[Returns: -15%] Beef Butler Charcoal Grill

135,99 € (incl. VAT)
  • 100 cm
  • Charcoal Grill
  • 19 kg
Product number: 52021771
Beef Butler Charcoal Grill
135,99 € (incl. VAT)
Also available in other conditions
  • Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    103,99 €
  • Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
  • Shipping time: 4 - 6 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period
  • Free delivery, no minimum order

Condition - like new, with minor signs of wear

Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty

Top features

  • Charcoal grill for grilling and smoking

  • 3 chrome-plated cooking grids at different heights

  • 4 individually opening vents

Product description

The OneConcept GQ5 Beefbutler is a grown-up charcoal grill smoker that gives food a delicious smoky taste. The Beefbutler may be used in three different levels to provide both direct and indirect cooking. With the cover closed, the Beefbutler smokes food to prepare American grill classics such as spare ribs, pulled pork, or beef brisket. The four air vents may be individually opened or closed in order to control the smoking process depending on your personal preference. The charcoal vessel is easily seen, allowing you to monitor and customise the burning. The grill features two spacious wooden shelves for the storage of barbecue meats and utensils. The large front panel can be folded as needed, giving the GQ5 Beefbutler more versatility in placement throughout the garden or in the gazebo. Despite its size, the device is still easy to move. Thanks to the handle and the smooth-running trolley wheels, it is easy to push even on uneven ground. On the ground-level support grid, there is enough space for different BBQ accessories such as charcoal, utensils and anything else you may need while you cook. The OneConcept GQ5 Beefbutler brings the smokey barbecue flavour of the wild west to your home!


  • Grill rack with lever system
  • Access to the lower grate through the flap in the centre grate
  • Wooden handle on the vent lever
  • Removable charcoal filter
Product number: 52021771

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Approx 100 x 95 x 55 cm (WxHxD)
  • Weight: 19 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x smoker hood
  • 1 x grill pan
  • 3 x grill
  • 1 x support stand
  • 1 x support stand with axle suspension
  • 2 x wheels
  • 1 x axis
  • 3 x wood strip for the side shelf
  • 2 x angle brackets for side shelf
  • 3 x wooden bar for the front shelf
  • 2 x angle brackets for the front shelf
  • 4 x ventilation shutter slats
  • 1 x vent lever
  • 4 x support bracket for centre grate
  • 2 x grips
  • 2 x grates
  • 2 x carbon lattice
  • 2 x handles
  • 1 x charcoal filter
  • 1 x handle for canister
  • 1 x suspension for charcoal
  • 2 x horizontal brace
  • 1 x storage grid
  • 1 x mounting kit
  • 1 x English user manual

Delivery & shipment

Low stock - order quickly!

Shipping time: 4 - 6 days

Customer reviews
13 Ratings

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Für das Grillen mit Familie bestens

Great for barbecuing with the family


Echt ein gutes Gerät und vor allem gute Qualität ️

Really a good device and above all good quality ️


Der Aufbau gelang zu 2. In knapp unter einer Stunde, die Beschreibung war relativ einfach zu lesen und auch alle Löcher haben gepasst. Der Grill wurde schnell heiß und das Grillgut war zügig fertig. Allerdings hielt der Asche-Topf die Hitze nicht aus und löste bereits bei der ersten Benutzung seinen Lack ab. Dafür ist der Preis meiner Meinung nach nicht gerechtfertigt. Wenn man einen Grill produziert, sollte das Material auch die Hitze aushalten können.

The construction succeeded in 2. In just under an hour, the description was relatively easy to read and all the holes fit. The grill got hot quickly and the grilled food was ready quickly. However, the ash pot couldn't stand the heat and the paint peeled off the first time it was used. In my opinion, the price is not justified for this. When producing a grill, the material should also be able to withstand the heat.


Dieser Grill kam gut verpackt und knapp tadellos bei mir an. Der Aufbau ist relativ einfach als dummi die Schrauben sollten einzeln nach Größe und Beschreibung verpackt werden. Kam etwas durcheinander. Mit ordentlich Kohle auf dem Grill kann man bei guter Temperatur super grillen. Ging alles supper und viel Platz. Für diesen Preis vollkommen ausreichend.

This grill arrived well packaged and in perfect condition. The construction is relatively simple as dummi the screws should be packed individually according to size and description. Something got mixed up. With plenty of charcoal on the grill, you can grill at a good temperature. Everything went great and lots of space. Perfectly adequate for this price.


Aufbau war machbar und ok. Der Grill kam allerdings verbeult und zerkratzt hier an, was natürlich nicht ok ist.

Construction was feasible and ok. However, the grill arrived here dented and scratched, which of course is not ok.


Sehr gute Qualität

Very good quality


Der Aufbau ist kinderleicht.

The construction is very easy.


Gutes Produkt zum günstigen Preis. Anleitung ist verständlich. Ein Stern Abzug weil das Material doch etwas empfindlich ist ( siehe Bilder ). Vielleicht sollte man über die Verpackung noch mal nachdenken. Hier und da war der Grill verbogen. Das war aber mit einem kleinen Hammer schnell ausgeglichen. Mein Tipp : Auf jeden Fall vor dem ersten Einsatz einmal durchheizen. Beim ersten Einsatz stinkt der Grill stark nach Farbe. So soll das Fleisch natürlich nicht schmecken ;-)

Good product at a cheap price. Instructions are understandable. One star deduction because the material is a bit sensitive (see pictures). Maybe you should reconsider the packaging. Here and there the grill was bent. But that was quickly compensated with a small hammer. My tip: In any case, heat it up thoroughly before using it for the first time. When first used, the grill smells strongly of paint. Of course the meat shouldn't taste like that ;-)


Ein Super Grill. Er lässt sich leicht zusammen bauen und sieht sehr schick aus. Das Grillen geht schnell und das fertige Produkt bleibt lange warm. Für diesen Preis muss man nicht überlegen

A great grill. It is easy to assemble and looks very chic. Grilling is quick and the finished product stays warm for a long time. For this price you don't have to think twice


Produit conforme à la photo. Un montage difficile car il manquait certaine pièces, mais qui au final ne gène pas dans l’utilisation final du barbecue.Idéal même pour l’utilisation sur un balcon, la fonction fumage donne un vrai plus niveau goûts.L’inconvénient : demande beaucoup de charbon car la cuve est grande.Un grand barbecue conviviale qui permet de cuire beaucoup de viandes en même temps avec un gain de temps énorme.Les planches en bois devant et sur le coté est un vrai plus pour posée tout le nécessaire de cuisson ainsi que les condiments pour la cuisson des viandes.Seule point négatif le montage (manuel de montage très sommaire ) et le manque de pièces.

Product conforms to the photo. A difficult assembly because some parts were missing, but which in the end does not interfere with the end use of the barbecue. Ideal even for use on a balcony, the smoking function gives a real extra level of taste. The disadvantage: requires a lot charcoal because the tank is large. A large, user-friendly barbecue that allows you to cook a lot of meat at the same time with enormous time savings. only condiments for cooking meat. The only negative point is the assembly (very basic assembly manual) and the lack of parts.


Con l'arrivo della bella stagione adoro organizzare grigliate con la mia famiglia e con gli amici. Proprio per questo, ho scelto un barbecue che facesse al caso mio, comodo e pratico anche per l'utilizzo sul balcone o in giardino e, allo stesso tempo, da poter facilmente smontare in due parti, per poter esser portato in baita nel fine settimana. Tutte le componenti del barbecue arrivano all'interno di una grande scatola di cartone ma, grazie al libretto delle istruzioni, l'articolo è davvero semplice da montare. La prima cosa che mi ha colpito di questo barbecue è il fatto che sia dotato di un comodo maniglione sul lato destro, che permette gli spostamenti anche per mezzo delle due ruote presenti sul lato inferiore sinistro. Una volta deciso dove sistemare il barbecue esso sarà davvero stabile, grazie alla presenza delle due gambe rigide. Il barbecue presenta una struttura composta da due mezze lune in ferro sulla parte superiore. All'interno del braciere orizzontale andranno disposte le nostre tre diverse griglie. Questo barbecue dispone di un ampia area per la cottura. Partendo dal basso, sulla prima sarà possibile disporre la carbonella che, una volta consumata, finirà nell'apposito contenitore, il quale si trova esterno alla struttura principale del barbecue, nella parte inferiore e facilmente estraibile. Subito sopra, troveremo una griglia suddivisa in due laterali fissi e la parte centrale mobile. Qui potremo cuocere la nostra carne e, grazie alla griglia centrale, qualora quella già posta non bastasse, anche durante la fase di cottura potremo alzarla per effettuare un'aggiunta di carbonella. Infine, inserita nel coperchio tramite due perni laterali, troveremo un'ultima griglia, di dimensioni più ridotte, dove potremo appoggiare la nostra carne per mantenerla in caldo una volta cotta. Ai lati della struttura principale troviamo due piccole ghiere che coprono dei fori, e, a seconda di come verranno ruotate, permetteranno o meno l'ingresso di aria nel nostro barbecue, in modo da poter decidere quale tipo di cottura eseguire. Con i fori scoperti permetteremo l'ingresso di ossigeno, il quale manterrà la fiamma viva, continuando nella cottura tradizionale mentre, invece, con i fori coperti sarà possibile effettuare un'affumicatura della nostra carne. Sul lato sinistro troviamo un comodo ripiano fisso composto da tre listelli di legno che misura 42,5 cm x 20 cm. Sul lato anteriore c'è un altro ripiano, sempre composto dal medesimo materiale del precedente, ma di dimensioni diverse, questo infatti è di 76 cm x 27 cm, e potrà essere richiuso nel momento in cui non ci dovesse servire. Utilizzandoli entrambi, avremo la possibilità di avere due basi d'appoggio, comode per avere a portata di mano tutto il necessario per il nostro barbecue. In questa stagione si iniziano a vedere molte griglie in vendita nei supermercati e nei negozi specializzati ma, di questa qualità e a questo prezzo, io non ne ho mai trovate!

With the arrival of summer I love organizing barbecues with my family and friends. Precisely for this reason, I chose a barbecue that was right for me, comfortable and practical also for use on the balcony or in the garden and, at the same time, that can be easily disassembled into two parts, to be taken to the cabin on the weekend . All the components of the barbecue arrive in a large cardboard box but, thanks to the instruction booklet, the article is really simple to assemble. The first thing that struck me about this barbecue is the fact that it is equipped with a comfortable handle on the right side, which also allows movement by means of the two wheels on the lower left side. Once you decide where to place the barbecue, it will be really stable, thanks to the presence of the two rigid legs. The barbecue has a structure made up of two iron half-moons on the top. Our three different grills will be arranged inside the horizontal brazier. This barbecue has a large area for cooking. Starting from the bottom, on the first it will be possible to arrange the charcoal which, once consumed, will end up in the special container, which is located outside the main structure of the barbecue, in the lower part and can be easily removed. Immediately above, we will find a grid divided into two fixed sides and the mobile central part. Here we will be able to cook our meat and, thanks to the central grill, if the one already placed is not enough, even during the cooking phase we will be able to raise it to add charcoal. Finally, inserted into the lid via two lateral pins, we will find a final grill, of smaller dimensions, where we can place our meat to keep it warm once cooked. On the sides of the main structure we find two small rings that cover the holes, and, depending on how they are rotated, they will allow or not the entry of air into our barbecue, in order to be able to decide which type of cooking to perform. With the holes uncovered we will allow the entry of oxygen, which will keep the flame alive, continuing the traditional cooking while, instead, with the holes covered it will be possible to smoke our meat. On the left side we find a comfortable fixed shelf made up of three wooden slats measuring 42.5 cm x 20 cm. On the front side there is another shelf, always made of the same material as the previous one, but of different dimensions, this one is in fact 76 cm x 27 cm, and can be closed when we don't need it. Using both of them, we will have the possibility of having two support bases, convenient for having everything necessary for our barbecue at hand. This season we are starting to see many grills on sale in supermarkets and specialized shops but I have never found any of this quality and at this price!


Bellissimo barbecue a carbonella per grigliare ed affumicare in maniera diretta ed indiretta. Il barbecue arriva completamente smontato in tutte le sue parti. Con un po' di pazienza il montaggio riesce benissimo è lungo ma semplice le istruzioni sono ben dettagliate ed illustrate. Il barbecue in pratica presenta un elemento grande contenitore con coperchio e all'interno verranno poggiate 3 griglie sovrapposte cromate per la carbonella per gli alimenti e per l'affumicatura. Inoltre troveremo 4 saracinesche per la ventilazione, 2 per ogni una delle due parti principali del barbecue apribili con il bastoncino apposito fornito. Dotato di pratica maniglia per aprire e chiudere il barbecue e maniglia per spostarlo facilmente anche con una sola mano grazie alle due rotelline poste alla base su due gambe del barbecue. Sono presenti diversi ripiani due in legno per poggiare gli utensili i piatti eccetera uno laterale fisso e uno mobile quindi apribile e richiudibile lungo tutta la parte frontale del barbecue. Nella parte sottostante troveremo un ulteriore ripiano fatta da una griglia metallica utilissimo anche quest'ultimo. Posto alla base della base inferiore troviamo una bacinella di raccolta per le ceneri che si toglie e svuota facilmente Le dimensioni sono 100 x 95 x 55 cm quindi ideale da tenere in giardino o su un ampio terrazzo. Pesa circa 19 kg quindi facilmente trasportabile da un adulto. Realizzato con materiali solidi e robusti per il primo utilizzo consiglio di fare evaporare qualche ora e poi procedere con la cottura abituale. Ideale per le grandi grigliate da fare in giardino spesso e volentieri nelle sere d'estate sono uno dei nostri passatempi preferiti. Ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo Consigliato.

Beautiful charcoal barbecue for direct and indirect grilling and smoking. The barbecue arrives completely disassembled in all its parts. With a little patience, the assembly works very well, it's long but simple, the instructions are well detailed and illustrated. In practice, the barbecue has a large container element with a lid and 3 overlapping chromed grills will be placed inside for the charcoal for food and for smoking. We will also find 4 gate valves for ventilation, 2 for each one of the two main parts of the barbecue that can be opened with the special stick provided. Equipped with a practical handle to open and close the barbecue and a handle to move it easily even with one hand thanks to the two wheels located at the base on two legs of the barbecue. There are several shelves, two in wood to place utensils, plates, etc., a fixed side one and a mobile one that can therefore be opened and closed along the entire front part of the barbecue. In the part below we will find an additional shelf made from a metal grid that is also very useful. At the base of the lower base we find a collection tray for the ashes that can be easily removed and emptied. The dimensions are 100 x 95 x 55 cm, therefore ideal for keeping in the garden or on a large terrace. It weighs about 19 kg therefore easily transportable by an adult. Made with solid and robust materials, for the first use I recommend letting it evaporate for a few hours and then proceeding with the usual cooking. Ideal for large barbecues to be had in the garden often on summer evenings, they are one of our favorite pastimes. Excellent value for money. Recommended.


Quando penso al barbecue la prima cosa che mi viene in mente è allegria, allegria con tanti amici intorno nelle serate d'estate Certo, non si usa solo in estate ma 365 giorni l'anno questo articolo, comodo, bello esteticamente e ben costruito, il barbecue della ONECONCEPT E' formato da 3 griglie sovrapposte, una saracinesca per la ventilazione e 2 ripiani in legno per appoggiare gli utensili per la nostra carne alla brace. La cosa più pratica sono le ruote che ci permettono di spostarlo in tutta comodità dove ne necessitamo Ha un comodo contenitore che può essere rimosso quando è pieno e in cui va a finire la cenere. Le tre griglie sono comodissime, possono essere utilizzate per grigliare la carne in maniera diretta o indiretta, abbiamo anche la possibilità di porre i cibi già pronti sulla griglia superiore per poterli mantenere caldi fino alla fine dell'intera grigliata. La valvola che si trova a lato del barbecue può essere utilizzata aperta per migliorare la cottura e quindi mantenere sempre viva la fiamma e può essere chiusa per un effetto affumicato Un'altra particolarità sono i ripiani in legno, ce ne sono ben 2, uno più piccolo sulla parte anteriore e l'altro più grande sulla parte sinistra. Quello frontale ci dà la possibilità di poterlo anche ripiegare sia per una maggiore comodità quando lo riponiamo in un angolo e sia se non lo utilizziamo durante la grigliata. Quello laterale, più piccolo, è fisso. Su di essi possiamo appoggiare gli utensili che ci servono durante la cottura del cibo, sia le posate che la carne stessa Nonostante la grandezza, possiamo trasportarla con facilità grazie alle ruote di cui è provvista, ce ne sono 2 e tramite il grande maniglione sulla parte destra, possiamo quindi spostarlo dove ci fa più comodo La griglia che si trova in basso, a livello del pavimento, è molto capiente e potremo appoggiarci la carbonella da utilizzare per la grigliata, di modo che avremo sempre tutto il necessario con noi per una maggiore comodità Per il montaggio si richiede un pò di tempo, visto i numerosi pezzi e le viti che servono sono tante, ma il risultato vi assicuro che è davvero magnifico. Tutto è fatto con cura nei dettagli e anche il design è molto bello Ha anche il coperchio che permette di chiudere il tutto come fosse uno scrigno. Lo trovo un prodotto di qualità, ve lo consiglio per le vostre grigliate in compagnia di amici

When I think of the barbecue, the first thing that comes to mind is happiness, happiness with many friends around on summer evenings Of course, this article is not only used in summer but 365 days a year, comfortable, aesthetically beautiful and well built, the barbecue of ONECONCEPT It is made up of 3 superimposed grills, a shutter for ventilation and 2 wooden shelves to support the utensils for our grilled meat. The most practical thing is the wheels that allow us to move it in comfort where we need it. It has a comfortable container that can be removed when it is full and in which the ash ends up. The three grills are very convenient, they can be used to grill meat directly or indirectly, we also have the option of placing ready-to-eat foods on the upper grill to keep them warm until the end of the entire grill. The valve located on the side of the barbecue can be used open to improve cooking and therefore always keep the flame alive and can be closed for a smoky effect. Another peculiarity are the wooden shelves, there are 2 of them, one more small on the front and the other larger on the left. The front one gives us the possibility of being able to fold it both for greater convenience when we put it in a corner and if we don't use it during the grill. The side one, smaller, is fixed. On them we can place the utensils we need while cooking food, both cutlery and the meat itself. right, we can therefore move it where it is most convenient for us The grill located at the bottom, at floor level, is very large and we can place the charcoal on it to use for grilling, so that we will always have everything we need with us for greater convenience It takes some time to assemble, given the numerous pieces and the screws that are needed, but I assure you that the result is truly magnificent. Everything is done with attention to detail and the design is also very beautiful. It also has a lid that allows you to close everything like a casket. I find it a quality product, I recommend it for your barbecues with friends