Sea Mule SL Kayak Trolley

53,99 € (incl. VAT)
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  • Kayak trolley
Product number: 10029503
Sea Mule SL Kayak Trolley
53,99 € (incl. VAT)
Also available in other conditions
  • Buy this product in acceptable condition
    Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    34,99 €
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  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
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Top features

  • Silver kayak trolley with up to 60 kg payload

  • Lightweight frame made of sturdy anodized aluminium tube - foldable and constructed with detachable parts

  • Four soft, padded foam support surfaces

Product description

On to new waters! With the Klarfit Sea Mule kayak trolley will allow you to easily transport your kayaks and canoes.

The foldable aluminium construction can be loaded with up to 60 kg, while four soft padded foam pads protect the parked boat from damage. So that the boat trailer does not simply roll away, it features a foldable support for stability.

‘Space-saving storage in no time.’

The two rubber pneumatic tires can be dismantled within a few seconds without the use of tools, allowing you to easily transport the construction with detachable parts in the boot of your car or directly in the kayak. Thanks to the car valve, the wheels can be easily filled with air at a service station.

Please note that the securing straps shown in the manual are not supplied.


  • Folding prop for stability
  • Space-saving folding construction
  • Construction with detachable parts (without tools)
  • Easy to use
  • Finish: anodized - ideal protection against corrosion from salt water, etc.
  • Material: aluminium, foam, plastic, rubber
Product number: 10029503

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • 58 x 26 x 25.5 cm (WxHxD)
  • Aluminium tube diameter: 2 cm (Ø)
  • Last band width: 3 cm
  • Tire diameter: 26 cm (Ø)
  • Tire width: 8.5 cm
  • Tire pressure: max. 2 bar
  • Weight: about 3 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x device as mounting kit
  • 1 x English user manual (other languages: German)

Delivery & shipment

Low stock - order quickly!

Shipping time: 3 - 5 days

Customer reviews
10 Ratings

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Kajak passt drauf und er lässt sich Ruck Zuck auseinander nehmen und passt dann problemlos ins Kajak. Preis und Qualität für mich TOP

Kayak fits on it and it can be taken apart in no time and then fits into the kayak without any problems. Price and quality for me TOP


Ein wenig höher wäre toll gewesen. Außerdem hatten gern Halterungen für Zurrgurte vorhanden sein dürfen. Apropos, die Zurrgurte waren nicht wie in der Beschreibung dabei und ich habe extra welche bestellen müssen. Damit hatte ich aber auch schon gerechnet, nachdem ich andere Rezensionen gelesen hatte. Aber sonst okay.

A little higher would have been great. In addition, brackets for lashing straps should have been available. Speaking of which, the lashing straps were not included as in the description and I had to order some extra. I was expecting that after reading other reviews. But otherwise okay.


Habe den Bootswagen bei meiner diesjährigen Kajak Tour benutzt. Vorteile: klein, leicht, durch die abnehmbaren Räder gut verstaubar! Nachteile: Der Spanngurt hält nicht und bei jeder kleiner Bodenwelle verrutscht das Boot! Eine kleine Lasche rechts und links zum fixieren des Gurtes am Bootswagen wäre sehr von Vorteil!

Used the boat cart on my kayak tour this year. Advantages: small, light, easy to stow away thanks to the removable wheels! Disadvantages: The tension belt does not hold and the boat slips with every small bump! A small tab on the right and left to fix the strap on the boat trolley would be very beneficial!


Alles war bestens immer wieder kann ich nur Empfehelen

Everything was great, I can only recommend it


Durch die breiten Räder ist das Boot gut durch den Sand zu schieben. Durch die abnehmbaren Räder ist ein verstauen im Kajak möglich

The boat is easy to push through the sand thanks to the wide wheels. Thanks to the removable wheels, it can be stowed away in the kayak


Prima Preis-Leistungsverhältnis, sehr gute und leichte Bauweise, komfortabel und sicher im Einsatz beim Kajaktransport u.a. auch durch große luftbereifte Räder, mitgelieferter Spanngurt komplettiert Wagen perfekt

Great value for money, very good and light construction, comfortable and safe to use when transporting a kayak, among other things thanks to the large pneumatic wheels, the tensioning strap that is included completes the trolley perfectly


Ein toller Wagen für unser 3er kajak genau das richtige. Die Kommunikation mit dem Verkäufer lief echt super! Wenn unser zweites Boot kommt kaufen wir gern wieder bei euch!

A great car for our 3 person kayak just right. Communication with the seller was really great! When our second boat comes, we will gladly buy from you again!


Ich habe bereits den 2. Duramaxx Sea Mule • Kajakwagen gekauft, weil ich mit dem 1. voll zufrieden war. Wir haben 2 Kajaks und können jetzt beide gleichzeitig transportieren ....Leider fehlt laut Lieferumfang bei beiden Bestellungen jeweils der 2. Spanngurt. Deswegen die Abwertung auf 4 Sterne.

I have already bought the 2nd Duramaxx Sea Mule • kayak trolley because I was completely satisfied with the 1st. We have 2 kayaks and can now transport both at the same time... Unfortunately, according to the scope of delivery, the 2nd strap is missing for both orders. Hence the devaluation to 4 stars.


Ein Wagen für's Boot war schon lange mal fällig. Was für ein Hickhack ist das immer, das Teil irgendwie auf einer Schubkasse zum Wasser zu befördern. Egal wie viel man schnürt, es hält ja doch nicht... Dieser Kajakwagen ist da ne ganz andere Nummer, viel einfacher zu bedienen, leicht zu verstauen und da hält das Boot auch drauf. Damit kann man sein Boot sogar alleine transportieren. Beim Auspacken fallen zwei Sachen auf. Zum sind stehen in der Anleitung Spanngurte erwähnt, die allerdings nicht mitgeliefert werden. Das steht auch groß in der Produktbeschreibung. Macht aber nichts, denn jeder Spanngurt für Autogepäckträger oder sogar ein einfacher Koffergurt sind geeignet, um das Boot am Wagen zu befestigen. Eine andere Sache ist aber nicht zu übersehen oder besser gesagt zu "überriechen". Die Räder haben nämlich einen unfassbar intensiven, chemischen Geruch. Sie in der Wohnung zu lagern ist schlicht nicht möglich. Zum Glück haben wir dafür ein Gartenhäuschen, da stört das nicht. Nach 10 Tagen war der Geruch übrigens immer noch da und ich bin gespannt, ob er jemand komplett verfliegt. Rein technisch gibt es aber nichts zu bemängeln. Das Aluminiumgestänge ist prima gearbeitet und lässt sich mit einem Handgriff aufklappen. Die Räder werden mit zwei Splinten befestigt, was ganz einfach und schnell zu machen ist und dann bombenfest hält. Das geniale an diesem System ist, dass der Wagen klein und handlich verstaut werden kann, wenn er nicht benötigt wird. Die Splinte können bei abgenommenen Rädern wieder am Gestänge befestigt werden, so dass sie nicht verloren gehen. Ein Knüller sind natürlich auch die Räder. Sie sind aus Gummi und mit Luft gefüllt. Damit sind sie deutlich hochwertiger als bei vielen anderen Wagen, die mit Vollgummirädern arbeiten. Und leichter sind sie dadurch natürlich auch. Ausprobiert haben wir den Wagen mit zwei verschiedenen Booten. Das alte Faltboot aus der DDR hat sich nicht ganz so gut befestigen lassen, weil es nach unten ein bisschen spitzer ist. Bis zum Fluss sind wir trotzdem gekommen :) Perfekt geklappt hat es mit einem dieser Boote, die komplett aus Kunststoff sind. Solche, wie man sie im Verleih bekommt. In der Anwendung und von der Technik her ist der Wagen also wirklich super, nur der penetrante Geruch hat mich einen Stern abziehen lassen. (Hinweis: Ich habe das Produkt als kostenfreies Rezensionsexemplar erhalten, es aber so rezensiert, als hätte ich es gekauft, um einem potenziellen Kunden einen möglichst fairen und hilfreichen Eindruck zu vermitteln.)

A car for the boat was long overdue. What a snag it is always to somehow get the part to the water on a drawer. It doesn't matter how much you lace up, it doesn't hold up... This kayak trolley is a completely different thing, much easier to use, easy to stow away and the boat also holds on to it. So you can even transport your boat alone. When unpacking, two things stand out. Tension belts are mentioned in the instructions, but these are not included. This is also in the product description. But it doesn't matter, because any lashing strap for car luggage racks or even a simple luggage strap is suitable for attaching the boat to the car. Another thing is not to be overlooked or rather "oversmelled". The wheels have an incredibly intense, chemical smell. It is simply not possible to store them in the apartment. Luckily we have a garden shed for this, so it doesn't bother us. By the way, after 10 days the smell was still there and I'm curious if it will go away completely for someone. From a purely technical point of view, however, there is nothing to complain about. The aluminum rods are well made and can be opened with a flick of the wrist. The wheels are attached with two cotter pins, which is easy and quick to do and then holds tight. The ingenious thing about this system is that the trolley can be stowed away small and handy when not in use. The cotter pins can be reattached to the linkage with the wheels removed so they don't get lost. Of course, the wheels are also a hit. They are made of rubber and filled with air. This makes them significantly higher quality than many other trolleys that work with solid rubber wheels. And of course they are lighter as a result. We tried the car with two different boats. The old folding boat from the GDR was not quite as easy to attach because it is a bit more pointed at the bottom. We still managed to get to the river :) One of these boats, which are made entirely of plastic, worked perfectly. The kind you get for hire. In terms of use and technology, the car is really great, only the penetrating smell made me deduct a star. (Note: I received the product as a free review copy, but reviewed it as if I had bought it to give a potential customer the fairest and most helpful impression possible.)


In estate si svolgono molte attività a contatto con la natura, spesso in acqua, quindi diventa molto utile avere il carrello kajak trolley Sea Mule SL Duramaxx. Un carrello poco ingombrante, richiudibile e che si smonta in pochi minuti, in grado di sostenere e accompagnare kajak, canoe e altri mezzi acquatici dal peso massimo di 60 Kg. Il carrello kajak trolley Sea Mule SL Duramaxx è molto leggero e resistente grazie al telaio in tubolare di alluminio anodizzato, con ben quattro punti di appoggio imbottiti e morbidi in grado di mantenere fermo il kajak o la canoa ammortizzandone eventuali scossoni dovuti ai dislivelli della pavimentazione, grazie anche alle morbide ruote. Il cavalletto a perno consente stabilità una volta raggiunta la posizione di alloggiamento a terra del kajak, che non subirà danneggiamenti o deformazioni alla struttura esterna grazie ai manicotti imbottiti e morbidi. Le ruote, in gomma, sono facilmente removibili e inseribili senza utilizzare attrezzi di nessun genere, inoltre la camera d’aria dotata di valvola permette di gonfiarle facilmente all’occorrenza. Una volta rimossi gli pneumatici, il carrello si richiude e occupa pochissimo spazio, trovo sia davvero pratico e geniale. Noi passiamo molto tempo al mare, e questo carrello torna utile per trasportare il gommone che usiamo per i bambini (con all’interno i vari giochi da spiaggia) senza fare sforzi eccessivi: basta posizionare il carrello al centro sotto base del mezzo acquatico, e si spinge in modo delicato. Per sicurezza è preferibile assicurare il tutto con delle cinghie, che non sono incluse nella confezione.

In summer there are many activities in contact with nature, often in the water, so it becomes very useful to have the Sea Mule SL Duramaxx trolley kayak. A space-saving trolley, which can be closed and disassembled in a few minutes, capable of supporting and accompanying kayaks, canoes and other water vehicles with a maximum weight of 60 kg. The Sea Mule SL Duramaxx trolley kayak trolley is very light and resistant thanks to the in anodized aluminum tubing, with four soft padded support points able to keep the kayak or canoe still, cushioning any jolts due to the unevenness of the flooring, thanks also to the soft wheels. The pivot stand allows stability once the kayak has been placed on the ground, which will not be damaged or deformed to the external structure thanks to the soft padded sleeves. The rubber wheels are easily removable and insertable without using tools of any kind, furthermore the inner tube equipped with a valve allows them to be easily inflated if necessary. Once the tires have been removed, the trolley closes and takes up very little space, I find it really practical and ingenious. We spend a lot of time at the beach, and this trolley is useful for transporting the dinghy we use for the children (with the various beach toys inside) without making excessive efforts: just place the trolley in the center under the base of the aquatic vehicle, and it pushes gently. For safety, it is preferable to secure everything with straps, which are not included in the package.