[Returns: -15%] CD708 HiFi Amplifier

113,99 € (incl. VAT)
  • 125 watt
  • 43 cm
  • HiFi Amplifier
Product number: 52008982
CD708 HiFi Amplifier
113,99 € (incl. VAT)
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  • Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
  • Shipping time: 4 - 6 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period
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Condition - like new, with minor signs of wear

Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty

Top features

  • Silver HiFi stereo amplifier with large brushed aluminium front panel

  • 5 stereo RCA line inputs for CD players, radios, and other AUX sources

  • 3-band equaliser with balance controller for optimal sound tuning

Product description

The Auna CD708 is a competent HiFi amplifier with versatile functionality and excellent sound. The CD708's wide array of connectivity output options are designed for seamless integration with standard home HiFi systems. A front-side headphone output allows you to quietly listen to music without disturbing others, and on the back of the unit there are five RCA line inputs for hooking up radios, cassette decks, CD players, and other equipment to the amplifier. Via the RCA line output, incoming signals can be easily sent to other devices. With 600 watts of power, this stereo amplifier can sufficiently amplify sound throughout expansive living areas. The Auna CD708 features a dynamic, detailed sound with perfectly matched bass, mids, and treble which can be adjusted with a knob on the front panel. Visually, the device has a notably elegant design with a subtle control panel and brushed aluminium front. The amplifier may be operated via the included remote control or the on-board controls. Available colours: black and silver.


  • Connections: 5 x stereo RCA inputs, 1 x stereo RCA record output, 1 x 6.3mm jack headphone output, 4 x set of speaker terminals
  • Speaker impedance: 6-18 ohms
  • Volume control
  • Bass control
  • Treble controls
  • Midrange knob
  • Balance control
  • Volume button
  • Input source buttons
  • Speaker selector buttons (A / B)
  • Standby function
  • Stands
  • Power LED
  • Cooling: aluminium heat sink (passive)
  • Power button on the rear side
  • Power remote control: 1 x CR2025
  • Power supply: AC 230V, 50Hz
Product number: 52008982

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • 43 x 12 x 29 cm (WxHxD)
  • Weight: about 4.1 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x device
  • 1 x remote control
  • 1 x English user manual (other languages: German)

Delivery & shipment

Low stock - order quickly!

Shipping time: 4 - 6 days

Customer reviews
33 Ratings

The Auna CD708 amplifier is an amazing hi-fi separate for the money. Fully featured with a remote and manual controls that mean the sound can be precisely tailored to taste and powerful enough to do justice to any genre of music. I think it is outstanding value for money and I am delighted with it.


Perfect sound and records i can tell.

Perfect sound and records i can tell.


Schnelle Lieferung bei guter Qualität. Ware entspricht der Beschreibung. Guter Sound und viele Einstellmöglichkeiten. Für einen Profi zu wenig aber sehr guter Durchschnitt. Für diesen Preis eine absolute Kaufempfehlung!

Fast delivery with good quality. Goods correspond to the description. Good sound and lots of settings. Too little for a professional but very good average. For this price an absolute purchase recommendation!


Verarbeitung nicht so toll und Fernbedienung hat keine gute Reichweite....

Processing not so great and remote control does not have a good range....


Ich habe den Verstärker an 2 riesige Quadral Boxen (Vulkan) angeschlossen, die in der Werkstatt stehen. Der Amp bringt für mich einen perfekten Sound, ausreichend in der Power und gut im Klang. Für die paar Euro darf man kein HiFi für 10.000 EUR erwarten, was hier vermutlich einige tun .... Verpackung durchdacht, saubere Verarbeitung und einfache Bedienung.

I hooked up the amp to 2 huge Quadral boxes (Vulkan) that are in the workshop. The amp brings me a perfect sound, sufficient power and good sound. For the few euros, you shouldn't expect a hi-fi for 10,000 EUR, which probably some of them do here .... Well thought-out packaging, clean workmanship and simple operation.


Alles hat gut gefallen.

Liked everything.


Unkomplizierte zuverlässige Abwicklung, Ich bin sehr zufrieden!

Uncomplicated reliable processing, I am very satisfied!


Der Verstärker kam leider defekt an. Habe ihn über Bluetooth verbunden. Sobald ich die Lautstärke regeln wollte gab es laute Knarz und Kratzgeräusche. Ging daher zurück. Die Retourenabwicklung war vorbildlich. An sich hat er qualitativ keinen schlechten Eindruck gemacht, Klang war auch in Ordnung, habe ihn allerdings nur über Kopfhörer getestet.

Unfortunately, the amplifier arrived defective. Connected it via Bluetooth. As soon as I wanted to adjust the volume, there was a loud creaking and scratching noise. So went back. The returns process was exemplary. In itself, it didn't make a bad impression in terms of quality, the sound was also okay, but I only tested it with headphones.


An und für sich für das Geld ganz okay, aber leider mehr nicht. Größter Kritikpunkt ist, wenn der Verstärker vom Strom getrennt war (schaltbare Steckdose) sind beim nächsten einschalten alle!!!! vorherigen Einstellungen vergessen. Jedesmal muss die Quelle, Lautsprecher!!! und Lautstärke neu gewählt werden.....!geht gar nicht! Die Lautstärkeregelung erfolgt auch nicht geräuschlos und die Gesamtlautstärke ist für einen HiFi-Verstärker mehr als bescheiden. Das Gerät wird gelegentlich im Home-Office genutzt, sonst hätte ich es nicht behalten. Ich würde diesen Verstärker nicht noch einmal kaufen.

In and of itself for the money quite okay, but unfortunately not more. The biggest point of criticism is when the amplifier was disconnected from the power supply (switchable socket) when you turn it on all!!!! forgotten previous settings. Each time the source, speaker!!! and volume to be re-selected.....!doesn't work at all! The volume control is also not silent and the overall volume is more than modest for a hi-fi amplifier. The device is occasionally used in the home office, otherwise I would not have kept it. I would not buy this amp again.


Das Gerät ist wertig verarbeitet, leider entsprach es klanglich nicht meinen Vorstellungen. Kompetenter Kunden Service, Rücknahme wurde professionell abgewickelt. Danke für die Bemühungen

The device is of high quality, unfortunately the sound did not meet my expectations. Competent customer service, return was handled professionally. Thanks for the efforts


Das Gerät erfüllt im Gegensatz zu der Vorgägerbestellung voll die Erwartungen. Die Fernbedienung war mangelhaft und das Gerät ließ sich nach 5 Jahren nicht mehr einschalten.

In contrast to the previous order, the device fully meets the expectations. The remote control was defective and the device could not be switched on after 5 years.


Für das Geld is Er ein ganz schönes Brett. Super Klang.Bin schwer begeistert.

It's quite a nice board for the money. Great sound. I'm really excited.


Wer einen günstigen Verstärker mit vielen Anschlussmöglichkeiten sucht ist mit dem auna CD708 gut bedient. Er ist durchaus alltagstauglich, aber nicht unbedingt für den Spitzen-Hörgenuss geeignet, was aber auch sicherlich in der Preiskategorie nicht zu erwarten ist.

If you are looking for a cheap amplifier with many connection options, the auna CD708 is a good choice. It is definitely suitable for everyday use, but not necessarily suitable for top listening pleasure, which is certainly not to be expected in the price category.


Hatte nicht gedacht das Gerät so toll ist es funktioniert hervorragend fur meine Zwecke ist das total in ordnung zumal der preis einfach super

Didn't think the device is so great, it works perfectly for my purposes, it's totally fine, especially since the price is just great


Really great product. Worked straight out the box and even has a phono input so I could hook up my old vintage turntable and speakers with no issues. For the money you can get no better product. Delivery took longer than 2 days, but was worth it. Really great customer service also. I absolutely recommend this product.

Really great product. Worked straight out the box and even has a phono input so I could hook up my old vintage turntable and speakers with no issues. For the money you can get no better product. Delivery took longer than 2 days, but was worth it. Really great customer service also. I absolutely recommend this product.


Mein alter Pioneer-Verstärker hatte den Geist aufgegeben und ich habe mir als Ersatz diesen Auna bestellt. Er bedient den Fernseher, den Reciever, den DVD Player und zeitweise auch den Laptop. Und das macht er gut, in Anbetracht des Preises sogar sehr gut. Mag sein, dass er für HIFI Freaks nicht genug bietet, aber ich bin zufrrieden mit diesem Teil. Wenn er jetzt auch noch so lange funktioniert wie der Alte, (ca.18Jahre) dann war das ein absolutes Schnäppchen.

My old Pioneer amp gave up the ghost and I ordered this Auna as a replacement. He operates the television, the receiver, the DVD player and sometimes also the laptop. And it does it well, very well considering the price. It may not offer enough for HIFI freaks, but I am satisfied with this part. If it still works as long as the old one (about 18 years) then that was an absolute bargain.


Das Gerät ist soweit OK. Ich kann meinen Plattenspieler (Technik 1992) wieder benutzen.Anschluß vorhanden. Nur die Fernbedienung ist ein Witz, man muß in der Näde ca. 1,5 m sein. das man die Lautstärke hoch / runter fahren kann. Man muß auch sehr fest auf die Tasten drücken. Es müßte eine Bessere Fernbedienung sein.

The device is OK so far. I can use my turntable (technology 1992) again. Connection available. Only the remote control is a joke, you have to be around 1.5 m away. you can turn the volume up/down. You also have to press the keys very hard. It would have to be a better remote control.


Das Gerät hatte ich ein paar Tage in Gebrauch. Vorab: Für das Geld ist dieser Verstärker sicher nicht so schlecht. Die Lautstärkeregelung ist allerdings arg zu bemängeln. Also, von unten - Null - also so um " 7 Uhr" bis "12" Uhr ist die Steigerung, bzw. die Abnahme der Lautstärke sehr ungenau, teils im feinen Bereich kaum wahrnehmbar. Aber dann! Nach "12 Uhr" gibt es eine völlig überzogene Lautstärke-Zunahme. Inakzeptabel für meinen Gebrauch. Weiterhin zu bemängeln ist, dass sich der Lautstärkeregler "wabbelig" anfühlt, sehr unexakt und irgendwie Spiel hat. Desweiteren ist in unteren Lautstärken, verwendet man die Fernbedienung, es immer ein Geräusch über die Boxen beim anfänglichen Tippen auf dieser gibt, der Elektromotor ein Geräusch von sich gibt, dass es mir gruselt... wäre es denn wenigstens ein gleichmäßiges, arg hörbares Geräusch. Vom Klang her finde ich das für diesen Preis soweit in Ordnung, an viele andere aber nicht herankommend. Aber dann kam ich nach diesen paar Tagen dennoch auf die Idee, meinen 35 Jahren alten Onkyo-Verstärker reparieren zu lassen... warum? Ja, bei dem war der Lautstärkeregler hinüber... man staune, nach 35 Jahren. Nun "dudelt" er wieder, die Reparatur kostete aber auch rund 100 Euro. Deswegen der Versuch mit dem Auna. :-) Ich möchte aber sagen, dass ich den Auna nicht "zerreißen" wollte. Den Versuch ist er wert, für diesen Preis auf jeden Fall, wer mit den Schwächen leben kann, kann da ruhig mal zugreifen. Übrigens hatte ich oftmals mal gelesen, dass Auna-Verstärker sehr heiß würden. Ein thermisches Problem konnte ich nicht feststellen, fühlen... auch nicht bei längerer, recht lauten Musik. Ich spreche hier natürlich nicht von "bis auf Anschlag", was bei jedem Verstärker eh Unsinn bedeuten würde.

I used the device for a few days. First of all: For the money, this amplifier is certainly not that bad. However, the volume control is badly to complain about. So, from below - zero - so around "7 o'clock" to "12" o'clock the increase or decrease in volume is very imprecise, sometimes hardly noticeable in the fine range. But then! After "12 o'clock" there is a completely exaggerated increase in volume. Unacceptable for my use. Another criticism is that the volume control feels "wobbly", very imprecise and somehow has some play. Furthermore, at lower volumes, if you use the remote control, there is always a noise over the speakers when you first tap on them, the electric motor makes a noise that makes me shudder... if it were at least a steady, badly audible noise . In terms of sound, I think it's okay for this price, but it doesn't come close to many others. But then after those few days I still got the idea to have my 35 year old Onkyo amp repaired...why? Yes, the volume control was gone... you're amazed, after 35 years. Now he "tooles" again, but the repair cost around 100 euros. Hence the attempt with the Auna. :-) But I would like to say that I didn't want to "tear" the Auna. It's worth a try, for this price in any case, if you can live with the weaknesses, you can grab it. By the way, I had often read that Auna amplifiers got very hot. I couldn't find or feel a thermal problem... not even with longer, really loud music. Of course I'm not talking about "up to the stop" here, which would mean nonsense with any amplifier anyway.


Goede versterker. Alleen het volume regelen van de versterker via de afstandbediening is, vreemd genoeg, hoorbaar in de boxen, je hoort een zachte klik. De lage, hoge èn middentonen zijn goed in te regelen. Al met al veel waar voor je geld. Het knoppen zijn mooi blauw verlicht, stand-bij verandert dat in rood.

Good amplifier. Only adjusting the volume of the amplifier via the remote control is, strangely enough, audible in the speakers, you hear a soft click. The low, high and mid tones are easy to adjust. All in all great value for money. The buttons are nicely illuminated in blue, which changes to red in stand-by.


Hľadal som niečo do malej izby ale s kvalitnými basmi, a v kombinácii s ltc sp-800 musím povedať že som sa trafil do čierneho (nie že by tie repráky boli top, ale 330W pustených na cca 25% hrá dobre), sub nakoniec asi ani nebudem riešiť (v pôvodnom systéme bol nevyhnutný). Regulácia tónov je fantastická, od nuly až do extrému, krásny čiernomodrý dizajn, regulácia hlasitosti s fyzickým potenciometrom ale aj s motorčekom na diaľkové je proste dokonalá. Hlasitosť .. neviem, na prvý pokus som zapojil mobil, zvuk ako 20W zostava, po vypnutí a zapnutí sa dajako zobudil a hrá podľa očakávania, uvidíme, krabicu si pre istotu ešte nechám :D .

I was looking for something for a small room, but with high-quality bass, and in combination with the ltc sp-800, I have to say that I hit the nail on the head (not that the speakers are top-notch, but 330W turned on at about 25% plays well), the sub probably doesn't even I will not deal with it (it was necessary in the original system). Tone control is fantastic, from zero to extreme, beautiful black and blue design, volume control with a physical potentiometer but also with a remote motor is just perfect. Volume .. I don't know, on the first try I plugged in the mobile phone, the sound was like a 20W set, after turning it off and on it somehow woke up and plays as expected, we'll see, I'll keep the box just to be sure :D .


Confezione ed accessori Confezione completa per l’Auna CD708 che comprende oltre che l’amplificatore Hi-Fi stereo AUX Phono da 600 W anche il telecomando, il manuale d’uso e tutti i cavi per l’installazione. Design e materiali L’amplificatore Auna CD708 è costruito in alluminio, che gli da un ottima compattezza e resistenza oltre che avere una maggiore dissipazione in termini di calore. La parte frontale, dove troviamo tutti i comandi, ha una maschera con un design moderno ed elegante. Nella parte posteriore troviamo 5 ingressi RCA utili per collegare tutto il necessario per i nostri vari usi. Per esempio potremo collegare diverse fonti come computer, lettori CD, stereo etc. Lo abbiamo testato in una sala prove di ballo ottenendo ottimi risultati in termini di connessioni possibili. ingresso RCA stereo AUX ingresso RCA stereo Phono ingresso RCA stereo tuner ingresso RCA stereo CD ingresso RCA stereo DVD Per quanto le uscite, invece, abbiamo a disposizione: Uscita RCA stereo Uscita jack 6,3mm cuffie Questo amplificatore è molto silenzioso visto il dissipamento passivo quindi senza ventole che interagiscono con il sistema per raffreddarlo. Oltre che gli ingressi RCA, troviamo sul retro i morsetti per le casse, il cavo di alimentazione (fisso) e l’interruttore per accendere o spegnere completamente il sistema.        Funzionalità e caratteristiche Auna CD708 è un amplificatore stereo con 600W di potenza e 125W RMS. Questo significa che ogni cassa potrà produrre una potenza massima di 125W senza subire distorsioni. La massima potenza di picco quindi è di 500W (avendo un massimo di 4 altoparlanti). Per quanto riguarda il collegamento, è molto semplice infatti, dovremo collegare le casse passive direttamente dietro l’amplificatore negli appositi morsetti messi a disposizione. Possiamo collegare fino a quattro casse, decidendo poi se utilizzarle tutte o in parte. Quali altoparlanti scegliere? Dovremo considerare casse con impedenza 6-18 ohm. Accendiamo l’amplificatore con il telecomando o dal pulsante frontale (dopo aver premuto l’interruttore sul retro).  Per regolare i livelli audio, troviamo un equalizzatore a 3 bande con controllo del balance.  Come si regolano i parametri? Possiamo intervenire su questi in due modi: direttamente sul dispositivo tramite il telecomando in dotazione Per la selezione dei diffusori si interagisce sui tasti A/B. Potremo scegliere se utilizzare la coppia di diffusori A, B o entrambe (o nessuna). La selezione ci verrà confermata anche tramite una luce led che cambia colorazione. L’utilizzo del telecomando non è indispensabile ma è molto comodo in occasioni in cui dobbiamo ad esempio abbassare il volume della musica. Ottima durante una lezione di ballo ad esempio.

Packaging and accessories Complete packaging for the Auna CD708 which includes not only the 600 W AUX Phono stereo Hi-Fi amplifier but also the remote control, the user manual and all installation cables. Design and materials The Auna CD708 amplifier is made of aluminum, which gives it excellent compactness and resistance as well as having greater heat dissipation. The front part, where we find all the controls, has a mask with a modern and elegant design. In the back we find 5 RCA inputs useful for connecting everything necessary for our various uses. For example, we can connect different sources such as computers, CD players, stereos, etc. We tested it in a dance rehearsal room with excellent results in terms of possible connections. AUX stereo RCA input Phono stereo RCA input Tuner stereo RCA input CD stereo RCA input DVD stereo RCA input As for the outputs, however, we have available: Stereo RCA output 6.3mm headphone jack output This amplifier is very quiet given the passive dissipation therefore without fans interacting with the system to cool it. In addition to the RCA inputs, we find on the back the speaker terminals, the power cable (fixed) and the switch to turn the system on or off completely. Functionality and characteristics The Auna CD708 is a stereo amplifier with 600W of power and 125W RMS. This means that each speaker will be able to produce a maximum power of 125W without undergoing distortions. The maximum peak power is therefore 500W (having a maximum of 4 loudspeakers). As for the connection, it is very simple in fact, we will have to connect the passive speakers directly behind the amplifier in the special terminals made available. We can connect up to four speakers, then deciding whether to use them all or in part. Which speakers to choose? We will have to consider speakers with an impedance of 6-18 ohms. We turn on the amplifier with the remote control or from the front button (after pressing the switch on the back). To adjust the audio levels, we find a 3-band equalizer with balance control. How are the parameters adjusted? We can intervene on these in two ways: directly on the device using the supplied remote control To select the speakers, you interact with the A/B keys. We will be able to choose whether to use the pair of speakers A, B or both (or none). The selection will also be confirmed by an LED light that changes colour. The use of the remote control is not essential but it is very convenient on occasions when, for example, we need to lower the volume of the music. Excellent during a dance lesson for example.


Nonostante sul mercato si siano diffusi sempre più formati audio compressi e la musica si riproduca dallo smartphone abbinato a uno speaker wireless, il modo migliore per godere dell’esperienza sonora è ancora disporre di un buon amplificatore. Non esiste l’amplificatore perfetto, perché ognuno di noi ha una sensibilità e un gusto differente e solo la prova d’ascolto è in grado di fugare i dubbi e le perplessità e permetterti di portare a casa un prodotto soddisfacente. Acquistare un amplificatore, magari spendendo anche una cifra importante, non è garanzia assoluta di poter ascoltare un suono impeccabile. Questo perché l’apparecchio si inserisce all’interno di un impianto composto anche dal riproduttore audio (tipicamente un lettore cd o un giradischi) e dalle casse. Si tratta di un amplificatore integrato stereo, sul retro si trovano i classici RCA, i morsetti per le uscite diffusori, il cavo d'alimentazione (non staccabile) e un interruttore generale on/off che intelligentemente consente di evitare il classico stand-by permanente. Per capirci: con l'interruttore su 0 l'apparecchio è completamente spento, quando si accende invece va in stand-by e il pulsante frontale d'accensione si illumina di rosso. Per andare in modalità operativa occorre premere questo pulsante sul frontale (o sul telecomando) e l'illuminazione cambia da rosso a blu. Anche la selezione degli ingressi viene segnalata con dei led blu e così pure la posizione della manopola del volume. Lo stratagemma dell'interruttore generale posteriore azzera del tutto i consumi in stand-by, una feature che ho molto gradito. Dal telecomando, oltre regolare il volume, è possibile accendere/spegnere l'apparecchio, selezionare le sorgenti e persino mettere in mute l'apparecchio. Il pregio sostanziale che offre è l’ottimo rapporto qualità/prezzo: questo modello è il più economico e potrà interessare molto, quindi, chi non intende spendere un patrimonio per un amplificatore. Nello stesso tempo, l’Auna ha creato un prodotto che, nonostante il prezzo basso che può portare allo scetticismo, mantiene comunque una buona qualità, per esempio, in termini di potenza grazie ai suoi 600 W e di pulizia del suono. Un altro aspetto che è stato ritenuto positivo riguarda il modello che si presenta molto compatto, elegante, particolarmente leggero ed è, quindi, facile da spostare in casa. Fino a qualche anno fa sarebbe stato impossibile immaginare così tanto per così poco. A mio parere si tratta dell'amplificatore ideale per chi volesse iniziare (e piuttosto bene!) a muovere i primi passi nell'HiFi, senza sacrificare potenza e comodità d'uso. Oppure un ottimo punto d'appoggio per un secondo impianto con qualche pretesa. Si possono collegare tante sorgenti linea e persino un lettore MP3 sul frontale e si può comandare tutto con un praticissimo telecomando. Dal punto di vista sonoro esce a testa alta e con l'onore delle armi da uno scontro con due titani che hanno nelle prestazioni sonore la loro migliore qualità. Devo aggiungere altro? Se state cercando un amplificatore potente, comodo da utilizzare, flessibile, pure esteticamente gradevole non riuscirete facilmente a trovare di meglio per questo prezzo. Piacevolmente stupito.

Although more and more compressed audio formats have spread on the market and music is reproduced from the smartphone combined with a wireless speaker, the best way to enjoy the sound experience is still to have a good amplifier. There is no perfect amplifier, because each of us has a different sensitivity and taste and only the listening test is able to dispel doubts and perplexities and allow you to bring home a satisfactory product. Buying an amplifier, perhaps even spending a significant amount, is not an absolute guarantee of being able to listen to impeccable sound. This is because the device is part of a system also made up of the audio player (typically a CD player or record player) and the speakers. It is a stereo integrated amplifier, on the back there are the classic RCA connectors, the terminal blocks for the speaker outputs, the power cable (non-detachable) and a main on/off switch which cleverly allows you to avoid the classic permanent stand-by . To understand: with the switch on 0 the device is completely off, when it turns on instead it goes into stand-by and the front power button lights up red. To go into operating mode, press this button on the front (or on the remote) and the lighting changes from red to blue. Input selection is also signaled with blue LEDs, as is the position of the volume knob. The ploy of the rear main switch completely eliminates consumption in stand-by, a feature that I very much appreciated. From the remote control, in addition to adjusting the volume, it is possible to turn the device on/off, select the sources and even mute the device. The substantial advantage that it offers is the excellent quality/price ratio: this model is the cheapest and will therefore be of great interest to those who do not intend to spend a fortune on an amplifier. At the same time, Auna has created a product which, despite the low price which can lead to skepticism, still maintains good quality, for example in terms of power thanks to its 600 W and clean sound. Another aspect that was considered positive concerns the model which is very compact, elegant, particularly light and is therefore easy to move around the house. Until a few years ago it would have been impossible to imagine so much for so little. In my opinion it is the ideal amplifier for those who want to start (and quite well!) taking their first steps in HiFi, without sacrificing power and ease of use. Or an excellent base for a second system with some pretensions. Many line sources and even an MP3 player can be connected to the front and everything can be controlled with a very practical remote control. From the sound point of view it comes out head-on and with the honor of arms from a clash with two titans who have their best quality in sound performances. Need I add more? If you're looking for a powerful, comfortable to use, flexible, yet aesthetically pleasing amplifier you won't easily find better for this price. Pleasantly surprised.


Non ho molti termini di paragone, ho acquistato questo amplificatore per pilotare il giradischi Omnitronic DD 2520 appena acquistato anche lui per poter riascoltare i miei vinili che giacevano in cantina da 30 anni. Mi pare comunque molto buono come fattura. curato nelle finiture e bello da vedere. Pomoli in metallo di buona fattura con scatto in posizione 0. Buona la potenza erogata anche se probabilmente non quella dichiarata ma più che sufficiente per un ambiente domestico, a metà volume si sentono i pavimenti vibrare. Consigliato visto anche il prezzo imbattibile. Spedizione perfetta e in anticipo di 1 giorno rispetto alla previsione.

I don't have many terms of comparison, I bought this amplifier to drive the Omnitronic DD 2520 turntable that I also just bought in order to listen to my vinyls that had been lying in the cellar for 30 years. However, it seems to me very good as an invoice. cured in the finishes and beautiful to look at. Well-made metal knobs with click in position 0. Good power output even if probably not the one declared but more than enough for a domestic environment, at half volume you can feel the floors vibrate. Recommended also given the unbeatable price. Perfect delivery and 1 day earlier than expected.


Ich war m überlegen, ob ich nur 3 oder 4 Sterne geben soll. In anbetracht der Tatsache, dass es es ein guter Preis ist, verient es doch 4 Sterne. Denn für 135€ ist das ein klasse Gerät. Nicht vergleichbar mit dem 25 Jahre alten Rotel RA 2020, der deutlich mehr Power hat (Trotz nur 50W Pro Kanal), aber es rumst doch schon. Ich betreibe den Verstärker mit 4-8 Ohm Lautsprechern von Quadral - Quintas 100. Keine super Teile, aber auch nicht schlecht. Allerdings klingt der Sound bei dem AUNA etwas dumpfer und nicht ganz so klar, wie bei dem Rotel. Wenn man also einen großen Raum zur Party beschallen möchte, dann wäre das Gerät ungeeignet. Ich muss meinen PC voll aufdrehen und den Verstärker ebenfalls. So komme ich auf knapp 90 dB Ist nicht wenig, aber auch nicht sehr viel. Wenn man mal durch die Wohnung tigert und voll aufdreht, ist das etwas wenig für mich. (28 Jahre und gutes Gehör). Angeschlossen habe ich noch ein billiges 5.1 System am Chinch-Output. Allerdings auf 2.1 gestellt und anstelle von Sateliten 2 normale Lautsprecher angeschlossen, welche mir etwas mehr Höhen geben. Und der Subwoofer untermalt den Bass ein bisschen, so dass ich den Bass nicht so stark aufdrehen muss und er sauberer klingt. - So viel als Info, dass so etwas möglich ist. Wenn man etwas an die Phones-Buchse schließt, schalten sich die Lautsprecher aus. Ich bin eigentlich zufrieden mit dem Gerät. Da es nicht viel gekostet hat. Nachtrag: 5 Sterne. Das Lautstärkeproblem, dass es etwas leise wirkte, lag am Sound der Grafikkarte (HDMI -> Klinke/Chinch). Der Rotel hat das wohl irgendwie besser verarbeitet. Jetzt ist der Verstärker aber direkt an der ASUS XONAR DGX angeschlossen und es ist verdammt laut. Das reicht für das ganze Haus… Und das ist keine Übertreibung. Ich höre gerne laut Musik oder gucke gerne laut Filme. Dauert also, bis ich mal sage, dass etwas zu laut ist. Also ich habe nichts mehr auszusetzen an diesem Gerät. Ich wüsste nicht was. Sound ist klasse, Sound ist laut, Sound ist deutlich. Man kann alles anschließen,was man so normal im Gebrauch hat. (Was man halt auch erwartet, an einem Verstärker anschließen zu können) nur vielleicht etwas dunkel der Ton. Das könnte man noch sagen. Aber dafür ziehe ich keinen Stern ab.

I was debating whether I should only give 3 or 4 stars. Considering the fact that it's a good price, it deserves 4 stars. Because for €135 this is a great device. Not comparable to the 25-year-old Rotel RA 2020, which has significantly more power (despite only 50W per channel), but it's already rumbling. I run the amp with 4-8 ohm speakers from Quadral - Quintas 100. Not great parts, but not bad either. However, the sound of the AUNA sounds a bit duller and not quite as clear as that of the Rotel. So if you want to fill a large room with sound for a party, then the device would be unsuitable. I have to crank up my PC and the amp too. That's how I get to almost 90 dB. It's not little, but not very much either. If you tiger through the apartment and crank it up, that's a little bit for me. (28 years and good hearing). I still have a cheap 5.1 system connected to the cinch output. However, I set it to 2.1 and connected 2 normal loudspeakers instead of satellites, which give me a little more treble. And the subwoofer accompanies the bass a bit so I don't have to crank the bass up as much and it sounds cleaner. - So much for info that something like this is possible. If you plug something into the phones jack, the speakers turn off. I'm actually happy with the device. Because it didn't cost much. Addendum: 5 stars. The volume problem that it seemed a bit quiet was due to the sound of the graphics card (HDMI -> jack/chinch). The Rotel probably handled it better somehow. But now the amp is connected directly to the ASUS XONAR DGX and it's damn loud. That's enough for the whole house... And that's no exaggeration. I like listening to music out loud or watching movies out loud. So wait until I say that something is too loud. So I have nothing more to complain about with this device. I don't know what. Sound is great, sound is loud, sound is clear. You can connect everything you normally use. (What you also expect to be able to connect to an amplifier) maybe the sound is a bit dark. One could say that. But I'm not deducting a star for that.


Précision nécessaire pour le lecteur, mon approche particulière de la Hifi au travers de mes activités passées. Je dois dire qu'à la réception de cet ampli AUNA, j'éprouve une certaine interrogation non dépourvue de scepticisme. AUNA prétend faire de la Hifi pour 140€, je suis résolu à voir la bête de près. Présentation moyenne, l'alu brossé de la façade est trop brillant et fait des reflets gênants pour les photos. La connectique est abondamment pourvue, les potards tournent à l'ancienne avec une inertie avenante. Les LEDS sont puissantes et peuvent déranger pour une utilisation couplée avec une télévision ou un projecteur. Il est clair que AUNA n'a pas donné la priorité à l'apparence.  La connectique est au standard, on regrette la liaison secteur fixe, par contre les borniers acceptent le câble nu et les fiches bananes. La notice en anglais et allemand n'est pas indispensable, l'absence du français ne nuit pas. Le néophyte vérifiera soigneusement ses branchements avant de relier au secteur, il n'y a rien de compliqué. Le fabricant offre un câble RCA/mini jack pour relier un accessoire, c'est toujours ça de pris. J'ai relié une paire d'enceintes NUMAN Octavox 702 qui m'avait séduit lors d'une précédente évaluation avec du 2 X 2,5 mm². Elles fonctionnent en 4 ohms et sont stables. La source est mon Microméga Premium DVD 2. La source est un point névralgique puisqu'elle conditionne le signal initial. La liaison RCA est réalisée avec un câble blindé d'une valeur de 60€. Le rodage de l'ampli est assez rapide. Les écoutes vont révéler une grandeur que la modeste présentation ne laissait présager. Les disques repères ont montrés les capacités remarquables de ce petit ampli. Il a du coffre et respire la musique. Que l'on écoute de la variété, du classique , du jazz, des chœurs ont est emporté par l'élan musical. Le 708 sonne juste et brillamment, le mode loudness rehausse la dynamique et plait à l'oreille, il sied aux NUMAN 702. On peut jouer modérément du MIDRANGE, un réglage rare qui améliore la coloration sans dénaturer si l'on agit par petites touches. J'ai volontairement laisser les autres réglages au neutre afin de ne pas trop perturber le signal au travers des filtres. Retenez que cet ampli est exceptionnellement musical, il sait faire apparaître les moindres détails dont les puristes se gaussent à des prix qui s'envolent. J'ai joint une photographie de l'électronique où l'on voit bien la structure et les cartes qui la compose. Notez que les alimentations des speakers sont doubles et non dédoublées. Ma conclusion est de ne pas se fier à l'apparence, comme on dit l'habit ne fait pas le moine. Vous pouvez sans crainte acquérir un tel ensemble. AUNA commercialise un lecteur CD non testé qui complète cet ampli, la télécommande est commune. Mon rêve aurait été de tester avec des enceintes 3 voies de NUMAN, il peut être le vôtre si vous opter pour elles. Franchement, la musique ressemble de plus en plus à l'automobile. Certains ont besoin de finition Premium pour se sentir bien, d'autres roulent en voiture discount avec grande satisfaction. L'ampli AUNA 708 fait partie de cette seconde catégorie. Il ne vous décevra pas et interpellera vos amis à l'écoute. Je recommande la version noire pour une meilleure intégration

Necessary precision for the reader, my particular approach to Hifi through my past activities. I must say that upon receipt of this AUNA amp, I feel a certain questioning not devoid of skepticism. AUNA claims to make Hifi for 140€, I am determined to see the beast up close. Presentation average, the brushed aluminum of the facade is too shiny and makes annoying reflections for the photos. The connectors are abundantly provided, the knobs turn the old way with a pleasant inertia. LEDs are powerful and can disturb for use coupled with a television or a projector. It is clear that AUNA did not prioritize appearance. The connection is standard, we regret the fixed mains connection, on the other hand the terminal blocks accept bare cable and banana plugs. The notice in English and German is not essential, the absence of French does not harm. The neophyte will carefully check his connections before connecting to the sector, there is nothing complicated. The manufacturer offers an RCA / mini jack cable to connect an accessory, it's always taken. I connected a pair of NUMAN Octavox 702 speakers which had seduced me during a previous evaluation with 2 X 2.5 mm². They operate at 4 ohms and are stable. The source is my Microméga Premium DVD 2. The source is a nerve center since it conditions the initial signal. The RCA connection is made with a shielded cable worth 60€. The break-in of the amp is quite fast. Listening will reveal a greatness that the modest presentation did not suggest. The benchmark records showed off the remarkable capabilities of this little amp. He has a chest and breathes music. Whether we listen to variety, classical, jazz, choirs have been carried away by the musical momentum. The 708 sounds just and brilliantly, the loudness mode enhances the dynamics and pleases the ear, it suits the NUMAN 702. You can play the MIDRANGE moderately, a rare setting that improves the coloring without distorting if you act in small steps . I deliberately left the other settings at neutral so as not to disturb the signal too much through the filters. Remember that this amp is exceptionally musical, it knows how to bring out the smallest details that purists laugh at at skyrocketing prices. I have attached a photograph of the electronics where you can clearly see the structure and the cards that compose it. Note that the speaker power supplies are double and not split. My conclusion is not to rely on appearance, as they say the habit does not make the monk. You can without fear acquire such a set. AUNA markets an untested CD player which completes this amp, the remote control is common. My dream would have been to test with 3-way speakers from NUMAN, it can be yours if you opt for them. Frankly, music is becoming more and more automobile-like. Some need a Premium finish to feel good, others drive a discount car with great satisfaction. The AUNA 708 amplifier belongs to this second category. It will not disappoint you and will appeal to your listening friends. I recommend the black version for better integration


Ottimo rapporto qualità-prezzo. Si dimostra molto potente anche con casse poco sensibili. Ottima qualità dell'audio sia ad alto che a basso volume. Finiture di ottima qualità e controllo motorizzato del volume.  Unica pecca il telecomando di scarsa finitura e molto direttivo.

Excellent value for money. It proves to be very powerful even with less sensitive speakers. Excellent audio quality at both high and low volumes. Excellent quality finishes and motorized volume control. The only flaw is the poorly finished and very directive remote control.


die Anlage ist von der Leistung her völlig in Ordnung, nur die Fernbedienung ist sehr mau. Es ist eine Kombi-Bedienung, die offnbar auch für einen CD-Player dienen soll. Für diese Verstärkeranlage funktionieren nur die Tasten: Laut-leise, Stumm, Eingangskanal-Wahl, Ein-Aus (Standby). Die (für mich wichtige) Lautsprecherumschaltung kann nicht fernbedient werden, auch alle anderen Funktionen nicht. Die Reichweite und Winkelbreite der Infrarotfernbedienung ist auch ziemlich gering. Ansonsten bin ich mit der Anlage sehr zufrieden. Sehr gut sind die 5 Eingänge, die ich auch wirklich alle benötigte (TV, CD, Phono, Tuner, DVD). Die Ware wurde hervorragend gut verpackt pünktlich geliefert, aber Achtung: Die kleine Batterie für die Fernbedienung (CR 2025) liegt lose unter der Verpackung, ich habe sie mehr durch Zufall gefunden. Für den Preis kann ich die Anlage trotz der Schwäche mit der Fernbedienung sehr empfehlen.

the system is completely fine in terms of performance, only the remote control is very weak. It is a combi-operation, which is apparently also intended for a CD player. Only the buttons work for this amplifier system: loud/quiet, mute, input channel selection, on/off (standby). The speaker switching (which is important for me) cannot be remotely controlled, nor can any of the other functions. The range and angular width of the infrared remote control is also quite small. Otherwise I am very satisfied with the system. The 5 inputs are very good, and I really needed all of them (TV, CD, phono, tuner, DVD). The goods were delivered on time, well packaged, but beware: the small battery for the remote control (CR 2025) is loose under the packaging, I found it more by accident. For the price I can highly recommend the system despite the weakness with the remote control.


Olin uuden vahvistimen tarpeessa kun Onkyoon tuli vikaa. Soundi on hyvin ""kirkas"", selkeä ja tehoa löytyy tarpeeksi. Bassoa olisi voinut olla lisää. Tässä vahvarissa sain vihdoin kunnolla toimimaan B-kajarit ja liitäntöjä löytyy, mikä myös oli yksi ostöpäätökseen vaikuttanut asia. Ainoa pieni miinus tulee hieman hitaasta laitelähteen vaihtamisesta. Hinta/laatusuhde on kohdallaan,

I was in need of a new amplifier when the Onkyo broke. The sound is very "clear", clear and there is enough power. There could have been more bass. In this strong car, I finally got the B-bars to work properly and there are connections, which was also one of the things that influenced the purchase decision. The only small minus comes from the somewhat slow switching of the device source. The price/quality ratio is right,


tento stereo zosík som kupoval za účelom druhotnej hi-fi zostavy v dome na príležitostné počúvanie hudby rôznych žánrov, pričom som ho skombinoval s CD MP3 prehrávačom rovnakej značky Auna cd 509, regálovými reproduktormi Magnat Vector 203 (zapojenie bi-amp a bi-wiring kabelážou Oehlbach) v miestnosti cca 25 m2. po zapojení ma prekvapil veľmi príjemný a čistý prejav zostavy s dostatočne vykreslenými nástrojmi (klasická hudba), príjemné basy (elektronická hudba) aj vokály (audioknihy), pri rockovej hudbe a metale už bolo cítiť trošku nedostatok dynamiky, možnosť osobného nastavenia ekvalizéra (basy, stredy výšky) je fajn, na plný výkon (milo prekvapený silou) len slabo počuteľné skreslenie a v mojich priestoroch úplne dostatočná hlasitosť na cca 1/3 maxima. dizajnovo za danú cenu veľmi pekná zostava, na detailoch (LEDky ukazovateľov, tlačidlá, hrozné diaľkové ovládania) je síce vidieť nižšiu cenu, no pri posluchu sa v 95% prípadov bežnému poslucháčovi tento zosilňovač odvďačí rovnako, ako podstatne drahšie kusy! :) ako mínusy by som ale určite spomenul neprítomnosť iných audio vstupov, len stereo cinch, mimoriadne neprehľadné diaľkové ovládanie na ktoré si treba dlhšie zvykať, relatívne malé skrutkovacie terminály na pripojenie reproduktorov (káble hrúbky 2*4mm pri zapojení bi-amp + bi-wire sa tam len tak-tak všetky zmestili), relatívne väčšie rozmery skrinky, trošku iný brúsený lesk čelnej plochy oproti CD prehrávaču... všetko je však viac ako dostatočne vyvážené zvukovým prednesom a výbornou cenou!!! po takmer mesiaci používania zatiaľ maximálna spokojnosť a určite odporúčam (nielen) ako low-budget hi-fi zostavu :)

I bought this stereo unit for the purpose of a secondary hi-fi set in the house for occasional listening to music of various genres, while I combined it with a CD MP3 player of the same brand Auna cd 509, bookshelf speakers Magnat Vector 203 (bi-amp connection and bi-wiring cabling Oehlbach) in a room of approx. 25 m2. after plugging in, I was surprised by the very pleasant and clean expression of the set with sufficiently rendered instruments (classical music), pleasant bass (electronic music) and vocals (audiobooks), with rock music and metal I already felt a little lack of dynamics, the possibility of personal adjustment of the equalizer (bass, middle height) is fine, at full power (pleasantly surprised by the power) only slightly audible distortion and in my premises the volume is completely sufficient at about 1/3 of the maximum. in terms of design, for the given price, a very nice set, the details (LED indicators, buttons, terrible remote controls) can be seen at a lower price, but when listening, in 95% of cases, this amplifier will repay the ordinary listener in the same way as significantly more expensive pieces! :) as minuses, I would definitely mention the absence of other audio inputs, only stereo cinch, an extremely confusing remote control that takes a while to get used to, relatively small screw terminals for connecting speakers (cables 2*4mm thick when connecting bi-amp + bi- wire just about all fit in there), relatively larger dimensions of the cabinet, a slightly different polished gloss of the front surface compared to the CD player... everything is, however, more than sufficiently balanced by the sound performance and the excellent price!!! after almost a month of use, maximum satisfaction so far and I definitely recommend (not only) as a low-budget hi-fi set :)


un ampli super puissant qui offre des entrèe in est une sortie record qui fonctionne très bien pour sons pois plume comme son prix ils est très puissant en plus vous pouver brancher une platine vinyle phono ses vraiment un bon produits

a super powerful amp that offers input in is a record output that works very well for feather pea sounds like its price they are very powerful in addition you can connect a phono vinyl turntable its really a good product


E arrivato stamattina dalla Germania nel tempo record di 4 giorni mi ha subito stupito la bellezza del prodotto e anche la qualità ...non ha nulla da invidiare a marche più blasonate buona potenza ,ha bisogno di buoni diffusori per potersi esprimere al meglio. ottimo prodotto consigliato Luigi di dato

It arrived this morning from Germany in the record time of 4 days, I was immediately amazed by the beauty of the product and also the quality ... it has nothing to envy to more famous brands, good power, it needs good speakers to be able to express itself at its best. excellent product recommended Luigi di given


Also Ich habe den Auna CD708 jetzt einige Tage im Betrieb : Ich habe an den Auna zwei Eltrax AV180 Standlautsprecher und der Sound ist satt ... Zu beachten ist aber der AUNA hat zwar einen PHONO eingang für Schallplattenspieler das bedeutet aber nur das direkt neben diesem Eingang Masse(Ground) liegt , aber es ist kein PHONO-Vorverstärker verbaut , was aber bei mir nicht schlimm war weil Ich einen Dual CS401 mit Vorverstärker habe . Bei dem Preis kann man aber auch keinen Phono-Vorverstärker verlangen kann. Ich hatte vorher einen Denon der weit teurer war und auch keinen hatte . Die Loudness Funktion ist sehr angenehm wenn man "leise" mit gutem Klangspektrum hören möchte. Die Höhen , die Mitten und die Tiefen können seperat geregelt werden. Der Verstärker hat zwei Kanäle für Boxen , was bei mir notwendig ist weil Ich ein zweites Paar Lautsprecher in der Badezimmerdecke verbaut habe... heißt falls Ich ins Bad gehe schalte Ich eben die Boxen dazu dann verpasst man nix mehr :D Was Ich persöhnlich sehr schön finde ist der Lautstärkeregler ist ein Motorpoti bedeutet die Anzeige dreht mit beim Regeln mit der Fernbindung,beim verstellen der Lautstärke nimmt man dadurch aber ein leichtes knistern war. Was Ich aber wahrscheinlich nur wahrnehme weil Ich sehr nah an den Lautsprechern sitze. !Beim anklemmen haben die Boxen vorher extrem gerauscht das lag aber an der Mehrzweckdose , andere Steckdose genommen Rauschen ist weg! FAZIT: Für den Preis ist der AUNA unschlagbar gutes Klangbild , satte Sinusleistung auch für große Räume gedacht. Ausreichend EINGÄNGE habe vier belegt (Schallplattenspieler,SAT-Reciever,Playstation3,AppleTV) Und das man zwei Paar Boxen anklemmen kann finde Ich sehr gut können einzeln oder zusammen geschaltet werden.

So I've been using the Auna CD708 for a few days now: I have two Eltrax AV180 floor-standing loudspeakers on the Auna and the sound is full... It should be noted, however, that the AUNA has a PHONO input for record players, but that only means that it's right next to it Input mass (ground) is, but there is no PHONO preamp installed, which was not bad for me because I have a dual CS401 with preamp. At the price you can't ask for a phono preamplifier either. I previously had a Denon that was far more expensive and didn't have one either. The loudness function is very convenient if you want to listen "quietly" with a good sound spectrum. The highs, mids and lows can be controlled separately. The amplifier has two channels for speakers, which is necessary for me because I have installed a second pair of speakers in the bathroom ceiling... means if I go to the bathroom I just switch on the speakers then you don't miss anything anymore :D Which I personally very much I think it's nice that the volume control is a motorized potentiometer, which means the display rotates when you control it with the remote connection, but when you adjust the volume you hear a slight crackle. Which I probably only notice because I'm sitting very close to the speakers. !When connecting, the boxes made a lot of noise beforehand, but that was due to the multi-purpose socket, another socket taken Noise is gone! CONCLUSION: For the price, the AUNA has an unbeatably good sound image, rich sinusoidal output, also intended for large rooms. Sufficient INPUTS have four occupied (record player, SAT receiver, Playstation3, AppleTV) and I find it very good that you can connect two pairs of boxes can be switched individually or together.


Después de buscar varias alternativas creo que nos quedamos con la única opción que nos convence. Buena opción. Recomendable.

After looking for several alternatives, I think we are left with the only option that convinces us. Good option. Recommendable.