Mosquito Ex 5000 Insect Killer

Mosquito Ex 5000 Insect Killer
- Insect killer
- Silver Metallic
- Ready for delivery In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays.
- Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
- Ready to ship in 24 hours
- 14 day cooling off period
Top features
Environmentally friendly: pure electricity without harmful substances
Easy cleaning: thanks to removable catch tray
No disturbing effects: odourless and noiseless attraction by UV light day and night
Product description
Compact Powerhouse: to restore calm in living and office spaces, the Waldbeck Mosquito Ex 5000 insect killer keeps its surroundings free of insects.
The Mosquito Ex 5000 insect trap helps eliminate mosquitoes, flies and other annoying pests in homes, kitchens or stables and provides relief without any chemicals. The insects are attracted by 2 UV tubes with 15 watts each and quickly killed by high voltage wires with 2200V. By using black light, the trap works both day and night.
Since the catch tray is removable, the insect killer can be easily and conveniently cleaned. Protective grills on both sides of the device prevent accidental contact with the voltage grid. A practical chain suspension allows the device to be hung out of reach of children or animals.
Fast and efficient relief: the Mosquito 5000 insect killer by Waldbeck frees you of annoying insects without chemicals.
- Effective area: 150 m²
- Total power: 38 watts
- Tubes: 2 x 15 watts
- UV light 365 nm
- Grid voltage: 2000-2200V
- Suspension device with chain
- Lightweight housing made of sheet metal with plastic edges
- On / Off switch on the front
- Power supply: 220-230 V ~ | 50 Hz
Dimensions and Technical Details
- Dimensions: about 52 x 30.5 x 9 cm (WxHxD)
- Chain for hanging: about 64 cm
- Power cable: about 120 cm
- Weight: about 2.3 kg
What will be delivered?
- 1 x insect killer
- 1 x catch tray
- 1 x chain for suspension device
- English manual (other languages: German, French, Italian and Spanish)
Delivery & shipment
Shipping time: 3 - 5 days
Your order will be delivered to the selected address per order. This address does not have to match the billing address. You can send the orders to your family, friends or office if you are not at home during the day.
Safety and Operating Instructions
Product Safety Information
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
Responsible Person:
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
E-mail address:
No review available for this item.
Suppression des moucherons qui s’infiltrent partout. Efficacité impressionnante.
Eliminates midges that get everywhere. Impressively effective.
tres efficace
very effective
Super Gerät würde es immer wieder kaufen.
Great device, would buy it again and again.
Zanzariera professionale di ottima fattezza, neon potente che contemporaneamente non disturba chi ha intorno. Funziona molto bene ed attira neutralizzando tutti gli insetti, dai moscerini a quelle XXL. Pratico e ben fatto. Facile la pulizia, anche se spesso gli insetti più grandi rimangono incastrati nella reta elettrificata, ma con un compressore tutto si risolve facilmente. Facile da usare, anche se il cavo di alimentazione l'avrei fatto lungo il doppio, per migliorarne la versatilità. Consegna rapida e ben imballato, già nella sua scatola iniziale della casa. Rapporto qualità prezzo, si potrebbe fare qualcosina di meglio. CONSIGLIATISSIMA.
Professional mosquito net of excellent workmanship, powerful neon that at the same time does not disturb those around it. It works very well and attracts neutralizing all insects, from midges to XXL ones. Practical and well made. Easy to clean, even if often the larger insects remain stuck in the electrified net, but with a compressor everything is easily resolved. Easy to use, even if I would have made the power cable twice as long, to improve its versatility. Fast delivery and well packaged, already in its initial home box. Value for money, something could be done better. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Come da titolo, ottimo prodotto fa benissimo il suo mestiere, lo uso in un box-tavernetta e funziona molto meglio delle classiche piastrine o insetticida spray
As per the title, excellent product, it does its job very well, I use it in a basement box and it works much better than the classic plates or spray insecticide
Fa bene il suo 8+ Amazon 10
It does its job well...rating 8+ Amazon 10
Since my son just took it and kept it after it did so well with midgets, I have to order another one.
Since my son just took it and kept it after it did so well with midgets, I have to order another one.
Super Gerät, habe ich schon für mehrere Räume gekauft. Die Leuchtstoffröhren können auch ausgetauscht werden. Also lange verwendbar und sehr effektiv. Beibu uns laufen sie ganzjährig.
Super device, I have already bought for several rooms. The fluorescent tubes can also be replaced. So it can be used for a long time and is very effective. With us they run all year round.
Gute Verarbeitung, sehr gute Funktion.Gerät funktioniert einwandfrei.Sehr zu empfehlen !
Good workmanship, very good function. Device works perfectly. Highly recommended!
Sehr helles Licht, funktioniert einwandfrei.
Very bright light, works perfectly.
Habe den Mosquito angeschafft für meinen Garten ! In der Beschreibung steht Geräuschlos und Geruchlos ohne Gifte ! Na ja bei jedem Einflug eines Insektes knallte es laut und die Insekten schmorten an den Strom führenden Drähten vor sich hin und es roch danach nach Grillfliege ! Ausserdem ist die Anwendung im Freien Verboten , dies steht aber nicht in der Beschreibung !!!
I bought the Mosquito for my garden! The description says noiseless and odorless without toxins! Well, every time an insect flew in, there was a loud bang and the insects stewed on the current-carrying wires and afterwards there was a smell of cricket flies! In addition, outdoor use is prohibited, but this is not in the description!
Funktioniert tadellos ist preiswert und von einem deutschen Lieferanten (bedeutet für mich: kein Zoll, keine Lieferprobleme, weniger Ärger bei eventuellen Garantie- und Versicherungsfällen als z.B. Mit Lieferanten aus China)
Works perfectly is inexpensive and from a German supplier (means for me: no customs, no delivery problems, less trouble with possible guarantee and insurance claims than, for example, with suppliers from China)
L'articolo è arrivato nei tempi stabiliti. Avevo letto alcune recensioni negative, per cui ero preparato ai materiali "discutibili", ma alla fine non sono neppure così pessimi, li ho trovati in linea con altri prodotti simili. Ho provato l'articolo per alcuni giorni e devo dire che durante il giorno cattura pochi insetti, ma sono anche pochi quelli in circolazione. Come si abbassa la luminosità e iniziano ad girare le zanzare e altri insetti sono attirati dalle due lampade e la zanzariera elettrica fa benissimo il suo lavoro. In poche ore ha "fulminato" moltissimi insetti. Al momento devo dire che dalle mie parti non girano molte zanzare tigre, spero che funzioni anche con loro.. per adesso ha preso molti pappataci, altri moschini, zanzare comuni, altri piccoli insetti che non conosco i nomi… ho trovato anche una cimice verde "stordita".
The item arrived on time. I had read some negative reviews, so I was prepared for "questionable" materials, but in the end they are not even that bad, I found them in line with other similar products. I tried the item for a few days and I have to say that during the day it captures few insects, but there are also few of them in circulation. As soon as the brightness is lowered and the mosquitoes and other insects start to move around, they are attracted by the two lamps and the electric mosquito net does its job very well. In a few hours it has "electrocuted" many insects. At the moment I have to say that in my area there are not many tiger mosquitoes, I hope it works with them too.. for now it has caught many sandflies, other midges, common mosquitoes, other small insects that I do not know the names ... I also found a "stunned" green bug.
Bei einem dicken Brummer ist einmal die Sicherung rausgeflogen. Ansonsten macht das Gerät seinen Job bisher ganz gut.
With a big hum, the fuse blew once. Otherwise, the device has done its job quite well so far.
Kleines Gerät mit grosser Wirkung
Small device with a big impact
Gutes Teil zu jeder Zeit wieder
Good part at any time again
ist meine dritte insektengrillbox, diese funktioniert, kleiner nachteil: die zu kurze kette, da müssen wir jedesmal "basteln"
is my third insect grill box, this works, small disadvantage: the chain is too short, we have to "tinker" every time
auch für größere Räume geeignet
also suitable for larger rooms
Perfekt, erwischt auch zuverlässig große Brummer - schaffen die kleinen meist nicht, sehr zufrieden und sieht nicht nach Imbissbuden Inventar aus
Perfect, also reliably catches big buzzers - the small ones usually don't make it, very satisfied and doesn't look like snack bar inventory
Das Gerät kam in einer guten Verfassung bei mir an, keine Dellen, Kratzer oder sonstige Probleme wie defekte Lampen. Den anderen Rezensenten kann ich bei der Auffangschale zustimmen, die scheint mehr als Gimmick gedacht und ist ziemlich "billig", tut aber was sie soll. Das Licht ist angenehm und die Wirkung ist auch beeindruckend. Die ersten Insekten waren sehr überraschend gegrillt worden. Mit lautem Knall kann man jeden Erfolg hören. Grillt es grade keine Insekten ist das Gerät leise und es stinkt nicht. Für den Preis auch ohne Probleme im Privatgebrauch auf dem Balkon oder der Terrasse gut zu gebrauchen. War auf jeden Fall bisher sein Geld wert.
The device arrived in good condition, no dents, scratches or other problems such as defective lamps. I agree with the other reviewers about the drip tray, which seems to be more of a gimmick and is fairly "cheap", but does what it's supposed to. The light is pleasant and the effect is also impressive. The first insects had been grilled very surprisingly. Every success can be heard with a loud bang. If there are no insects grilling, the device is quiet and it doesn't stink. For the price, it can also be used privately on the balcony or terrace without any problems. Definitely worth the money so far.
Lo uso su un terrazzo di c.a. 60mq e svolge egregiamente il suo lavoro. Il massimo del rendimento ce l'ha quando arriva la sera, a quel punto le luci ipnotizzano gli insetti che non hanno scampo... fa una strage. Il cavo di alimentazione non è il massimo, diciamo che un metro in più permetterebbe di posizionare la zanzariera con più libertà.
I use it on a terrace of about 60 square meters and it does its job very well. It has the maximum performance when the evening comes, at that point the lights hypnotize the insects that have no escape... it makes a massacre. The power cable is not the best, let's say that an extra meter would allow you to position the mosquito net with more freedom.
waldbeck mosquito Ex 5000 zanzariera elettrica neon UV 38W 150m² colore argento il modello della waldbeck mosquito Ex 5000 è una zanzariera elettrica efficientissima già da appena messa in funzione vi accorgerete che stermina parecchi insetti essa vi fa risparmiare le spese per prodotti Insetticida inoltre rispetta l'ambiente non inquinando è inodore senza prodotti chimici si comporta come trappola per Insetti attraendo con i suoi 2 neon uv per poi fulminare gli insetti per il resto è silenziosa il tutto per una potenza totale di 38W si adatta per ambienti di circa 150 m²
waldbeck mosquito Ex 5000 electric mosquito net neon UV 38W 150m² silver color the waldbeck mosquito Ex 5000 model is a very efficient electric mosquito net as soon as it is put into operation you will notice that it exterminates many insects it saves you the cost of insecticide products it also respects the environment by not polluting it is odorless without chemical products it acts as an insect trap attracting with its 2 neon UV and then electrocuting the insects for the rest it is silent all for a total power of 38W it is suitable for environments of approximately 150 m²