[Returns: -10%] CS-Kit-8000 Car Hifi Cable

[Returns: -10%] CS-Kit-8000 Car Hifi Cable

43,99 € (incl. VAT)
  • Connection Cable Set
Product number: 52002022
CS-Kit-8000 Car Hifi Cable
43,99 € (incl. VAT)
Also available in other conditions
  • Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
  • Shipping time: 4 - 6 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period

Condition - like new, with minor signs of wear

Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty

Product description


All the cables you need to get great sound on the move!

Complete wiring kit for car hifi amps including power and speaker cables with all connectors.

  • 6 meters power cable - 8 Gauge, 10mm ²
  • 1.2 m ground cable - 8 Gauge, 10mm ²
  • 6 meter remote control cable - 18 Gauge, 1mm ²
  • 6-meter speaker cables - 12 Gauge, 4mm ² with 90 ° angled RCA plugs (on one end) - gold plated connectors
  • 6 meter RCA signal cable
  • 1.8 meters Cable Management
  • 60 amps AGU fuse – gold plated, waterproof
  • Complete with cable ties and safety guides
Product number: 52002022

Dimensions and Technical Details

What will be delivered?

Delivery & shipment

Low stock - order quickly!

Shipping time: 4 - 6 days

Your order will be delivered to the selected address per order. This address does not have to match the billing address. You can send the orders to your family, friends or office if you are not at home during the day.

Safety and Operating Instructions

Product Safety Information

Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin

Responsible Person:
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin

E-mail address:

Customer reviews
23 Ratings

has everythig you need to wire up your car


Chinch geht sehr schnell locker

Chinch loosens very quickly


Also für den Preis ein Klasse Set für die Verkabelung eines Verstärkers im Auto.

So for the price, a great set for wiring an amplifier in a car.


Artikel wurde wie bestellt geliefert. Keine Probleme.

Item was delivered as ordered. No problem.


Alles in Ordnung

Everything OK


Alles ok.

Everything OK.


gutes Preis/Leistungs/Verhältnis, alles was man braucht ist dabei. Einzig das beiglegte Lausprecherkabel ist sehr dünn, aber egal. Zwische Amp und Sub ist nun ein kurzes Stück 2x4Qmm.

good value for money, everything you need is there. Only the speaker cable that came with it is very thin, but it doesn't matter. There is now a short piece of 2x4Qmm between the amp and the sub.


Habe einen Subwoofer in meinen VW Sportsvan eingebaut. Die genannten Kabel waren für den Einsatz vollständig in den richtigen Längen vorhanden, ließen sich gut verarbeiten und versehen ihren Dienst ohne Klagen. Komplettpreis günstig, kann ich empfehlen.

Installed a subwoofer in my VW Sportsvan. All of the cables mentioned were available in the right lengths for the job, were easy to process and did their job without any complaints. Overall price cheap, I can recommend.





das Set kam schnell an, ebenso schnell wurde es verbaut, da ich das nicht zum 1. mal gemacht habe. Was mir ganz gut gar nicht gefallen hat, ist die von anfangan defekte Hauptsicherung welche geliefert worden ist. Ansonsten kann man das Set empfehlen.

The set arrived quickly, and it was installed just as quickly, since I didn't do it for the 1st time. What I didn't like at all is the main fuse that was delivered, which was defective from the start. Otherwise you can recommend the set.


Bestens. Kann man nicht anders sagen. Befestiegungs material ist bei. Leitungslängen wie beschrieben. Diverse stecker und verbindungen sind mit dabei. Kleiner vorschlag für sämtliche kit's, die masse leitung könnte länger sein. Ansonsten top

fine. Can't say otherwise. Fastening material is included. Cable lengths as described. Various plugs and connections are included. Small suggestion for all kit's, the ground wire could be longer. Otherwise great


Die Kabel braucht man nicht wirklich. Da kommt man mit einfacheren Dingen besser zurecht. Also helfen tun sie dir nicht unbedingt.Zudem finde ich die paar Kabel überteuert und würde sie nicht wieder kaufen.

You don't really need the cables. It's easier to deal with simpler things. So they don't necessarily help you. I also think the few cables are overpriced and wouldn't buy them again.


Für die Einsatzzwecke wo es gedacht hat tadellos. Alles dabei was man braucht. Qualität ist mehr als ausreichend. Man sollte nur löten können.

Perfect for the purposes where it was intended. Everything you need. Quality is more than sufficient. You should only be able to solder.


tento set mal môj kamarát on ho prechválil že je vinikajúci mne sa tiež páči preto som si ho aj kúpil vyborny hraje pekne všetko je skvele nemám žiadne poznámky proste Skvelý  

My friend had this set, he praised it that it's great, I also like it, that's why I bought it, it's excellent, it plays well, everything is great, I have no comments, just great


Tento set som videl osobne u znameho a nasiel som ho v tomto obchode za najlepsiu cenu. Set obsahuje vsetko a je kvalitny.

I saw this set in person at an acquaintance's and found it in this store for the best price. The set contains everything and is of high quality.


Tento set som videl osobne u znameho a nasiel som ho v tomto obchode za najlepsiu cenu. Set obsahuje vsetko a je kvalitny.

I saw this set in person at an acquaintance's and found it in this store for the best price. The set contains everything and is of high quality.


I bought the cable for my audio system from my car. I have a Golf 3, almost oldtimer. The cables are perfect for the system, and for car, long enough, quality.

I bought the cable for my audio system from my car. I have a Golf 3, almost oldtimer. The cables are perfect for the system, and for car, long enough, quality.


lassen sich super ins Auto einbauen und der klang vom radio zur box war sehr gut also daum hoch weiter so

can be installed super in the car and the sound from the radio to the box was very good so thumbs up keep it up


Meg vagyok elégedve ezzel a termékkel, mert az árához képest sokat ad. Megfelelő ár-érték arány. Pont ilyenre volt szükségem

I am satisfied with this product because it gives a lot for its price. Good value for money. This is exactly what I needed


gute Verarbeitungen. Hält was es verspricht. Werde demnächst ein zweites kit, direkt über eure Seite für einen Freund bestellen

good finishes. Does what it promises. Will soon be ordering a second kit for a friend directly from your site


Un cable k va de loko y no hace falta ninguno mas gordo

A cable that goes crazy and you don't need any fatter


Produkt getestet, super leichter einbau.Qualität auch sehr gut, bis auf die vergoldung der Klemmen, die blättern ab und zu ab.

Product tested, super easy installation. Quality also very good, except for the gold plating on the terminals, which peels off from time to time.


War echt begeistert da ist alles dabei was ich brauche um meine Verstärker anzuschließen echt Hammer und sehr gut verarbeitet.

I was really excited because everything I need to connect my amplifier is included, really awesome and very well made.