequency since it is not capable of reaching the end, and after a lot of experience I can assure you that everything in the speakers, in addition to the quality of the set, is the location of the speakers, for the price it is a marvel. Enjoy it...


I hooked this sub up to a 90,s Technics system via high level inputs and it works great

I hooked this sub up to a 90,s Technics system via high level inputs and it works great


Der Subwoofer wird in unserem Heimkino verwendet. Er tut genau was er soll - er macht viele teife Töne. Da hört man nicht nur den Sound, sondern spürt ihn auch. Der Artikel kam doppelt verpackt hier an. Er sieht auch noch sehr gut aus, kann also sichtbar plaziert werden. Und Preis / Leistung sind hier TOP!

The subwoofer is used in our home theater. It does exactly what it's supposed to - it makes a lot of deep tones. You not only hear the sound, you can also feel it. The item arrived double boxed. It also looks very good, so it can be placed where it is visible. And price / performance are TOP!


Ich benutze ihn in meinem Heimkino Setup bestehend aus 2 einzelnen Stereosystemen und einem einzelnen SUB an meinem PC mit einer 5.1 Audiokarte mit 3 Klinken und er ergänzt es wirklich richtig gut. Einen Nachteil hat er: ab einer bestimmten Lautstärke am pc (8 von 100) schaltet er sich ständig ein und aus und das gibt ein dezentes Klicken von sich und diese automatische Abschaltung lässt sich nicht umstellen, obwohl ein dafür vorgesehener Schalter vorhanden ist. Der Schalter stellt den Subwoofer bei mir dauerhaft aus

I use it in my home theater setup of 2 individual stereo systems and a single SUB on my PC with a 3 jack 5.1 audio card and it really complements it really well. It has one disadvantage: from a certain volume on the pc (8 out of 100) it switches on and off constantly and this emits a subtle click and this automatic switch-off cannot be changed, although there is a switch provided for this purpose. The switch permanently turns off the subwoofer for me


Bin mit dem Subwoofer bis jetzt sehr zufrieden, trotzdem gebe ich nur vier Sterne, weil ich erst die Langzeitbeständigkeit (Qualität) abwarten möchte !

So far I'm very satisfied with the subwoofer, but I only give it four stars because I want to wait and see the long-term durability (quality) first!


Muy buena calidad. Respuesta en graves un poco justa pero los agudos son muy nítidos. Depende mucho el amplificador qcse le ponga porque son pasivos

Very good quality. Bass response is a bit tight but the highs are very clear. It depends a lot on the amplifier you put in it because they are passive.


Der Subwoofer kommt im schlichten Design daher und wirkt - sobald er ein entsprechendes Signal bekommt - wie ein Wolf im Schafsfell. Ich hatte bereits ein identisches Modell über einen anderen Händler erworben und für eine Anlage verwendet, die auf dem Camping-Platz für die richtige Unterhaltung sorgt. Dabei war es mir wichtig, dass die dort verwendeten PA-Speaker noch ein stimmiges Bassfundament erhalten. Doch auch im heimischen Bereich spielt der Subwoofer sauber und präzise auf und verleiht somit auch actiongeladenen Filmen das nötige Feeling. Einziges Manko (schmälert jedoch nicht die Bewertung): Die High-Level-Eingang verträgt sich nicht sonderlich mit den kleineren Teufel-Anlagen.

The subwoofer comes in a simple design and acts - as soon as it receives a corresponding signal - like a wolf in a sheepskin. I had already bought an identical model from another dealer and used it for a system that provides proper entertainment on the campsite. It was important to me that the PA speakers used there still have a consistent bass foundation. But the subwoofer also plays cleanly and precisely at home, giving even action-packed films the necessary feeling. The only drawback (but does not reduce the rating): the high-level input is not particularly compatible with the smaller Teufel systems.


Bon, 1er reçu défaillant. Réexpédié pour échange. Bien, ce truc est beau, appuie déja bien mes enceintes biblio Yam'. Et mme pas encore rodé. Passe en low gain. Basses propres et vite présentes. M'évite déja des enceintes colonnes moches et ostentatoires. Plus tard pour le high. Fineaud à régler. Revendeur au top. Content ! Bien... 4 heures d'utilisation et les basses deviennent pures. Correctes m'auraient déja contentées... Toi, tu vas bientôt voir un préamp' lampes et une fender... La patate y sera, impédance et wattage ok. Dirais. Pour un grateux, pt-être un super outil de répèt' ou studio !

Well, first received faulty. Reshipped for exchange. Well, this thing is beautiful, already supports my Yam' bookshelf speakers well. And not even broken in yet. Switch to low gain. Clean and quickly present bass. Already saves me from ugly and ostentatious floorstanding speakers. Later for the high. Fineaud to be adjusted. Top dealer. Happy! Well... 4 hours of use and the bass becomes pure. Correct would have already satisfied me... You, you will soon see a tube preamp and a fender... The potato will be there, impedance and wattage ok. I would say. For a guitarist, maybe a great rehearsal or studio tool!


Excellent sub-woofer and outstanding value for price paid. I don't think spending any more world have made much difference. It is solidly built and very easy to adjust in order to blend with your sound system. I bought this to add to my soundbase via a dedicated port. I will be buying another one soon to add to my hifi system. Perhaps I should add that I have now used it for over one month, so the speakers have bedded in.

Excellent sub-woofer and outstanding value for price paid. I don't think spending any more world have made much difference. It is solidly built and very easy to adjust in order to blend with your sound system. I bought this to add to my soundbase via a dedicated port. I will be buying another one soon to add to my hifi system. Perhaps I should add that I have now used it for over one month, so the speakers have bedded in.


Ich war sehr überrascht, robuster und gut klingender SubWoofer. Der Unterschied zu deutlich teureren System (Teufel, Magnat...) ist nicht so riesig wie befürchtet. Für Wohnzimmer Surround voll OK, Chinch-Kabel ist nur viel zu kurz und kein Optical in.

I was very surprised, robust and good sounding subwoofer. The difference to significantly more expensive systems (Teufel, Magnat...) is not as huge as feared. For living room surround fully OK, cinch cable is just too short and no optical in.


Dopo alcuni giorni che lo provo reputo di aver fatto un buon acquisto anche in relazione al prezzo pagato. Le dimensioni sono importanti (si fa notare) la struttura è solida e la realizzazione ben curata, il suono è decisamente buono, non certo da sala d'ascolto ma più che ottimo per il mio impianto Home Cinema pilotato da un ampli Yamaha 95 W per canale nella mia sala di oltre 30 mq. Ho ordinato e sono in attesa anche dei diffusori laterali della stessa linea e del Sub e non vedo l'ora di provare l'impianto al completo. Consigliato!

After a few days of trying it I think I made a good purchase also in relation to the price paid. The dimensions are important (it makes itself noticed) the structure is solid and the construction is well cared for, the sound is decidedly good, certainly not for a listening room but more than excellent for my Home Cinema system driven by a Yamaha 95 W per channel amplifier in my room of over 30 square meters. I have ordered and am also waiting for the side speakers of the same line and the Sub and I can't wait to try the complete system. Recommended!


Impossibile caricare il contenuto multimediale. Premetto che ho preso il sub abbinandolo a delle auna linie 300 per creare un 2.1 in appartamento ( salotto di circa 25 mq ). Con un ampli nobsound 160 x 160 w ( spesa totale 300 € ). Non sono un audiofilo ovviamente e non ho troppe pretese, ma ascolto musica quasi tutti i giorni e conosco molto bene i prodotti di alta qualità avendo mio padre un impianto da oltre 5k, devo dire che mi soddisfa abbastanza. Volume al 35 % ( sia ampli che sub ed è già abbastanza per non sentire più i discorsi di mia moglie ) sto provando tutto da soli pochi giorni e quindi mi riservo aggiornamenti futuri causa rodaggio. Led blu che sul mio sub posizionato su auto non si accende mai, acceso solo su on o su off ( credo sia un difetto ) ma non mi interessa perché non pregiudica il funzionamento. Per i soldi spesi promosso.

Unable to load media content. I would like to point out that I bought the sub by combining it with auna linie 300 to create a 2.1 in an apartment (living room of about 25 m2). With a nobsound 160 x 160 w amp (total cost €300). I am obviously not an audiophile and I don't have too many demands, but I listen to music almost every day and I know high quality products very well, since my father has a system of over 5k, I must say that it satisfies me quite a bit. Volume at 35% (both amp and sub and it's already enough to no longer hear my wife's speeches) I've been trying everything for a few days now and so I'll reserve future updates due to running-in. The blue LED that on my sub positioned in the car never lights up, only turned on or off (I think it's a defect) but I don't care because it doesn't affect the functioning. For the money spent, it's approved.


Der Subwoofer ist brauchbar und geht bis 37 Hz runter. Doch ich schätzte mal mehr als 50-60 Watt RMS, bringt der bestimmt nicht. Aber als Erweiterung für die Standard Stereoanlage denoch zu gebrauchen. Der Preis macht hier die Musik.

The subwoofer is usable and goes down to 37 Hz. But I guessed more than 50-60 watts RMS, that definitely won't do it. But still usable as an extension for the standard stereo system. The price makes the music here.


Es war alles gut mit diesem Gerät und ich habe keine Mängel bezüglich der Verpackung weder der Technik gesehen. TOP Zustand

Everything was fine with this device and I didn't see any flaws in terms of packaging or technology. Top condition


Tenemos un estudio de danza dónde los altavoces los usamos a diario y estamos muy contentos con el producto. Tenemos dos clases, una de 22m2 y otra de 30 m2, y en las dos el sonido es perfecto. Los tenemos conectados a un amplificador Pioneer y el rendimiento es muy óptimo. El subwoofer entrega buenos graves y ubicados en diagonal en cada esquina de la clase, el sonido se reparte perfectamente con buena acústica. De hecho hemos comprado de nuevo otra pareja de altavoces de recambio sin dudar, ya que pensábamos que fallaban los que teníamos instalados, cuando realmente era el ampli, pero bueno, así ya tenemos unos de recambio.

We have a dance studio where we use the speakers on a daily basis and we are very happy with the product. We have two classrooms, one of 22m2 and another of 30m2, and in both the sound is perfect. We have them connected to a Pioneer amplifier and the performance is very optimal. The subwoofer delivers good bass and placed diagonally in each corner of the classroom, the sound is distributed perfectly with good acoustics. In fact we have bought another pair of replacement speakers without hesitation, since we thought that the ones we had installed were failing, when in fact it was the amp, but oh well, now we have some replacements.


La qualité de finition est assez bonne et s'integre bien dans une salon (mais attention aux dimensions : il est assez large avec son gros haut-parleur frontal) La qualité sonore me semble tout à fait approprié pour un Home Cinema avec une bonne descente / puissance dans les basses frequences; je ne sais pas pour de la musique ... mais je ne suis pas fan d'un sub pour ecouter la musique. Seul hic est le système d'allumage automatique qui éteint très souvent pendant le visionnage d'un film en DD avec un click assez gênant. J'ai essayé avec la sortie ampli boosté au maxi mais ça ne suffit pas (sauf quand le volume est assez fort ... mais ce n'est pas le but d’être toujours à fond :-)). Certainement une histoire de time-out vraiment trop court. Je n'ai pas encore voulu ouvrir pour vérifier si l'on peut faire quelque choses.

The quality of the finish is quite good and fits well in a living room (but be careful with the dimensions: it is quite wide with its large front speaker). The sound quality seems to me to be quite appropriate for a Home Cinema with a good descent / power in the low frequencies; I don't know about music ... but I'm not a fan of a sub to listen to music. The only problem is the automatic ignition system which very often turns off while watching a film in DD with a rather annoying click. I tried with the amp output boosted to the max but it's not enough (except when the volume is quite loud ... but that's not the goal to always be at full volume :-)). Certainly a story of time-out really too short. I haven't wanted to open it yet to check if we can do something.


Bonjour, j'ai reçu le caisson de basse très rapidement, avant la date prévue. Quand au produit lui meme , fonctionne très bien, pour ma part l'ampli est branché au caisson , qui lui est relié aux enceintes . Je n'ai pas de sortie subwoofer, et ce caisson à la connexion désirée. Puissance largement suffisante sur mon ampli hi-fi , et deux petite enceintes focal de style satellite très puissante elles aussi. ça me rajoute des basses qui manque un peu à ce genre d'enceintes.......un régal , ce qui prouve que Auna à de bon produit. Pour ce prix que demander de plus?...

Hello, I received the subwoofer very quickly, before the expected date. As for the product itself, it works very well, for my part the amp is connected to the subwoofer, which is connected to the speakers. I do not have a subwoofer output, and this subwoofer has the desired connection. More than enough power on my hi-fi amp, and two small focal satellite-style speakers that are also very powerful. It adds bass that is a bit lacking in this type of speaker.......a treat, which proves that Auna has good products. For this price what more could you ask for?...


Ist ok

It's OK


Der Subwoover wurde schnell und sehr gut verpackt geliefert. Das Gerät macht einen wertigen und soliden Eindruck. Die Bass Abdeckung könnte besser befestigt sein, aber für den preis völlig ok . Das Anschlussfeld ist logisch aufgebaut und selbsterklärend. Ich betreibe den Subwoover an einen Maranz Verstärker, er soll meine Canton Standlautsprecher unterstützen. Der Subwoover bringt sehr wuchtige und druckvolle Bässe.

The subwoofer was delivered quickly and very well packaged. The device makes a valuable and solid impression. The bass cover could be better fixed, but totally ok for the price. The connector panel is logically structured and self-explanatory. I'm running the subwoofer on a Maranz amplifier, it's supposed to support my Canton floorstanding speakers. The subwoofer brings very powerful and powerful bass.


Sono ancora in fase di rodaggio e regolazione ma sono già in grado di valutare l'acquisto. Imballo originale Auna impeccabile in doppia scatola con polistirolo abbondante e quindi arrivato perfettamente a destinazione. Il sub si presenta ben rifinito, di stampo classico,senza fronzoli....enorme....già, una profondità di 40cm piu' un po' di sfogo dietro per il reflex lo rendono non facile da posizionare. Dispongo di un preamplificatore a valvole con solo un'uscita rca e di un finale integrato....ho quindi optato per un collegamento in bassa potenza rca uscendo dal pre, entrando al sub e l'uscita di quest'ultimo al finale....non ho provato a collegarlo in potenza perchè il risultato ottenuto in bassa è perfetto....nessun ronzio, inneschi e artefatti... L'auto on-off funziona a dovere e anche qui non si avvertono rumori di nessun tipo. Io non sono un audiofilo, amo ascoltare musica a "mio" modo...ho bisogno di sentire un suono pieno e con le sole casse da scaffale (anche se di qualità) pativo l'insufficenza dei bassi....sono andato avanti mesi con un vecchio sub bose passivo che purtroppo era piuttosto ingestibile visto che non ho nessun tipo di regolazione toni nemmeno nel pre e farlo virtualizzando via software con un equalizzatore, il suono non mi soddisfaceva ed ero sempre li a cercare un compromesso mai trovato. Mi son deciso quindi ad acquistare un sub amplificato senza svenarmi, fidandomi anche dei diversi feedback positivi e devo confermare questi. Il sub auna in questione fa il suo lavoro in maniera piu' che essere potente, per qualcuno il fatto che possa far tremare tutto puo' essere un invito all'acquisto, io mi accontento di tenerlo al 50% sia in volume che nel taglio frequenza. Consiglio sicuramente l'acquisto se avete bisogno di integrare basse frequenze.

I am still in the running-in and adjustment phase but I am already able to evaluate the purchase. Original Auna packaging impeccable in a double box with plenty of polystyrene and therefore arrived perfectly at destination. The sub is well finished, classic style, without frills .... huge .... yes, a depth of 40cm plus a little venting behind for the reflex make it not easy to position. I have a valve preamplifier with only one RCA output and an integrated power amplifier .... I therefore opted for a low power RCA connection exiting the pre, entering the sub and the output of the latter to the power amplifier .... I did not try to connect it in power because the result obtained in low is perfect .... no hum, triggers and artefacts ... The auto on-off works properly and here too there is no noise of any kind. I am not an audiophile, I love listening to music in "my" way... I need to hear a full sound and with only bookshelf speakers (even if quality) I suffered from insufficient bass.... I went on for months with an old passive Bose sub that unfortunately was rather unmanageable since I do not have any type of tone adjustment not even in the pre and doing it by virtualizing via software with an equalizer, the sound did not satisfy me and I was always there looking for a compromise never found. I therefore decided to buy an amplified sub without breaking the bank, also trusting the various positive feedback and I must confirm these. The Auna sub in question does its job in a more than dignified manner... it can be powerful, for some the fact that it can make everything tremble can be an invitation to buy, I am happy to keep it at 50% both in volume and in the frequency cut. I definitely recommend the purchase if you need to integrate low frequencies.





Für dieses preisleistungsverhältnis ein guter Subwoofer, schaltet sehr oft und leicht hörbar runter bei schwächeren signaleigang. Sonst gut

A good subwoofer for this price-performance ratio, switches down very often and easily audibly with weaker signal input. Otherwise good


Ho già acquistato Auna e mi sono trovato bene per il rapporto prezzo/qualità. Prima di iniziare la recensione il valuto il Venditore nella gestione della pratica con 5 stelle (cortesia e velocità di risposta). Il prodotto esteticamente è bello, stampo classico, massiccio e fa la sua figura (Ho dato 4 stelle). Il reflex è posizionato posteriormente il che obbliga a separara il SW dal muro di qualche cm. Come suona? Do un giudizio ne tecnico ne da audiofilo , ma semplicemente come il mio orecchio ha percepito il suono nell'ambiente della stanza dove è posizionato (circa 30 mq) e con amplificatore Denon con uscita pre-out. (l'ampli. è 125w per canale 5.1). Basso corposo a medio volume , abbastanza presente e potente girando il potenziomento del volume generale. A volumi troppo elevati forse tende a distorcere... ma non ne faccio un uso da disco. La manopola del volume dedicata l'ho impostata a 3/4 del giro. La manopola della fase in fase. Saluti

I have already purchased Auna and I found it good for the price/quality ratio. Before starting the review I rate the Seller in the management of the practice with 5 stars (courtesy and speed of response). The product is aesthetically beautiful, classic style, solid and makes its figure (I gave 4 stars). The reflex is positioned at the rear which forces you to separate the SW from the wall by a few cm. How does it sound? I give a judgment neither technical nor audiophile, but simply how my ear perceived the sound in the environment of the room where it is positioned (about 30 square meters) and with a Denon amplifier with pre-out output. (the amp is 125w for 5.1 channel). Full-bodied bass at medium volume, quite present and powerful by turning the general volume potentiometer. At too high volumes perhaps it tends to distort... but I don't use it for disco. I set the dedicated volume knob to 3/4 of the turn. The phase knob in phase. Greetings


dopo aver ricevuto il pacco, ( tempi molto brevi, mi e arrivato addirittura in 3 giorni di anticipo rispetto a quanto dichiarato ) l'ho collegato alle mie due vecchie ma ben funzionati casse passive TEENS 1 della RCF tramite un piccolo amplificatore HI-FI e … stupore , CHE BASSI! non mi aspettavo da un tale prodotto a questa fascia di prezzo una resa cosi. certo non e' paragonabile a sistemi di fascia e marca molto più alti, ma la resa e' ottima, senza dubbio al di sopra delle aspettative! . NOTA: consiglio calorosamente di usare le RCA line IN e OUT invece dei collegamenti in rame per le casse e l'ampli a meno che possediate un ampli home theater che sappia filtrare e amplificare i segnali indipendentemente e con buona erogazione di potenza, altrimenti NON FUNZIONANO!

after receiving the package, (very quickly, it even arrived 3 days earlier than stated) I connected it to my two old but well-functioning RCF TEENS 1 passive speakers via a small HI-FI amplifier and... surprise, WHAT BASS! I didn't expect such a performance from a product in this price range. It certainly isn't comparable to much higher-end and higher-brand systems, but the performance is excellent, without a doubt above expectations! NOTE: I strongly recommend using the RCA line IN and OUT instead of the copper connections for the speakers and the amplifier unless you have a home theater amplifier that can filter and amplify signals independently and with good power delivery, otherwise THEY DON'T WORK!


Alright speakers but serious lack of bass definition in the sound. But they are really for a sorrou d system we're you would have a separate bass speaker anyways... Gave them away

Alright speakers but serious lack of bass definition in the sound. But they are really for a sorrou d system we're you would have a separate bass speaker anyways... Gave them away


Nach 6 Monaten der Subwoofer hat aufgehört zu funktionieren. Kommen nur Geräusche beim Bedienelementen oder Stecker anfassen. Typisches Kaltlötstellenproblem. Deswegen 1 Stern für Subwoofer. Kommunikation mit Verkäufer lief einwandfrei. Kostenlose Reparatur innerhalb von einer Woche. Funktioniert besser als neu. 5 Sterne für Verkäufer.

After 6 months the subwoofer has stopped working. There are only noises when touching the controls or plugs. Typical cold joint problem. Therefore 1 star for subwoofer. Communication with seller was flawless. Free repair within one week. Works better than new. 5 stars for seller.


Steht im Partyraum und funktioniert einwandfrei ! Für das Geld echt Top !

Stands in the party room and works perfectly! Really great for the money!


Ich liebe diesen Subwoofer, der Bass ist perfekt, mit super Einstellmöglichkeiten. Der Wermutstropfen ist die schlechte Verarbeitung der Lautsprecherblende. Diese ist mir nach ca. 6 Monaten abgefallen als ich sie leicht mit dem Staubsauger berührt habe. Das tut dem Klang natürlich keinen Abbruch, doch kostet leider einen Stern!

I love this subwoofer, the bass is perfect, with great adjustment options. The downside is the poor workmanship of the loudspeaker grille. This fell off after about 6 months when I touched it lightly with the vacuum cleaner. Of course, this does not detract from the sound, but unfortunately it costs one star!


Premetto che per fare la recensione o aspettato 1 mesetto circa,giusto per rodare un po’ la membrana del sub be devo dire che per i soldi spesi suona molto bene appena lo collegato il suona era pessimo e mi sono preoccupato invece dopo una settimana di rodaggio e le giuste regolazioni sono molto soddisfatto ha un basso molto profondo è pieno i muri della mia stanza tremano da paura i 250 W in RMS si sentono,tutto sommato per rapporto qualità prezzo va bene per chi non vuole spendere tanto e avere buone prestazioni sottolineo buone non ottime lo consiglio

I would like to point out that I waited about a month to write the review, just to let the sub membrane run in a bit. I have to say that for the money spent it sounds very good. As soon as I connected it, the sound was terrible and I was worried. However, after a week of running in and the right adjustments, I am very satisfied. It has a very deep bass and is full. The walls of my room shake like crazy. You can feel the 250 W RMS. All in all, for the quality/price ratio, it is good for those who do not want to spend a lot and have good performance. I underline good, not excellent. I recommend it.


Guter satter Bass aber einschaltlogic kann man überarbeiten

Good, rich bass but switch-on logic can be revised


Calidad precio excelente, no hay muchas reseñas e opiniones en Internet de este modelo pero es suficiente para un salón de como mucho 20m2. Lo he tenido en casa junto a un Mivioc G2 10, este último a pesar de las buenas críticas que tiene en Internet para mi gusto no tiene la misma calidad de sonido que el Auna, incluso con los dos en paralelo el. Mivioc hay frecuencias que no reproduce mientras el auna si. Eso sí el Mivioc como acabado es algo mejor. El Mivioc me ha costado muchísimo encontrarle el sitio a colocar dado que en mi bodega a que no sea que lo coloques en el sitio clave casi que no se le notaba la presencia, mucha vibración pero nada más, mientras que el Auna nada más encenderlo ya se hacía notar bastante.

Excellent value for money, there are not many reviews and opinions on the Internet about this model but it is enough for a living room of at most 20m2. I have had it at home together with a Mivioc G2 10, the latter despite the good reviews it has on the Internet, in my opinion does not have the same sound quality as the Auna, even with the two in parallel. The Mivioc does not reproduce certain frequencies while the Auna does. However, the Mivioc is somewhat better in terms of finish. It has been very difficult for me to find a place to put the Mivioc, since in my cellar, unless you put it in the key place, you could hardly notice its presence, a lot of vibration but nothing more, while the Auna was already quite noticeable as soon as you turned it on.


Ces petites enceintes bibliothèque méritent un rodage dans les règles de l'art, vous obtiendrez ainsi, une paire de "moniteur" qui donne le ton avec des consœurs bien plus onéreuses État impeccable à la livraison. Bravo pour tout. Voilà un constructeur qui honore ses engagements !!

These small bookshelf speakers deserve a proper running-in, so you will get a pair of "monitors" that sets the tone with much more expensive counterparts. Impeccable condition upon delivery. Well done for everything. This is a manufacturer who honors his commitments!!


J'ai rajouté sur le caisson 1 kit d'enceinte active de 80w, le résultat est plus que satisfaisant même si la fonction automatique d'activation des bass pas vraiment au point, décalage de l'activation, du coup je le laisse sur ON et bien réglé les infra bass sortent bien, ce qui était demandé, je conseil donc ce produit surtout pour son prix.

I added an 80w active speaker kit to the box, the result is more than satisfactory even if the automatic bass activation function is not really up to par, activation delay, so I leave it on ON and set it well, the infra bass comes out well, which was what was requested, so I recommend this product especially for its price.


Mit dem Line 300 ist Auna der Spagat zwischen Günstig und Gut sehr gelungen. Man bekommt für sein Geld ein Produkt welches nicht mit dem Aussehen, dem Markennahmen oder Technischen Mätzchen im Vordergrund steht. Der Line 300 Punktet mit einem sehr guten Klangbild und eignet sich meiner Meinung nach perfekt zum Filme schauen oder Games zocken.

With the Line 300, Auna has managed the balancing act between cheap and good. You get a product for your money that doesn't focus on the look, the brand name or technical antics. The Line 300 scores with a very good sound and, in my opinion, is perfect for watching films or playing games.


Bonjour colie recu et pour du reconditioner c est neuf Les basses sont tres propre et puissante sa vibre dans les tripes Marier a un ampli yamaya et des enceinte auna linie 300 BK de la meme maison le resulta est explosif Brancher en sub LFE c est du lourd Je recommande c est du tres bon

Hello package received and for reconditioning it is new The bass is very clean and powerful it vibrates in the guts Married to a yamaya amp and auna linie 300 BK speakers from the same house the result is explosive Connected in sub LFE it is heavy I recommend it is very good


These speakers are brilliant as the background speakers to compliment the main ones. Sound quality is excellent and great value for money.

These speakers are brilliant as the background speakers to compliment the main ones. Sound quality is excellent and great value for money.


A de bonnes basses, mais le bouton de réglage derrière ne tiens vraiment pas sur le cran ce qui fait que je retire 1 étoile

Has good bass, but the adjustment knob on the back really doesn't hold on the notch which is why I remove 1 star


Compared it to Dali or the likes, they will win. But for normal home theater user this is perfectly sufficient, especially when the price is considered.

Compared it to Dali or the likes, they will win. But for normal home theater user this is perfectly sufficient, especially when the price is considered.


Unter Berücksichtigung des Preises ist es ein guter Subwoofer. Der Automatikmodus funktioniert. Im Grenzbereich nervt etwas das stätige an und aus. Hier wäre eine Verzögerung von 1-2 Minuten sicherlich eine sinnvolle Ergänzung. Sonst klanglich mit sattem Bass.

Considering the price, it's a good subwoofer. The automatic mode works. In the border area, something annoys the constant on and off. A delay of 1-2 minutes would certainly be a useful addition here. Otherwise the sound has a rich bass.


Leggendo varie recensioni positive, ho deciso di prenderlo da affiancare a dei diffusori 2 vie x una maggior completezza della gamma bassa. Arrivato in 2 gg in un super imballo ( 2 cartoni )piu distanziali in polistirolo x bloccarlo all'interno del box,ottima confezione x assicurare il prodotto integro. Collego l'amplificatore al sub e da questo esco con i cavi x i diffusori e inizio le prove. Il primo impatto non lo valuto perché aspetto qualche giorno x fare " rodare " il sub dopodiché inizio gli ascolti.Dopo qualche giorno le mie conclusioni sono: il sub nonostante il costo decisamente abbordabile si comporta bene andando a creare e riempire la mancanza di bassi che latitavano nei diffusori dando maggior pienezza alla musica e nota positiva regolato in maniera corretta non aggiunge gamma bassa dove non serve e questa è una gran cosa.Però, c'è un però ,a un orecchio allenato e attento ai dettagli ci si rende conto che il segnale audio risulta " passatemi il termine , inquinato ",si sentono dei fruscii che deteriorano il segnale audio in uscita rendendo fastidioso l'ascolto della musica a basso volume,ma ripeto e confermo sono sfumature che x essere avvertite bisogna essere decisamente un tutt' uno e in sinergia con il proprio impianto stereo conoscendo pregi, difetti e avere orecchie fine pronte a captare ogni minima differenza sonora. X chi non ha pretese da audiofilo o presunto tale lo consiglio senza remore,funziona decisamente bene ed è bello da vedere!. Io avendo diversi impianti e sub di livello medio/alto ho potuto confrontare attentamente e scrivere questa recensione cosicché chiunque può farsi un'idea più dettagliata del prodotto. Ovviamente restituito.

Reading various positive reviews, I decided to buy it to pair with 2-way speakers for a more complete low range. Arrived in 2 days in a super package (2 boxes) plus polystyrene spacers to block it inside the box, excellent packaging to ensure the product is intact. I connect the amplifier to the sub and from this I exit with the speaker cables and start the tests. I don't evaluate the first impact because I wait a few days to let the sub "run in" and then I start listening. After a few days my conclusions are: the sub despite the decidedly affordable cost behaves well by creating and filling the lack of bass that was lacking in the speakers giving greater fullness to the music and a positive note adjusted correctly it does not add low range where it is not needed and this is a great thing. However, there is a but, to a trained ear and attentive to details you realize that the audio signal is "excuse the term, polluted", you can hear some rustling that deteriorates the output audio signal making listening to music at low volume annoying, but I repeat and confirm they are nuances that to be perceived you have to be definitely one and in synergy with your stereo system knowing the strengths, weaknesses and have fine ears ready to capture every minimal sound difference. For those who do not have audiophile or presumed audiophile pretensions I recommend it without hesitation, it works decidedly well and is beautiful to look at! I have several medium/high level systems and subs so I was able to carefully compare and write this review so that anyone can get a more detailed idea of the product. Obviously returned.


Ich wollte meine alte Stereo-Anlage auf 5.1 Sound erweitern und das funktioniert mit dem Teil hervorragend, eine kleine Einschränkung gibt es jedoch: Bei Filmen, wenn nicht durchgängig geredet wird, schlägt die Abschaltautomatik zu, so hört man gerade in den Redepausen Relais-klickern. Die Automatik sollte abschaltbar sein. Also den Einschalter auf 3 Stufen erweitrn wäre super derzeit Aus/Automatik, wenn man das auf Aus/Automatik/Ein ändern würde wäre das Teil nicht zu schlagen. Also bei Musik funktioniert es tadellos - satte Bässe, wie man sich das wünscht.

I wanted to expand my old stereo system to 5.1 sound and that works excellently with the part, but there is one small limitation: With films, if there is no continuous talking, the automatic switch-off kicks in, so you can hear relay clicks, especially in the pauses in speaking . The automatic should be switched off. So expanding the on switch to 3 levels would be great at the moment: off/automatic, if you changed that to off/automatic/on, the part couldn't be beat. So with music it works perfectly - rich bass, as you wish.


C'è stato un ritardo nella consegna dovuto alle incomprensioni con il Call Center SDA ma alla fine con un pò di buonsenso sono riuscito ad avere il pacco al 4 tentativo. Imballo impeccabile anche se qualche dubbio sull'apertura del pacco visto il polistirolo rotto mi è venuta. Montato Su un sinto/ampli del Harman fa decisamente il suo sporco lavoro, Le vibrazioni dei bassi sono corpose in una stanza di 30 mq quindi i watt sono decisamente adeguati, con il volume al minimo si capisce che è un buon prodotto anche se acquistato maggiormente per il prezzo competitivo. Le dimensioni si fanno vedere quindi non prendete un colore che poi pensate di nascondere visto anche l'ingombro, comunque arreda è un bel prodotto ben rifinito di qualità. Lo consiglio .

There was a delay in delivery due to misunderstandings with the SDA Call Center but in the end with a bit of common sense I managed to get the package on the 4th attempt. Impeccable packaging even if I had some doubts about opening the package given the broken polystyrene. Mounted on a Harman tuner/amp it definitely does its dirty work, the bass vibrations are full-bodied in a 30 m2 room so the watts are definitely adequate, with the volume at minimum you can tell that it is a good product even if purchased mainly for the competitive price. The dimensions are visible so do not take a color that you then think of hiding given the size, however it is a nice well-finished quality product. I recommend it.


Je cherchais un complément pour mon petit studio maison à compléter avec mes enceintes de monitoring "ALESIS elevate" et c'est parfait! Très belle qualité des basses, son riche et produit conforme aux attentes! Entre autres, la connectique est parfaite, avec aussi une entrée et sortie stéréo en RCA, parfait pour y brancher mes enceintes! Pour à peine plus de 100€ (je l'ai acheté pour 114,99€ en promotion) je le recommande sans hésitation!

I was looking for a complement for my small home studio to complete with my "ALESIS elevate" monitoring speakers and it's perfect! Very good bass quality, rich sound and product meets expectations! Among other things, the connectivity is perfect, with also a stereo RCA input and output, perfect for connecting my speakers! For just over €100 (I bought it for €114.99 on sale) I recommend it without hesitation!


Very pleased with these Hifi Bookshelf Speakers. I would say, for 90% of people, this set is all you want to enjoy your favourite music the way it's mean to be listened to! These speakers deliver a sound full of detail, very crisp and they have enough punch in the low-end of the spectre. The shipment was fast (arrived one day earlier than expected) and the package was also good, with enough foam to care and protect this Hi-Fi material.

Very pleased with these Hifi Bookshelf Speakers. I would say, for 90% of people, this set is all you want to enjoy your favourite music the way it's mean to be listened to! These speakers deliver a sound full of detail, very crisp and they have enough punch in the low-end of the spectre. The shipment was fast (arrived one day earlier than expected) and the package was also good, with enough foam to care and protect this Hi-Fi material.


I chose these as I found it hard to pay £100 more for a Tannoy equivalent. I'm glad I did, this speaker sounds great. Smooth warm rich centre speaker compliments my Tannoy Mercury bookshelf speakers, and certainly don't sound out of place. If you're not worried about cosmetically matching other speakers, these are a really, really, good option. You'll have performance that exceeds their cost. A++++++

I chose these as I found it hard to pay £100 more for a Tannoy equivalent. I'm glad I did, this speaker sounds great. Smooth warm rich centre speaker compliments my Tannoy Mercury bookshelf speakers, and certainly don't sound out of place. If you're not worried about cosmetically matching other speakers, these are a really, really, good option. You'll have performance that exceeds their cost. A++++++


Wollte für meine bestehende Anlage noch einen Subwoofer und wollte nicht soviel Geld ausgeben. Der Subwoofer hat einen guten Bass aber ist schnell überfordert und überlastet. Man kann ihn zwar einstellen aber wenn man dann die Anlage mal lauter hört kann es passieren, dass er an die Grenzen kommt. Für das Geld ist er ausreichend aber für große bestehende Anlagen weniger zu empfehlen. Deshalb nur drei Sterne von mir, die Verarbeitung ist in Ordnung.

I wanted a subwoofer for my existing system and didn't want to spend a lot of money. The subwoofer has good bass but is quickly overwhelmed and overloaded. You can adjust it, but if you then listen to the system louder, it can happen that it reaches its limits. For the money it is sufficient but not recommended for large existing systems. That's why only three stars from me, the workmanship is fine.


I bought this centre speaker to replace a home made 3 speaker system in a box.The difference of clarity from the drivers in this system was night and day.I was also amazed by the bass.I no longer need large fronts R&L it's better than a sound bar as it's powered by a receiver of 80 watts per channel.great centre.

I bought this centre speaker to replace a home made 3 speaker system in a box.The difference of clarity from the drivers in this system was night and day.I was also amazed by the bass.I no longer need large fronts R&L it's better than a sound bar as it's powered by a receiver of 80 watts per channel.great centre.


Hab ihn als Ergänzung zu den kleinen Canton in Verbindung zum Marantz 5.1! Passt optisch perfekt, macht was er machen soll und was soll man bei dem Preis meckern!? Na klar, bei genauerem hinsehen und hinhören..., aber da würde ich auch bei den Canton das Haar in der Suppe finden!

Got it as an addition to the small Canton in connection with the Marantz 5.1! Fits optically perfectly, does what it is supposed to do and what should one complain about at the price!? Of course, if you take a closer look and listen... but I would also find the hair in the soup with the Canton!


Très satisfait du produit qui correspond tout à fait à ce que je voulais. Finition parfaite, très discret et s'intégrant très bien à mon mobilier !La qualité sonore pour des enceintes à ce prix, est tout à fait correct. Je recommande !

Very satisfied with the product which corresponds exactly to what I wanted. Perfect finish, very discreet and integrating very well with my furniture! The sound quality for speakers at this price is quite correct. I recommend!


Ter aanvulling van de wat magere bas van mijn JBL monitor One speakers was ik al een tijdje op zoek naar een passende betaalbare Subwoofer, de Auna 300 SW actieve sub met zijn ingebouwde 300 watt versterker en 10 inch speaker daarom bij electronic star besteld , levering binnen een paar dagen, aangesloten en WOUW wat een enorme verbetering van het geluid! De subwoofer is goed regelbaar zowel in volume als cross-over punt zodat hij juist daar begint waar de monitor boxen afvallen(100 hz in mijn geval) bij juiste instelling hoor je niet dat er een losse bass speaker meespeelt, het efffect is alleen maar een voller en vooral rustiger geluidsbeeld, ook boomde deze auna NIET waar ik wel bang voor was, stroom verbruik valt ook enorm mee, bij normaal huiskamer volume meet ik 60 watt opgenomen uit het lichtnet. Kortom, zeker geen miskoop deze sub, voor ieder die twijfelt, gewoon doen , krijg je geen spijt van!

To supplement the somewhat meager bass of my JBL Monitor One speakers, I had been looking for a suitable affordable Subwoofer for a while, so I ordered the Auna 300 SW active sub with its built-in 300 watt amplifier and 10-inch speaker from electronic star, delivery within a few days, plugged it in and WOW what a huge improvement in sound! The subwoofer is well adjustable both in volume and crossover point so that it starts exactly where the monitor boxes drop out (100 Hz in my case) with the correct setting you do not hear that a separate bass speaker is playing, the effect is only a fuller and especially quieter sound image, this auna also did NOT boom which I was afraid of, power consumption is also not too bad, at normal living room volume I measure 60 watts drawn from the mains. In short, don't go wrong with this sub, for anyone who is in doubt, just do it, you won't regret it!


Very good centre speaker for the money, although it is pretty big in size (which I was prepared for but make sure you check). Sounds great and does what is says on the tin.

Very good centre speaker for the money, although it is pretty big in size (which I was prepared for but make sure you check). Sounds great and does what is says on the tin.


Ich war auf der Suche nach einem neuen Sub, da mein voriger zu brummen begonnen hat, das auch im Betrieb mit Musik und Film nicht mehr zu überhören war. Da fiel mir dieser auna Sub auf, den ich nach einer Vielzahl an positiven Kommentaren und dem unschlagbar günstigen Preis auswählte. Kurzum: Ich bin sehr angenehm überrascht. Anschluss einfach über den Subwoofer Ausgang meiner 5.1 Anlage (Sony STR-DG510 max RMS 120W / Kanal). Dann der erste spannende Moment beim Einschalten - nein, er brummt nicht. Zum Testen eine basslastige CD eingelegt (Tiamat The Scarred People) - WOW, die Leistung des Subs ist für mein Empfinden super. Der Bass kommt sauber und ohne Verzerrung und liefert eine satte Lautstärke (Raumgröße ca. 20m²), meine Katze hat die Flucht ergriffen ;-) Bei geringer Lautstärkeeinstellung für den Abend steuert die Power Automatik gut an, deutlich hörbares Wummern, aber passend zur restlichen moderaten Lautstärke. Aus meiner Sicht unschlagbares Preis-Leistungsverhältnis und klare Kaufempfehlung.

I was looking for a new sub, since my previous one had started to hum, which could no longer be ignored when playing music and films. That's when I noticed this auna Sub, which I chose after a large number of positive comments and the unbeatably low price. In short: I am very pleasantly surprised. Connection simply via the subwoofer output of my 5.1 system (Sony STR-DG510 max RMS 120W / channel). Then the first exciting moment when switching on - no, it doesn't buzz. A bass-heavy CD was inserted for testing (Tiamat The Scarred People) - WOW, the performance of the sub is great in my opinion. The bass comes clean and without distortion and delivers a full volume (room size approx. 20m²), my cat has taken flight ;-) With a low volume setting for the evening, the power automatic controls well, clearly audible booming, but in line with the rest of the moderate Volume. From my point of view, unbeatable value for money and clear purchase recommendation.


Für den Preis ist der Sub einfach top... Die Automatik ist sinnfrei, da sie einfach zu viel Pegel braucht damit sub eingeschaltet bleibt......also Dauer an, dann ist Ruhe mit dem Klick klick... Deshalb ein Stern weniger

For the price, the sub is simply great... The automatic function is pointless because it simply needs too much level so that the sub stays it's on for a long time, then the click is quiet... That's why a star fewer


Lenyűgöző, pozitívan csalódtam benne. Megmondom őszintén nem vártam tőle sokat a nagyobb neves márkák mellett (B&W, JBL,Canton stb.) de mikor meghallottam megkönnyebbültem, nagyon szép hangja van, házimozizáshoz játékhoz és zenére is alkalmas, hangereje megfelelő, nagyon szépen kiegyenlíti a dinamikatartományát a hangfalaknak. Nem zavaró morgós doboz hangja van inkább tiszta jól kivehető száraz basszusai!

Impressive, positively disappointed. I'll be honest, I didn't expect much from it next to the bigger well-known brands (B&W, JBL, Canton, etc.), but when I heard it, I was relieved, it has a very nice sound, it's suitable for home cinema, games and music, the volume is adequate, it balances the dynamic range of the speakers very nicely. It doesn't have a disturbing grunting box sound, rather it has clean, easily discernible dry basses!


This speaker is big (as described in description) but looks OK under my to, I'm using as centre speaker on my 7.1 surround system and it has fitted in very well. Sounds as good as previous speaker but costs half the price.

This speaker is big (as described in description) but looks OK under my to, I'm using as centre speaker on my 7.1 surround system and it has fitted in very well. Sounds as good as previous speaker but costs half the price.


Awesome machine for this price! I bought 1 pair of them. I'm using them with a combination with floor standing speakers. Sub below, speaker above. Now total height of formation is 1,4m. And for the better midrange (vocals), i'm using satellite speakers too, which are fixed under the top of the wall. This combination should blow up your house. Great delivery too!!

Awesome machine for this price! I bought 1 pair of them. I'm using them with a combination with floor standing speakers. Sub below, speaker above. Now total height of formation is 1,4m. And for the better midrange (vocals), i'm using satellite speakers too, which are fixed under the top of the wall. This combination should blow up your house. Great delivery too!!


Ho ordinato il sub insieme a una coppia di 501 bs ( vedi recensione), ottimo imballaggio. Il prodotto è veramente valido, esteticamente molto bello e ben fatto. Il woofer è di carta , la sospensione in foam al tatto risulta abbastanza rigida, infatti il volume della cassa in bass reflex è contenuto. Il suono e ottimo presente e ben frenato. L' ampli che lo spinge mi sembra più che adeguato e da la possibilità di regolare sia la frequenza di taglio del cross ( a orecchio mi sembra un 12 db ottava o più) sia la sensibilità di ingresso. Ho notato che è un po' troppo sensibile all' on off in presenza di segnale. Nel complesso ottimo e consigliatissimo.

I ordered the sub along with a pair of 501bs (see review), great packaging. The product is really valid, aesthetically very beautiful and well made. The woofer is made of paper, the foam suspension is quite rigid to the touch, in fact the volume of the bass reflex case is contained. The sound is excellent, present and well braked. The amp that drives it seems to me more than adequate and gives the possibility to adjust both the cutoff frequency of the cross (by ear it seems to me a 12 db octave or more) and the input sensitivity. I noticed that it is a little too sensitive to on off in the presence of a signal. Overall excellent and highly recommended.


Collegato con pre SAE 2100L e Phase Linear 4000 TVO dischi telarc digital, resa sorprendente !! rapporto qualità prezzo eccellente.

Connected with pre SAE 2100L and Phase Linear 4000 TVO telarc digital discs, amazing performance !! excellent value for money.


The highs are a bit too high but that is easy to fix. They sound nice and look nice.

The highs are a bit too high but that is easy to fix. They sound nice and look nice.


Crikey what a whopper. This is a big speaker so do make sure you've got adequate space for it. Took some rejigging here to accommodate it. However the result is great for the price. You should at the very least have everything above 80Hz handled by your sub anyway, but this centre speaker gives a warmer and rich sound than my previous small centre.

Crikey what a whopper. This is a big speaker so do make sure you've got adequate space for it. Took some rejigging here to accommodate it. However the result is great for the price. You should at the very least have everything above 80Hz handled by your sub anyway, but this centre speaker gives a warmer and rich sound than my previous small centre.


Great speaker for the money. I have a 7.1 setup using a Yamaha RV-763 amp with Boston Acoustics bassbox & cube speakers all round. To be honest i have never really liked the sound of these speakers. But after adding this Auna center speaker, it sounds great!! What a difference from changing one speaker.. The sound quality of this Auna far surpasses the price i paid for it. A nice full all round sound. Good build quality (old skool WOOD case), nice & heavy so wont bounce about when turned up ;o). i am thinking of getting a Auna surround setup now as they look like being a good quality budget speaker. Only negative is the size. Its quite large. but maybe thats me & im just used to the smaller cube speakers. anyways i have had to put a shelve up above the TV to accommodate it, as it was too tall to go in front of the TV as i had planned. Im glad i put the shelve up as the sound quality is slighty better i think. i would recommend this speaker

Great speaker for the money. I have a 7.1 setup using a Yamaha RV-763 amp with Boston Acoustics bassbox & cube speakers all round. To be honest i have never really liked the sound of these speakers. But after adding this Auna center speaker, it sounds great!! What a difference from changing one speaker.. The sound quality of this Auna far surpasses the price i paid for it. A nice full all round sound. Good build quality (old skool WOOD case), nice & heavy so wont bounce about when turned up ;o). i am thinking of getting a Auna surround setup now as they look like being a good quality budget speaker. Only negative is the size. Its quite large. but maybe thats me & im just used to the smaller cube speakers. anyways i have had to put a shelve up above the TV to accommodate it, as it was too tall to go in front of the TV as i had planned. Im glad i put the shelve up as the sound quality is slighty better i think. i would recommend this speaker


Subwoofer AMPLIFICATO da 150 Watt ""AUNA Linie - 300- W-BK"" Altoparlante da 25 cm di Diametro sistema Bass Reflex Regolazioni di volume e frequenza, nonchè accensione automatica Sistema di inversione di polarità per accordare il sub alle casse Collegamento duplice: Sia con un solo cavo coassiale SUB OUT che parte dall'amplificatore. Oppure per Amplificatori che sono privi di SUB OUT è possibile collegare il sub sfruttando i cavi L & R dei canali anteriori, che vanno direttamente nel Sub e da li partono altrettanti cavi che vanno alle casse Anteriori.... Insomma c'e' possibilità duplice di collegamento !!!! Passiamo al suono: Per il prezzo che costa non pretendo un sub della BOSE, mi soddisfa il basso molto potente e dirompente, solo forse un po lo sfiato del bass reflex doveva essere calibrato meglio, MA SI RISOLVE GIOCANDO UN PO CON LA MANOPOLA VOLUME E FREQUENZA e poi sull'Amplificatore, Io ho già un Technics 5.1. ma credo che un AUNA già dovrebbe essere settato. Dicevo il suono è potente e il sub non ingombra troppo anzi.. è perfetto. Per il prezzo che costa lo consiglio, un sub amplificato a questo costo? fate voi!

150 Watt AMPLIFIED subwoofer ""AUNA Linie - 300- W-BK"" 25 cm diameter speaker Bass Reflex system Volume and frequency adjustments, as well as automatic switch-on Polarity inversion system to tune the sub to the speakers Dual connection: Both with a single SUB OUT coaxial cable starting from the amplifier. Or for Amplifiers that do not have SUB OUT it is possible to connect the sub using the L & R cables of the front channels, which go directly to the Sub and from there start as many cables that go to the Front speakers.... In short, there is the possibility double link !!!! Let's move on to the sound: For the price I don't expect a BOSE sub, I'm satisfied with the very powerful and disruptive bass, just maybe the bass reflex vent should have been calibrated a little better, BUT IT CAN BE SOLVED BY PLAYING A LITTLE WITH THE VOLUME KNOB AND FREQUENCY and then on the Amplifier, I already have a Technics 5.1. but I think an AUNA should already be set. I was saying the sound is powerful and the sub doesn't clutter up too much indeed.. it's perfect. For the price, would I recommend an amplified sub at this cost? you do!


Bien reglé avec un bon ampli ( pout ma part c'est un ampli Yamaha RX-V657)  Ca envoi du lourd que ce soit pour la musique ou pour les films ! Pour la livraison, impeccable aussi, avec ups. Il venait d’Allemagne et en 3 jours je l'ai reçu. merci

Well settled with a good amp (for me it's a Yamaha RX-V657 amp) It sends heavy whether for music or movies! For delivery, impeccable too, with ups. It came from Germany and in 3 days I received it. THANKS


ich bin jetzt schon seit über ein halben jahr in besitz dieses artikels und zufrieden damit. preis leistung ist inordnung er hat ein stabielen halt und sieht auch optisch gut im raum aus erfüllt auch tiefe bässe die man vom 1 stock bis in den keller hört. also für leute die ein etwas kleineren geldbeutel haben genau richtig

I've had this item for over a year now and I'm happy with it. price-performance is in order, it has a stable hold and also looks good in the room. It also fulfills deep bass that you can hear from the 1st floor to the basement. So for people who have a slightly smaller wallet just right


soi hyvin ja laadukkaasti pienissä tiloissa mutta isommissa ei oikein kuulu. hinta on sopiva näin hyvää subwooferiin

it sounds good and high-quality in small rooms, but in bigger ones it is not really audible. the price is suitable for such a good subwoofer


Ho comprato questo sub lo scorso mese e lo utilizzo con un amplificatore Pioneer VSX-424 7.2 a 130 W RMS per canale, riempie la stanza benissimo ed è costruito con un legno molto spesso. Consigliatissimo, arrivato in 4-5 giorni lavorativi come previsto! A questo prezzo non si trova niente dello stesso livello (causa il costo del marchio)!

I bought this sub last month and am using it with a Pioneer VSX-424 7.2 amplifier at 130W RMS per channel, it fills the room beautifully and is built from a very thick wood. Highly recommended, arrived in 4-5 working days as expected! At this price you can't find anything of the same level (due to the cost of the brand)!


da kann man nicht meckern. Tut was es soll und ist mit einem Y-Subkabel bei vielen Verstärkern anschließbar. Ich habe das Teil an einem Onkyo TX-NX636 - super! Viellicht ist der Hub etwas kurz, so das der BASS irgendwie "hart" rüber kommt, aber auch so ist der DRUCK ordentlich zu spüren - vor allem in Verbidung mit einem Bass Pump Iii 8 Ohm unter dem Sofa...einfach geil! Das mit dem Relais-Klack hab ich auch den Schalter in die Mittelstellung (auto) gebracht. Ansonsten ist die Verabeitung gut, also kein Spalt gesehen oder gefühlt - zu empfehlen.

You cant complain. Does what it should and can be connected to many amplifiers with a Y-sub cable. I have the part on an Onkyo TX-NX636 - great! Maybe the stroke is a bit short, so that the BASS somehow comes across as "hard", but the PRESSURE can also be felt properly - especially in connection with a Bass Pump III 8 Ohm under the sofa... just awesome! With the relay click, I also put the switch in the middle position (auto). Otherwise the processing is good, so no gap seen or felt - recommended.


Amikor először megláttam a képen, akkor azt gondoltam, hogy egy kis teljesítményű házimozihoz talán jó, de zenehallgatásra nem lesz alkalmas !  Aztán átgondoltam a paramétereit és azt, hogy milyen és hány literes dobozban van. egy gyors számolás után arra jutottam, hogy még is megrendelem mert a teljesítmény leírása arra engedett következtetni, hogy elegendő lesz a szintén itt rendelt BENG 880 (RMS 180 watt) hangfalpárhoz.   A megérkezését követően beüzemeltem és ami ezután következet, azt úgy tudnám leírni, hogy leesett az állam és tágra nyílt szemem egyszerre. Olyan szépen harmonikusan szólalt meg a két két hangfallal, hogy azt leírni nem lehet, csak meghallgatni. Csodálatosan kijátssza a legmélyebb hangokat is. Nem zengő basszust ad, hanem igazi velőt rázó búgó mélyet !! Nagyon meg vagyok vele elégedve és csak ajánlani tudom otthoni használatra !!! Lehet halkan is hallgatni, mert akkor is szép basszust ad és hangosan is mert akkor sem torzít, de elegendő mély hangot produkál a sztereó hangfalakhoz !!! A nagy nevek mélynyomóinak minőségét hozza, TÖREDÉKÁRON !!!!! Nagyon megéri az árát !!!!!! jó dezing, szép küllem, minőségi hang !!!!  

When I first saw it in the picture, I thought that it might be good for a low-power home theater, but it won't be suitable for listening to music! Then I thought about its parameters and what kind and how many liters it comes in. after a quick calculation, I decided that I would still order it because the performance description allowed me to conclude that it would be sufficient for the pair of BENG 880 (RMS 180 watts) speakers also ordered here. After its arrival, I installed it and what happened next, I could describe as my jaw dropped and my eyes widened at the same time. It sounded so beautifully harmonious with the two sound walls that you can't describe it, you can only listen to it. It plays even the deepest sounds wonderfully. It does not give a resounding bass, but a real bone-shaking humming deep !! I am very satisfied with it and can only recommend it for home use!!! You can listen to it quietly, because it still gives a nice bass, and you can also listen loudly because it doesn't distort, but it produces enough deep sound for stereo speakers!!! It brings the quality of the subwoofers of the big names, AT A FRACTION OF THE PRICE !!!!! Well worth the price!!!!!! good desing, nice look, quality sound !!!!


Seit fast 10 Jahren habe ich ein Canton AS 20 33-180 Hz 8 Zoll Subwoofer. Der Laminat front hat sich schon seit Jahren gelöst und es war nicht mehr so schon. Neulich habe ich ein Orgel CD von Felix Hell gekauft. In den Kopfhörer ist ein sehr tiefer bass zu hören, aber der Canton AS 20 kann das einfach nicht liefern oder fängt an zu dröhnen. Eine Woche habe ich mich überlegt ob ich ein größeren Sub kaufen sollte, ein mit Minimum 10 Zoll, einer der schon ab 22-25 Hz mitspielen kann, also perfekt für Orgelmusik. Nur Subwoofer mit 25 cm (10 Zoll) fangen ab 200 oder öfter ab 400 Euro an. Dann habe ich Auna Linie 300 SW gefunden. Die Rezensionen sind alle sehr positiv, Preis nur knapp 90 Euro! Unglaublich! Ich hatte ein bisschen angst das der Frequenzgang nur 40 bis 180 Hz sein sollte. Wie es überall steht, das währe aber schlechter als die alte Canton und schlechter als alle 10 zoll Subwoofers. Ich kann bestätigen dass der Tiefgang viel tiefer ist als 33 Hz. Die 40-180 Hz ist die Regelbare Trennfrequenz und nicht der Frequenzgang. Im vergleich um alten Canton AS20 merkt man schon dass das Gehäuse von der Auna nicht so gut gedämpft ist. Ein Klopfen mit der Hand auf die Seite klingt ein bisschen hohl und nicht dumpf wie beim Canton. Der Auna hat nur Lautsprecher-Klemmanschlüsse und nicht Schraubanschlüsse mit Bananenstecker Möglichkeit. Mit der Auna hat man keinen Zugang auf die Sicherung von außen, wie beim Canton. (Habe ich in 10 Jahren auch nie gebraucht, so what?) Das zählt, meiner Meinung nach, alles sehr wenig, weil beim Musik spielen pustete Auna alle meine sorgen weg. Es ist einfach sehr gut! Übrigens wurde das nach Österreich in nur 3 Tagen geliefert.

I have had a Canton AS 20 33-180 Hz 8 inch subwoofer for almost 10 years. The laminate front has been peeling off for years and it wasn't like that anymore. I recently bought an organ CD by Felix Hell. A very deep bass can be heard in the headphones, but the Canton AS 20 simply cannot deliver that or it starts to boom. For a week I thought about whether I should buy a larger sub, one with a minimum of 10 inches, one that can play along from 22-25 Hz, so perfect for organ music. Only subwoofers with 25 cm (10 inches) start from 200 or more often from 400 euros. Then I found Auna Line 300 SW. The reviews are all very positive, the price is just under 90 euros! Unbelievable! I was a bit afraid that the frequency response should only be 40 to 180 Hz. As it says everywhere, that would be worse than the old Canton and worse than all 10 inch subwoofers. I can confirm that the draft is much deeper than 33 Hz. The 40-180 Hz is the adjustable crossover frequency and not the frequency response. In comparison to the old Canton AS20, you can already tell that the housing of the Auna is not so well dampened. Tapping the side with your hand sounds a bit hollow and not dull like the Canton. The Auna only has speaker clamp connections and not screw connections with a banana plug option. With the Auna you don't have access to the fuse from the outside, as with the Canton. (I've never needed it in 10 years either, so what?) In my opinion, that counts very little, because playing music Auna blew all my worries away. It's just very good! By the way, it was delivered to Austria in just 3 days.


Ich habe diese Subwoofer Gekauft für meine M-Audio AV-40. This subwoofers are form another planet they have a extreme precise punch giving a good enrichment for your audio, without having distortion on your audio even at high level volume. They pass amazingly great for with the M-Audio AV40. BE CARFUL THEY ARE ACTIVE AND PASSIVE!! (This is amazing) this means: If you would plug an amplified speaker in the amplified (Hi Level out) (Hi Level In) Entries. you would Fry your brand new speakers and maybe subwoofers. If you have passive speakers, just follow the montage diagram provided with them... IF you have ACTIVE speaker, you will need to Connect the source (iphone, ipod) to the Low level "input" connectors. and the Low level "output" connectors to the "line" connection on The active speakers you would like to plug. Nothing to say more is hard to explain they are amazing, my ears were used with the expensive sound system of my dad and I can proudly say the get close go for it

Ich habe diese Subwoofer Gekauft für meine M-Audio AV-40. This subwoofers are form another planet they have a extreme precise punch giving a good enrichment for your audio, without having distortion on your audio even at high level volume. They pass amazingly great for with the M-Audio AV40. BE CARFUL THEY ARE ACTIVE AND PASSIVE!! (This is amazing) this means: If you would plug an amplified speaker in the amplified (Hi Level out) (Hi Level In) Entries. you would Fry your brand new speakers and maybe subwoofers. If you have passive speakers, just follow the montage diagram provided with them... IF you have ACTIVE speaker, you will need to Connect the source (iphone, ipod) to the Low level "input" connectors. and the Low level "output" connectors to the "line" connection on The active speakers you would like to plug. Nothing to say more is hard to explain they are amazing, my ears were used with the expensive sound system of my dad and I can proudly say the get close go for it