[Returns: -10%] Greenwire Plants Heating Cable
- Plant heating cable
- Green
- Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
- Shipping time: 4 - 6 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
- Ready to ship in 24 hours
- 14 day cooling off period
Condition - like new, with minor signs of wear
Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
Top features
Soil heating cables as frost protection for potted plants, palm trees and exotic plants
Long 6 m heating cable plus a 2 m power cable with a shock-proof plug
Switches itself on automatically at temperatures of 3°C or lower for effective protection up at temperatures up to -40 ° C
Product description
So that it can grow again next spring: The Waldbeck Greenwire soil heating cable provides warmth constantly during cold months and protects palms and more effectively against frost and cold damage.
The heating cable can easily be wound around root bale, trunk or stem with a length of 6 meters. Thanks to the self-regulating control technology, the soil heating automatically switches on at ambient temperatures of 3°C or lower. Constantly and, above also just-in-time, the Waldbeck Greenwire warms with a max. 30 W heat output poted plants, palm trees and exotic plants - this ensures optimal wintering.
For budding shoots. In addition, the Greenwire is suitable for use in plant breeding because constant warmth in plant pots promotes fast germination of the seed.
The 6 m heating cable has a 2 m long power cable with a shockproof plug and is splash-proof according to IP44. The end and center connections are sheathed with a VPE plastic insulation for safe operation.
If the green thumb needs a hot wire, they will grab the Waldbeck Greenwire soil heating cable.
Available lengths: 6m heating cable, 12m heating cable (Art .: 10031431)
- Suitable for heating root bales, plant or tree crown
- Temperature range: 30-60 ° C (depending on ambient temperature)
- Safe operation: plastic insulation made of VPE (1 mm) at the end and center connections
- Surface material: PVC (1.5 mm)
- Splash-proof according to IP44
- Temperature control via an external thermostat (not included)
- Power: 30 watts
- Power supply: AC 220-250 V ~ | 50-60 Hz
Dimensions and Technical Details
- Total length: 6m
- Weight: approx. 0.25 kg
What will be delivered?
- 1 x soil heating cable
- Operations manual in English (other languages: German)
Delivery & shipment
Shipping time: 4 - 6 days
Your order will be delivered to the selected address per order. This address does not have to match the billing address. You can send the orders to your family, friends or office if you are not at home during the day.
Safety and Operating Instructions
Product Safety Information
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
Responsible Person:
Chal-Tec GmbH
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
E-mail address:
No review available for this item.
Danke Wurde nicht enttäuscht
Thank you Was not disappointed
tutto ok
Everything is OK
Nicht sehr warm, aber okay Gekauft, behalten, aber, so wie andere schreiben, ist es nicht besonders warm.
Not very warm, but okay. Bought it, kept it, but, as others have written, it's not particularly warm.
funziona benissimo arrivata in brevissimo tempo
works very well, arrived very quickly
Preso per posizionarlo tra il muro di camera e l'armadio, su una parete esposta a nord dove un piccolo episodio di muffa e lieve umidità dei panni erano apparsi. L'ho connesso alla rete elettrica sotto interruttore e lo accendo nei giorni particolarmente umidi. Abito a 650 metri di altitudine e l'inverno può essere poco clemente. In pratica il poco spazio tra il muro e l'armadio permette che il calore del cavo arrivi a circa 30 gradi o qualcosa meno, e questo permette di allontanarsi dal punto di rugiada, mantenere il tutto asciutto ed evitare l'umidità Il cavo è morbido e pare essere di buona qualità. L'ho posizionato ad onde strette con i gancini per le antenne. Non ho esperienza per applicazioni esterne, ma credo che come nel mio caso assolva egregiamente a tali funzioni.
I bought it to place it between the bedroom wall and the wardrobe, on a wall facing north where a small episode of mold and slight humidity of the clothes had appeared. I connected it to the electrical network under a switch and I turn it on on particularly humid days. I live at 650 meters above sea level and the winter can be inclement. In practice, the small space between the wall and the wardrobe allows the heat of the cable to reach about 30 degrees or a little less, and this allows it to move away from the dew point, keep everything dry and avoid humidity. The cable is soft and seems to be of good quality. I positioned it in tight waves with the hooks for the antennas. I have no experience with external applications, but I believe that as in my case it fulfills these functions very well.
I.O- hangt als Frostschutz an "CJBIN Temperaturregler Steckdose 230V mit Fühler" und erfühlt seinen Zweck
IO- is attached to "CJBIN temperature controller socket 230V with sensor" as frost protection and fulfills its purpose
Macht was es soll Das Heizkabel wurde angeschafft um einzelne Nächte mit stärkerem Frost abzupuffern. Fühlbar ist am Kabel eine leichte, laue Wärme. Das scheint ok, soll ja für Kübelpflanzen auch nicht zu heiß werden. Innerhalb des Winterschutzes in Form einer "Folienkabine" um den Orangenbaum war es mit Einsatz des Heizkabels 4-5 Grad wärmer als draußen.
Does what it's supposed to The heating cable was purchased to buffer individual nights with severe frost. A slight, lukewarm warmth can be felt on the cable. That seems OK, as it shouldn't get too hot for potted plants. Inside the winter protection in the form of a "film cabin" around the orange tree, it was 4-5 degrees warmer than outside when the heating cable was used.
Guter Frostschutz Meine Zitrone hat die letzten Frostnächte -6/-8 ° überstanden. Man muß darauf achten, daß durch die Wärme die Verdunstung der Pflanze steigt, also für Wassernachschub sorgen!
Good frost protection My lemon survived the last frosty nights of -6/-8 °. You have to be careful that the heat increases the evaporation of the plant, so make sure it has a water supply!
Funktioniert einwandfrei Sehr gut
Works perfectly Very good
Super Ware Die Dinger sind echt top. Wenn ich das früher gehabt hätte, dann wären meine Pflanzen besser durch den Winter gekommen. Einziges Manko ist die Zuleitung könnte 2 Meter länger sein.
Great product These things are really great. If I had had them earlier, my plants would have gotten through the winter better. The only drawback is that the power cable could be 2 meters longer.
Fa il suo lavoro alla grande ,facile da posizionare e di buona fattura .
It does its job great, easy to position and well made.
Gutes Teil Bringt was es verspricht
Good part Delivers what it promises
Genial Wärmequelle mit Leistung einer Kerze. Für Pflanzen ausreichend, keine Energieverschwendung!
Brilliant heat source with the power of a candle. Enough for plants, no wasted energy!
ottimo prodotto
great product
Alles ok Das Produkt entsprach voll den Erwartungen. Schnelle vollständige Lieferung.
Everything is OK. The product fully met expectations. Fast, complete delivery.
Ideal für meinen Olivenbaum Ideal für meine Olivenbaum auf der Terrasse
Ideal for my olive tree Ideal for my olive tree on the terrace
tut was es soll Gute Verarbeitung und schnelle Reaktion. Zur Haltbarkeit schreibe ich dann 2055 was ;)
does what it's supposed to do. Good workmanship and quick response. I'll write something about durability in 2055 ;)
Preiswert und gut! Einfache Bestellung, rasche Lieferung, Produkt entspricht sowohl der Beschreibung als auch meinen Erwartungen. Kann man ruhigen Gewissens weiterempfehlen!
Good value for money and good quality! Easy to order, quick delivery, product matches both the description and my expectations. Can be recommended with a clear conscience!
Wird sehr warm Ich habe das Heizkabel gekauft, um die Wasserhähne im Außenbereich auch bei starkem Frost eisfrei zu halten. Funktioniert sehr gut. Die Kabel werden so warm, dass ich an den 30W etwas zweifle.
Gets very warm I bought the heating cable to keep the outdoor taps free of ice even in severe frost. Works very well. The cables get so warm that I have some doubts about the 30W.
Gutes Produkt Benutzen die Heizung seit ca 4 Wochen. Lediglich ein Thermostat wäre hilfreich zur Steuerung
Good product. Have been using the heater for about 4 weeks. Only a thermostat would be helpful for controlling
Prodotto arrivato nei tempi stabiliti! sembra tutto a posto!
Product arrived on time! Everything seems fine!
Il cavo corrisponde alla descrizione ma mi serviva un prodotto di lunghezza differente. Assistenza cordiale
The cable corresponds to the description but I needed a product of a different length. Friendly assistance
Utilizzato in camera di fermentazione abbinato a un termostato per mantenere il mosto in temperatura. Per ora non ha deluso le aspettative.
Used in a fermentation chamber combined with a thermostat to keep the wort at temperature. So far it has not disappointed expectations.
per riscaldare un piccola serra di coltivazione di funghi...
to heat a small mushroom growing greenhouse...
È possibile utilizzare questo cavo per la cella di lievitazione?
Can this cable be used for the proofer?
35 Watt Leistung Für mein Vorhaben viel zu schwach. Eine Tasse heißen Tee in der Hand zu halten ist gefühlt 100x wärmer.
35 watts of power is far too weak for my purposes. Holding a cup of hot tea in your hand feels 100x warmer.
Hab schon 3 Jahre die gleiche Heizung im Außenbereich in Betrieb ohne Probleme, daher dieser neue Kauf! Tut was Sie soll ohne wenn und aber
Have been using the same outdoor heater for 3 years with no problems, hence this new purchase! Does what it should without ifs and buts
Alles in allem ein gutes Produkt. Kann ich erst nach dem Winter bewerten. Verwende es als Palmen Heizung.
All in all a good product. I can only evaluate it after the winter. I use it as a palm heater.
Kann ich erst nach dem Winter bewerten. Verwende es als Palmen Heizung.
I can only rate after the winter. Use it as a palm heater.
Erfüllt seinen Zweck zum guten Preis Leistungsverhältnus
Serves its purpose at a good price
Schnell geliefert. Wird in Winter an Zitronen Baum fest gemacht. Bleibt draußen ️
Delivered quickly. Will be attached to a lemon tree in winter. Stay outside ️
alles bestens
all the best
Gut alles bestens
Good everything is fine
Vedremo se funziona
We'll see if it works
Non ancora provato, si presenta come un buon prodotto.
Not tried yet, it looks like a good product.
Funktioniert einwandfrei Pflanze friert nicht mehr
Works fine Plant no longer freezes
Das Produkt wurde schnell geliefert. Mir ist nicht verständlich warum man es laut Anleitung regeln muss und nicht bei starkem Frost nutzen soll. Das Kabel ist doch als Frostschutz für den Winter... In der Beschreibung steht leider nicht, ab wann es heizt, oder ob es dauerhaft heizt. Demnach muss man noch ein externen Regler bestellen.. kann man es ohne nicht nutzen? Bin gespannt wie lange es hält und ob es den Winter übersteht.
The product was delivered quickly. I don't understand why you have to regulate it according to the instructions and shouldn't use it in severe frost. The cable is as frost protection for the winter... Unfortunately, the description doesn't say when it heats up, or whether it heats up permanently. So you have to order an external controller.. can't you use it without it? I'm curious how long it will last and if it will survive the winter.
sehr gute Heizleistung!
very good heating performance!
Il cavo funziona correttamente ma non riesce ad alzare di più di 20 gradi la temperatura fuori l'involucro
The cable works fine but cannot raise the temperature outside the casing by more than 20 degrees
Wunderbare Hilfe für unsere Palmen , Haben sie seit Jahren
Wonderful help for our palms, they have been for years
Bis jetzt hatten wir noch keine hohen Minusgrade. Die Heizung springt bei 3Grad an, wie beschrieben. Wie der Oleander im Frühjahr aussieht wird sich zeigen und dann kann ich eine bessere Rezension schreiben. Schnelle Lieferung und Preis Leistung wird sich zeigen.
So far we haven't had any high sub-zero temperatures. The heating starts at 3 degrees, as described. How the oleander will look like in spring remains to be seen and then I can write a better review. Fast delivery and value for money will be seen.
darf nur nicht auf die Blätter der Pflanze gelegt werden.
just must not be placed on the leaves of the plant.
Ho messo il cavo all'interno della mia piccola serra, facendo attenzione che il cavo non si piegasse o rompesse. Ho collegato la spina ad un orologio che accende il tutto dalle 19 alle 9 del giorno dopo. In un clima non troppo rigido riscalda di circa 2 gradi. Considerare che il cavo raggiunge un massimo di 35 gradi.
I put the cable inside my little greenhouse, making sure that the cable does not bend or break. I connected the plug to a clock that turns everything on from 7 pm to 9 am the next day. In a not too cold climate it heats up about 2 degrees. Consider that the cable reaches a maximum of 35 degrees.
3 Sterne sind für die letzte die ich bestellt habe da diese vor einigen Tagen abgebrannt ist !!!!! ( mit Rauchzeichen)
3 stars are for the last one I ordered because it burned down a few days ago!!!!! (with smoke signal)
Il cavo termico funziona bene, io l'ho messo in una serra e fa il suo dovere. Per il momento ha sempre mantenuto le piante al disopra dello zero.
The heat cable works well, I put it in a greenhouse and it does its job. So far it has always kept the plants above freezing.
Alles gut funktioniert
Everything works fine
das gerät hat kein eingebautes Thermostat, sondern heizt dauernd, auch wenn es warm ist, außerdem falsche Längenangabe
The device does not have a built-in thermostat, but heats up constantly, even when it is warm, and the length is incorrect
Eine sehr gute Erfindung! Wir haben unseren großen Oleander im letzten Winter auf der Terrasse im Freien überwintert. Das erst Mal. Wir haben ihn zuerst mit Flies eingepackt und anschließend das Heizkabel herumgewickelt. Zum Schluss bekam er noch eine Schutzhülle drüber. Die Heizung lief über den ganzen Winter und hat unseren Oleander warm ummantelt. Er steht jetzt, Juni 2020, in voller Blüte. Volle Kaufempfehlung!!!
A very good invention! We overwintered our large oleander on the patio outside last winter. The first time. We first wrapped it in fleece and then wrapped the heating cable around it. Finally he got a protective cover over it. The heating ran throughout the winter and kept our oleander warm. It is in full bloom now, June 2020. Full buy recommendation!!!
Leider entspricht die Länge nicht dem angegebenen. Da das schwarze Kabel mit dem Schukostecker, auch in die Verkauftslänge integriert ist. Da sich aber nur das grüne Kabel aufheizt, entspricht es nicht der angegeben gesamt Länge. Da fehlen ca. 1,5 m am Heizungskabel, dies muss bei der Bestellung berücksichtig werden. Deswegen gebe ich nur 4 Sterne, sonst gerne auch 5 Sterne
Unfortunately, the length is not what is stated. Since the black cable with the Schuko plug is also integrated into the sales length. However, since only the green cable heats up, it does not correspond to the total length specified. Approx. 1.5 m is missing from the heating cable, this must be taken into account when ordering. That's why I'm only giving it 4 stars, otherwise 5 stars
Heizungskabel kürzer als angegeben Leider entspricht die Länge nicht dem angegebenen. Da das schwarze Kabel mit dem Schukostecker, auch in die Verkauftslänge integriert ist. Da sich aber nur das grüne Kabel aufheizt, entspricht es nicht der angegeben gesamt Länge. Da fehlen ca. 1,5 m am Heizungskabel, dies muss bei der Bestellung berücksichtig werden. Deswegen gebe ich nur 4 Sterne, sonst gerne auch 5 Sterne
Heating cable shorter than stated Unfortunately the length does not match the stated length. The black cable with the Schuko plug is also included in the sold length. However, as only the green cable heats up, it does not match the stated total length. There are about 1.5 m missing from the heating cable, this must be taken into account when ordering. That's why I'm only giving it 4 stars, otherwise I'd happily give it 5 stars
Buon prodotto non ho trovato difetti e fa bene il suo lavoro
Good product I found no defects and it does its job well
l'ho usato per i tubi del vano caldaia esterno, collegato ad un termostato che accendesse il cavo riscaldante nel caso la temperatura fosse sotto i 3 gradi. svolge egregiamente il compito testato finora con -8.
I used it for the pipes of the external boiler room, connected to a thermostat that turned on the heating cable if the temperature was below 3 degrees. It does the job tested so far with -8 very well.
Il cavo riscaldante è solido, ma morbido e facilmente adattabile alle forme da riscaldare. Scalda velocemente e rimane a temperatura costante non pericolosa.
The heating cable is solid, but soft and easily adaptable to the shapes to be heated. It heats up quickly and remains at a constant, non-dangerous temperature.
Lo utilizzo da due anni per il mio albero di limone in vaso. Ho attorcigliato questo cavo attorcigliandolo tutto attorno al vaso e all tronco della pianta. Poi ho sollevato la pianta con un pezzo di polistirolo per isolarlo dal freddo del suolo e ricoperto il tutto con tessuto non-tessuto. Accendo il cavetto ogni notte e devo dire che il mio limone riesce a sopravvivere nonostante il freddo della Valpadana e i limoni giungono a maturazione (anche se lentamente).
I have been using it for two years for my potted lemon tree. I twisted this cable all around the pot and the trunk of the plant. Then I raised the plant with a piece of polystyrene to insulate it from the cold of the ground and covered everything with non-woven fabric. I turn on the cable every night and I must say that my lemon tree manages to survive despite the cold of the Po Valley and the lemons ripen (although slowly).